Questions for the test “Relationships with colleagues. Psychological compatibility test We are so different


When working in a team, it is very important to build relationships with colleagues, since most of the time a person spends at work. If working days will be held in a friendly, warm and welcoming atmosphere, then any business is up to the task. At the same time, the mood will always be on top, and the absence of intrigue, squabbles and conflicts will only strengthen.

Conduct a group psychological in the team. Offer and distribute questionnaires to colleagues with a series of questions that they must honestly answer. When everyone has completed the task, collect the leaves, knock out the results and read aloud. The calculation of the test results in the psychological group is based on the fact that one point is awarded for each positive answer.

When criticizing a colleague, did you feel the desire to reason with him so that he would not repeat the same mistakes?

Would you like all the events that take place in your company to be coordinated with you?

Have you ever felt the desire to have full control over the activities of the company you work for?

Don't you think that your speeches in front of colleagues are very long?

Do you have a habit of “putting pressure” on your opponent in disputes, while not allowing him to insert at least one word in defense of his opinion?

Do you like to engage in discussions with different people?

Are you able to turn every discussion into a heated argument?

Have you noticed that your co-workers are generally defensive when interacting with you?

Have you noticed that your colleagues try not to discuss their work plans with you?

Do you consider external attributes of power and high position important?

Are you ready to take responsibility for your own mistakes and failures?

Do you easily share with a colleague the privileges or power you have?

Do you feel wary and dry from colleagues towards you, when you expect friendliness and reverence?

Are you of the opinion that your colleagues are much less competent and do not have the professionalism that you undoubtedly have?

Less than 6 points. You don't always get along with co-workers. Apparently, your "prickly" nature is the reason for this. If you try to keep your emotions and words under control, relationships with colleagues for you and for them will be more comfortable and enjoyable.

More than 7 points. It is very strange if you still have some kind of relationship with your colleagues. It is quite possible that they are doing their best not to catch your eye and not run into a scandal. If you change your attitude towards employees and see them not only as a labor force, but also as ordinary people with their problems and moods, then you will be able to improve relations in the team.

This test, conducted in the form of a group psychological game, will help you find out the true atmosphere that reigns in your team. You will also be interested in taking the “Colleagues or Friends?” test, which will allow you to draw some conclusions about relationships in the team.

When working in a team, it is very important to build relationships with colleagues, since most of the time a person spends at work. If working days will be held in a friendly, warm and welcoming atmosphere, then any business is up to the task. At the same time, the mood will always be on top, and the absence of intrigue, squabbles and conflicts will only strengthen health.

Spend group psychological game in a collective. Offer and distribute questionnaires to colleagues with a series of questions that they must honestly answer. When everyone has completed the task, collect the leaves, knock out the results and read aloud. Counting test results in psychological group game is based on the fact that one point is awarded for each positive answer.

Questions for the test "Relationships with colleagues"

- When criticizing a colleague, did you feel a desire to reason with him so that he would not repeat similar mistakes?

- Would you like all the events that take place in your company to be coordinated with you?

- Have you ever felt the desire to fully control the activities of the company in which you work?

- Don't you think that your speeches in front of colleagues are very long?

- Do you have a habit of “putting pressure” on your opponent in disputes, while not allowing him to insert at least one word in defense of his opinion?

- Do you like to engage in discussions with different people?

- Do you manage to turn every discussion into a heated argument?

- Did you pay attention to the fact that your colleagues mostly take a defensive position while communicating with you?

- Have you noticed that your colleagues try not to discuss their work plans with you?

- Do you consider external attributes of power and high position important?

Are you ready to take responsibility for your own mistakes and failures?

- When talking about the content of your work, do you often use the pronoun "I"?

- Do you easily share with a colleague the privileges or power that you have?

- Do employees show admiration for your determination and professionalism?

- Do you feel cautious and dry on the part of your colleagues towards you, while you expect friendliness and reverence?

- Are you of the opinion that your colleagues are much less competent and do not have the professionalism that you undoubtedly have?

Psychological Group Game Test Results

Less than 6 points. You don't always get along with co-workers. Apparently, your "prickly" nature is the reason for this. If you try to keep your emotions and words under control, relationships with colleagues for you and for them will be more comfortable and enjoyable.

Over 7 points. It is very strange if you still have some kind of relationship with your colleagues. It is quite possible that they are doing their best not to catch your eye and not run into a scandal. If you change your attitude towards employees and see them not only as a labor force, but also as ordinary people with their problems and moods, then you will be able to improve relations in the team.

This test, carried out in the form group psychological game, will help you find out the true atmosphere that reigns in your team. It will also be interesting for you to take the test “Colleagues or friends? ”, which will allow us to draw some conclusions about the relations in the team.


1. Test - a questionnaire for assessing interpersonal relationships in a team.

When answering the test questions, choose one of the four possible answers.

How would you rate your belonging to the group?

a) I feel like a member of the group

b) Participate in the affairs of the group

c) I do not feel like a member of the group

d) I prefer to work separately from the other members of the group

Are you satisfied with the attitude of your fellow students?

a) Fully satisfied

b) Satisfied (on)

c) Not satisfied enough

d) Completely dissatisfied

If you had the opportunity, would you go to study in another group?

a) Definitely not

b) Most likely, would remain (s) in this group

c) Rather, I would have moved (la) than stayed (s)

d) Willingly moved (la) to study in another group

What are the relationships in your group?

a) Better than most other bands, in my opinion

b) Probably the same as in most other groups

c) worse than in other groups

d) I think that it is much worse than in most other groups

Do you think that traditions of mutual support and mutual assistance have developed in your group?

a) Definitely yes

b) More likely than not

c) Rather no than yes

d) Definitely not.

Data processing.

Each answer for option "a" is estimated at 4 points, "B" - 3, "c" - 2, "d" - 1 point. Calculate the total points for the selected answers. The possible range of the test score is from 5 to 20. The highest score may indicate good relationships in the group and a high index of group cohesion, and vice versa.

Relationship diagram in group No. 14.

70% of students have friendly relations with all members of the group;

20% maintain good relations, but prefer their own social circle;

8% - communicate with classmates, because this is a necessity associated with their studies;

2% of students did not find a common language with the group.

2. Determination of the psychological climate of the class.

For a general assessment of the main manifestations of the psychological climate in the group, you can use the map-scheme. In it, on the left side of the sheet, those qualities of the team that characterize a favorable psychological climate are described, on the right - the qualities of a team with a clearly unfavorable climate. The degree of manifestation of certain qualities can be determined using a seven-point scale placed in the center of the sheet (from +3 to -3).

Using the diagram, you should first read the sentence on the left, then on the right, and after that mark with a “+” sign in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that best corresponds to the truth. It should be borne in mind that the ratings mean:

3 - the property indicated on the left always appears in the team;

2 - property appears in most cases;

1 - the property appears quite often;

0 - neither this nor the opposite (indicated on the right) properties are manifested clearly enough, or both are manifested to the same extent;

1 - quite often the opposite property appears (indicated on the right);

2 - property appears in most cases;

3 - the property always appears.


Negative features

Cheerful and cheerful mood prevails

Depressed mood, pessimistic tone prevail

Goodwill prevail in relationships, mutual sympathy

Conflict in relationships, aggressiveness, antipathy prevail

In relations between groupings within the team, there is mutual disposition and understanding.

Groups are in conflict

Team members like to be together, participate in joint activities, spend their free time together

Team members show indifference to closer communication

The successes or failures of individual members of the team cause empathy, the participation of all members of the team

The successes and failures of team members leave others indifferent

Approval and support prevail, reproaches and criticism are expressed with good intentions

Critical remarks are in the nature of overt and covert attacks

Team members respect each other's opinions

In the team, everyone considers his own opinion to be the main one and is intolerant of the opinions of his comrades.

