GOST 51105 97 motor gasoline. State standard of the Russian Federation


GOST R 51105-97

Group B12





Gasolines for combustion engines.

unleaded gasoline.

OKP02 5112 3700

Introduction date 1999-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 31 “Petroleum Fuels and Lubricants” (VNII NP)


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the recommendations of the European standard EN 228-1993 “Fuels for internal combustion engines. Unleaded gasoline. Requirements and test methods”

amendment made "Code"


This standard applies to unleaded gasolines for road transport(hereinafter - motor gasoline) used as fuel for automobile and motorcycle engines, as well as engines for other purposes, designed to use leaded or unleaded gasoline.

Mandatory requirements for product quality are set out in 4.2; 4.3, sections 6 and 7.

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. Work area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area

GOST 12.1.007-76 SSBT. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.018-93 SSBT. Fire safety. Electrical intrinsic safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.044-89 SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification

GOST 511-82 Fuels for engines. Motor method for determining octane number

GOST 1510-84 Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, storage and transportation

GOST 1567-83 Motor fuel. Method for determining actual resins

GOST 1756-52 Petroleum products. Saturated Vapor Pressure Method

GOST 2177-82 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the fractional composition

GOST 2517-85 Oil and oil products. Sampling methods

GOST 4039-88 Motor gasoline. Methods for determining the induction period

GOST 6321-92 Fuel for engines. Copper strip test method

GOST 8226-82 Fuel for engines. Research method for determining octane number

GOST 16350-80 Climate of the USSR. Zoning and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes

GOST 19121-73 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the sulfur content by burning in a lamp

GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling

GOST 28781-90 Oil and oil products. Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors in an apparatus with mechanical dispersion

GOST 28828-90 Gasolines. Lead determination method

GOST 29040-90 Gasoline. Method for determination of benzene and total content of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 12.1.052-97 SSBT. Safety data sheet of the substance (material). Key points

GOST R 50442-92 Oil and oil products. X-ray fluorescent method for the determination of sulfur

GOST R 50460-92 Mark of conformity for mandatory certification: shape, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST R 51069-97 Oil and oil products. Method for determining density, relative density and density in degrees API with a hydrometer


3.1 Depending on the octane number determined by the research method, the following grades of unleaded motor gasoline are established:

Normal-80 - not less than 80;

Regular-91 - at least 91;

Premium-95 - at least 95;

Super-98 - at least 98.

3.2 Depending on the climatic region of application, according to GOST 16350, motor gasolines are divided into five classes:


4.1 Motor gasoline must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 In terms of physical, chemical and performance indicators, motor gasoline must comply with the standards and requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Physico-chemical and performance characteristics of motor gasolines

Brand value

Name of indicator

Normal-80 OKP 02 5112 3701

Regular-91 OKP 02 5112 3702

Premium-95 OKP 02 5112 3703

Super-98 OKP 02 5112 3704

Test method

by motor method

According to GOST 511 or Appendix A

research method

According to GOST 8226 or Annex A

2 Lead concentration, g/dm, no more

According to GOST 28828 or Annex A

3 Manganese concentration, mg/dm3, not more than

According to 7.2 and Appendix A

4 Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 ml of gasoline, not more than

According to GOST 1567 or Annex A

5 Induction period of gasoline, min, not less than

According to GOST 4039 or Annex A

6 Mass fraction of sulfur, %, no more

According to GOST 19121 or GOST R 50442, or Appendix A

7 Volume fraction of benzene, %, max

According to GOST 29040 or Annex A

8 Copper plate test

Withstands class 1

According to GOST 6321 or Annex A

9 Appearance


10 Density at 15°С, kg/m

According to GOST R 51069 or Annex A


1. The manganese concentration is determined only for gasolines containing a manganese antiknock agent (MCTM).

2. Automobile gasoline intended for long-term storage (5 years) in the State Reserve and the Ministry of Defense must have an induction period of at least 1200 minutes

4.3 Evaporation characteristics are given in table 2.

table 2

Evaporation of gasolines

Value for class

Name of indicator

Test method

1 Saturated vapor pressure of gasoline, kPa, DNP

According to GOST 1756 or GOST 28781, or Appendix A

2 Fractional composition:

distillation start temperature, °C, not below

Not standardized

distillation limits, °С, not higher:

end of boiling, °С, not higher

share of the residue in the flask,%, (by volume)

balance and losses, %, (by volume)

volume of evaporated gasoline, %, at temperature:

According to GOST 2177 or Annex A

180°C, not less

end of boiling, °С, not higher

residue in the flask, % (by volume), no more

According to 7.4 or Appendix A [22]

4.4 In the production of motor gasoline, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing components, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Detergent additives can be introduced into motor gasolines upon shipment to the consumer, as well as at oil depots and gas stations, or directly into the gas tank before refueling the car.

4.5 Packaging, labeling of motor gasoline - according to GOST 1510.

Marking characterizing the transport hazard of motor gasoline, (GOST 19433), - class 3, subclass 3.1, danger sign 3, classification code 3111, UN number 1203.


5.1 Automobile gasolines are low-hazard products and, according to the degree of impact on the body, they belong to the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5.2 Automobile gasolines have a narcotic effect, irritate the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and human skin. Constant contact with gasoline can cause acute inflammation and chronic eczema.

5.3 Maximum allowable concentration of hydrocarbon vapors of gasoline in the air industrial premises- 100 mg/m in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

Availability of motor gasoline in drinking water unacceptable; determined visually (oily film of oil on the water surface).

5.4 Motor gasoline is, in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, a flammable liquid with an autoignition temperature of 255 - 370°C.

Temperature limits of ignition: lower - minus 27 - minus 39 ° С, upper - minus 8 - minus 27 ° С.

Concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 1.0%, upper - 6% (by volume).

5.5 When gasoline catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: sprayed water, foam; in case of volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, composition of LSF, composition “3.5”, steam.

State standard RF GOST R 51105-97
"Fuels for internal combustion engines. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications"
(adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 9, 1997 N 404)

With changes and additions from:

Gasolines for combustion engines. unleaded gasoline. Specifications

Introduced for the first time

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Motor gasoline must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 In terms of physical, chemical and performance indicators, motor gasoline must comply with the standards and requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1 - Physical, chemical and operational parameters of motor gasolines Normal-80 and Regular-92

Name of indicator

Value for class

Test method

by motor method

research method

2 Lead concentration, , no more


According to GOST R

3 Manganese concentration, , no more


4 Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 gasoline, not more than

5 Induction period of gasoline, min, not less than

GOST 52068, or


6 Sulfur concentration, mg/kg, max

According to GOST R

8 Volume fraction of hydrocarbons, %, max

According to GOST R

52714 or GOST R 52063, or according to Appendix A



9 Mass fraction of oxygen, %, max





isopropyl alcohol

isobutyl alcohol

tert-butyl alcohol

Ethers (C5 and above)

Other oxygenates

11 Copper plate test

12 Appearance

Clean, transparent

51069 or GOST R ISO 3675, Annex A , , ,

14 Iron concentration, , no more


According to GOST R

15 Volume fraction of monomethylaniline (N-methylaniline), %, max


According to GOST R

* Automobile gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is produced with an octane number of 80.0 according to the research method and 76.0 according to the motor method, the rest of the quality indicators are set in table 1.

