Tire storage business plan. Terms and conditions of tire storage. Does horizontal storage affect their operation. The unwritten rules for tire placement during storage


  • Premises selection
  • financial calculation
  • How much money do you need to start a seasonal tire storage business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for seasonal storage of tires
  • What documents are needed to open a company providing seasonal tire storage services
  • Which taxation system to choose for registering a seasonal tire storage business
  • Do I need permission to open a company providing seasonal tire storage services?

With each seasonal tire change, car owners face the question of where to store the rubber. Well, if you have your own garage, but what about those who live in apartments and no longer have any premises where rubber can be stored? It was this occasion that led to the opening of a separate line of business - the so-called "hotels" for seasonal storage of tires. Wheels are stored in heated and well-ventilated rooms, where direct sunlight does not fall. The rubber is properly monitored - carefully dried and packaged. Such warehouses are a modern high-tech service, where everything is in its clearly marked places…

Rubber storage service is one of the types of business

The rubber storage service is exclusively urban and not of Russian origin at all. In Europe, a similar business has existed for decades, which is called the "Tire Hotel" - a hotel for storing tires.

It is better to open your own seasonal tire storage business with a working tire fitting - in fact, the client base has already been formed. This, however, is what most tire shops do, which have free space for this purpose.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Tire Storage Service

If the business opens what is called “from scratch”, then significant investments in advertising will be required. At a minimum, you need to bypass all the nearby tire services and offer them cooperation. Another mandatory marketing tool is your website on the Internet. In large cities and metropolitan areas, people have long learned to find services using the Internet. Therefore, without a website, you can miss the lion's share of customers.

Such a service can be offered not only if the client does not have his own place to store rubber. According to experts, proper care is important for rubber, and it must be stored at a certain temperature and humidity. Tires should never be stored upright - they should be hung or placed in a horizontal position, ideally on wooden pallets. Tires that are not mounted in a rim must be stored upright and should be rotated every four weeks to avoid pressure in one place only. They should not be hung and stacked one on top of the other. Deformations, microcracks, loss of strength and elasticity - all these are the consequences of improper storage of tires.

Of course, few car owners follow these rules - often the rubber is thrown somewhere in a dusty corner of the garage and lies there until the next season. Therefore, if you correctly explain to the car owner the benefits of this service, even those who already have a place to store tires can use it. Here is just some confirmation of the increasingly popular tire storage service:

This is an image from the "coupon", which shows that more than 500 people used the service of the Shinohran company.

Premises selection

To organize a business, you need a fairly spacious room. It is logical that the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more rubber can be accommodated, and therefore earn more.

The calculation is something like this: a set of tires (4 wheels) takes about 1m2 (depending on the storage method), respectively, 100 sets - 100m2. At the same time, it is not necessary to rent a large warehouse. This amount of rubber can fit in a much smaller area, due to the installation of two or three storey rack systems.

What equipment to choose for tire storage

The arrangement of a warehouse can take from 100 thousand rubles or more, depending on the condition and size of the premises. What can the money be spent on? In order to store rubber, you will need to purchase racks, racks or pallets.

For supporting desired temperature installation of an air conditioning and ventilation system is required. Do not forget about the condition of the walls and ceiling, the repair of which can also take a certain amount (elementary whitewashing). To create the same site for advertising services, you need at least 30,000 rubles.

financial calculation

Now about income. The cost of seasonal storage of one set of tires (4 wheels) averages from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the diameter of the wheels. Or monthly storage of rubber may be offered, for example, 100 rubles / month per wheel. When the rubber is deposited, the car owner is issued a receipt. The return of wheels is carried out only on this paper.

From a room with an area of ​​​​500m2 for six months you can get: 500 sets x 2000 rubles per set = 1,000,000 rubles or 166,000 per month. From the amount received, you will have to subtract:

  • Warehouse rental - 20,000 per month
  • Tax (UTII or USN) - 10,000 per month
  • Salary and insurance contributions (1 employee) - 20,000 per month
  • Consumables (detergents, processing agents, etc.) - 5,000 per month
  • Advertising - 15,000 per month
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month
  • General monthly expenses- 80,000 per month.

