Little coffee shops. How to open your own coffee shop from scratch, complete step by step instructions. How to attract customers in "coffee to go": advertising methods


As you know, I worked in Cian. Cyan is the largest website for renting and selling real estate in Russia. When you have a treasury of diamonds at hand, you constantly willy-nilly look at these sparkling pebbles from afar or close.

Over the weekend, I got a hobby - I spent hours flipping through the pages of the site and studying offers for renting and buying real estate from all categories: from grandmother's sheds on Sadovoye to commercial space and ready-made businesses.

Once I was lucky - I saw an advertisement for the sale of small pavilions in a business center under construction on Baumanskaya. The price was suspiciously low for such a chic place and unspeakably high for my wallet, because I just bought myself a new building, which I am currently renovating.

I called a friend: “Denis, buy a room. Let's open a coffee shop there. Office plankton drinks coffee all the time, the cost of a glass of slurry is 12-18 rubles, they sell for 150 and more. Think for yourself, this is a goldmine! And he took and bought.

They decided that I put my mind, strength and activity. Denis is money.

Before that, I had never had offline businesses, but I read the cool book “Business as a Game” from the creators of Mosigra (this book is definitely the fastest and most fun way to learn about the main stones when opening something offline) and thought that nothing there is no complicated.

I came up with the concept: “Coffee from around the world”, . And I thought that in my coffee point there would be all the most beautiful and, yep, craft.

The first thing that bothered me was that a coffee shop needed equipment, and I had no idea what kind. I didn't want to buy the wrong thing and waste my money. Therefore, I decided that I needed a consultant for the purchase of equipment. Barista manager. I posted job ads on several sites, wrote who I needed, with what experience and competencies. People started calling. I weeded out twenty people at the stage of the first calls, negotiations to send me a resume and an interview. I invited eight people to the office of Denis's company, talked and realized that you can't make coffee with such people. One seemed reasonable. He said that he worked in large companies, he opened the network himself. His name was Eugene. In fact, Eugene was given carte blanche to create an ideal workplace for himself.

I won’t go into details, I’ll just say that in two weeks it turned out that Evgeny’s entire work experience was a fiction, and the only thing he was capable of was googling and sending me pages of sections of sites with equipment with the words “choose a coffee machine here” . In short, we broke up. And I decided to go the other way. And I signed up for a three-hour master class with a title like “how to open a coffee shop”, where I learned everything that I needed (now I can conduct such myself).

Here are some useful things from there:
- you can not buy any equipment at all, but rent it from a tea and coffee company (provided that you become their hostage and then buy only their products. Which, in general, is not bad and allows you to save a lot at the start),
— the best coffee machines and coffee grinders are made in Italy. But for a coffee grinder it is unprincipled and you can take any.
- all magazines (for SanPin inspections, etc.) and consumer corners can be bought as a ready-made kit on the Internet, from there invite people to fill in and check this rubbish necessary for the state. For the first three years, no one has the right to check you at all, you are considered a coffee startup, but in Russia everyone wanted to shit on the ban on taking fees from a novice entrepreneur, so they will come to you as soon as they find out about your existence.
- coffee that is roasted in Russia (buying beans in Brazil and other countries suitable for this) is shit, but such beans are fresher than imported ones. Since only a month must pass after roasting for the beans to be considered fresh and of high quality,
- real Arabica, which is so valued in Europe, is not very popular in Russia. Since it is not so tasty and rich smells and gives sourness. Therefore, for us, Arabica is badlyated with Robusta (it is cheaper, but it smells awesome) - in different proportions, starting from 15 percent of Robusta and reaching up to 30.
- almost everyone buys desserts and other buns frozen, at special food factories, in coffee houses they only warm up and add syrups.
A lot of little things, a la: all the strong coffee smells in coffee shops are created by special flavors from spray cans, Starbucks and others sin with this. Or about which coffee shops use high-quality coffee and cool coffee machines (DoubleBee, McDuck) or search for it by country, bring it and roast it (DoubleBee). About what the carob coffee machine gives best settings to taste coffee (Craft coffee shops), and the machine (McDuck) reduces the preparation time.

After the master class, I had complete clarity on the equipment in my head. I decided to buy it (I don’t like to depend on anyone and be in any bondage). And in a week I bought everything I needed: a coffee machine, a coffee grinder, a small refrigerator for milk and perishable food (you can take any cheap, unprincipled), cash register(Now everyone must be fiscal, with an Internet connection to transfer data to the tax office. It MUST be registered and verified). Agreed on a boiler for hot water (for tea and other drinks). And installed a CCTV camera to monitor the process.

I ordered a furniture rack in Bryansk (cheaper, but the mentality there is peculiar - they moved the deadlines for the readiness of the rack 3 times and postponed delivery 2 times, and then I had to redo something), and I drew the sketch myself, crawling around the room with a tape measure (it should be taken into account all the nuances of arranging the equipment to make it convenient, and little things like the length of the cords of the machines). It should be noted that here you need to have at least a general idea of ​​​​the work of a barista, because an inconveniently placed coffee machine reduces the speed of the process several times, increases the loss of coffee (was spilled, spilled) and aroma (it took a long time to carry the horn from the coffee grinder to the coffee machine) and affects the mood clients of the coffee point, hurrying about their business.

