How to open a wine bar from scratch. How to open a sports bar with minimal investment. Planning to open a sports bar


Do you want to know how to open a bar in your city from scratch? Then you have come to the right place! We know where to start and how to make the business as profitable as possible. Are you ready to be successful?

What documents and permits are needed?

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the concept of the bar. It can be a democratic institution with a dozen dishes (no more) and reasonable prices. The second option is higher prices and a variety of drinks and food for the middle class. And, of course, an elite bar with high prices and a real variety of dishes.

As soon as you decide on the concept, you need to decide for yourself what type of organizational and legal registration is right for you - IP, LLC, CJSC, OJSC. It is your decision, by and large, will also depend on the tax payment system - simplified or general. We advise you to simplify taxation for yourself several times and conduct business on your own.

If you choose an LLC, your personal property does not count towards the debt. But, this is the option when you have to work quite hard with the tax service and select employees for no less difficult accounting work.

The package of necessary documents includes:

  • Special permission to open a bar. To get this at Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to submit an opinion on the supply of raw materials and finished products, a certificate of state registration of the institution, an agreement for the acquisition of premises or for its lease, as well as the results of a survey from medical workers;
  • license to sell alcoholic products;
  • license to sell tobacco products;
  • license for free retail;
  • patent for maintaining trading activities from local governments.

Such a list of required documents is all that is needed in most cases. But, you may also be additionally required to provide information about the presence of a safe at the enterprise, for example.

If you know in advance that you will not be able to handle the design of the entire package, it is better to turn to specialists who know firsthand how to open a bar from scratch. This service will cost from $500.

How much money do you need to open a bar?

In principle, all costs can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Basic;
  2. permanent;
  3. variables.

You will need money to buy or rent premises, repair and finish, supply all necessary and missing communications, purchase furniture, utensils and equipment, and complete all necessary documents.

Step 1 - Finding a room

One of the best options is the first floor of a non-residential building. The once-popular basement establishments today scare most customers, and also create a lot of additional problems with air conditioning and sewerage.

To immediately make sure that the room suits you, check:

  • Safety and convenience of approach/entrance;
  • availability of quality utilities;
  • whether it is possible to conclude a long lease term in order to make a profit;
  • whether the new owner has any residual rights;
  • is there an additional area that will be needed to implement new ideas.

Step 2 - Staff

On average, an institution with 20-25 seats needs the following staff: an administrator, an accountant, a manager, an IT specialist, a cashier, a security guard, two or three waiters for the hall, two bartenders working in shifts and a cleaner.

If your menu includes hot dishes, then you can additionally add a chef and several of his assistants to this list. The selection of personnel should be made as carefully as possible so that later you do not have to deal with dishonesty of personnel and theft.

Expect that from time to time it will be necessary to conduct certification and training of staff so that competent employees improve the reputation of the bar and attract new customers.

Step 3 - Hardware

So, you will need several different categories of equipment:

  • Refrigeration (refrigeration cabinets, chambers, wine display cases and bar refrigerators);
  • thermal (stoves, ovens, shish kebabs, pancakes, deep fryers, thermal showcases);
  • bar (coffee grinders, blenders, combines, toasters, ice makers, mixers and juicers);
  • electromechanical (bread slicers, mixers, slicers, vegetable cutters, etc.).

In addition, do not forget about garbage cans, sinks and carts, shelves and tables, cabinets, ventilation hoods and distribution lines, scales, filters, etc. In general, you will spend around 200,000 rubles on the purchase of such equipment for a small cafe. And this list does not yet include air conditioning, dishes and office equipment.

For the purchase of equipment and utensils for one point, you will need approximately 300,000 rubles. If you rent a room, then the amount is from 60,000 rubles per month, but it all depends on the region and city in which you open. This is from 720,000 rubles per year.

It will take from 500,000 a year to pay employees, and you will spend from 50,000 a month on alcohol and food. Add to this utility bills, taxes and unforeseen situations, you get a tidy sum.

For the first month it is around 600,000 rubles. That's how much it costs to open a bar. In a month, expenses will be reduced by about 200,000 rubles. The better you work, and the better your contacts with suppliers, the lower your costs will be.

Potential risks

This business always has its pitfalls.

  • First of them is enough high level theft. Often this reduces all the efforts of the owner to nothing. You need to take care of the organization of control over the waiters and bartenders. Sometimes a bar goes bust just because the staff takes up to 50% of all revenue.
  • Second- competition. You need to immediately define your competitive advantages and create a creative concept for visitors to choose you.
  • The third– business or entertainment? Your establishment is entertainment for customers, but not for you. Take it seriously, then it will bring its profit.
  • Fourth- even at the stage of repair, use the services of a designer. Buy good furniture and create a cozy atmosphere, then you will want to come back. Nobody likes cold walls and bad lighting.

