GOST 19282 73 updated edition. State standard of the USSR





GOST 19282-73





Low-alloyed plate strip
universal steel.


Instead of GOST 5058-65 in terms of sheet and broadband products and GOST 500-58 in terms of low-alloy steel

By the Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 24, 1973 No. 2742, the introduction period was established

from 01.01.75

Checked in 1985. By the Decree of the State Standard of June 27, 1986 No. 2025, the validity period was extended

until 01.07.90

This standard applies to thick-plate, broad-band universal and low-alloy steel coils used in construction and engineering for welded and non-welded metal structures and used in products, mainly without additional heat treatment.

In terms of chemical composition standards, the standard also applies to thin sheets, ingots, slabs, blooms, forgings and stampings, sectional and shaped steel.


1.1. Steel is produced in the following grades:

manganese - 14G2, 09G2;

manganese with copper - 09G2D;

silicon-manganese - 12GS, 16GS, 17GS, 17G1S, 09G2S, 10G2S1;

silicon-manganese with copper - 09G2SD, 10G2S1D;

manganese-vanadium - 15GF; 15G2SF;

manganese-vanadium with copper - 15GFD, 15G2SFD;

manganese-vanadium with nitrogen - 14G2AF, 16G2AF, 18G2AFps;

manganese-vanadium with nitrogen and copper - 14G2AFD, 16G2AFD, 15G2AFDps, 18G2AFDps;

manganese-niobium - 10G2B, 12G2B;

manganese-niobium with copper - 10G2BD;

chromium-silicon-manganese - 14HGS;

chrome-silicon-nickel with copper - 10KhSND, 15KhSND;

chromium nickel phosphor with copper - 10HNDP.

Table 1

Mass fraction of elements, %


Other elements

Nitrogen 0.015-0.025

Nitrogen 0.015-0.025

Nitrogen 0.015-0.025

Nitrogen 0.015-0.025

Nitrogen 0.015-0.030

Nitrogen 0.015-0.030

Niobium 0.02-0.05

Niobium 0.02-0.04

Niobium 0.02-0.05

Nitrogen 0.015-0.30

Phosphorus 0.07-0.12

Aluminum 0.08-0.15


1. In the designation of steel grades, numbers and letters mean: two-digit numbers on the left - the approximate average carbon content in hundredths of a percent, letters to the right of the numbers: G - manganese, C - silicon, X - chromium, H - nickel, D - copper, F - vanadium, B - niobium, A - nitrogen, P - phosphorus, the numbers after the letters - the approximate content of the corresponding element in whole units, the letters "ps" at the end of the grade - semi-quiet steel.

2. In steel grade 10G2S1D, silicon can be reduced to 0.7%.

3. In steels alloyed with nickel, the presence of cobalt up to 0.05% is allowed.

4. When smelting steel from the ores of the Orsko-Khalilovsky deposit, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of the mass fraction of nickel by the value of the actual mass fraction of cobalt, but not more than 0.05%.

1.2. The chemical composition of the steel must comply with the standards specified in.

1.3. The mass fraction of phosphorus in steel should be no more than 0.035% (with the exception of steel grade 10KhNDP), sulfur - no more than 0.040%.

At the request of the consumer, the mass fraction of phosphorus should be no more than 0.030% (with the exception of steel 10KhNDP), sulfur - no more than 0.035%.


1.4. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

1.5. It is allowed to add aluminum and titanium based on obtaining a mass fraction in rolled aluminum - no more than 0.05%, titanium no more than 0.03%.

1.6. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

1.7. The mass fraction of residual nitrogen in steel should not exceed 0.008%.

The presence of residual nitrogen up to 0.012% is allowed; at the same time, regardless of the concentration, the steel must withstand the mechanical aging test ().

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

1.8. The mass fraction of arsenic in steel should not exceed 0.08%.

When smelting steel from Kerch ores, the mass fraction of arsenic is allowed up to 0.15%. In this case, the mass fraction of phosphorus should be no more than 0.030%.

1.9. In the finished rental, subject to the provision mechanical properties steel allowed deviations in chemical composition specified in.

table 2


Element name




1. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

2. In steel grade 18G2AFps, a positive deviation in carbon content is not allowed.

3. In steel grade 10HNDP, a deviation in the content of phosphorus + 0.03%, aluminum is allowed.

4. In agreement with the construction and construction and installation organizations, other deviations in the mass fraction of elements are allowed, provided that the mechanical properties are ensured.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 3).

1.10. It is allowed to modify steel with calcium and rare earth elements based on the introduction of no more than 0.02% calcium and 0.05% rare earth elements into the metal.