Then I began to look for a supplier of coffee and tea and found the simply amazing company TeaCo. When they tell me now that in Russia there are no well-performing companies with great service, approach to clients and clear logistics of all processes, I cite them as an example - THERE IS. They are really very cool and it was an unreal thrill to work with them! Firstly, they hold free master classes on proper coffee brewing. I went to it and in 2 hours I learned how to brew coffee on a carob coffee machine, learned everything about the types and varieties of coffee, won a lot of test bags with grains (learning takes place in the form of a game and competitions), chose the varieties of tea I needed. And agreed to rent a boiler. And that they will set up my coffee grinder and coffee machine for the optimal coffee preparation modes (the taste of the drink, and the aroma, and its saturation depend on the size of the particles when grinding the beans). The correct energy consumption and service life depend on the settings of the coffee machine. Secondly, they sell really cool raw materials. Thirdly, as a bonus to the coffee they bought, they gave me tea pairs. good design and sold portioned sugar at a significant discount (however, if you ask tea and coffee companies for a discount, they ALWAYS give it either in money or in the necessary small things).

Properly brew coffee on a cone like this:
With quick and clear movements, the horn is substituted for the coffee grinder (it works automatically when the lever is pressed), at the same time water is poured into the coffee machine (it must be placed next to the coffee grinder), then the horn is inserted into the coffee machine and boiling water passes through the grinding for no longer than 15-30 seconds. I see now that many do not pour boiling water, pouring not very hot water from the pipes of the coffee machine into your cup - the taste of the drink suffers. If you drink coffee with milk and syrups, then this can be neglected - you will not feel the nuances of taste.

I started looking for a barista.
She did it this way - she invited everyone adequate by telephone to a coffee shop, asked about the experience and told the conditions, and then asked “to treat the security guards of the business center with coffee.” My simple request led some to a stupor. They stood and looked at me with an expression of “What? Are you out of your mind?” or “What? How to do it?". We said goodbye to such people, I needed a sweet, smiling and courageous person who would establish contact with people and sell easily and cheerfully (it is repeat customers that make up the backbone of coffee points revenue). Some didn’t like the work schedule (I wanted to open early to catch those who just came to work) or the conditions (they wanted to receive more than the average price for a barista in the market (40 tyr per month)).

Then I found the girl Lisa. She said that she was studying, but she was going to “solve this issue”, that she really needed a job, and then approached the guards and kindly asked what kind of coffee they wanted. I cooked it properly and gave it to them with a smile. I rejoiced.

Lisa was delighted that everything was ready for work. She said that she was ready to go out right tomorrow and start working, that she was glad that everything was new (equipment), excellent (conditions) and good (everything else, including me).

Lisa wrote down my second number and said that she would add it to WhatsApp in the evening, on the eve of going to work, she came with me to the subway and said “see you tomorrow, Ekaterina.”
And for tomorrow, first I turned off all the phones and did not answer messages in WhatsApp. Then I read the WhatsApp and did not respond to SMS. I was worried that Lisa suddenly fell ill, slipped or twisted her leg. There is such ice on the street (we opened a year ago). Right wow! Something happened to Lisa. But no. Lisa read the messages and was silent. Lisa never called back or answered.
I decided that I needed to change my approach again. Freaked out. And she scammed a smiling and talkative barista from another establishment.

With him, we bought the missing little things (rubber mat for the cone, ice cream spoons, Monin syrups, household chemicals, everything else) and opened. Two months later, we went into profit, and then I went about other things, transferring control of the coffee shop to Denis completely.

What I took away from this experience:
1. Brewing coffee in small coffee pots is profitable, but the marginality of the business as a whole is not very high (from 100 to 300 tyr per month).
2. Revenue VERY strongly depends on the location and traffic (read the book “Business as a Game”, there is more about choosing a location).
3. It is better to own the premises. If you buy it at the construction stage of a business center, then at the end you get real estate that costs about 2 times higher than the original one. But there is a risk that the BC will not be fully occupied, then the passability will be very different from the desired one.
4. Any business center has Management Company, and the degree of her fucked up need to know right away. For example, they won’t let you do repairs normally (only at an inconvenient time, they won’t help with disconnecting or connecting communications), they will set high Internet tariffs, they won’t let you brand your own premises to your taste, they will give a low overall voltage to the power grid or they won’t let you down water and divert the drain. Or they will rent out the next room to someone who wants to become your competitor (here it’s good to evaluate the degree of fucked upness of a person who shoves his coffee pot over the wall from you, but this is impossible).
5. People must be searched carefully and their adequacy must be checked immediately, and skills - albeit in an impromptu, but “in the field”.
6. Worth going to master classes on general issues and on brewing coffee, brewing and choosing tea. This is very useful, and will facilitate the search for staff in the future.
7. It is better to agree on shares with a partner immediately and document it in as much detail as possible (what is not written is not there). Think over Plan B right away - if things don’t work out, then everyone’s efforts will cost so much.
8. Offline business is a pain, but the experience is interesting. Maybe I'll do it again sometime.
9. At work, in any business, . Save your nerves, time and money. It is checked up repeatedly in different situations and employment.
10. Interesting ideas and dreams about the ideal design and concept can actually be broken by the physical dimensions of the room and the surrounding reality. And in general, it's not always bad.
11. The barista is very fond of cheating your money, not breaking the check (this will set you up before the tax audit), or buying cups on their own (accounting is kept on them, other methods are unreliable). Therefore, glasses need to be branded and clearly counted.
12. The margins of tea and other drinks are higher, but they are bought much less often than coffee.