How much can you earn?

For the payback of the bar, the trading allowance must be at least 300%. Then the average check will be equal to 600-700 rubles. If this is a fresh bar, then the average revenue will be 450,000 rubles per month or more. Coffee, tea - from 600,000 rubles per month. But alcoholic drinks will bring the amount at least twice as much. Then the payback will come faster.

Choose the right concept and organize your business wisely, then your profit will be worthy.

Video - how to open a bar from scratch.

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As you know, even in complex economic conditions, people do not spare money for recreation and entertainment. With the help of alcohol, many relieve stress and distract from everyday problems. The sale of alcoholic beverages in various drinking establishments brings a decent profit. How to open a bar from scratch step-by-step instruction presented in this article.

Business registration

If you have made a decision, I want to open a bar, you must first legalize your activities. Let's see what documents are needed to open a bar. First of all, an institution that sells alcohol must have a special license. In addition, you will need permission from the SES and firefighters.

Since licenses for the sale of alcohol are issued only legal entities, to open such an institution, you need to register an LLC.

To avoid any problems with paperwork, entrust this matter to an experienced law firm. Of course, such services are paid, but thanks to this you can save your free time and save your nerves.

Start-up capital

Now you need to calculate how much it costs to open a bar. Before you spend money, try to objectively assess your economic knowledge and financial capabilities.

First, let's define the main costs:

  1. Paperwork - 35 thousand rubles;
  2. Repair and equipment - 450 thousand rubles;
  3. Advertising - 20 thousand rubles;
  4. Purchase of products - 80-90 thousand rubles.

So, to open a bar, the cost of an idea is in the range of 700-750 thousand rubles.

  1. Taxes - 1.5-2 thousand rubles;
  2. Salary - 120 thousand rubles;
  3. Rent - 70 thousand rubles;
  4. Monthly purchases of goods - 80 thousand rubles;
  5. Additional expenses - 25 thousand rubles.

If you do not know where to start opening a bar, then, of course, this is with a search for money. This does not apply to those people who have their own savings. But, if there is no money, you have to fuss. First of all, contact the bank to apply for a loan. If the bank gave you a loan, you can draw up a business plan and apply to investors with it. Wealthy people often invest in such establishments because they believe that it is enough profitable business. Some start-up entrepreneurs turn to relatives and friends for help. This is the most profitable option, because in this case you do not have to pay interest.

Types of establishments

At the stage of business planning, it is necessary to decide on the concept of the institution. The choice of the location of your institution and the interior design of the premises largely depend on this.

Consider the main types of such institutions:

Sushi bar

Before that, you need to take into account all the main features of this institution. It does not require a lot of equipment, so you can not buy expensive stoves and ovens. But, at the same time, you will have to buy rice cookers, sushi cases and refrigerators. Do not forget about the original interior design, which should be present in the Japanese style.

sports bar

Are you interested? This is great idea, because in recent times our compatriots became actively interested in sports. If for some reason fans do not visit the establishment, it will still not be empty, because in any case there will be people who want to eat delicious food and relax.

Beer pub

Every person strives for full communication. Pivbars are just those places where you can drink beer and talk. Therefore, before you should familiarize yourself with its main features. In addition to delicious dishes and alcoholic drinks in such an institution, you should come up with an entertainment program that will attract customers. It can be billiards, watching movies or karaoke.

Open bar

In the warm season, people prefer to relax on the summer terraces. A cozy open-air bar is ideal for resort towns and other picturesque places. You can open such an institution on the roof of a high-rise building so that guests can enjoy the panorama of the city and the view of the night starry sky.

bar shop

In normal grocery store you can allocate space to put a bar counter and several tables. Here you can sell alcoholic drinks, various sandwiches, pastries, tea and coffee on tap. Before you open a bar-shop, you need to obtain all relevant permits for the sale of liquor.


If you want to open a minibar for students, it must be located near educational institutions or those places where young people most often rest and spend their leisure time. An establishment "for everyone" can be located in the city center or on one of the main streets. It is not worth building a building from scratch, because it is unprofitable. It is much more convenient to rent ready-made premises in a business or shopping center.

Some entrepreneurs are interested in whether it is possible to open a bar in a residential building? Yes, you can, but for this you need to obtain the appropriate permits and ensure reliable soundproofing.


