Pictures from clay and ceramics. Miracles from polymer clay. Modeling from salt dough: painting “Cat gatherings”


Modeling figurines from polymer clay is an art of artistic imagination. Each material for such creativity requires something different from the artist. Clay needs the flexibility and warmth of the master's hands, as well as his ability to create his own image of the desired creation in his head. Even acting according to the model, the clay obeys not the picture and not the movements of the teacher, but the hands of the one who holds it, directly embodying the images of the imagination. This master class shows step by step the process of creating a small decorative panel made of polymer clay "Fairytaleland". It depicts fabulous houses in which gnomes or elves live - in general, cute magical creatures. Now they are sleeping, and mushroom houses, apple trees and even a night luminary hanging on the branches of a tree are sleeping with them. Such an art panel can be done with the child, as we did.

Clay panel "Fairytaleland"

Creation of a clay panel "Fairytaleland"

So, call your baby, brother, sister, prepare materials - we are starting! To create a craft we need:

  • a piece of clay - about 300 grams;
  • oilcloth for modeling;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • stacks;
  • wet cloth;
  • linen napkin (you can use any other piece of fabric, as long as there is a rough texture);
  • PVA glue;
  • paints, brushes.
Our materials and tools

Clay is a convenient and pleasant material to work with. However, it dries quickly, so you need to cover the piece that you are not working with with a damp cloth, otherwise you cannot make a clay panel. When at a break the clay, instead of stretching, cracks, it means that it has already dried up and it is no longer possible to sculpt from it, you need to knead it again.

But in our panel, even dried pieces of clay will come in handy: they will add texture to the product.

Step 1: roll out or knead a 0.5 cm thick layer of clay on a piece of cardboard or a sheet of paper. This will be the background for our night landscape.

Main background

Step 2: Cover the clay layer with a linen cloth and press for a few seconds. We remove - there are prints on the clay.

Making the texture

Step 3: Now we “populate” our polymer clay panel with houses. To make our panel look like a fairyland, we make houses in the shape of mushrooms. To do this, roll out a small ball on an oilcloth:

clay ball

Step 4: form a sausage with a thickening at the end.

We form the part

Step 5: We put the sausage on a sheet of clay, these will be the walls of one of the houses.


Attention! When you overlay the details on the background or simply attach them to each other, be sure to lubricate the joints with PVA glue! Otherwise, everything will fall off during baking.

Do not forget to do this in the craft.

Step 6: We make the roof of the house from clay: we roll out a pancake from the ball and tuck it around the edges so that we get an acute angle:

Roof for a house

Step 7: When the walls and the second house are done, we make the roof for it:

Step 8: Making the third, smallest clay house.

"Building" the third house

Step 9: Fairytale trees grow in fairyland. To enliven the landscape, we will “plant” a garden around the houses. For this we roll a small sausage (this will be a tree trunk) and attach it to the background.

Sculpt a tree trunk

Step 10: Now we will create foliage for the tree - we pinch off small pieces of clay (leaves) and apply it to the top of the trunk. We arrange them like tiles: laying on top of each other.

... and make a crown for it

Step 11: To make the fairyland look believable, let's add more trees to the panel, for example, on the right, but only with a larger crown. And let it be magical apple trees. We roll the balls, make a point on them with a stack and “hang” them on a tree. Here are the apples we got.

"Planting" an apple tree

Step 12: At the bottom of the clay panel, we will make a pavement from small pieces.


Step 13: Adding Details. We make windows in the houses, for this we roll out thin sausages and lay them on the panel. On the roofs of the houses we make scratches in stacks - this is tiles. Realistic, right? Like ours, which looks like a fabulous bird.

May we have a fabulous night in fairyland. “Turn on” the month in the sky - we sharpen the ends of the thick sausage, bend it and lay it on the panel.

What is a night without a month?

Our polymer clay panel is ready! We put it on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Then we take it out and let it cool.

It remains to paint the panel. You can take colored material, but painting on clay it's more interesting, right? So, first primed it with white paint.

