Job description of a specialist in general issues. How to write a job description for the deputy director of an organization for general issues. Features of the official instruction of the Deputy Director for General Affairs




1.1. The main task of the Deputy CEO on general issues - the first deputy is the organization of work to ensure the maintenance, proper condition in accordance with the rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises, the creation of conditions for effective work enterprise personnel.

1.2. The Deputy General Director for General Affairs is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise in agreement with the founder.

1.3. A person who has a basic or full higher education relevant field of study and work experience in administrative work at least 3 years.

1.4. The Deputy for General Affairs reports directly to the General Director of the enterprise.

1.5. Supervises the work of the maintenance personnel of the enterprise (service of green economy, washing shop, drivers of vehicles).

1.6. During the absence of the Deputy for General Affairs, his duties are performed by the General Director-Chief Physician of the CJSC, or another official appointed by order of the General Director.

1.7. The Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy, according to the job description, must know:

Fundamentals of organization and management of health care;

Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials on the administrative and economic services of the enterprise;

The structure and organization of the work of the enterprise and its specialized departments;

Prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the sanatorium business;

Production capacity of the enterprise;

The procedure for the development and approval of plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

Methods of managing and managing an enterprise;

The procedure for concluding and executing contracts with third-party organizations (persons) for the provision of services;

Organization of time accounting at the enterprise;

The procedure and terms for reporting;

Means of mechanization of manual labor in economic services;

The procedure for acquiring furniture, inventory, stationery and processing payments for services;

Experience of advanced business service enterprises;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management;

Achievements of science and technology in Ukraine and abroad in the health resort business and the experience of other health resort institutions;

Forms and methods of organizing production, labor and management;

Scheme for notifying the personnel of the enterprise on especially dangerous infections and on civil defense;

Functional duties of subordinate employees;


Dates, time and place of business qualification classes, OOI, civil defense, sanitary days, sanitary hours, trade union meetings and other public events;

Disinfection current and final, disinfectants, their preparation and use, disinsection and deratization, means used for these purposes;

Rules for the operation of computer technology;

Primary requirements state standards on organizational and administrative documentation;

Law of Ukraine "On labor protection";

Law of Ukraine "On fire safety";

Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Electrical safety rules;

Internal labor regulations;

Instructions on labor protection and fire safety;

Law of Ukraine on Civil Defense;

Regulations on the Civil Defense of Ukraine;

Collective agreement;

Basics of labor legislation;

Job instruction.


2.1. The area of ​​work of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is the organization of work to ensure economic services, proper condition in accordance with the rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises assigned to the enterprise territory, creation of conditions for the effective work of the enterprise personnel.

The workplace is an office located in an administrative building and equipped with the necessary regulatory and methodological documentation for work.

2.2. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy:

2.2.1. Receives tasks from the general director of the enterprise and fulfills his job responsibilities in accordance with this job description, labor protection instructions and other regulatory documents.

2.2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets of the enterprise, drawing up estimates and business expenses.

2.2.3. Provides subdivisions of the enterprise with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work, supervises their preservation and timely repairs.

2.2.4. Organizes the execution of the necessary materials for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services, receipt and storage of the necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, provides them with the divisions of the enterprise, as well as keeping records of their expenses and compiling established reports.

2.2.5. Controls the rational expenditure of materials and funds allocated for administrative and economic purposes.

2.2.6. Organizes the reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips.

2.2.7. Supervises work on streamlining, gardening and cleaning the territory, festive decoration of building facades, etc.

2.2.8. Organizes business services for meetings, conferences, schools and seminars on the exchange of best practices and other events held at the enterprise.

2.2.9. Ensures the implementation of fire fighting measures and the maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.2.10. Takes measures to introduce the mechanization of labor of service personnel.

2.2.11. Carries out management and control over the work of the green economy service, washing shop, vehicles and financially responsible persons of the enterprise.

2.2.12. Prepares monthly reports.

2.2.13. Draws up and controls the implementation of action plans for the economic service to prepare the health resort for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, and also takes part in the development of a comprehensive plan for the enterprise.

2.2.14. It studies the need of the enterprise for materials, workwear, safety shoes.

2.2.15. Draws up annual applications for them, and also monitors their rational use.

2.2.16. Organizes and conducts work to improve the business skills of the service personnel of the enterprise.

2.2.17. Supervises the training of service personnel (service of green economy, washing shop, vehicles) on labor protection, fire safety.

2.2.18. Carries out a timely tour of the territory, divisions of the enterprise, inspection of buildings, structures and workplaces.

2.2.19. Carries out control over the observance of the regime of economy and the norms for the consumption of fuel, water, electricity in the economic service of the enterprise.

2.2.20. Develops job descriptions for subordinates and monitors their implementation.

2.2.21. Ensures timely and reliable accounting and provision of reports and other information on the work of the administrative and economic service of the enterprise to regulatory authorities.

2.2.22. Provides monthly progress report.

2.2.23. Takes part in the work on the social development of the enterprise team, participates in the development, conclusion and implementation collective agreement.

2.2.24. Participates in the work of the technical Council of the enterprise.

2.2.25. Organizes supervision of the safe and technical condition of building structures in accordance with the "Regulatory documents on inspection, certification, safe and reliable operation of buildings".

2.2.26. Carries out work and is responsible for the general state of labor protection, fire safety, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation for the green economy service, washing shop, and vehicles.

3. RESPONSIBILITIES Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is obliged to:

3.1. Qualitatively and in a timely manner to perform the functions assigned to him in accordance with the Charter of CJSC "Sanatorium "Saki", the current legislation, the requirements of regulations, regulations and instructions.

