Job description of an employee carrying out military registration sample. III. Duties of employees carrying out military registration in organizations. Download a helpful document


Organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, must keep military records of their employees. The purpose of military registration is to ensure in peacetime the full and high-quality staffing of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and during periods of mobilization, martial law and in wartime, also to meet the needs for human resources of state authorities, local governments and organizations ( subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 8 of the Federal Law of 05.31.1996 No. 61-FZ, paragraph 2 of the Regulations Let us present step-by-step instructions for military registration in an organization 2019. Recall that for maintaining military registration in an organization, Methodological recommendations that are also relevant for 2019 year, were approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017.

Step 1: appoint responsible persons

Who is responsible for military registration in organizations and who maintains it? Speaking about the organization of military registration in the company ( step by step instructions), you should start by identifying those responsible for maintaining such records. The head of the organization is responsible for the state of military registration in the organization (clause 9 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006). And the person appointed by the head of the organization on the basis of an order is directly involved in maintaining military records. Of course, the obligation to maintain military records should be provided for in the official duties such an employee.

The number of employees appointed responsible for maintaining military records in an organization depends on the number of employees on military records. To determine how many employees need to be allocated for military registration, it is necessary to establish the total number of citizens who are registered with the organization as of December 31 of the previous year (clause 19 of the Regulation, approved by Government Decree of November 27, 2006 No. 719). In this case, the following standards are used (clause 12 of the Regulations, approved by Government Decree of November 27, 2006 No. 719).

If the organization has 2 or more employees who keep military records, they are combined into a separate unit, called the military registration table.

At the same time, the head of the organization must not only appoint employees to maintain military records, but also provide them with specially equipped rooms and iron cabinets that would ensure the safety of documents on military records (clause 21 of the Regulation, approved by Government Decree of November 27, 2006 No. 719) .

Step 2: determine the circle of workers subject to military registration

According to the rules for maintaining military records in organizations in 2019, the following employees are subject to military registration (clause 14 of the Regulations

  • conscripts;
  • conscripts.
Conscripts conscripts
Male citizens aged 18 to 27 who are required to be registered with the military and who are not in the reserve Citizens in the reserve:
- males in reserve;
- Dismissed from military service with enrollment in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
— successfully completed training at military departments at federal state educational organizations higher education under military training programs for reserve officers, military training programs for sergeants, foremen of the reserve or military training programs for soldiers, reserve sailors;
- those who have not completed military service in connection with the exemption from conscription for military service;
- those who have not completed military service in connection with the provision of deferrals from conscription for military service or who are not called up for military service for any other reason, upon reaching the age of 27 years;
- dismissed from military service without military registration and subsequently put on military registration in military commissariats;
- completed alternative civilian service;
- female, having military registration specialties in accordance with the Appendix to the Regulations, approved. Government Decree No. 719 dated November 27, 2006

And for which employees military records are not kept?

Military records in organizations are not kept in relation, in particular, to the following employees (clause 15 of the Regulation, approved by Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006):

  • exempted from military duty in accordance with the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”;
  • female workers who do not have a military registration specialty;
  • permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;
  • employees with military ranks of officers and who are in the reserve of the SVR or the FSB.

Step 3: we receive documents for maintaining military records from conscripts and those liable for military service

Military registration in organizations and filling out personal cards is carried out on the basis of the following documents (clause 25 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017).

Step 4: we develop and maintain military registration documents

What documents should the organization keep for military registration?

As part of maintaining military records, the organization develops (maintains) the following documents (clause 39 of the Methodological Recommendations, approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017):

  • an order on the organization of military registration of citizens, including the reservation of citizens who are in reserve;
  • file cabinet of personal cards form No. T-2. In section 2 "Information on military registration" of the employee's personal card in the form No. T-2 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1), military registration of conscripts and those liable for military service is maintained;
  • a log of checks on the implementation of military registration and booking of citizens staying in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • receipts for the receipt of military registration documents from citizens;
  • official office work (separate matter) on the issues of maintaining military records of citizens and booking citizens who are in reserve in the organization;
  • other documents in accordance with the requirements established by the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and heads of organizations;
  • reference information on military registration, mobilization training and mobilization.