If you have any questions - ask, I will answer, I will supplement the post. It was not possible to write about everything at once.

Coffee is a popular drink among a large number of people, and the ranks of its admirers are only growing every year. Therefore, "coffee to go" as a business is considered quite interesting and can be a great choice for an aspiring entrepreneur. Many lovers of a fragrant drink do not have the opportunity to spend time in a coffee shop and prefer to take coffee with them, so there will always be customers at the coffee point.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

But you need to remember that this business has both positive and negative aspects. Therefore, before opening a “coffee to go” point, it is necessary to carefully study all the characteristics of the future business.

Pluses of activity

The positive aspects of the "coffee" business include:

  • Activity mobility , since most often these services are provided not in stationary and large coffee shops, but in small stalls or pavilions (there is no rigid attachment to a specific place and, if necessary, you can quickly move).
  • Good demand for "coffee to go" provides a quick return on investment, since the drink is of interest to young people, teenagers, adults and even senior citizens.
  • You can open a business with a small initial capital , because you do not need to purchase expensive equipment or complex elements. That is why business is suitable for any entrepreneur.

Cons of the case

Before opening coffee to go, it is important to study some of the negative aspects of such work. These include:

  • rather high competition in this field of activity;
  • a take-away coffee business will be profitable if the entrepreneur himself has certain skills and knowledge in the field of creating a high-quality and tasty drink;
  • it is important to pay a lot of attention to finding the right and suitable place the location of the point (the profitability of the business depends on this).

Choosing a location for the point

You need to decide on the location of the coffee point. The profit and popularity of the business depends on this. You can choose from the following options:

  • You can open "coffee to go" inside the building . These can be large shopping centers, a station building, sports complexes, etc.
  • The case can be organized on the street. The pavilion can be installed in the market or in another place characterized by high traffic of people.

Documents for starting a business

Coffee to go is profitable business, however, for its trouble-free maintenance, it is important to have all the necessary documentation available. It includes:

  • documents that an entrepreneur receives upon registration - a certificate of registration, TIN, an extract from the USRIP or USRLE;
  • documents confirming either the purchase of a pavilion for trade, or the leasing of a suitable building;
  • all employees of the coffee point must have sanitary books;
  • all products must have hygienic conclusions and quality certificates (provided by product suppliers).

Purchase of equipment for work

Opening a street or mini coffee shop involves the purchase of the equipment necessary for full-fledged work. You will need to purchase:

  • coffee machine . It should be a high-quality device (you should not opt ​​for cheap models), which has many built-in functions. Do not forget that a mobile coffee shop should offer a diverse range of drinks.
  • coffee grinder .
  • small refrigerator .

Consumables (raw materials)

Coffee to go is promising business, but only if the point will offer a quality and truly tasty drink. This is possible only when buying coffee beans and related products. Suppliers must be in good standing.

For full operation, you will need to purchase the following components:

  • quality drinking water;
  • milk of suitable fat content;
  • glasses of different sizes with lids;
  • napkins.

Note! Purchasing quality raw materials is a monthly cost.

Coffee shop staff

Usually, this species business involves the implementation of activities in a small pavilion or kiosk. Therefore, it is enough to hire two baristas who will work in shifts.

Employees are required to:

  • Availability vocational education or good experience work;
  • conducive to communication appearance;
  • the presence of a sanitary book;
  • specific knowledge (in particular, to distinguish between coffee varieties, etc.).

An entrepreneur can do accounting and prepare reports for the tax authorities in the first months of work. Later, after the establishment of the case, it will be possible to attract a professional.

How to attract clients?

It is important to know not only how to open a coffee to go, but also how to make the business popular. What can be used to attract customers? First of all, a bright signboard and competent external design of the pavilion. Word-of-mouth radio also plays an important role.

Financial calculations

A step-by-step instruction that determines how to open coffee to go should contain cost calculations directly for the opening of the outlet itself and monthly expenses arising in the course of doing business.

Table. Opening costs (average)

Table. Monthly costs (averages)

The average monthly income is approximately 220 thousand rubles, so the business pays off within about six months. In the future, the "net" profit from activities is approximately 70 thousand rubles.