3.2. Resolve all issues within the rights granted to him.

3.3. Perform daily tasks received from the General Director of the enterprise and tasks in accordance with the approved work plan.

3.4. Take timely measures to prevent the theft of material assets of the enterprise, causing damage to the property of the enterprise.

3.5. Conduct the selection and placement of personnel in subordinate services, monitor their performance functional duties; apply to the general director of the enterprise for an incentive or imposition disciplinary action on the staff of subordinate services. To control the implementation of the internal labor regulations by the personnel of the green economy service, the washing shop, the drivers of vehicles.

3.6. Participate in the development and implementation of annual and long-term plans for organizational and economic measures to increase the level of economic operation of buildings and structures, in the introduction of new production technologies at the enterprise in order to increase the reliability and safety of work.

3.7. Organize and manage the implementation of mechanization technological processes, wide dissemination of advanced experience in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.8. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on administrative and economic issues.

3.9. To exercise control over works on improvement, gardening and cleaning of the territory, timely removal of household waste from the territory of the enterprise; festive decoration of building facades.

3.10. To organize economic services for meetings, conferences, elections and other events held in the sanatorium.

3.11. Participate in the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services with organizations and individuals, prepare the necessary materials for their conclusion and monitor compliance with the terms of the contracts.

3.12. Take part in the acceptance of completed works.

3.13. To exercise control over the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

3.14. To exercise control over the timely preparation of applications for providing the enterprise with materials, furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work.

3.15. Supervise their maintenance and timely repair.

3.16. Develop and implement measures to prepare the enterprise for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

3.17. Organize and manage work on the introduction of mechanization of technological processes, promote the wide dissemination of best practices in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.18. Monitor the operation of telephone networks, radio, television, including cable. Take measures for their timely repair, replacement, modernization, etc.

3.19. Supervise the training and advanced training of subordinate personnel.

3.20. Supervise the training of personnel of the green economy service, the washing shop, drivers of vehicles on labor protection, fire safety rules, electrical and technogenic safety and industrial sanitation.

3.21. In due time, comply with the instructions of Gosnadzorohrantruda, fire, sanitary supervision and other regulatory authorities.

3.22. To introduce more modern and safe methods of work, structures, fences, devices, safety devices aimed at improving working conditions, industrial sanitation, preventing accidents, industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

3.23. According to his work plan, make rounds in the structural divisions of the enterprise, reflect the identified shortcomings in the work in the logs of rounds and monitor their elimination.

3.24. Prepare and submit proposals on the organization of remuneration and working conditions for the service personnel of the enterprise, as well as on other social issues of the team for inclusion in the collective agreement.

3.25. Participate in the work of the commission for the development of a collective agreement.

3.26. Control the implementation of measures related to the economic service of the enterprise, included in the collective agreement.

3.27. Take an active part in the work of the technical Council of the enterprise, report on their work, make presentations, make proposals for improving the work of the economic service of the enterprise.

3.28. Provide safe and favorable working conditions for employees of subordinate services; develop job descriptions for engineers of these services; control the provision of services with instructions on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation and other regulations for the employees to fulfill their functional duties.

3.29. Conduct and provide training, briefings and knowledge testing of service personnel on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, labor legislation and monitor their timely conduct.

3.30. Constantly monitor the state of labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation in the economic service; participate in the work of commissions for the operational control of labor protection at the enterprise.

3.31. Provide clear actions for the maintenance personnel of the enterprise in the event of emergencies, accidents, fires, for which purpose to provide them with instructions and other normative acts on their actions in the aforementioned situations.

3.32. Participate in the work of the commission to test the knowledge of personnel on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

3.33. Carry out work on certification and rationalization of jobs in the economic service of the enterprise.

3.34. Control the timely submission of applications for the necessary overalls, special footwear, sanitary clothing and footwear and other means personal protection, special soap, special food in accordance with applicable standards, as well as to monitor their timely issuance and proper use.

3.35. Constantly monitor compliance by service personnel with the rules and regulations of labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation, labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

3.36. Suspend employees of the service from work in case of violations, non-compliance with the rules, norms, instructions for labor protection, fire, electrical, technogenic safety, industrial sanitation and internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

3.37. Carry out work on the conservation and deconservation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.38. Regularly conduct inspections of the technical condition of buildings and structures, check the availability and serviceability of grounding, the availability of technical documentation. If problems are found, take corrective action in a timely manner.

3.39. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment in the administrative and economic service, if there is a threat to the life and health of the employees of the enterprise and immediately notify the general director of the enterprise.

3.40. Do not allow personnel to work on faulty equipment, if they do not have personal protective equipment and without training and appropriate instruction in labor protection, fire, electrical and technogenic safety, industrial sanitation.

3.41. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that can lead to an accident, occupational disease, downtime, breakdown or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the general director of the enterprise about this.

3.42. Exercise control over the safe storage, transportation and use of radioactive, poisonous, explosive, flammable and other substances and materials.

3.43. Monitor the passage of preliminary and periodic medical examinations employees of subordinate services (at least once a year).

3.44. Participate in the work of commissions for the investigation of accidents that occurred at the enterprise.

3.45. To know and fulfill the tasks facing the economic service for civil defense of the enterprise, the capabilities of subordinate forces and means of civil defense of the enterprise, their security.

3.46. Inform the general director or the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations of the enterprise about the prerequisites for the occurrence of emergency situations at the enterprise's facilities.