In difficult moments for the team, there is an emotional unity according to the principle “one for all, all for one”

In difficult cases, the team “limp”, confusion appears, quarrels arise, mutual accusations

The achievements or failures of the team are experienced by everyone as their own.

The achievements or failures of the entire team do not resonate with its individual representatives.

The team is sympathetic and friendly to new members, trying to help them get comfortable

Beginners feel superfluous, strangers, hostility is often shown to them.

The team is active, full of energy

The team is passive, inert

The team is quick to respond when something needs to be done.

The team cannot be raised to a joint cause, everyone thinks only about their own interests

In the team there is a fair attitude towards all members, here they support the weak, advocate for them

The collective is divided into “privileged” and “neglected”, here they treat the weak with contempt, ridicule them

Team members show a sense of pride in their team if it is noted by leaders

The praise and encouragement of the team are treated indifferently here.

To present a general picture of the psychological climate of the team, it is necessary to add up all the positive and negative points. The result obtained can serve as a conditional characteristic of the psychological climate of a greater or lesser degree of favorableness.

3. Individual training.

This form of training is unique.

Another company.

Invite students to observe students in an unfamiliar (or unfamiliar) class (and in general any organized group of people) and try to answer the following questions:

a) Who is the most popular and respected in the group?

b) Why (his personal, business or other qualities)?

c) Who is the least popular?

d) Why?

e) Who is the unspoken asset of the class?

f) Who is who in this asset (organizer, business and emotional leader, craftsmen, etc.)?

g) Who is the greatest individualist?

h) Which groups of people are more closely related?

i) What can connect them?

Students can verify the correctness of their conclusions by contacting members of the study group, which in itself represents a new level of mastering communication skills.

4. Group training.

This training allows you to reveal and identify the mechanisms of relationships in groups. These exercises are recommended by a psychologist.

bad company.

Twelve people participate in the game: Leader, Authority, Appropriate (two people). Sneak, Jester, Puppets (two people), Disgruntled (two people) and Downtrodden (two people). Initially, the performers of these roles should be selected by the presenter himself, but necessarily from among volunteers, but in the future it is necessary to invite viewers to one or another role and generally change the role within the most “successful”, primitive group, so that everyone is “in the shoes” of everyone.

The most important element of the game is the rules for the interaction of its participants, the implementation of which must be closely monitored by the leader and, in addition to him, one of the non-players. These rules are:

The leader has the right to interrupt anyone. Authority - anyone except the Leader. Approximate - anyone, except for the Leader and Authority. Sneak - anyone, except Approximate, Authority and Leader. Jester - everyone except the Leader. Puppet - only Disgruntled and Leader. Dissatisfied - everyone, except for the Leader and the Authority of the Downtrodden, is cut off by anyone, he - by no one.

A player who violates these rules is transferred to the Downtrodden, but if the Downtrodden himself violated them, then he can not only be unanimously condemned, but simply expelled.

However, in addition to strictly following the rules, this game needs a fairly high theatricalization due to masks, false beards, symbols, etc. (for starters, at least it is necessary that everyone has a sign with the name of the role). The author of the game proposes to play it in two versions - ordinary and theatrical, however, for a number of reasons that simply cannot be given here, we recommend using the theatrical version. There are a lot of forms of such theatricalization - a gang of gangsters, a pirate ship, a primitive tribe, a pack of wolves, etc., but the main thing here, perhaps, is that, despite the peculiar “plot” provoking the participants’ aggressiveness, the theatrical version allows them to really lose , revealing at the same time many pressing sores of youthful relationships.

After the end of the game, it is advisable to hold its discussion, where the main thing should be the final discrediting of the “bad company” and a call for the creation of a genuine team.

5. Anatomy of communication.

The only luxury bestowed on man is communication. Without and outside of communication, the existence of a human community is impossible. And it is no coincidence that numerous studies by psychologists have proven that there is a direct and strong connection between the quality of communication and the psychological climate in the group. To understand how a teenager builds his communication, you can conduct the following test.


This test makes it possible to determine the level of sociability of a person. You should answer his questions using three answers - “yes”, “sometimes” and “no”.

You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you postponing a visit to the doctor until it becomes completely unbearable? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you feel embarrassed or displeased with the order to make a report, message, information at any meeting? Yes; Sometimes; No. You have to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you like to share your experiences with anyone? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street asks you (show the way, name the time, answer some question)? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons", and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to return 10 rubles to you, which he borrowed a few months ago? Yes; Sometimes; No. In a cafe or canteen, you were served a dish of obviously poor quality. Are you silent, only pushing the plate away with irritation? Yes; Sometimes; No. Once alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so? Yes; Sometimes; No. You are horrified by any long queue, wherever it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to abandon your intention than to stand behind and languish in anticipation? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review the conflict situation? Yes; Sometimes; No. You have your own, purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any "foreign" opinions. This is true? Yes; Sometimes; No. Having heard somewhere in the "lobbies" an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent? Yes; Sometimes; No. Do you get frustrated when someone asks you to help you understand a difficult question or study topic? Yes; Sometimes; No. Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally? Yes; Sometimes; No.

Key to the test . Answers “yes” - 2 points; “sometimes” - 1 point; “no” - 0 points.

Interpretation of results. 30 - 32 points. You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. But it is not easy for people close to you! You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25 - 29 points. You are closed, taciturn, prefer loneliness, and therefore you probably have few friends. A new job and the need for new contacts, if they do not plunge you into a panic, then they unbalance you for a long time. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But you are not limited only to such discontent: it is in your power to reverse these character traits. Doesn't it happen that with some strong enthusiasm you "suddenly" acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

19 - 24 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in familiar surroundings. New problems do not frighten you, and yet you converge with new people with caution, you are not willing to participate in disputes and disputes. Sometimes there is too much sarcasm in your statements without any reason. These shortcomings are fixable.

14 - 18 points. You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in dealing with others, defend your point without passion. Feel free to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies, extravagant antics and verbosity annoys you.

9 - 13 points. You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure), curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people, do not refuse a request to anyone, although you can not always fulfill it. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

4 - 8 points. You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. Like to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can make you feel blue. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any business, although you can’t always successfully bring it to the end. For this reason, the manager and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubt. Consider these facts!

3 points or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, intervene in matters that have nothing to do with you, undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts. You need to educate yourself.