To ensure quality work and attract visitors, you need to purchase modern bar equipment:

  • Refrigerators, wine display cases, freezers;
  • Cookers, ovens;
  • Coffee machines, mixers;
  • Also, don't forget about trash cans, carts, shelves and racks. In general, all equipment will cost 200-300 thousand rubles. You will have to spend another 100 thousand rubles for the purchase of dishes.

Workers staff

We figured out what it takes to open a bar. Now you need to decide on the staff:

  • Administrator;
  • Bartender;
  • waiters;
  • kitchen workers;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • Dishwasher.

It is advisable to hire experienced people for these positions. To identify unscrupulous employees, periodically arrange inspections. All employees must be friendly. Do not let customers be rude, otherwise they will never come to your establishment again. Pay special attention to the choice of the bartender. It is desirable that it be a true professional, as he is calling card institutions.

Business Profitability

For comfortable and high-quality customer service, a reasonable margin should be approximately 100%. If things go well, the daily revenue will reach 20 thousand rubles. If you subtract all costs, the monthly profit of the institution will be approximately 200 thousand rubles. Accordingly, you will be able to return the invested money in 8-9 months. Some entrepreneurs often ask the question of whether it is profitable to open a bar. Based on the above calculations, it can be understood that this is a profitable and highly profitable business.


Now you understand that it is not enough just to want to open a bar, where to start this business is up to the future owner of the establishment. Experts recommend that before starting your own business, you need to carefully study the market and objectively assess the level of competition. Only then can success be achieved. This type of business is highly profitable, therefore, with a competent approach, you can get a decent stable income.

A bar is a profitable format in the catering industry for starting a business. If you think through the nuances, invest your strength and a little inspiration, then in a short period of time the investments will pay off, and the bar will begin to make a profit. So, how to open a bar from scratch? Step by step instructions and tips are contained in this publication!

Bars are classified according to several criteria:

  • Type of visitors (biker bars, gay bars, sports bars);
  • Type of food (dessert bar, grill bar, veggie bar);
  • Type of alcohol (beer bar, non-alcoholic bar, cocktail bar, wine bar);
  • Type of service (bikini bar, lobby bar, express bar, office bar);
  • Type of music (jazz bar, cabaret bar, disco bar, night club);
  • Type of entertainment (video bar, strip bar, pool bar).

Below we will consider step by step the whole way of opening a bar.

How to open a bar from scratch: step by step instructions

1. Definition of the concept and place for the bar

First of all, decide on the concept of the future institution. Then collect information about target audience in the area where the opening is planned. This is often done by counting the number of passers-by at that location during peak hours. So you will see the traffic and calculate the likely number of visitors.

It will not be superfluous to evaluate the area as a whole in terms of prestige. Look at what organizations are located there, what people live and what cars are parked. Bars in the basement, popular in the past, are already attracting much less people, so it is better to choose a room on the ground floor of the house. There will be no problems with air conditioning and communications.

You can read how to open a sushi bar from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with calculations.

2. Estimation of costs and investments

Where you will spend your money (average list, varies depending on the type of bar, location, etc.):

  • One-time costs for registration of permits and legal entities;
  • Finishing the premises for the theme of the institution, furniture, equipment, primary purchase of goods and products;
  • Monthly rent (if the premises are not purchased);
  • Monthly utility costs;
  • monthly wage employees;
  • Regular purchases of products;
  • Irregular expenses (repair and maintenance of equipment, advertising, bonuses);

3. Preparation of documents

Then get the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of permission to open a bar (issued by Rospotrebnadzor upon submission of a lease or purchase agreement for premises, an agreement on the supply of raw materials or finished products, the results of SES checks, a document on state registration of the establishment);
  • Trade license;
  • Licenses for free retail trade, sale of tobacco products and alcohol;
  • Fire safety documents.

How to open your own grill bar franchise and how much it will cost, you can find out

4. Bar interior

The next stage is redevelopment, repair, decoration of the premises.

  • Half of the area will be devoted to the kitchen. Zone the kitchen into a distributing, cold and hot workshop;
  • Choose a room with a ceiling height of at least three meters. This will facilitate the process of installing hoods;
  • Pay attention to the layout of the room. It is better to make the tables secluded, but at the same time, customers should move freely and comfortably around the hall;
  • Create your own style with decorations, furniture, music and staff clothing.

Bar business plan with calculations

How much does it cost to open a bar?