A business based on the sale of "take-away coffee" can become profitable and promising, subject to a competent approach to its organization and business management in general.

The easiest way to start a takeaway coffee business is to buy one.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at Coffee In.

The business of selling coffee to go is quite profitable: it requires minimal start-up and ongoing costs, while it has high margins and quickly pays off. It is believed that opening an express coffee shop is not at all difficult, and therefore yesterday's and even current students with no experience often take up the matter. entrepreneurial activity. But often in this area there are completely different stories.

Before the opening of the first Coffee point In we already had experience in business, in the b2 segmentbbut wanted to work with a wider audience. Therefore, we had the idea to enter the field of express coffee shops.

To begin with, we analyzed competitors in the Chelyabinsk market, there were about ten of them at that time, and many of them-network. Some players had 8-10 points.

The takeaway coffee business is often highly competitive. Moreover, coffee is not always a popular drink, because in fact few people understand it. There are cities in which it is difficult to succeed in this area. For example, tea is preferred in Kazan, while in Chelyabinsk, shawarma outlets are the most popular. All this can affect the success of a business, and therefore, before investing in opening coffee to go, you need to study the market.

I constantly buy coffee in express coffee shops, so I often went to competitors and knew roughly how they work. I interacted a lot with baristas in coffee shops and it helped a lot. Usually baristas can tell you anything: how much revenue, how many customers, etc.​​​​​​​

You need to see what prices competitors have, what range. As a rule, the vast majority of coffee shops offer the same assortment and are about the same pricing.

In terms of prices, you should not break away from the team, especially in the direction of their increase: at first, an inflated price tag will play against you. As a last resort, prices can be increased in the future.

But as for the assortment, here it is worth being smart and not offering only those drinks that are best sold by your competitors. Having your own special “chip” on the menu will help you gain popularity faster.

Personal experience

When we opened, we introduced items such as coffee withNutella, cookiesoreo, which no one else in our city did. Many came to us from other parts of the city just to try an unusual product, as a result they liked coffee, and they became regular customers.

By the way, over time, the range can also be expanded, based on the needs of the audience. This is exactly what we did at Coffee In - we added coffee and pastries to traditional express coffee shops - cereals, granolas, etc. The coffee house does not earn much on such a low-margin product, but its presence allows it to attract new customers.

It is believed that the main the target audience express coffee shops - students. That is why many people try to put an outlet for the sale of takeaway coffee close to educational institutions. In fact, the coffee-to-go public can be diverse. Basically, these are those who work or live in the immediate vicinity of your coffee shop.

Investment size

Investments in opening a take-away coffee outlet are small, although here you can “walk around” by buying, for example, an expensive coffee machine (the price of individual copies exceeds 1 million rubles). And yet, at the very beginning, spending huge sums does not make sense, it is quite possible to meet 100-150 thousand rubles.

The main items of expenditure in opening an express coffee shop:

- Room rental. It is unlikely to get off cheaply here, since the room, although it should not be large, should be located in a passable place. Such areas are quite expensive.

- Repair work. This item is valid only for individual rooms. But many coffee shops open in shopping centers, and here, in fact, all that is needed is a bar counter.

- Equipment(coffee machine, coffee grinder). Its cost can be arbitrarily high, but at first it is better not to buy expensive equipment or even rent it.

Another important point is the promotion of your coffee shop.

Initially, we just opened a coffee shop and did not focus on any brand. But later we realized that it is very difficult to survive in this highly competitive market. Therefore, we came up with our own brand, and began to work on its promotion. At the same time, no funds were provided for promotion - the budget is very small.

In terms of promotion, it is worth using the maximum of relatively inexpensive channels available to you. For example, a coffee shop must have a sign. Also, if you work in a separate room with panoramic windows, you can brand them, place information about promotions on them, which will bring buyers to you.

An important element in the promotion of an express coffee shop is cups. They definitely need to be branded, because a person most often drinks coffee while walking down the street. Thus, passers-by see your logo on the glass, it is imprinted in the subconscious.

Personal experience

At the very beginning of our work, we resorted to the services of promoters, and this also led to good results. But here it is important that the distribution is not thoughtless. Our promoters handed out leaflets with the "second coffee as a gift" promotion to couples. And it attracted people, they came to our coffee shop, did their shopping.

Step-by-step instruction

The main thing in the coffee business is the coffee itself, therefore, as soon as you analyze the market and decide on the assortment, you need to look for coffee suppliers. There are, of course, express coffee houses that prepare raw materials on their own, but these are in the minority. Most often, the finished product is purchased.

Good coffee is the right percentage of several different types of coffee beans and their proper roasting. If you are not too well versed in this matter, it is better to involve a competent partner in the business.

Personal experience

We found a partner who used to work in a large chain of coffee shops. Going from a well-paid job with one of the market leaders to a little-known coffee house at that time was a difficult step, but he took a chance. As a result, I took over all organizational issues: accounting, sales, etc., and the partner managed everything related to coffee.

