The child does not know how to retell. How to teach? We teach a child to work with text: understand, analyze and retell what is read How to teach a child to retell what is read


Natalia Ezzhalova
Consultation "How to teach a child to retell the text"

retelling- this is a story about the characters and events of a literary work, transferred in your own words in a certain order. There are the following types paraphrase:

Detailed (successive detailed account of events text) ;

Selective (an exposition of some part text) ;

Compressed (broadcast the most important thing in the work).

What is it needed for paraphrase?

First of all, in order to learn competently build your speech, enrich vocabulary and skillfully "juggle" grammatical constructions. And for schoolchildren, the ability retelling texts is simply invaluable, since almost all school education is based on oral transmit learned information to the teacher.

However, not everyone knows that learning retelling should be carried out directly "from the cradle" in the form of constant conversations with the baby and commenting on their actions. All such conversations are deposited in the head of the newborn in the form of language images. Such exercises will not only help your child speak early, enrich his speech, but also competently and extensively build his statements, clearly following their logic.

What skills and abilities are required to kid, to learn how to successfully retell texts?

Concentrated attention - to patiently listen to the content of the story;

A clear understanding of the meaning of history;

Logical and associative memory - to remember the sequence of events in history;

Ability to organize and structure information;

Speaking skills for a meaningful, coherent and beautiful presentation of what has been learned from text.

As you can see, this is quite a lot for children of elementary school age.

Basics of skill retell acquired"from the cradle"

So, what will help develop the skills of excellent retelling at an early age:

Constant conversations with child(even if he doesn't seem to hear or understand you);

Commenting on absolutely all your actions;

Reading to the baby a huge number of books appropriate for his age ( "from the cradle");

Games for the development of memory and attention;

Association games;

Games for the development of figurative thinking;

Listening to music (for the development of hearing, rhythm and melody, which also contributes to the development of speech);

As soon as the baby grows up (from the age of 3, it is very useful to show him stories based on pictures that are arranged in a certain sequence according to the events taking place. When demonstrating visual material, you need to ask leading questions for the child pointing to the corresponding picture:

What happened first (where does the story begin?

What is happening now?

How does the story end?

Healthy children who have been trained in this way from birth usually have no difficulty in building. paraphrase: its logic and development transmission of information.

However, do not be upset if you failed to develop the speech of your child from birth. Directly front school of any healthy children can be taught to retell texts at home. And, of course, it’s worth starting with stories that rely on visibility.

Use stories that you really like to kid. Folk tales, understandable and fascinating stories of such writers are recommended for listening. how: Pushkin, Bianki, Aksakov, the Brothers Grimm, Suteev, Andersen, Nosov, Tolstoy, Prishvin ...

Leading questions for paraphrase

Ask leading questions by asking the child to state the information in such detail as if he is listening to a person who does not know anything about what is happening in the story. events:

Where does the story begin?

Who are the main characters?

What important thing happened?

What were the consequences of this?

What happens at the end of the story?

What conclusion can you draw?

Think about whether all the important moments you conveyed in his story?

If not, please tell me again.

This training plan (not as a lesson) Very suitable for active restless children. You can engage in such entertaining conversations between times, while traveling by car, bus (home from kindergarten, for example, by train, while shopping, walking, etc.

should not be neglected and retelling from pictures. This paraphrase with elements of composition expands horizons and awakens imagination child.

Plan retelling of the text

If your child quite assiduous and calm classes do not strain him, you can do training retelling purposefully. Take already texts more difficult and use school requirements for retelling(introduction, main body, conclusion). What do we have to do?

Disassemble all complex and unfamiliar baby words so that the baby understands everything in the story (only under this condition can children easily retell the text in your own words);

Analyze what you read, determine what is important;

Make a verbal plan paraphrase, breaking text on milestones(teach the baby the ability to briefly formulate the headings of the stages of the story);

Discuss the content of each of the stages, discussing the most interesting points (at the same time, you need to ask leading questions to make it easier for the baby. If at first the baby answers with one sentence, then this is already good. Over time, his answers will become more detailed, especially if you ask leading questions);

Discuss the main characters of the story, their actions and deeds;

Discuss the sequence of events described in text;

connect parts in series text to each other.

