How to choose a digital camera. How to choose a good digital camera. Settings and functions


For those who love to travel, the question always arises of how to capture interesting moments so that you get a high-quality picture at the right time. Which inexpensive camera to buy for family pictures and frequent travel is a very difficult issue.

The difficulty in buying a camera for family and travel primarily lies in determining the necessary technical characteristics, which are often directly dependent on each other. In this article I will try to consider the most important aspects when buying a high-quality inexpensive camera.

Of course, which camera is better to buy, you can argue for a long time, the main criterion, first of all, is the price, because. new top-level models will satisfy most photographers, but we will try to consider the characteristics that will help you buy an inexpensive and high-quality camera for a reasonable price.

So, let's look at what characteristics to look for when buying an inexpensive camera for a family:

1. Which camera is better: digital or SLR?

This question needs to be considered for what purpose the camera is taken, since we consider the main purpose of taking pictures while traveling, then the choice falls unambiguously on digital cameras, because they are much lighter than their mirror counterparts. SLR cameras are on average 2-3 times heavier than conventional digital cameras.

The weight of the camera is essential, so if worn for a long time, a heavy camera will interfere with you, which will not allow you to enjoy the journey itself. In addition, at SLR cameras capacious and heavy batteries, and they also need a more powerful heavy tripod. Which ultimately turns into several kilograms of carried cargo.

Beyond the weight SLR cameras are not suitable for beginners. DSLRs have a more complicated setting for the photographing process, which often does not allow you to take a quick high-quality picture, since the setup process takes a longer time.

It makes no sense to buy a camera for travel enthusiasts, a SLR camera, since it is more suitable for professionals. To get high-quality pictures on a SLR camera, you need to have experience in photography, and when buying a camera, you will also have to purchase expensive and heavy interchangeable lenses for different shooting modes, a powerful flash, additional batteries and a tripod.

Comparison of SLR and compact digital camera

Our choice is a compact digital camera.

2. Batteries for camera batteries or your own battery format:

When traveling with a lot of photography objects the question of batteries. First of all, consider the option with elements of the AA type (finger-type batteries) or the AAA type (little-finger batteries). The advantage of the standard type of batteries is their versatility and availability. On the road, you can take a few spare batteries with you and a charger that will always allow you to have a couple of additional sets, and if all the batteries are discharged, you can buy new ones in any store. but Lately there is a trend among camera manufacturers to replace standard types of batteries with their own. Of the new models, often with elements of the AA or AAA type, there are superzoom cameras, which have a more massive optical element that allows you to zoom in more than 20 times. However, superzoom cameras are more massive, which is again inconvenient during trips and long walks.

Cameras with their own battery are lighter and have more capacity than standard AA batteries. Cameras with their own battery usually come with a charger but do not have an optional spare battery. Therefore, purchasing such cameras you need to immediately take care of a spare battery.

Standard batteries and batteries from camera manufacturers

Unfortunately, there are no decent cameras with standard AA batteries that are suitable for family photos or for travel. Therefore, the choice falls on cameras that have their own type of battery.

3. Optical zoom:

First of all, let's figure out what optical zoom is and how it differs from digital. Optical zoom is achieved by moving the optical elements of the camera lens, the principle of operation is similar to binoculars, when the movement of the optics allows you to zoom in several times. Digital zoom is achieved by digital processing of the subject, this is comparable to when you enlarge the image on a computer, digital zoom does not actually bring the subject closer, but enlarges the subject by a simple digital image, while degrading the quality of the resulting image, behind frequent digital zoom are equipped the most budget models. That's why when buying a camera, we consider only optical zoom.

The optical zoom ratio of a digital camera is the value that affects the ability to change its focal length, that is, visually zoom in or out on subjects. The optical zoom ratio of 10x means that you can get closer to the subject by 10 times.

Photo without enlargement

14x optical zoom

The minimum required optical zoom ratio is preferably at least 10. This will provide more opportunities for shooting interesting objects without physically approaching them.

4. The presence of an image stabilizer:

The image stabilizer in the camera allows you to compensate for hand-shake when shooting and get a clear, blur-free picture. The jitter effect is especially noticeable when using the optical zoom.

The device of optical elements in the camera lens

There are three types of image stabilizer: optical, digital and dual image stabilizer, which is a combination of optical and digital image stabilizer. I recommend buy a camera with optical or dual stabilization.

5. The number of mega pixels of the matrix:

At present, the importance of this parameter is no longer so relevant, since recently sold camera models have a sufficient number of megapixels. For example, to print a high-quality picture on a 10x15 printer, a camera with a 2-3 mega pixel camera is enough. Large values ​​of the matrix megapixels result in more capacious images. In addition, a significant increase in the pixels of the matrix, without its physical increase, entails an increase in noise in the photograph, that is, less clear images.

We focus on cameras with a matrix of at least 12 megapixels.

6. Ability to record video and maximum resolution when recording a video:

Almost all inexpensive digital cameras on the market allow you to shoot video. The higher the video resolution when shooting, the clearer and more detailed the image will be. Shooting Movies required function for a family camera and in demand when traveling.

Currently, the purchase of a camera that shoots HD 720p high-definition video with a resolution of 1280 × 720 is relevant, preferably shooting Full HD (1080p) with a resolution of 1920-1080. Buying cameras that shoot videos with a lower resolution is not relevant, because. Video quality is no longer satisfactory current trends and when viewed on modern devices, the image will be fuzzy.

Also, when shooting video, there is an indicator of the frame rate per second, the higher this indicator, the better, the minimum recommended rate when buying a camera is 24 frames per second, best of all, at least 30 frames per second.

Comparison of low and high resolution videos, low on the left, high on the right

Having bought a camera that shoots high-quality video, there is no need to purchase a video camera. See an example of a video shooting we made with a camera in Full HD format at the ski base in Alekseevka.

7. Memory card capacity

When buying a camera, you must immediately count on the purchase of a memory card. Since when taking photos and especially videos, the files are quite large, it is advisable to take a memory card of at least 16 GB. When buying a memory card, you must take into account its class, which affects the speed of recording the pictures taken on the card, the higher the class, the higher the speed and, accordingly, the cost. What speed a memory card needs is usually indicated in the instructions for the camera, mostly memory cards of class 10 and above will satisfy most cameras.