You need to choose a supplier in the first place in terms of price / quality ratio. Coffee can cost both 500 rubles and 2 thousand rubles per 1 kg. But good coffee doesn't have to be expensive.

At first, we bought coffee at 2,000 rubles 1 per kg, because we believed that the more expensive the product, the better it was. It turned out that an acceptable price is about 1 thousand rubles. Now we have partners in the Chelyabinsk region who are engaged in coffee roasting. They are our main supplier. They supply from South America, roast coffee and prepare the mixture just for us.

The second most important element of an express coffee shop is the barista. Fortunately, you are unlikely to encounter a shortage of personnel - today this profession is quite popular: when we recruited, fifty people responded on the first day, who set different prices for a shift - from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles. The bad news is that truly competent professionals and disciplined workers are hard to find.

When we first started recruiting baristas, 50 people responded per day. Most of them could have been dismissed in advance, since these are schoolchildren who do not even know which side to approach the coffee machine from. With a dozen of the remaining specialists, we interviewed, as a result, another half were eliminated. About five people were invited to go on a test day, where they worked under the leadership of an experienced barista, he watched how they prepare drinks, how well they are trained. As a result, there was one person with whom we were really ready to work. It should be noted that not all of those who received invitations went to work.

The profession of a barista is more difficult than it seems at first glance. He should be able not only to prepare coffee well.

The barista must also be an excellent "salesman", as well as ... a psychologist. A coffee shop, even when we are talking about an express format, is a place where people come for communication. You need to be able to listen to the client, competently conduct a dialogue with him, while maintaining a balance - conversations should not interfere with work.

Fortunately, for the operation of an express coffee shop, not so many employees are needed - only two, working on a schedule of 2 through 2. The salary of a barista is on average 30-40 thousand rubles. This includes an administration fee.

In order for a take-away coffee shop to generate good revenue, you need to set the correct opening hours - it is important to "hook" the time when pedestrian traffic is most active. We are open from 8 to 8 on weekdays and from 12 on Sundays. It’s hard to get up early on Sunday, no one is in a hurry, so it makes no sense to open a coffee shop in the morning. The most active hours on weekdays are in the morning, around 8.00. The next peak is at 12.00, in the evening - at 18.00. The most active days of the week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

But in a day, not a single client may come to you if you choose the wrong place for your express coffee shop. Therefore, this issue should be given special attention.

A take-away coffee point can be located both inside a shopping center, office building or university, and on the street. At the same time, it is important that the traffic is brisk, active pedestrian traffic is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to sit down and calculate exactly how many people pass next to your future coffee shop, at what time and what kind of people they are.

Another way is to see what establishments are nearby. Availability of large stores retail chains- good sign. As a rule, they thoughtfully approach the choice of a place, consider the traffic, explore the area.

But not always a large number of people around is a guarantee of success. Many people decide to place their express coffee shop at a railway or bus station, guided by the opinion that there is a lot of pedestrian traffic, which means there will be no shortage of buyers. In fact, most transit passengers are not ready to spend 150 rubles on coffee.

But all this is rather an ideal scenario for the development of events. In practice, there are few places where you can really rent a room and open. A good room is difficult to occupy - it will not be empty for months.

The room itself should not be large - 5 sq.m. is enough. area. There are no special repair requirements for an express coffee shop. But it is desirable that the room be branded, decorated in corporate colors.

The documents

No special permits or licenses are required to open a takeaway coffee shop. But in order to conduct business according to all the rules, you need to register. How exactly to do this - in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - depends on whether you will work alone or with a partner. In the first case, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, in the second - to form an LLC.

As a taxation regime, it is worth choosing a single tax on imputed income. It eliminates the need to report on other types of taxation, such as corporate property tax. The tax rate depends on the number of employees and the area of ​​the establishment, so in the case of an express coffee shop, the amount of payment will be small. As OKVED, you must select code 55.30 - "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

No approvals from the SES, fire supervision or other authorities are needed. Just notify government agencies that you're open. According to the law, the first three years you can work safely without fear of inspections. Of course, in the event that no one filed complaints about your activities.

There are also certain restrictions. For example, you can’t open coffee and shawarma in the same place: different sanitary requirements.

Opening checklist

Do you want to start a restaurant business, but do not have the experience and money? Try starting with a coffee shop. Open a small coffee shop from scratch It is not difficult - absolutely anyone can do it if they wish and believe in success. It will give you an understanding of how to properly work with clients, how to keep registration and records, how to calculate profits and make plans for the future. In the future, you can build a network of your own coffee houses or switch to a full-fledged restaurant business.

Why a coffee shop?

A coffee shop is, in fact, the same catering establishment as a restaurant. The only thing is that it is designed for other customers. Here, the main thing is comfort, a quiet unobtrusive atmosphere, a classic menu and affordable prices.