We prime the panel

Then paint, add glitter and varnish. And now - our fabulous country is created! Now it can be populated with the heroes of your favorite children's cartoons. Let the child do it on his own, let him dream up.

This panel looks good in the kitchen, in the nursery or in the country. It will add color and warm atmosphere to your home!

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Once, Yaska and I wanted to sculpt a real panel from polymer clay. Why panel? This idea came by the way. When you look at the products of different masters made of polymer clay on the Internet, you admire their beauty, the talent of the creators and, of course, you want to repeat them. But most often it happens that you like and delight the idea and the implementation, but you want to do it a little differently.

Here, for example, such elegant pendants came across.

And we decided to repeat them in the form of a panel. Small intricate gizmos will decorate any interior, and those made and presented with love will be remembered forever.

We will need: multi-colored clay, rolling pin, toothpick, wire or paper clips. I remind you that instead of a rolling pin, you can use a glass bottle. The main thing is that it is quite heavy and does not have to exert excessive force when rolling.

We decided to make a small panel, one might say miniature panels.

We roll a ball out of gray clay, turn it into an oval-shaped cake and level the surface with a rolling pin. This is the basis for the panel. Its size is about 5-6 cm, thickness is 3-4 mm. If you take more, the product will be fragile and will not bake. We make a loop of wire or a paper clip and fasten it at the top of the base.

First we made a small panel with daisies. We sculpt several drop-shaped petals from white clay. Please note that they are all different sizes. Thus, chamomile turns out to be voluminous. We make the second flower half-blown. Using a toothpick, lightly press on the petals at the base.

From the balls of yellow color, cores are obtained. Divide a thin green sausage into several parts, sharpen the tips. These are stems and blades of grass. It is better to make them from green in different shades. We sculpt a leaf, lightly press a toothpick in the middle.

Petals, hearts and blades of grass should be slightly convex, so the product looks voluminous and more realistic. Petals even slightly go beyond the boundaries of the base. With a toothpick, we make several points on the base, behind the stems, as if emphasizing the depth of the product.

In the same way, we made another small panel, choosing a plant with small pink bells.
First, they placed an elegant stem and blades of grass from different shades of green on the base, fixed a small leaf at the bottom, then took up the flowers.

First, we sculpt several pink balls of different sizes. (Determine the quantity yourself, based on the size of the base). The largest one will be the bottom flower and the smallest one will be the bottom bud. We roll the ball into a drop and carefully put it on the handle without a rod. We remove, and we get a small bell.

With the help of a pen, we make small folds on it and lightly crush it. Now we attach it to the base, and gently press a smaller flower on top, and so on. The last one will be an unopened bud.

I want to say that if during the process of cooking or baking some fragment of the product falls off, then it can be easily attached back with special glue.

Our grandmothers adore flowers in all forms. And their window sills are bursting with indoor plants, and in the summer everything blooms and smells fragrant on the plots, and at the same time flower reproductions of the house hang to remind you of summer in winter. And so I wanted to make a similar panel to please them. We came across it on the Internet and really liked it.

Here, as you can see, the base is not made of polymer clay, but some kind of fabric. We, as a background, took a canvas on hardboard, and after firing, the fashioned flower was varnished and glued.

First we made patterns for petals and leaves.

Using a rolling pin, roll out yellow and red clay, apply templates and cut out the petals. We slightly bend the petals, achieving naturalness, we form a flower. We make holes in the core with a toothpick. Press the core slightly.

We make unblown buds in this way - we almost turn one petal into a tube, half-wrap a petal of a different color around it, then the next one. The last petal is slightly bent outward. Thus, a button is obtained.

Leaves are made using molds or templates. In the second case, the veins are scratched with a toothpick.
We sculpt a small ladybug, it will give expressiveness to our flower.

All parts of the flower are laid out on the base, carefully tried on and, making sure that the composition looks good, they are fired. And then carefully glued to the base.

For greater expressiveness, after firing, the product is tinted. They draw veins on leaves and flowers, paint a ladybug, varnish it.