8. Ability to wirelessly transfer files using Wi Fi.

It would seem that the camera needs Wi Fi, but in fact it is quite a useful feature. Wi-Fi in the camera is suitable for those who have a wireless network at home, TVs with built-in Wi-Fi are especially convenient. Having Wi-Fi in the camera, you can quickly transfer files to a computer or other device, as well as easily view the captured photos or videos on a TV.

The only negative is that setting up a Wi-Fi connection is sometimes difficult, so if you do not plan to use wireless file transfer, then you should not overpay for this feature. However, we recommend having Wi-Fi in the camera.

9. The presence of a GPS module in the camera

The GPS module in the camera allows you to record the coordinates of the pictures taken. The presence of coordinates in the taken photos allows you to create your own map (for example, in Google), where photos will be automatically placed in accordance with their coordinates. Which is very convenient when after a while you can see the places of your trips on the map.

I consider the presence of GPS necessary for lovers of frequent trips, but if you do not plan to draw up your own trip maps, then this function will be superfluous.

10. Timer

Well, the last function, in my opinion, is a necessary function - this is a timer. The timer in the camera makes it possible to shoot on a timer, setting which (usually from 3 to 10 seconds) the photographer himself will have time to get into the picture.

The timer function is convenient for family trips or solo travel when you need to capture yourself in the picture, it remains to mount the camera on a tripod or other place, set the timer, press the shutter button and take a place in the picture.

Most cameras already have a built-in timer function, but it's still worth clarifying about its availability.

The above 10 functions required when buying a camera are the main ones. In addition to this, there are many more features that can be considered when buying, for example, the number of frames per second, ISO, focal length, etc., for the most part they are close to digital cameras from different manufacturers, and consumer ones like a touch screen or color are not affect the quality of the pictures.

Which camera model to choose is up to you, because. the main estate brands are on everyone's lips and their struggle for the consumer is serious. When choosing a camera, you first need to focus on the characteristics that are described above.

Let's summarize what characteristics are needed when buying a digital camera for a family for a reasonable price:

- digital camera;

- due to the lack of decent cameras with standard AA batteries on sale, the choice falls on cameras with their own type of rechargeable battery. When buying a camera, be sure to purchase a replaceable battery right away (sometimes they are expensive and you can’t find them anywhere);

— optical zoom not less than 10 times;

- optical image stabilizer;

- a matrix of at least 12 megapixels;

- Recording Full HD (1080p) with a resolution of 1920-1080;

- 16 GB memory card;

- the presence of Wi-Fi;

- the presence of a timer.

When choosing a camera with the specified parameters, prices start at 6,000 thousand rubles, plus you won’t forget about purchasing a memory card, a replaceable battery, and preferably a tripod (the lighter it is, the better).

First of all, you need to decide why you need a camera. Do you travel a lot? Do you want to record how your child grows? Can't imagine life without extreme sports and want to revise moments that took your breath away? Or realized that photography is your calling?

One way or another, a camera that would be ideal for all these purposes does not exist. Therefore, the camera must be selected in accordance with your requests.

But first, let's deal with the types of cameras and incomprehensible terms.

What are cameras

compact cameras

A fairly large class of cameras from simple soap dishes to almost professional equipment.

Budget compact cameras. To date, one of the simplest and most affordable options. The cameras are very small, so they can easily fit into a woman's handbag or even a jacket pocket. They are also easy to master, but that's where the pros end.

They have one minus, but a very significant one: the low quality of shooting. The latest smartphones shoot just as well, and sometimes even better. Therefore, if you dream of professional shots, leave a compact camera on the store shelf.

Ultrazooms. They are also called superzooms or hyperzooms. In fact, the same compact, only equipped with a lens that allows you to take good shots from a long distance. Well, the price of such cameras is much higher.

Professional compact cameras. These are universal cameras that have taken a little bit from each type of camera. As a rule, they have a good fixed lens, and due to the large matrix, the image is quite high quality. They can also be equipped with a lens with a large zoom, which will allow you to take pictures from a long distance.

What to say about the dimensions? Of course, you can’t put such a camera in your pocket, but it doesn’t look too bulky either. However, the price for such versatility is quite high.

SLR Cameras

The camera got its name from the mirror embedded in the design, through which the future frame, refracting, goes straight to the viewfinder.

The matrix is ​​that part of the camera on which the photograph is formed. The larger the matrix, the clearer and better the image will be.

It is thanks to the large matrix of the SLR that they produce high-quality images. Another feature is the removable lenses. There are a lot of them.

Acquaintance with a DSLR usually begins with the standard equipment: the actual camera body and lens. Such a kit is called Kit or whale.

Professionals prefer to purchase a camera without a lens in order to equip it according to their needs. This type is called Body. In Russia with someone light hand he has long been a carcass.

There are two drawbacks to DSLRs: large dimensions and high price even for mid-range cameras. Therefore, not everyone can afford them.

Mirrorless cameras

Mirrorless cameras have appeared on the digital technology market relatively recently. They are also equipped with a large matrix, which allows you to get pictures of excellent quality. The dimensions of such equipment are much smaller than those of SLR cameras. However, you can’t call a camera quite compact, and you still need a separate bag to carry it.

The disadvantages of a mirrorless camera include a fairly quick battery drain and a high price.

Action cameras

The name speaks for itself. Such cameras are designed for photo and video shooting in extreme conditions: while skydiving, scuba diving, downhill skiing or fast driving.

Modern action cameras produce a good image quality, but in poor lighting it almost disappears.

However, the price of such devices is very high.

Which camera to choose

Amateur photography

A compact professional camera is ideal for you. It has everything you need to get great quality photos. For the very first shots, use the automatic mode, and when you realize that this is no longer enough, delve into the settings. In such devices, more than one installation for shooting in various conditions is sewn up.

If you plan to photograph children, choose a camera with the fastest autofocus possible. Otherwise, the child will have time to turn away, look away or even run away from the frame.

Are you looking at mirrors? Get an entry-level whale camera: for home shots, its capabilities are more than enough. Don't be afraid of the word "initial": it does not mean that you will get poor quality pictures. It's just that these cameras lack additional features that you are unlikely to ever need.

professional shooting

If your dream is to conquer the world with perfect shots or you are already thinking about opening your own photo studio, pay attention to mid-range and high level. These are reliable tools that will not only take high-quality pictures, but also turn out to be very convenient.

The possibilities of kit assembly will quickly become insufficient, and the time will come to experiment with filters and lenses. Don't worry about the big dimensions: a small camera in the hands of a professional will look frivolous.