6. Conflict.

Thomas test

With the help of this test, it is possible to determine your own style of behavior in a situation of disagreement. In order to determine which way of behavior a person is inclined to, after carefully reading each of the double statements a) and b), choose one of them that is more consistent with how he usually acts and acts.


a. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a contentious issue.

b. Instead of discussing what we disagree on, I try to draw attention to what we both agree on.

b. I'm trying to settle a case that takes into account all of the other person's interests and my own.

b. Sometimes I sacrifice my own interests for the interests of another person.

a. I try to find a compromise solution.

b. I try not to hurt the other person's feelings.

a. When settling a controversial situation, I always try to find support from another.

b. I try my best to avoid useless tension

a. I'm trying to avoid trouble for myself.

b. I'm trying to get my way.

a. I try to postpone the decision of the controversial issue, in order to eventually resolve it definitively.

b. I consider it possible to yield in something in order to achieve another.

a. Usually I am persistently trying to achieve my goal.

b. First of all, I try to determine what all the interests and disputes involved are.

a. I think that it is not always worth worrying about some kind of disagreement that has arisen.

b. I'm making an effort to get my way.

a. I am determined to get my way.

b. I'm trying to find a compromise solution.

a. First of all, I seek to clearly define who all the interests involved and the issues at issue consist of.

b. I try to calm the other down and mostly keep our relationship going.

a. Often I avoid taking a position that can cause controversy.

b. I give the opportunity to the other in something to remain with his opinion, if he also goes forward.

b. I insist that everything be done my way.

a. I communicate my point of view to the other and ask about his views.

b. I am trying to show the other the logic and advantage of my views.

b. I try my best to avoid stress.

b. I usually try to convince the other person of the merits of my position.

a. Usually I am persistently trying to achieve my goal.

b. I try to do my best to avoid useless stress.

a. If it makes the other person happy, I will give him the opportunity to have his own way.

b. I will give the other the opportunity to remain in my opinion if he meets me halfway.

a. First of all, I try to determine what all the interests involved and the issues at issue are.

b. I try to put aside controversial issues in order to eventually resolve them definitively.

a. I'm trying to get over our differences immediately.

b. I try to find the best combination of gains and losses for both of us.

a. When negotiating, I try to be attentive to the other.

b. I always tend to direct discussion of the problem.

a. I am trying to find a position that is in the middle between mine and the position of another person.

b. I defend my position.

a. As a rule, I am concerned with satisfying the desires of each of us.

b. Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a contentious issue.

a. If the position of another seems important to him, I try to meet him halfway.

b. I try to convince the other to compromise.

a. I'm trying to convince the other that I'm right.

b. When negotiating, I try to be attentive to the arguments of the other.

a. I usually suggest a middle position.

b. I almost always seek to satisfy the interests of each of us.

a. I often try to avoid controversy.

b. If it makes the other person happy, I will give him the opportunity to have his own way.

a. Usually I am persistently trying to achieve my goal.

b. In settling the situation, I usually seek support from the other.

a. I propose a middle position.

b. I think that it is not always worth worrying about the differences that have arisen.

a. I try not to hurt the feelings of others.

b. I always take a position in a dispute so that we can succeed together.

Questionnaire key
































































































7. Creation of the poster "We are together."

The game form of conducting a class hour is a game aimed at uniting the group. I usually spend this lesson at the beginning of the school year, when the children are still little acquainted with each other.

At the beginning of the lesson, a conversation is held about the importance of friendship and group cohesion.

Each member of the group is given patterns of various objects (flower, sun, cloud, butterfly, tree, etc.), colored paper, felt-tip pens, scissors. Students are invited to choose a template, transfer it to colored paper, cut it out and sign their name. After that, everyone sticks their "drawing" on a large drawing paper. In the process of designing a poster, there is a discussion: what, where to stick. When the work is completed, a discussion of the received poster takes place.

8. Safety.

Questionnaire - a survey "Determining the level of safety of a teenager in a group."

Students are warned that the answers will not be known to classmates.


1. I am afraid that my classmates will laugh at me when I answer at the blackboard (yes, no).

2. No matter what is going on in my life, when I enter a class, I feel better (yes, no).

3. My stomach or head often hurts, I often feel like I'm about to cry (yes, no).

4. There is a person in my group to whom I can tell about my problems (yes, no).

5. I know that no one in my group will hurt me (yes, no).

6. I am sure that my teacher (class teacher, master) will respect me even if I make some mistake (yes, no).

7. I know the rules that must be observed in our educational institution. I know what will happen if I break them (yes, no)

8. I'm afraid that my classmates will make fun of me because of my appearance (yes, no).

The answers to the questions posed allow me to create a picture of how a teenager feels in a school, a group. Based on the information received, I build my interaction with each member of the group.


1 Test for the identification of psychological compatibility (based on the Raymond CATTEL test) Raymond CATTEL's multi-factor personality questionnaire is universal, practical, and provides multifaceted information about personality. The questions in it reflect ordinary life situations. The questionnaire diagnoses personality traits (factors). It is used in all situations where it is necessary to know the individual psychological characteristics of a person. Therefore, in our case, this test is an indispensable assistant in the formation of a “mentor young specialist” pair (at the same time, we suggest not limiting ourselves to this method of psychodiagnostics, this test is just an example of this kind of activity). The abbreviated version of the questionnaire contains 105 questions. The answers are entered on a special questionnaire, and then calculated using the key. Coincidence with the key answers "a" and "c" is evaluated by two points, the coincidence of answers "c" by one point. The sum of points for each selected group of questions results in the value of the factor. The exception is factor B, where any match of the answer with the key gives 1 point. Thus, the maximum score for each factor is 12 points, for factor B 8 points, the minimum score is 0 points. The following blocks of factors have been identified: intellectual features: factors B, M, Q1; emotional-volitional features: factors C, G, I, O, Q3, Q4; communicative properties and features of interpersonal interaction: factors A, H, F, E, N, L, Q2. Instruction. For each question, you must choose one of the three suggested answers. To do this, put a cross in the corresponding cell on the answer sheet (the left cell corresponds to the answer “a”, the middle cell corresponds to the answer “c”, the cell to the right corresponds to the answer “c”).

2 Questionnaire text 1. I think my memory is now better than it used to be 2. I could well live alone, away from people 3. If I said that the sky is below and that it is hot in winter, I would have to name the criminal A) a bandit B) a saint C) a cloud 4. When I go to bed I A) fall asleep quickly B) something in between C) I hardly fall asleep 5. If I were driving on a road full of other cars, I would prefer A) let go of most cars C) overtake all the cars in front 6. In the company I give the opportunity to others to joke and tell all sorts of stories 7. It is important for me that everything around me is not a mess 8. Most of the people with whom I go to companies are certainly glad to see me C) no 9. I would rather A) fencing and dancing C) wrestling and basketball 10. It amuses me that what people do is not at all like what they then talk about it 11. When reading about an incident, I am interested in all the details A) always C) rarely 1 2. When my friends make fun of me, I usually laugh along with everyone else and don't get offended at all.

3 13. If someone is rude to me, I can quickly forget about it 14. I like to come up with new ways of doing something than stick to tried and tested methods 15. When I plan something, I prefer to do it myself, without help from anyone 16. I think that I am less sensitive and easily excitable than most people 17. I am annoyed by people who cannot make decisions quickly 18. Sometimes, albeit briefly, I have a feeling of irritation towards my parents 19. I would rather reveal my innermost thoughts A) to my good friends C) in my diary I have enough energy when I need it 22. I am more annoyed by people who A) make people blush with their rude jokes C) create inconvenience by being late for an appointment 23. I really enjoy inviting guests and entertaining There are 24 of them. I think that A) not everything should be done equally carefully B) I find it difficult to say C) any work should be done carefully if you undertook it

4 25. I always have to overcome embarrassment B) maybe 26. My friends more often A) consult me ​​B) do both equally C) give me advice 27. If a friend deceives me in small things, I rather pretend not noticed this than expose it 28. I prefer A) friends whose interests are business and practical C) friends who have a deeply thought-out outlook on life 29. I can not calmly listen to other people express ideas that are opposite to those I firmly believe 30. I am worried about my past actions and mistakes 31. If I could do both equally well, I would rather A) play chess C) play towns 32. I like sociable, sociable people 33. I am so I am careful and practical, so that fewer unpleasant surprises happen to me than to other people 34. I can forget about my worries and responsibilities when I need to 35. It can be difficult for me to admit that I am wrong 36. I would be inter A) work with machines and mechanisms and participate in the main production C) talk with people, doing social work