** The norm for indicator 13 for motor gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is set at 700.0-750.0.


1 Motor gasoline of classes 2, 3, 4, 5 is put into circulation in accordance with the terms established by the technical regulation "On the requirements for motor and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil".

2 Automobile gasoline intended for long-term storage (5 years) in the Federal Reserve and the Ministry of Defense must have an induction period of at least 1200 minutes and must not contain alcohols and detergents.

4.3 Evaporation characteristics are given in table 2.

Table 2 - Evaporation of gasolines

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for the class

Test method

1 Saturated vapor pressure, kPa:

2 Fractional composition: volume fraction of evaporated gasoline, %, at a temperature of 70°C (I70)

100 °С (I100)

150 °C (I150), not less than

end boiling point, °С, not higher

residue in the flask, % (by volume), no more

3 Maximum vapor lock index

(IPP) IPP = 10DNP + 7 (I70)

* For gasolines of classes A, B, C, D, E, F, the vapor lock index is not standardized.

The standard provides for the production of 10 classes of gasoline by volatility. Limit values ​​for volatility characteristics are given in table 2. The diagram for determining the volatility classes of gasoline is shown in Figure 1.

4.4 In the production of motor gasoline, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing components, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Detergent additives can be introduced into motor gasolines upon shipment to the consumer, as well as at oil depots and gas stations, or directly into the gas tank before refueling the car.

Automobile gasoline may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.

4.5 Packaging, labeling of motor gasoline - according to GOST 1510.

Marking characterizing the transport hazard of motor gasoline, (GOST 19433), - class 3, subclass 3.1, danger sign 3, classification code 3111, UN number 1203.

5 Safety and environmental requirements

5.1 Automobile gasolines are low-hazard products and, according to the degree of impact on the body, they belong to the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5.2 Automobile gasolines have a narcotic effect, irritate the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and human skin. Constant contact with gasoline can cause acute inflammation and chronic eczema.

5.3 The maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors of gasoline in the air of industrial premises is 100 mg / m3 in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

The presence of motor gasoline in drinking water is unacceptable; determined visually (oily film of oil on the water surface).

5.4 Motor gasoline is, in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, a flammable liquid with an autoignition temperature of 255-370°C.

Temperature limits of ignition: lower - minus 27 - minus 39°С, upper - minus 8 - minus 27°С.

Concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 1.0%, upper - 6% (by volume).

5.5 When gasoline catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: sprayed water, foam; during volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, the composition of the SZhB, the composition "3.5", steam.

5.6 In the premises for the storage and use of gasoline, it is prohibited to handle open fire; electrical equipment, electrical networks and artificial lighting must be explosion-proof.

When working with gasoline, it is not allowed to use tools that give a spark when struck.

5.7 Tanks and pipelines intended for storage and transportation of gasoline must be protected from static electricity in accordance with GOST 12.1.018.

5.8 Equipment and apparatus for draining and filling motor gasoline must be sealed to prevent gasoline from entering domestic, industrial and storm sewer systems, as well as into open water bodies and soil, and its vapors into the air.

5.9 When spilling motor gasoline, it is necessary to collect it in a separate container; wipe the spill area with a dry cloth; when spilling in an open area, cover the spill site with sand, followed by its removal and neutralization in accordance with SanPiN N 3183-84.

5.10 Premises for work with gasoline must be equipped with general ventilation, places of intensive emission of gasoline vapors must be equipped with local exhausts.

5.11 When working with gasoline, personal protective equipment is used in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and standard industry standards approved in the prescribed manner.

Work in an area with a high concentration of gasoline vapors must be carried out with the use of respiratory protection equipment: for a short time - filtering gas masks of brand A, for a long time - hose gas masks.

5.12 When working with gasoline, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If gasoline comes into contact with open areas of the body, it must be removed and the skin washed with plenty of warm soapy water; in case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse the eyes with plenty of warm water.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2008 N 118, and this standard.

In the product passport, manufacturers and (or) sellers of motor gasoline, after the designation of the brand of motor gasoline, indicate the designation in accordance with GOST R 54283: "AI-92-2"; "AI-92-3"; "AI-92-4"; "AI-92-5" or "AI-80-2"; "AI-80-3"; "AI-80-4"; "AI-80-5".

6.2 The manufacturer checks the induction period of gasoline periodically at least once a quarter and additionally at the request of the consumer.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, the manufacturer transfers tests for this indicator to the acceptance category until positive test results are obtained in at least three batches in a row.

6.3 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, a new sample taken from the same batch is retested.

8 Transport and storage

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GOST R 51105-97

Group B12





Gasolines for combustion engines. unleaded gasoline. Specifications

OKS 75.160.20
OKP 02 5101*


* Revised edition, Rev. N , .

Introduction date 1999-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 31 "Petroleum Fuels and Lubricants" (VNII NP)

2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 9, 1997 N 404


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the recommendations of the European standard EN 228-1993 "Fuels for internal combustion engines - Unleaded gasoline - Requirements and test methods"

5 EDITION (June 2009) with Amendments N , , , , adopted in July 1999; April 2000; March 2004; December 2004 (IUS 10-99, 7-2000, 6-2004, 3-2005); Amended (IUS 4-99, 5-2009)

INTRODUCED: Change N 5, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated December 29, 2010 N 1148-st from February 1, 2011 (IUS N 3, 2011); Change N 6, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of September 15, 2011 N 300-st from 03/01/2012

Changes N 5, 6 were made by the database manufacturer

AMENDED, published in IUS N 5, 2011

Amended by database manufacturer


1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to unleaded gasolines (hereinafter referred to as motor gasolines) intended for use as a motor fuel for vehicles with gasoline engines designed to run on unleaded gasoline.


This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.005-88 System of labor safety standards. Work area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area

GOST 12.1.007-76 Occupational safety standards system. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.018-93 Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. Electrical intrinsic safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.044-89 (ISO 4589-84) Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification

GOST 511-82 Fuels for engines. Motor method for determining octane number

GOST 1510-84 Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, storage and transportation

GOST 1567-97 (ISO 6246-95) Oil products. Automobile gasolines and aviation fuels. Method for determination of resins by jet evaporation

GOST 1756-2000 (ISO 3007-99) Oil products. Determination of saturation vapor pressure

GOST 2177-99 (ISO 3405-88) Oil products. Methods for determining the fractional composition

GOST 2517-85 Oil and oil products. Sampling methods

GOST 4039-88 Motor gasoline. Methods for determining the induction period

GOST 6321-92 (ISO 2160-85) Fuel for engines. Copper strip test method

GOST 8226-82 Fuel for engines. Research method for determining octane number

GOST 16350-80 Climate of the USSR. Zoning and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes

GOST 19121-73 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the sulfur content by burning in a lamp

GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling

GOST 28781-90 Oil and oil products. Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors in an apparatus with mechanical dispersion

GOST 28828-90 Gasolines. Lead determination method

GOST 29040-91 Gasoline. Method for determination of benzene and total content of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 50442-92 Oil and oil products. X-ray fluorescent method for the determination of sulfur