When choosing a future camera, keep in mind the main features of professional shooting: a large sensor and the ability to change lenses.

For your purposes, a mirrorless camera will also be useful. They shoot no worse than their mirror sisters.

Do not forget that such a technique will require considerable financial investments.


Everyone wants to bring back from vacation, so a smartphone camera is often not enough.

A travel camera should not be bulky or heavy, because most often the most beautiful places come across on excursions. And carrying large equipment for several hours in a row is not very convenient, especially if you have chosen a hot country for your vacation.

Therefore, for travel, choose a professional compact or ultrazoom. As you remember, in the first case, the pictures will be better. But the price is also higher.

Try to choose a camera with a viewfinder. On a sunny day, it is very difficult to see the future frame on the built-in screen. Don't forget the filters for shooting in bright conditions. They are compact and quite inexpensive. And if you plan to shoot from the window of a train or car, make sure that the future camera has a good stabilizer, otherwise you risk getting fuzzy blurry frames.

Those who love extreme recreation should purchase an action camera. It should be light, waterproof, and ideally also indestructible.

How not to overpay for a camera

  1. Do not go to the store without deciding on a specific model. The choice is huge, and asking for help from sellers is a disastrous occupation. They will pick up a camera for you, do not hesitate, but you will pay twice as much for it as you planned.
  2. Don't get hung up on a specific manufacturer. Everyone has both successful models and frankly failed ones.
  3. Look for camera reviews online. Use services to compare different models and types of cameras. For example, Digital Photography Review or DxOMark.
  4. Don't chase the number of pixels. Many people think that the quality of photos directly depends on this parameter. In fact, it only affects the maximum size of pictures (this is important if you want to print a poster from a photo). 16-20 megapixels for home shooting and travel will be enough.
  5. Consider whether you need features such as Wi-Fi, NFC (wireless transmission technology), and GPS. As practice has shown, few people use them. So why overpay?
  6. The lens for the camera should have the highest aperture: the quality of shooting in low light directly depends on this. The optimal value is f2.8–4.0.
  7. Pay attention to the quality of the video. The 4K format is rapidly gaining popularity, so a rare manufacturer does not equip new models with it, but to fully view such a video, you need a projector or monitor. To shoot videos of excellent quality, Full HD is enough.

What to look for in the store

  1. Do not be too lazy to hold the camera: it should fit comfortably in your hands.
  2. Carefully examine the lens: there should not be a scratch on it.
  3. Check the matrix for broken or problematic pixels. To do this, you need to shoot a solid background, preferably gray, and ask to demonstrate the resulting photo on the monitor screen. Zoom in to the maximum: all dots must be the same color.
  4. Take multiple shots in different modes. Check out how zoom works.
  5. Examine the appearance of the camera, check the functionality of the buttons.

Remember that the main condition for good pictures will be not only a good camera, but also skillful handling of it. So read , don't be afraid to experiment with , try different modes... Another tip: shoot as much as possible. So you will quickly understand the functions of the camera, and the quantity, no matter how trite it may sound, will very soon turn into quality.

Camera selection is often a difficult task. So how is it right choose a camera? To begin with, let's define the device and principle of operation of a digital camera and the basic terms - for a better understanding of what the modern photo industry offers us.

It would seem that there is a huge selection of cameras, different manufacturers, with different characteristics. All you have to do is go to the store and buy. But everything is not so simple, sometimes choosing a good camera is a big deal. We invite you to read our article on how to choose the right camera


The light from the photographed object passing through the lens creates an image on the surface of the electron-optical converter - a matrix that turns it into electrical signals processed by the camera's processor. The processor creates and writes a file to the memory card, which can later be played both on the display of the camera itself and in external devices to receive an image. In addition, the processor controls all camera systems. The amount of light (exposure) passing through the lens is controlled by a shutter that opens for a predetermined time (shutter speed) and a diaphragm that controls the intensity of the transmitted light.

It is a complex structured plate of semiconductor material, divided into millions of photocells that are sensitive to the primary colors: red, green, and blue (RGB). The location of these elements - pixels - can be different, corresponding to several systems, one of which is shown in the figure.

This is the so-called RGGB scheme, developed by Eastman Kodak employee Dr. Bryce Bayer, in which the number of green-sensitive pixels is twice as large as each of the others.

At the output of the matrix, an image signal is obtained containing 1/2 green and 1/4 red and blue, which is most consistent with the perception of colors by a person. The number of photocells contained in the matrix, in the general case, determines the number of image elements - pixels in the resulting picture. Therefore, the image detail will be the higher, the more pixels the matrix contains. This is achieved by increasing the size of the matrix or increasing the pixel density while reducing their size. The range of light intensity perceived by the matrix (dynamic range) will determine the range of tones and color shades of the image. These factors, as well as the noise level, mainly determine the quality of the matrix.

Camera matrix

Matrices of different sizes can have the same number of pixels, while the ratio of the useful signal level to the level of inevitably present noise will be better for a larger matrix. This is especially noticeable when shooting in low light conditions, so the pursuit of megapixels is not always justified, and a camera with an 8MP low-noise matrix can outperform a 12-16MP camera in picture quality.

Therefore, when choosing a camera it is worth considering the size of the matrix used in its design, and not just pay attention to the resolution.

digital camera processor
controls the image stabilization system, shutter and aperture operation, selects the best mode of exposure and focusing (focusing) of the lens, processes a large flow of information coming from the matrix. The digital camera software allows you to use various metering and focusing modes, such as matrix, spot, etc., use the recorded program settings, reduce the noise level in the image, record photo and video files on a memory card and transfer them through the available interface to external devices. The characteristics of the processor are consistent with the rest of the system and correspond to the class of the camera, so you should not worry about it.

Digital camera software
Recent developments allow the camera to recognize people's smiles, take pictures of pets as they turn towards the camera, send files via the built-in Wi-Fi port directly to cloud services, and social media, record Full HD video. Using the software services of modern digital cameras, you can directly edit images, create panoramic shots from individual frames, add unusual visual effects, and much more. When choosing a digital camera, you should pay attention to the list of available functions, many of which are not only useful, but can also become decisive when choosing.

digital camera lens
Forms an image on the matrix, and the final result depends on how high quality it will be. Structurally, the lens consists of a system of optical elements (lenses), the number of which can reach up to one and a half dozen. The lenses of modern photographic lenses are made from high-quality optical glass and have a special multi-layer optical coating that improves light transmission. All lenses are divided into two groups: fixed focal length lenses and variable - zoom lenses, or zoom lenses. The zoom ratio is called the lens magnification, for example, a lens with focal lengths of 28 -140 mm is a five-fold (5 ×) zoom. The longer the focal length of the lens, the closer distant objects can be transmitted. Do not confuse optical zoom with digital: the latter is a software solution that reduces the overall resolution of the image. In essence, the camera crops the image.

