Business on public toilets. Great need for big business or how to open a network of paid toilets. How the toilet shop works


The first paid toilets appeared, of course, in Europe. The author of the idea is considered to be the British illusionist John Maskelyne, who at the end of the 19th century invented a door lock for London's public toilet cubicles. It opened only after a one penny coin was inserted into the coin acceptor. In 1910, the first paid toilet in the United States was installed in Indiana.

In the USSR, the first paid toilet for 10 kopecks appeared in 1989, after the adoption by the Council of Ministers of the Law on Cooperation and the development of the cooperative movement. It was opened at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, after which a wave of general “toiletization” took place throughout the country.

In addition to basic services, paid toilets were ready to provide suffering citizens with a number of additional amenities for a small fee - for example, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, etc. True, by the mid-1990s, the owners of stationary paid toilets realized that much more money could be made by doing a "cleaner" business, for example, by converting a toilet into a cafe or a shop. Today, a stationary pay toilet can be found extremely rarely; they have been replaced by mobile cabins of dry closets.

Profitable and unsinkable business

It is enough to go for a walk around the city center after drinking a couple of bottles of beer to understand how this business works. If this is the center of a big city, then you will pay 10, 15 or even 30 rubles for visiting the toilet cubicle without hesitation. If we are talking about Moscow, then we can safely multiply this amount by a couple of million - according to experts, about the same number of times Muscovites and guests of the capital relieve themselves in mobile dry closets during the day.

The mobile toilet business is attractive for its stability, because it is not afraid of any crises: a person will always want to drink, eat and relieve himself.

Now only in Moscow there are more than 4,000 paid public toilets, that is, one public restroom for 3,000 residents, although according to sanitary standards there should be several times more - 1 toilet for every 500 citizens. This means that most of the profits flow past the cash register.

Directions of the toilet business

Mobile toilet cabin - the design is technically simple. It is made from molded plastic. For ease of transportation, the cabins are produced collapsible.

Today, the market for mobile paid toilets is developing in several directions. The dry closet can be purchased as a property, rented long-term or short-term. Manufacturers of mobile booths are ready to serve not only their own, but also other people's booths, that is, as needed, pump out the contents, clean, fill them with reagents.

There are simple toilets, and there are VIP cabins - more spacious and with a large number of options (washing stations, liquid soap, disposable toilet bowl rims, etc.). Such cabins, in particular, are rented for various outdoor events (weddings, corporate parties, etc.).

What does it take to start a toilet business?

First, register as a sole trader.

Secondly, choose a place to place paid toilet cabins. The main condition is that it should be highly passable, and there should be no competitors and free toilets in the area.

Thirdly, you need to contact the district administration for permission to install a paid dry closet.

Having received permission, you can purchase booths (one booth costs about 15-20 thousand rubles), consumables, hire cashiers-operators and boldly get down to business.

His business is organizing a network of paid toilets - a business that can suit even novice entrepreneurs. According to sanitary standards, in every large city where it is difficult for a person to find a place to relieve himself, toilets should be installed at the rate of one toilet for every 500 residents of the city. But here's the problem: not a single large city fulfills this norm. In some cities, there is one toilet for every 5,000 inhabitants, which is 10 times less than the norm. But there is a demand! In addition, for coping with the need in the wrong place, a citizen faces an administrative fine. And what about our residents? Apparently be patient. Endure as long as the toilets are not standing at every step ...

Oddly enough, the paid toilet business has its own seasonality. The demand for paid toilets increases in spring and summer, when people prefer to spend more time outdoors, in parks and squares, with a bottle of beer in their hands. It becomes clear that it is more profitable to install toilets in parks, near summer cafes, in passable places, near cultural and tourist sites, on the central streets of the city.

A business based on human "need" has several possible organization options:

  1. You organize a toilet in any suitable room in high traffic areas. It is desirable that the place is crowded and the person does not have more options than to visit a paid toilet. There is such a place on the border: Russia - Abkhazia. You will never see so many people in a paid toilet in your life. The price of the service is 20 rubles, while the number of visitors, for sure, exceeded 1000 per day (the revenue is easy to calculate). The disadvantage of this option is a great dependence on the landlord, who can increase the rent to such an extent that the business becomes unprofitable.
  2. A more affordable option is to buy dry closets and install them in public places. No electricity or sewerage system is needed here. A mobile dry closet is installed in the right place and can immediately receive "guests".