GOST R 50460-92 Mark of conformity for mandatory certification: shape, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST R 51069-97 Oil and oil products. Method for determining density, relative density and density in degrees API with a hydrometer

GOST R 51859-2002 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur by lamp method

GOST R 51941-2002 Gasolines. Gas chromatographic method for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 51942-2002 Gasoline. Determination of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST R 51947-2002 Oil and oil products. Determination of sulfur by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R 52063-2003 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of group hydrocarbon composition by fluorescent indicator adsorption

GOST R 52068-2003 Gasolines. Determination of stability under conditions of accelerated oxidation (induction period)

GOST R 51866-2002 (EN 228-2004). Motor fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications

GOST R 51925-2002 Gasoline. Determination of manganese by atomic absorption spectroscopy

GOST R 52256-2004 Gasolines. Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, methanol, ethanol and tert-butanol by infrared spectroscopy

GOST R 52530-2006 Motor gasoline. Photocolorimetric method for the determination of iron

GOST R 52660-2006 (EN ISO 20884:2004) Automobile fuels. Method for determination of sulfur content by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R 52714-2007 Motor gasoline. Determination of individual and group hydrocarbon composition by capillary gas chromatography

GOST R 52946-2008 (EN ISO 5163:2005) Petroleum products. Determination of detonation characteristics of motor and aviation fuels. motor method

GOST R 52947-2008 (EH ISO 5164:2005) Petroleum products. Determination of detonation characteristics of motor fuels. research method

GOST R 54283-2010 Motor fuels. Unified designation of motor gasolines and diesel fuels in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation

GOST R 54323-2011 Motor gasoline. Determination of N-methylaniline by gas chromatography

GOST R EN 237-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of low concentrations of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST R EN 1601-2007 Liquid petroleum products. Unleaded gasoline. Determination of organic oxygen compounds and total organically bound oxygen by gas chromatography using an oxygen flame ionization detector (O-FID)

GOST R EN ISO 7536-2007 Gasoline. Determination of oxidative stability. Induction period method

GOST R EN 12177-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Petrol. Determination of benzene content by gas chromatographic method

GOST R EN 13016-1-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Part 1: Determination of saturation vapor pressure containing air (ASVP)

GOST R EN 13132-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Unleaded gasoline. Determination of organic oxygen compounds and total organically bound oxygen by gas chromatography using switching columns

GOST R EN ISO 14596-2008 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R EN ISO 20846-2006 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content by ultraviolet fluorescence

GOST R ISO 3675-2007 Crude oil and liquid oil products. Laboratory method for determining density using a hydrometer

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4, , ).



3.1 Depending on the octane number determined by the research method, the following grades of unleaded motor gasoline are established:

Normal-80 - not less than 80;

Regular-92 - at least 92.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1,).

3.2. (Deleted, Rev. N 6).

An example of the designation of gasoline when ordering and in regulatory documentation:

Unleaded gasoline brand Regular-92 (Normal-80) in accordance with GOST R 51105-97.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 6).


4.1 Motor gasoline must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 In terms of physical, chemical and performance indicators, motor gasoline must comply with the standards and requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1 - Physical, chemical and operational parameters of motor gasolines Normal-80 and Regular-92

Name of indicator

Value for class

Test method

02 5115

02 5116

02 5117

02 5119

by motor method

research method

2 Lead concentration, mg/dm, no more


3 Manganese concentration, mg/dm, no more


4 Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 ml of gasoline, not more than

5 Induction period of gasoline, min, not less than

6 Sulfur concentration, mg/kg, max

7 Volume fraction of benzene, %, max

10 Volume fraction of oxygenates, %, max




isopropyl alcohol

isobutyl alcohol

tert-butyl alcohol

Ethers (C5 and above)

Other oxygenates

11 Copper plate test

15 Volume fraction of monomethylaniline (N-methylaniline), %, max


Automobile gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is produced with an octane number of 80.0 according to the research method and 76.0 according to the motor method, the rest of the quality indicators are set in table 1.

The norm for indicator 13 for motor gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is set at 700.0-750.0 kg / m.


1 Motor gasoline of classes 2, 3, 4, 5 is put into circulation in accordance with the terms established by the technical regulation "On the requirements for motor and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil" .

2 Automobile gasoline intended for long-term storage (5 years) in the Federal Reserve and the Ministry of Defense must have an induction period of at least 1200 minutes and must not contain alcohols and detergents.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3, 4, , ).


4.3 Evaporation characteristics are given in table 2.

Table 2 - Evaporation of gasolines

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for the class

Test method

1 Saturated vapor pressure, kPa:

GOST 1756 or GOST R EN 13016-1 with addition according to 7.5, or annex
BUT , , ,

at least

no more

2 Fractional composition:

volume fraction of evaporated gasoline, %, at temperature

According to GOST 2177 (method A) or Appendix A,

70 °С (I70)

100 °С (I100)

150 °С (I150), not less than

end boiling point, °С, not higher

residue in the flask, % (by volume), no more

3 Maximum Vapor Lock Index* (VPI)

IPP \u003d 10DNP + 7 (I70)

* For gasolines of classes A, B, C, D, E, F, the vapor lock index is not standardized.

(Revised edition, Rev. N , ).

The standard provides for the production of 10 classes of gasoline by volatility. The limiting values ​​of volatility characteristics are given in Table 2. The diagram for determining the volatility classes of gasoline is shown in Figure 1.

Saturated vapor pressure (DNP), kPa

Figure 1 - Diagram for determining the volatility classes of gasoline

Recommendations for the seasonal use of gasolines of various classes in the Russian Federation are given in GOST R 51866 (Appendix B).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

4.4 In the production of motor gasoline, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing components, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Detergent additives can be introduced into motor gasolines upon shipment to the consumer, as well as at oil depots and gas stations, or directly into the gas tank before refueling the car.

Automobile gasoline may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.


4.5 Packaging, labeling of motor gasoline - according to GOST 1510.

Marking characterizing the transport hazard of motor gasoline, (GOST 19433), - class 3, subclass 3.1, danger sign 3, classification code 3111, UN number 1203.


5.1 Automobile gasolines are low-hazard products and, according to the degree of impact on the body, they belong to the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5.2 Automobile gasolines have a narcotic effect, irritate the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and human skin. Constant contact with gasoline can cause acute inflammation and chronic eczema.

5.3 The maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors of gasoline in the air of industrial premises is 100 mg / m in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

The content of hydrocarbons in the air is determined by the UG-2 device or another device of a similar purpose.

The presence of motor gasoline in drinking water is unacceptable; determined visually (oily film of oil on the water surface).

5.4 Motor gasoline is, in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, a flammable liquid with an autoignition temperature of 255-370 °C.

Temperature limits of ignition: lower - minus 27 - minus 39 °С, upper - minus 8 - minus 27 °С.

Concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 1.0%, upper - 6% (by volume).

5.5 When gasoline catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: sprayed water, foam; during volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, the composition of the SZhB, the composition "3.5", steam.

5.6 In the premises for the storage and use of gasoline, it is prohibited to handle open fire; electrical equipment, electrical networks and artificial lighting must be explosion-proof.