Classification of digital cameras- a thankless task for two reasons: it can be based on completely different parameters, and the emergence of new models and even categories violates a seemingly harmonious system. Therefore, we will start from consumer properties and go from simple to complex, briefly characterizing the categories of cameras and their purpose.

Budget compacts of the Snap and Shoot category (“pointed and removed”) are an inexpensive solution with a price of up to $ 100-200, having a set of several shooting programs, self-timer, built-in flash, auto focus. Small resolution display up to 3 inches, 1/2.3 inch matrix, 3-4x zoom lens. An optical viewfinder may be present. The software will allow you to record video with sound, perform basic photo editing operations. If you try, you can find models with a 5-10x zoom, macro mode, with an autofocus backlight function, with the ability to record Full HD video, face detection, webcam, image stabilizer, exposure compensation. Some cameras can shoot continuously at a decent rate. In general, not so little for this class of cameras, especially since new models are constantly improving and providing more and more features. The main characteristic of cameras of this class is the presence of automatic focus and exposure, allowing you to take pictures immediately after switching on by pressing one button.

Camera Sony Cyber-shot Camera Easyshare

Cameras of this class will be an excellent choice for those who are not going to delve into the process and want to get a good result right away. The ease of use will be appreciated by all family members, from children to grandparents, and the quality of the resulting images will allow them to be printed up to A4 size on a home printer or in a photo lab.

Ultra-compact digital cameras they are small in size and weight, allowing you to carry them in your pocket without experiencing inconvenience; lens design that does not increase the body thickness; Stylish design, variety of colors. Specifications of such cameras roughly correspond to the characteristics of cameras of the previous level. Often, cameras do not have an optical viewfinder, instead of which they use a display of good quality. Camera size imposes limitations on lens performance and sensor size, which ultimately affects image quality, and tiny controls require delicate handling. Nevertheless, ultra-compacts, with all their miniature size, allow you to take good pictures and capture elusive moments, being always at hand.

Camera Canon Red Ixus 125 HS Camera Casio Exilim

In addition to the usual functions, the ultra-compact camera can be used as a voice recorder and audio player. Women and girls like such cameras because of their miniature size and elegant appearance, which makes them a nice gift.

Rugged Digital Compact Cameras have a shockproof waterproof case, special protection of the zoom lens and controls, shockproof electronic-mechanical "stuffing". Such a camera can withstand a fall from a two-meter height and works at a depth of up to 10 m. At the same time, some models of this class are characterized by frost resistance unusual for conventional digital compacts, which allows you to take pictures at temperatures down to -10 ° C, shoot Full HD video, have an electronic compass and an integrated system GPS with photo navigation function.

Camera Fujifilm FinePix XP Camera Olympus Tough

Such a camera will appeal not only to enthusiasts of underwater photography and extreme amateur photographers, but also to all lovers of outdoor activities.

Superzooms or digital cameras with a large lens magnification, reaching values ​​of 25× and even 30×, today is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. Many leading manufacturers have models in this segment, which confirms the demand for cameras in this category. The 27 - 810mm focal length range of the new premium camera lens covers everything imaginable, from wide-angle to ultra-long throw. It is the lens in cameras of this type that sets all the other characteristics of the camera elements, aimed at maximizing the use of a powerful zoom lens. First of all, this is an image stabilization system that allows you to shoot at long focal lengths with the slowest shutter speed, a 1/2.3-inch 10-16 MP sensor, a high-resolution electronic viewfinder, a high-performance processor with powerful software. The ability to record files in uncompressed RAW format to obtain high-quality images, the presence of a manual mode - all this makes models of this class popular among travel enthusiasts, wildlife, and advanced amateur photographers.

Sony HX100v

Nikon Coolpix

Budget models of superzooms equipped with smaller sensors, lower magnification lenses, less clear viewfinders and lower resolution displays. This allows you to reduce the cost of such models by about $100-200 and not degrade the performance of the cameras too much.

Compact digital cameras for experienced amateurs and professionals combine "prosumer", mirrorless, hybrid, system cameras. They can be divided into two groups: cameras with fixed lenses and cameras with interchangeable lenses.

Cameras with fixed lenses They are distinguished by rich functionality, the presence of manual settings, their designs implement modes inherent in SLR cameras, such as shutter priority, aperture priority, exposure compensation, focus area selection, recording RAW files. The RAW format, sometimes called "digital negative", contains the most complete information recorded from the camera's sensor, and allows you to change the color balance of the image, contrast, brightness, and within a small range - exposure. This allows you to remove chromatic aberrations and noise, dips in highlights and shadows, and ultimately get higher quality images when processed on a computer. The capabilities of cameras in this category can be described using several models as an example.


Premium Compact COOLPIX P7000 and Canon PowerShot G12 to date (February 2012) are latest models well-known series of both brands. They are equipped with 10MP 1/1.7″ sensors, and the functionality and controls practically do not differ from those used in reflex cameras entry level. COOLPIX P7000 has a 7.1× zoom 28 - 200 mm, Canon PowerShot G12 with a more modest 5× zoom is equipped with a 2.8″ screen that rotates along two axes. Both cameras use an optical stabilization system, an optical viewfinder, an orientation sensor, a macro mode, and a slow flash sync mode.

It is impossible not to mention the camera that caused a queue in European stores: With Fujinon 23/2.0 fixed lens and fixed focal length.

Photographers of the "pre-digital age" will no doubt be in awe of retro design. The insides of the FinePix X100 evoke no less respect than the aesthetics of the magnesium alloy body: large CMOS, APS-C (23.4×15.6 mm), 12.2 MP sensor with a sensitivity of 100–12800 ISO, a hybrid viewfinder with 100% frame display. A fast lens paired with a highly sensitive matrix allows you to take handheld shots even in poor lighting conditions, and a built-in ND filter with a density of 3 EV will be useful for creative tasks. Shooting panoramas is performed with one click on the button and swiping in the right direction, and the simulation modes of the famous Fujifilm Velvia, Astiva, Provia films will not leave any photographer indifferent.

