How to do charity work, where to start. Rules for good deeds. Recommendations for those who want to do charity work. Who and when do not need help


Why are you suddenly so turned on? My first question to Denis is to clarify the type of activity. Answered - orphans. Let's clarify further... I really think that one of the best orphan projects is the social movement of the Murziks, they have a lot to learn. Is bad advice learn from someone else's experience?
Where did I write about money in such a way that I would be reproached for it?! On the contrary, he clarified that there are many interesting projects without the financial costs of society. You know as well as I do that it still bothers many people to spend money on charity, people are looking for a catch that scammers are turning to them.
I can give you another example. One of the companies was approached by an orphanage from ... the region with a request to make repairs to them. The premises were in a terrible state. For the company, the required amount was not significant at all, and they could perfectly help. But before sending the money, the owner of the company asked his Security Council to check this orphanage. So, the security guards found out that this orphanage is protected by (excuse the slang, but that's exactly what it is) former graduates of this orphanage, who became urks. Naturally, the deplorable state of the orphanage was due precisely to the fact that it was simply robbed to the skin. The point is clear. They decided not to allocate money so as not to feed these moral freaks, but the security guards, for their part, drew the attention of the relevant authorities to this story. and set the condition that the money would be allocated only after the change of leadership with all the consequences. unfortunately, the cart remained in place.
Now for the volunteers! I think that absolutely everyone present here will support me. If a person helps you at least once, for example, to take your children from an orphanage somewhere, say, to a competition in his minibus, and asks you to pay him only gasoline - this is a volunteer! The turnover of volunteers has its own problems, but you can and should work with them, they can help disinterestedly in many ways. These are extra arms, heads, legs, equipment and much more!
Regarding "my" PR - this activity is important for any charitable cause, it positively outrages the public, helps to find new sponsors and patrons, volunteers and other volunteers. It is easier for a promoted project to survive and progress. I myself used to be very prejudiced about the participation of stars in increasing the PR weight of a charity project, but after working with some of them I became convinced that these people do not set themselves the primary task of winding up popularity points in this business.
PR is a serious job, like any other - it should be done by professionals, so involve them damn it! The easiest way is to complain that they don’t notice us, they don’t see us! GET ENGAGED! Promote your projects! Develop Media! Just do it competently, persistently, write the right releases and send them not just anywhere, but to exact specific contacts. About awarding writing and sending out news is an event, inviting journalists to their actions, holding press conferences. Unfortunately, the principle "keep quiet - stick out in the backyard!" applies here. You can't break through the central or local media, you are kicked off with the wording "non-format" - go to blogs, go to online media, many of them are freer and more independent. Create and promote your own resources on the Web, this does not require large expenses at all - only time and patience. Again, you can call on volunteers for this work - designers, programmers, writers. And it’s better to do everything at the same time, don’t bend under failures and don’t whine!

Do charity work. In fact, these are just excuses.

1. To help someone, you need to be very rich. Preferably like Rockefeller. My 100 rubles will not help anyone.
Help! If at least every second adult capable person gave 100 rubles to charity every month, more than one life could be saved. When ordering another cup of coffee in a cafe, think about how much the absence of a hundred rubles will hit your budget.
In addition, charity is not only financial assistance. You can work with children from orphanages, conduct educational games, visit children in or elderly people in a nursing home. Your attention is just as important.

2. I don't have time for this.
Famous actors, businessmen, entertainers, TV presenters find time for this. Although they are also very busy, no less than you.

3. There are only scammers around, I'm not sure that my money will reach the goal.
Unfortunately, scammers do exist in this area. So you need to transfer money only to well-known funds that keep full records. For example, the Podari Zhizn Foundation, Advita and others. On their websites, you can track the receipt of your funds and what they were spent on. Always check the information with the official sources of each fund or by phone, as sometimes scammers act on their behalf.

So, first you need to realize that charity is not heroism, not something outstanding, and not even a “good deed”. This is a normal act of a conscious person, which should become habitual.
Then choose who you would like to help. There are enough options: children from orphanages or dysfunctional families, the elderly, people with various serious illnesses, people with disabilities, homeless animals. You can help: money, things, becoming a volunteer, organizing actions and events, becoming a blood donor.
Choose a fund that inspires confidence in you. Study the information on the Internet, call there, ask all your questions.
If you still do not want to transfer money, then you can provide targeted assistance. For example, to bring the necessary medicines, hygiene products to the hospital, to transfer money personally to a specific person. Information about people who need it can also be found on the website of the charitable foundation.
If you have free time, you can become a volunteer of the foundation and visit children in orphanages or hospitals, organize the collection of necessary things and other events.

In our society, there is also a strong opinion that charity should be done quietly and it is not customary to talk about it. This is probably invented by those who themselves do nothing in this direction. On the contrary, this topic must be covered so that people have enough information about how and to whom they can help. So, becoming a volunteer, invite your friends and acquaintances to the team, post information on social networks. After all, maybe someone will see and want to join.

Charity. Should I do charity work?

The desire to help those in need, to contribute part of the funds to pay for an operation or medicines for patients, food and clothing for those in need is a very noble impulse.

9 reasons to give to charity

By transferring some amount to a charitable foundation, you can give vent to the accumulated feelings of love and compassion. This is natural, and it can bring satisfaction and even pleasure.
Good deeds always come back to those who do them. Therefore, if you find yourself in a difficult life situation, you can count on help.

By helping people, you may be making amends for some unseemly act committed in the past. This gives you the opportunity to calm your conscience.

Public figures often earn a positive image for themselves by doing charity work.

Helping people, we preserve humanity, do not let our hearts harden, shake off the burden of cynicism that inevitably appears over the years.

People tend to be grateful for the help. Let them never know your name - their good thoughts, positive energy directed at you will do their job.

Regular sacrifice, which has become habitual and obligatory, disciplines and develops willpower.
Good deeds increase self-esteem. When apathy overcomes you and everything starts to fall out of your hands, just remember how much you helped strangers by sharing your money, things, products or time with them.

Charity is a great way to support the unity of all living beings that live on Earth. Do you remember - "Let's join hands, friends, so as not to disappear one by one"?

Speaking about charity, I would like to quote the words of Dr. V. V. Sinelnikov:
“The word CHARITY literally means to do good. That is, to make someone happier and more joyful in life. In other words, charity is a selfless activity for the benefit of others. What might this activity be? What can we give free of charge to people that will bring them happiness? And what can we donate?

Let's start with the fact that charitable activities are possible only if a person accepts people and this world. Accepts without complaint or resentment. He believes in the justice of what is happening in this world with himself and with other people. Selfless activity is possible only if one believes in happiness. He is aware of himself as part of this world, part of the whole. By doing good for the part, you do good for the whole, that is, for God. And happiness is the feeling of being part of the whole.

And it should be noted that this first step is the most difficult. It is very difficult to love this world with unconditional love, to believe in its justice, to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. But you need to start. And I will tell you how to take this step without much effort on your part. Basically, we all do it every day. We just don't put power into our actions. And this action is called - the wish of HEALTH. It is only necessary to greet people correctly, putting a special meaning and image into your greeting. It turns out that our ancestors laid the first stage of charity in the word "HELLO".