1.11. In terms of shape, dimensions and maximum deviations, steel must comply with the requirements of GOST 19903-74 and GOST 82-70.

1.10; 1.11.

Legend Examples

Chemical composition

Tensile properties and cold bending

Impact strength at +20 °C

Impact strength after mechanical aging

Impact strength at:

Impact strength at:

20 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

20 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

40 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

50 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

60 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

70 °С and after mechanical aging at +20 °С

2.5. sheet steel are produced without heat treatment or in a heat-treated state, including from rolling heating.

Steel of categories 7-9 and 13-15, which meets the requirements for mechanical properties, may not be subjected to heat treatment. Sheet steel for products in the HL version (GOST 15150-69) is produced only in a heat-treated state, which must be specified in the order.

It is allowed to produce steel of categories 1-6 and 10-12 in a heat-treated state.

Sheets of steel grades 14G2AF, 14G2AFD, 16G2AF, 16G2AFD, 15G2AFDps, 18G2AFps, 18G2AFDps of all thicknesses, grades 09G2, 09G2D, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D with a thickness of more than 20 mm and grades 10KhSND with a thickness of more than 15 mm 4-15 categories are made in a normalized or improved condition.

Steel with a thickness of more than 20 mm grades 09G2, 09G2D, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D, which meets the requirements in terms of mechanical properties, may not be subjected to heat treatment.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

2.6. The weldability of steel is ensured by its manufacturing technology and chemical composition. The use of steel for welded or non-welded structures is specified in the order.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.7. The mechanical properties of steel must comply with the requirements specified in.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.9. At the request of the consumer, sheets of steel grades 14G2, 10G2S1 and 10G2S1D with a thickness of 10-40 mm, grades 09G2S and 09G2SD with a thickness of 10-60 mm and grades 15G2SF and 15G2SFD with a thickness of 10-32 mm are made after hardening with tempering. In this case, the norms of mechanical properties must comply with the requirements specified in.

Table 4

Rolled thickness, mm

Mechanical properties

MPa (kgf/mm2)

Relative extension

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

St. 60 » 100 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

» 10 » 20 incl.

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

10G2S1, 10G2S1D

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 32 incl.

St. 32 » 50 »

» 10 » 32 incl.

St. 32 » 50 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 32 » 50 »

From 5 to 10 incl.

» 10 » 15 incl.

St. 15 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »

» 10 » 20 incl.

St. 20 » 32 »


1. The values ​​of impact strength at a temperature of minus 20 °C should not be lower than the standards established for a temperature of minus 40 °C. The values ​​of impact strength at a temperature of minus 50 °C and minus 60 °C must not be lower than the standards established for a temperature of minus 70 °C.

2. At the request of the consumer, the value of the upper limit of temporary resistance should not exceed 690 MPa (70 kgf/mm2) for grades 15G2SF, 15G2SFD, 14G2AF, 14G2AFD, 10KhSND, 15G2AFDps and 780 MPa (80 kgf/mm2) for grades 16G2AF, 16G2AFD, 18G2AFps , 18G2AFDps.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

Table 5

Rolled thickness, mm

Tensile strength sv,

MPa (kgf/mm2)

Yield strength st, MPa (kgf/mm2)

Relative extension

Impact strength KCU, J/cm2 (kgf×m/cm2), at temperature

From 10 to 32 incl.

From 10 to 40 incl.

From 10 to 32 incl.

From 32 to 60 incl.

15G2SF, 15G2SFD

From 10 to 32 incl.

Note. At the request of the consumer, the value of the upper limit of tensile strength should not exceed 690 MPa (70 kgf/mm2) for steel grades 14G2, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D and 780 MPa (80 kgf/mm2) for steel grades 15G2SF and 15G2SFD.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.10. (Deleted, Rev. No. 1).

2.11. In sheets with a thickness of 10, 20 and 32 mm of the 12th and 14th categories of steel grades 09G2S, 10G2S1, 15KhSND and 16G2AF, impact strength is additionally determined at a temperature of minus 20 ° C on samples with a concentrator of type V. At the request of the consumer, tests are carried out at a temperature of minus 40°C. The requirements were optional until January 1, 1988.

2.12. Sheets must withstand a cold bend test on a mandrel with a diameter equal to two thicknesses of rolled products, at an angle of 180 °.

2.11, 2.12. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).


3.1. Steel is accepted in batches. For steels from continuous casting plants, the batch must consist of rolled products of the same brand with a difference in mass fraction: carbon - not more than 0.04%, manganese - not more than 0.15% (according to ladle analysis); one size in thickness, one mode of heat treatment (in the manufacture of steel in a heat-treated state).