We hope after this article you will no longer have questions such as how to choose a camera.

When buying a camera, you need to find out, first of all, matrix and lens parameters, as they most affect the quality of photographs. Some of these parameters will be indicated on the price tag, and some will have to be learned either from the passport or from the seller.

The matrix

As for the matrix, you need to know the following parameters:


  • CCD (CCD) - an inexpensive, outdated type of matrix can be used in inexpensive devices.
  • CMOS (CMOS) - a matrix based on semiconductors. And if in the first form the reading occurred sequentially, then here you can read the signal from any part of the matrix. Performance is better than CCD.
  • live-MOS. It is also built on semiconductors only using a different technology. Therefore, the matrix overheats less and, accordingly, there is less noise in the photograph than when using previous technologies.
  • Super CCD-matrix - Fujifilm cameras use matrices called "Super CCD", in which there are green pixels of two different sizes: large, for low light levels, and small, coinciding in size with blue and red. This allows you to increase the photographic latitude of the matrix by up to 4 steps.

If you choose a compact, then you can take a device with a CCD-type matrix. She will do her job. And if you want to take high-quality photographs and want to purchase an appropriate device, then a CMOS type matrix is ​​\u200b\u200bsuitable here.

If the geometric size of the matrix is ​​​​also indicated, then with the same number of pixels, the matrix that has large dimensions will be better. And if the number of mega pixels has crossed the border for amateur photography (10 or more megapixels), then the size of the matrix will already be decisive.

Indeed, with a larger geometric matrix, there will be more sensitivity, which means less noise. But the larger the matrix, the larger the optics. Therefore, professional photographers have cameras with large lenses. So look for a compromise in this matter that will suit your requirements for image quality and price. The main parameter in choosing a matrix is ​​its geometric size.

Various camera sensors


When buying a SLR digital camera, you need to buy a lens separately, and when choosing a compact, the characteristics of the lens will also be in the characteristics of the camera.

One of the main parameters of the lens is the focal length and aperture.

The smaller the aperture value, the better. But the focal length is chosen depending on what you will be shooting, what object: landscape, portrait, etc. More details about the characteristics of lenses.

When buying a SLR camera, you can be guided by the following points:

  • If you buy a camera separately and lenses for it separately, then a set from one device is called “Body”.

  • If you take a camera with the ability to change optics (DSLRs, system cameras) and immediately a lens comes with it, then such a kit is called a “Kit”.

  • Body kits are purchased by professionals, if you are an amateur, then a kit kit (Kit) will suit you and it is better with two lenses: one short-focus and the other long-focus for shooting at different distances.

This applies to digital SLR cameras.

The effect of zoom on selection

There is an optical and digital zoom (Zoom - increase). The zoom is equal to the ratio of the focal length at the long end to the focal length at the short end (these values ​​are on the lens).

Digital zoom cuts out a picture of the desired size on the matrix and stretches it to the entire matrix. It turns out that several pixels will be painted over as one. The quality suffers because the result is a photo taken with fewer pixels than advertised.

With optical zoom, the angle of view is reduced by shifting the lenses, and sharpness is achieved by focusing. The quality, compared to digital zoom, is much better. So it is better that the camera has an optical zoom, and this depends on the lens.

Learn more about the meaning of zoom.

Memory card

In a digital camera, all footage is stored in digital memory. There is, of course, built-in memory, but usually this is not a large amount and you have to expand it.

This is where memory cards come to the rescue. Today there are several forms of factors, different manufacturers and different volumes. But the main difference is the manufacturing technology, and in a different way what the memory elements are based on. According to all these parameters, the memory card must fit your device.

Typically, cameras have the ability to use several types of memory. When purchasing a new card, carefully check whether it will work on your device. Some companies produce memory cards themselves and their cameras work only with them.

Appearance memory cards

Shop purchase

After selecting several models, you can proceed to their inspection. Here, check the entire package, and whether everything suits you in the package, whether you need to buy something (batteries or batteries, a case, additional lenses, etc.).

Check that it would be convenient for you to hold the camera in your hands and control the buttons. Also try to turn on the device and take a few pictures in different modes to check their performance. Sellers may say that the battery is low and it can’t be turned on, but don’t worry, you can return the device within 14 days. Insist on the inclusion anyway. You can buy batteries if they are suitable for a test run or recharge the battery for a few minutes and this should be enough for testing.

You may not be allowed to take pictures, citing the fact that the number of test photos is limited and they do not allow everyone to take pictures. How then to choose? I need to take pictures and check. And when viewing the captured images on the LCD monitor, look at them sequence numbers. There should not be hundreds of them, because the device is new and there should be only a few shots. Although pictures can be deleted, but just in case, you can check. All controls must work clearly and without any delays and staggers.

If you are overwhelmed by thoughts about this, then I will say right away that buying a digital camera will most likely not disappoint you, because. This thing is useful, necessary and very convenient. Moreover, this technique has now become quite affordable, because when digital cameras first appeared, it was almost impossible to purchase them because of the fabulous prices.

Purpose of purchase

Why do you need a camera? At first glance, a trivial question, but in fact, a lot depends on the answers to it. Actually, the choice of a camera is based on what goals will be fulfilled by the acquired photographic equipment.
I dare to suggest that in 90% of cases, or even more, the camera is bought for "domestic" needs. What does this mean? And this means that photographing with such a device will be mainly at home, at work, all kinds of holidays and events. And then an ordinary "soap dish" is enough for your eyes. If you want to take up photography more than at an amateur level, often go on tours, it is quite possible that you will already need a device that is more serious.
And what is the difference between a "soap dish" and a more serious device?
"Soap dish" knowingly got its name from a household item - it resembles the object of the same name in shape and size. But for all its comfort, it has modest capabilities. The "large" device has a classic layout, it is larger, usually heavier, but more functional.
But first things first.
Of course, the decisive role, in most cases, is played by the purchase budget, in other words, the amount of money on hand. This reduces the choice. Moreover, the smaller the budget, the easier it is to choose, because. the number of models that fall under the required amount is reduced.
Next, we start from what you need a camera for. If, as mentioned above, only for "household" shooting, then the "soap box" will be the most. At the same time, you will save a considerable amount of money, get a completely adequate and compact device. Compactness is a very convenient property. Such a camera is easy to carry, it fits everywhere and does not burden much during transportation.
Of course, it does not shine with high quality, but in most cases its functions and quality are enough for everyday shooting. By the way, when choosing a digital “soap box”, MirSovetov advises not to succumb to a marketing step and fall into euphoria from the number of megapixels. There can be any number of them! The number of megapixels determines the resolution of the CCD (charge-coupled device), i.e. sensitive element of the camera (similar to film). Whereas the lens is of decisive importance for the camera. And to demand smart parameters from the “soap dish” lens is at least stupid. For, at best, a three-lens lens with such a small lens diameter cannot provide high quality. And the matrix itself, even with the same number of megapixels, on the "soap box" is significantly inferior in terms of parameters to its "older brothers".
If you have decided to seriously take up photography, plan to often go on vacation on tours, then you will not be hindered by a “large” device. Its bulkiness, heaviness and high price are offset by the high quality of images and more opportunities for shooting.
How does quality affect in general? If you print only 10x15 photos, you won't notice any difference. But when printing a format of 15 * 22 or more, the difference will be noticeable quite clearly. This is a deterioration in sharpness (clearness) and the appearance of noise (artifacts in the form of colored dots), and some “blurring” of the image in the pictures with a “soap box”.
It also happens that it is more convenient to have two digital cameras - both a “large” one and a “soap box”. Then your possibilities are almost limitless. I repeat: the compactness and mobility of the "soap dish" is irreplaceable.


