Essay on the topic: “Joy. Composition on the topic: “Joy” Several interesting essays


Cool! 2

Defining the feeling of joy and explaining it, in my opinion, is quite difficult. We feel much more acutely the burden of everyday worries and duties, and experience sadness or sadness than small, daily joys.

But one has only to stop and listen to oneself, as numerous facets of simple life joys open up.

Such a feeling as joy, a natural part of human life. After all, moments of joy are different. There are simple ones, such that our body and its sensations bring. For example, the joy of eating ice cream on a hot day or a piece of delicious cake on a holiday. Pleasant fatigue after a run in the park, playing football, as well as the joy of gentle sunlight on the cheek and the aroma of blooming lilacs in the garden. A simple pleasure from a sweet morning dream on a day off, when you don’t have to rush anywhere, and only the soft paw of your cat and the smell of freshly baked grandmother’s pies will wake you up.

But a huge place in our perception of the world is occupied by spiritual joys, those that relate to our feelings and thoughts. These pleasures are more complex and are experienced much deeper. Reading an exciting story or novel will make you feel a pleasant itch of desire for a long time, quickly find out how the events in the book will end. A conversation with best friends will give a feeling of lightness and joyful elation, and mutual love will make life play with new colors.

I would like to say that everyone feels the feeling of joy in their own way. For some, gourmet delicacies, buying a fashionable jacket or the latest phone model will seem the highest happiness, while others will be happy to achieve another record in a sports competition or help homeless animals. But if in the first case, the joy of owning a thing will be short-lived and very soon the new thing will cease to give pleasure, then in the second case, the feeling of satisfaction with the result achieved or done good deed will accompany a person for a long time, filling life with new meaning.

Emotions caused by joy and happiness are a necessary human need; without them, a person fades away and loses interest in life. That is why, denying yourself even small simple joys is rather stupid. The main thing is to be able to distinguish simple pleasures from low and primitive ones, such as a feeling of envy, passion for expensive things, or gluttony.

You need to enjoy life and be in constant search for new and worthy sources of joy. Indeed, many remain at the level of perception of simple, physical pleasures, completely forgetting about the joys of a much higher order.

How many new pleasant sensations can be obtained from an ordinary trip to new, unknown places, cycling or swimming in the lake. And what a feeling of joy the flower beds and young shrubs planted with their own hands will give! On the same wasteland that for many years spoiled the abandoned yard with its appearance. How much satisfaction will give a self-cooked dinner for the whole family! These joys make us better, allow us to develop and rise above simple instincts.

Learn to rejoice, and rejoice properly and deeply. Then your life will certainly become brighter, more diverse and much more complete!

Cool! 4

I try to be a sympathetic, kind and positive person! My parents help me to become like this, I love them very much. Mom and dad taught me from childhood to look for the good in everything that happens in life.

All people enjoy different things and events. Someone is happy when they do what they love, someone likes to help. Holiday or not, there are many reasons for joy in life. For me, the most important reason to rejoice is my family.

My family is friendly. Almost every weekend we go for a walk together. We were bowling and the circus, in the park and the pool, went karting and horseback riding. But most often we visit the cinema - this is our favorite place to relax. After watching a movie, everyone usually shares their impressions about it, remembering the most exciting moments.

First, read all 6 essays and choose the most interesting. Do not rush!

I also love to travel with my parents in nature. First of all, I always unload the bags from the car with my dad. Then my mother and I cook something for us to eat so that we have enough strength for a walk. What I like the most about such trips is that you can admire the beautiful river and forest. At such moments, I understand that being with relatives is so great. This is what gives me great joy!

I also love to go to my grandparents to the country! Grandmother, when we arrive, bakes delicious pies. And with my grandfather, we always go to the local swamp to catch frogs or ride bicycles. There is a swing in the yard that my grandfather made for me. I really like them, even though I'm already quite big. In spring and summer, I often help my grandparents work in the garden. Together we plant my favorite vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and zucchini. And from berries, I love strawberries, so we always have a lot of them in the garden. It doesn’t matter what time of the year and what the weather is, it’s always good in the country. Outside the city, the air is cleaner and the sky seems deeper ... Sometimes at night we stare at the starry sky and think about something, each about his own. On a clear night, you can even see the Milky Way, and the North Star stands out in particular.