When working with gasoline, it is not allowed to use tools that give a spark when struck.

5.7 Tanks and pipelines intended for storage and transportation of gasoline must be protected from static electricity in accordance with GOST 12.1.018.

5.8 Equipment and apparatus for draining and filling motor gasoline must be sealed to prevent gasoline from entering domestic, industrial and storm sewer systems, as well as into open water bodies and soil, and its vapors into the air.

5.9 When spilling motor gasoline, it is necessary to collect it in a separate container; wipe the spill area with a dry cloth; when spilling in an open area, cover the spill site with sand, followed by its removal and neutralization in accordance with SanPiN N 3183-84 *.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. SanPiN are in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.10 Premises for work with gasoline must be equipped with general ventilation, places of intensive emission of gasoline vapors must be equipped with local exhausts.

5.11 When working with gasoline, personal protective equipment is used in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and standard industry standards approved in the prescribed manner.

Work in an area with a high concentration of gasoline vapors must be carried out with the use of respiratory protection equipment: for a short time - filtering gas masks of brand A, for a long time - hose gas masks.

5.12 When working with gasoline, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If gasoline comes into contact with open areas of the body, it must be removed and the skin washed with plenty of warm soapy water; in case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes - rinse the eyes with plenty of warm water.

5.13 All those who work with motor gasolines must undergo periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


6.1 Automobile gasolines are accepted in batches. A batch is any quantity of a product produced during a continuous process. technological process, homogeneous in component composition and quality indicators, accompanied by a passport issued upon acceptance based on the test of the combined sample. The passport must comply with the requirements of the technical regulation "On the requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2008 N 118, and this standard.

In the product passport, manufacturers and (or) sellers of motor gasoline, after designating the grade of motor gasoline, indicate the designation in accordance with GOST R 54283: "(AI-92-2)"; "(AI-92-3)"; "(AI-92-4)"; "(AI-92-5)" or "(AI-80-2)"; "(AI-80-3)"; "(AI-80-4)"; "(AI-80-5)".


(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

6.2 The manufacturer checks the induction period of gasoline periodically at least once a quarter and additionally - at the request of the consumer.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, the manufacturer transfers tests for this indicator to the category of acceptance tests until positive test results are obtained in at least three batches in a row.

6.3 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, a new sample taken from the same batch is retested.

The results of repeated tests are extended to the entire batch.

6.4 In case of disagreement, the arbitration method for testing the quality of motor gasoline is established by the method indicated in tables 1 and 2 first.


7.1 Samples of motor gasoline are taken according to GOST 2517 or Appendix A. The volume of the combined sample is 2 dm of gasoline of each brand.

In case of disagreement, samples of motor gasoline are taken into dark glass containers.

7.2 Deleted.


7.3 Automobile gasoline poured into a glass cylinder with a diameter of 40-55 mm must be transparent and not contain foreign impurities suspended and settled on the bottom of the cylinder, including water.

7.4 (Deleted, Rev. N 6).

7.5 When determining the indicator "saturated vapor pressure" in accordance with GOST R EN 13016-1, the value of the equivalent dry vapor pressure (DVPE) should be determined.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 6).


8.1 Transportation and storage of motor gasoline - in accordance with GOST 1510.


9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of motor gasoline with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

9.2 Guarantee period storage of automobile gasoline of all brands - 1 year from the date of manufacture of gasoline.

Warranty period of storage of motor gasoline with an induction period of at least 1200 minutes - 5 years from the date of manufacture of gasoline.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

If necessary, the following test methods* may be used:
* The documents specified in this appendix can be obtained from TC 31 "Petroleum fuels and lubricants"

ASTM D 86-2003 Method for determining the fractional composition of petroleum products

ASTM D 130-94 (2000) e1 Method for determining copper corrosion under the influence of petroleum products by tarnishing of a copper plate

ASTM D 323-99a Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors of petroleum products (Reid method)

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 1298-99e2 Method for determining the density, relative density or API gravity of crude oil and liquid petroleum products using a hydrometer

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 3606-99 Gas chromatographic method for the determination of benzene and toluene in commercial motor and aviation gasolines

, (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 4052-96 (2002) e1 Method for determining the density and relative density of liquids using a digital density meter

ASTM D 4053-98 (2003) Method for the determination of benzene in motor and aviation gasoline using infrared spectroscopy

ASTM D 4057-95(2000) Manual for manual sampling of oil and oil products

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 4420-94(1999)e Method for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in commercial gasoline by gas chromatography

ASTM D 4953-99a Method for determining the vapor pressure of gasoline and mixtures of gasoline vapors with oxygenates (dry method)

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EH 12 Liquid petroleum products. Saturated vapor pressure method (wet method)

EH 228 Automotive fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications and test methods

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EH 238 Liquid petroleum products. Petrol. Determination of benzene content by infrared spectrometry

EH ISO 2160-98 Petroleum products. Method for determining the corrosion effect on a copper plate

EH ISO 3405-2000 Petroleum products. Determination of fractional composition at atmospheric pressure

ISO 3170-88 Liquid petroleum products. Manual sampling

ISO 3171-88 (E) Liquid petroleum products. Automatic sampling from pipelines

EH ISO 3675-98(E) Crude oils and liquid petroleum products. Determination of density with a hydrometer in the laboratory

ISO 3838-2004 Crude oils and liquid or solid petroleum products. Determination of density and relative density. Methods using a capillary stopper pycnometer and a graduated two-capillary pycnometer

ISO 4259-92 Petroleum products. Determination and application of the accuracy indicators of test methods

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EN ISO 20847-2004 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content in automotive fuels by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry;

ASTM D 6277-98 Determination of benzene in fuels for engines with spark ignition using infrared spectroscopy in the middle range;

ASTM D 6730-01 Method for the determination of individual components in fuels for engines with positive ignition using capillary (100 m) high-resolution gas chromatography (with a "pre-column");

ASTM D 5191-04a Method for determining the vapor pressure of petroleum products (minimethod).

APPENDIX. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4, , ).

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Oil and oil products. Fuel.
Specifications: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2009

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 31 "Petroleum Fuels and Lubricants" (VNII NP)


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the recommendations of the European standard EN 228-1993 “Fuels for internal combustion engines. Unleaded gasoline. Requirements and test methods”;

5 EDITION with Amendment No. 1 adopted in July 1999 (IUS 10-99)


GOST R 51105-97



Gasolines for combustion engines. unleaded gasoline. specifications.

Introduction date 1999-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to unleaded gasolines for motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as motor gasolines) used as fuel for automobile and motorcycle engines, as well as engines for other purposes designed to use leaded or unleaded gasoline.

Mandatory requirements for product quality are set out in 4.2, 4.3, sections 6 and 7.