Okay, you have decided on the choice of "weight category" of the camera. And what's next? And then you can safely go to the store. It comes down to what store? Photo equipment is sold by all and sundry - both cellular communication kiosks, electronics supermarkets (and not only), and specialized stores. It would be more correct to bypass the set of such points. Compare assortment and prices. But preference still must be given to the latter - specialized stores. Why? And here, read!
As you know, the price still does not solve all problems, and if you find the same product cheaper, do not rush to rejoice. There may be various options here. Either the store has a large turnover of goods and a proven reputation, or they are trying to deceive them by luring them with low prices. Cheating can be different. Either this is a one-day company, or the product, simply speaking, is defective or outdated. Or it was imported under an illegal scheme, etc. etc. Or it may happen that the guarantee for the goods in such would-be firms is very conditional and in which case (God forbid), you will not achieve anything. And if the company goes bust...
And to ignore the guarantee, in pursuit of a low price, for such a complex technique is not worth it. Repairs at your own expense can result in a round sum.
So, for a digital camera only to reputable stores! What is another advantage of specialized stores? The fact that there is much more choice and will advise you there much better than the "universal" sellers of supermarkets. And the prices, as a rule, are quite acceptable, because. The company deals with a narrow range of products.

How to choose a digital camera

On the shelves of the sea varieties of digital cameras from various manufacturers. But, despite this, the range of opportunities provided is approximately the same for all cameras of the same "weight" category. Thus, it cannot be said that the NIKON “soap box” is much better than SAMSUNG. They are about the same level, and the choice of brand falls on your taste. Moreover, almost all household (there are also professional) "soap dishes" are produced in the Celestial Empire, i.e. in China. But, if you decide to purchase a more serious device, then it is better to choose well-known and proven brands: NIKON (makes only cameras, which is good); CANON, OLYMPUS, SONY, Panasonic, etc. Some "large" devices, for example, SONY R-1, can still be found in Japan, which guarantees high quality.
But how to determine which one to take? To do this, let's get closer to the window and read the price tags. By the way, it will not hurt you to take a small notebook and a pencil with you - this will make it easier to compare in different stores.
And what do they write there? And about the same. It is not difficult to guess that the name and type (model) of the camera appear in the title. It's practically irrelevant to you. Unless you write down the model you like, and then on the Internet, for example, look at more detailed description and reviews.
Sometimes it also happens that the price goes further - that's all for this. This is not very good, because reduces the choice and speaks of the dismissive attitude of the company towards the buyer. After all, you will not begin to ask the seller about all the models that you liked for the price - it will take a lot of time. It is better to avoid buying in such cases.
But, if, nevertheless, the price tag contains short description, then on it, as a rule, you can find the following information.

Used to obtain a sharp image on the matrix. Contains the name, type (model), as well as the range of focal lengths (if it is a zoom lens) or a specific value otherwise. The range of aperture values ​​for zoom lenses is also indicated, since aperture varies with focal length.

The lens is the most expensive part of the device and just as complicated, therefore, MirSovetov will consider this device in more detail in the article “Choosing a Lens for a Camera”.

The matrix
Designed to convert the optical image projected onto it by the lens into a digital signal.
Here its type is sometimes indicated. CCD (CCD) is a charge-coupled device. It is an obsolete type, where the signal is read in the same way as a cathode ray tube (CRT) - sequentially from left to right and from top to bottom. The sensitive elements are silicon photodiodes. Naturally, the parameters are far from ideal. "Soap dishes" are equipped with this type of matrix.
CMOS (CMOS, Silicon Metal Oxide Semiconductor) is an analogue of your computer's RAM, where reading can occur from anywhere, you just need to set the column number and line number. Each pixel here has a readout amplifier. The parameters of such matrices are significantly superior to the above type. They are equipped with "older" models.
Live-MOS - based on MOS (metal oxide semiconductor), has fewer connections per pixel and requires less supply voltage, which reduces power consumption and heat generation. This configuration allows you to get a more "lively" image without overheating and increased noise levels inherent in the above types of matrices.
Next comes the actual resolution in MPix (megapixels), and sometimes they also write the geometric size. By the way, the larger the geometric size with an equal number of MPix, the better. Naturally, with an increase in the number of megapixels, the quality will increase (with the previously indicated reservation).
Of course, if the choice fell on an unprofessional (or not the most expensive household) “soap dish”, then you will have to be content with a CCD matrix. But this is not a big problem, because. she will perform her duties quite well. And it may even happen that you do not feel its shortcomings. If you have chosen a "large" device, then give preference to a CMOS matrix.
With regards to the number of megapixels, quite tolerable pictures can be obtained with their number of 5 or more. Otherwise, the shooting will be of a technical nature, because it will not allow you to print photos larger than 10 * 15 (the quality will be very mediocre).