3.47. Perform their duties as part of the emergency formation of the civil defense of the enterprise.

3.48. To be trained according to the Enterprise Civil Defense Preparation Plan.

3.49. Participate in the development of an enterprise civil defense action plan in case of a threat and liquidation of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

3.50. Know the warning signals of civil defense, the procedure for acting on them and carry it out.

3.51. Upon receipt of the signal, immediately take measures to eliminate and investigate all emergencies at the enterprise and at the same time inform the general director of the enterprise, as well as interested organizations of the city (SES, police, fire department, etc.) about the incident.

3.52. Participate in the promotion of civil defense issues among the employees of the enterprise.

3.53. Provide first aid to victims of accidents and emergencies at the enterprise's facilities.

3.54. Comply with the rules and regulations of health protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

3.55. Know and comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation, instructions and Rules for handling technological equipment and other means of production, use collective and personal protective equipment.

3.56. Comply with labor protection obligations stipulated by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

3.57. In a timely manner, undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation, on objects heightened danger and labor legislation in educational and methodological centers.

3.58. Improve their skills by constantly studying special literature, periodicals.

3.60. Cooperate with the administration of the enterprise in organizing safe and harmless working conditions, personally take all feasible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to his life and health or the people around him and the environment. Report the danger to the general director of the enterprise.

3.61. Participate in the organization of sanitary days and sanitary hours at the enterprise, control the schedules for their implementation, issue tasks to the green economy service and monitor their implementation.

3.62. Comply with the labor schedule of the day, labor and production discipline, provided for by the rules of the internal labor schedule of the enterprise.

3.63. To be at work in a normal state of health that does not interfere with the performance of their functional duties.

3.64. Give written explanations in case of violation of the internal labor regulations.

3.65. Comply with the requirements of general moral and ethical standards and deontology.

3.66. Ensure the complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treat property with care and take prompt action to prevent damage.

3.67. Actively participate in community life.

3.68. Fulfill the requirements of the collective agreement.

4. RIGHTS According to the job description, the Deputy General Director has the right to:

4.1. Make proposals to the General Director of the enterprise on issues related to his activities and concerning the organization and working conditions of the employees of the enterprise.

4.2. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.3. Coordination of hiring, dismissal and placement of personnel in the service led by him.

4.4. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on economic issues.

4.5. When changing the forms and methods of labor organization, make proposals to the general director of the enterprise on changing and supplementing the rights and obligations of employees subordinate to him.

4.6. Apply to the general director of the enterprise for announcing gratitude, issuing a bonus, awarding valuable gifts, certificates and using other types of incentives for employees of the service he leads.

4.7. To petition the general director of the enterprise to reprimand or dismiss employees of the service he leads for violations of labor discipline.

4.8. Supervise the actions of all subordinate personnel.

4.9. Improve your skills in courses and seminars in a timely manner.

4.10. Timely undergo training on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation and on objects of increased danger in educational and methodological centers.

4.11. To demand from employees of services subordinate to him to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, the collective agreement, compliance with ethics and deontology.

4.12. Demand and monitor the performance of their duties by subordinate personnel.

4.13. Participate in meetings that discuss issues related to the activities of the Deputy General Director for administrative and economic work.

4.14. Make decisions within your competence.

4.15. Require the general director of the enterprise to create safe and harmless working conditions, provide the necessary materials to perform their duties.

4.16. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms, devices, instruments and other equipment, as well as prohibit work in premises where there is a threat to the life and health of workers.

4.17. Refuse to perform work if there is a threat to the life or health of workers.

4.18. Make proposals to the General Director related to the improvement of the civil defense system.


5.1. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy for Job Description is responsible for:

Disclosure of information constituting trade secret enterprises;

Improper performance of their functional duties;

Poor quality work and erroneous actions, incorrect resolution of issues within its competence;

Untimely or poor-quality material and technical support for the economic part;

Poor organization of the activities of the personnel subordinate to him;

Unreliability of the issued information, untimely submission of reports, work plans, applications, acts, etc.;

Non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of orders of the general director of the enterprise, resolutions and other regulatory documents of higher organizations, the owner, the government and other executive authorities;

The general state of labor protection, fire and electrical safety, industrial sanitation in the whole enterprise;

Compliance with the rules of operation and timely repair of buildings, structures, tools, soft and hard equipment and other material assets;

Low labor and performance discipline;

Violation of the rules of the internal labor schedule;

Violation of safety regulations;

Loss or damage to material assets issued for work;

For damage caused to the enterprise, if the damage was caused intentionally or through negligence when using material assets;

Accidents or occupational poisoning at work, if by his order or action he violated the relevant Rules on labor protection and did not take appropriate measures to prevent accidents;

Violation of instructions and other legislative acts on labor protection, creation of obstacles to activities officials enterprises;

For inaction, negligence in the performance of official duties provided for by this instruction.

5.2. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is financially responsible for:

For damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of the labor duties assigned to it;

For damage caused by deliberate destruction or deliberate damage to material assets issued by the enterprise for use;

For failure to take the necessary measures to prevent theft, destruction and damage to material assets;

For damage caused by actions containing signs of acts prosecuted in criminal proceedings;

In the full amount of damage caused through his fault to the enterprise, for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage or for other purposes in accordance with the work performed.


6.1. Receives from the General Director and his deputies the necessary oral, written official information, documentation for the performance of his official duties.

6.2. Provides the necessary oral and written information about his work to the General Director of the enterprise.

6.3. Participates weekly in operational meetings with the General Director of the enterprise.

6.4. Participates in the work of the technical council of the enterprise; prepares materials for the technical council according to the plan.

6.5. Resolves issues related to logistics, repair and operation of fixed assets, labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation with the general director of the enterprise, his deputies, heads of departments, heads of services and divisions.

6.6. The commission of a higher organization, with the participation of the Gosnadzorohrantruda bodies, checks his knowledge on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.7. When applying for a job, he submits to the department of organizational and personnel work work book, passport, and other documents (military ID, education document).