Leading questions are designed to give to kid only an opportunity to remember what is happening in the read story, so avoid prompting him. Having dealt with the above points in detail, you should ask the baby now coherently and step by step retell all the events that take place.

One of the main problems faced by newly-born schoolchildren and their parents is the ability to quickly and accurately retell the text they read. However, quite often, adults do not have the patience to overcome possible difficulties and teach the baby such a skill. And turning a blind eye to the problem of a child in elementary school, middle-level students have little idea of ​​the algorithm for working on retelling. As a result, performance in most subjects is reduced. Consider the method of mastering the skill of retelling.

The importance of the ability to paraphrase

The ability to retell is reflected in the performance of the child

Retelling is a transfer in your own words of the main idea of ​​the read text with elements of analysis of the actions of the main characters. To convey the meaning of what is read is taught in elementary school. But ideally, this skill should be formed even before school, since it determines many factors in a child's readiness for further education. Among them:

  • memory development;
  • thinking training;
  • vocabulary replenishment;
  • the ability to establish causal relationships;
  • ability to analyze the actions of other people.

Causes of difficulties with retelling in a child

To develop the ability to retell, it is very important to concentrate on what you read.

Psychologists and educators are unanimous in their opinion that the main reason for the difficulty in conveying in one's own words the meaning of what is read in children is undeveloped speech. What is included in this concept?

  • Poor vocabulary. The child cannot explain his actions in words or comment on the actions of other people - from this the baby often begins to replace words with gestures.
  • The child does not communicate with peers. It is in a conversation with friends that the baby shows his ability to convey his thoughts to the interlocutor. That is, he needs to speak quickly and clearly. In communicating with parents, these requirements can be largely neglected, since relatives will still wait for the end of your speech and will make every effort to understand their child. Children are much less patient.
  • The kid can't read. If a child goes to school and still does not know how to read, then be prepared for the fact that he will have problems with both speech and retelling. At a certain stage of development, children need a passive vocabulary, which is formed in the process of reading. Thus, the child has little communication with adults and children, he needs knowledge of concepts that go beyond the level of everyday speech. This information comes in the process of reading.

In addition to undeveloped speech, a significant obstacle to the development of retelling is the inability of the child to focus on one type of activity.

Ways to teach in elementary and middle grades

Children should be taught to read from an early age.

All the difficulties associated with teaching a child to retell are interconnected. Therefore, the ways to overcome these difficulties have a single focus:

  • talk more with the child (and this should be done from birth, because it is what is heard from the parents that forms the initial ideas of the crumbs about the world, then the baby begins to copy the actions of adults, and thus he develops coherent speech faster, which is needed to convey the information he heard or read );
  • sing songs (all words have their own melody, which is easier to remember in songs, in addition, children's songs are based on accessible stories, and the baby can easily retell them);
  • read aloud with the child (reading perfectly develops memory, without which it is impossible to learn to retell, and expands the vocabulary necessary for practicing speech);
  • memorize poems by heart (memorization not only makes the child concentrate, but also helps to memorize the word order in accordance with the plot of the work).

Correct selection of text for retelling

Books with illustrations are best for young children.

To implement these approaches to overcoming the difficulties of retelling, it is extremely important to choose the right works. These should be:

  • not too long narratives (do not forget that the child is not able to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time);
  • interesting stories (the kid is unlikely to be interested in a boring description of nature);
  • memorable few characters (in the selected texts there should not be too many characters, moreover, it is good if each of them has its own bright distinctive features).

Teaching methods for reading comprehension

Learning to retell from pictures can be a fun game

This is interesting. According to the requirements of the State Education Standard, a first grader must be able to retell 50% of the plot of the text, and a 5th grade student - 100%.

The technologies for teaching retelling are, in principle, the same for both very young children and older children. The difference is only in the methods of implementation of each specific technique.