Samples of documents necessary for maintaining military records in an organization can be found, in particular, in the Methodological Recommendations for Maintaining Military Records in Organizations (approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2017). Among the samples of military registration documents in the organization in the specified Methodological recommendations, for example, are given:

  • order on the organization of military registration of citizens, incl. reservations of citizens who are in reserve;
  • employee's personal card (form No. T-2);
  • a receipt on the receipt of documents of military registration of citizens;
  • a work plan for maintaining military records and booking citizens in the reserve;
  • a journal of checks on the implementation of military registration and booking of citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Step 5: we perform and control the fulfillment of military registration duties

Responsibilities of managers and other employees responsible for military registration work, are provided for by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ, as well as the Regulations, approved. Decree of the Government of November 27, 2006 No. 719.

Responsibility group Types of duties
Obligations to ensure the registration of citizens for military registration at the place of work (clause 30 of the Regulations - check with citizens of the Russian Federation who are hired, the presence of marks in their passports about their attitude to military duty, the presence and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of entries in them, marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization prescriptions (for those liable for military service if there are marks on the receipt of a mobilization order on military tickets), tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for those liable for military service, if there is a mark on the receipt of the token on the military ticket);
- fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in the documents of military registration. At the same time, information on marital status, education, place of work (division of an organization), position, place of residence or place of stay of citizens, other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration is specified;
- explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties in military registration, mobilization training and mobilization, established by law RF, control their execution, as well as inform citizens about the responsibility for non-fulfillment of these duties;
- inform military commissariats about unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and fakes found in military registration documents, an incomplete number of sheets, as well as cases of non-fulfillment of duties by citizens in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization
Responsibilities for the collection, storage and processing of information contained in the personal cards of citizens subject to military registration (clause 31 of the Regulation, approved by Government Decree of November 27, 2006 No. 719) - to determine the citizens who are subject to military registration at the place of work and (or) at the place of residence, and take the necessary measures to put them on military registration;
- maintain and store personal cards of citizens put on military records in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Obligations to keep up to date the information contained in personal cards, as well as in military registration documents of military commissariats (clause 32 of the Regulation, approved by Government Decree of November 27, 2006 No. 719) - send within 2 weeks to the relevant military commissariats and (or) local governments information about citizens subject to military registration and their acceptance or dismissal from work. If necessary, and for conscripts without fail, for the purpose of military registration at the place of residence or place of stay or clarification of the necessary information contained in military registration documents, notify citizens of the need to appear in person at the relevant military commissariats or local governments;
- send, within 2 weeks, at the request of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local self-government bodies, the necessary information about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not registered, but are obliged to be registered with the military;
- submit annually, in September, to the relevant military commissariats lists of male citizens of 15 and 16 years of age, and before November 1 - lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration in next year;
- check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the documents of military registration of citizens;
- verify at least once a year in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, information on military registration contained in personal cards with information contained in military registration documents of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local governments;
- enter into personal cards information about changes in marital status, education, structural unit organization, position, place of residence or place of stay, state of health of citizens registered in the military, and within 2 weeks to report these changes to the military commissariats;
- notify citizens of calls (summons) of the relevant military commissariats or local governments and provide them with the opportunity to timely appear at the places indicated by the military commissariats, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and wartime

Responsibility for violations in the conduct of military records

The current legislation provides for administrative liability in the form of a fine for violating certain instructions for maintaining military records in organizations. It is imposed on the head or other official responsible for military registration work.

Type of offense The amount of the fine Base
Failure to submit within the prescribed period to the military commissariat or to another body that carries out military registration, lists of citizens subject to initial military registration from 300 to 1,000 rubles Art. 21.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
Failure to report to the military commissariat or to another body that carries out military registration, information about hired or dismissed citizens who are or are required to be, but are not registered in the military Part 3 Art. 21.4 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation
Failure to notify citizens of their summons on the agenda of the military commissariat or other body that carries out military registration, as well as the failure to provide citizens with the opportunity to appear on time when summoned on the agenda of the military commissariat or other body that carries out military registration from 500 to 1,000 rubles
responsible for maintaining military records

An employee who maintains military records of citizens in the reserve is obliged:

1. In order to ensure the registration of citizens for military registration at the place of work:

    1. check with citizens hired:

  • the presence of marks in the passports of citizens Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty (according to Appendix No. 8 to these Guidelines),

  • the presence and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of entries in them, marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay,

  • the presence of mobilization orders (for those liable for military service, if there are marks on the delivery of the mobilization order on military tickets), tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for those liable for military service, if there is a mark on the receipt of the token on the military ticket),