6.8. Timely informs the department of organizational and personnel work about changes in credentials (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data, etc.).

6.9. Receives information from the department of organizational and personnel work on work experience, availability of benefits, etc.

6.10. Receives information about his salary from the chief accountant, accountant financial department, economist.

6.11. Timely informs the department of organizational and personnel work of information on advanced training (training) and assignment of a qualification category, presenting the original and a photocopy of the received document.


7.1. Proper performance of their functions and official duties.

7.2. Use in their work to assess the effectiveness of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise profitability of the use of fixed assets.

7.3. The absence of complaints about the work of the economic service and sanatorium-and-spa services.

7.4. High-quality documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases.

7.5. The correctness and completeness of the exercise of the rights granted to him.

7.6. Respect for entrusted property.

7.7. Timely improvement of business skills.

7.8. Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, fire, electrical, industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

7.9. Absence of violations of labor and production discipline.

7.10. Compliance with the requirements of moral and ethical standards and deontology.

Job description drawn up

The job description of the first deputy director must be approved and agreed upon.

The job description of the Deputy General Director is signed by the employee.



1.1. The main task of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is to organize work to ensure economic maintenance, proper condition in accordance with the rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises, and create conditions for the effective work of the enterprise's personnel.

1.2. The Deputy General Director for General Affairs is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director of the enterprise in agreement with the founder.

1.3. A person who has a basic or complete higher education in the relevant area of ​​training and at least 3 years of experience in administrative work is appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for General Affairs.

1.4. The Deputy for General Affairs reports directly to the General Director of the enterprise.

1.5. Supervises the work of the maintenance personnel of the enterprise (service of green economy, washing shop, drivers of vehicles).

1.6. During the absence of the Deputy for General Affairs, his duties are performed by the General Director-Chief Physician of the CJSC, or another official appointed by order of the General Director.

1.7. The Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy, according to the job description, must know:

Fundamentals of organization and management of health care;

Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance and regulatory materials on the administrative and economic services of the enterprise;

The structure and organization of the work of the enterprise and its specialized departments;

Prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the sanatorium business;

Production capacity of the enterprise;

The procedure for the development and approval of plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

Methods of managing and managing an enterprise;

The procedure for concluding and executing contracts with third-party organizations (persons) for the provision of services;

Organization of time accounting at the enterprise;

The procedure and terms for reporting;

Means of mechanization of manual labor in economic services;

The procedure for acquiring furniture, inventory, stationery and processing payments for services;

Experience of advanced business service enterprises;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management;

Achievements of science and technology in Ukraine and abroad in the health resort business and the experience of other health resort institutions;

Forms and methods of organizing production, labor and management;

Scheme for notifying the personnel of the enterprise on especially dangerous infections and on civil defense;

Functional duties of subordinate employees;


Dates, time and place of business qualification classes, OOI, civil defense, sanitary days, sanitary hours, trade union meetings and other public events;

Disinfection current and final, disinfectants, their preparation and use, disinsection and deratization, means used for these purposes;

Rules for the operation of computer technology;

Basic requirements of state standards for organizational and administrative documentation;

Law of Ukraine "On labor protection";

Law of Ukraine "On fire safety";

Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Electrical safety rules;

Internal labor regulations;

Instructions on labor protection and fire safety;

Law of Ukraine on Civil Defense;

Regulations on the Civil Defense of Ukraine;

Collective agreement;

Basics of labor legislation;

Job instruction.


2.1. The area of ​​work of the Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is the organization of work to ensure economic services, proper condition in accordance with the rules and norms of industrial sanitation and fire safety of buildings and premises assigned to the enterprise territory, creation of conditions for the effective work of the enterprise personnel.

The workplace is an office located in an administrative building and equipped with the necessary regulatory and methodological documentation for work.

2.2. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy:

2.2.1. Receives tasks from the General Director of the enterprise and performs his duties in accordance with this job description, instructions for labor protection and other regulatory documents.

2.2.2. Participates in the development of plans for current and major repairs of fixed assets of the enterprise, drawing up estimates and business expenses.

2.2.3. Provides subdivisions of the enterprise with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work, supervises their preservation and timely repairs.

2.2.4. Organizes the execution of the necessary materials for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services, receipt and storage of the necessary household materials, equipment and inventory, provides them with the divisions of the enterprise, as well as keeping records of their expenses and compiling established reports.

2.2.5. Controls the rational expenditure of materials and funds allocated for administrative and economic purposes.

2.2.6. Organizes the reception, registration and necessary services for delegations and persons arriving on business trips.

2.2.7. Supervises work on streamlining, gardening and cleaning the territory, festive decoration of building facades, etc.

2.2.8. Organizes business services for meetings, conferences, schools and seminars on the exchange of best practices and other events held at the enterprise.

2.2.9. Ensures the implementation of fire fighting measures and the maintenance of fire equipment in good condition.

2.2.10. Takes measures to introduce the mechanization of labor of service personnel.

2.2.11. Carries out management and control over the work of the green economy service, washing shop, vehicles and financially responsible persons of the enterprise.

2.2.12. Prepares monthly reports.

2.2.13. Draws up and controls the implementation of action plans for the economic service to prepare the health resort for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods, and also takes part in the development of a comprehensive plan for the enterprise.

2.2.14. It studies the need of the enterprise for materials, workwear, safety shoes.

2.2.15. Draws up annual applications for them, and also monitors their rational use.

2.2.16. Organizes and conducts work to improve the business skills of the service personnel of the enterprise.

2.2.17. Supervises the training of service personnel (service of green economy, washing shop, vehicles) on labor protection, fire safety.