The batch for steel from ingots, in addition, must consist of one melting ladle.

The mass of a batch of steel from continuous casting plants should not exceed 250 tons.

The batch must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566-81 with additions:

impact strength values ​​up to specimens with type V concentrator at a temperature of minus 20°C or minus 40°C;

type of sample in tensile testing;

HL - in the manufacture of metal in the HL version;

results of the ultrasonic testing method.

3.2. To check the quality of steel, two sheets (strips) or one roll are selected from each batch.

3.1, 3.2.(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.3a. The control of titanium, residual nitrogen, chromium, nickel, copper and arsenic is carried out by the manufacturer at the request of the consumer.

3.36. Ultrasonic control is carried out at the request of the consumer.

The sample size - as agreed between the manufacturer and the consumer.

3.3a; 3.36. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

3.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one of the indicators, it is retested on a double sample selected in accordance with GOST 7566-81. The retest results apply to the entire lot.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).


4.1. Inspection of sheet steel is carried out without the use of magnifying devices. Delaminations are controlled by inspection of the sheet edges at the manufacturer, as well as by cutting at the consumer.

If necessary, the quality of the metal on the edges is checked by removing chips with a chisel; in this case, the bifurcation of the chips is a sign of metal discontinuity.

4.2. Sampling for chemical analysis is carried out according to GOST 7565-81, chemical analysis of steel according to GOST 20560-81, GOST 12344-78, GOST 12345-80, GOST 12346-78, GOST 12347-77, GOST 12348-78, GOST 12350-78 , GOST 12351-81, GOST 12352-81, GOST 12355-78, GOST 12356-81, GOST 12357-84, GOST 12358-82, GOST 12359-81, GOST 12361-82 and GOST 18895-81.

It is allowed to use other methods that provide the necessary accuracy of the analyzes.

In steel smelted on the basis of Kerch ores, the determination of the mass fraction of arsenic is mandatory.

4.3. Sampling for mechanical testing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7564-73.

From each sheet (strip) and roll selected for control, the following is taken:

for tensile testing - one sample each;

to determine the impact strength - two samples for each temperature;

for testing for cold bending - one sample each.

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the mechanical properties are determined on samples cut along the rolling direction.

Samples with a concentrator of type V are cut along the direction of rolling.

4.2, 4.3. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.4. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 1497-84. For steel with a yield strength of 40 kgf / mm2 or more with a sheet thickness of 10-25 mm, it is allowed to carry out a tensile test on both flat and cylindrical samples; with a diameter of at least 6 mm with a sample thickness of 10-14 mm and a diameter of at least 10 mm with a sample thickness of 15-25 mm. The certificate indicates the type of sample.

4.5. Determination of impact strength is carried out on samples with a concentrator of types V and U.

For steel with a thickness of 5 to 10 mm, impact strength is determined on samples of type 2 or 3, with a thickness of 10 mm or more - on samples of types 1 and 11 according to GOST 9454-78.

The impact strength of sheets with a thickness of 5 and 10 mm, rolled with a deviation of minus tolerance, is determined on samples with a thickness equal to the thickness of the rolled product.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

4.6. Impact strength after mechanical aging is determined in accordance with the requirement of GOST 7268-82. For sheets supplied after quenching and tempering, deformation can be carried out both in tension and in compression.

4.7. The cold bend test is carried out according to GOST 14019-80.

4.8. When used by the manufacturer statistical methods control of mechanical properties in accordance with the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, the control of mechanical properties provided for by this standard may not be carried out by the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the manufactured products with the requirements of this standard. In arbitration cases and during periodic product quality checks, the control methods provided for in this standard are applied.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 3).

4.9. Methods for conducting ultrasonic testing - according to normative and technical documentation.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).


5.1. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7566-81 with an addition.

5.1a. Steel products are transported by rail on platforms and gondola cars. Type of shipment - carload.