I would like to dwell on this option in more detail. You can buy a dry closet for 25 thousand rubles. This amount is enough to buy a luxury mobile booth with a capacity of up to 300 liters, which is enough for 600 visits:

But it is unprofitable to start from one booth: you won’t earn much. You can safely start with the purchase of 10 booths. Before buying, of course, you need to find places to install them. Though there shouldn't be a problem here. City authorities are willing to cooperate with the owners of dry closets, as they are called upon to protect the cleanliness of the city. In most cases, you will not only be approved for a seat, but you will not be charged for renting it. The main thing is to choose a municipal plot of land, and not private territory. You can only talk to a private trader on a paid basis.

The purchase of 10 booths will cost from 250 thousand rubles, a small part of the funds (about 50 thousand rubles) will be spent on the purchase of consumables: powder, bio-filler, toilet paper and inventory. In the end, you can count on a start of 350 - 400 thousand rubles (including the cost of registering a case and approvals).

After installing the dry closet, you are waiting for current expenses for cabin maintenance: pumping out the contents of the tank - 1000 rubles at a time, consumables -1200 rubles per month and wage operators - 15,000 rubles per month.

Budget start

It is impossible not to say about the most budgetary option for starting a business. You can not buy dry closets, but simply rent them. Here is an offer from one of the St. Petersburg companies:

Renting one booth will cost, on average, 5,000 rubles a month. But, as a bonus, everything engineering works the company undertakes to maintain the booth: pumping out the contents of the storage tank, supplying consumables, and so on. Your task in this case is to find a profitable place to install a dry closet. There is one drawback here: free pumping is carried out once a week. If you need more frequent cleaning of the tank, you will have to hire a car for money.

If you buy your own sewage truck, you will not only serve your points, but also the points of other market operators. In addition, your customers will be not only the owners of dry closets, but also many other customers who have a sewerage system connected (including private homeowners).

The staff of the "institution"

Several booths can be installed at one place, for the maintenance of which at least two operators will be required. The fact is that the toilet in many places must work, in fact, from morning to evening, so operators are hired to work in shifts. The first one worked for eight hours - he is replaced by the next operator. Women of pre-retirement age and pensioners often go to such work: young people are reluctant to get a job here (due to considerations of prestige). The salary is either fixed (for example, 500 rubles per exit) or piecework - bonus - a small salary + a percentage of the proceeds per shift.

The staff needs to be constantly monitored: theft of proceeds is not uncommon here, work “past the cash desk”. Some even manage to pump out the contents of the tank, so long as they are not suspected of dishonesty.

Starting a business

Approximate order of opening a case:

  1. search for a place to install dry closets;
  2. business registration. A typical sole proprietorship will do. Suitable OKVED - 93.05 "Provision of other personal services." Taxation system - UTII or USN;
  3. buying booths;
  4. hiring staff.

Paid toilet - how much can you earn?

Daily income:

  • The cost of the service is 15 rubles.
  • Number of visitors - 200 people.
  • Revenue - 3000 rubles.

Daily expenses:

  • Salary (2 operators) - 1000 rubles.
  • Biofiller - 300 rubles.
  • Expendable materials- 100 rubles.
  • Pumping out - 400 rubles. (based on 12 car calls per month for 1000 rubles)

Total: expenses per day - 1800 rubles.

Hence, the profit from one booth is 1200 rubles per day or 36,000 rubles per month.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

This business, according to experts, brings a stable income and can be called clean and humane. Profitability, today about 20-30%.

A low starting threshold makes it relatively easy to enter this business. Three thousand dollars may be enough to start with. Of these, 1,200 will be spent on the purchase of two booths. To save money, you can buy used equipment for 250-300 dollars. But finding decent booths at this price is very difficult. Not a lot of money will also be spent on paying cashier operators (depending on the local labor situation). We also take into account the cleaning of the tank (from $ 20), which will need to be done no more than 10 times a month.

Cabins do not require connection to communications and are easy to maintain. Instead of tickets, use "strict accountability coupons" approved by the Ministry of Finance. Optimize taxation with the help of "simplification". Here you don't need cash registers.

Of course, not without problems. The main ones are vandalism, staff turnover and administrative barriers. Cabins cannot be insured against vandals, but repair costs will be small.

The main asset in the stratum of such a business are toilet cubicles. Therefore, it is very important to treat their choice with special care. Take an interest in the strength of the tank, the reliability of fastening doors, anti-vandal and technical specifications. The stability and profitability of the company depends on the durability of the cabins.

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The main difficulties arise at the very beginning, during the execution of documents. We need an agreement with the service of the city water utility, permission from the SES, the city planning committee and many other authorities. But, most importantly, a license for waste disposal. However, you can avoid all these troubles if you turn to experienced suppliers for the purchase of booths. They will take care of all the paperwork and advise you on where to start, where to put the booths and much more.

