How to take beautiful selfie poses at home. Secrets of cool selfies. Important tips for guys and girls on how to take beautiful selfies at home


How to take good selfies? We have collected for you best secrets that will help you look perfect in your pictures! Let's take a look at all of them.


The first step to the perfect selfie is proper makeup. Remember that the photos do not show everything as clearly as in real life. That is why the make-up of stars and the make-up of actors is always so bright. Use this fact to your advantage. So how do you take good selfies?

  • Lips can be visually enlarged if you slightly (!!!) go beyond the natural line with a pencil when drawing.
  • Too much contouring can make the nose much narrower. To do this, you need to walk along the wings of the nose with a dark concealer, and then gently shade it. And on the “central strip”, which runs along the nose, and on the tip, you need to apply a little highlighter.
  • If you take a breath during the picture and draw in air a little with your nose, then the wings of the nose will slightly decrease.
  • The emphasis in makeup should be on one thing. Remember: either bright and juicy lips, or expressive eyes.
  • Take a test photo and see all your makeup flaws. You will know in advance what does not suit you in the photo. And it's easy to fix right there.
  • Fill in some eyebrows if necessary. They should have a beautiful shape and a rich shade.
  • Don't go overboard with foundation. Its tone should match your skin. Smeared pimples with a ton of tonalka look terrible.
  • Remember clean hair and a neat appearance.

Light and environment

Light plays the most important role in framing a shot. There are three lighting options for a good selfie:

  1. Daylight. To do this, you need to stand directly in front of the window and avoid anything that can create unwanted shadows on the face. With such lighting, the skin becomes bright, and the eyes glow with a special magnetism.
  2. artificial light. Professional spotlights or ring lamps are suitable for this. With such lighting, there are beautiful highlights in the eyes, and makeup is very clearly visible. It also creates a soft shadowless light, which is ideal for portraits.
  3. Distant light. All the same day. But it is necessary not to be located directly under the window, but somewhere further away from it. Such lighting has its advantages: the photo is not very clear, and all the shortcomings become invisible.

Do not take pictures under the yellow light from the lamp, especially during twilight or night.

Sometimes you can diversify your selfies with interesting objects and accessories.

  • Experiment with eye color. Buy colored lenses and try to take a couple of shots.
  • Buy multi-colored wigs. Change of image is always interesting.
  • Use a variety of headbands, ears, wreaths, tiaras, mono-earrings, and other jewelry.
  • The background can be anything, but ideally it is better to choose plain walls so as not to distract the viewer's attention.

Camera, poses and angles

How beautiful it is to get a selfie photo, especially for a girl? In addition to the main camera of the phone, you can use the camera of the Instagram application.

The main camera does not mirror photos, so we like ourselves much less on it. But the Instagram application shoots us the way we used to see ourselves in the mirror.

How to choose the right angle? If you take a picture of yourself from the top corner and do not raise your head (the phone should be higher than the person), then the face will look sweet and innocent. And if from the bottom corner, raising his head, then cunning and sexy.

If you want to raise your eyebrows a little in the photo, then you need to separate two thin curls on the sides and tie them with an elastic band in a small tight ponytail between the hair at the back. Instant lift guaranteed!


You should not heavily process your photos, and even more so fill them with blur (blur). It looks rather vulgar, tasteless and vulgar. The fashion for overly processed photos is a thing of the past.

One of the most popular selfie editing apps are Facetune And Snapseed. IN Snapseed With the help of the Brush tool, you can process your photos well. The technique is simple: you need to lighten and darken certain same areas of your skin as with makeup.

FROM applause

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.

After the advent of social Instagram networks Selfie photos have become a particularly popular trend in photography. More and more users are joining this network, millions of new photos are posted daily on personal pages. However, not everyone who owns a smartphone with a camera knows how to take a beautiful selfie, what poses and ideas to use to make this frame interesting for subscribers. This is a whole art and our today's review will help you figure out how to take photos that will collect the maximum number of likes on social networks.

How to do it right

Today, even world stars and presidents of states post pictures of their own faces on social networks.

In 2013, in the UK, the word "selfie" became so popular that it was included in the Oxford Dictionaries.

Although in Russia this art of photography has not gained such large-scale popularity, there are a lot of fans of snapping themselves on camera. Moreover, this passion for "selfies" is manifested not only in girls, but also in many guys. But making a beautiful selfie that will resonate with the audience is not so easy.