  • Retelling from illustrations to the text. For kids, it is better if these are drawings in a book, and for school-age children, such reference pictures can be drawn on their own. When difficulties with retelling arise, for example, in the 5th or 6th grade, then a trip through the pictures can be offered: put a stack of pictures on the table, the child must “collect” the plot in order and tell about everything that happens in the illustrations.
  • Retelling on behalf of the hero. After reading the story, the child needs to imagine himself as one of the heroes and tell what happened to him in this story. This method is especially attractive to students in grades 1-2, who still do not quite clearly distinguish between truth and fiction. For schoolchildren in grades 3-5, the task can be complicated: ask them to tell about what is happening on behalf of several heroes, giving an assessment to each act, that is, try to analyze themselves in the proposed circumstances.
  • Retelling in faces. This method is great for very young readers who are still playing with dolls. Invite the child to make a dramatization according to the text, making his favorite toys the heroes.
  • Translation according to plan. Getting to school, the child needs to quickly learn that all his actions should be subordinated to a certain routine. In this case, the ability to plan is important. By the way, this is a great way to learn how to quickly and in detail retell the text. The older the baby gets, the shorter the plan should be - so the child will learn to work with the reference diagram, keeping smaller details in his head.
  • Compilation of a reader's diary. It is very useful for middle school students to acquire a reader's diary, where they make notes about the books they read, indicating the names of the characters, the plot of the story, and describe the most striking moments of the plot. The diary will become an indispensable assistant to the child during subsequent training, when the volume of texts required for reading and retelling will increase exponentially. For kids, such a diary can be compiled orally (that is, periodically return the child to what has already been read, asking him leading questions about the plot).

The ability to retell texts plays a very important role in the success of schoolchildren. It is also a necessary skill for the development of critical thinking, memory and speech. It doesn't take a lot of effort on the part of parents to teach a child to retell. You just need to be patient and make the work on the text interesting for your child.

In this article, we have prepared for you a selection of effective teaching techniques for retelling a text.

You will learn:

The Gabmurger technique, and how it can be used to teach a child to highlight the main idea in the text

The "Fish" technique with which it is easy to prepare a retelling of the text

The technique of "Spider-cards", which will help to assimilate the material read

The "Wand" technique for retelling and working with literary text

These materials will make working with the text of the textbook not only interesting and exciting, but also as useful as possible for the development of thinking in children.

And you can also download them to your computer to immediately try them out in action.

[Hamburger Effective Learning Technique]

Textbook text is like a hamburger: they both have multiple layers.

Only in a hamburger it is a cutlet and cheese, and in the text it is an introduction, main idea, details, climax, conclusion.

Use this graphic organizer to help your child build a retelling of the text.

1. For the top layer, write a main idea that represents the main idea.

2. Fill in the middle layers with support pieces.

3. The bottom layer holds it all together with the final output.

An example of using "Hamburger"

[Effective Learning Technique "Fish"]

To make it easier to prepare for oral subjects, use fish.

To do this, draw the head, the skeleton of the fish.
And along the skeleton, write down the answers to the questions that are asked at the end of the paragraph.
You can write a short answer, 1-2 keywords.

Such a fish can be put on a desk, and during the oral response of a paragraph or the completion of written work, one glance will be enough to remember the material of the textbook.

This simple technique allows you to expend less effort and better remember the material.

You can make many fishes and put them in a folder.

This will simplify the process of preparing for the quarter and final examinations.

[Effective Learning Technique "Spider Cards"]

Use the map to organize your thoughts and make the textbook easier to understand and retell.

A spider map will help you do this.

1. Write the title of the paragraph in the center.

2. In each cell of the web, write in detail the arguments and main facts that were listed in the text.

An example of using "spider"

[How to retell a literary text? Six Question Technique]

To retell a literary text, you can prepare a plan for a child, consisting of six questions.

This technique will help your child think about the different elements of the story.

Cut out questions and glue each to a stick (or tube).

When reading together, stop periodically and pass the stick to your child to use as a cue.

You can also simply print the questions and stick them with tape on the cover of the textbook.

The child, answering questions, successfully retells what he read.

  1. Who is this text talking about? Is this a story or a fairy tale?
  2. How did it all start?
  3. What happened next?
  4. What ended?
  5. Good heroes? Why are they good?
  6. Bad heroes? Why are they bad?
  7. What are the difficulties in history? How were they decided?

Answering questions, the child systematizes what he read.

You can download all four helpers right now to print and start using right away.

To do this, enter the e-mail to which to send the documents:

The methods described above are a fragment from the book by Renata Kirilina “How to teach a child to retell a text”

The book contains effective ways of teaching a child to retell fiction and educational literature. What makes the book unique is the simulators included in the edition, as well as "helpers" that each reader can download to use with their children to prepare a retelling. A book for parents of schoolchildren, teachers.