The viewfinder is a system for selecting the subject(s) to be photographed. And there are only four types of them, for all the complexity of technology: LCD display (liquid crystal - LCD); electronic EVF (electronic view-finder), optical parallax and reflex viewfinders. The type of viewfinder does not directly affect the quality of the picture, but, nevertheless, its value in the process of obtaining good photographs is quite large. In modern cameras, almost all models have an LCD display, it can be either in splendid isolation or in combination with other types: LCD + EVF and LCD + optical.
So, at this time, almost all digital cameras are equipped with LCD. This solution has both pros and cons. The display requires a backlight, without which it will work, but the user will not be able to see anything. That is why LED lighting is used. If the backlight is weak, then the display "blinds" with intense ambient light. More expensive devices have displays with more powerful backlighting and they allow you to see the picture on them in almost any ambient light (even in the sun). But this causes their high power consumption. Of course, serious devices have the ability to adjust the brightness of the backlight, which is very nice. Typically, this is indicated as follows: “Display: Dark; Normal; Bright".
Please note that there are fixed (built-in) displays, and there are also movable ones. The latter allow you to change their position, which is convenient when shooting at an angle or from above (from below) and reduce the level of noise (interference).
There is a standard range of display sizes diagonally: 1.5"; 1.8"; 2.0"; 2.5". It would seem that the larger the size, the better. But this statement is only partly true. In fact, it is better to see on a larger display, its resolution is usually higher, but the power consumption is also higher. Although displays smaller than 1.8" should not be taken into account, as it will be problematic to see anything on such a display. Also, if you are a more advanced photographer, then using such a display will be difficult.
The EVF viewfinder is just right for this purpose. This is an analogue of the viewfinder of an ordinary “reflex camera” (more on that below), only there is neither a pentaprism nor a mirror here, but the meaning remains the same. In such a viewfinder, the eye is applied to a special eyepiece window, where only the display is visible.

It is devoid of "dazzle", and it will always be visible on it. Another advantage of the EVF is that it has a much smaller display than the display on the back of the case, and the magnification is due to the viewfinder optical system, equipped with a photographer's vision correction system. The small size of the display leads to a significant reduction in power consumption and noise.
But these two types of viewfinders have the same drawback - the inertia of the display. It is due to the fact that the information on the display cannot be updated instantly. Moreover, it must still be read from the matrix.
Optical viewfinders do not have these drawbacks, because they do not have a power supply at all. Parallax viewfinder - if you remember the "Change" camera or the usual film "soap box", then this is the viewfinder that is meant. This is simple and reliable, but it also has, however, disadvantages. Firstly, such a viewfinder "cuts off" 20% of your field of view (i.e., the real frame will be 20% larger). Thus, something will go out of view when shooting and appear on the finished print. Secondly, it does not allow assessing the correct focus.
Well, here we come to what does it mean - "reflex camera"? This is a system for implementing the viewfinder through a complex system consisting of eyepieces, a pentaprism (pentagonal prism), a motorized mirror, and the lens itself. The image created by the lens is transmitted through these elements to the viewfinder eyepiece. In order not to interfere with the mirror (it obscures the matrix or film), the drive raises it for the duration of the exposure (shutter release), which generates a characteristic shutter sound. If you read carefully, then you saw the word "matrix" there. It would seem that there was a typo. No, there are also digital "DSLRs", but they are more expensive, because. mechanism becomes more complex.
Pros: no power consumption by the viewfinder and no interference; lack of inertia (for professionals this is a decisive moment); real display (no distortion).
But there are also disadvantages: the complexity of the design and its rise in price; decrease in reliability; the appearance of the reaction of the camera to the pop of the mirror (the body twitches a little in the vertical direction).
It should be noted that one of the significant advantages of SLR cameras is the ability to change optics, but MirSovetov will also pay special attention to this issue in the article on lenses.

Shooting modes
If you have used a film camera, then I think you are familiar with them.

As a rule, the "Auto" mode is present everywhere - fully automatic shooting, as well as the "Sports", "Portrait", "Landscape" modes, etc. The purpose of these modes is clear, while there is, for example, a shooting mode with aperture priority. How to use these will be described in one of the following articles.

These are built-in or removable (replaceable) devices for recording and storing footage. As you probably guessed, this is the digital "film". Most digital cameras have the simplest memory - built-in. It is usually 32 MB in size, which significantly limits your options, because. with high quality, the number of recorded photos will be extremely small, and the speed of its work is far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to choose a device with the ability to use removable storage media. Then you can, having N-number of memory cards in stock, shoot as much as you like. This is extremely important on long trips. Only when buying additional cards, please note that they are of different standards. Consult with the seller, which one is suitable for this device (expensive cameras support several cards of different standards at the same time, in digital "soap dishes" - usually one).

The most common are: SD (one of the most affordable today); card flash; Memory Stick Duo. And how to choose a memory card is the topic of a separate article.

It goes without saying that the digital camera, unlike the grandfather's ZENIT, requires power supply. Various power sources are used for this purpose.
Most inexpensive digital cameras are powered by two AA batteries, in the common people - finger batteries. Not so costly it seems only at first glance. The fact is that the digital camera "eats" quite a lot, much more than a similar film camera. And you will have to take care of buying new batteries quite often.
Batteries are used in more serious devices. Currently, only Li-ion (lithium-ion) cells are used. Without going into details, I will say that this type of battery allows recharging from any moment, because. there is no "memory effect", which forced to wait for a full discharge. However, the batteries must be fully charged.
It is extremely convenient to use batteries, because. no frequent trips to the store for batteries, manipulations with their installation are required. However, it implies a sufficiently long charge, which makes the device unusable during charging. Also, as a battery ages and needs to be replaced, you'll be quite surprised at the price. Especially if you liked the device of a promoted brand. Plus, with the age of the battery, its capacity decreases, which reduces the operating time of the device.
If the first drawback can be avoided by purchasing a second battery, then it's up to you to decide on the second issue. Maybe, when the battery fails, the device itself will fail, or it will no longer be nice to you, and you will want to buy a new one - who knows. But I would choose with a battery, although the device itself will cost more then.

It doesn't hurt to ask about the completeness. Although in most cases for digital "soap dishes" this means the presence of: packaging (container), the device itself, a battery, if this type of power is used, then also a charger, a USB cable for connecting to a PC. Amateur devices may also include a video cable in the kit, because. have a video recording function. But do not have high hopes in this regard, because. you will not receive a video in good quality and acceptable duration.
And the enumeration of the advantages and benefits of the camera on the price tag ends, of course, with the price. Although it was more logical to write it at the beginning, after the name.
Finally, having run around all the shops, having received the necessary information (prices and assortment), spoiling your notebook with notes, you have found what you need. Here it is, the digital camera of your dreams! But the choice doesn't end there.