According to statistics, according to the business plan, the capital of the bar should start from 2 million rubles. Below are average figures, they depend on many factors.

One-time expenses:

  • Paperwork - 300 tr.
  • Repair, equipment, furniture - 2 million 200 tr.

Fixed costs:

  • Staff salary - 200 tr.
  • Room rental - 150 tr.
  • Utility and operating payments - 50 tr.

Profit and payback

In order for the institution to start paying for itself, the markup on the cost price is at least 300%. The payback is affected by the number of customers, location, qualifications of staff, quality of services. At first attendance will be up to 40%, then it will rise to 50%.

In this state of affairs, the payback period will be from 1.5 to 3 years. It depends on the format of the institution. If a fresh bar brings in revenues of 450 tr per month, an institution with alcohol will bring at least twice as much. In the first months, count on the profit of the bar according to the business plan from 50-100 tr.

and step-by-step instructions for opening a cafe from scratch are in the article at the link.


  • At the stage repair work contact the designers. Having made a mistake in the interior or exterior, you risk losing your clientele;
  • Take business seriously. Bar - entertainment only for guests;
  • Create comfortable working conditions for the team and exclude unscrupulous people from it, this will prevent theft in the bar;
  • Train staff to serve customers at the highest level;
  • Constantly work to improve your business. Over time, ideas become obsolete and obsolete.

How to open your bar from scratch and succeed? Watch the following video with recommendations from an experienced businessman:

How to open a bar: initial investment + equipment review + recruitment + bar opening and maintenance costs + payback calculation.

If everything in life is very good or, conversely, very bad, then this is a good reason to drink. If there is neither one nor the other in life, then you can drink with friends out of boredom.

In short, there is always a reason to drink.

Drinking at home is no longer particularly popular today, but going to a trendy bar where you can “pop” a shot of whiskey. Also take a selfie...

That's where the "gold mine" for business, but What does it take to open a bar? how much does it cost and how much initial capital to expect?

All this fits into the framework, which we will consider today.

Choose the format you need to open your bar

For those who are not familiar with this area, the subtitle may seem strange, but in reality, “bar” is too broad a concept.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that this is a kind of restaurant business, where they not only drink, but also eat.

In short, all bars can be divided into three categories:

  1. Beer bar, where only chips and crackers are food, but there is a good assortment of cheap alcohol for the most unpretentious public.
  2. Bar-cafe for the public with an average income, where higher-quality alcohol, its range and prices are more impressive than in a pub.

    In such an establishment, you can not only drink, but also eat, watch sports competitions (this will already be a sports bar), etc.

    An upscale bar serving gourmet snacks and premium alcohol only.

    The decoration is stylish (classic or modern - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is creativity and brand), there is often a live performer or a guest artist.

    It is here that Russians come not so much to drink as to take selfies with whiskey.

In addition to price gradation, there is also a thematic one:

    Classic bar.

    Here they only drink after a hard labor day. Nothing extra.

    Most often, such establishments are arranged in residential areas or near enterprises.


    People come here to drink and eat.

    Most often they arrange them at hotels, resorts, sometimes in the mall.

    Sports bar.

    It differs from the first two in that there is one or two large screens where any competitions are constantly broadcast (in our latitudes, most often football).

    The entourage of the hall is also most often sports.

    "Stylish bar"

    It is designed for a specific target audience, a "hangout": a bar for hipsters, for example.

    The main distinguishing feature is the design of the hall in the style of the target audience.

Only after analyzing the theme and price category of the institution, it makes sense to think about how to open your own bar.

The fact is that your task is to attract visitors there, and for this it is necessary that the bar meets a specific target audience, which, in turn, will affect its location.

How to open your bar in the right place: choose the location

Like any establishment Catering, for a bar, the traffic indicator is important - the number of potential visitors who are constantly in the area.

It is believed that in cities with higher incomes, one bar can be placed at the rate of 5-10,000 people. In the poorer settlements, one establishment per 20,000.

The location of the future institution is also influenced by its theme, so you need to think about all this before you open a bar.

So, a trendy bar can only be opened in the city center, in a prestigious area where stylish youth gather. You will have to invest a lot in its arrangement and promotion, but the revenue due to high prices will be much higher than a beer house.

True, to become popular with such a picky party, you have to try.

An opposite example is a cafe-bar at a bazaar or market. The contingent, as you might guess, will not be the most picky, who will be interested not so much in brands as in prices and liters.

It is very important that trade employees and local movers can not only drink there, but also have a bite to eat.