“Hello” is a wish for health, and health, as we already know, means harmony with oneself and with the world around, and harmony is happiness. It is with this sense and feeling that you need to greet people. It is good if at the same time you also make a bow, paying tribute to this person, as a piece of God on Earth.

The second step is no less important than the first. It's called GRATITUDE. And in this magic word lies the meaning of charity - to give good. Truly the Russian language is a magical language.

It is desirable that a person should always be in a grateful frame of mind. It is very important. We need to be grateful for everything Life gives us. You need to be grateful to everyone: God, parents and children, Nature, people. Moreover, the feeling of gratitude should be present in us regardless of the behavior of others. Some in this world give us joy, others teach lessons. We need to thank both of them equally, and the latter even more than the former, since they give us the opportunity to progress spiritually.
The next stage is called JOY. To experience joy means to give Light to the surrounding world. Please.

Remember - we are children of the Sun, we are luminous beings. Giving Light is our essence.
Now let's look at what a SACRIFICE is. Sacrifice is the voluntary giving up of something in favor of someone or something.

What can be donated?

You can donate:

1) food and prepared food;

2) things, including clothes;

3) shelter, lodging;

4) money;

5) knowledge;

6) their feelings through the gift of art: singing, music, paintings, books, dance, etc.;

7) donate your life energy and time through your work (to teach, heal, build, cook food, etc.); donate your body (tissues and organs), your life. For example, a warrior sacrifices his life for the freedom of his people. The rescuer also sacrifices his life to save a person.

It turns out that not every donation can bring happiness to another person, and therefore to the one who donates. For example, if you give a drunkard the money that he spends on drinking, it will be a donation, but it will not be charity. Moreover, such activity can even lead to the loss of the Power of Piety and to the degradation of the one who donated. That is why it is very important to know how to donate properly.

The Vedas say that there are several types of donations:

1) donation in goodness (that is, charity);

2) donation in passion;

3) donation in ignorance.

How do they differ from each other?

If we donate something that leads to the degradation of human consciousness, then this will be a donation in ignorance.
For example, the mayor of the city arranges a "charity" action: in honor of Victory Day, give each veteran a bottle of vodka and a package of sausages. This will undoubtedly be a sacrifice in ignorance, since both vodka and meat products lead to the destruction of the mind. In this case, the head of the city does not know what he is doing. But he will answer for it in full.

Donating in ignorance always leads to the degradation of both: the one to whom you donate, and the one who donates.
If we donate with thoughts of receiving some kind of benefit (not necessarily material, it may be a desire for fame, the thought “how good I am”), then this will also not be charity. It will be a sacrifice in passion, because in this case we do not act unselfishly.

Giving to goodness or charity is always a selfless activity. The idea of ​​charity is one - to give benefit to people. And do not think about the fruits. And oh, it's not easy. Selflessness does not immediately take possession of our entire being. Be sure to have a desire to at least praise yourself, and especially so that others do it. Therefore, to engage in charity, a certain amount of personal power is already needed. And an impeccable life, life according to the Rule, abstinence from temptations will help to acquire this strength.

Charity is the highest level of consciousness.

Now it is important to understand what can be donated, how, to whom and where.

I already wrote earlier that, depending on our worldview and worldview, three main forces inevitably act on us in this world: virtue (or goodness), passion and ignorance. Therefore, we should be aware that in this world some people are virtuous, others live in passion, and still others live in ignorance. In accordance with this, our actions in relation to each person should be different.

It is undesirable for a person who is in ignorance to donate money, as it can be used for harm. It is better to give something that he can immediately eat or drink, such as bread, an apple, milk. If necessary, you can give clothes, provide accommodation, and help in difficult times.

It is also undesirable for a person who lives in passion to donate money, as he is strongly attached to them, and they will only give him unnecessary tension. In addition to food, clothing and shelter, it is better to give a passionate person knowledge, wise advice.

A virtuous, righteous, holy man can sacrifice everything, even his own life.

Charity is done at the right time, in the right place, and to the right people.

It is undesirable to give money in places such as markets and train stations, streets and subways, transport. Although we know that it is these places that the beggars especially love, since there are a large crowd of people. But we must be attentive to ourselves and people and not be led by a feeling of pity.

Money can be given near the temple and in holy places. Even if a far from good person receives them, it will still be favorable for him and for you, since the beggar's faith in God will be strengthened.
Another important rule. Donate should be done with respect for the person to whom you are donating. It is necessary to thank him and bow. If you donate worthy person without due attention and respect, you can even suffer for it.

So many conditions, you say. - Maybe it's easier not to donate at all?
You can't, my dear. Refusal to donate leads to hardness of heart, halt in spiritual development and, in the end, to degradation.

By and large, we cannot but donate. We all do this every day. We just do it without proper knowledge, and therefore we often suffer for it, not realizing where this suffering comes from.
If asked, you should always give, but not always what is asked. Once a person approached you, it means that you really owe him something, but the question is what? The Universe, God speak to us through this person. We owe this world something. Through people we are freed from greed.

Learn to give, to give. To avoid losses in life, there is one proven way. You need to learn how to give back to the world around you in time. And not necessarily money. It can be physical help and moral support. You can share knowledge and positive experience. It can be just joy or love, the warmth of your soul. Find a needy person in this world and start helping him completely selflessly.

If you are asked for help, it means that you are able to help this person. Somewhere inside you there is a solution. Moreover, helping this person in his trouble, you get a kind of inoculation. After all, every person is a projection of yourself in this world. By helping someone solve their problems, you gain certain knowledge and experience, which means you will avoid the same problem in your life. Helping a worthy person in his good deeds, you get much more benefits.

There is Golden Rule charity:
A person who engages in charitable activities receives as many benefits as there is piety in the person to whom he made a donation or how much pious activities he engages in.
For example, if you donate to a holy person, you will receive benefits as many times more, how many times his holiness is greater than yours.

Or, if you donate money for the construction of some institution, the creation of some organization, you will receive as many benefits as the benefits people receive from this institution or organization.

It is also important to know one more rule:
A person who does charity does not always get the same thing that he donates, but always gets what he needs for this moment.

For example, you selflessly donated money to a cause. In response, the Universe can give you health, the possibility of spiritual development, prosperous relationships, greater happiness in the family, meeting the right person, a true friend, etc. You can also get money, but only if you really need it. Giving good to others, you get what you need according to fate. The main thing is not to wait for a return, not to think about the fruits, otherwise it will cease to be charity and turn into a sacrifice in passion. And it will bring nothing but tension from expectation and disappointment.

Charity increases the Power of Piety and gives a person the opportunity to change his destiny.

Olga Moiseeva for the Women's magazine "Charm"

Short: Each of us may need help at a difficult moment.

There are many people in Russia who need support: orphans, the homeless, people with severe and incurable diseases, lonely pensioners. Each of them needs help, but not everyone receives it - the resources of the state are always not enough.

Charitable foundations take on part of the work: looking for money for expensive treatment, buying in clinics necessary equipment, interact with officials and try to make the compulsory medical care system more efficient. These foundations rely on donations. If there is no money, they will not be able to work and thousands of people will be left without help.

Short: find a specialized fund, explore the site and find the latest reports on the funds spent.