How much can you earn from a tire storage service

From here, the approximate monthly profit will be: 166,000 - 80,000 = 86,000 rubles. This is, of course, subject to client base in 500 people (which still needs to be able to turn out).

It is extremely difficult to determine the profitability of this business - a lot depends on the abilities of the business organizer. But there are facts that indicate whether or not you should open a seasonal tire storage business. For example, such a “banal” indicator as the number of city residents and their standard of living. Small and medium-sized cities of the Russian hinterland with a population of up to 200 thousand inhabitants are immediately excluded. After all, not every citizen can afford to allocate 2000-3000 rubles for six months, for "some kind of storage of rubber."

Car owners in large cities are faced with the problem of storing seasonal tires. Few have a rented garage, not to mention their own real estate of this type, and you don’t want to litter the balcony at all, because these are quite voluminous products, which also require certain storage conditions. Many aspiring entrepreneurs, realizing this problem, start their own seasonal tire storage business.

In this article, we will discuss step by step algorithm opening your warehouse, as well as draw conclusions whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business Features

If you start with complete zero, without a premises, then such a business may show low profitability or even go into the red, since it takes time to develop a customer base, and rent must be paid monthly, the cost of which in large cities is very high.

If you are the owner of a room where you can make a warehouse, then the business idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstoring tires may suit you, you will only need to additionally equip it and provide conditions for normal storage of rubber.

And the third option, the most profitable and effective, is an additional service for tire fitting. You already have an established customer base, and by posting an ad, you will quickly collect a full warehouse of wheels with tires for storage.

It is worth starting such a business in cities with a population of 200 thousand people or more. Since in the regions, the level of salaries simply will not allow residents of small towns to pay for tire storage services, and many of them have their own garages or basements where they store all these products.

What space is suitable for a warehouse?

Garages, basement outbuildings, metal containers, which are usually installed on the territory of paid parking lots where it is guarded, and hangar-type premises can serve as storage facilities.

The location of the premises does not play a big role, but a warehouse located near your place of residence or in the case of tire fitting work will be a plus, so that it is convenient for you to take the wheels for storage and not drive through the whole city to show the storage conditions for a potential client.


It is believed that one set of tires (4 wheels) occupy an area in the warehouse, about 1 sq.m. Thus, in a room of 50 sq.m. you can safely lay out about 40 sets of rubber, but usually they build multi-level racks, three or even 4 sections in height, depending on the height of the ceilings in the building. And the useful working area is increased by at least three times, which will allow your business to store 120 sets of rubber on the same area.

Shelving is the main piece of equipment you will need. They are made from wood or metal. In fact, in cases of using wooden blocks that you can ask friends for or dismantle old designs of furniture and other used products, you can spend a minimum budget and make beautiful shelving. To give the appearance of the racks, they are painted in one color. Metal structures are more durable and reliable, but the price of buying metal and welding work will be rather big. If you work on the basis of tire fitting, you can also spend money on metal racks, they will pay off with interest.

The second point that must be observed is the storage conditions of rubber. Usually this is an indoor air temperature of 15 - 20 degrees, and a humidity of about 50%. To ensure these indicators in winter, it will be necessary to install a heating system to maintain the temperature, as well as a ventilation system to control the level of humidity in the room.

Security and security systems must be on top. Tires with rims are expensive goods, and by taking them into storage, you take responsibility for not being stolen. A good metal door, the price of which starts from $300 and up. An alarm system with motion sensors, video surveillance, and the subsequent connection of the warehouse for maintenance to security companies will help to avoid unpleasant situations with the loss of client property, and this is a very important point.