Be sure to pay attention to the climatic conditions. Ordinary plastic melts in the sun at 35-40 degrees, and in severe frost, the contents of the tank freeze. The cabin is temporarily out of service.

Consider also the seasonal factor and pricing policy. The price must be cost effective.

The business will become stable and profitable with the operation of 50-60 booths. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to start with 2-3. Buy equipment gradually. In cities with half a million people, aim for 100-150 pieces. After reaching these numbers, get a reserve park, which will be needed during urban mass events. Remember about disinfectants.

Good savings, with the development of the network, will bring the acquisition of its own fleet. One machine can serve about 80 outlets per month. You will also need large areas for storing unused cabins.

The organization of a dry closet rental point will also be a good business. This will save you from operational worries, and there will be enough customers. Now many objects are required to have toilets and washbasins, according to regulations. Toilet cabins are especially in great demand at summer cafes.

When opening such a business, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the calendar of mass events. This will help you figure out when, how many and where you need to put booths.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If you plan to go into the production of booths, you will need much more money. In this case, it is necessary to think about the sales market not only within the city, but also beyond them. It is necessary to choose the right supplier of materials, obtain a certificate for manufactured products from the State Standard and a hygienic conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

The dry closet market can now be conquered with small starting additions, even though you will have to face some problems.

Based on an article by Ekaterina Chinarova for Business magazine

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated information

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Business idea: Business on flowers, as well as your own hairdresser, requires more investments than: Toilet business. Let's read how much money is needed to open this business, as well as how much you can earn in the toilet business.

A toilet, like food, a need, a person may not drive a car, but may die, a person may get sick, and not wear jewelry. So why did I tell you all this? Probably, to the fact that in this business there is much less competition than in the same cases when a person needs 100% food, if you open your own store, funeral services Well, pharmacies if you get sick.

And now, how much money is needed to buy dry closet cubicles? The starting capital for opening this business is about $3,000. With this money, you can buy 4 booths, each costing from $500, disinfectant solutions, and hire a person who will collect the money. These are the main costs.

The most important thing in the toilet business is to decide on the place, it must be public, where there are a lot of people! Imagine if 200 people visit the toilets a day, that should be the minimum. The cost of a toilet, for example, is 10 rubles, which turns out to be 2,000 rubles daily, or 60,000 per month, or 2,000 dollars. And if your toilets are visited by 600 people a day?

In addition to making a profit from public places, you can rent booths, for example, to a summer cafe.

Of course, in addition to income, there are also expenses, these are the maintenance of dry closets, as well as wages and taxes. But all this is a pleasant fuss, believe me.

By the way, do you know where the expression “Money doesn’t smell” came from? Roman emperor who ruled in the 70s AD managed to impose a tax on toilets. Then, after some time, his son reproached him for collecting money from poor citizens for going to the toilet, which is shameful, then the father gave a sniff of the money that the emperor earned in the toilet business, and asked him if they smelled money ? He answered no, they don't smell, although they came from the toilets. It was from that time that the expression “Money doesn’t smell”, and the business itself, perhaps.

At all times, a business based on the natural needs of a person, like food or clothing, has always had a very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising campaign was launched, leaflets were distributed praising the convenience and low cost. And in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on the streets of cities where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular with small and medium-sized businesses.

Investment scale:


    high liquidity based on the natural needs of a person

    business stability

    business is easily expanded by installing new booths

    low initial investment


    business seasonality

    dependence of business on the struggle for running places to accommodate booths

    possible negative image component for the owner


The main risk is associated with the installation of free toilets and toilets in catering establishments.


At all times, a business based on the natural needs of a person, like food or clothing, has always had a very high liquidity. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new. Back in 1852, the Society of Arts opened the first 2 institutions of this type in London. A large-scale advertising campaign was launched, leaflets were distributed praising the convenience and low cost. And in the first month there were more than 80 visitors. In Russia, not so long ago, there was nothing like this. And there are still many places on the streets of cities where it is possible to install paid toilets, but they are not popular with small and medium-sized businesses.

Pay toilets can be called a profitable and humane business with full confidence. No defaults, no crises toilet business do not threaten, because neither the "black" Thursdays, nor the world financial crises will not be able to discourage the desire of the people to cope with a small need. Nobody wants to break the law either. Meanwhile, in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, article 20.1. "Petty hooliganism", it is said that petty hooliganism - obscene language in public places, offensive harassment of citizens or other actions that violate public order and peace of mind of citizens, entails an administrative fine - from five to fifteen times the minimum wage or an administrative arrest up to fifteen days. Defeating in the wrong place also falls under this article!