2.2.18. Carries out a timely tour of the territory, divisions of the enterprise, inspection of buildings, structures and workplaces.

2.2.19. Carries out control over the observance of the regime of economy and the norms for the consumption of fuel, water, electricity in the economic service of the enterprise.

2.2.20. Develops job descriptions for subordinates and monitors their implementation.

2.2.21. Ensures timely and reliable accounting and provision of reports and other information on the work of the administrative and economic service of the enterprise to regulatory authorities.

2.2.22. Provides monthly progress report.

2.2.23. Takes part in the work on the social development of the enterprise team, participates in the development, conclusion and implementation of the collective agreement.

2.2.24. Participates in the work of the technical Council of the enterprise.

2.2.25. Organizes supervision of the safe and technical condition of building structures in accordance with the "Regulatory documents on inspection, certification, safe and reliable operation of buildings".

2.2.26. Carries out work and is responsible for the general state of labor protection, fire safety, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation for the green economy service, washing shop, and vehicles.

3. RESPONSIBILITIES Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is obliged to:

3.1. Qualitatively and in a timely manner to perform the functions assigned to him in accordance with the Charter of CJSC "Sanatorium "Saki", the current legislation, the requirements of regulations, regulations and instructions.

3.2. Resolve all issues within the rights granted to him.

3.3. Perform daily tasks received from the General Director of the enterprise and tasks in accordance with the approved work plan.

3.4. Take timely measures to prevent the theft of material assets of the enterprise, causing damage to the property of the enterprise.

3.5. Conduct the selection and placement of personnel in subordinate services, monitor the performance of their functional duties; petition the general director of the enterprise to encourage or impose a disciplinary sanction on the personnel of subordinate services. To control the implementation of the internal labor regulations by the personnel of the green economy service, the washing shop, the drivers of vehicles.

3.6. Participate in the development and implementation of annual and long-term plans for organizational and economic measures to increase the level of economic operation of buildings and structures, in the introduction of new production technologies at the enterprise in order to increase the reliability and safety of work.

3.7. Organize and manage work on the introduction of mechanization of technological processes, the wide dissemination of best practices in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.8. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on administrative and economic issues.

3.9. To exercise control over works on improvement, gardening and cleaning of the territory, timely removal of household waste from the territory of the enterprise; festive decoration of building facades.

3.10. To organize economic services for meetings, conferences, elections and other events held in the sanatorium.

3.11. Participate in the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services with organizations and individuals, prepare the necessary materials for their conclusion and monitor compliance with the terms of the contracts.

3.12. Take part in the acceptance of completed works.

3.13. To exercise control over the rational use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes.

3.14. To exercise control over the timely preparation of applications for providing the enterprise with materials, furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work.

3.15. Supervise their maintenance and timely repair.

3.16. Develop and implement measures to prepare the enterprise for work in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods.

3.17. Organize and manage work on the introduction of mechanization of technological processes, promote the wide dissemination of best practices in the operation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.18. Monitor the operation of telephone networks, radio, television, including cable. Take measures for their timely repair, replacement, modernization, etc.

3.19. Supervise the training and advanced training of subordinate personnel.

3.20. Supervise the training of personnel of the green economy service, the washing shop, drivers of vehicles on labor protection, fire safety rules, electrical and technogenic safety and industrial sanitation.

3.21. In due time, comply with the instructions of Gosnadzorohrantruda, fire, sanitary supervision and other regulatory authorities.

3.22. To introduce more modern and safe methods of work, structures, fences, devices, safety devices aimed at improving working conditions, industrial sanitation, preventing accidents, industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

3.23. According to his work plan, make rounds in the structural divisions of the enterprise, reflect the identified shortcomings in the work in the logs of rounds and monitor their elimination.

3.24. Prepare and submit proposals on the organization of remuneration and working conditions for the service personnel of the enterprise, as well as on other social issues of the team for inclusion in the collective agreement.

3.25. Participate in the work of the commission for the development of a collective agreement.

3.26. Control the implementation of measures related to the economic service of the enterprise, included in the collective agreement.

3.27. Take an active part in the work of the technical Council of the enterprise, report on their work, make presentations, make proposals for improving the work of the economic service of the enterprise.

3.28. Provide safe and favorable working conditions for employees of subordinate services; develop job descriptions for engineers of these services; control the provision of services with instructions on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation and other regulations for the employees to fulfill their functional duties.

3.29. Conduct and provide training, briefings and knowledge testing of service personnel on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, labor legislation and monitor their timely conduct.

3.30. Constantly monitor the state of labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation in the economic service; participate in the work of commissions for the operational control of labor protection at the enterprise.

3.31. Provide clear actions for the maintenance personnel of the enterprise in the event of emergencies, accidents, fires, for which purpose, provide them with instructions and other regulations on their actions in the above situations.

3.32. Participate in the work of the commission to test the knowledge of personnel on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

3.33. Carry out work on certification and rationalization of jobs in the economic service of the enterprise.

3.34. Control the timely submission of applications for the necessary overalls, safety shoes, sanitary clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment, special soap, special food in accordance with applicable standards, as well as monitor their timely issuance and proper use.

3.35. Constantly monitor compliance by service personnel with the rules and regulations of labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation, labor discipline, and internal labor regulations.

3.36. Suspend employees of the service from work in case of violations, non-compliance with the rules, norms, instructions for labor protection, fire, electrical, technogenic safety, industrial sanitation and internal labor regulations of the enterprise.

3.37. Carry out work on the conservation and deconservation of fixed assets of the enterprise.

3.38. Regularly conduct inspections of the technical condition of buildings and structures, check the availability and serviceability of grounding, the availability of technical documentation. If problems are found, take corrective action in a timely manner.