Looking through photos on the Internet in search of inspiration, we stumbled upon a lovely basket of salt dough mushrooms. I thought that this can be made from polymer clay, it will turn out to be an excellent panel that will decorate any kitchen. It can also be presented as a gift to an avid mushroom picker.

For the background, we again used canvas on hardboard, but fabric will work, and even the back of the plywood, which can be primed in the desired color.

First, we “weave” a basket. We roll out sausages from brown clay and a lighter shade, for example, beige. We make light ones thicker, and from dark ones, thinner, we create a basket frame. The bottom and top are made of braided sausages, between them is the base of the basket, twigs. Gently drag light rolled sausages between them, slightly bend over the edges so that the basket does not look flat.

The handle is also made from an intertwined tourniquet of dark-colored clay.

Now let's fill our basket with the gifts of the forest. We sculpt the legs of mushrooms from white clay. Personally, I made a voluminous leg and cut it in half with a blade. The flat part sticks easily to the base, while the side facing the viewer remains convex. Same thing with the hat. When “trying on” your mushrooms to the basket, trim both the stems and caps slightly so that they look like they are lying inside, and not falling out.

Leaves, I repeat, can be made using molds or templates, the veins can be easily pushed through with a toothpick. Attach the leaves to the basket, bending slightly to make them look more natural. Several leaves can be placed on the base, placed on the mushroom cap. In addition to the leaves on the base, we have one or two mushrooms.

After firing, you can tint your mushrooms and varnish. If you carefully draw veins on the leaves, spots on the legs and caps of mushrooms with a thin brush, emphasize the wooden texture of the basket, this will add sophistication and depth to your panel.

Mushrooms do not have to be made “of the same variety”. Just very picturesquely different mushrooms are obtained - chanterelles, porcini, russula. You can put a bunch of mountain ash below, on the basis, it will look great, especially if varnished. And rowan leaves will also decorate any still life.

For inspiration, look at photographs and drawings, because what you see made in a different technique may turn out to be interesting in polymer clay. Or inspire you to a new masterpiece! Create!

And I'll show you my new work - picture from polymer clay "Snow Angel of Love"

Many of the images that I embody in polymer clay appear first in my drawings. This bunny, which I drew with a pen, I decided to sculpt from polymer clay and decorate the cover of a notebook.

How to choose a notebook?

Notebooks can be made from scratch by yourself. Print the desired design on paper so that the pages inside are combined with the story on the cover. Then sew these sheets together and glue the cardboard cover to them.
But I also find notebooks in stores that suit me for decoration.

For example, for a little girl walking in the woods (photo of the notebook below), I picked up a notebook with a green spine and brownish-green paper with a floral pattern.

What to look for when buying a notebook:

1. On the cover - it should be solid so that it does not bend and it is possible to glue the baked parts from polymer clay onto it.
2. To connect the sheets inside the notebook - it is better that the sheets are stitched, not glued.
3. On the color of the spine and sheets inside the notebook - they should be combined with the color scheme of the decor on the cover.

Where to buy a notebook?

Notebooks with a hard cover and colored sheets can be bought at craft stores, bookstores, and stationery departments. When school bazaars begin, I also look at them, because you can find something interesting there.

What is the best way to work...

For example, I laid out the bunny in stages. This is the first layer to which I gave volume, and then the texture of the fur with a needle.

How to bake.

I also baked a bunny in several stages. Thus, I do not doubt the previous layers. In order for the baked layers to bond with fresh clay, I coat them with liquid plastic between them.

While working on this notebook and the one that I will show you below, I periodically try on all the details on the cover of the notebook, then I could correct something if necessary.
So that during the “trying on” the clay parts do not deform on the cover, I put wax paper under them. I bake on it.

On the notebook itself, I do not bake the product. If, nevertheless, you decide to put polymer clay in the oven along with a notebook, then please check if there are plastic or any other materials in it that cannot be placed in the oven.

How to glue and with what glue?

I glue decorative clay elements to the cover after all the details have been baked.

It can be glued with different adhesives. All adhesives that are shown in the photo are well suited + epoxy glue can be used.