2 Normative references

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. Work area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area

GOST 12.1.007-76 SSBT. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.018-93 SSBT. Fire safety. Electrical intrinsic safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.044-89 SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification

GOST 511-82 Fuels for engines. Motor method for determining octane number

GOST 1510-84 Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, storage and transportation

GOST 1567-97 Motor fuel. Method for determining actual resins

GOST 1756-52 Petroleum products. Saturated Vapor Pressure Method

GOST 2177-82 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the fractional composition

GOST 2517-85 Oil and oil products. Sampling methods

GOST 4039-88 Motor gasoline. Methods for determining the induction period

GOST 6321-92 Fuel for engines. Copper strip test method

GOST 8226-82 Fuel for engines. Research method for determining octane number

GOST 16350-80 Climate of the USSR. Zoning and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes

GOST 19121-73 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the sulfur content by burning in a lamp

GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling

GOST 28781-90 Oil and oil products. Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors in an apparatus with mechanical dispersion

GOST 28828-90 Gasolines. Lead determination method

GOST 29040-91 Gasoline. Method for determination of benzene and total content of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 12.1.052-97 SSBT. Safety data sheet of the substance (material). Key points

GOST R 50442-92 Oil and oil products. X-ray fluorescent method for the determination of sulfur

GOST R 50460-92 Mark of conformity for mandatory certification: shape, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST R 51069-97 Oil and oil products. Method for Determining Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity with a Hydrometer

3 Classification

3.1 Depending on the octane number determined by the research method, the following grades of unleaded motor gasoline are established:

Normal-80 - not less than 80;

Regular-91 - at least 91;

Regular-92 - at least 92;

Premium-95 - at least 95;

Super-98 - at least 98.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.2 Depending on the climatic region of application, according to GOST 16350, motor gasolines are divided into five classes:

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Motor gasoline must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 In terms of physical, chemical and performance indicators, motor gasoline must comply with the standards and requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1. Physicochemical and operational parameters of motor gasolines.
Name of indicatorBrand valueTest method
OKP 02 5112 3701
OKP 02 5112 3702
OKP 02 5112 3705
OKP 02 5112 3703
Super 98
OKP 02 5112 3704
1 Octane number, not less than:
by motor method76,0 82,5 83,0 85,0 88,0 According to GOST 511 or Appendix A
research method80,0 91,0 92,0 95,0 98,0 According to GOST 8226 or Annex A
2 Lead concentration, g/dm³, max0,010 According to GOST 28828 or Annex A
3 Manganese concentration, mg/dm³, not more than50 18 - - - According to 7.2 and Appendix A
4 Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 cm³ of gasoline, not more than5,0 According to GOST 1567 or Annex A
5 Induction period of benzene, min, not less than360 According to GOST 4039 or Annex A
6 Mass fraction of sulfur, %, no more0,05 According to GOST 19121 or GOST R 50442, or Appendix A
7 Volume fraction of gasoline, %, no more5 According to GOST 29040 or Annex A
8 Copper strip testWithstands class IAccording to GOST 6321 or Annex A
9 AppearanceClean
According to 7.3
10 Density at 15 °С, kg/m³700–750 725–780 725–780 725–780 725–780 According to GOST R 51069 or Annex A


1. The manganese concentration is determined only for gasolines containing a manganese antiknock agent (MCTM).

2. Automobile gasoline intended for long-term storage (5 years) in the State Reserve and the Ministry of Defense must have an induction period of at least 1200 minutes

4. The supply of motor gasolines with manganese antiknock is allowed until January 1, 2003. It is not allowed to supply motor gasolines containing manganese antiknock to cities and regions where the use of leaded gasolines is prohibited.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1)

4.3 Evaporation characteristics are given in table 2.

Table 2. Evaporation of gasolines.
Name of indicatorValue for classTest method
1 2 3 4 5
1 Saturated vapor pressure of gasoline, kPa, DNP According to GOST 1756 or GOST 28781, or Appendix A
min.35 45 55 60 80
Max.70 80 90 95 100
2 Fractional composition:
distillation start temperature,
°С, not lower
35 35 Not standardized
distillation limits,
°С, not higher:
10 % 75 70 65 60 55
50 % 120 115 110 105 100
90 % 190 185 180 170 160
end of boiling, °С, not higher215
balance and losses, % (by volume)4

Volume of evaporated gasoline, %, at temperature:

Withstands class IAccording to GOST 2177 or Annex A
70 °C min.10 15 15 15 15
Max.45 45 47 50 50
100 °C min.35 40 40 40 40
Max.65 70 70 70 70
180 °С, not less85 85 85 85 85
share of the residue in the flask,%, (by volume)2
end of boiling, °С, not higher215
residue in the flask, % (by volume), no more2
3 Evaporation index, no more900 1000 1100 1200 1300 According to 7.4 or Appendix A

4.4 In the production of motor gasoline, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing components, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Detergent additives can be introduced into motor gasolines upon shipment to the consumer, as well as at oil depots and nuclear power plants or directly into the gas tank before refueling the car.

4.5 Packaging, labeling of motor gasoline - according to GOST 1510.

Marking characterizing the transport hazard of motor gasoline, (GOST 19433), - class 3, subclass 3.1, danger sign 3, classification code 3111, UN number 1203.

5 Safety and environmental requirements

5.1 Automobile gasolines are low-hazard products and, according to the degree of impact on the body, they belong to the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5.2 Automobile gasolines have a narcotic effect, irritate the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and human skin. Constant contact with gasoline can cause acute inflammation and chronic eczema.

5.3 The maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors of gasoline in the air of industrial premises is 100 mg / m³ in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

The presence of motor gasoline in drinking water is unacceptable; determined visually (oily film of oil on the water surface).

5.4 Motor gasoline is, in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, a flammable liquid with an autoignition temperature of 255-370 °C.

Temperature limits of ignition: lower - minus 27 - minus 39 °С, upper - minus 8 - minus 27 °С.

Concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 1.0%, upper - 6% (by volume).

5.5 When gasoline catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: sprayed water, foam; with volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, the composition of the SZhB, the composition is 3.5, steam.

5.6 In the premises for the storage and use of gasoline, it is prohibited to handle open fire; electrical equipment, electrical networks and artificial lighting must be explosion-proof.

When working with gasoline, it is not allowed to use tools that give a spark when struck.

5.7 Tanks and pipelines intended for storage and transportation of gasoline must be protected from static electricity in accordance with GOST 12.1.018.

5.8 Equipment and apparatus for draining and filling motor gasoline must be sealed to prevent gasoline from entering domestic, industrial and storm sewer systems, as well as into open water bodies and soil, and its vapors into the air.

5.9 When spilling motor gasoline, it is necessary to collect it in a separate container; wipe the spill area with a dry cloth; when spilling in an open area, cover the spill site with sand, followed by its removal and neutralization in accordance with SanPiN No. 3183-84.

5.10 Premises for work with gasoline must be equipped with general ventilation, places of intensive emission of gasoline vapors must be equipped with local exhausts.

5.11 When working with gasoline, personal protective equipment is used in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and standard industry standards approved in the prescribed manner.

Work in an area with a high concentration of gasoline vapors must be carried out using respiratory protection equipment: for a short time - filtering gas masks of brand A, for a long time - hose gas masks.

5.12 When working with gasoline, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. If gasoline comes into contact with open areas of the body, it must be removed and the skin washed with plenty of warm soapy water; in case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse the eyes with plenty of warm water.

5.13 All those working with motor gasoline must undergo periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Automobile gasolines are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of a product manufactured in the course of a continuous technological process, homogeneous in composition and quality indicators, accompanied by one quality document issued upon acceptance based on the test of the combined sample.

