Sheet steel. Sheet steel: types, application What is sheet steel


Many varieties of carbon-iron compounds are known, but the most famous are cold and hot-rolled types of steel. It is important to note that all iron-carbon improvements are varieties of these steels. There are no special differences in the manufacture of these types of materials. Their transformation into sheet steel occurs at the final stage of their manufacture (during rolling into sheets).

There are also some differences between the two types of steel: hot-rolled takes its shape, being subjected to hot rolling, and cold-rolled after it has completely cooled. These conditions are also associated with restrictions that are established during production for the cold type of material processing. The main feature of hot steel is that it is very elastic (which allows you to give it the desired shape), strength and reliability of the alloy to external stimuli. Thanks to these properties, various actions can be carried out with the material, regardless of its thickness. Unlike hot-rolled steel, cold sheet steel is less susceptible to any modifications, does not hold the shape given to it well, and can break under pressure. Given these characteristics of cold steel, sheets of small thickness are made from it. Processing depends on sheet steel prices.

Parameters of hot rolled and cold rolled steel sheet

The parameters and conditions for the manufacture of sheet steel are determined by the following GOSTs GOST 16523-89 defines sheet steel with a thickness of 0.5-3.9 mm.

GOST 14637-89 defines sheet steel with a thickness of 4-160 mm.

GOST 19903-74 defines the assortment of hot-rolled sheet.

GOST 19904 defines the range of cold-rolled sheets.

GOST 380 and GOST 1050 determine the chemical composition of the metal.

Weight table 1 m2 of sheet from the calculation specific gravity 7.85*103 kg/m3

Sheet steel production technology and its application

The use of certain methods and techniques in the production of cold steel is possible only when certain conditions are created that are inherent in each individual stage of production. Metal is obtained according to the standard smelting scheme and does not contain any special actions. After that, the material is rolled and rolled into rolls. And after that, the process of cold-rolled processing begins.

  • At the first stage, the material is subjected to cleaning from the oxide film and oxidation products. There are two known methods for carrying out this process: etching and shot blasting. The first of these is to place the steel in a special solution containing 25% hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. As a result of such processing using a chemical reaction, unnecessary elements that are on the surface of the steel are removed.
  • Shot blasting is the removal of unwanted particles from metal using a powerful jet of a special gas. In some areas of production, a more efficient method is used - combined cleaning. After the steel is cleaned, it is rolled through special machines. When rolling, it is necessary to set the desired degree of tension. Otherwise finished product may break or become defective.
  • After the steel is rolled out, the hardening process of the material begins. At the first stage, the product is placed in a special bell-type annealing furnace (the temperature of such furnaces is 700 degrees). After firing, the alloy becomes elastic and elastic. In order for the finished material not to be oxidized, all air must be removed from the chamber. After the sheets have gone through the annealing process, they are pulled through the machines again, this is necessary in order to avoid the occurrence of defects and shear lines.
  • The final stage of steel processing is training. As a result of training, the steel sheets are compressed to the desired size, which makes it possible to increase the strength and hardness indicators. This is necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the finished material. In addition to the above processing processes, which are standard, steel can be subjected to additional procedures that can give it certain properties (for example, another layer of zinc is additionally applied to galvanized cold-rolled steel, which will increase its resistance to harmful environments). Such steel is used in the production of 95% of car bodies.

Galvanized steel used in various areas of human life, for example, in the manufacture of materials for roofing, buildings household appliances, in ventilation systems. Casings for electric motors are made from electrical steel of cold rolling. To do this, the material is subjected to special processing, as a result of which electromagnetic properties become inherent in it, which makes it possible to reduce energy consumption during engine operation.

Cold rolled steel sheets are used for the manufacture of sheathing materials and in construction, in the manufacture of car bodies, in the manufacture of cases for various devices, for the production of gas furnaces, cases of refrigerators and many other household appliances.

Hot rolled sheet it is used in the field of heavy industry, aircraft and automotive industry, machine tool building, bridge building. Sheet hot-rolled steel has found wide application in general construction and finishing works, as well as in architecture and design.

The material was prepared in collaboration with specialists

Sheet steel is a metal in the form of sheets or wide strips, used in all areas of human life. It is indispensable in construction, mechanical engineering, aircraft building and other industries.

Types of sheet steel

According to the manufacturing method, steel in sheets is:

  • cold rolled;
  • hot rolled.

Cold rolled sheet steel

Cold-rolled steel sheet is produced by cold rolling according to GOST 16523-89. Its main characteristics, speaking about the quality of the product, are the minimum resistance, hood and strength. Sold in rolls with cut and uncut edges, as well as sheets with cut edges.

For products produced by cold stamping, you can buy high quality low-carbon steel sheets. Also, for the production of metal structures for various purposes, cold-rolled steel of increased and especially high finish is widely used. This type of steel is widely used in the automotive industry, construction, metal-roll manufacturing in Khabarovsk and other cities of Russia.