I buy glue from a hardware store.

Latest paint finish.

I draw eyes on clay with acrylic paint. I tint the muzzle and body with pastels. After I’m completely done with tinting, I covered the eyes, nose, paw pads and ears inside with a glossy varnish so that they look wet and the look is even more expressive.

This bunny now lives in Greece.

I gave it to my expectant mother who will soon have a baby. Mom will write her wishes, thoughts in this notebook, and then describe the touching and funny moments that will happen in her daughter's life.

Isn't a heavy notebook obtained with such a decor?
Of course, the weight of the notebook is added. But overall it's not heavy. It also depends on what weight the cover was originally and how much clay you glue on it.

In this video, the details of the hare and its fur are better visible:

Is it convenient to use such a notebook and carry it with you?

Yes, it is convenient to use such a notepad. Carry it with you, of course, should be done with caution. Do not shove it into a bag full of various items. And remember, the more actively they use the product, the less protruding and thin parts it should have.

Polymer clay is a fairly durable material, if you treat the product carefully, it will serve the owner for a very long time.

I sculpted the whole bunny and all the details from polymer clay. I didn’t use lace and fabric, but I chose the album on the contrary with a textile cover so that there is a contrast of materials. At the bottom I made a sign with a white field and an openwork frame made of clay, where the baby’s mother would then write her name.

When decorating the cover, I pay attention to the fact that so that the clay parts do not interfere with the fold and the notebook opens easily. Also, the side on which the decor is made should not “jump” so that it is convenient to write.

For example, this notebook with a girl in the forest, I laid it out in a different way. Here the entire cover is decorated with clay and many small details, but I did it on purpose, because I knew that his future owner would not carry it in her purse.

When creating a notebook, keep in mind that you need to fasten all the elements firmly and securely to each other, and if you know that it will still be constantly carried with you, then do not make very protruding and small parts.

A small owlet sits on a branch of a tree... perhaps someone remembers his older brother?

Here, as well as with the bunny, I baked the first layers. This photo shows how I work on the baby's face and add volume.

Ready notebook

My baby is closer

In a similar technique with which you decorate a notebook, you can also make a picture. In the picture, you can make some elements even more voluminous and protruding.

For a long time I wanted to make an angel and a picture on a winter theme from polymer clay. And in this work I combined both of these ideas.

I called the picture "Snow Angel of Love".

The face of an angel, dress, lace, wings, background - I made all this from baked polymer clay.

Here is an accelerated video clip of the sculpting of the Angel's face.

I didn't use any molds. She sculpted everything with her fingers and helped herself with a stack.

I have noticed more than once that when you sculpt characters, then in the process, they themselves begin to show character and suggest what kind of nose, mouth and eyes they want to have.

The same thing happened with this Angel. After sculpting the mouth, I realized what he wants to be.

Here you can see the whole angel. Unfortunately, the photo does not convey that his dress shimmers in silver.

Who wants to learn how to sculpt such faces for dolls and create similar works, then I have a training course on this topic.

It's on discount now.

The festive New Year couple is about to begin and it's time to give gifts!

If you want to make a gift for yourself or your loved ones, you can make such an angel.

When I sculpted an angel, I wanted him to become the keeper of warmth and love in the family.

Please write in the comments below - Are you interested in such works on creating clay paintings and decorating notebooks with polymer clay?

And would you also like master classes on decorating notebooks or, perhaps, gatherings on this topic?

I will be glad feedback

Hey! Do you love to sculpt? Today, modern materials for needlework are available to almost everyone and provide unlimited opportunities for making a wide variety of handicrafts with your own hands. For example, from Fimo polymer clay, you can easily and easily make a lot of original products for yourself: jewelry (brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, beads, pendants) and for the interior of your home: paintings and various crafts, spending relatively little money - get exclusive things! Watch, get inspired and create!

Getting to work, you first need to knead the clay in your hands. If the clay is very soft, it will stick to your hands while working on roses and may even leave fingerprints. To avoid this, you need to put it for a while between two sheets of paper, hold it, roll it and leave it to lie down for a couple of hours. Excess plasticizer in the form of a greasy spot will come out and the clay can be used.