If suddenly we can’t go somewhere to have fun with the whole family, then we find many interesting activities at home. Each of us has our own hobby. Mom is fond of reading books. She even has her own library, albeit a small one! Our dad is a jack of all trades. He is very pleased in his spare time to make our home more cozy and comfortable. By the way, I help him a lot in this. And mine favourite hobby is a sport. My dream is to become a professional athlete.

You can talk a lot more about what brings joy in my life, but then this essay will be endless! I hope that many people know how to enjoy something in life, or at least try to do it more often.

More essays on the topic: "Joy":

Joy is the emotion of great happiness. That is, we can say that happiness and joy are one and the same.

I believe that joy as such cannot exist in the real world. A person who considers himself happy is a person who should not have any problems. What kind of person doesn't have problems? This doesn't happen.

We all often hear such words: “I am happy” or “This is the happiest day of my life!” So what? These are just words ... Saying such phrases, a person does not understand that something bad or better than what has already happened can happen to him on the same day. And in general there is not a day in life when a person would not have problems.

Joy does not last long, it lasts a maximum of a minute, and then it becomes artificial. For example, a victory in a competition, a person rejoices for sixty seconds, and then he only has memories of that happy moment.

There are moments when a person rejoices having offended another, but then anxiety begins, it is impossible to sleep peacefully, and the joy goes away.

Perhaps sometimes a person thinks that he is experiencing joy, but in fact he experiences such feelings as love, harmony or peace.

Summing up, we can safely say that there can be no joy, since we do not live in a fairy tale, but in the real world.


Probably each of us at least once thought about what makes him happy. Each person rejoices in their own way. And everyone brings joy something of their own, something native and unique. Then the question arises: “What is joy in general?”.

Joy is the most pleasant feeling of all human feelings. Joy creeps up so quietly, imperceptibly, that it is simply impossible to catch its arrival. Joy doesn't last long. This is short happiness. You can only enjoy the moment.

A person can find joy in things that are familiar to us, such as, for example, the sunrise or the smile of a loved one. Joy can appear even when you know who to turn to for help. Joy, like a candle, can go out. But it is in the power of man to light it again. For example, I am glad that on January 10 I had a birthday. At first I waited for him for a long time, a whole year, and now I remember with joy how wonderfully I spent this day.

And also joy is caused by parents who, I know for sure, will not betray, support and will always be there.

Simple joys: it's the first snow or a good grade. Some are happy with good weather after bad weather. And for teachers, student success and homework well done are great reasons to rejoice.

Joy can come at any moment. You can rejoice with or without reason. You just need to open your heart to joy in time.

Joy is a feeling that cheers up, makes you smile and feel happy.

For each person, joy is something different. For mom and dad, this is a healthy and happy child. For a baby, this is a new toy. For grandparents, this is the smile of a loved one. Joy is the feeling that all people on the planet want to experience. With a person who knows how to rejoice, it is easy to communicate and make friends.

People should give joy and good mood to each other, and then everyone around will be happy.

Each person understands the joy of life in their own way. For some, this is an expensive phone, a trip abroad with their parents, or an exciting computer game. For me, this is an opportunity to spend time with friends and play sports.

I believe that joy is brought by people whom you love and respect. Communication with them cheers up, inspires to useful deeds. For example, recently we took part in a subbotnik, and we did it not under duress, but voluntarily, so that the city would become more beautiful and cleaner. Gathering with friends, we discuss various problems, consult with each other on important issues and just talk, getting great pleasure from communication.

Joy is a very strong emotion. It is impossible to experience it all the time, but there are times when it comes from within. For example, after completing a task or reading a book, after winning a competition or watching a good movie.