5 37. Which word is not related to the other two? A) a cat B) close C) the sun 38. Something that distracts my attention to some extent A) annoys me B) something in between C) does not bother me at all 39. If I had a lot of money, I would A) take care 40. The worst punishment for me is A) hard work C) being locked up in solitude 41. More than they do now, people should demand compliance with laws morality 42. I was told that as a child I was A) calm and liked to be alone C) alive and mobile 43. I would have liked the practical daily work with various installations and machines 44. I think that most witnesses are telling the truth, even if it is not easy for them 45. Sometimes I hesitate to put my ideas into practice because they seem impossible to me 46. I try not to laugh at jokes as loudly as most people do 47. I am never so unhappy that I want to cry 48. In music, I enjoy A) marching in performed by military bands C) violin solos

6 49. I would rather spend two summer months A) in the countryside with one or two friends C) leading a group at a tourist camp 50. The effort involved in making plans A) is never superfluous C) is not worth it 51. Rash actions and what my friends say to me does not offend or upset me 52. When I succeed, I find these things easy A) always C) rarely 53. I would rather work A) in an institution where I would have to manage people and that's all time to be among them C) an architect who develops his project in a quiet room 54. A house is related to a room like a tree A) to a forest B) to a plant C) to a leaf 55. What I do does not work for me A ) rarely C) often 56. In most cases, I A) prefer to take risks C) prefer to be sure 57. Probably, some people think that I talk too much A) rather, I do C) I think not 58. I like it better A person of great knowledge and erudition, even if he is unreliable and fickle C) with average ability, but able to resist all temptations 59. I make decisions A) faster than many people C) slower than most people 60. I am very impressed by A) skill and grace C) strength and power

7 61. I consider myself a collaborative person B) something in between 62. I like to talk to people who are refined, refined, than frank and straightforward 63. I prefer A) to resolve issues that concern me personally C) consult with my friends 64. If a person does not answer immediately after I have said something to him, then I feel that I said something stupid 65. During my school years, I gained the most knowledge A) in the lessons C) reading books 66. I I avoid social work and related responsibility 67. When a problem that needs to be solved is very difficult and requires a lot of effort from me, I try to A) take up another issue C) try again to solve this issue 68. I have strong emotions: anxiety , anger, fits of laughter, etc., seemingly without a specific reason. 69. Sometimes my thinking is worse than usual 70. I am pleased to do a person a favor by agreeing to make an appointment with him at a time convenient for him, even if it is a little inconvenient for me 71. I think that the correct number to continue the series is 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, will be A) 10 B) 5 C) Sometimes I have short bouts of nausea and dizziness without a specific cause C) no

8 73. I prefer to refuse my order rather than disturb the waiter 74. I live for today more than other people 75. At a party I like A) to take part in an interesting conversation C) to watch people relax and relax myself 76. I express my opinion no matter how many people can hear it A) yes B) sometimes C) no 77. If I could go back in time, I would most like to meet A) Columbus C) Pushkin 78 I have to keep myself from taking care of other people's business 79. When working in a store, I would rather A) decorate windows C) be a cashier 80. If people think badly of me, I do not try to convince them and continue to do what I think fit 81. If I see that my old friend is cold to me and avoids me, I usually A) immediately think: “He is in a bad mood” C) worry that I have done the wrong thing 82. All misfortunes come from - for people A) who try to change everything Yes, although there are ways to deal with these issues C) rejecting new, promising proposals 83. I take great pleasure in reporting local news 84. Neat, demanding people do not get along with me

9 85. I feel like I'm less irritable than most people 86. I can easily ignore other people than they can with me 87. It happens that all morning I don't want to talk to anyone A) often C) never 88 If the hands of a clock meet exactly every 65 minutes, measured by the exact clock, then this clock is A) behind B) running right C) in a hurry 89. I get bored A) often C) rarely 90. People say that I like to do everything in my original way 91. I find it necessary to avoid unnecessary worries because they are tiring 92. At home, in my free time, I A) chat and relax C) do things that interest me 93. I am timid and cautious about making friends with new people 94. I believe that what people say in poetry can be just as accurately expressed in prose 95. I suspect that the people with whom I am friends may not be friends behind my back, in most cases, rarely 96. I think that even the most dramatic events in a year are no longer leave no traces in my soul C) no

10 97. I think it would be more interesting to be A) a naturalist and work with plants C) an insurance agent 98. I am subject to unreasonable fear and disgust towards certain things, such as certain animals, places, etc. 99. I I like to think about how the world could be improved 100. I prefer games A) where you have to play in a team or have a partner C) where everyone plays for themselves 101. I have fantastic or ridiculous dreams at night 102. If I stay in the house alone , then after a while I feel anxiety and fear 103. I can mislead people with my friendly attitude, although in fact I don’t like them 104. Which word does not refer to the other two? A) think B) see C) hear 105. If Mary's mother is the sister of Alexander's father, then who is Alexander in relation to Mary's father? A) cousin B) nephew C) uncle

11 Key to R. B. Cattell's Questionnaire Factor Number of questions, types of answers, scores MD 1. В В В В В В В В-1 А 2. В В В В В В-1 В 3. В С В С А С А B-1 C 4. B B B B B B-1 F 5. B B B B B B-1 F 6. B B B B B B-1 G 7. B B B B B B-1 N 8. B B B B B B B B B B B B-1 L 10. B-1 M 11. B-1 N 12. B-1 O 13. B-1 Q1 14. B-1 Q2 15. B-1 Q3 16. B-1 Q4 17. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B -1 Interpretation of factors Factor A. Closeness sociability. With low scores, a person is characterized by unsociableness, isolation, indifference, excessive severity in assessing people. He is skeptical, cold towards others, likes to be alone, does not have close friends with whom he can be frank. With high scores, a person is open and kind-hearted, sociable and good-natured. He is characterized by naturalness and ease in behavior, attentiveness, kindness, kindness in relationships. He willingly works with people, is active in resolving conflicts, is trusting, is not afraid of criticism, experiences vivid emotions, and responds vividly to events. Factor B. Intelligence. With low grades, a person is characterized by concreteness, rigidity and some disorganization of thinking. With high marks, abstract thinking, ingenuity, and quick learning are observed. Factor C. Emotional instability emotional stability. With low scores, low tolerance, susceptibility to feelings, variability of interests, a tendency to mood lability, irritability, fatigue, neurotic symptoms, and hypochondria are expressed. With high marks, a person is self-possessed, hard-working, emotionally mature, realistically tuned. He easily manages to follow the requirements of the team, he is characterized by the constancy of interests. He does not tend to be nervous.