Let's test drive

I think that as a result of a difficult choice, you have looked after not one model, but at least two. Therefore, further you will have intimate conversations with the seller. And where to go, there is no way back! Persistently ask the seller to show all the models you like, and preferably in a complete set, because. with the same opportunities, quality and price, some exhibit may have a more luxurious equipment. But before watching, I want to give you useful advice: never take equipment from the showcase, as well as from your hands! Here, as they say, God saves the safe. One awkward movement and the device is already on the floor. And why do you need extra problems?
Comparing different models, evaluate their ergonomics, how comfortable they are in the hands, how conveniently the controls are located, how clearly they work. And that's all individually. What is comfortable for one person may be uncomfortable for you.
Try to take a picture, and then analyze if it suits you for such a price. Based on this, you can decide which device of the ones you like best suits you. Or you can look at a more expensive copy. Suddenly you decide that it is exactly what you need, and it’s better not to buy anything yet, but to save up. Or maybe, on the contrary, you will understand that you are quite satisfied with a more budget option and there is no need to pay more.
Keep in mind that more popular brands with equal opportunities are more expensive, but it's up to you to decide. It should be noted that these brands tend to value their reputation and it may turn out that the quality of their products is higher.
In addition, you need to see where the device is made. I am more than sure that "Made in Nenashe" will be written, but preference should be given to Japanese (Made in Japan) works, although there are few of them, and among the "soap dishes" there are none at all.
The quality of products from the Middle Kingdom is unstable, like that of domestic goods, and leaves much to be desired, failures are quite common. I would not buy domestic photographic equipment: it is bad ergonomics, equally bad plastic and other materials (including lenses), modest functionality and unpredictable quality.
Then we move on to the most interesting - turn it on. Here the seller can say as much as he likes, they say, there are no batteries, or the battery is dead, but these are his problems. The battery can be “cheered up” in 2-3 minutes of recharging, this is enough for testing. If you need batteries, they are usually available in such stores. You can't refuse to buy them. So MirSovetov recommends insisting on checking by inclusion, this will save you from unnecessary problems.
After switching on, check the correct operation. Shoot in Auto mode. Look, at least on the display, at the result. When viewing, pay attention to the number (name) of the frame (file). It should be with a lot of zeros at the beginning. If the figure is high, then they have already been filmed, because. number and shows how many shots were taken.

Oh yes, I forgot! Before switching on, look at the display. It should be smooth, clean (no defects) and black. If it is mobile, then check how it moves. Then take a closer look at it while it's on. When viewed directly, the picture should be clear, contrasting and in the correct color scheme. The new display should be lit all the way, i.e. no dead pixels. Now cover the lens with a cap (if any) or cover it tightly (but without touching the lens) with your palm. The display will go dark. See if there are non-fading pixels, they look like colored dots.
All controls must be clearly switched on and off, both with a slow and uncertain impact on them, and with a sharp and confident one. They shouldn't hang out, but they shouldn't jam either. As a rule, when switching them, a characteristic click should be clearly audible.
Check if the flash fires when shooting. If you have chosen an “older” model, then there is most likely a “frog” flash, which should freely and with a click, and most importantly, absolutely jump out by itself. It is removed back by hand. She must do this clearly, without undue effort and at any speed of impact on her.
So you have chosen a digital camera for yourself and even decided to buy it, but still there is no need to rush, that's not all. Now you just have to check everything.

Trust but check

If you have firmly decided for yourself - “I take it!”, Then feel free to declare your intention to the seller. And, if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to consider (in terms of purchase) a non-window exhibit, which can be a little (or a lot, you know) worn.
Here you have to inspect and check for defects. And here's what it looks like.
Let's look at the packaging first.

It must be clean and without mechanical defects. Although at first glance the integrity of the box is not critical, but it is not. If the box is damaged, it means that the device was also subjected to shock. And how it will affect is unknown, so it is better to play it safe.
Read what and how it is written on the box, even if it is not written in Russian. Text and graphics should be clear and crisp. Must be present: product name; brief characteristics or merit; barcode; the address of the manufacturer, as well as the place of actual production. Manufacturer and production addresses may, and usually do not, match when manufactured under license.
Next, we check the completeness. Why open the attached instruction manual (for reputable companies - this is a book) and see what is included in the kit. Then we inspect all the components. If inspecting the USB cable, for example, will not be a problem, then questions may arise regarding the inspection of the most important thing - the device.
Carefully and scrupulously inspect the details of the camera. There should be no scratches, abrasions, and even more so - cracks on the case.
Next, pay attention to the first lens. Its surface is enlightened. If you look at it at an angle in sufficient light, you will see colored highlights.

They may be bluish, greenish or brownish. Don't worry, this is not a marriage! This is the coating, which serves to reduce the reflection of light from the surface of the lens. However, you may not see such glare, then this means that the lenses are plastic and there is no question of durability (but cheaper).
Next, we try to examine the body of the lens (if the lens is interchangeable, then it must be removed). Separate small air bubbles are allowed. In "large" devices they should not be. In addition, the lenses must be absolutely transparent (no cloudiness, etc.) and have no scratches, etc. on the surface. defects, as well as stains, including from fingers. Why do you need unnecessary problems, if not erased? Moreover, cleaning lenses is a very troublesome business.
And then, when you are convinced that the camera is intact and efficient, only then can you remember where your wallet is. Well, if you have not forgotten it at home.
After paying, do not forget to take a receipt (preferably with a copy) and a completed warranty card. By the way, it does not hurt to read the terms of the guarantee before paying.
Make sure the entire kit is back in the box and sealed.
Here you are joyful, with a purchase, you came home, celebrated this event. And how without it! What's next? And then MirSovetov advises quite intensively, at least in guarantee period, operate your digital camera. This is done in order to reveal hidden factory defects that were not revealed when checking in the store. But, having shot the material, when printing from "soap dishes" you may encounter unexpected margins. And why? The fact is that most simple cameras, especially those with video support, make the sides of the frame 4:3, while the "large" ones - 3:2. Photos are printed on paper in a ratio of 3:2, i.e. there will be no problems only for "large" devices. But don't worry - it's fixable.

We must remember that a leisurely approach is the basis of the right choice. BUT right choice- a guarantee that you will be satisfied with the purchase and it will bring you a lot of positive emotions, because photography is an opportunity to capture a moment forever. And I hope that this article will help you make the right choice.

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