There are people who do not know how to rejoice. It is hard for them to accept the successes of others, but they do not strive for their own, preferring to always whine and complain about life. Such people are waiting for someone to make them happy. Just like Grigory Pechorin from the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". This character easily played with other people's lives in anticipation of solving his problems. But no one could make him happy, neither Bela, nor Princess Mary, nor Maxim Maksimych. Even adventures full of dangers did not bring him joy and inspiration. Lermontov showed the reader a hero who is in conflict with everyone, including himself. How can he be a happy person at the same time?

It seems to me that you need to learn to enjoy life from childhood. Kids sincerely experience any emotions. It is then that they are told that men do not cry, that it is indecent to laugh out loud, that it is inappropriate to interfere with others with their seething energy. As a result, children do not understand how to behave, what adults want from them. For example, in I. Bunin's story "Numbers", the boy dreamed of studying numbers with his uncle, but the adult was too lazy to spend time on this, even though he promised. Then the kid began to run from room to room, screaming, stamping his feet, for which he was shamed and scolded. If his uncle had given him some time, they would have experienced the joy of co-creation together.

Often, due to the mental laziness of adults, children receive more negative than positive emotions. This leads to the fact that, growing up, they are not able to experience the joy of life. After all, this does not need many reasons. Eyes allow you to see, ears - to hear, and what exactly: good or bad - the person decides. For someone, a smile is enough for a passing passerby, the morning sun, a cup of coffee, but someone wants more, and he is ready to spend a lot of time waiting, remaining unhappy now.

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Everyone has enough space for joy, and if suddenly there is not enough of it, you need to urgently take out the excess)

You just need to seize the moment and enjoy the small joys of life.

Rejoice - and the light of the sun will be brighter in your soul.

Practice causeless joy.

Little joys will one day turn into great happiness...

Everything that brings joy - has the right to enter without a queue.

Do not deny yourself small joys - great happiness consists of them!

Rejoice in small pleasures. Someday you will look back and realize that these were real joys.

Small pleasures are more important than big ones.

R. Bradbury

Joy comes into our lives when we have something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.)

Viktor Frankl

"The world belongs to those who are happy with it." (c) An inscription on an Indian bus.

A person who rejoices in the happiness of other people will always be happy himself.

Look for more reasons for joy, and over time they will become an integral part of your life!

We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he enjoys.

You must always be joyful.
If joy ends
Look for what went wrong.

Bring joy, and happiness will follow!

As soon as I opened my eyes, I began to think about what I could be glad about today.

What time is it now?
- Hour for joy!

The ancient Egyptians believed

what is in front of the gates of heaven

asking 2 things:

If you brought joy - come in without knocking! :)

Giving joy is the way to happiness.

Your joy depends only on what you decide to pay attention to.

If a person knows how to rejoice not only in his own joys, but also in the joys of other people, then in his life there are always a little more reasons for joy).

Juliana Wilson

To enjoy life is the most correct decision that must be made several times a day.

You know, when you get used to looking for something to be happy with, sometimes you find it as if by itself. This is how it happened now. If you try, you can find something joyful or good in almost everything.

Small pleasures:

* Inhale the aroma of smoke from burning autumn leaves

* Hear the crowing of roosters in the morning

* Feel the fresh spring air and hear the first birds singing

* Stand by the sea in summer and watch the sunset

* Walk through the forest, feel its breath

Freedom from sadness is joy.

To suffer, to be afraid and to behave well in order to avoid punishment, people know how without outside help. And to rejoice and not be afraid of a damn thing is the hardest thing. And that is exactly what a person should learn on earth.

Max Fry. "Yellow Metal Key"

Joy itself will stretch out its hands to you,

If your heart is bright.

Small pleasures:

* Write favors to a loved one.

*Smile just like that and get a smile back.

*Know your favorite poems by heart.

*Cry for joy.

*Receive a real letter in the mail.

*Ride on a swing.

* Have a favorite ice cream.

*Receive the long-awaited message.

*Jump on the bed.

*When there is a lot of foam in the bath.

*When a song reminds you of an important person.

*When the rhyme develops.

*When a new chapter of your favorite story appears.

*When the books are in size and colors.

*When drinking hot coffee in cold weather.

* When you love.

*When small wishes come true.

*When the cat itself jumps into your lap.

*When you laugh sincerely.

*When you put on your favorite sweater.