3.39. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment in the administrative and economic service, if there is a threat to the life and health of the employees of the enterprise and immediately notify the general director of the enterprise.

3.40. Do not allow personnel to work on faulty equipment, if they do not have personal protective equipment and without training and appropriate instruction in labor protection, fire, electrical and technogenic safety, industrial sanitation.

3.41. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that can lead to an accident, occupational disease, downtime, breakdown or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the general director of the enterprise about this.

3.42. Exercise control over the safe storage, transportation and use of radioactive, poisonous, explosive, flammable and other substances and materials.

3.43. Monitor the passage of preliminary and periodic medical examinations by employees of subordinate services in a timely manner (at least once a year).

3.44. Participate in the work of commissions for the investigation of accidents that occurred at the enterprise.

3.45. To know and fulfill the tasks facing the economic service for civil defense of the enterprise, the capabilities of subordinate forces and means of civil defense of the enterprise, their security.

3.46. Inform the general director or the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations of the enterprise about the prerequisites for the occurrence of emergency situations at the enterprise's facilities.

3.47. Perform their duties as part of the emergency formation of the civil defense of the enterprise.

3.48. To be trained according to the Enterprise Civil Defense Preparation Plan.

3.49. Participate in the development of an enterprise civil defense action plan in case of a threat and liquidation of the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

3.50. Know the warning signals of civil defense, the procedure for acting on them and carry it out.

3.51. Upon receipt of the signal, immediately take measures to eliminate and investigate all emergencies at the enterprise and at the same time inform the general director of the enterprise, as well as interested organizations of the city (SES, police, fire department, etc.) about the incident.

3.52. Participate in the promotion of civil defense issues among the employees of the enterprise.

3.53. Provide first aid to victims of accidents and emergencies at the enterprise's facilities.

3.54. Comply with the rules and regulations of health protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

3.55. Know and comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, fire, electrical and technological safety, industrial sanitation, instructions and Rules for handling technological equipment and other means of production, use collective and personal protective equipment.

3.56. Comply with labor protection obligations stipulated by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

3.57. In a timely manner, undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation, on objects of increased danger and labor legislation in educational and methodological centers.

3.58. Improve their skills by constantly studying special literature, periodicals.

3.60. Cooperate with the administration of the enterprise in organizing safe and harmless working conditions, personally take all feasible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to his life and health or the people around him and the environment. Report the danger to the general director of the enterprise.

3.61. Participate in the organization of sanitary days and sanitary hours at the enterprise, control the schedules for their implementation, issue tasks to the green economy service and monitor their implementation.

3.62. Comply with the labor schedule of the day, labor and production discipline, provided for by the rules of the internal labor schedule of the enterprise.

3.63. To be at work in a normal state of health that does not interfere with the performance of their functional duties.

3.64. Give written explanations in case of violation of the internal labor regulations.

3.65. Comply with the requirements of general moral and ethical standards and deontology.

3.66. Ensure the complete safety of the property entrusted to him. Treat property with care and take prompt action to prevent damage.

3.67. Actively participate in community life.

3.68. Fulfill the requirements of the collective agreement.

4. RIGHTS According to the job description, the Deputy General Director has the right to:

4.1. Make proposals to the General Director of the enterprise on issues related to his activities and concerning the organization and working conditions of the employees of the enterprise.

4.2. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.3. Coordination of hiring, dismissal and placement of personnel in the service led by him.

4.4. Prepare draft orders relating to the activities of the enterprise on economic issues.

4.5. When changing the forms and methods of labor organization, make proposals to the general director of the enterprise on changing and supplementing the rights and obligations of employees subordinate to him.

4.6. Apply to the general director of the enterprise for announcing gratitude, issuing a bonus, awarding valuable gifts, certificates and using other types of incentives for employees of the service he leads.

4.7. To petition the general director of the enterprise to reprimand or dismiss employees of the service he leads for violations of labor discipline.

4.8. Supervise the actions of all subordinate personnel.

4.9. Improve your skills in courses and seminars in a timely manner.

4.10. Timely undergo training on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation and on objects of increased danger in educational and methodological centers.

4.11. To demand from employees of services subordinate to him to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, the collective agreement, compliance with ethics and deontology.

4.12. Demand and monitor the performance of their duties by subordinate personnel.

4.13. Participate in meetings that discuss issues related to the activities of the Deputy General Director for administrative and economic work.

4.14. Make decisions within your competence.

4.15. Require the general director of the enterprise to create safe and harmless working conditions, provide the necessary materials to perform their duties.

4.16. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms, devices, instruments and other equipment, as well as prohibit work in premises where there is a threat to the life and health of workers.

4.17. Refuse to perform work if there is a threat to the life or health of workers.

4.18. Make proposals to the General Director related to the improvement of the civil defense system.


5.1. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy for Job Description is responsible for:

Disclosure of information constituting the commercial secret of the enterprise;

Improper performance of their functional duties;

Poor quality work and erroneous actions, incorrect resolution of issues within its competence;

Untimely or poor-quality material and technical support for the economic part;

Poor organization of the activities of the personnel subordinate to him;

Unreliability of the issued information, untimely submission of reports, work plans, applications, acts, etc.;

Non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of orders of the general director of the enterprise, resolutions and other regulatory documents of higher organizations, the owner, the government and other executive authorities;

The general state of labor protection, fire and electrical safety, industrial sanitation in the whole enterprise;

Compliance with the rules of operation and timely repair of buildings, structures, tools, soft and hard equipment and other material assets;

Low labor and performance discipline;

Violation of the rules of the internal labor schedule;

Violation of safety regulations;

Loss or damage to material assets issued for work;

For damage caused to the enterprise, if the damage was caused intentionally or through negligence when using material assets;

Accidents or occupational poisoning at work, if by his order or action he violated the relevant Rules on labor protection and did not take appropriate measures to prevent accidents;

Violation of instructions and other legislative acts on labor protection, creation of obstacles to the activities of officials of the enterprise;

For inaction, negligence in the performance of official duties provided for by this instruction.