There are several unspoken rules How to take a good selfie photo:

  1. Watch out for lighting. A picture taken in daylight will give shine to the hair, smooth skin, illuminate the iris of the eyes and make them brighter. When photographing in twilight, you are always at risk - it can both spoil the photo and make it mysterious and charming. Play with the light and you will definitely find your edge.
  2. Nothing ruins a selfie like having no background. Many people like to take selfies at home, but usually such pictures turn out to be boring and of the same type. It is much more interesting to go outside and take a picture against the blue sky or a painted wall. Even a photo in the shopping center mirror will look much more lively and interesting than a home selfie. However, a couple of shots hugging your favorite teddy bear, with a pet or buried in a blanket can be posted on Instagram with the hashtag #cute.
  3. Shoot your face from the right angle. It is known that the left and right sides of the face are slightly different from each other. Try taking a selfie by turning your head to the left and then to the right, and see which side you're more photogenic on. When shooting, it is recommended to lift the phone up, so the eyes visually appear wider. Experiment, turn your face in different directions, and you will definitely find the right angle.

To create a beautiful selfie with a large background capture, it is recommended to use a special selfie monopod.

By moving the phone further away from you, you can fit more people into the frame or capture some incredible natural backdrop. Another useful device for taking selfies is a silicone case with a sticky back. Everything is simple here - put a case on your phone, stick it to something (glass, mirror, wood, stone, etc.), and take pictures of yourself at least in full growth.

But what you should not do is take selfies at serious events, for example, at religious ceremonies, memorial services or funerals, this is considered bad form.


Typical sexy poses and “cute” duckface are, of course, good, but when there are millions of such photos, it’s very easy to get lost in the crowd. Only pictures with non-standard poses, bright accessories in the frame or incredible nature in the background make you draw attention to yourself.

For girls

There are not so many poses for creating a selfie, because when shooting on an outstretched arm, usually only the girl’s face and chest are visible in the photo. Therefore, the pose must be chosen so as not to distort the proportions of the body and emphasize the depth of the eyes. The best shots are obtained when shooting at an angle, the back must be straight, and the chin slightly raised to avoid the formation of wrinkles on the neck.

Full-face selfies are best avoided altogether, as the camera tends to enlarge the nose, and such shots are rarely successful.

A girl's selfie will look bright and unusual against the background of some sight.

To capture more of the background, raise the camera above you. Also don't be afraid to take funny selfies, girls with a sense of humor are especially attractive. For example, use oversized glasses or a funny hat for a selfie. Grimacing, fooling around, because these are the photos that look “alive” and are very successful. Selfies in the gym, where the girl shoots herself in the mirror and stands in a half-turned position, showing the relief of her figure, are very popular with the opposite sex.

For men

In order not to look like a narcissist, it is better for men not to excel in finding extraordinary poses. Take pictures of yourself against a beautiful background, in extreme or unusual situations, near sports cars, with celebrities, with animals, and likes and subscriptions are guaranteed. Well, to consolidate the result, do not forget to add brutal selfie photos with gym where you stand in the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger pose.


Running out of selfie ideas? Then read below, especially for you, we have prepared several ideas that will help you create beautiful and original "selfies".

For home

Home decor is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas for selfies.

To create a beautiful, romantic shot, lie down on the bed, hang your head slightly over the edge, raise your hand with the camera up and back a little, and bend the other hand and bring it to your face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips. In the frame, the eyes will protrude in the foreground, then the lips with a playful hand, and then in the background, slightly blurred, the contours of your figure.
For a selfie at home, do not forget to use any attributes, be it a mug of tea, a book, a plush toy, a pillow, and so on. The pictures taken in the process of cooking look original, when the girl is standing in an apron, with a kitchen mitt and a ladle, and at the same time “conjures” over the pan.

For girlfriends

The best attribute for a selfie with girlfriends would be a mirror, because when shooting at arm's length it is quite difficult to fit two or three faces in the frame. Poses for such shooting can be anything. Seeing yourself in the mirror, try different options:

  • hug each other;
  • fool around;
  • bounce;
  • smile sweetly;
  • make funny faces;
  • eat ice cream;
  • drink a cocktail from a straw.

And do not forget about accessories, the pose of cool girls with glasses is still relevant. Hats, scarves, glasses, wigs, headbands with ears greatly affect the dynamics of the photo and make it much more interesting. You can experiment with mirrors, a doubled or even tripled selfie looks extraordinary.