  • compliance of these documents of military registration with the passport data of a citizen, the presence of a photograph and its correspondence to the owner, and in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military tickets, in addition, the validity period.
If unspecified corrections, inaccuracies, fakes or an incomplete number of sheets are found in these documents, their owners are sent to the department of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, in which they are registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered with the military to clarify military registration documents;

1.2. fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in the military registration documents. This specifies the following information:

  • about marital status

  • education,

  • place of work (division of the organization),

  • positions,

  • place of residence or residence of citizens,

  • other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration of citizens;
1.3. explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties in military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on military registration (Appendix 2 to the Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007), monitor their implementation, and also inform citizens about their liability for failure to fulfill these duties (Appendix 19 to the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007);

1.4. inform the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region:

  • about the absence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty,

  • about missing marks on military registration found in military registration documents, unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and fakes, incomplete number of sheets,

  • on cases of non-fulfillment of duties by citizens in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization for military commissars to make decisions on holding them accountable in accordance with applicable law;

2. In order to collect, store and process information contained in the personal cards of citizens subject to military registration:

2.1. identify citizens who are subject to military registration at the place of work and (or) at the place of residence (place of stay), and take the necessary measures to put them on military registration;

2.2. maintain and store personal cards of citizens put on military records in the manner determined by the Methodological Recommendations (Appendix 7 to the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007);
3. In order to keep up to date the information contained in personal cards, and to ensure that the information contained in the military registration documents of the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region is kept up to date:

3.1. send within 2 weeks to the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region information about citizens subject to military registration and acceptance (admission) or dismissal (expulsion) from work (from educational institutions) (Appendix No. 9 methodological recommendations General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007). If necessary, and for conscripts without fail, for the purpose of military registration at the place of residence or place of stay or clarification of the necessary information contained in military registration documents, notify citizens of the need to appear in person at the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region;

3.2. send, within 2 weeks, at the request of the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, the necessary information about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not registered, but are obliged to be registered with the military (Appendix No. 10 of the Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007) ;

3.3. submit annually, in September, to the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, lists of male citizens aged 15 and 16, and before November 1, lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration next year (Appendix No. 11 of the Guidelines General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007);

3.4. check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the documents of military registration of citizens;

3.5. check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the military registration documents of the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region (Appendix No. 12 of the Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007);

3.6. enter into personal cards information about changes in marital status, education, structural unit of the organization, position, place of residence or place of stay, health status of citizens registered in the military, and report these changes to the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region within 2 weeks ( Appendix No. 13 of the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007);

3.7. notify citizens of calls (summons) of the relevant departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region and ensure their timely appearance at the places indicated by the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and in wartime.
4. When receiving military registration documents from citizens, issue receipts (Appendix No. 14 of the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007).
5. When establishing whether citizens who are hired (study) are on military registration, check the presence of a mark on admission to military registration:

in the military card of a reserve officer in paragraph 24 "Marks on military registration and removal from military registration", in the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, marks are made on the admission of reserve officers to military registration and their removal from military registration (stamps 35x30 mm in size) in the appropriate columns, certified by a signature official and the official seal (seal for military registration marks) of the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region (pp. 31-34);

in the military card of a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, warrant officer, reserve midshipman in section IX "Marks for military registration and deregistration" in the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, marks are made for military registration and deregistration (35x30 mm stamps) in the appropriate columns (pp. 21-24)

in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service,- in section 1 "Marks on military registration and removal from military registration" marks are made on the removal of a conscript from military registration and on his military registration with stamps of departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region.
6. In cases where there are no marks on page 13 of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation about the attitude to military duty or about military registration in military registration documents, send citizens who are in reserve and conscripts to the department of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region at the place of residence or place of stay.
7. When hiring citizens for work (study), send to the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region at the place of residence of female citizens aged 18 to 45 years (previously not registered with the military) who have (received) specialties in accordance with the List of military registration specialties, as well as professions, specialties in the presence of which female citizens receive military registration specialties and are subject to military registration. Registration and issuance of military tickets to female citizens who received military registration specialties in the course of training in educational institutions vocational education, at courses, in other institutions and organizations that prepare citizens for military service, is carried out by the military commissariat on whose territory these institutions and organizations are located, on the basis of lists (Appendix No. 15 of the Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007).
8. The military commissariat of the Orenburg region, in agreement with the Government of the Orenburg region, may establish other additional information that must be indicated in the information and lists provided by organizations.
9. In accordance with and in the manner determined by the Instructions for booking for the period of mobilization and for wartime, citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with a reserve, and working in state authorities, local governments and organizations:

timely make reservations for citizens who are in reserve for the organization for periods of mobilization, martial law and wartime;

submit to the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region the established reporting, including on the number of employees of organizations.
10. When compiling reports that provide for the reflection of information about the composition of the reserve (military ranks) and the age (ranks) of citizens working (students) in the organization (institution) who are in the reserve, be guided by Appendix No. 16 to the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces-2007.
11. In order to ensure the completeness and quality of the military registration of conscripts and citizens in the reserve, from among those working (studying) in organizations (educational institutions), and booking citizens in the reserve throughout the calendar year, develop a work plan for the implementation military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve (Appendix No. 17 of the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007) and coordinate it with the department of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, on whose territory the organization is located.
Deputy head of the organization __________________________________

(painting, initial name, surname)



26. Officials who carry out military registration in organizations perform duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. In order to ensure the registration of citizens for military registration at the place of work, employees who carry out military registration in organizations:

a) they check the presence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty (Appendix N 8 to these Guidelines), the presence and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of entries in them, marks on setting for military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization orders (for those liable for military service, if there are marks on the delivery of a mobilization order on military tickets), tokens with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for those liable for military service, if there is a mark on the receipt of the token in the military ID). They check the compliance of these documents of military registration with the passport data of a citizen, the presence of a photograph and its correspondence to the owner, and in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military tickets, in addition, the validity period. If unspecified corrections, inaccuracies, fakes or an incomplete number of sheets are found in these documents, their owners are sent to the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) in which they are registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered with the military, for clarification military registration documents;

b) fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in the military registration documents. At the same time, information is specified on the marital status, education, place of work (subdivision of the organization), position, place of residence or place of stay of citizens, other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration of citizens;

c) explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties for military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on military registration, exercise control over their execution, and also inform citizens about their responsibility for failure to fulfill these duties;

d) inform the military commissariats about the absence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty, missing marks found in military registration documents on military registration, unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and fakes, an incomplete number of sheets, as well as cases of non-fulfillment by citizens duties in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization for the military commissars to make decisions on holding them accountable in accordance with applicable law.

28. In order to collect, store and process information contained in the personal cards of citizens subject to military registration, organizations and their officials:

a) identify citizens who are subject to military registration at the place of work and (or) at the place of residence (place of stay), and take the necessary measures to put them on military registration;

b) maintain and store personal cards of citizens registered with the military in accordance with these Guidelines.

29. In order to keep the information contained in personal cards up to date and to ensure that the information contained in the military registration documents of military commissariats is kept up to date, employees who carry out military registration in organizations:

A) send within two weeks to the relevant military commissariats of municipalities and (or) local governments information about citizens subject to military registration and acceptance (admission) or dismissal (expulsion) from work (from educational organizations), in accordance with Appendix N 9 to these methodological recommendations. If necessary, and for conscripts without fail, for the purpose of military registration at the place of residence or place of stay or clarification of the necessary information contained in military registration documents, citizens are notified of the need for a personal appearance at the relevant military commissariats of municipalities or local governments ;

B) send within two weeks, at the request of the relevant military commissariats of municipalities and (or) local governments, the necessary information about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not registered, but are required to be registered with the military, in accordance with Appendix N 10

C) submit annually, in September, to the relevant military commissariats of municipalities, lists of male citizens aged 15 and 16, and before November 1, lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration next year, in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to these Guidelines;

D) verify at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the documents of military registration of citizens;

E) check at least once a year, the information on military registration contained in personal cards, with the information contained in the documents of military registration of the relevant military commissariats of municipalities and (or) local governments, in accordance with Appendix No. 12 to these Guidelines;

E) enter into personal cards information about changes in marital status, education, structural unit of the organization, position, place of residence or place of stay, health status of citizens registered in the military, and within two weeks report these changes to the military commissariats of municipalities in the manner in accordance with Appendix No. 13 to these Guidelines;

G) inform citizens about the calls (summons) of the relevant military commissariats of municipalities or local governments and ensure their timely appearance at the places indicated by the military commissariats, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and in wartime.