Even more teaching tools and techniques that will simplify the work of the teacher will be dismantled within

Planned programs for the 2019/2020 academic year SHEP (School of Effective Teachers):

  1. Techniques for Effective Mathematics Teaching
  2. Feasibility Study for English Teachers
  3. Feasibility study for teachers of oral subjects
  4. Feasibility study for teachers of the Russian language
  5. How to properly and effectively prepare students for the OGE
  6. How to properly and effectively prepare students for the exam
  7. Correctional Pedagogy from A to Z
  8. Dyslexia from A to Z. How to teach a child with dyslexia
  9. ADHD from A to Z. How to teach a child with ADHD
  10. Dysgraphia from A to Z. How to help a child with dysgraphia learn
  11. Time management of the teacher and head teacher. How to distribute tasks
  12. Public speaking for educators
  13. Effective teaching techniques for educators. Overview of the best tools
  14. Rich teacher. How can a teacher increase income?
  15. Training. Preparing a teacher for a category
  16. Effective learning aids to create an interesting lesson
  17. Inner energy and resources of the teacher. How to force yourself to force yourself
  18. Student motivation. What a good teacher needs to know
  19. Techniques for involving students in the lesson
  20. Algorithms for preparing children for independent and control work
  21. How to resolve conflicts at school (conflicts between children, conflicts with parents)
  22. Effective parent meeting from A to Z
  23. Gamification in education. Types and forms of games for inclusion in the educational process
  24. Public lesson. Algorithm for preparing and searching for ideas for a lesson
  25. Career guidance. How to help a student choose a profession.
  26. Bullying at school. How to avoid in class. Algorithms for the class teacher
  27. PMPK. How to talk to parents about PMPK and choosing an educational route

The list will expand during the work of the ShEP and as requests from our “Superguide” chat appear.

Most programs will have two participation packages:

  • trial (free participation in the live broadcast, without receiving a recording of the training and materials)
  • full (3000 rubles, a recording of the training, which can be viewed at a convenient time and additional materials for the training)

In both packages, you will need to follow the information and schedule, each time choose a participation package, register for each program and come live at the set time (participants of the “full” package will receive the recording and materials after)

But now you can get a subscription for training in programs for teachers of the 2019/2020 academic year by joining the “School of an Effective Teacher” (SHEP) and get:

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  • SHEP knowledge base
    In the personal account of SHEP, trainings will already be waiting for you:
    “Effective Learning Techniques from A to Z”
    "Student motivation from A to Z"
    "Student Motivation from A to Z". 2.0

As well as a 21-day training, which will allow you to take off other people's monkeys, allocate time and tasks correctly, love yourself, and also stop being a Cinderella in your life. The training is called “Kill the Cinderella in yourself, wake up the Sleeping Beauty and live life to the fullest”

A subscription to the ShEP (30 programs for 3,000 rubles) will cost not 90,000 rubles, but 15,000 rubles

In addition, at the start, there is an additional offer with a 50% discount on the program and now the SHEP Knowledge Base + a subscription to receive full versions of all SHEP trainings + participation in a closed chat with closed airs costs 7,500 rubles.

Now you can get a subscription to the ShEP, participation in the “Superguide” chat + knowledge base for only 7500 rubles

P.S. CEP participants can also join the SHEP right now and receive not closed chat meetings, but also full versions of all trainings of this academic year within the framework of the School of an Effective Teacher.

Your knowledge library will double: and you will receive not only current programs (which are already in your personal account), but also all future trainings of this academic year.

More than once I had to witness such a picture in families when a parent cannot calmly and completely listen to his child, who is trying to express his thoughts, correctly and quickly line up sentences in a logical chain and retell some story. The adult does not have enough patience, and they say sharply: “Can you speak faster ?!”, to which the baby begins to get lost and stumble even more. The situation, I will say, is not the most pleasant, and the child becomes very sorry.

Causes of difficulties with retelling in a child

And to start, between times, it is necessary with the adults with whom the baby lives. It is the parents who will be able to teach the child to retell some story first, and then retell the text.

I will dwell on the general concept of the word "retelling" - this is the ability to express one's thoughts from the text read, the presentation of the plot. The main thing is that when retelling the general semantic load is not lost, learn to convey aloud in your own words the necessary and important part of the story, the main essence.