For lovers

Taking a selfie of a couple in love is called "relfi", that is, a romantic selfie.

Classic selfies are shot in bed in an embrace with your soulmate. However, even such pictures can be original and interesting. For example, the two of you lie down exactly at the same height, press your heads tightly against each other and take a picture so that half of your partner's face and you are in the frame, visually you should be two halves of one whole. Original, symbolic and simple. By the way, you can still work on this photo - enlarge and crop to eye level. Then in the center of the frame there will be two eyes, but different people.

Another pose that causes bouts of love and tenderness in the audience is when the couple stands as close as possible opposite each other, slightly tilting their heads down, touching their foreheads and closing their eyes. Only the faces of lovers should be in the frame.

The selfie taken from the angle above the head of the couple will look original. The lovers stand embracing, look up, their eyes shine. But when setting up such a shot, take care of the background, as it will be visible. This pose can be the basis for many other ideas - lying on the grass, sitting on the bed, in the water, in the car, on the merry-go-rounds. The main thing is that there are two in the frame, and they are in love.

In conclusion, I would like to add that selfies are momentary entertainment.

You should not spend a lot of time creating "the same" frame.

If it doesn't come out now, then it will work out next time. Don't let social media become your source of leisure. Remember that life is in full swing around you, where there should always be a place for entertainment, walks in the park, travel, live communication, sports, books, family, pets and much more.

Rodion Danilov

Inspired by the success of the Ellen DeGeneres selfie and other popular self-portraits, we decided to figure out what rules to follow so that your selfie gets the maximum number of likes.

Treat yourself
with humor

One of better ways to diversify the stream of monotonous selfies is a competition #SelfieOlympics. Its participants are trying to outdo each other in the absurdity of the photographs taken: someone is photographed in a pool with balls and with Pikachu in the background, someone is in a bath and on a bicycle, etc.

take pictures
with celebrities

Of course, Ellen DeGeneres' selfies are certainly popular, but a dozen famous Hollywood actors at the Oscars, she made her photo many times more popular: even if you don't like her jokes, you can laugh at Kevin Spacey or admire Jennifer Lawrence.

climb up
to a hard to reach place

Selfies taken in space, on mountaintops, or in other hard-to-reach places are predictably popular. One of the most successful selfies of this type is that of astronaut Mike Hopkins, who increased his chances of success by photographing himself with the Earth in the background.

Take a selfie even if
you are not expected to

This rule works best for those who may not even have learned the word "selfie" yet. For example, when Pope Francis agreed to take a selfie with teenagers last year, it sparked media surprise and cemented Francis' status as the most courageous and democratic pope in recent years.


Typically photobombers are younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs doing lewd things behind you. Before you take a selfie, make sure that no one is lurking behind you, waiting for the moment to spoil the shot. On the other hand, such provocations can play into your hands if you have enough self-irony. As practice shows, such photos can be very funny and “like-intensive”.

A detailed guide for selfie lovers. We will tell you how to take photos that get a lot of likes.

In the era of gadgets and Instagram, the traditional photo is losing ground a little, especially against the backdrop of the popular selfie. Such a photo does not require a special occasion: you can take a good selfie, both in line at the checkout at the supermarket, and against the backdrop of a sleeping neighbor. Selfies a priori have a piquant dynamism, so even a staged selfie usually comes out an order of magnitude more emotional than a standard photo. However, despite the fact that the culture of self-photography has already become widespread, many still do not know how to take selfies correctly. At least the one you won't have to blush for later.

It is not surprising, because the elementary selfie is just its initial level. Without additional skills, you are unlikely to take a photo that can collect thousands of likes. Moreover, there is a risk that your photo will simply be lost in a crowd of other similar ones (especially if you take a selfie on mass event, concert or festival).

"Then how to take a selfie photo? - you ask. We will try to answer clearly, but to the point.

The basic guidelines for a successful selfie intersect with the traditional rules of photography. First, always pay attention to the background, sometimes even a small detail (like a sock falling out of the closet) can spoil the photo. If you are taking a selfie Houses, this rule must be strictly observed. After all, in the photo, the suspicious guy in the distance in the park looks much more acceptable than your father's legs, in front of the TV.