It does not have such a clear geographic reference. This is his task: instead of going to the stadium, the fans go to you, where you can cheer for your favorite team in warmth and comfort.

That is, it can be both in the city center and on the outskirts. In this case, the number of inhabitants is much more important.

The bar will be "classic", that is, without additional entertainment and without focusing on some narrow target audience in order to attract as many visitors as possible.

What does it take to open a bar?

To start your business, you need to register it.

Since the bar is a rather large institution, it is not recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, such an institution specializes in the sale of alcohol, for which you need to obtain a special license - only OJSC or CJSC can obtain it.

In addition to this document, in order to open a bar, it will be necessary to obtain a patent for trade in local authorities, as well as two permits - from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Inspectorate.

In addition to this, all employees will need to be checked for correctly completed medical books. They must be absolutely healthy, without infectious diseases (primarily foodborne) and have all the necessary vaccinations. Medical books are checked before an employment contract is concluded.

If you choose an LLC, then you can consider the UTII option to open your own bar, or other options for a simplified taxation system.

1. What kind of staff do you need for your bar?

Since we mentioned employees, it makes sense to continue this topic.

According to the standards of the restaurant business, to open your own medium-sized bar with 50 seats, you need to have a staff of about 10 people, work is carried out in two shifts:

  1. Cook - 2 people.
  2. Bartender - 2 people.
  3. Waiter - from 4 people.
  4. Accountant / bar administrator - 1 person.
  5. Maintenance / cleaning of the premises - 1 person.

Salary will require from 165,000 rubles per month.

The salaries of waiters are the lowest, while those of bartenders and cooks are the highest. To save money after opening your bar, accounting services can be outsourced, but the more visitors there are, the more difficult it will be to do it, and you will have to hire a full-time accountant.

We have already talked about the medical books of employees, but this is not the only requirement for them. All of them (even waiters) must be familiar with safety precautions and undergo appropriate training. The most difficult thing is to train cooks and bartenders, because their salaries are the highest.

With waiters it is easier, but for them, discipline and politeness in any situation are important, first of all. This is in addition to the ability to carry heavy trays with glasses of beer and not spill their contents on customers - it is impossible to open your bar without such staff skills.

The concept of discipline also includes the consciousness of employees. The point is that they do not plunder the cashier, otherwise it is unreasonable to open your own bar - negligent employees will carry all the profits in their pockets.

To avoid losses, it is necessary to think over a control system for them. In some large establishments, surveillance cameras are installed, which not only prevents theft, but also encourages you to be polite with customers, even when the owner of the bar is not around.

So, when opening your bar, it is better to focus on more experienced employees, but it is worth checking why they left / were fired from previous place work (important not to steal).

If you can’t find qualified workers in your bar, you will have to pay for their training. Especially bartenders, but their courses abound today.

2. What equipment is needed to open a bar?

How to open a bar without a bar? No way. But this attribute alone will not be enough.

Here's what you need to open a bar:

1. Bar counter and other furniture in the hall;
2. Textiles - tablecloths, napkins, curtains, etc.;
3. Cutlery and crockery (for clients);
4. Kitchen appliances and utensils (for cooks);
5. Barware (faucets, etc.);
6. Beer columns with built-in counters;
7. Refrigeration equipment for the kitchen (closed) and hall (with transparent walls);
8. Cookers;
9. Cash register connected to the "Online cash desk";
10. Optional - large screen TV, karaoke, billiards (pool is the only entertainment format for a classic bar).

At the start, you can purchase used equipment for your bar. Provided that it has not yet exhausted its service life, and your establishment will not burn down a week after you open it.

It is also worth considering how to entertain customers even before you decide to open your own bar.

Yes, a classic bar does not imply something extraordinary - its task is to create a cozy space for socializing over a glass of beer.

However, competition is making its own adjustments, and more and more establishment owners are supplementing the hall with some kind of equipment that matches the style. Pool billiards is considered a classic of the genre.

In general, even used equipment for the hall and kitchen is unlikely to be bought for your bar for less than 700,000 rubles.

3. Where is the best place to open your bar?

In order to open your bar, you need a room with an area of ​​at least 130 sq.m, which will cost somewhere in 100,000 rubles per month.

However, there are nuances. According to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future institution according to the following formula:

for 1 client there must be at least 1.8 sq.m of the hall + a kitchen room, closed from visitors at least by doors.

Thus, to open your bar for 50 customers, you need a hall with an area of ​​at least 90 square meters and a room under the kitchen with a food warehouse and a utility room. That is, it just comes out about 130 - 135 sq.m.