Retelling what the baby has read should get used to before the moment he goes to school. If the child cannot retell, then you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The question “to teach a child to retell” should be raised when the baby already knows how to read. It is necessary to accustom to this immediately, as soon as he has studied all the letters of the alphabet and knows how to combine syllables into words.
  2. Poor vocabulary. Usually, if it is difficult to retell, the child replaces words with gestures.
  3. Little time spent with the child. Here we are talking not only about parents, but also about the fact that the baby communicates little with peers. In the process of communicating with friends, children learn to retell various interesting stories to each other.

Ways to teach in elementary and middle grades

It is necessary to start the first training for retelling from the age of 2-3: these can be unobtrusive songs sung aloud, then, look at the development of your baby for yourself, you can memorize small quatrains.

When the child goes to school, then a small student should retell the text in grade 1 50% of the plot, grade 2 - they give a literary reading training program aimed at systematically memorizing poems for memory development, in grade 3 there should be up to 70% retelling of the text read .

What is the use of retelling for a child

It will be useful to teach a child to retell the text, first of all, because his speech will become more developed, an excellent memory training. Thanks to retelling, the kid will learn to analyze the essence of the text, the actions of the characters and heroes involved in the plot, and to draw cause-and-effect relationships.

Correct choice of text for retelling

Parents need their child to choose the right text for retelling. What does "correct text" mean?

  • If your baby is still very young, then pick up a book with interesting pictures for him.
  • Choose a short text so that the child does not get tired.
  • After reading, ask questions: “Tell (child’s name), who was the main character in the story? What did he do?
  • It is unlikely that the baby will like a tedious story about nature. The book should contain interesting stories with characters, it is desirable that there be few of them, the child may get confused.

The basic plan for preparing a child for retelling

Drawing up a plan for the text will help to quickly teach the child to retell. This method is more suitable for children who already know how to read. It is necessary to explain that each paragraph of the text can be expressed in one sentence. Based on such a drawn up scheme, it will already be easier for the child to remember what he has read.

It will also help to remember the text if you present it in pictures, as if to “make a movie”.

It is important for parents to understand that it is possible to teach a child to retell if he understands what he has read, the very essence of the text. Do more with the baby, read, give him the opportunity to express his thoughts on his own more often.

How to help a student succeed in elementary school? This problem worries many parents who dream that their child will study well and with interest. However, many do not thoroughly know what skills and abilities a future student should possess. Parents need to know that the ability to retell is an important skill in elementary school, because a small student has to learn textual material in various school subjects. Ideally, a child should master this skill by the end of preschool age, but it is not always possible to form it in time. How to teach a student to retell a text in order to achieve success in school? Parents will be helped by advice from experienced professionals.

What do you need to know when learning to retell?

At home, an adult constantly reminds the child that when retelling the text, he independently sets out the content without adding anything. This is quite difficult to do if there is no coherent speech skill, it is poor, there is no ability to analyze what has been read. Therefore, the ability to retell must be formed even at preschool age, so that by school the child can work correctly with the text. Unfortunately, parents do not always manage to do this on time.
There are special techniques that help parents organize homework in such a way that it is not difficult and interesting for the child to learn. It is not necessary to go into detail in the study of complex methodological techniques that teachers use. It is enough to know the main thing: for classes it is necessary to choose the right teaching aids and works available to children.

Mnemotables for retelling

In pedagogical practice, successfully used, and the ability to retell. The essence of mnemotables is based on the children's desire for creativity: the pictures drawn by them, symbolizing a certain text, help to remember and recreate the content of what they read. Compiling mnemonic squares with a child and gradually moving to mnemonic chains, an adult forms in him the ability to coherently, consistently retell content of any complexity. It is especially important to use this skill in reading lessons, when a small student is faced with the need to retell different types of texts: narrative, description, reasoning. Based on the acquired skill, it is then easier for him to work with an essay, presentation.