Requests for help come from everywhere: emotional posts on social networks, donation boxes in supermarkets, volunteers on the streets. In order not to give your money to scammers, it is better to help through large charitable foundations. These are professionals in the field of charity who know who needs help and know how to provide it systematically, and not targeted. Think about who you would like to help - seriously ill children, lonely elderly people or orphans, and find the right organization.

Funds regularly report on the money spent and publish the results of their activities, so they are easier to check for fraud than a random person on the Internet. To do this, go to the official website of the organization and see information about the funds spent. Beware if there are no reports or they have not been published for a long time.

If you have never done charity work before, start with small regular transfers. For example, Citymobil and Dobro recently launched the "" project to give people the opportunity to make donations when paying for a taxi ride. It is easy and does not take much time, and the money will definitely go to charity.

At the end of the project, Citymobil will choose the kindest district of the capital. Everyone who makes at least one donation will receive a discount on travel from the area for a month.

To make it easier to start, Citymobil gives a 10% discount on the first five trips with a promo code CITYHAKER*.

But it's only a few rubles. Is there any benefit from such small payments?

Short: charity is not about large payments, but about many small, but regular ones. If 20 million people transfer only one ruble per month, the fund will collect 20 million per month and 240 million rubles per year.

Don't wait for the perfect moment to start helping - it doesn't require a lot of free money or a huge income. Connect small but regular auto payments. For example, transfer 10 rubles each to two or three funds whose activities are close to you.

Example. Anya takes a taxi five times a week, the average cost of a trip is 300 rubles. Anya participates in "" and transfers 5% to charity - 15 rubles per trip. For a week she will donate 75 rubles - less than the cost of coffee to go, for a month - 300 rubles, and for a year - 3,600 rubles. 15 rubles is a waste, imperceptible for Anya's budget, but a significant help for funds.

Regular transfers help charitable organizations more accurately calculate the budget and rationally allocate funds. For example, if it is known that 1 million donors transfer 10 rubles each month, then the fund expects to receive 120 million rubles at the end of the year and can place an order in advance for the supply of equipment from abroad.

Are there people who don't need help?

Short: Yes. Not always a sincere desire to help will be a boon for those who need help.

  • Do not give money to the homeless and beggars on the street. Sometimes they are just scammers, sometimes they are people who really need. If so, it is better to ask than to help: buy food and hot tea, give warm clothes or find a place to sleep.
  • Do not transfer money to strangers on social networks. Most of the posts asking for help are the work of scammers. They can spread someone's appeal on their behalf by adding their own details for transferring funds. In addition, people often collect money for treatment without consulting doctors. It may be ineffective and ineffective.
  • Do not repost if you are not sure of the author's honesty. Even if the post says: “Help! Urgently!" Check the facts and don't let your emotions get the best of your mind. If you want to help spread the word, please share your posts. charitable foundations that you have no doubt about.

Can I help with deeds and personal participation, and not with money?

Short: Yes. If you have the desire and free time, offer your help to charitable organizations or do good deeds yourself.

Such actions are valued no less than monetary donations - funds are always short of manpower. There are many options: to take the patient to the hospital, deliver the cargo, help with the development of the site, take pictures of the children from the orphanage, organize an event, provide legal assistance. People in hospices, orphanages and nursing homes lack real human interaction, so they will be happy if you just come to visit or write letters to them.

In addition, you can do good deeds yourself: donate blood, help a lonely grandmother who lives next door, or donate unwanted clothes to a thrift store.

Short: determine who you want to help, find a fund and find out what kind of help is needed.

It is impossible to help everyone at once. Do you want to communicate with children in a hospice, walk dogs from an orphanage, help the medical staff in caring for the seriously ill, put out fires, or become a mentor to a child from an orphanage? You should enjoy doing good deeds. If you choose an activity that you don’t like, there is a chance of abandoning it soon.

When you have decided on the direction, find a specialized fund or organization. Find out what tasks need volunteers and at what time. If the schedule of events does not coincide with your work schedule, you will not be able to help.

Be prepared to drive to the other side of the city and spend a few hours on your day off. Volunteering, although voluntary, requires responsibility. You can't just not come or not do what you promised - you will let other people down. If you are not yet sure that you can handle it, start small - small good deeds or the same regular donations.

* The promotion is valid in Moscow, Moscow Region, Yaroslavl, Samara, Tolyatti and Kazan only when ordering through a mobile application. Organizer: City-Mobil LLC. Location: 117997, Moscow, st. Architect Vlasov, 55. PSRN: 1097746203785. The promotion period is from 03/07/2019 to 12/31/2019. Details about the organizer of the action, about the rules of its holding can be found on the organizer's website at‑

(S. Amalanov).

let your alms sweat in your hands,

before you know to whom you are giving…”

Many people feel a desire (some constantly) to help others. People try to fulfill this truly noble desire in different ways. Someone helps other, more helpless creatures to survive in our harsh world. And it also deserves respect for such a pure manifestation of the human soul. Someone helps other people in need of various kinds of help. All these actions are called charity. “To create is good (good)”, this is how this kind of activity is literally translated.

AT recent times Charity is understood as the provision of material assistance directly to someone, or for the organization of some good deed. In this case, the process of engaging in charity is carried out through the donation of material resources. Also, charity is a direct activity, the result of which is direct help to other people, or the organization of such actions.

The desire to help others, or engage in charitable activities, comes from the direct desire of a person, which is based on a certain psychological dependence (more on this below). The essence of this dependence is as follows. When a person does a useful thing for someone, helps in something, the amount of his mental (life) energy increases in him. He feels this and, feeling the direct connection of his actions with an increase in his vital energy, he feels more and more in himself the desire to do charity work. It is the indicator of the amount of vital (mental) energy that directly determines our feeling of happiness. More about how this happens at the level of our consciousness will be described below.

And so, a person who feels in himself a natural and noble desire to help others, asks the question How to do charity work? He begins to think about where and on what he should invest or direct his funds and efforts in order to do charity work - in the best possible way.

This is a very important issue, and it needs to be sorted out - in more detail.

Good, or otherwise good, the concept is not unambiguous. Good, like many other things has:

- quality and

- a quantitative characteristic.

The quantitative characteristic of charitable activity can be applied to one specific type of charity. For example: someone is engaged in charity, which consists in making gifts or donations for orphanages. Here we can talk about the quantitative characteristics of charity (how much the donations cost, or how many orphanages received a certain donation in the form of gifts).

In quantitative terms, a person who wants to do charity work is not difficult to decide. For example, someone wants to donate a certain amount of money. Or, to allocate one (two, three) days for the commission of any specific business related to charitable activities.

But here the question arises: what kind of charity to do? What exactly is it better to direct your efforts or material resources in order to have the greatest (best) effect in terms of doing charity work? The question arises - quality characteristics.

Here we will try to deal with this question based on reasonable logic.

Reminder: we are interested quality characteristic of a good or good deed.

Let's try to proceed from the "iron" law of the existence of our material world. This is the law: cause and effect. This law can be formulated as follows:

Everything we see has a cause and effect relationship. Or: any object or action has a reason for its occurrence, and in turn can also be a reason further action or object.

FIGURE CAUSE - EFFECT-CAUSE - effect-cause - …….

One cause can become many effects

A negative cause produces a negative effect. Accordingly: a positive cause gives rise to positive consequences.

Now consider a certain type of charity work.