*When you pick up the melody of your favorite song on the piano.

*When you are on an airplane or on a train.

*When you suddenly remember the best moment in your life.

Look for joy in the little things. In a casual smile of a passerby, in any find from under the sofa, in the light of the sun, in your favorite song, accidentally heard on the radio or wildflowers, for example. Feel the state of joy that will flow into you!

Lightness is the quality that makes us special. Being light during life's problems means thinking about the solution, not the problem, means leaving the past and living in the present. This does not mean an indifferent attitude to events and people. Lightness is a sense of humor and cheerfulness that helps us bring out the good in others and at the same time makes us invulnerable. And this quality becomes not only a part of our life, but also a life source for others. Smile as often as possible and you will remain light.

No matter what happens, I will not let my joy run dry. Misfortune leads nowhere and destroys everything that is. Why suffer when you can change everything? And if nothing can be changed, then how will suffering help?

Small pleasures:

*Wake up from the rays of the sun.

* Drink green tea with honey.

*Watch cartoons with yummy.

* Talk to loved ones.

*Walk in heavy rain.

*Enjoy the fresh air.

*Review old photos.

*Laughing for nothing.

*Make others happy.

*Sleep in hugs.

Rejoicing ourselves, we rejoice others; Seeing the joy of others makes our hearts light.

Small pleasures:

Long walks on foot (in the company or alone);

New books (choose in the store, buy, read);

Giving and receiving gifts;

Sing along when your favorite song is playing;

Talk about everything in the world;

Stroking a cat (cats);

Receive and send letters and postcards (real, paper, signed by hand);

Help homeless animals;

When loved ones and relatives are happy and healthy;

The ancient Egyptians believed

what is in front of the gates of heaven

asking 2 things:

1) Have you found joy in life?

2) Has your life brought joy to others?

If you do not know how to enjoy a cup of hot tea, then your joy will be short-lived, even if someone gives you a house tomorrow. Joy and gratitude do not depend on the size of the gift, but on the ability to rejoice and give thanks.

Small pleasures:

*breathe the cool morning air

*Close your eyes from the bright spring sun

* feel the proximity of a small, but victory

*Hold an old book and smell its age-old smell.


*Make gifts to people with your own hands.

* Meet the dawn in the forest.

* Fall asleep to playing the guitar.

*Write your thoughts on paper.

* Observe the world around you.

*Smile at passers-by.

*Drink tea with friends.

*Help people.

*Think at night.

*Believe in the eternal happiness of people.

*make a list of what to take with you on a trip

* swim naked in the sea

* look at the sea, breathe the sea, swim in the sea, fall in love with it in a new way every time

* meditate in nature, near the sea

* to embody ideas on canvas, paper

*spend time with your cat

*stroke, feed, take care of other animals

* rejoice in the harmonious execution of the plan

*reread the Moomins

*drink tea with friends, laugh with them

* hear the unseen, see the unheard

*Be friends)

How can I enjoy life when there are only problems around?

Understand: life is not given in order to wait for the downpour to subside. She's to learn how to dance in the rain.

Small pleasures:

* Live by breathing air.

*Give people a smile and get it in return.

* Hear the laughter of loved ones.

* Enjoy the sun and all the beauties of the Earth.

* Feel cared for.

* Feel the warmth of your favorite hands.

*Love with all your heart.

You are the Garden of Joy, you don't need anyone to be happy. You dwell in the garden of Joy, but, remembering the old, you are sad. This Joy, this Moment will destroy both the mind and suffering, because this Moment is precisely Happiness. So don't go back to past moments that bring suffering. Papaji

Joy is love for what is. Sadness is love for what is not.

Everything that brings JOY... has the right to enter...


Live with joy and joy will live with you!

Rejoice! Rejoice! The business of life, its purpose is Joy. Rejoice in Heaven, in the Sun, in the stars, in the grass, in the trees, in animals, in people. And see to it that this Joy is not disturbed in any way. If this Joy is violated, it means that you made a mistake somewhere — look for this mistake and correct it. Everything is in you and everything is now.

Cheerfulness is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective remedy for getting rid of diseases.