12 Factor E. Subordination dominance. With low scores, a person is shy, inclined to give way to others. He often turns out to be dependent, takes the blame, worries about his possible mistakes. He is characterized by tact, resignation, respect, humility up to complete passivity. With high scores, a person is domineering, independent, self-confident, stubborn to the point of aggressiveness. He is independent in judgment and behavior, his way of thinking is inclined to consider the law for himself and others. He blames others for conflicts, does not recognize authority and pressure from outside, prefers an authoritarian style of leadership, but fights for a higher status; conflict, arrogant. Factor F. Restraint expressiveness. With low scores, a person is characterized by prudence, caution, prudence, and silence. He is characterized by a tendency to complicate everything, some concern and pessimism in the perception of reality. Worries about the future, expects failures. To others, he seems boring, lethargic and overly stiff. With high scores, a person is cheerful, impulsive, careless, cheerful, talkative, mobile. Energetic, social contacts are emotionally significant for him. He is sincere in interpersonal relationships, often becomes a leader and enthusiast of group activities, believes in good luck. Factor G. Exposure to feelings high normative behavior. With low scores, a person is unstable, subject to the influence of the case and circumstances, does not make efforts to fulfill group requirements and norms. It is characterized by unscrupulousness, disorganization, irresponsibility, flexible attitudes in relation to social norms, which can lead to antisocial behavior. With high scores, there is a conscious observance of the norms and rules of conduct, perseverance in achieving the goal, accuracy, responsibility, and business orientation. Factor H. Timidity courage. With low scores, a person is shy, unsure of his plans, reserved, timid, prefers to be in the shadows. He prefers the company of one or two friends to a large society. It is highly sensitive to threat. With high scores, a person is characterized by social courage, activity, readiness to deal with unfamiliar circumstances and people. He is prone to risk, keeps freely, disinhibited. Factor I. Rigidity sensitivity. With low scores, a person is characterized by masculinity, self-confidence, rationality, realistic judgments, practicality, some rigidity, severity, callousness in relation to others. With high marks, softness, stability, dependence, the desire to gain patronage, a tendency to romanticism, artistry of nature, femininity, and artistic perception of the world are observed. Factor L. Credulity suspiciousness. With low scores, a person is characterized by frankness, gullibility, benevolence towards other people, tolerance, accommodating. The person is free from envy, easily gets along with people and works well in a team. With high marks, a person is jealous, envious, characterized by suspicion, he is characterized by great conceit. His interests are directed at himself, he is usually cautious in his actions, self-centered. Factor M. Practicality developed imagination. With low scores, a person is practical, conscientious. He focuses on external reality and follows generally accepted norms, he is characterized by some limitation and excessive attention to detail. With a high assessment, one can speak of a developed imagination, orientation to one's inner world, and a high creative potential of a person. Factor N. Directness diplomacy. With low scores, a person is characterized by straightforwardness, naivety, naturalness, immediacy of behavior. With high marks, a person is characterized by prudence, insight, a reasonable and unsentimental approach to events and people around him. Factor O. Self-confidence anxiety. With low scores, a person is serene, cold-blooded, calm, self-confident. With high scores, a person is characterized by anxiety, depression, vulnerability, impressionability. Factor Q1. Conservatism radicalism. With low scores, a person is characterized by conservatism, resistance to traditional difficulties. He knows what he must believe in, and, despite the failure of some principles, he does not look for new ones. He is hesitant about new ideas, prone to moralization and moralizing, resists change and is not interested in analytical intellectual considerations. With high scores, a person is critical, characterized by the presence of intellectual interests, analytical thinking, seeks to receive information about everything in full. More prone to experimentation, calmly perceives new unsettled views and changes, does not trust authorities, does not take anything for granted. Factor Q2. Conformism nonconformism. With low scores, a person is dependent on the group, follows public opinion, prefers to work and make decisions together with other people, and is guided by social approval. At the same time, he often lacks the initiative to make decisions.

13 With a high assessment, a person prefers his own decisions, is independent, follows the path he has chosen, makes his own decisions and acts on his own. Having his own opinion, he does not seek to impose it on others. He does not need the approval and support of other people. Factor Q3. Low self-control high self-control. With low grades, indiscipline, internal conflict of ideas about oneself are observed. The person is not concerned with fulfilling social demands. With high scores, developed self-control, the accuracy of fulfilling social requirements. A person follows his idea of ​​himself, controls his emotions and behavior well, brings every business to the end. He is characterized by purposefulness and integration of personality. Factor Q4. Relaxation tension. With low scores, a person is characterized by relaxation, lethargy, calmness, low motivation, laziness, excessive satisfaction and equanimity. A high score indicates tension, agitation, the presence of excitement and anxiety. MD factor. The adequacy of self-esteem. The higher the score on this factor, the more a person tends to overestimate his capabilities and overestimate himself.

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1. The origins of anxiety should be sought in early childhood; already in the second year of life, it can arise as a result of improper upbringing. 4. a large number of prohibitions from a parent of the same sex

It happens that with some people we feel comfortable and confident, while with others we are constantly on the verge of conflict. We quickly approach the first ones, we can’t find the second ones. What is the reason?

We are so different...

The ability to understand a partner (in communication, teamwork) and interact with him is influenced by many factors: education, age, circle of acquaintances and even cultural level. If something of the above is fundamentally different for people, disagreements and misunderstandings often arise between them, up to complete rejection. In this case, they speak of psychological incompatibility.

What is psychological compatibility? Is it possible to determine it in advance, without bringing the matter to conflicts? What does the term "psychological compatibility" mean?

Levels of psychological compatibility

Psychological compatibility is a rather multifaceted and multilevel concept.
Of great importance is the psychophysiological compatibility of temperaments.
Socio-psychological compatibility depends on the social status of partners, their professions, level of education. However, education usually does not have a significant impact on the compatibility of people, but the level of a common culture for mutual understanding is very important, as is the level of general development of the individual. Psychologically compatible are people whose ideas about the organization of their joint activities to solve common problems are sufficiently coordinated. That is, the psychological compatibility of people largely depends on their functional and role expectations.

And the highest level of compatibility can be called such a value-oriented unity, when partners do not just agree with each other's opinion, but share a joint decision and place responsibility for it not only on the other, but also on themselves.

Psychological compatibility in the team

We spend most of our time at work. Therefore, the desire of each person to feel easily and confidently among colleagues is quite understandable. Often people between a high salary among hated colleagues and a lower salary in a friendly team choose the latter option. Calmness and positive emotional contacts turn out to be more important for many than money and a career. After all, tensions in the workplace can poison our lives. And there are quite a lot of such “poisoned” misunderstandings at work. To avoid this, when recruiting each team, the leader must take into account not only the professional qualities of the applicant, but also provide for the results of joint activities with the rest of the team members. In other words, take into account the psychological compatibility of employees. But what does the term "psychological compatibility of team members" mean?

This is a manifestation of certain psychological properties of its individual members, on which the success of group activities largely depends. Simply put, the term "psychological compatibility of team members" is defined as the ability or impossibility of its members to work productively together, while feeling comfortable and protected.

When Compatibility Matters Most

Now that it has become clear what the term "psychological compatibility of the team" means, it can be argued that the possibility of fruitful cooperation between colleagues is determined by several decisive factors. Psychologists are sure that personal compatibility becomes more important for psychological comfort in a team, the longer people work together.

The importance of compatibility also depends on the size of the team. In groups with a large number of employees, psychological compatibility factors are less important.

But in small - from 3 to 7 people - teams of great importance for creating a normal psychological microclimate is the maximum similarity of the natural properties of colleagues, the compatibility of their characters, types of nervous system, levels of physical endurance, performance, emotional stability.

In small groups, the psychological compatibility of team members is often even more important than their professional skills. The latter can be taught, but is it possible to overcome psychological incompatibility?

Types of psychological incompatibility

The psychological incompatibility of members of the same team is manifested in the inability to understand each other in critical situations, the asynchrony of mental reactions, differences in thinking, attention, and value attitudes. Such people do not enter into friendly relations, do not respect each other, and sometimes even feel hostility towards colleagues. Psychological incompatibility not only poisons people's lives, but also negatively affects the quality of work.

This incompatibility manifests itself in different ways:

  • Psychophysiological incompatibility manifests itself as intolerance to the habits of another person, and sometimes even to his smell.
  • Socio-psychological incompatibility manifests itself most often if the "roles" in the team are distributed incorrectly, unfairly.
  • Socio-ideological incompatibility is the incompatibility of worldviews and beliefs. It could lead to civil strife.

Is it possible to deal with psychological incompatibility?