Many noble people help homeless animals. Other equally noble people donate money (or organize charity events) to help sick children. Others adopt orphans, or children abandoned by their parents for some reason. Some businessmen build hospitals or buy expensive medical equipment.

These and many other types of charity have one thing in common: all the actions of undoubtedly noble people are aimed at preventing the negative consequences of the actions of other people. That is, these types of charities act on − CONSEQUENCE

But without destroying the negative CAUSES these CONSEQUENCES, the struggle with these consequences will be - endless.

REASON of all the negative consequences that we can observe is - man. More precisely, ignorant, devoid of true knowledge HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.

The ignorance of the human mind lies in the fact that it does not know what can be done and what should not be done.

A man with his perverted consciousness throws away pets, abandons his children. Someone deceives other people, taking away the last money, and leaving the other person without a livelihood. A person, for the sake of his own gain, is ready to poison other people with harmful chemical additives in order to minimize the cost of the product produced by his company. As a result, people suffer from chronic diseases. And even small children are born with serious health problems.

All this is CONSEQUENCE negative manifestations of perverted human consciousness. Precisely the perverted CONSCIOUSNESS person is - REASON all the negative consequences that we can observe.

Most charitable activities have an impact on the elimination or mitigation of negative CONSEQUENCES caused by human actions.

But how, when doing charity work, to influence the consciousness of people in order to eliminate this negative component of human consciousness?

If it is possible to correct a person’s consciousness for the better, then such charity work that affects REASON negative consequences, will be the most effective type of charitable activity.

Man, by its very nature, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is an egoist. Life values of the modern world: career success, material well-being, only contribute to the development of the egoistic principle in human consciousness. The measure of a person's success in modern society is money (which itself has a variable value). But how to explain to a person that in addition to the value known to all (in material terms), there are also other, higher values ​​of life? And how are these higher – true values ​​measured? and why are they superior?



In order to understand the essence of the material presented below, you need to read in a row, and not “jump” as usual through lines and paragraphs.


In recent decades, with the development of science and technological progress, it became known about different types the energy that a person has. In addition to the energy that comes to us during digestion (measured in kilocalories, or kilojoules), we can now talk about mental , or human life energy .

In its essence, this psychic energy is expressed in work speed “neurocomputer”, that is, the human brain. In our sensations, a large amount of this vital (psychic) ​​energy is expressed: in good mood, speed of thinking, receiving positive emotions from what surrounds us, and directly in the very feeling of happiness. The number of endorphin molecules (hormone of happiness) is also felt with the help of this scanning energy of our “neurocomputer” (brain). The organization of all motor functions, as well as the work of all internal organs, the metabolic processes of the body also depend on the level of this vital energy, which in essence is the speed (speed) of performing all the functions of the “neurocomputer” (brain).

In other words, this vital or psychic energy is ours - ALL . With the help of it, all life processes (physiological, mental) are organized, and with the help of it we directly feel - life itself! And most importantly, the amount of vital energy at the moment determines our feeling of happiness.

The supply of vital energy is not infinite. This energy is spent by us on all necessary processes during the day, and is replenished only during sleep (there are other ways, more on that later).

We can artificially stimulate, that is, increase the consumption of the daily supply of vital energy. This is what most of us do with various stimulants: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, energy drinks and other drugs.

After a strong stimulation of an increase in the consumption of vital (mental) energy, for example, with a large amount of alcohol, the daily energy supply may simply end. A heavily drunk person simply falls asleep (“turns off”).

If we stimulate the expenditure of psychic energy not so strongly, for example: with a cup of coffee, strong tea, or a smoked cigarette, then in this case the psychic energy increases for a certain period of time. This is felt by us in the appearance of cheerfulness, increased tone, mood. But after a while, a person feels a decline in vital energy. Moreover, the decline is below average. This will be expressed in irritability, low tone, somewhat inhibited thinking, etc. The speed of the “neurocomputer” has decreased. I want to either smoke again (for a smoking person) or “cheer up” with a cup of coffee.

The main question is: how and in what ways it is possible to increase the level of vital (psychic) ​​energy without increasing its consumption.

In 1968, our scientists V.B. Grechin and N.P. Bekhtereva, the so-called "Error Detector" was discovered.

This group of neurons came into an excited state when a person performed actions that did not correspond to the correct information. In other words, he was wrong. In this case, the "Error Detector" (this group of neurons) is activated, and thus signal the "erroneous" action of a person, which differed from the previously defined - as a "correct" course of action.

Many experiments were carried out in which it turned out that the activation of the so-called "error detector" leads to the suppression of the working potential of the brain. That is, there was a decrease in free vital energy. The brain, as it were, suspended, “slowed down” the speed of processing information (ie, the vital energy of a person) in order to prevent other actions that the brain perceives as “erroneous”.

In other words, if a person performs a “wrong action”, or tries to present incorrect information that is not true (trying to deceive), the “lie detector” neuron group is excited and does not allow the “neurocomputer” (brain) to work. In other words, this group of neurons, being excited, consumes most of the vital (mental) energy. And the remaining free psychic (vital) energy for the organization of all vital processes remains very little.

To put it simply, the "neurocomputer" starts - "slow down" (by analogy with a conventional PC).

At different times, British and Russian scientists have found that when a person performs a “wrong action”, or gives out incorrect information, his brain is excited 3-15 times more than in a normal state. That is, it consumes 3-15 times more vital (mental) energy than usual. What does it mean? This means that in a relatively short time, the daily supply of his psychic energy will come to an end. And he will feel it in a sharp decrease in tone, a depressed state, a decline in mood, etc., etc.

The above information would not be of much interest if all the “wrong actions” that a person has committed were not would have influenced his consciousness in the future!

The human brain (like any other computer) works on the principle of comparison. That is, it produces the information that matches in value at a given time.

There is such a thing as "associative memory". For example: if we heard music that we heard a long time ago, then from our memory those circumstances under which we heard this music before can “emerge”.

This applies not only to music, but to everything that can remind us of some event from the past. Thus, if something reminds of a “wrong action” that was committed earlier (it can be a similar person, voice, sound, objects, objects ...), then the brain immediately begins to scan that “wrong action” that has been committed. The group of neurons of the "Lie Detector" is excited again. And this again leads to an increased expenditure of vital (psychic) ​​energy. A person immediately begins to feel a lack of remaining vital energy. This manifests itself in an anxious state, bad mood, a decrease in general tone, etc. These programs of previously committed “wrong actions” will not go anywhere if nothing is changed in oneself and in one’s lifestyle. These “wrong actions” programs, in fact, will act as “virus programs”, which will take psychic energy for their scanning, and, in fact, “slow down” the work of our “neurocomputer”.



Under the concept of DECEPTION falls: direct deception in the form of issuing false information, treason close person, fraud, theft, any action - which causes hidden damage to someone.

What other reasons cause the rapid and aimless consumption of vital energy?

Similarly, a person will feel the rapid and senseless consumption of vital energy with its subsequent fall at the time when he manifests in relation to another person: insult, disrespect, anger, humiliation and condemnation (both direct and hidden).

How does the loss of psychic energy occur in this case?

The most important instinct is the instinct of self-preservation, or survival. It is for this priority task that the “neurocomputer” (the brain) will spend psychic energy to a greater extent. The offended, humiliated (exactly like the deceived) person, the brain will perceive as a person who poses a threat to our security. That is, the brain will perceive it as a “Potential adversary”. And these “wrong actions” in relation to another person (people) will also be recorded in our memory.