5.2. Deputy General Director for General Affairs - First Deputy is financially responsible for:

For damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of the labor duties assigned to it;

For damage caused by deliberate destruction or deliberate damage to material assets issued by the enterprise for use;

For failure to take the necessary measures to prevent theft, destruction and damage to material assets;

For damage caused by actions containing signs of acts prosecuted in criminal proceedings;

In the full amount of damage caused through his fault to the enterprise, for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage or for other purposes in accordance with the work performed.


6.1. Receives from the General Director and his deputies the necessary oral, written official information, documentation for the performance of his official duties.

6.2. Provides the necessary oral and written information about his work to the General Director of the enterprise.

6.3. Participates weekly in operational meetings with the General Director of the enterprise.

6.4. Participates in the work of the technical council of the enterprise; prepares materials for the technical council according to the plan.

6.5. Resolves issues related to logistics, repair and operation of fixed assets, labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation with the general director of the enterprise, his deputies, heads of departments, heads of services and divisions.

6.6. The commission of a higher organization, with the participation of the Gosnadzorohrantruda bodies, checks his knowledge on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, and the Labor Code of Ukraine.

6.7. When applying for a job, he submits a work book, passport, and other documents (military ID, education document) to the department of organizational and personnel work.

6.8. Timely informs the department of organizational and personnel work about changes in credentials (family composition, home address, military registration, passport data, etc.).

6.9. Receives information from the department of organizational and personnel work on work experience, availability of benefits, etc.

6.10. He receives information about his salary from the chief accountant, accountant of the financial department, economist.

6.11. Timely informs the department of organizational and personnel work of information on advanced training (training) and assignment of a qualification category, presenting the original and a photocopy of the received document.


7.1. Proper performance of their functions and official duties.

7.2. Use in their work to assess the effectiveness of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise profitability of the use of fixed assets.

7.3. The absence of complaints about the work of the economic service and sanatorium-and-spa services.

7.4. High-quality documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases.

7.5. The correctness and completeness of the exercise of the rights granted to him.

7.6. Respect for entrusted property.

7.7. Timely improvement of business skills.

7.8. Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, fire, electrical, industrial safety and industrial sanitation.

7.9. Absence of violations of labor and production discipline.

7.10. Compliance with the requirements of moral and ethical standards and deontology.

Job description compiled

The job description of the first deputy director must be approved and agreed upon.

The job description of the Deputy General Director is signed by the employee.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Deputy Director for General Affairs belongs to the category
managers, is hired and fired from her by order of _______
(name of the position of the head)
1.2. Deputy Director for General Affairs directly reports
(name of the position of the head)
1.3. For the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs,
is a person who has a higher professional education and work experience
management positions for at least ___ years.
1.4. The Deputy Director for General Affairs must know the resolution
leniya, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations
higher authorities related to administrative and economic services
nia; the structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development; means of communication, you
numeral and organizational technique; procedure and deadlines for compiling
parity; means of mechanization of manual labor; procedure for purchasing equipment
dovaniya, furniture, inventory, stationery and decoration
payments for services; fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and
management; labor legislation; rules of the internal labor race
order; labor protection rules and regulations.
1.5. In his work, the Deputy Director for General Affairs
- legislative and regulatory acts regulating the production of
water and economic activity of the enterprise;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- orders, instructions and other instructions of the head of the pre-
- this job description.
1.6. During the absence of the Deputy Director for General Affairs
his duties are performed by his deputy appointed in the prescribed manner
tetel, who bears full responsibility for the proper fulfillment of these obligations

2. Functions

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for the following
2.1. Participation in the conclusion of business contracts of the enterprise and
control over their timely and accurate execution.
2.2. Taking measures to expand the economic ties of the enterprise.
2.3. Control over the safety of the property of the enterprise.
2.4. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinates
executors, control over their compliance with the requirements of legislative
and normative legal acts on labor protection.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for
general questions must:
3.1. Organize the work and effective interaction of entrusted
to him structural divisions, workshops and production units, directed
lyat their activity on the development and improvement of production, increase
improvement of enterprise performance, quality and competitiveness
manufactured products.
3.2. Organize production and business activities
based on the widespread use of the latest technology and technology, progressive
ny forms of management and organization of labor, rational use
production reserves and economical use of all types of resources.
3.3. Solve issues related to production and economic activities
3.4. Ensure compliance with the law in the implementation of economic
but-economic relations of the enterprise.
3.5. _____________________________________________________________.

The Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right to:
4.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with others
organizations and public authorities.
4.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding
lasting his activities.
4.3. Submit proposals for improvement to management
enterprise activities.
4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence
tion, issue orders for the enterprise under his signature within
its competence.
4.5. Correspond with organizations on matters within its scope
4.6. Interact with department heads
enterprises, receive information and documents necessary for the implementation
their official duties.
4.7. Control the activities of his subordinate structural sub-
company divisions.
4.8. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the use of
fulfillment of their duties and rights.
4.9. _____________________________________________________________.

5. Responsibility

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is responsible for:
5.1 for failure to perform (improper performance) of their official
the duties provided for in this job description, within the
lah determined by labor legislation Russian Federation;
5.2 for those committed in the course of carrying out their activities
offenses - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
5.3 for causing material damage - within the limits determined
labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

The staffing of each organization is headed by a senior position. An employee who manages the activities of a particular division of the company is called the deputy director.