The coffee shop should be cozy and beautiful

In a cafe it should be nice to sit alone with your thoughts, gather with friends, relax with your family. The main assortment here is invigorating, fragrant coffee and various desserts for it. It should smell nice here, alcohol and loud, screaming music are not needed here. This is an atmospheric place for spiritual relaxation.

What's on the menu?

Menu base: coffee. Delicious, natural, prepared in various ways. Coffee is served with various desserts, cakes, light sandwiches or pancakes. As a rule, coffee houses do not have a very extensive menu - a dozen types of coffee, a dozen - desserts. Expanding the range towards various salads, pizza, sushi will simply kill your atmosphere and turn a cozy establishment into a courtyard. Although some coffee shops can serve teas and even wine in small quantities to customers.

French style establishment

This is a classic European establishment. Tables with white starched tablecloths, expensive porcelain cups and saucers, heavy metal spoons for dessert are popular here. Here you can sit comfortably, take a break from the bustle of the city, relax after work or hold a business meeting with colleagues. French-style establishments usually have an excellent set of pastries and desserts, they offer alcohol and various cold snacks.

Classic French style coffee house

American style establishment

Everything is much simpler here: no stiffness and luxury. Everything is as practical as possible and designed for the speed of service. There are no alcoholic drinks here, smoking is often not allowed, and the interiors are simple and minimalistic. Coffee will be served to you right at the counter. Also in the assortment can be various pies, tea, syrups, pancakes, cookies and other sweet delicacies.

mobile coffee shop

Although this is not exactly a coffee shop, it is worth noting it as a separate type of business. This is the easiest option for how to open a coffee shop from scratch. It can bring an excellent income, and the cost of it is several times less than that of a building. To organize such a cafe, you will need either a special car or a small minibus. In addition to coffee, you can set up the production of pastries and various packaged cakes. Such mobile points will be relevant under office buildings, in passage places, near hostels, various organizations with a large number of employees. Experts note that the payback for this type of business can reach 300%.


It goes well with the sale of coffee confectionery. If you equip it with a small hall for 3-4 tables and offer customers high-quality coffee, then your revenue will definitely increase. People will not only buy desserts to take away, but also eat them immediately on the spot. In the confectionery, you can also organize the sale of juices, ice cream, sweets, etc.

Note:with the right business organization, the number of customers in a confectionery grows by 50-60 percent after the launch of a coffee shop.

The patisserie is a great place for a coffee shop

Establishment in a small town

Some people think that a coffee shop is only profitable in a big city. But this is not true. In small towns, coffee houses feel quite confident. The main thing is to choose the right place and create a good assortment.


  1. The opening obviously will not go unnoticed, because even in cities with 50 thousand people, each institution is discussed between people.
  2. Low rent. In small towns, rent is low - this will always allow you to stay in the black.


  1. Low markup. In small towns, the income level is usually low, so few people will buy coffee at the Moscow price.
  2. Low permeability. In order to always have customers, you must sell only high-quality coffee and desserts, and also do not forget about comfort.

Note:many businessmen try to raise their income by selling beer and alcohol in the cafeteria. It is categorically impossible to do this - the profit will really grow, but only at the first stages.

Then people will simply stop going to drink coffee where others drink beer, and your establishment will turn into a classic eatery.

Establishment in a shopping center

This is the best option of all, but it is often associated with high costs. What do you need to open a coffee shop? in the mall? Sign a lease with him. Prices here will be very high, but the traffic is high. People do not stay in such cafes for too long, so you will get many new customers and orders.

The main thing in a coffee shop is style and comfort.

Where to open?

The main thing in the coffee business is right place. You need traffic and a large number of people. Well proven office rooms, Universities, shopping centers, public places, stations. The best option is a small separate room on the ground floor, with access to the main street, with shop windows and a bathroom. If the room allows, then it can be divided into two rooms - one for children / families, the second for business. The presence of a free area nearby will also be a plus - in the summer it will be possible to equip tables here and open a summer area.

What do you need to buy?

How to start opening a coffee shop? Your establishment must have:

  1. Coffee machine.
  2. Coffee grinder.
  3. Mixer.
  4. Fridge.
  5. Microwave.

A baking cabinet and a freezer for storing semi-finished products can also be optionally installed. Where can I get all this? Can be bought or rented. Below we will look at several ways.

Where to get coffee

There are no problems with this - in Russia there are a huge number of companies offering high-quality coffee at affordable prices. You need to constantly monitor the quality of coffee - this is your income and reputation. It is very easy to lose both. Be sure to try the purchased raw materials, evaluate the degree of roasting of the grains. Write ads on thematic sites that you are looking for a supplier - you will be instantly overwhelmed with applications. Study the reviews of your future partners and offer them long-term cooperation - they will certainly offer you preferential prices and interesting conditions, demanding in return that you work only with them.

Note:you will need to purchase several varieties of coffee at once - you will not be limited to one. You should offer customers at least 4-5 coffee options.