In the future, the more similar the situation will be: the situation or the person similar to the person in relation to whom we have committed a “wrong action”, the more actively the “neurocomputer” will scan all the information about the “wrong action” committed in the past and about the “Potential adversary”. Especially strongly the vital (mental) energy will be spent at the sight of a specific person in relation to whom a “wrong action” was committed (insult, humiliation, anger, condemnation, etc.). This is how “associative memory” will work.

Almost everyone can remember a case when our mood fell at the sight of a person with whom we ever had a conflict. At this time, our "neurocomputer" begins to expend psychic energy by scanning information in memory about this "Potential Enemy". At this time, we feel a sharp decline in the remaining vital energy. This is expressed in irritability, decreased mood, etc., etc.



These “wrong actions”, or otherwise “sinful” (the word “sin” has such a meaning as “erroneous action” or “error”, “sin”) remain in a person’s memory forever. By changing your consciousness, way of thinking and way of life, you can make it so that our “neurocomputer” will practically not spend vital energy on these “virus programs” of incorrect actions.

The amount of vital energy is a measurement of the sensation of life. In a large amount of vital energy, this is our feeling of happiness! All our manifestations of life itself depend on the amount of vital energy: physiological and mental. This energy cannot be “buyed” even for billions (except to stimulate its short-term increased consumption, followed by an inevitable sharp decline). Our very life energy in the form of organizing some kind of activity can be spent on making money. But the reverse exchange impossible . You can “borrow” vital energy from yourself by stimulating its consumption in some way. But the subsequent fall will strictly correspond to the amount of its consumption.

It is possible to make sure that our vital energy is not spent on unnecessary “programs” of our “neurocomputer”. Thus, we will be able to feel it as much as possible at our full disposal. Read more about this in the article. and (links will be provided at the end of this article). At the end of 2018 or the beginning of 2019 on our literary site — (LINK) — Sergei Amalanov's book “Modeling Happiness”, Part 1, will be published. It will directly and in more detail talk about what happiness is, what and how it affects this state of a person.

One of the ways to increase the level of vital energy is just doing charity work.

How does this happen?

There is a clear definite dependence, which is as follows.

Our life energy in the form of attention is spent on many things: our desires (especially those that did not come true), our fears, worries (about the future or the present). Also, our life energy is spent: on our “wrong actions” committed in the past, which we discussed above . For the most part, these “wrong actions” are condemnations of other people (including mental ones, or “behind the eyes”), as well as other actions and deeds committed voluntarily or not on purpose, which the “neurocomputer” perceives as erroneous or incorrect. We didn't have all these programs that take away our vital energy at a certain time - when we were very young. Therefore, in childhood we had the maximum amount of vital (mental) energy, and could enjoy quite ordinary things.

It is no coincidence that when we leave for some other area, where nothing reminds us of our “wrong actions”, unfulfilled desires, and other things that consume our vital energy, we feel a surge of psychic (vital) energy. "Associative memory" does not work (no resemblance to situations from the past). And vital energy is not spent on all these programs acquired during life.


These actions include any actions related to charity. Such actions are aimed at the interests (need) of another person. At this time, the "programs - viruses" of wrong actions committed in the past, as well as unfulfilled desires, worries, that is, everything that is directly related to ourselves - DO NOT WORK. "Neurocomputer" does not turn to them as unnecessary. That is, it does not spend vital energy on scanning them. “Associative memory” is not included, since at the moment our actions are related to interests (need) another person, and therefore not connected with our past deeds, and with our desires, concerning ourselves directly.

As a result: vital (mental) energy is not wasted. It is entirely at our disposal. Even in the case when a person only intends to do something useful for someone else, his “neurocomputer” (brain) stops spending mental (vital) energy on his own programs. The amount of free vital energy increases, and a person feels it - directly. This is expressed in an internal "spiritual uplift", which in its essence is an increase in the level of free vital (psychic) ​​energy.

Also, people who feel the desire to do charity work have a feeling - empathy. That is, these people can feel other people's suffering, experiences and pain. That is, to empathize with other people and living beings. But this feeling, which unfortunately is not developed by everyone, has a deeper nature of its occurrence.

Above, we found out that doing charity by influencing the minds of people, that is - reason of all occurring circumstances (both bad and positive), is more effective. At the same time, simply helping other people who find themselves in a problem situation is also necessary.

But to whom can knowledge and understanding be conveyed about how wrong actions and deeds of a person negatively affect his consciousness, and directly affect his life energy, which in its essence is - a measurement of life itself and a sense of happiness ?

Some people have done so many “wrong actions” that most of their mental energy is constantly spent scanning for information about these “wrong actions”. The remaining psychic energy in an analytical (mental) form is not enough to understand the essence of the process of connection between one's own actions, deeds and a feeling of happiness (the amount of vital energy). This is the manifestation of idiocy in the actions of such people with a low level of mental energy. It is not worth wasting your time on these individuals who have gone far in their “wrong actions”.

But a person who still has enough intelligence to understand the principle of work and expenditure of his life energy must fully realize this process. He must clearly understand for himself all the possible “wrong actions”, for which the “neurocomputer” will further senselessly expend his vital energy.

Note: a kind person, as a rule - always in a good mood, smiling. And those people who insult others, if they smile, then with an unnatural, “rubber” smile. They do not feel in themselves that vital energy that a person who subconsciously avoids insults to other people will feel. If a person commits more serious “wrong actions” towards others (theft, betrayal, bullying, etc.), then such a person, by definition, cannot have a high level of vital energy. He is not capable, he simply has nothing to feel happiness in all its manifestations.

All human beings are inherently selfish. But selfishness can and should be reasonable. It is reasonable to do those things that preserve their vital (psychic) ​​energy, and not to do “wrong actions” in relation to others that will consume their own vital energy.

Trying to give knowledge to other people, we influence their mind and consciousness in the right way - the CAUSE of actions and all actions of a person.

This world, full of cruelty and deceit, will begin and will change only when the consciousness of a significant part of society begins to change properly. Without changing the consciousness of a person, which is cause of all the negative manifestations that we can observe, we will always deal with the consequence, that is, with the negative manifestations themselves.

Information and knowledge has always been and remains the most expensive, valuable thing in the world. . By helping to give people the most valuable information that positively changes their consciousness for the better, we can change the whole society as a whole. If doing charity will consist precisely in this, then such charity will be the highest in terms of its effectiveness.

And here comes an important point. If we are doing charity helping someone with our specific action, or donation, then we can directly see the result of our action. We can receive direct feedback in the form of gratitude for our charity work in a particular case.

But while assisting in the dissemination of knowledge that helps other people understand the essence of things, understand the relationship that exists depending on their actions and deeds, we do not feel and do not see an instant result from our actions. We do not feel the immediate return from engaging in this kind of charitable work. Despite the fact that we can and are able to understand the fact that by influencing the consciousness of people - the reason, in the general result, our actions will be - more effective.

Having understood what kind of charity you want to do, you will answer the question: “Why and why do I want to do charity?”

If I want to do something useful in order to immediately see the immediate impact and the result in the form of gratitude from someone’s side, then we have a passing inner desire satisfy your ego , your ego .