30. When receiving military registration documents from citizens by employees who carry out military registration in organizations, citizens are issued a receipt in accordance with Appendix N 14

31. Establishing whether the citizens employed (study) are on military registration, organizations check the presence of a mark on admission to military registration:

in clause 25 "Marks on military registration and removal from military registration" (pp. 32 - 35) of the military ID of a reserve officer in the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) or other body that carries out military registration, marks are made on the admission of reserve officers for military registration and removal from military registration (stamps 35 x 30 mm in size) in the appropriate columns, certified by the signature of an official and official seal (seal for military registration marks) of the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities);

in section IX "Marks on military registration and removal from military registration" (pp. 25 - 28) of a military ID of a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, ensign, midshipman (in the certificate instead of a military ID, temporary certificate issued instead of a military ID ) in the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) or, in its absence, in the local government, marks are made on admission to military registration and removal from military registration (with stamps 35 x 30 mm in size) in the appropriate columns);

in section VII "Marks on military registration and removal from military registration" of the certificate, instead of a military ID at the military commissariat or, in its absence, in the local government, marks are made on admission to military registration and removal from military registration (with stamps measuring 35 x 30 mm ) in the appropriate columns (reverse side) according to the following samples:

in section I "Admission to military registration and removal from military registration" (pp. 2 and 3) of the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, notes are made on the removal of the conscript from military registration and on his military registration with the stamps of the military commissariat:

ACCEPTED for military registration

military commissariat



"__" ____________ 20__

REMOVED from military registration by the military commissariat



(name of the subject of the Russian Federation)

"__" ___________ 20__

Appear at the military commissariat at the new place of residence

to "__" _______ 20__

Signature ___________

Signature __________

32. In cases where there are no marks on page 13 of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation about the attitude to military duty or about military registration in military registration documents, organizations are required to send:

reserve officers and conscripts - to the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) at the place of residence or place of stay;

soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen of the reserve - to the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) at the place of residence (place of stay), and those living in the territory of municipalities where there are no military commissariats - to the local government.

33. When hiring citizens for work (study), the information sent to the military commissariats of municipalities at the place of residence (place of stay) of citizens and (or) local governments shall indicate the military rank, surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, military registration specialty, family composition and place of residence of a citizen, date of employment and position, and, in addition, the full name of the organization, its address and telephone numbers of the military registration desk (personnel department). In addition, organizations send to the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) at the place of residence of female citizens aged 18 to 45 years (previously not registered with the military), who have (received) specialties in accordance with the List of military registration specialties, as well as professions, specialties in the presence of which female citizens receive military registration specialties and are subject to military registration. Registration and issuance of military tickets to female citizens who have received military registration specialties in the course of training in educational institutions of vocational education, in courses, in other institutions and organizations that train citizens for military service, are carried out by the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities), at on the territory of which the indicated institutions and organizations are located, on the basis of the lists in accordance with Appendix No. 15 to these Guidelines.

34. The military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, may also establish other additional information that must be indicated in the information and lists submitted by organizations.

35. In accordance with and in the manner determined by the Instructions for booking for the period of mobilization and for wartime, citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with a reserve, and working in state authorities, local governments and military organizations - accounting departments of organizations:

timely make reservations for those liable for military service for the organization for the period of mobilization and for wartime; Appendix N 17 to these Guidelines), and coordinate it with the military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities).

Every organization is required to keep military records. To avoid fines, find out who is subject to military registration, prepare the necessary documents and submit information about employees to the military registration and enlistment office in time.

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Military records in an organization are often the responsibility of personnel officers who are charged with collecting, systematizing and updating information about the performance of military duties by employees. The work is carried out in two directions - general accounting and booking of citizens in reserve (GPZ).

What categories of citizens of the Russian Federation are subject to military registration

For failure to provide information about citizens subject to registration, failure to notify an employee of a call to the military enlistment office and other violations in the field of military registration (VU), the law provides for administrative liability (Articles 21.1, 21.4, 21.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). In order to avoid problems during the next inspection, you need to clearly know which categories of citizens are subject to military registration, and timely draw up lists of employees that meet the established criteria.