The main thing in a coffee shop is high-quality coffee and desserts


First of all, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service by obtaining a license 55.30 called "Cafe and Restaurant Activities". Then it all depends on the room. There are three options for the development of events:

  1. Previously, there was a cafe or restaurant on this site. In this case, you will only need to sign a lease agreement.
  2. You buy a premise in which there was already a catering establishment. You will need to re-register documents for a new name.
  3. This building has not been used for catering. In this case, you will need to obtain the technical conditions for opening, transfer the engineering network diagram to the relevant structures, and obtain approval documents from the health station and the fire department.

In any case, you will have to write an application for opening to Rospotrebnadzor, contact the Fire Safety Service and the SES. This process is quite long, but without it it is impossible to start. making out documents for opening a coffee shop, you can in parallel, to repair the premises and issue medical records for themselves and the staff.


By the way, about the staff. There are two development options here:

  1. It will be family business. That is, you or your relatives will work in the cafe.
  2. Classic business. You will have to hire at least two salespeople who will work in shifts, and possibly maintenance staff.

If you are opening a mini-coffee shop, then it is better to stop at the first option. At least initially, it will significantly reduce costs.


One of the options to open your own cafe is a franchise. You will not need to buy equipment or look for suppliers - all this will be provided to you by the parent company. She will also advise you on any issues and help with registration. This is the optimal ratio of price, quality and risks. When operating through a franchise, your cafe will pay for itself in 18-36 months.

Franchise is a great way to quickly start a business

Cafe design

If you are not a franchisee, then you will need to design your own coffee shop design. Remember that you need to focus on convenience and coziness. It is advisable to use warm colors and try to make the cafe “homely”, so that people subconsciously want to stay in it for as long as possible.


Every business needs promotion. Outdoor advertising is suitable for opening - the creation of a sign, printed materials, perhaps even a small presentation. Then you should advertise on the Internet, on various thematic forums, on discount sites. Don't forget about interesting flyers. You can also create your own website and put a menu on it. This helps to attract a large number of customers.

Business plan

We have listed the main points that you need to know to open. Now let's look at an example coffee shop business plan to see how quickly it will rebound. The calculation is made for a small hall with an area of ​​​​50 square / 20 seats.

  1. Hall rental - 50,000 rubles per month.
  2. Equipment - 150,000 rubles.
  3. Furniture - 50,000 rubles.
  4. Raw materials - 50,000 rubles.
  5. Related product - 10,000 rubles.
  6. Advertising - 10,000 rubles.
  7. Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Registration costs and staff salaries are not included here, as these amounts can vary greatly. And the rent of 50 thousand is also not a constant number - it all depends on the place.

Now let's calculate the income. The average check for a coffee shop is 150 rubles. This price includes a cup of coffee — 80 r. and dessert 70 r. To prepare one cup, you need 7 grams of coffee, that is, about 140 servings per kilogram will be obtained. 1 kilogram of quality coffee now costs 1,200 rubles, that is, when you sell it, you will receive at least 11 thousand. Normal traffic for this type of business is 120-140 people per day (1 kilogram of coffee). This means that you will receive about 20,000 rubles a day, and 600,000 a month, respectively. As you can see, it is quite profitable. As a result, you will reach the payback of your business in about one and a half to two years.

The coffee house is a cosiness, a pleasant smell and sincere atmosphere

You can significantly reduce costs by refusing to buy a coffee machine. Very often it can be rented from a coffee supplier. In return, he will require you to buy from him at least 10 kilograms of products per month, but you will use up such a supply in a maximum of two weeks.

In contact with

        • Similar business ideas:

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world, the culture of consumption of which dates back hundreds of years. According to marketing research, the volume of coffee consumption in Russia is steadily growing and by 2018 the volume of the coffee market will be at least 130,000 tons per year. At the same time, the culture of drinking coffee outside the home is growing. People are increasingly consuming coffee in specialized coffee shops and buying a drink in coffee-to-go stores.

All this says only one thing - a business one way or another connected with coffee will bring profit to its owners. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the three most popular and proven coffee businesses.

1. "Coffee to go." Store opening step by step

One of the most trusted ideas in the coffee business is to open outlet selling coffee to go or coffee to go. Such a point is a counter or a trading island of 4-5 square meters. m., located in high traffic areas. The liveliest places: shopping centers, bus and railway stations, business centers. It is desirable that these be the first floors of the building, where traditionally the highest traffic. The higher the floor of the location of such a point, the lower its revenue and profitability. The most attractive audience for selling coffee to go are students, business people, young families, visitors to lawyers and notaries. The main thing is that the main client be a wealthy person, because one cup of coffee costs an average of 150 rubles.

How much money do you need to open a store

To organize a point for the sale of takeaway coffee, you will need to invest about 400,000 rubles. The main investments go to the purchase of a sales counter, an information board with a menu, a bar refrigerator, a coffee machine, autonomous water supply and cash register equipment. Some costs will also be associated with the payment of a deposit for the rental of the premises. Additional expenses include: staff uniform, coin box, badges, knock box and expendable materials(coffee, sugar, cream, milk, disposable tableware, napkins). The average revenue of a take-away coffee outlet, with a good location, is 150,000 rubles. per month. Of these, the profit is at least 30%. The payback of such a business, according to various estimates, ranges from 8 to 12 months.