And if you assist in the dissemination of knowledge that is important for understanding, which will help change the minds of people for the better, then you will not see or feel the immediate impact of your actions (at least immediately). In this case your pride will remain - unsatisfied! But this choice of yours will be the choice of your mind, and not your pride. You will be sure what by influencing the cause (human consciousness), you are engaged in the most effective and necessary kind of charity .

However, both the first and second, in the end, are noble and necessary actions. And no one can forbid anyone to combine both of these types of charitable activities.

What exactly can be done by doing charity work?

If a person doing charity wants to provide targeted assistance to someone, then he himself can determine: what this or that person (people) needs first of all.

If a person, doing charity work, wants to assist in the dissemination of important knowledge that can change the minds of people for the better, then there are three main options for action. With the advent of the Internet, this task has become much more feasible than before.

The first option is how you can do charity work, spreading the necessary knowledge.

If you have already chosen the information that is best able to change the mind of a person and his outlook on life, then you can recommend such information either: directly to your acquaintances, or through social media Internet to anyone who can figure it out.

The second option is how you can do charity work, spreading the necessary knowledge.

You can provide any material assistance that will be used in the dissemination of important and necessary information. For example: this site is being created by one person (me).

In order for the site to work, in addition to writing articles, their design and organization in search results (Yandex, Google, etc.), a material component is also necessary.

From time to time, sites are "hacked" by various bad people in order to install virus programs that distribute SPAM. This is how some people try to make money (by causing problems for other people). After such “hacks”, it is necessary to bring the site software back to normal. You have to turn to specialists and pay them for their necessary work.

The hosting on which the sites are located is also paid. But it's not too much money.

There are some educated people (for example A. Khakimova), who give many lectures. In these lectures, they provide material that effectively changes people's minds and lives for the better. This can be confirmed by thousands of listeners and readers of their books and lectures, who were convinced of this by their own example and the example of their loved ones. In order for as many people as possible to get acquainted with this kind of important and useful knowledge, there is a need to translate audio and video lectures into a text version (format). This process is called transcription. In the text version, the reader can get the necessary and useful information several times faster. This process (transcribing) is quite time consuming. People who do this charge up to 20 rubles for one minute of a lecture translated into text. Some agree to work for 7 rubles per minute. To pay for such work, material resources are also needed.

Periodically, to ensure the smooth operation of the site, it is required to involve a software specialist, also for a fee.

Also, any competent help of knowledgeable people in the development and promotion of the site will be important.

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Transferring money by sending paid SMS messages would be more convenient. But telecom operators take up to 40% of the transferred amount for such payments. Therefore, doing charity work and at the same time “feeding” cellular monopoly companies will not be entirely correct.

The third option is how you can do charity work, assisting in the dissemination of the necessary knowledge.

Internet search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.), after entering a specific search query in the search bar, give out a lot of sites on this requested topic. But the first places and pages are given to those sites on which site visitors linger the longest. And they do not just stay on the issued page, but also read it, moving along it. Thus, search engines try to give out more useful information for each search query.

The more and longer the site visitor uses (reads, views) the information of the article, the higher the search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.) will give this page site for relevant search queries. In other words, the visitor who reads the information on the site page with his direct interest, presence and activity of views - "votes" for this material as useful and interesting, emphasizing its significance with his interest.

Thus, you can receive the necessary and useful information for you, and at the same time, with your interest in the site, provide direct assistance in promoting this material (as a priority issue by search engines). Thus, your actions will give other users a chance to get acquainted with the material (information) you read.

In this case, doing charity work, you donate your personal time, but at the same time for the benefit of yourself (yourself) yourself, which you agree is also important.

These three options described above are the main ones in charitable activities, which are directly related to the dissemination of knowledge that helps to change a person's consciousness for the better. As we indicated earlier: human consciousness is REASON any actions and manifestations from those that we can observe, both positive and negative. And by influencing the cause, we are the most effective way we change all subsequent actions of a person in the right direction.


Let's look at one more specific example how to do charity work, thereby affecting the cause of a large number of emerging problems in our society.

Many people, including wealthy businessmen, are involved in philanthropy, which consists of raising funds for the treatment of sick children, as well as collecting donations that go to purchase medicines, medical equipment, and other activities related to providing direct care to the sick (including children) and their families. Undoubtedly, such charity work is approved. Now there is such a type of charity as sending paid SMS messages to raise money for the treatment of a seriously ill child.

By the way, I recently heard a very good proposal in my opinion. Those companies and firms, including state-owned companies (Gazprom and others), that pay huge amounts of money for the salaries of the football players of their clubs, would be better off giving the same money for paid operations for sick children. And the players should receive their salary from paid SMS messages of their fans. And not vice versa!

Most illnesses, including illnesses of children, are negative CONSEQUENCES. What is the cause? There is an opinion that the cause of most serious diseases is bad ecology. But in villages and small towns, where the ecological situation is many times better than in large cities, people get sick no less than in gassed industrial centers.

So what is the main cause of most serious diseases?

From the latest biochemist scientists it is known that most of all human diseases come from ignorance of a person about what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten!

In order to obtain true knowledge (of any kind) one should rely and count on the opinion of specialists. top level in this area.

In the matter of nutrition, the most reliable knowledge will be the knowledge of scientists - biochemists, who directly involved in human nutrition . But in matters of proper nutrition, the opinions of dietitians of various “caliber” are also heard. And for some reason opinions are different. We must not forget that nutritionists (in most cases, do not have academic degrees), according to the specifics and nature of their activities, depend on their - direct clients . And dieticians themselves NOT engaged in scientific research and use some of the available information.

Therefore, the most competent will be the information that comes directly from biochemists who conduct scientific research in the field of human nutrition.

There is a clear and definite verdict (conclusion), which is presented and based on the latest scientific research of scientists, as well as with the study of millions of statistics of the world's population. This output sounds like this:

“Meat and processed meat products are the cause of most of the deadly diseases.”

Everything. Dot. Definitely and without options.

And if some nutritionist, in order not to scare away the clientele, says that you can eat meat, but not more than two or three times a week, you must decide for yourself: can you trust the “doctor” - a nutritionist who allows 100 - 150 times a year stuffed into you and your children - THE CAUSE OF MOST DEADLY DISEASES!!???

We will not describe in detail the process of the occurrence of fatal (including cancerous) diseases from eating meat and meat products. Information and statistics are publicly available. (Links will be provided at the end of this article). Perhaps only two or three of the most striking examples can be cited.


One of the most global forced "experiments". In the 90s, when the collapsed Soviet Union, ceased to provide assistance to friendly Cuba, in this country there was a sharp shortage of food, mainly meat and meat products. There is practically no livestock farming in Cuba. Products began to be issued according to the rationing system, and beef was given out in exceptional cases. As a result, in just the next twenty years, the number of the most common diseases decreased by 30-50%, and the average life expectancy increased by 10-15 years.


In this country, some traditions of the Vedic civilization are still preserved, in which eating meat was considered a habit of the lower strata of the population. And even now, most Hindus avoid eating meat. Those who have been to India can say that it is very difficult to find meat dishes there, even for decent money.

And this is what the official statistics of the WHO (World Health Organization) tell us.

WHO: Cancer profiles in countries up to 2014.