Who is not included in the lists

  • Foreign workers are not considered liable for military service, therefore they are not included in the lists (Article 1 of Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998, Article 15 of Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002).
  • Women who do not have a military specialty.
  • currently serving in the military.
  • Permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.
  • Serving sentences in places of detention.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation approved the Guidelines dated July 11, 2017, which lists all categories of personnel subject to registration. These include:

  • Men of military age (18-27 years) not enlisted in the reserve.
  • Men who are in the reserve and exempt from conscription.
  • nbsp; Men over 27 years old who did not serve in the army due to a delay.
  • All citizens who have been discharged from the army or who have served in alternative service.
  • Women who have received military specialties.
  • Specialists trained at the military departments of educational institutions.

Important! Consider all eligible employees, including those working remotely, part-time, or outsourced. part-time jobs .

Reservation of citizens who are in reserve is entrusted to individual employers by order of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, executive authorities and local governments. The organization receives ready-made lists of positions and professions or extracts from them. On the basis of the documents received, it is necessary to book employees suitable for the requirements and fill out the forms of form No. 4 (issued at the military registration and enlistment office). As a rule, we are talking about valuable specialists, representatives rare professions, highly qualified managers. Reserved citizens are exempt from conscription for military training and service during mobilization.

What documents of military registration is maintained by the employer

Maintaining military records in an organization requires the execution of a number of documents - both for internal use and for transfer to the military registration and enlistment office. First of all, the employer issues an order to organize military registration.

Order on the organization of military registration with expert comments

The document is drawn up in free form and is among the mandatory for any organization.

The experts of the magazine "Personnel Business" will tell in detail,. If the VU will be conducted by an employee of the personnel department on a part-time basis, do not forget to make the appropriate changes to labor contract, staffing and time sheet.

Attention! To find out if the applicant is liable for military service, look at the 13th page of the internal passport, where the corresponding stamp is placed.

In addition, the employer is entrusted with carrying out explanatory measures with employees, as well as compiling and maintaining:

  • file cabinets of personal cards (forms No. T-2, T-2GS) for all employees who are in the reserve and are subject to conscription for military service;
  • log of checks of the state of military registration;

How to keep military records in an organization: step by step instructions

Absolutely all enterprises are required to keep military records, regardless of the field of activity and organizational and legal form. It will help you to understand the intricacies of the process and understand how the organization of military registration in the organization begins, step by step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions: we keep military records in the organization

Step 1. Appoint a responsible person. This can be either a company secretary or an employee of the personnel department, or a main employee or an entire unit (military registration desk) engaged exclusively in maintaining military records. The expert of the "Personnel System" will tell how to determine the number of employees keeping military records in an organization

Step 2. Determine which categories of employees you will work with. Focus on the requirements of the Guidelines, approved. General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2017 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 27, 2006. If the enterprise maintains not only general records, but also reservations of citizens staying in reserve, additionally develop documents in accordance with the annexes to the Instruction approved by the Resolution of the Interdepartmental Commission on Reservations No. 664c dated February 3, 2015.

Step 3. Register the employer with the local military commissariat. Here you can also get an introductory briefing, guidelines, sample documents and advice on controversial or atypical cases. Registration of separate divisions is carried out at the location of branches and representative offices, and not the parent organization.

Step 4. Prepare all the necessary documents: magazines, cards, lists. If possible, automate part of the paperwork using special programs for the formation of workflow.

You can master the methods of competent document management at the HR School:

Step 5. Keep your military records up to date. At least once a year, check the data of personal cards with documents provided by employees or representatives of the military registration and enlistment office, make the necessary changes.

Step 6: Meet reporting deadlines. The employer is obliged to provide the military registration and enlistment office or local authorities with the following information:

  • about male employees who turn 17 next year - the age of initial military registration (every year before November 1);
  • about male employees aged 15 and 16 (annually in September).
  • on the employment and dismissal of employees subject to military registration - within two weeks from the date of the event;
  • about employees who are at the VU - upon request within two weeks.

It is very important not to limit yourself to paperwork only, but to carry out a full-fledged methodological training of personnel: explain the procedure for mobilization, hand in subpoenas, and promptly report calls to the military registration and enlistment office.

VU maintenance checks are carried out regularly. If the company does not yet maintain military records, start with organizational issues: register at the military registration and enlistment office, appoint a responsible officer. If records are maintained, an audit will not interfere: check the data and make sure that you report to the military registration and enlistment office on time, and all the necessary documents are stored in the personnel department or the military registration desk of the enterprise.

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