It often happens that partners in critical situations do not understand each other at all, “do not hear” their counterpart, cannot make a common decision in this situation. After such psychological friction, everything just falls out of hand, efficiency decreases, and the quality of life drops sharply. In this case, the task of the leader is to try to bring the team closer together, to create a friendly atmosphere of trust in it.

But how to do that? And is it possible in principle to create a comfortable working atmosphere in a team that brings together people of completely different psychological types, often incompatible with each other?

Three Ways to Eliminate Disagreements in a Team

If the psychological compatibility of team members leaves much to be desired, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Try to avoid conflict. To do this, avoid situations that provoke disagreements and disputes.
  2. Timely remind the most conflicting colleagues of professional solidarity, that we are all one team. In this way, it is possible to smooth out the emerging conflict and prevent team members from becoming aggressive.
  3. An effective way is to find a compromise, accepting the opponent's point of view not completely, but to such an extent that it will allow to suspend the conflict.

But all these are only external methods that do not eliminate the root of the problems - the psychological incompatibility of workers. Therefore, the best solution is to conduct a psychological test for compatibility with existing employees with each new member of the team. And even better in advance, even to take into account the social and psychological criteria for the compatibility of its members.

Take into account the psychological types of people

The successful solution of the task of forming a psychologically compatible team largely depends on whether the leader who forms the team knows the psychological types of people. There are two psychological types: introverts and extroverts.

Introverts are more restrained, indecisive, more likely to be contemplative than active, they are socially passive. An introvert is a cautious, hidden, pedantic person, he usually prefers monotonous work.
Extroverts, on the contrary, are people of an open nature, responsive, helpful, easily adapting to new conditions. The extrovert is sociable, charming, straightforward in judgments. Unlike an introvert, he is quite proactive. Such people are focused on external evaluation of their activities. Extroverts are good at jobs that require quick decision making.

Pure introverts and extroverts are rare. Each person has features of both psychological types. But they need to be able to identify and take into account when forming a team.

Psychological compatibility of spouses

Compatibility in the family is also the most important condition for the stability of the couple. Understanding marital compatibility is close to the satisfaction of a husband and wife with marriage. The compatibility of loving people who have created a family is manifested in the consistency of attitudes, the similarity of spiritual structures, in accordance with the characters. An important component of marital compatibility can be called the consistency of both ideas about the functions of the family.

Speaking about the psychological compatibility of spouses, one cannot but take into account domestic compatibility, the nationalities of the spouses, their religion. Equally important for compatibility are the relationship of spouses to relatives, the unity of the principles of raising children, and the distribution of household duties. And even a different sense of humor can cause incompatibility between loving people.

How does temperament affect compatibility

Important for the compatibility of people in groups, whether it be a work team or a family, combinations of types of temperaments and characters. If a person's character is formed on the basis of experience and can change throughout life, then temperament is given from birth, it is impossible to change it. But it is imperative to take into account to determine psychological compatibility.

Of course, you can hardly meet choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic people in their pure form, but one of the types of temperament still prevails in every person. How do they differ and what exactly needs to be considered?

People with the same temperaments react to what is happening around them in approximately the same way, while both their feelings and behavioral reactions are similar. Therefore, it is easy for such people to understand a friend, to predict the course of thoughts and actions.

But here's the paradox: the closer the relationship between people, the more compatible are just the opposite temperaments, which perfectly complement each other.

Features of people with different temperaments

Cholerics are distinguished by a strong nervous system, they change activities without any problems. But the nervous system of people of this type is somewhat unbalanced, which is often the reason for their quarrelsomeness with other people. In choleric people, mood can change dramatically for no apparent reason. They are quick-tempered, impatient, prone to emotional breakdowns.

Sanguine people also have a strong nervous system, they are distinguished by excellent performance, they easily switch to other activities, communicate with all people without problems. Sanguine people are almost always in a good mood, they are looking for new experiences, quickly respond to what is happening around them, and experience failure relatively easily.

Phlegmatic people also have a strong nervous system, they are quite efficient, but they are involved in new activities with difficulty. It is difficult for phlegmatic people to adapt to a new environment. The mood of the phlegmatic is usually even, he is always calm and self-confident. People of this temperament are also characterized by constancy in relationships.

Melancholics are people of a weak type of nervous system, they have a low level of mental activity, they get tired quickly. Melancholics are characterized by great emotional sensitivity, a sensitive attitude towards others. Thanks to these qualities, melancholic people are easy to get along with. But they themselves, experiencing problems within themselves, are most often in a bad mood, they are suspicious and tearful.

The key to compatibility is the optimal combination of value orientations, genotype and ... altruism

Summing up, it should be noted that psychological compatibility is defined as the mutual acceptance of each other by people, which is based on the similarity or mutual complementation of their value orientations and personal characteristics.

Ideally compatible would be people of approximately the same age, temperament, biological rhythms, state of health, activity in sexual life, the same level of education, and who, moreover, have the same goals, and their methods of achieving them also do not differ. And also ideally compatible people are ready to take responsibility for each other and joint decisions. But in real life such coincidences are practically impossible.

Nevertheless, we have psychological compatibility with people who differ from us in many ways. And to achieve compatibility in our own lives with loved ones and colleagues, perhaps, it will help not to conduct a psychological compatibility test on time, but the desire to make others feel good with us. Maybe this is the key to psychological compatibility?

(based on the Raymond CATTEL test)

Raymond CATTEL's multifactorial personality questionnaire is universal, practical, and provides multifaceted information about personality. The questions in it reflect ordinary life situations. The questionnaire diagnoses personality traits (factors). It is used in all situations where it is necessary to know the individual psychological characteristics of a person. Therefore, in our case, this test is an indispensable assistant in the formation of a pair of "mentor - young specialist" (at the same time, we suggest not limiting ourselves to this method of psychodiagnostics, this test is just an example of this kind of activity).

The abbreviated version of the questionnaire contains 105 questions. The answers are entered on a special questionnaire, and then calculated using the key. Coincidence with the key answers "a" and "c" is estimated at two points, the coincidence of answers "c" - one point. The sum of points for each selected group of questions results in the value of the factor. The exception is factor B - here any match of the answer with the key gives 1 point. Thus, the maximum score for each factor is 12 points, for factor B - 8 points, and the minimum score is 0 points.

The following blocks of factors have been identified:

  • intellectual features: factors B, M, Q1;
  • emotional-volitional features: factors C, G, I, O, Q3, Q4;
  • communicative properties and features of interpersonal interaction: factors A, H, F, E, N, L, Q2. Instruction. For each question, you must choose one of the three suggested answers. To do this, put a cross in the corresponding cell on the answer sheet (the left cell corresponds to the answer “a”, the middle cell corresponds to the answer “c”, the cell to the right corresponds to the answer “c”).