Also, for a selfie at home, we draw your attention to how to take a selfie in the mirror. For starters, we advise you not to take a selfie with the front camera and remember that all the inscriptions in your frame will be mirrored. In addition, a photo with a flash will give a large flare on half the picture. Your picture will turn out much better if you stand in front of the mirror and take a selfie with the main camera (in addition, the screen of your gadget will be reflected and this will help to correct the photo).

Of course, don't forget how to hold your phone when taking a selfie:

  • If you hold the phone with one hand, then it is better to take it slightly to the side, and tilt your head;
  • If you want to photograph with two hands, stretch out your arms and photograph a little from above;

How to properly and beautifully take a selfie on the phone

The very essence of the selfie is simple, but there are surprises here. The basic formula for a good phone photo is something like this: background + lighting + good angle.

We have already written a little about the background. Choose interesting interiors and beautiful places (your storage closet is not interesting to anyone), and then your selfies will be original and uncomical (unless you yourself want it).

The issue of lighting in a selfie is very important. Remember what we said about the disadvantages of flash photography? So, good lighting will solve this problem for you. In fact, natural lighting is half the battle in selfie photography. By the way, if you still use additional light sources, then remember: the optimal location of the light source is in front of you at eye level.

And finally, the third component of a successful selfie is the angle. We advise you not to be photographed in full face, but to look for your “ideal angle”. Until you find it, use the recommendations of experts, experts advise taking photos at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees, raising the camera above your head.

How to take a selfie for a girl

In addition to lighting, background and angle, a fashionable selfie directly depends on general position body. Often a hunched shoulder or a tilted head to the wrong side is enough to ruin a photo. lucky selfie poses for girls- prevention of possible incidents. It is better for a beginner to use proven poses that will allow you to look advantageous in any outfit and hide figure flaws.

The following are considered universal selfie poses:

  • "half-turn" - frames make you slimmer, well emphasize the background;
  • "from above" - ​​emphasizes and visually enlarges the eyes and chest;
  • "Full length" - most often, a selfie in the mirror. For a graceful pose, it is recommended to turn the hips to the side, but look straight ahead;
  • “closer - further” - one person holds the camera, the other moves slightly back.

If you want original poses - experiment and don't be afraid to be yourself. A sincere smile, without strained “duck face” (duck lips), will allow you to avoid boring stereotypes. Originality is what you should strive for. Although, of course, originality should be appropriate.

For instance, selfie girls better to do without trying to add a few years to yourself. Young ladies go to be photographed with animals, or fool around with friends. Such bright and cheerful selfies for girls are what you need. Girls do not need catchy makeup, lip gloss will be enough, but bright selfie for women fits much better. Highlighter for face tone, bright lipstick, mascara - all this will successfully emphasize the image and, most importantly, will not look ridiculous.

How to take a selfie for a guy

Contrary to what might be believed, today's guys love selfies just as much as girls do. At least because selfie for men may become exclusive. calling card: what places he visits, what he enjoys, where he works.

And although the general idea and approach to taking a selfie is universal (remember the background, lighting and angle), in terms of choosing poses for men, the rule applies: the simpler the better. A man who adopts a sophisticated pose will most likely be considered not original, but a narcissistic "narcissist".

It is better for a man to focus on the background, or action. For example, very often men take selfies while doing extreme sports using monopod or at the gym. Such selfies are perceived with a bang in in social networks. And, men, a little trick: to emphasize the shoulders, turn the body to the camera, and the hips to the side.

By the way, do not believe those who say that monopods are "only for girls." A selfie taken on a monopod is not tied to gender. The main thing is to use the monopod in place. That is, a selfie on a yacht, a cable car or ... a horse is cool. But a selfie taken on a monopod while lying in bed is overkill.

For those who have read to the end, we tell you the secret ingredient of a successful selfie: the main thing is that you sincerely like yourself in the photo. Love your photos, and thousands of likes will not take long.

Everyone can take a selfie. Only a few people can take a good selfie. At first glance, the matter is simple. But in practice, in most cases, terrible pictures come out. In many ways, from non-observance of the elementary rules of photography and not the ability to choose a style. In this post, I will talk about how to take a selfie to be admired.

A good selfie always attracts attention. However, as practice shows, only a small part of lovers of this type of photo can take a beautiful selfie regularly. For the rest, it rarely turns out beautiful, by a happy coincidence. But, in order not to rely on chance, I decided to collect some important criteria for a good self to help you answer the question - " how to take a beautiful selfie". Criteria I arranged in order of greatest influence.