6.2 The manufacturer checks the induction period of gasoline periodically at least once a quarter and additionally at the request of the consumer.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, the manufacturer transfers tests for this indicator to the acceptance category until positive test results are obtained in at least three batches in a row.

6.3 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, a new sample taken from the same batch is retested. The results of repeated tests are extended to the entire batch.

6.4 In case of disagreement, the arbitration method for testing the quality of motor gasoline is established by the method indicated in tables 1 and 2 first.

7 Test methods

7.1 Samples of motor gasoline are taken according to GOST 2517 or Appendix A. The volume of the combined sample is 2 dm³ of gasoline of each brand.

In case of disagreement, samples of motor gasoline are taken into dark glass containers.

7.2 For gasoline grade Normal-80 containing from 30 to 50 mg/dm³ of manganese, the concentration of manganese is determined according to Appendix A on samples of gasoline diluted two times with methyl ethyl ketone or xylene.

7.3 Automobile gasoline poured into a glass cylinder with a diameter of 40–55 mm must be transparent and not contain foreign impurities suspended and settled on the bottom of the cylinder, including water.

7.4 Calculation of the evapotranspiration index (EI)

AI characterizes the volatility of gasoline and its tendency to form vapor locks at a certain combination of saturated vapor pressure and the volume of evaporated gasoline at a temperature of 70 °C.

AI is calculated by the formula

AI \u003d 10DNP + 7V 70,

where DNP- saturated vapor pressure, kPa;

V 70- the volume of evaporated gasoline at a temperature of 70 °, %.

If necessary, the following test methods may be used:

  1. ASTM D 86-95 Method for determining the fractional composition of petroleum products
  2. ASTM D 130-94 Copper Strip Corrosivity Test for Petroleum Products
  3. ASTM D 323-94 Vapor Pressure Method for Petroleum Products (Reid Method)
  4. ASTM D 381-94 Method for Determination of Actual Gins in Fuels by Jet Evaporation (Air or Steam)
  5. ASTM D 525-95 Method for Determination of Oxidation Stability of Gasoline (Induction Period)
  6. ASTM D 1266-91 Method for Determination of Sulfur in Petroleum Products (Lamp Method)
  7. ASTM D 1298-90 Method for Determination of Density, Relative Gravity, or API Gravity of Crude Oil
  8. ASTM D 2622-94 Method for the determination of sulfur in petroleum products by X-ray spectrometry
  9. ASTM D 2699-94 Method for Determination of Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels by Research Method
  10. ASTM D 2700-94 Method for Determination of Knock Characteristics of Motor and Aviation Fuels (Motor Method)
  11. ASTM D 3606-92 Determination of benzene in gasoline by gas chromatography
  12. ASTM D 3237-90 Determination of lead in gasoline by atomic absorption spectrometry
  13. ASTM D 3831-94 Determination of manganese in gasoline by atomic absorption spectroscopy
  14. ASTM D 4052-91 Method for Density and Relative Density of Liquids Using a Digital Densimeter
  15. ASTM D 4053-91 Method for the determination of benzene in motor and aviation gasoline by infrared spectroscopy
  16. ASTM D 4057-88 Method for Sampling Oil and Petroleum Products for Testing
  17. ASTM D 4294-90 Determination of sulfur content in petroleum products by dispersive X-ray fluorescence method
  18. ASTM D 4420-94 Method for Determination of Aromatics in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
  19. ASTM D 4953-93 Vapor Pressure Test Method for Gasoline and Gasoline Blends with Oxygen Additives (Dry Method)
  20. EN 5 Method for the determination of actual tar in fuels by jet evaporation (air or steam)
  21. EN 12 Liquid petroleum products. Saturated vapor pressure method (wet method)
  22. EN 228 Automotive fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Requirements and test methods
  23. EN 237 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of low concentrations of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry
  24. EN 238 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of benzene content by infrared spectroscopy
  25. ISO 2160-85 Petroleum products. Method for determining the corrosion effect on a copper plate
  26. ISO 3405-88 Petroleum products. Fractional composition determination method
  27. ISO 3170-88 Petroleum products. liquid hydrocarbons. Sampling by hand
  28. ISO 3171-88 Petroleum products. liquid hydrocarbons. Automatic sampling from the pipeline
  29. ISO 3675-93 Crude oil and liquid petroleum products. Laboratory method for determining density or relative density using a hydrometer
  30. ISO 3838-83 Petroleum and petroleum products. Density determination method
  31. ISO 4259-92 Petroleum products. Determination and application of accuracy indicators for test methods
  32. ISO 5163-90 Motor and aviation fuels. Determination of detonation characteristics by motor method
  33. ISO 5164-90 Motor fuels. Method for determining detonation characteristics. research method
  34. ISO 7536-94 Gasoline. Method for determining oxidative stability by evaluating the induction period
  35. ISO 8754-92 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content by non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence method
UDC 662.753.1:006.354OKS 75.160.20B12OKP 02 5112 3700

Keywords: gasoline, unleaded gasoline, specifications, tests, volatility

Based on materials from the publication “FUEL FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. UNLEADED GASOLINE. Specifications. Official publication.
Gosstandart of Russia, Moscow, 2008

GOST R 51105-97

Group B12





Gasolines for combustion engines. unleaded gasoline. Specifications

OKS 75.160.20
OKP 02 5101*


* Revised edition, Rev. N , .

Introduction date 1999-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 31 "Petroleum Fuels and Lubricants" (VNII NP)

2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 9, 1997 N 404


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the recommendations of the European standard EN 228-1993 "Fuels for internal combustion engines - Unleaded gasoline - Requirements and test methods"

5 EDITION (June 2009) with Amendments N , , , , adopted in July 1999; April 2000; March 2004; December 2004 (IUS 10-99, 7-2000, 6-2004, 3-2005); Amended (IUS 4-99, 5-2009)

INTRODUCED: Change N 5, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated December 29, 2010 N 1148-st from February 1, 2011 (IUS N 3, 2011); Change N 6, approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of September 15, 2011 N 300-st from 03/01/2012

Changes N 5, 6 were made by the database manufacturer

AMENDED, published in IUS N 5, 2011

Amended by database manufacturer


1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to unleaded gasolines (hereinafter referred to as motor gasolines) intended for use as a motor fuel in vehicles with gasoline engines designed to run on unleaded gasoline.