Artwork Requirements

In homework, special attention is paid to the work that is proposed for retelling. It has certain requirements:

  • The text should be understandable to the child.
  • It is better if, at first, the content reflects the situation familiar to the younger student, so that he can understand what he has read and evaluate it.
  • In the future, more difficult to perceive works are selected.
  • The work should be built logically clearly so that it is easier to restore the connection between the parts of the work.
  • Heroes should have pronounced characters, the actions in which they participate are understandable to children.
  • According to the language style, the works are distinguished by an accessible dictionary, fairly short sentences without complex grammatical structures.
  • Given the psychological characteristics of children (involuntary processes of attention, memory), short stories, fairy tales or small excerpts from books are selected.
  • The text should not be overloaded with unfamiliar words, difficult forms (for example, complex or complex sentences).

Teachers are advised to use works of different genres for retelling: stories of a descriptive nature, folk, author's tales, classical compositions, works of modern authors.

So that parents do not experience difficulties when choosing texts for homework, experts recommend using the following works:

  • Tales of Russians and peoples of the world, for example, about the Frog Princess, Emelyushka the Fool, Ivan Tsarevich, Little Red Riding Hood and others.
  • Author's works: classic fairy tales by L. N. Tolstoy “About Three Bears”, Mamin-Sibiryak about the Gray Neck, fragments of fairy tales by A. Pogorelsky (“Black Hen”), V. Odoevsky (“Town in a Snuffbox”), A. N. Tolstoy ("The Golden Key").
  • Stories about the children of V. Oseeva, for example, “Blue Leaves” and the like, N. Nosova “Mishkina Porridge”, “Live Hat”, which are close to children in plots.
  • Screened works (excerpts from them), for example, A. M. Volkov's "The Wizard of the Emerald City". You can offer the children the works of the famous storyteller Andersen, for example, The Little Mermaid. Stories about Malysh and Carlson (A. Lindgren), crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, Uncle Fyodor (E. Uspensky) will also be interesting for children at home
  • Tales and stories of a descriptive nature, for example, such as Skrebitsky G. A. “Forest Voice”, “Little Arborist”, Zhitkov B. S. “On the Ice Floe”, Paustovsky K. G. “Disheveled Sparrow”. Available for retelling are the forest tales of Bianchi V.V., stories about animals by Sladkov N.I. and others.

How to teach a child to retell correctly?

In order to properly conduct homework and get good results, it is important for parents to adhere to certain requirements. In the method of teaching retelling, an algorithm for conducting such a lesson has been developed:

  1. It is better to choose a work for retelling together with the child. At the initial stage, it is good if the content is provided with colorful illustrations that will help to recall and restore the sequence of events.
  2. If the child has not yet learned to read, the work is read to him by an adult. At the same time, bright, fascinating reading is necessary, with the transfer of characteristic intonations, in order to interest the baby.
  3. After reading, do not rush to start the retelling. It is imperative, with the help of questions, to analyze what was read with the child, highlight the main idea, draw up a retelling plan: what event does the story or fairy tale begin with, who are the main characters, what events do they participate in, how can they be remembered, why did the hero like it, how does the work end .
  4. A student who can read and write can be asked to write a short outline to help retell the text.
  5. Invite the child to express his attitude to what he read: how he would act in the place of the hero, whether these events are familiar to him.
  6. Carefully consider, which will help to encrypt the content of what is read in mnemonic tables.
  7. At first, you can retell with the child, while stimulating his activity. Encourage for well-chosen comparisons, epithets. Such a joint retelling will serve as a good model for the child.
  8. In order to maintain interest in the task, you can lay out a mnemonic track and walk along it, retelling the text.
  9. For the development of coherent speech, without which it is impossible to work on the text, an adult offers the student a game exercise "Remember and say in other words." The reading student chooses a piece of text from 2-3 sentences, reads it, and then retells it in his own words. An adult does the same if the student still feels insecure when reading.
  10. After analyzing the text, backing up the content with mnemonic tables, playing synonyms, the child is invited to retell on their own. If necessary, read the work or small fragments from it again. A prepared plan based on mnemotables will help a small student remember and recreate the content.

Important! Often schoolchildren find it difficult to retell the text, because they cannot remember any word, and they cannot replace it with a synonym. The task of parents is to develop an active vocabulary of children.

For the timely formation of the necessary skills and abilities in children, it is better to start work on retelling as early as possible. Parents should take care of this when the children are still in preschool age. Preschool children are taught to read poetry, tell fairy tales, look at books with colorful illustrations, and actively communicate with family members and peers. There are many different tools that will help enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech, thereby preparing the child for retelling texts.

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