A fire protection system with smoke detectors is exactly what a warehouse should have. Rubber burns well and you need to provide maximum fire protection.

Tire storage care

In addition to the microclimate in the room, it is important to properly care for the rubber during the entire period they are in your warehouse.

There are several basic rules.

  1. Without installed discs, tires are stored on racks in a vertical position next to each other.
  2. If the disks are mounted, then storage is carried out in a horizontal position, laying the rubber in a stack on top of each other.
  3. Tires must be free of dirt and dry.
  4. The air pressure in the tires is halved.
  5. Once a month, the wheels with disks are shifted, and free-standing products on the racks are scrolled so that they do not stand in one position for 3-4 months and receive deformation from the walls of the rack. In addition, in this way you will dry them in case of condensation.

Among other things, the room should also be clean, for this it is enough to whitewash the walls and, if possible, lay tiles or linoleum on the floor in order to make it easier to clean.

Where to look for clients?

The next step to starting a tire storage business is to study and implement channels to attract target customers. There are several main approaches here.

  1. Advertising on online bulletin boards, with a detailed description of the service and prices, and be sure to indicate the address of the warehouse.
  2. Own website and contextual advertising.
  3. Posting ads in the residential area in which you plan to work.
  4. Advertising with paint and stencil on asphalt.

When the first customers go, word of mouth will begin to work.

If you plan to open a warehouse for seasonal tires based on a tire fitting or car service, then it will be enough to make a sign on the facade of the building, and customers themselves will recognize and order the service. This is another plus to work in this format.

Registration of activity

In order to work officially, it is important to complete all documents and obtain permits.

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is code 63.12. For Ukraine - code 52.10.
  • get a work permit from firefighters and SES.
  • staff if necessary.
  • If the premises are not yours, then sign a lease for the premises.

Since the cost of wheels or tires is high, you need to study the issue of insuring things and the warehouse as a whole from fire and other factors that may cause losses to your business. To do this, you can contact a lawyer who, among other things, will help you draw up a standard contract signed by you and the client.

How much can you earn from tire storage?

Prices for this service will vary depending on the region where you plan to work. On average, storing a set of tires (4 wheels) for the whole winter will cost the client $15 - $25. Or you can offer a monthly maintenance rate of about $5.5 - $7 a set of tires. Based on the number of customers and the saved rubber, you can calculate the approximate profit for the season and month separately.

Findings. Tire storage as a business is profitable only in combination with a car service or tire fitting, as it will allow them to earn money on an already compiled base of target customers. We do not recommend considering this activity as the main business.

With each seasonal tire change, car owners face the question of where to store the rubber. Well, if you have your own garage, but what about those who live in apartments and no longer have any premises where rubber can be stored? It was this occasion that led to the opening of a separate line of business - the so-called "hotels" for seasonal storage of tires. Wheels are stored in heated and well-ventilated rooms, where direct sunlight does not fall. The rubber is properly monitored - carefully dried and packaged. Such warehouses are a modern high-tech service, where everything is in its clearly marked places…

What is the article about:

Rubber storage service is one of the types of business

The rubber storage service is exclusively urban and not of Russian origin at all. In Europe, for decades there has been a similar business, which is called the “Tire Hotel” - a hotel for storing tires.

It is better to open your own seasonal tire storage business with a working tire fitting - in fact, the client base has already been formed. This, however, is what most tire shops do, which have free space for this purpose.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Tire Storage Service

If the business opens what is called “from scratch”, then significant investments in advertising will be required. At a minimum, you need to bypass all the nearby tire services and offer them cooperation. Another mandatory marketing tool is your website on the Internet. In large cities and metropolitan areas, people have long learned to find services using the Internet. Therefore, without a website, you can miss the lion's share of customers.