Hot rolled sheet steel

Hot rolled sheet is made from low alloy steel and metal of ordinary quality, therefore it is divided into low-alloy, thin-sheet and thick-sheet. It is used for the manufacture of welded structures of various types and purposes, in bodywork and other industries.

Galvanized steel

One type of cold rolled steel is galvanized. Today it is the most popular and widespread, because it has a number of undeniable advantages compared to other types of sheet metal. Galvanized sheets and products from them, due to the zinc layer, are resistant to corrosion and aggressive effects of natural and other adverse factors, therefore, they are successfully used both in the construction of any objects, and in medicine, the chemical industry, and the automotive industry.


very popular in recent times steel corrugated galvanized steel sheets - corrugated board. Possessing excellent performance characteristics, it has found wide application in the decoration of building facades, the creation of roofs, and the construction of fences. For the production of a corrugated sheet, galvanized steel is treated with a special polymer coating. Due to ease of installation, durability, affordable cost, excellent aesthetic qualities, corrugated board is considered one of the leaders in the building materials market in Khabarovsk.

You can buy corrugated board, sheet steel, any types of rolled metal products in Khabarovsk, the prices for which are affordable and adequate, by contacting the Metallopttorg company. Here you will find any Construction Materials for creating roofs, finishing buildings, constructing metal structures, building greenhouses and other objects - both private property and industry. The range of services provided by our company is so wide that customers do not have to worry about anything - we will take care of everything ourselves.

ov or ingots on hot plate rolling mills (thickness >1 mm) and cold (mm) rolling. According to the thickness of L. s. divided into thin sheet mm) and thick sheets (>4 mm). They differ in purpose the following types Sheet steel: structural (including auto sheets), roofing, electrical, for bridge building, boiler building, shipbuilding, production of tanks, pipes, etc. A significant amount of thin sheet steel is supplied with anti-corrosion coatings: zinc, tin (tin), lead, aluminum , plastic, etc.; its surface can be smooth, corrugated or wavy.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Sheet steel" is in other dictionaries:

    Sheet steel- — [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S. Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S. Kabirov. English Russian Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Power Industry, Moscow, 1999] Electrical engineering topics, basic concepts EN sheetsheet steel ...

    Sheet steel- steel sheets (width 650 5000 mm) or strips in rolls (width 1.5 mm) and cold (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy

    Sheet steel- sheet iron ... Dictionary of chemical synonyms I

    boiler sheet steel- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN boiler sheet … Technical Translator's Handbook

    silicon sheet steel- — [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S. Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S. Kabirov. English Russian Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Power Industry, Moscow, 1999] Electrical engineering topics, basic concepts EN silicon sheet steel ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    clad sheet steel- (eg used for the manufacture of the shell of the fuel element of a nuclear reactor) [AS Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN clad metal sheet … Technical Translator's Handbook

    electrical sheet steel- — [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S. Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S. Kabirov. English Russian Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Power Industry, Moscow, 1999] Electrical engineering topics, basic concepts EN electrical sheet steel ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    sheet electrical steel- Sheet steel with a carbon content of not more than 0.1%, with the addition of 0.5 5% silicon or aluminum or both of these elements in total, used for magnetic circuits as a magnetically soft material ... Polytechnic terminological explanatory dictionary

    Sheet steel, one side of which is covered with protrusions in the form of strips that intersect each other at an angle. Corrugated steel. It is used for removable flooring for engine rooms, for platforms, ladders and in all those cases when ... ... Marine Dictionary

    steel for cold extrusion and upsetting- hot-rolled gauge steel of round or hexagonal section, as well as round steel with a special surface finish, intended for the manufacture of products by cold extrusion and upsetting, for which ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy

In all the variety of rolled steel, there is such a common type as sheet steel. It is used in many types of construction and not only.

What is sheet steel? This is a metal plate with a small thickness and a flat surface, produced in accordance with GOST of the corresponding type. Strength, smoothness, a certain thickness - the result of a special process of creation using high temperatures. It is made from carbon, alloy or structural steel.

Sheet metal is divided into types, depending on:

This useful type of rolled steel is used to create ships, houses and pavilions, cars, machines for production. It is used in chemical industries, oil and gas production, for agricultural needs. In addition, it is this rolled product that becomes the foremother for fittings, car bodies, wagons, pipes, containers, and roofing.

In addition to a wide range of applications, this rolled metal is known for its ease of processing. Being subjected to various types of changes, with the help of special machines and devices, the sheets turn into the parts you need. Such metal can be bent, cut, deformed.

Another advantage is ease of transport!

sheet metal cost

An important question that arises during the construction process is what is the price per sheet and per ton of sheet steel?

In order to find out the cost, just go to the catalog of the company "Atlant Metal". Here you can independently calculate the volume of steel of interest according to GOST, as well as find out the specific cost of a unit of goods.

In Moscow, we have all types and sizes of this construction detail. You have the opportunity to buy it right now, using the forms on our website!

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