About whether a job description is needed for this frame, and what it may contain, we will tell in this article.

Job Features

The Deputy Director for General Affairs is the specified title of the position of the head who helps the director of the organization to resolve certain issues. What is hidden behind the expression "general questions"? The person assigned to this position must:

  • control the external and internal security of transactions concluded by the head;
  • prevent or minimize company losses;
  • to expand the economic ties of the enterprise or to contribute in every possible way to this;
  • ensure that the property of the company remains safe and sound;
  • provide a healthy and safe working environment for other employees and monitor their compliance with the requirements dictated by law.

Why do companies need instructions?

The job description acts as the main organizational document, the main purpose of which is determination of the rights and obligations of the employee and the establishment of boundaries of interaction between individual frames.

The instruction of the Deputy Director for General Affairs regulates the main areas of activity this employee, namely:

  • ensuring proper maintenance of office premises;
  • timely troubleshooting of equipment, lighting, heating or ventilation problems;
  • timely and reliable performance of assigned tasks;
  • functional connection of the employee with other specialists;
  • a high level of responsibility, both personal and collective;
  • resolving issues related to the development of a plan for the current or overhaul, drawing up estimates for the purchase of household equipment, stationery and necessary equipment.

You can find out the requirements for the design and content of the document from the following video:

Who writes and signs it?

The development and signing of instructions should be handled by supervisor structural unit . If the latter is absent, then the duties are assigned directly to the specialist. This document must be approved enterprise manager.

Approval by the head of one of the departments is also allowed, but only if these functions are part of his job description and labor contract.

By the way, after drawing up a document on the basic rights and obligations of an employee, it should be agreed with the relevant legal department of the company (or with a legal adviser). If the personnel department is engaged in the development, then the head of the relevant structural unit must also agree on it.

As follows from the above, the instruction of the Deputy General Director must be drawn up either by the employee himself or by a personnel specialist.

About the main sections of the document

The standard instruction should contain information:

  • About general provisions - about the full title of the position, about qualification requirements with regards to education and experience, about direct superiors, about the appointment procedure, about existing subordinates, etc. This section should also include information about legislative acts and local documents that the employee must be guided by in the performance of his duties.
  • About employee rights. In this section, it is necessary to provide updated information on the limits of competence assigned to the employee, as well as on his powers.
  • ABOUT official duties . Here you should place detailed information about the obligations mentioned in the employment contract.
  • About responsibility. The section describes the measure of responsibility that an employee bears if he does not comply with the requirements established by the instructions, local acts or the Labor Code.

All requirements specified in the document must comply with the law, otherwise it will lose its legal status.

An accurate understanding of your rights affects the level of quality of the tasks performed. For example, if the deputy director needs certain information to complete the task, and he does not have the right to receive it, then neither colleagues nor himself can be punished for not completing the task on time.

A completely different situation develops, if the job description says about this right, then you can resort to disciplinary sanctions.

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

Deputy Director for General Affairs

Job responsibilities. Manages the financial and economic activities of the nuclear power plant (NPP) through the management of logistics, transport and administrative services, as well as the efficient and targeted use of material and financial resources, reducing their losses, accelerating the turnover working capital. Ensures the participation of subordinate units in determining the strategy commercial activities, drafting financial plans, development of standards for logistics, organization of storage and transportation of material and technical resources. Takes measures to timely conclude economic and financial contracts with suppliers and consumers of raw materials and products, expand direct and long-term economic ties, ensure the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of material and technical resources (in terms of quantity, range, assortment, quality, timing and other conditions of supply) . Carries out control over the material and technical support of the nuclear power plant and the correct use of working capital. Leads the development of measures for resource conservation and the integrated use of material resources, the improvement of the rationing of the consumption of raw materials, materials, working capital and stocks of material assets, the improvement economic indicators and the formation of a system of economic indicators of the work of the nuclear power plant, the prevention of the formation and elimination of excess stocks of inventory items, as well as the overspending of material resources. Provides rational use all types of transport, improvement of loading and unloading operations, takes measures to maximize the equipment of the transport service with the necessary mechanisms and devices. Organizes the work of warehouse facilities, creates conditions for proper storage and preservation of material resources. Ensures the preparation of cost estimates and other documents, established reporting on the implementation of logistics plans and the operation of transport. Organizes constant monitoring of the operation and repair of the housing stock and existing facilities for cultural and community and communal purposes. Carries out activities for the improvement and landscaping of the industrial zone of the plant and adjacent areas of the city. Organizes catering in production, providing workers with special meals. Coordinates the work of subordinate departments. Carries out work on training and maintaining the qualifications of the personnel of subordinate subdivisions of the NPP. Supervises the implementation by employees of the rules on labor protection and fire safety. Participates in the certification of workplaces.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to the activities of the AU, organizational structure management of the NPP, prospects for the technical and financial and economic development of the NPP, the procedure for developing and approving plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the NPP, market methods of managing and managing, the procedure for accounting and reporting on the results of the financial and economic activities of the NPP, the organization of material technical support, administrative and transport services, loading and unloading operations, the procedure for developing working capital standards, consumption rates and stocks of inventory items, the procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts, requirements for organizing work with personnel at the NPP, fundamentals of economics , organization of production, labor and management, basics of labor legislation, environmental protection rules, labor protection and fire safety rules, internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Economics and Management" and work experience in the field professional activity at least 5 years, including at least 3 years of work at the NPP.

Jobs for the position of Deputy Director for General Affairs on the All-Russian database of vacancies

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