This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.005-88 System of labor safety standards. Work area air. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area

GOST 12.1.007-76 Occupational safety standards system. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.018-93 Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. Electrical intrinsic safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.044-89 (ISO 4589-84) Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 12.4.011-89 Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification

GOST 511-82 Fuels for engines. Motor method for determining octane number

GOST 1510-84 Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, storage and transportation

GOST 1567-97 (ISO 6246-95) Oil products. Automobile gasolines and aviation fuels. Method for determination of resins by jet evaporation

GOST 1756-2000 (ISO 3007-99) Oil products. Determination of saturation vapor pressure

GOST 2177-99 (ISO 3405-88) Oil products. Methods for determining the fractional composition

GOST 2517-85 Oil and oil products. Sampling methods

GOST 4039-88 Motor gasoline. Methods for determining the induction period

GOST 6321-92 (ISO 2160-85) Fuel for engines. Copper strip test method

GOST 8226-82 Fuel for engines. Research method for determining octane number

GOST 16350-80 Climate of the USSR. Zoning and statistical parameters of climatic factors for technical purposes

GOST 19121-73 Petroleum products. Methods for determining the sulfur content by burning in a lamp

GOST 19433-88 Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling

GOST 28781-90 Oil and oil products. Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors in an apparatus with mechanical dispersion

GOST 28828-90 Gasolines. Lead determination method

GOST 29040-91 Gasoline. Method for determination of benzene and total content of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 50442-92 Oil and oil products. X-ray fluorescent method for the determination of sulfur

GOST R 50460-92 Mark of conformity for mandatory certification: shape, dimensions and technical requirements

GOST R 51069-97 Oil and oil products. Method for determining density, relative density and density in degrees API with a hydrometer

GOST R 51859-2002 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur by lamp method

GOST R 51941-2002 Gasolines. Gas chromatographic method for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons

GOST R 51942-2002 Gasoline. Determination of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST R 51947-2002 Oil and oil products. Determination of sulfur by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R 52063-2003 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of group hydrocarbon composition by fluorescent indicator adsorption

GOST R 52068-2003 Gasolines. Determination of stability under conditions of accelerated oxidation (induction period)

GOST R 51866-2002 (EN 228-2004). Motor fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications

GOST R 51925-2002 Gasoline. Determination of manganese by atomic absorption spectroscopy

GOST R 52256-2004 Gasolines. Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, methanol, ethanol and tert-butanol by infrared spectroscopy

GOST R 52530-2006 Motor gasoline. Photocolorimetric method for the determination of iron

GOST R 52660-2006 (EN ISO 20884:2004) Automobile fuels. Method for determination of sulfur content by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R 52714-2007 Motor gasoline. Determination of individual and group hydrocarbon composition by capillary gas chromatography

GOST R 52946-2008 (EN ISO 5163:2005) Petroleum products. Determination of detonation characteristics of motor and aviation fuels. motor method

GOST R 52947-2008 (EH ISO 5164:2005) Petroleum products. Determination of detonation characteristics of motor fuels. research method

GOST R 54283-2010 Motor fuels. Unified designation of motor gasolines and diesel fuels in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation

GOST R 54323-2011 Motor gasoline. Determination of N-methylaniline by gas chromatography

GOST R EN 237-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Determination of low concentrations of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry

GOST R EN 1601-2007 Liquid petroleum products. Unleaded gasoline. Determination of organic oxygen compounds and total organically bound oxygen by gas chromatography using an oxygen flame ionization detector (O-FID)

GOST R EN ISO 7536-2007 Gasoline. Determination of oxidative stability. Induction period method

GOST R EN 12177-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Petrol. Determination of benzene content by gas chromatographic method

GOST R EN 13016-1-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Part 1: Determination of saturation vapor pressure containing air (ASVP)

GOST R EN 13132-2008 Liquid petroleum products. Unleaded gasoline. Determination of organic oxygen compounds and total organically bound oxygen by gas chromatography using switching columns

GOST R EN ISO 14596-2008 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

GOST R EN ISO 20846-2006 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content by ultraviolet fluorescence

GOST R ISO 3675-2007 Crude oil and liquid oil products. Laboratory method for determining density using a hydrometer

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4, , ).



3.1 Depending on the octane number determined by the research method, the following grades of unleaded motor gasoline are established:

Normal-80 - not less than 80;

Regular-92 - at least 92.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1,).

3.2. (Deleted, Rev. N 6).

An example of the designation of gasoline when ordering and in regulatory documentation:

Unleaded gasoline brand Regular-92 (Normal-80) in accordance with GOST R 51105-97.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 6).


4.1 Motor gasoline must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 In terms of physical, chemical and performance indicators, motor gasoline must comply with the standards and requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1 - Physical, chemical and operational parameters of motor gasolines Normal-80 and Regular-92

Name of indicator

Value for class

Test method

02 5115

02 5116

02 5117

02 5119

by motor method

research method

2 Lead concentration, mg/dm, no more


3 Manganese concentration, mg/dm, no more


4 Concentration of actual resins, mg per 100 ml of gasoline, not more than

5 Induction period of gasoline, min, not less than

6 Sulfur concentration, mg/kg, max

7 Volume fraction of benzene, %, max

10 Volume fraction of oxygenates, %, max




isopropyl alcohol

isobutyl alcohol

tert-butyl alcohol

Ethers (C5 and above)

Other oxygenates

11 Copper plate test

15 Volume fraction of monomethylaniline (N-methylaniline), %, max


Automobile gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is produced with an octane number of 80.0 according to the research method and 76.0 according to the motor method, the rest of the quality indicators are set in table 1.

The norm for indicator 13 for motor gasoline of the Normal-80 brand is set at 700.0-750.0 kg / m.


1 Motor gasoline of classes 2, 3, 4, 5 is put into circulation in accordance with the terms established by the technical regulation "On the requirements for motor and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil" .

2 Automobile gasoline intended for long-term storage (5 years) in the Federal Reserve and the Ministry of Defense must have an induction period of at least 1200 minutes and must not contain alcohols and detergents.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3, 4, , ).


4.3 Evaporation characteristics are given in table 2.

Table 2 - Evaporation of gasolines

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for the class

Test method

1 Saturated vapor pressure, kPa:

GOST 1756 or GOST R EN 13016-1 with addition according to 7.5, or annex
BUT , , ,

at least

no more

2 Fractional composition:

volume fraction of evaporated gasoline, %, at temperature

According to GOST 2177 (method A) or Appendix A,

70 °С (I70)

100 °С (I100)

150 °С (I150), not less than

end boiling point, °С, not higher

residue in the flask, % (by volume), no more

3 Maximum Vapor Lock Index* (VPI)

IPP \u003d 10DNP + 7 (I70)

* For gasolines of classes A, B, C, D, E, F, the vapor lock index is not standardized.

(Revised edition, Rev. N , ).

The standard provides for the production of 10 classes of gasoline by volatility. The limiting values ​​of volatility characteristics are given in Table 2. The diagram for determining the volatility classes of gasoline is shown in Figure 1.

Saturated vapor pressure (DNP), kPa

Figure 1 - Diagram for determining the volatility classes of gasoline

Recommendations for the seasonal use of gasolines of various classes in the Russian Federation are given in GOST R 51866 (Appendix B).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

4.4 In the production of motor gasoline, it is allowed to use oxygen-containing components, other high-octane additives, as well as antioxidant and detergent additives that improve the environmental performance of gasoline and are approved for use.

Detergent additives can be introduced into motor gasolines upon shipment to the consumer, as well as at oil depots and gas stations, or directly into the gas tank before refueling the car.

Automobile gasoline may contain dyes (except green and blue) and labeling substances.


4.5 Packaging, labeling of motor gasoline - according to GOST 1510.

Marking characterizing the transport hazard of motor gasoline, (GOST 19433), - class 3, subclass 3.1, danger sign 3, classification code 3111, UN number 1203.