The Russian Federation:





And this despite the fact that medicine is very well developed in Germany. And even in Russia, medicine is much better developed than in India!

The following official fact also speaks about the dangers of eating meat.

In August 1977, the Agence France-Presse reported from Paris from the International Cancer Congress the following information: according to studies studying cancer, the Hunza people living in the region of the northern Himalayas have an absolute absence of cancer. The main distinguishing feature from their neighbors is that the Hunzaites do not eat animal food at all. The average life expectancy of this people is about 120 years. At sixty, many women were of childbearing age.

And one more of the many facts of official statistics.

In women who eat meat, carcinogenic fertilizers are found in breast milk. In the body of such women, the content of some pesticides in the body 30-40 times higher than women who do not eat meat. Pesticides accumulate (accumulate) in meat.

No need to explain that a child who feeds on mother's milk with pesticides is doomed to further diseases. If you want to know which ones, put in the search the phrase: “Harmful of pesticides on the human body”, and you will find out what your child will get sick with. Here's what you'll learn:

They contribute to the disruption of the normal production of hormones in the body, and as a result, metabolic syndrome appears.

Lead to the emergence brain cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer.

Influence of pesticides on intrauterine development of a child: increased risk of lung disease.

The occurrence of hyperactivity in a child.

Pesticides cause autism and Parkinson's disease.

Congenital malformations.




It's enough in my opinion. Let me remind you again to know:

«… In the body of women who eat meat, the content of some pesticides in the body 30-40 times higher than women who do not eat meat. And carcinogenic fertilizers are found in breast milk ».

As a CONSEQUENCE, children are already born with fatal diseases. And you have to do charity work in order to collect big money for the treatment of these deadly diseases. That is to fight with CONSEQUENCE.

To assist in the dissemination of knowledge about the dangers of eating meat and meat products is the impact directly on the CAUSE of possible diseases (including children's diseases). And this charity work will be considered more effective, as it eliminates the CAUSE itself, that is, ignorance in matters of human nutrition.

If you consider yourself a person who does not neglect religious scriptures, then you will be interested to know what Jesus Christ said about eating meat. If you are a staunch atheist, then skip the next couple of paragraphs.

467. And the next commandment was given: "Thou shalt not kill," for life is given to everyone from God, but what is given by God, man cannot take away.
468. For I tell you truly, from one Mother comes all life on earth.
469. And therefore he who kills, kills his brother.
470. And the Earthly Mother will turn away from him and take away her life-giving breast.
471. And her angels will shun him, but Satan will find his abode in his body.
472. And the flesh of the slain animals in his body will become his own grave.
473. For I tell you truly, whoever kills, kills himself, and whoever eats the flesh of slain animals, eats the bodies of death.
474. For in his blood every drop of their blood turns into poison, in his breath their breath turns into stench, in his flesh their flesh into festering wounds, in his bones their bones into lime, in his entrails their entrails into putrefaction. , in his eyes their eyes are in a veil, in his ears their ears are in a sulfur plug.
475. And their death will be his death.
476. For only through service to your Heavenly Father are your debts of seven years forgiven in seven days.
477. But Satan does not forgive you anything, and you will have to pay him for everything.
478. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, fire for fire, wound for wound, life for life, death for death.
479. For the wages of sin is death.
480. Do not kill and do not eat the flesh of your innocent victim, lest you become slaves of Satan.
481. For this is the path of suffering, and it leads to death.
482. But do the will of God so that his angels may serve you on the path of life.
483. So, obey the words of God: “Look, I have given you all the herbs that bear grain, which are all over the earth, and all the trees that bear fruit, that you may eat.
484. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird that flies, and to everything that crawls on the earth and in which there is the breath of life, I gave all green herbs for food.
485. Likewise, the milk of all creatures that move and live on earth must be your food.
486. Just as I gave them green herbs, I give you their milk.
487. But you must not eat flesh and blood.

You may say that this gospel is not included in the official edition of the Bible. And perhaps Jesus Christ did not say this at all.

But then, in this case, you must decide for yourself a very important next question. On the one hand, we have the words of Jesus Christ (from the above apocrypha). The correctness of these words is unambiguously confirmed by research by biochemists. That is, the above is TRUE.

On the other hand, we have SOME people who doubt the authenticity of this scripture.

A choice arises: do we believe in an important confirmed truth, or trust people who doubt this PROVEN truth? If a person chooses the former (believing the proven words of Jesus Christ), then the person can consider himself a "Christian" according to the name of Christ. If you believe those people who deny these words of Jesus (words that are in fact an important proven truth), then a person should not be called a “Christian”, but should be called according to the name and surname of that person (people) whom he believes more than important in content, proven truth.

This gospel was not included in the official Bible because most people were not ready (and now too) to accept this truth and give up the habit of eating the corpses of dead animals. And yet, the Bible itself says the same thing:

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed, this shall be food for you.” (Bible: GENESIS 1:29,30).

And only later, when the hungry times came, natural disasters, people became addicted to eating the flesh of animals. And only then did various restrictions in the form of posts begin to be introduced in order to at least somehow limit the eating of animal corpses.

There are many more sayings of Jesus Christ in the official edition of the Bible:

Here are some excerpts from the gospel:

“Lord, nothing filthy or unclean has ever entered my mouth” (Acts 11.8), “... I will never eat meat ...” (Cor. 8.13), for “... predators - the kingdom of God will not inherit” (Cor. 6.10) and “... the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful” (Ps. 5.7), this, by the way, is the direct speech of Jesus Christ. The Lord says, “Do I eat the meat of oxen and drink the blood of goats?” (Ps. 49.131); “I am full of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; I do not want the blood of bulls, and lambs, and goats. And when you stretch out your hands, I close my eyes from you; and when you multiply your supplications, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash yourself, cleanse yourself; remove your evil deeds from my eyes; stop doing evil. Learn to do good” (Isaiah 1.11, 15, 162).

No true Christian would justify eating animal carcasses with a fictitious "permission."

A completely logical question arises: if scientists have proven unequivocal harm from eating meat, then why is meat still on sale.

The answer is clear. For the same reason that cigarettes are and will be sold, and alcohol, the harm of which has also been proven.

The biggest money is made on the addictions and habits of people! And if we add here hundreds of billions of profits from the global pharmaceutical industry, then the answer becomes obvious.

A sick person is a constant source of income.

It is on human diseases that hundreds of billions of dollars are made annually.

In the modern world, everything is controlled by big money. And those who make a lot of money on the IGNORANCE of people will continue to do it by all means. ESPECIALLY, that people themselves are not too eager to get true knowledge, for the sake of their habits. And then there are the "doctors" - nutritionists, with their permission: "Well, you can eat meat two or three times a week."


We have a logical link: cause and effect .

CAUSE: ignorance of what NOT to eat.

CONSEQUENCE : million statistics of fatal diseases, including children whose parents did not have this kind of knowledge.

No one will argue with the fact that helping to raise money for a sick child for an operation is an extremely noble cause. But would it be less noble to give information to those parents who, from the age of three, begin to feed their child with animal corpses? Wouldn't it be more noble to tell that this IGNORANCE is the cause of the subsequent painful illnesses of this child? Wouldn't it be more noble PREVENT these deadly diseases than to collect millions of rubles for expensive treatment with an ambiguous subsequent result.

will always be more effective REASON problems without solving CONSEQUENCES this problem.