For roses, we roll up a sausage 4-5 mm in diameter, cut small pieces also about 4-5 mm long with the blade of a clerical knife. The first petal is a twisted bud. And we attach the remaining petals one by one, wrapping the bud. The top of the petal can be thinner and the bottom thicker. We apply all the petals of the rose and lightly press only the lower part. 5-6 petals are enough, or more if you want to make roses more lush. We bake (putting roses on sewing needles and pins) in the oven. 25 minutes at 110*. We stick needles into a regular sponge for washing dishes.

Such beauty will turn out if you assemble a bouquet from ready-made roses, put it in a vase, also made of polymer clay. To decorate the picture, use a soft silk fabric, which we drape beautifully.

Lovely pictures of home interiors.

Favorite cafe.

Rural landscapes.

Summer pictures with seascapes and flowers.

Very delicate bouquet in an oval frame.

Another bouquet in a round vase.

Lilac is a magnificent flower, which, like a rose, looks elegant and gentle in any kind of art and creativity. According to the modeling method, the lilac flower is considered the simplest.

The panel can be made with one branch of lilac and a whole bouquet, it will look very beautiful in any case.

This master class uses an interesting idea of ​​​​combining polymer clay modeling and dry pastel painting.

Necessary materials:

  • dry pastel (crayons),
  • polymer self-hardening clay (I took the Japanese DECO, as it is light, almost weightless). Colors: white, red, blue, green, yellow;
  • cardboard frame,
  • textured sheet - to give texture to the leaves or a special plastic mold (optional),
  • Jumbo tool - serves to give small petals a convex shape (optional),
  • stamens - for the middle of the lilac flower,
  • scissors,
  • toothpicks,
  • glue gun.

Step 1: Mix the clay in the right proportion to get the desired shades.

We begin to sculpt lilac flowers, making a drop of about 1-1.5 cm in length from a small amount of clay. With scissors we make two cuts (perpendicular to each other) in the wider part of the droplet. To make the lilac seem more believable - we make three cuts in some flowers - for five-leaf flowers.

To make the lilac seem more “alive”, the color shades of flowers and leaves should be different. Lilac, for example, should go from light lilac, almost white, to dark lilac, with hints of burgundy and purple.

Step 2: Form the petals.

We form a small droplet.

Instead of a special jumbo tool, you can use a drumstick or xylophone stick, or glue a pencil with a bead.

Insert a stamen into the center of the finished flower. Ready (purchased) stamen can also be replaced with a small piece of yellow clay.

To make unopened lilac leaves - leave the cut parts of the droplet together, slightly connect them back to each other and press down on top. Unopened lilac leaves are usually a darker shade than open ones.

Flowers can be glued to the panel only after they have completely dried, that is, in a day.

More than 400 flowers were molded for my 50x70 cm panel. It's 3 weeks of work.

Step 3: Leaves.

For sculpting leaves, you can use a special mold.

From a small piece of clay you need to roll a drop.

Flatten it in the form of a sheet on a special plastic mold, then press and carefully remove.

If there is no special mold, you can make veins on the sheets with a toothpick.

Or, having rolled out a small layer, put a textured leaf on it, with real lilacs and roll it on top with a rolling pin. The leaf must be lived with veins on the plastic. And without removing the leaf, cut off the excess clay with a clerical knife, giving the shape of a leaf.

Step 4: Draw the main elements of the picture.

We draw on cardboard from under the frame, and then paint over with pastel the main elements of the picture - the background, the vase, the shadow from the vase.

In order for the pastel to not get dirty, it is advisable to cover everything that is drawn with pastel with a special varnish (or hairspray) to fix the background.

Step 5: Create a composition.

We begin to distribute the lilacs over the composition (twigs). We glue the lilac leaves with a glue gun so that the unblown flowers (they are most often darker in color) are on the outside of the branch, at the top.

Creative inspiration to all!

Sincerely, Yulia Naidun.

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