Always rejoice and laugh. You will prolong life, you will please your friends, you will annoy your enemies.

Sometimes you need to give yourself free rein, forget about everything in the world ... and remember everything else.

Little joys are the biggest friends of true happiness!

Great happiness often grows out of a small seed of joy...

The world is every step.

The bright red sun is my heart.

Every flower smiles with me.

How green and fresh everything that grows.

How cool is the blowing wind.

The world is every step.

He turns the endless journey into joy.

Tik Nat Khan - Happiness is here and now

You don't sing a song to get to the last note. Singing itself brings joy. The same goes for life.

Joy is in living!

Chuck Hillig

Suffering is destructive; happiness is constructive. There is only one creativity, and it arises from bliss, joy, fun. When you are joyful, you want to create something - maybe a poem, maybe a picture, whatever ...

Osho -

Think of a time when you felt light, joyful, and emotionally comfortable. Remember the people who were with you then, your work, your home. Try to remember it as vividly as possible. And ask yourself the question: “What can I do to have all this in my life?”.

The Joy of Being - the only true happiness - cannot come to you through any form, possession, achievement, person or event - through what happens or happens. That joy can never come to you - never. It arises from the formless dimension within you, from consciousness itself, and therefore is one with who you are.

Eckhart Tolle
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Be who you are and joy will wake up in you!

Do not keep the keys to the mood with others. And then no one will steal your moments of joy.

Eastern wisdom.

The most important skill is the ability to enjoy life.
- What if it doesn't work?
- Change character...

Mikhail Veller, "The Meaning of Life"


We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he enjoys. Henri Bergson

Happy is he who can sing with a pure and open soul...You need to be able to find joy in everything:in the sky, in the trees, in the flowers.Flowers bloom everywhere for everyonewho only wants to see them.

Henri Matisse

If you look at the root of the word JOY, and the root of the word GIFT, then you get a mirror image - HAPPY and GIFT.

When a person is JOYful, happy, a special radiation emanates from him. A special radiance, a vibration of bliss and grace, and this is a true GIFT to the world. Animals are drawn to such a person to bask in the rays of his warmth, home plants bloom, children laugh around, people want to communicate and be friends with him more and more - these are just a few visible manifestations of this gift.

When you are JOYful, it is a GIFT for the entire Universe. You enhance Goodness and Happiness on Earth with your presence alone. Take care of your good mood, rejoice more often and please others!

If you want freedom and joy, can't you see that it's not there anywhere outside of you?
Tell yourself that you have it - and you will have it!
Act like it's yours and it will be yours!

Richard Bach

When happiness has a reason, it won't last long. Joy without any reason will remain forever.


Happiness is on the side of the one who is content. Aristotle

The combination of interest and joy is the basis of love. A person who is a source of lasting interest and joy develops a strong attachment.

Exercising for Joy

Nature made sure that negative emotions were given to us more easily than positive ones. However, the ability to experience joy can be trained. For this:

1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
2. The worse you are, the more love and care you should show to yourself.
3. Enjoy moments of happiness, as you enjoy your favorite treat.
4. Treat your adversity as a problem to be solved, not as a birth curse.

By choosing to consciously take part in life, you will come into contact with strength and joy that will touch you deeply. Stay Curious!

Live with fun and joy

Breaking out of the turmoil of life is easier than you think. It is necessary to take an active life position and do what brings joy.

The state of all-encompassing joy is achieved by the child when he receives confirmation that he is loved. Signs that children are guided by:
- smile of an adult;
- tactile contacts. Happiness, when you are not only touched, but also hugged, squeezed, thrown up!
- the amount of time that parents are willing to devote to their child.
- the desire of an adult to continue playing with a child, despite being tired and busy;
- signals of joy and calmness that the child catches on a non-verbal level. Girls understand without words when their parents are happy. It’s better for a boy to say directly: “You know, it’s such a happiness to play with your own son!”, “I’m proud of you!”, “I’m happy that I have such a son!”.

Don't forget to enjoy the life you're walking ;)

He who has no purpose finds no joy in any occupation. Giacomo Leopardi

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