So to act on the cause of problems will be the highest charitable activity based on the effectiveness of the end result.

The dissemination of knowledge that prevents the occurrence of serious problems in the form of suffering and serious diseases has another significant advantage. A person who has received useful knowledge can himself become a source of this knowledge for others! And this means that your charitable action subsequently doubled its effectiveness. And it is a continuing process of transferring knowledge from one person to another.

And these are just physiological consequences of eating animal corpses. There is still some knowledge about what meat contains negative energy component.

This fact has not yet been sufficiently studied, but is not rejected by any of the scientists.

How does the energy negative component of a piece of an animal's corpse affect a person's consciousness?

There is a global experiment that was set by the conditions for the existence of past civilizations. In most of the territory of modern Eurasia, for many millennia, there was a Vedic civilization. Both in the Indian Vedas and in the Old Slavic Vedas, one can find information that it was not customary to eat meat. Here is an excerpt from the ancient Slavic Vedas:

“Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild beasts, and many diseases will settle in you. Eat pure food grows in your fields, in your woods and in your gardens then you will gain many strengths, the forces of light, and ailments, illnesses and torments with suffering will not overtake you.

In modern India, eating meat is still considered a habit of the lower classes.

So here interesting fact. In the ancient Vedic civilization where eating meat was rare – THERE NEVER BEEN SLAVERY!!!

In no ancient Vedic scripture can one find even a mention of such a perverted image of a person's relationship to another person!

Whereas in those countries where eating meat was the order of the day, slavery was the usual way of dealing in that society! Also, it was in those societies that constant aggressive and colonial wars of some countries took place in relation to other countries.

Haven't we devoted too much time to this nutritional issue?

No. The price of IGNORANCE in this matter is too high. Too this ignorance is widespread among modern society. The price of ignorance in this matter has been proven. And this price is terrible: suffering and death. Including the suffering and death of children whose parents did not receive this knowledge in a timely manner. As a result: loss of health and even lives. Isn't that the highest human value??!

And the modern relationship of people to each other, as a master to a slave. Isn't it important? The thousand-year experience of ancient civilizations suggests that it is the eating of animal corpses that establishes relations in society according to the principle: the master is the slave!

The problem lies in the implicit, momentary manifestation of harm to a person. Therefore, a person is required to make efforts of his mind in order to realize the seriousness of his ignorance of the information necessary for him. And do not forget: the responsibility for the health of children lies entirely on the conscience of their parents! And no excuses for their ignorance in this matter will be here - not appropriate.

If you, based on your noble motives, decided to do charity work, then based on an understanding of the EFFICIENCY of the impact on reason or consequence , you can allocate your efforts, time or material resources to influence the cause (more effective action), or the consequences of this cause.

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let your alms sweat in your hands before you know to whom you give…” ( The teaching of the Lord, given to the nations through the Twelve Apostles”).

If, in addition to what you can see around you, you have faith in the existence of invisible types of energy (spiritual or transcendent), then you have a broad view of this world.

As a matter of fact, over the past one hundred and fifty years, scientists have been able to discover more than one kind of invisible form of energy. For example: gravitational field, magnetic field, electromagnetic field. Scientists have even learned to use the latter type (in the form of electromagnetic waves) for the direct needs of mankind. This is a television broadcast, radio receivers, cellular communications and more.

Therefore, if a person DOES NOT allow the existence of any other forms and types of energy other than those that he can see with his own eyes, then to put it mildly, this person is not very intelligent.

Believers can be conditionally divided into three types.

The first type of believers.

A person believes in the existence of non-material forms and sources of energy that are not available for full awareness. He also believes in the existence of the Supreme First Cause of all things.

The second type of believers.

In addition to the concepts of the first type, believers of the second type directly practice certain types of spiritual rites and religious practices (in the form of prayers).

The third type of believers.

He connects the main part of his life with spiritual practice. They try to make spiritual knowledge available to other people.

A significant part of believers of the second type build their relationship with the Higher Mind as follows: during a prayer appeal to the Almighty (in a temple or at home), they ask Him for something for themselves or their loved ones. They ask: to give something, or to help in achieving some material goal.

Hundreds of millions of people live on Earth, who constantly exist on the verge of starvation. There are also hundreds of millions of disabled people who are unable to earn a decent living. There are millions of orphans, and hundreds of millions of other people who, for whatever reason (military action or other) are in the most difficult life situation (for example, refugees, or people left homeless, completely without a livelihood).

Now answer just one question:

If you believe in existence fair Almighty , then why, according to your request, He should help exactly - you (or your loved ones), and not those who really - are in dire need of help, and many times stronger than you ?! Wouldn't it be fairer to help precisely those who, without this help, simply, for example, will die of hunger?! And if you believe in the just Almighty (namely, the Just) , then why do you ask Him, just for your sake, to make an unfair exception, and help you, the one who does not die of hunger, who has a place to live?

In order to properly build your relationship with the Almighty (regardless of religious direction), you need to have - the most complete picture of the essence of things in our universe . True faith in the Almighty implies: faith in the Almighty Supreme Mind. The true Supreme Mind cannot create an UNFAIR world . That would be unreasonable! And in order to understand the essence of all manifestations in our world, which is completely without exception based on cause and effect relationships, it is necessary to obtain the most complete knowledge about the material and spiritual (transcendental) types of energy. More details about this are written in the article. “Why does God allow suffering, war and death of children”(Link will be provided at the end of this article. ).

As we indicated in the first half of this article, the cause of all the negative manifestations of this world is the human consciousness, devoid of true knowledge. Real, true knowledge about the essence of things and all manifestations of this world, contain: as knowledge about material , so about intangible (spiritual) ) types of energies. And also about the rational Primary Source of all energies.

Having the most complete knowledge, and spreading it to understand other people, you will philanthropy of the highest efficiency ! Because only complete knowledge can give the most correct feeling and understanding of one's actions and deeds.

Any other actions will not be as useful, as they will not also effectively affect for a REASON of all manifestations in our world, namely on - human consciousness .

Text 6-7.

But those who worship Me (the Almighty), dedicating all their activities to Me, who serve Me
with unwavering devotion, always thinking of Me, directing all your thoughts to Me,
O son of Prtiha, those I quickly rescue from the ocean of birth and death.


Text 20.

Those who are full of faith follow this eternal path of devotional service,
giving themselves completely to this, who have made Me (the Most High) their highest goal,
those are very, very dear to Me.


"Bhagavad Gita As It Is" - REFLECTS THE FULL ESSENCE OF VEDIC KNOWLEDGE . Book. which for five thousand years has turned the minds and lives of millions of people, read on our website, or in other online options.

If you have realized the need to spread spiritual knowledge, and have a noble desire to give this knowledge to another person directly, then you should first find out: is he now able to accept this knowledge? Is he too interested in material interests?

If the firm convictions of this person in no way allow for the possibility of coordinating your actions and deeds in accordance with eternal knowledge, then you should not waste your time (and in this case it is very expensive) without the hope of explaining something to this person.

If, in your opinion, a person has at least enough curiosity, then your help in understanding the most important truths will be the most valuable for this person.

It will be useful for many to understand in more detail: how sinful deeds and actions affect a person’s consciousness in the article .

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