Such a service can be offered not only if the client does not have his own place to store rubber. According to experts, proper care is important for rubber, and it must be stored at a certain temperature and humidity. Tires should never be stored upright - they should be hung or placed in a horizontal position, ideally on wooden pallets. Tires that are not mounted in a rim must be stored upright and should be rotated every four weeks to avoid pressure in one place only. They should not be hung and stacked one on top of the other. Deformations, microcracks, loss of strength and elasticity - all these are the consequences of improper storage of tires.

Of course, few car owners follow these rules - often the rubber is thrown somewhere in a dusty corner of the garage and lies there until the next season. Therefore, if you correctly explain the benefits of this service to the car owner, even those who already have a place to store tires can use it. Here is just some confirmation of the increasingly popular tire storage service:

This is an image from the "coupon", which shows that more than 500 people used the service of the Shinohran company.

Premises selection

To organize a business, you need a fairly spacious room. It is logical that the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more rubber can be accommodated, and therefore earn more. The calculation is something like this: a set of tires (4 wheels) takes about 1m2 (depending on the storage method), respectively, 100 sets - 100m2. At the same time, it is not necessary to rent a large warehouse. This amount of rubber can fit in a much smaller area, due to the installation of two or three storey rack systems.

What equipment to choose for tire storage

The arrangement of a warehouse can take from 100 thousand rubles or more, depending on the condition and size of the premises. What can the money be spent on? In order to store rubber, you will need to purchase racks, racks or pallets. To maintain the desired temperature, it is necessary to install an air conditioning and ventilation system. Do not forget about the condition of the walls and ceiling, the repair of which can also take a certain amount (elementary whitewashing). To create the same site for advertising services, you need at least 30,000 rubles.

financial calculation

Now about income. The cost of seasonal storage of one set of tires (4 wheels) averages from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles, depending on the diameter of the wheels. Or monthly storage of rubber may be offered, for example, 100 rubles / month per wheel. When the rubber is deposited, the car owner is issued a receipt. The return of wheels is carried out only on this paper.

From a room with an area of ​​​​500m2 for six months you can get: 500 sets x 2000 rubles per set = 1,000,000 rubles or 166,000 per month. From the amount received, you will have to subtract:

  • Warehouse rental - 20,000 per month
  • Tax (UTII or STS) - 10,000 per month
  • Salary and insurance contributions (1 employee) - 20,000 per month
  • Consumables (detergents, treatment products, etc.) - 5,000 per month
  • Advertising - 15,000 per month
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month
  • Total monthly expenses - 80,000 per month.

How much can you earn from a tire storage service

From here, the approximate monthly profit will be: 166,000 - 80,000 \u003d 86,000 rubles. This, of course, subject to the presence of a client base of 500 people (which still needs to be able to develop).

It is extremely difficult to determine the profitability of this business - a lot depends on the abilities of the business organizer. But there are facts that indicate whether or not you should open a seasonal tire storage business. For example, such a “banal” indicator as the number of city residents and their standard of living. Small and medium-sized cities of the Russian hinterland with a population of up to 200 thousand inhabitants are immediately excluded. After all, not every citizen can afford to allocate 2000-3000 rubles for six months, for “some kind of storage of rubber”.

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Businessman, investor.
For communication:

An article about how you can and how not to store car tires, depending on various factors and conditions. At the end of the article - a video about 3 basic rules for storing tires.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not pay much attention to this issue. But the wrong choice of tire storage method can lead to a deterioration in their properties and technical parameters. This is especially true of winter tires, because in winter the safety of all road users depends on their quality properties.

General storage requirements

  • Each wheel must be marked. indicating the installation location on the vehicle. If necessary, you can mark the outer and inner sides of the tire.
  • Check pressure before storage(if the tire will be stored installed on the rim) with a pressure gauge, if necessary, bring its indicator to the values ​​​​recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Wash the wheel thoroughly after removal., inspect the entire tread surface. Remove stones and other foreign objects from the tread, make sure there are no cracks.
These requirements are the absolute minimum that must be met at every seasonal tire change.