Selfie (selfie, crossbow) - This is the kind of photo where the photographer takes a picture of himself. In fact, selfies include photos of your limbs and other parts of the body. But, I used to understand by selfie - photographs, where the face of the photographer is necessarily present, in whole or in part. Otherwise, for a selfie, you can also take a photo of the ass placed on the whole picture, which does not correspond to the spirit of the selfie.

+50% selfie beauty for good lighting

Pictures taken in daylight are much better than those taken in artificial light. Therefore, strive to selfie on the street during the daytime. If you're indoors, consider making yourself by the window.

Regardless of which lighting you choose, the main light should be on the same side as the camera. If you're taking a window selfie, make sure it's in front of you, not behind or to the side. The same applies to the street in sunny weather. The sun must illuminate you from the front, otherwise the camera will just darken you.

Avoid unnecessary shadows from objects between you and the light source. You may not notice, but half of your head in the selfie will be covered in shadow. This is not very aesthetically pleasing, unless it was part of the plans of the photographer who caught the successful play of the shadow in combination with the face.

Don't use flash. Only professional photographers know how to use it to create good photos in a dark place. But even for them it will be very difficult to take a beautiful selfie with a flash. I have not reached the level of giving advice to professional photographers, so I think there are few of those among my readers. Just forget the flash.

+25% for correctly chosen style, angle and background

Depending on what you want to convey through a selfie, you must choose a style. If you want to emphasize the photo on your face, then it should take up at least a quarter of the picture. This style is more often used by girls to show makeup or just a beautiful face.

To demonstrate not only your face, but also your torso, move the camera to arm's length. So you can show your body, any object, an event happening nearby, well, everything that you can fit into the frame. In this case, you will have to make sure that not only you, but also what you want to show turned out well on the selfie. Some people prefer to use a mirror in this case, but keep in mind that such pictures lose quality and lighting, as the photographer cannot properly orientate with the light.

If you are taking a global selfie, use a monopod. For example, to take a selfie with a large number of people, to show the nature around you, or the atmosphere at an event. So your selfie will be more voluminous and convey more than a shot taken with an outstretched hand that covers part of the photo.

Having decided on the style, move on to finding the best angle and background. If you are photographing a face, then the background will matter less. A good camera position when shooting a face is slightly above the eyes. Do not take face selfies with a camera that is below the chin. These pictures never come out pretty. Also remember that by bringing the camera too close to your face, you will get not a beautiful, but at best, a funny selfie.

Pay attention to the background if you are taking a selfie with a monopod or at arm's length. A selfie will turn out much better if not only you, but also everything that surrounds you looks good on it.

+13% for a beautiful pose, facial expressions and natural emotions

Your charisma will help you with this. Work in front of a mirror on your facial expressions and postures. Try head turns, different views of the camera, right, left, up, down, corners. Experiment. Determine your "working side", that is, the side that you look best on. Remember the posture, head turn, gaze, and camera position that took the best selfie. This will come in handy later on when you need to take a selfie in an unexpected situation.

+6% for good photo quality

Taking selfies with the front camera is very convenient. But, most often, this camera has worse qualities than the main one. Try to learn how to take a selfie with the main camera, intuitively guessing your position in the photo. This skill is acquired with practice.

An even cooler selfie will turn out on a professional or semi-professional camera. Some cameras are equipped with a program that allows you to control it from your smartphone. Just point the camera at yourself, and, looking at the screen of your smartphone, adjust your position. Get a very good quality selfie.

+3% for uniqueness and creativity

Selfies are very popular on the Internet and a huge number of people take the same pictures, standing at the same sights, in the same poses, with the same grimaces. Try to make something unique or add creativity to what is already there. I know it doesn't work for everyone and not always. But if you succeed, your selfie will be admired.

+2% for relevance

If it's autumn outside, transform your selfie into autumn colors. Soon New Year? Try to convey the festive mood. Relevance is an indicator of something new. And in terms of content, new is always better. So, if you want your selfies to sparkle with freshness, keep an eye on what's going on around you.

+1% for a good filter and processing

The perfect selfie usually doesn't need to be edited. But there is no limit to perfection. Scrolling through the feed on Instagram, sometimes I come across publications to which filters have been selected, as if they were created specifically for these photos. Try experimenting with processing. Maybe you can make your selfie a little prettier.

To summarize all of the above advice, practice more and take more frames at a time to increase the chances of a successful shot.

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