Questionnaire text

  1. I think my memory is better than it used to be
  1. Hard to say
  1. I could well live alone, away from people
  1. sometimes
  1. If I said that the sky is below and that it is hot in winter, I would have to name the culprit.
  1. bandit
  2. saints
  3. cloud
  1. When I go to bed I
  1. fall asleep quickly
  2. something in between
  3. I fall asleep with difficulty
  1. If I were driving on a road where there are many other cars, I would prefer
  1. skip ahead most cars
  2. Don't know
  3. overtake all cars in front
  1. In the company, I give the opportunity to others to joke and tell all sorts of stories.
  1. sometimes
  1. It is important for me that there is no disorder in everything that surrounds me.
  1. right
  2. Hard to say
  3. wrong
  1. Most of the people with whom I am in companies are undoubtedly glad to see me.
  1. sometimes
  1. I would rather do
  1. fencing and dancing
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. wrestling and basketball
  1. It amuses me that what people do is nothing like what they then say about it.
  1. sometimes
  1. When I read about an incident, I am interested in all the details.
  1. always
  2. sometimes
  3. rarely
  1. When my friends make fun of me, I usually laugh along with everyone else and don't get offended at all.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. If someone is rude to me, I can quickly forget about it.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. I enjoy coming up with new ways of doing things rather than sticking to tried and tested methods.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. When I plan something, I like to do it on my own without anyone's help.
  1. right
  2. sometimes
  1. I think that I am less sensitive and easily excitable than most people.
  1. right
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. wrong
  1. I get annoyed by people who can't make quick decisions
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. Sometimes, albeit briefly, I had a feeling of irritation towards my parents.
  1. Don't know
  1. I'd rather reveal my innermost thoughts
  1. my good friends
  2. Don't know
  3. in my diary
  1. I think that the word opposite in meaning to the word "inaccurate" is
  1. careless
  2. careful
  3. approximate
  1. I always have enough energy when I need it
  1. Hard to say
  1. I'm more annoyed by people who
  1. their rude jokes drive people into the paint
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. create inconvenience by being late for an appointment
  1. I really like to invite guests and entertain them
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. I think that
  1. not everything needs to be done equally
  2. Hard to say
  3. any work should be done carefully if you undertook it
  1. I always have to overcome embarrassment
  1. possibly
  1. My friends are more
  1. consult me
  2. do both equally
  3. give me advice
  1. If a friend deceives me in small things, I would rather pretend not to notice it than expose him.
  1. sometimes
  1. I prefer
  1. friends whose interests are business and practical
  2. Don't know
  3. friends with deeply thoughtful outlooks on life
  1. I can't sit still listening to other people express ideas that are the opposite of those I strongly believe in.
  1. right
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. wrong
  1. I care about my past deeds and mistakes
  1. Don't know
  1. If I could do both equally well, I would prefer
  1. play chess
  2. Hard to say
  3. play towns
  1. I like sociable, sociable people
  1. Don't know
  1. I am so careful and practical that fewer unpleasant surprises happen to me than to other people.
  1. Hard to say
  1. I can forget about my worries and responsibilities when I need to
  1. sometimes
  1. I find it hard to admit that I'm wrong
  1. sometimes
  1. At the enterprise, I would be more interested
  1. work with machines and mechanisms and participate in the main production
  2. Hard to say
  3. talking to people doing social work
  1. Which word is not related to the other two?
  1. cat
  2. close
  3. sun
  1. Something that diverts my attention to some extent
  1. annoys me
  2. something in between
  3. doesn't bother me at all
  1. If I had a lot of money, then I
  1. I would take care not to arouse envy
  2. Don't know
  3. I would live without embarrassing myself in anything
  1. The worst punishment for me is
  1. hard work
  2. Don't know
  3. be locked up alone
  1. People should, more than they do now, demand observance of the laws of morality
  1. sometimes
  1. I was told that I was a child
  1. calm and liked to be alone
  2. Don't know
  3. alive and moving
  1. I would like practical daily work with various installations and machines
  1. Don't know
  1. I think most witnesses are telling the truth, even if it's not easy for them.
  1. Hard to say
  1. Sometimes I hesitate to put my ideas into practice because they seem impossible to me.
  1. right
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. wrong
  1. I try not to laugh at jokes as loudly as most people do.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. I'm never so unhappy that I want to cry
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. In music I enjoy
  1. marches performed by military bands
  2. Don't know
  3. violin solos
  1. I'd rather spend two summer months
  1. in the countryside with one or two friends
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. leading a group at a tourist camp
  1. Effort spent on planning
  1. never redundant
  2. Hard to say
  3. not worth it
  1. The thoughtless actions and statements of my friends in my address do not offend or upset me.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. When I succeed, I find these things easy.
  1. always
  2. sometimes
  3. rarely
  1. I would rather work
  1. in an institution where I would have to lead people and be among them all the time
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. an architect who develops his project in a quiet room
  1. The house relates to the room like a tree
  1. to the forest
  2. to the plant
  3. to the leaf
  1. What I do, I can't
  1. rarely
  2. sometimes
  3. often
  1. In most cases I
  1. I prefer to take a chance
  2. Don't know
  3. I prefer to be sure
  1. Probably some people think I talk too much
  1. rather it is
  2. Don't know
  3. I think no
  1. I like a person better
  1. great knowledge and erudition, even if he is unreliable and fickle
  2. Hard to say
  3. with average abilities, but able to resist all temptations
  1. I make decisions
  1. faster than many people
  2. Don't know
  3. slower than most people
  1. They make a big impression on me
  1. craftsmanship and elegance
  2. Hard to say
  3. strength and power
  1. I consider myself a cooperative person
  1. something in between
  1. I prefer to talk to refined, sophisticated people than to frank and straightforward people.
  1. Don't know
  1. I prefer
  1. resolve issues relating to me personally
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. consult with my friends
  1. If a person does not respond immediately after I have said something to him, then I feel that I said something stupid.
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. During my school years, I gained the most knowledge
  1. on the lessons
  2. Hard to say
  3. reading books
  1. I avoid community service and related responsibilities
  1. right
  2. sometimes
  3. wrong
  1. When the issue to be solved is very difficult and requires a lot of effort from me, I try to
  1. take up another issue
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. try again to resolve this issue
  1. I have strong emotions: anxiety, anger, fits of laughter, etc. - seemingly without a specific reason.
  1. sometimes
  1. Sometimes I think worse than usual
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. I am pleased to do the person a favor by agreeing to make an appointment with him at a time that is convenient for him, even if it is a little inconvenient for me.
  1. sometimes
  1. I think the correct number to continue the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... would be
  1. Sometimes I have short bouts of nausea and dizziness for no specific reason.
  1. Don't know
  1. I'd rather cancel my order than give the waiter more trouble.
  1. sometimes
  1. I live for today more than other people
  1. right
  2. Hard to say
  3. wrong
  1. At the party I like
  1. take part in an interesting conversation
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. watch people relax and relax yourself
  1. I speak my mind no matter how many people can hear it
  1. sometimes
  1. If I could travel back in time, I would most like to meet
  1. with Columbus
  2. Don't know
  3. with Pushkin
  1. I have to keep myself from taking care of other people's business.
  1. sometimes
  1. Working in a store, I'd rather
  1. window dressing
  2. Don't know
  3. be a cashier
  1. If people think badly of me, I do not try to convince them and continue to do as I see fit.
  1. Hard to say
  1. If I see my old friend being cold to me and avoiding me, I usually
  1. I immediately think: “He’s in a bad mood.”
  2. Don't know
  3. I'm worried that I did something wrong
  1. All misfortune comes from people.
  1. who try to make changes in everything, although there are ways to solve these issues
  2. Don't know
  3. rejecting new, promising proposals
  1. I take great pleasure in reporting local news.
  1. sometimes
  1. Neat, demanding people don't get along with me
  1. right
  2. sometimes
  3. wrong
  1. I feel like I'm less irritable than most people
  1. right
  2. Don't know
  3. wrong
  1. I can more easily ignore other people than they treat me.
  1. right
  2. sometimes
  3. wrong
  1. It happens that all morning I don't want to talk to anyone
  1. often
  2. sometimes
  3. never
  1. If the hands of the clock meet exactly every 65 minutes measured by the exact clock, then this clock
  1. behind
  2. go right
  3. hurry
  1. I get bored
  1. often
  2. sometimes
  3. rarely
  1. People say that I like to do things in my original way.
  1. right
  2. sometimes
  3. wrong
  1. I believe that unnecessary worries should be avoided because they are tiring.
  1. sometimes
  1. At home in my free time
  1. chatting and relaxing
  2. find it difficult to answer
  3. doing things that interest me
  1. I am timid and cautious about making friends with new people.
  1. sometimes
  1. I believe that what people say in verse can just as accurately be expressed in prose.
  1. sometimes
  1. I suspect that the people I'm friends with may not be friends behind my back.
  1. yes, in most cases
  2. sometimes
  3. no, rarely
  1. I think that even the most dramatic events in a year will no longer leave any traces in my soul.
  1. sometimes
  1. I think it would be more interesting to be
  1. naturalist and work with plants
  2. Don't know
  3. insurance agent
  1. I am subject to unreasonable fear and disgust in relation to certain things, such as certain animals, places, etc.
  1. sometimes
  1. I love to think about how the world could be better.
  1. Hard to say
  1. I prefer games
  1. where to play in a team or have a partner
  2. Don't know
  3. where everyone plays for themselves
  1. I have fantastic or ridiculous dreams at night
  1. sometimes
  1. If I stay in the house alone, then after a while I feel anxiety and fear
  1. sometimes
  1. I can mislead people with my friendly attitude, although in fact I don’t like them
  1. sometimes
  1. Which word does not refer to the other two?
  1. think
  2. see
  3. hear
  1. If Mary's mother is the sister of Alexander's father, then who is Alexander in relation to Mary's father?
  1. cousin
  2. nephew
  3. uncle