5.1 Automobile gasolines are low-hazard products and, according to the degree of impact on the body, they belong to the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

5.2 Automobile gasolines have a narcotic effect, irritate the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and human skin. Constant contact with gasoline can cause acute inflammation and chronic eczema.

5.3 The maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors of gasoline in the air of industrial premises is 100 mg / m in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

The content of hydrocarbons in the air is determined by the UG-2 device or another device of a similar purpose.

The presence of motor gasoline in drinking water is unacceptable; determined visually (oily film of oil on the water surface).

5.4 Motor gasoline is, in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, a flammable liquid with an autoignition temperature of 255-370 °C.

Temperature limits of ignition: lower - minus 27 - minus 39 °С, upper - minus 8 - minus 27 °С.

Concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 1.0%, upper - 6% (by volume).

5.5 When gasoline catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are used: sprayed water, foam; during volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, the composition of the SZhB, the composition "3.5", steam.

5.6 In the premises for the storage and use of gasoline, it is prohibited to handle open fire; electrical equipment, electrical networks and artificial lighting must be explosion-proof.

When working with gasoline, it is not allowed to use tools that give a spark when struck.

5.7 Tanks and pipelines intended for storage and transportation of gasoline must be protected from static electricity in accordance with GOST 12.1.018.

5.8 Equipment and apparatus for draining and filling motor gasoline must be sealed to prevent gasoline from entering domestic, industrial and storm sewer systems, as well as into open water bodies and soil, and its vapors into the air.

5.9 When spilling motor gasoline, it is necessary to collect it in a separate container; wipe the spill area with a dry cloth; when spilling in an open area, cover the spill site with sand, followed by its removal and neutralization in accordance with SanPiN N 3183-84 *.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. SanPiN are in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.10 Premises for work with gasoline must be equipped with general ventilation, places of intensive emission of gasoline vapors must be equipped with local exhausts.

5.11 When working with gasoline, personal protective equipment is used in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and standard industry standards approved in the prescribed manner.

Work in an area with a high concentration of gasoline vapors must be carried out with the use of respiratory protection equipment: for a short time - filtering gas masks of brand A, for a long time - hose gas masks.

5.12 When working with gasoline, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If gasoline comes into contact with open areas of the body, it must be removed and the skin washed with plenty of warm soapy water; in case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes - rinse the eyes with plenty of warm water.

5.13 All those working with motor gasoline must undergo periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


6.1 Automobile gasolines are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of a product manufactured in the course of a continuous technological process, homogeneous in composition and quality indicators, accompanied by a passport issued upon acceptance based on the test of the combined sample. The passport must comply with the requirements of the technical regulation "On the requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 27, 2008 N 118, and this standard.

In the product passport, manufacturers and (or) sellers of motor gasoline, after designating the grade of motor gasoline, indicate the designation in accordance with GOST R 54283: "(AI-92-2)"; "(AI-92-3)"; "(AI-92-4)"; "(AI-92-5)" or "(AI-80-2)"; "(AI-80-3)"; "(AI-80-4)"; "(AI-80-5)".


(Changed edition, Rev. N 6).

6.2 The manufacturer checks the induction period of gasoline periodically at least once a quarter and additionally - at the request of the consumer.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of periodic tests, the manufacturer transfers tests for this indicator to the category of acceptance tests until positive test results are obtained in at least three batches in a row.

6.3 If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one indicator, a new sample taken from the same batch is retested.

The results of repeated tests are extended to the entire batch.

6.4 In case of disagreement, the arbitration method for testing the quality of motor gasoline is established by the method indicated in tables 1 and 2 first.


7.1 Samples of motor gasoline are taken according to GOST 2517 or Appendix A. The volume of the combined sample is 2 dm of gasoline of each brand.

In case of disagreement, samples of motor gasoline are taken into dark glass containers.

7.2 Deleted.


7.3 Automobile gasoline poured into a glass cylinder with a diameter of 40-55 mm must be transparent and not contain foreign impurities suspended and settled on the bottom of the cylinder, including water.

7.4 (Deleted, Rev. N 6).

7.5 When determining the indicator "saturated vapor pressure" in accordance with GOST R EN 13016-1, the value of the equivalent dry vapor pressure (DVPE) should be determined.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 6).


8.1 Transportation and storage of motor gasoline - in accordance with GOST 1510.


9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of motor gasoline with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period of storage of motor gasoline of all grades - 1 year from the date of manufacture of gasoline.

Warranty period of storage of motor gasoline with an induction period of at least 1200 minutes - 5 years from the date of manufacture of gasoline.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

If necessary, the following test methods* may be used:
* The documents specified in this appendix can be obtained from TC 31 "Petroleum fuels and lubricants"

ASTM D 86-2003 Method for determining the fractional composition of petroleum products

ASTM D 130-94 (2000) e1 Method for determining copper corrosion under the influence of petroleum products by tarnishing of a copper plate

ASTM D 323-99a Method for determining the pressure of saturated vapors of petroleum products (Reid method)

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 1298-99e2 Method for determining the density, relative density or API gravity of crude oil and liquid petroleum products using a hydrometer

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 3606-99 Gas chromatographic method for the determination of benzene and toluene in commercial motor and aviation gasolines

, (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 4052-96 (2002) e1 Method for determining the density and relative density of liquids using a digital density meter

ASTM D 4053-98 (2003) Method for the determination of benzene in motor and aviation gasoline using infrared spectroscopy

ASTM D 4057-95(2000) Manual for manual sampling of oil and oil products

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

ASTM D 4420-94(1999)e Method for the determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in commercial gasoline by gas chromatography

ASTM D 4953-99a Method for determining the vapor pressure of gasoline and mixtures of gasoline vapors with oxygenates (dry method)

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EH 12 Liquid petroleum products. Saturated vapor pressure method (wet method)

EH 228 Automotive fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Specifications and test methods

(Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EH 238 Liquid petroleum products. Petrol. Determination of benzene content by infrared spectrometry

EH ISO 2160-98 Petroleum products. Method for determining the corrosion effect on a copper plate

EH ISO 3405-2000 Petroleum products. Determination of fractional composition at atmospheric pressure

ISO 3170-88 Liquid petroleum products. Manual sampling

ISO 3171-88 (E) Liquid petroleum products. Automatic sampling from pipelines

EH ISO 3675-98(E) Crude oils and liquid petroleum products. Determination of density with a hydrometer in the laboratory

ISO 3838-2004 Crude oils and liquid or solid petroleum products. Determination of density and relative density. Methods using a capillary stopper pycnometer and a graduated two-capillary pycnometer

ISO 4259-92 Petroleum products. Determination and application of the accuracy indicators of test methods

- (Excluded, Rev. N 5).

EN ISO 20847-2004 Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content in automotive fuels by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry;

ASTM D 6277-98 Determination of benzene in fuels for engines with spark ignition using infrared spectroscopy in the middle range;

ASTM D 6730-01 Method for the determination of individual components in fuels for engines with positive ignition using capillary (100 m) high-resolution gas chromatography (with a "pre-column");

ASTM D 5191-04a Method for determining the vapor pressure of petroleum products (minimethod).

APPENDIX. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4, , ).

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Oil and oil products. Fuel.
Specifications: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2009

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

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