Sec. five. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

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The standard applies to thick-plate, broad-band universal and low-alloy steel coils used in construction and engineering for welded and non-welded metal structures and used in products, mainly without additional heat treatment. In terms of chemical composition standards, the standard also applies to thin sheets, ingots, slabs, blooms, forgings and stampings, sectional and shaped steel.
Title of the document: GOST 19282-73*
Document type: GOST
Document status: It does not work
Russian name: Steel low-alloy plate and broadband universal. Specifications
Text update date: 01.10.2008
Date of entry into force: 01.01.1975
Date added to database: 01.02.2009
Expiration date: 01.01.1991
Approved in: State Standard of the USSR (24.12.1973)
Published in: Standards Publishing House No. 1987
Amendments and changes: No. 1 dated 06/27/1985, published in the publication "IUS 10-85"
No. 2 dated 01.10.1986, published in the publication "IUS 12-86"
No. 3 dated 01.12.1986, published in the publication "IUS 3-87"
What replaces: GOST 5058-65 Low-alloy structural steel. Grades and general technical requirements (in terms of sheet and broadband products)
GOST 500-58 Steel plate and broadband (universal) low-alloy and carbon ordinary and high quality. Technical requirements(for low alloy steel)
What is replaced by:
Table of contents:
  • 1 Grades and assortment
  • 2 Technical requirements
  • 3 Acceptance rules
  • 4 Test methods
  • 5 Marking, packaging, transport and storage
Is located in:

Description of steel 09G2S: Most often, rolled products from this steel grade are used for a variety of building structures due to their high mechanical strength, which allows the use of thinner elements than when using other steels. The stability of properties in a wide temperature range allows the use of parts from this brand in the temperature range from -70 to +450 C. Also, easy weldability makes it possible to manufacture complex structures from sheet metal of this brand for the chemical, oil, construction, shipbuilding and other industries. Using hardening and tempering, high-quality pipeline fittings are made. High mechanical resistance to low temperatures also makes it possible to successfully use pipes made of 09G2S in the north of the country.

The brand is also widely used for welded structures. Welding can be carried out both without heating and with preheating up to 100-120 C. Since there is little carbon in steel, its welding is quite simple, and the steel does not harden and does not overheat during the welding process, due to which there is no decrease in plastic properties or increase in grain size. The advantages of using this steel can also be attributed to the fact that it is not prone to temper brittleness and its toughness does not decrease after tempering. The above properties explain the convenience of using 09G2S from other steels with a high carbon content or additives that cook worse and change properties after heat treatment. For welding 09G2S, you can use any electrodes designed for low-alloy and low-carbon steels, for example, E42A and E50A. If sheets up to 40 mm thick are welded, then welding is carried out without cutting edges. When using multilayer welding, cascade welding is used with a current of 40-50 A per 1 mm of electrode to prevent overheating of the welding site. After welding, it is recommended to heat the product to 650 C, then hold it at the same temperature for 1 hour for every 25 mm of rolled product thickness, after which the product is cooled in air or in hot water - due to this, the weld hardness increases in the welded product and tension zones are eliminated.

Properties of steel 09G2S: s tal 09G2 after treatment for a two-phase structure has an increased endurance limit; at the same time, the number of cycles to failure increases approximately by a factor of 3–3.5 in the region of low-cycle fatigue.

Hardening of DFMS (double-phase ferritic-martensitic steels) creates areas of martensite: each 1% of the martensite component in the structure increases the tensile strength by about 10 MPa, regardless of the strength and geometry of the martensite phase. The dissociation of small areas of martensite and the high plasticity of ferrite greatly facilitate the initial plastic deformation. A characteristic feature of ferritic-martensitic steels is the absence of a yield point in the tensile diagram. With the same value of the total ( δ total) and uniform ( δ p) DFMS extensions have greater strength and a lower ratio σ 0,2 /σ in (0.4-0.6) than conventional low-alloy steels. In this case, the resistance to small plastic deformations ( σ 0.2) for DFMS is lower than for steels with a ferritic-pearlitic structure.

At all strength levels, all indicators of technological plasticity of DFMS ( σ 0,2 /σ in, δ R, δ total, Eriksen drawing, deflection, cup height, etc.), except for the expansion of the hole, are superior to those of conventional steels.

The increased technological plasticity of DFMS makes it possible to use them for sheet stamping of parts of a rather complex configuration, which is an advantage of these steels over other high-strength steels.

The corrosion resistance of DFMS is on par with the corrosion resistance of deep drawing steels.

DFMS are satisfactorily welded by the method spot welding. The endurance limit for alternating bending is for the weld and base metal ( σ c \u003d 550 MPa) 317 and 350 MPa, respectively, i.e. 50 and 60% o in the base metal.

In the case of using DFMS for parts of massive sections, when it is necessary to ensure sufficient hardenability, it is advisable to use compositions with a high content of manganese or with additions of chromium, boron, etc.

Cost-effectiveness of using DFMS, which are more expensive low carbon steels, is determined by the savings in the mass of parts (by 20–25%). The use of DFMS in some cases makes it possible to exclude hardening heat treatment of parts, for example, high-strength fasteners obtained by cold heading.

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