There are pros and cons, like any other type of business, of course. At minimum investment in advertising, it is enough to order a bright sign - income is guaranteed. This is the rare case when not the company is looking for a client, but vice versa. But there is also the flip side of the coin. Building a premises from scratch is quite expensive, and it doesn’t matter at all to the tenant of the premises what you open in the rented area - a paid toilet or a beauty salon; You will pay exactly the same, but earn much less. Therefore, there is no boom in investment in the construction of paid toilets. Toilets made of marble remained, except in jokes.

But the inventions of civilization did not stand aside, and since the end of the last century, the installation of toilet cubicles has been practiced all over the world, including in Russia. With a weight of 80 kilograms, installation can be done almost anywhere without a foundation and other preparatory work. No connection to communications or electricity is required.

The seasonal factor also plays an important role and directly affects the profitability of the enterprise. On warm summer evenings in parks on benches, in street cafes, people spend most of their free time, and, consequently, income increases significantly.

First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur in the tax office. If you only have a few booths, this is the most convenient form, since cash registers are not required, reporting is simplified as much as possible, and taxation can be “optimized”.

Next, you should choose a place to place your booths. Ideally, the placement should be "walkable". The toilet stall at the cafe is not the best idea. All similar establishments according to sanitary standards, including according to GOST R 50762-95 " Catering. Classification of enterprises "are equipped with toilet rooms, and therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will need to use your services. But if you manage to rent a place near a summer cafe, consider that you have caught luck by the tail.

It is very important that no rent is charged for the installation of a toilet on the streets of the city. If placed on the market, this may be required by the owner of the building. The most difficult thing is to collect all the necessary documents. No one will allow you to install a mobile toilet without an agreement with the Gorvodokanal service, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the town planning committee and other governing bodies. But the main thing is to obtain a license for waste disposal. However, the authorities usually go forward. After all, they are primarily interested in the cleanliness of the streets. In general, you will have to collect a number of the following documents: a hygiene certificate from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance; certificate of conformity of the certification body industrial products; permission of local administrative authorities; permission from the fire department; coordination with the districts of the sewerage networks of the water utility, waste disposal points from mobile toilets; waste transfer license.

According to the item of expenses, about 10 thousand dollars can be enough to start.

And ¼ of start-up capital will immediately go to the purchase of two new biocabins. But you can't earn much on two booths. Therefore, it is advisable to plan in advance a larger number of booths. If you buy equipment on the secondary market, you can save a lot - $ 250-$ 300 per booth. The quality of the second-hand leaves much to be desired, and in the conditions of everyday use, the equipment may fail. In addition, in this market, as in any other, there is a place for a fake.

When the business was just gaining momentum, the entrepreneurs did not know how to call the workers to order. The list of violations of labor discipline was very long - from drunkenness in the workplace to concealment of income. Some even managed to scoop out the contents of the tank, since the revenue was measured precisely by its volume. The cashier operator is not an ideal option, but a proven one. The main hours of the influx of visitors are peak hours. Therefore, for the round-the-clock work of your enterprise, it is necessary to employ at least two cashier-operators. Each cashier needs to allocate about $ 250 per month for a salary. For less money, you are unlikely to find a conscientious employee with a clean reputation. The costs associated with the selection of personnel are offset by the small costs of starting a business. Abroad, toilets work without operators, but no one tries to drag a cubicle into their garden.

But do not forget that this is a biocabin, and accordingly there is no pit under it. The daily procedure for cleaning a full tank will cost about $20. But this is only in crowded places. In places where there are not so many visitors, special transport will have to be called no more than 10 times a month. The tank capacity is about 500 liters. Approximately $215 more per month for sanitation and supplies: toilet paper and biofill fluid.

You will not need to rent a solid office, which means that the costs of this can be reduced to a minimum.

According to calculations, two cabins pay off in 2 months at a price of 10 rubles per visit and subject to: 200 - 300 people per day. If exactly the same number of visitors will be served per week, then it is better to turn off the business right away - losses are guaranteed.


Toilets should be comfortable. When stationary toilets began to be closed en masse in order to open shops or cafes in them, sanitary problems began to be solved with the help of unsightly plastic booths. But in civilized countries, mobile toilets are a temporary structure, while in our country they are used as permanent ones. Conditions are minimal. Cramped, uncomfortable, cold, impossible to wash your hands. But when you want to go to the toilet, there is no time for a choice, and this is in the hands of entrepreneurs. You can make good money on human need, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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