You can rent a basement or basement to open your own bar - it will be cheaper. Moreover, it was previously believed that a real bar should be somewhere in the basement so that there was an underground atmosphere.

An important criterion when choosing a room for your bar is the availability of all utilities (after drinking liters of "foamy" people tend to look for a toilet, which is also an indicator of service), electricity and a ventilation system.

The latter is regulated by the safety requirements in the kitchen, which must be studied before opening your bar.

4. Marketing strategy, how you can promote your bar

Let's briefly go over the marketing strategy. Remember, before opening a bar, we recommended choosing a special style of an institution and only based on this look for a place?

Now is the time to check how your vision of the bar matches the opinion of the target audience.

But the "radio" will only work if the customers like you and invite their friends to your bar.

Therefore, the institution should be cozy, atmospheric and with quality service. Yes, it’s also not worth diluting beer - otherwise you won’t have time to open your bar, as you will have to close it.

In addition, you need to actively use attractive outdoor advertising - the sign is the "face" of the institution, its invariable attribute, which you should think about even before you decide to open your bar.

Colorful ads should be placed in crowded places of your target audience, as well as near transport stops, and in such a way that the client follows them, as if following signs, until he hits his head against your door.

Large billboards are unlikely to pay off, but ordinary posters with the "chips" of the alcohol menu and an indication of some kind of action are quite acceptable.

Now it is very popular, but this does not always work - there are hardly many who want to subscribe to a neighboring bar on the social network. This is just a place to relax from a computer monitor.

However, if you intend to invite artists there or arrange some kind of entertainment (the same broadcasts of important matches in a sports bar), then social networks can be very useful here.

Separately, it is worth mentioning promotions that will help attract people to your bar.

This is the most important channel for attracting customers for such establishments. Since during the crisis, many began to study price tags more closely in order to save money, the pursuit of promotional beer or snacks has become commonplace.

Simple, understandable promotions of the type work best: “When you order two mugs of beer, the third one is free.”

How much does it cost to open a bar?

Let's move on to summing up the estimate of the institution. What does it take to open a bar financially?

Let's start with costs:

No. n/nItem of expensesPrice
Total:primary costs are
950 -1,000,000 rubles + 195,000 rubles
1 checkout barfrom 2,000 rubles
2 Licenses and permits to open your own barfrom 40 000 rubles
3 Premises for rentfrom 60,000 rubles for the semi-basement and from 90,000 rubles for the first floor
4 Equipment for your barfrom 700 000 rubles
5 Repair and reorganization of the hallfrom 100 000 rubles
6 Regular purchases of alcohol and foodfrom 100 000 rubles monthly
7 Marketing expensesfrom 50 000 rubles
8 Communalfrom 15,000 rubles monthly
9 The staff you need to open your barfrom 165,000 rubles per month
10 Other/equipment depreciationfrom 15,000 rubles monthly

Since capital investments are not required to be mastered in the first month, the initial budget will be approximately 900,000 rubles + 300 - 400,000 monthly losses during the first 3-4 months, until the institution begins to generate the first serious income.

How profitable is it to open your own bar: income part

And now about the most interesting thing - the profitability that your bar will demonstrate.

The main source of income is alcohol, the markup on which can be one hundred percent or more. It is especially profitable to sell whiskey and vodka by shots - the volume is small, the bottle can be “dripped” for a long time, and the markup on branded alcohol sometimes reaches 500%.

However, you do not need to count on windfall profits after you decide to open your own bar.

The average check in our time does not exceed 1,000 rubles. To be profitable, a bar needs to serve at least 450 of these customers per month. In practice, this is about 600 people, because many people really go only for beer, and it is cheap.

Events will help make up for the shortfall, which will undoubtedly arise in the first month after you decide to open your bar. For example, birthday celebrations or professional events.

You can attract people with thematic promotions: “On Doctor’s Day, a 20% discount for all doctors: so that your hands don’t shake!”.

If successful, from the third month after opening the bar, the number of customers will reach 700 - 800, and then more. This will generate an income of about 650 - 900,000 rubles.

The payback of the bar business on Russian market is about 6 months.

How difficult is it to open your own bar in Moscow?

Dmitry Levitsky, the owner of the Kukly establishment, shares the secret of success

As you can see, the bar is, of course, not oil production in the taiga, but it is also quite profitable, and most importantly, very atmospheric.

If you love society, fun and alcohol, then you can safely think about how to open your own bar. original idea, multiplied by enthusiasm and competent marketing, can give you a life's work.

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