Storage with or without disks

Many car owners are faced with the question of whether it will be correct to store rubber on disks or whether their removal is prerequisite? It can be stated unequivocally that both methods are acceptable, but there are a large number of nuances for each and them.

On disks

If this type of storage has been chosen, then the necessary requirements should be followed to prevent deformation and deterioration of the rubber properties. Under no circumstances should tires be mounted vertically on rims. If space permits, you need to lay a wooden pallet on the floor, on which to store the wheels horizontally. It is allowed to stack them on top of each other.

Some motorists hang the wheels from the ceiling. This type of storage is acceptable, especially when space is limited in the garage.

Without discs

With the storage method without disks, all the rules are opposite to those described above. Horizontal storage, stacking of tires and hanging is prohibited.

Installation is allowed only in a vertical position, and every three to four weeks the rubber must be rotated. A good solution would be to assemble a special rack that will be attached to the wall.

Ignoring these rules can lead to severe deformation of the tires and the subsequent impossibility of balancing at the tire fitting, that is, complete damage.

Storage at home

How not to store

  • On the balcony, if it is not glazed. This type of tire storage is equivalent to street storage. Aggressive exposure to cold, wind, sun and moisture can cause permanent damage in three months.
  • In the common apartment vestibule, on the landing and other places of mass passage of residents of the house. In addition to the inconvenience that the wheels will create, fire safety requirements are also violated, since in the event of an emergency, the evacuation of people will be difficult.
  • Next to hot batteries, under flowing pipes, in cold unheated rooms. Such storage conditions will affect the quality of the rubber surface, which will subsequently lose its performance properties.
  • On floors with sharp edges or uneven surfaces. This will cause deformation and damage to the tire, which will lead to the impossibility of its further use.

How can you store

  • Glazed heated balcony apartments or houses.
  • Dry storage room. This is a clean and dry place without temperature differences, exposure to sunlight. As a rule, pantries are dark, which is one of the positive factors for rubber storage. It is only necessary to make sure that moist air and steam from the kitchen or bathroom do not get into the pantry. It is also not allowed to store various chemicals nearby.
  • Heated garage. Chemicals should not be stored near the tires, and sparks and open flames should not fall on the rubber itself during the work. However, if the garage is metal, then it is undesirable to store winter tires in it in the summer, because in this case the effect of temperature difference is great - during the day it is very hot in the garage, and at night the temperature inside drops. Such vibrations will lead to cracking of the rubber.
  • dry cellar, if the temperature in it is more or less constant, and the humidity is within the normal range.

The influence of various factors on the safety of tires

When storing rubber at home, there are many factors that can affect its further condition.
  1. Room temperature. A feature of modern high-quality rubber is strict adherence to temperature regime. Negative values ​​are not recommended, but above +25 degrees is not allowed. For this reason, an unheated garage is not suitable, as is storage near radiators, heat guns and other heat sources.
  2. Sun rays. Their impact leads to drying and cracking of rubber. Cracks during visual inspection may not be detected, however, if the wheel falls into a pit during movement, then the likelihood that it will burst increases several times.
  3. Humidity. Tires with or without rims may only be stored in a dry place. It is not recommended to pack them in plastic bags, which create ideal conditions for moisture condensation. If tires are stored together with disks, then the latter begin to rust. Special non-woven bags are commercially available for storing wheels, and a separate bag is needed for each wheel.
  4. Chemical substances, of which there are a large number in any garage, have a destructive effect on tires. These substances are various oils, gasoline, acids.
  5. Deformation. Long-term storage in one position causes deformation of the rubber. It is recommended to turn it over from time to time.
  6. Storage periods. Depending on the composition of the rubber, the shelf life of a tire may vary, but usually it does not exceed six years. After this period, the use of the tire becomes unsafe.
Compliance with all the rules listed above will help keep the rubber in good condition for many seasons, and its use will not lead to traffic accidents and other undesirable consequences.
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