The key to the questionnaire R.B. Cattela

Question numbers, answer types, scores

Interpretation of factors

Factor A. Closure - sociability.

With low scores, a person is characterized by unsociableness, isolation, indifference, excessive severity in assessing people. He is skeptical, cold towards others, likes to be alone, does not have close friends with whom he can be frank.

With high scores, a person is open and kind-hearted, sociable and good-natured. He is characterized by naturalness and ease in behavior, attentiveness, kindness, kindness in relationships. He willingly works with people, is active in resolving conflicts, is trusting, is not afraid of criticism, experiences vivid emotions, and responds vividly to events.

Factor B. Intelligence.

With low grades, a person is characterized by concreteness, rigidity and some disorganization of thinking.

With high marks, abstract thinking, ingenuity, and quick learning are observed. Factor C. Emotional instability - emotional stability. With low scores, low tolerance, susceptibility to feelings, variability of interests, a tendency to mood lability, irritability, fatigue, neurotic symptoms, and hypochondria are expressed.

With high marks - a person is self-possessed, hard-working, emotionally mature, realistically tuned. He easily manages to follow the requirements of the team, he is characterized by the constancy of interests. He does not tend to be nervous.

Factor E. Subordination - dominance.

With low scores, a person is shy, inclined to give way to others. He often turns out to be dependent, takes the blame, worries about his possible mistakes. He is characterized by tact, resignation, respect, humility up to complete passivity.

With high scores - a domineering, independent, self-confident, stubborn to the point of aggressiveness. He is independent in judgment and behavior, his way of thinking is inclined to consider the law for himself and others. He blames others for conflicts, does not recognize authority and pressure from outside, prefers an authoritarian style of leadership, but fights for a higher status; conflict, arrogant.

Factor F. Restraint - expressiveness.

With low scores, a person is characterized by prudence, caution, prudence, and silence. He is characterized by a tendency to complicate everything, some concern and pessimism in the perception of reality. Worries about the future, expects failures. To others, he seems boring, lethargic and overly stiff.

With high scores, a person is cheerful, impulsive, careless, cheerful, talkative, mobile. Energetic, social contacts are emotionally significant for him. He is sincere in interpersonal relationships, often becomes a leader and enthusiast of group activities, believes in good luck.

Factor G. Exposure to feelings - high normative behavior.

With low scores, a person is unstable, subject to the influence of the case and circumstances, does not make efforts to fulfill group requirements and norms. It is characterized by unscrupulousness, disorganization, irresponsibility, flexible attitudes in relation to social norms, which can lead to antisocial behavior.

With high scores, there is a conscious observance of the norms and rules of conduct, perseverance in achieving the goal, accuracy, responsibility, and business orientation.

Factor N. Timidity - courage.

With low scores, a person is shy, unsure of his plans, reserved, timid, prefers to be in the shadows. He prefers the company of one or two friends to a large society. It is highly sensitive to threat.

With high scores, a person is characterized by social courage, activity, readiness to deal with unfamiliar circumstances and people. He is prone to risk, keeps freely, disinhibited.

Factor I. Rigidity - sensitivity.

With low scores, a person is characterized by masculinity, self-confidence, rationality, realistic judgments, practicality, some rigidity, severity, callousness in relation to others.

With high marks, softness, stability, dependence, the desire to gain patronage, a tendency to romanticism, artistry of nature, femininity, and artistic perception of the world are observed. Factor L. Credulity - suspiciousness. With low scores, a person is characterized by frankness, gullibility, benevolence towards other people, tolerance, accommodating. The person is free from envy, easily gets along with people and works well in a team.

With high marks - a person is jealous, envious, characterized by suspicion, he is characterized by great conceit. His interests are directed at himself, he is usually cautious in his actions, self-centered.

Factor M. Practicality - developed imagination.

With low scores - a practical, conscientious person. He focuses on external reality and follows generally accepted norms, he is characterized by some limitation and excessive attention to detail.

With a high assessment, one can speak of a developed imagination, orientation to one's inner world, and a high creative potential of a person.

Factor N. Directness - diplomacy.

With low scores, a person is characterized by straightforwardness, naivety, naturalness, immediacy of behavior.

With high marks, a person is characterized by prudence, insight, a reasonable and unsentimental approach to events and people around him.

Factor O. Self-confidence - anxiety.

With low scores, a person is serene, cold-blooded, calm, self-confident.

With high scores, a person is characterized by anxiety, depression, vulnerability, impressionability. Factor Q1. Conservatism is radicalism. With low scores, a person is characterized by conservatism, resistance to traditional difficulties. He knows what he must believe in, and, despite the failure of some principles, he does not look for new ones. He is hesitant about new ideas, prone to moralization and moralizing, resists change and is not interested in analytical intellectual considerations.

With high scores, a person is critical, characterized by the presence of intellectual interests, analytical thinking, seeks to receive information about everything in full. More prone to experimentation, calmly perceives new unsettled views and changes, does not trust authorities, does not take anything for granted.

Factor Q2. Conformism - non-conformism.

With low scores, a person is dependent on the group, follows public opinion, prefers to work and make decisions together with other people, and is guided by social approval. At the same time, he often lacks the initiative to make decisions.

With a high assessment, a person prefers his own decisions, is independent, follows the path he has chosen, makes his own decisions and acts on his own. Having his own opinion, he does not seek to impose it on others. He does not need the approval and support of other people.

Factor Q3. Low self-control - high self-control.

With low grades, indiscipline, internal conflict of ideas about oneself are observed. The person is not concerned with fulfilling social demands.

With high marks - developed self-control, accuracy in fulfilling social requirements. A person follows his idea of ​​himself, controls his emotions and behavior well, brings every business to the end. He is characterized by purposefulness and integration of personality.

Factor Q4. Relaxation is tension.

With low scores, a person is characterized by relaxation, lethargy, calmness, low motivation, laziness, excessive satisfaction and equanimity.

A high score indicates tension, agitation, the presence of excitement and anxiety. MD factor. The adequacy of self-esteem. The higher the score on this factor, the more a person tends to overestimate his capabilities and overestimate himself.

  • Psychology: personality and business


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