2. Coffee machines (vending).

Perhaps the most common coffee business is networking. coffee machines. Coffee machines are attractive because they provide automatic sales, without the participation of the seller. This results in significant cost savings. If 10-15 years ago, the Russian consumer was reluctant to buy drinks in "coffee pots", today coffee sales in coffee machines are very high and are growing from year to year. The most successful places to locate a coffee machine are business centers, shopping centers, large enterprises (with more than 100 employees), car services, car washes, banks, universities, bus and railway stations, airports. So, the coffee machine, located in the middle mall can sell up to 100 cups of coffee per day for 25 rubles. each. The monthly revenue of such a machine is 75 thousand rubles, of which the profit (minus rent, consumables and the salary of the operator) is 35 - 40 thousand rubles. And that's just from one machine. The most successful entrepreneurs have a network of 10, 20 or more similar coffee machines. The main pitfall of such a business is high competition and difficulties in finding a profitable place. The most profitable places in many large cities have long been occupied. Also, there are difficulties with solving rental issues, especially with premises in state structures.

3. "Coffee on wheels." What equipment to choose for "Coffee on wheels" or "mobile coffee"

An interesting idea for making money on coffee is the organization mobile coffee shop. A car equipped with a coffee style and selling a delicious drink is actually a win-win option in the coffee business. After all, you are not tied to a specific place and can sell coffee where it is bought most often. For example, any fair or city day celebrations become a profitable day for the mega mobile coffee shop. You can stop at a taxi rank, near a major university or market. Any high-traffic area with the possibility of parking a car is a potential place for large sales of coffee and related products (pastries, hot dogs, lemonade, ice cream). Mobile coffee houses can be made on the basis of any roomy car, mini-vein or minibus. Most often, Citroen Berlingo, Peugeot Partner, Fiat Doblo, Ford Transit Connect, Renault Kangoo, Volkswagen Caddy, Toyota BB, Nissan Cube and Daihatsu Hi Jet are converted to coffee on wheels. As for investments, buying a car, depending on the condition of the car (new or used), will cost an average of 700,000 rubles. Re-equipment for coffee style will require another 400,000 rubles. You will need to install and provide in the car:

  • Electricity and water supply
  • Equipment for preparing and serving coffee, hot dogs and draft drinks
  • Arrange the walls, ceiling and floor. Install desktop module
  • Design, styling and appearance

Part of the costs will go to the re-registration of documents in the traffic police, in connection with changes in the design of the vehicle.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

According to the classification OKVED activities belongs to the section catering. 56.30.10 - drinks service, i.e. coffee. For vending, vending machines, recommended group 52.63 - Other retail outside the shops. To sell coffee from wheels - your OKVED code is 56.10.22.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of an individual entrepreneur requires: a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of state duty, a copy of the TIN certificate (if not, they will assign a TIN during registration).

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

Either simplified taxation (USNO) or a single tax on imputed income - UTII.

Do I need permission to open

Takeaway trade:

  • certification of catering products in accordance with Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002;
  • SES approval - SanPiN 2.3.2. 1078-01 - about security food products and SanPiN 2.3.6. 1079-01 - on catering, manufacturing requirements, etc.;
  • since OKVED classifies the remote sale of coffee as a public catering, you must comply with the requirements of GOST regarding your type of trade (GOST R 50762-2007).

Implementation via machines:

  • certificates for equipment (taken from the manufacturer) and all ingredients (from the supplier);
  • This business is not licensed.
  • Sanknizhki will be needed for workers servicing the machines.

Sales "off the wheel":

  • SES permission, the same as when selling take-out coffee;
  • certificates of conformity for equipment, contracts for disposal and cleaning;
  • permission from the fire department (for this you need a copy of the registration certificate for the van);
  • an application for the placement of a temporary trade object (MAFA) to the district administration of the territory where you are going to trade;
  • if you are going to carry out activities on the roadway, then you must submit an application to the Highway Service, where you indicate the place, terms of trade, etc.

Production technology and sales

The preparation of the drink at first glance is not difficult, but it depends on the quality of the grains, grinding and the principles of preparation. Coffee equipment must be professional, a good barista is desirable, competent in coffee varieties, its taste differences, ways to improve the properties of the drink. The client loves an individual approach and gets used to certain taste qualities of coffee. If we are talking about coffee machines, then the entire range of drinks presented should always work there. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the fullness of the components for the preparation of products regularly. Then the number expands potential clients from children to chocolate drinks to adults to strong and black coffee. If you are thinking about starting a coffee business, we recommend reading the article " coffee shop business plan". What can you earn without big investments. You can earn on Avito and other similar services. Find out how and what is better to sell, read this course. It explains in detail and step by step the features of selling goods on the Internet.

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