Georesource Engineering” will be indexed in Scopus. Journal “Izvestiya TPU. Engineering of Georesources” will be indexed in Scopus TSU will develop a new model for the development of North Asia


Izvestiya TPU.
Volume 317, № 6" 2010 Series "Economics. Philosophy, sociology and cultural studies".

Izvestiya TPU

Full official name: Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University.

  • International name: No.

General information

  • Category: magazine.
  • Purpose: general scientific edition. Included in List of Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation(Edition 2011) of periodical scientific and scientific-technical publications in Russia, which recommend the publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science.
  • Edition marking: age limit 16+ .
  • Self-identification, vision: a publication for students, graduate students, teachers, scientific works nikov and specialists dealing with theoretical, experimental and practical issues in various branches of science. Each volume of Izvestiya TPU is published as a separate book dedicated to a separate scientific area: the series "Economics", "Chemistry" and so on.
  • Tagline: No.
  • Language: Russian.
  • The nature of the participation of journalists in the publication: without the participation of professional journalists.
  • Relevance: April 2016 - edition valid.
  • Territoriality: city of Tomsk, Tomsk region, universities of Russia.
  • Periodicity: periodical.
  • Distribution method: distributed by subscription, part of the circulation - direct mailing to the libraries of domestic universities.
  • Publishing in electronic form on the Internet: .
  • Format and number of pages (pages): A4 x 120…150 pages.
  • Impact factor RSCI: 0,120 (2010).
  • Circulation: 500 instance ov.
  • Color, polygraphy: black and white, color inserts, offset printing, typeface Times New Roman Cyr.
  • Percentage of area under official advertising (measurement date): No.
  • Percentage of area under social advertising : No.
  • Percentage of space for the editorial staff's own materials (measurement date): up to 100%.
  • Percentage of area under digest information and main sources (measurement date): No.
  • Subscription catalog number (year): Subscription index according to the catalog of the Agency "Rospechat" - 18054 .
  • International ISBN Index: no information.
  • brand registration, trademark, intellectual property: sign © (copyright) TPU (Tomsk Politechnic University).
  • Limitation of editorial responsibility, including on published materials: no information.
  • State registration of the publication - date, authority, number: the publication is registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press and Mass Communications. Certificate PI No. 77-16615 dated October 24, 2003.
  • Affiliated commercial and political structures: TNTs SB RAS and other academies.
  • Publication owner: National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU).
  • Founder, Publisher, editorial functions: TPU .
  • Publisher: TPU Publishing House, Lenin Ave., 30, Tomsk 634050, Russia.
  • Printing house: TPU Publishing House.
  • Legal status of the publisher, editorial: structural subdivision.
  • Editors:
    • Chairman of the Editorial Board, Rector of TPU, Professor Petr Savelyevich Chubik;
    • Editor-in-Chief - (Vice-Rector for Science).
  • Subsidiary, related publications: a series of journal publications of the Tomsk Polytechnic University

The main sections of the publication (2011)

The topics of articles published in the journal correspond to the main scientific areas developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University(quoted from the site).


This is one of the oldest scientific journals of Tomsk universities, published in the Asian territory of the country since 1903. Originally called Bulletin of the Tomsk Technological Institute (Izvestiya TTI). In 1947-1976. edition was published under the title Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (Izvestia TPI).100 years after the first issue, in 2003, the renaissance of the publication began - in recent years, 12 issues a year have been published under a modern name. The impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI) of the journal is 0.120 (according to the website of Scientific Electronic Library LLC as of April 21, 2011).

Address, telephones, electronic communication

Terms of advertising in the publication

  • no information.


  • The information presented was given in the imprint of the publication itself, as well as in other open catalogs and data.
  • Information marked with a (?) icon requires clarification.
  • This article in the encyclopedic edition is only a statement of the fact of the presence of a media object in Tomsk history and gives a descriptive idea of ​​​​this object. The article does not advertise or anti-advertise the object of this article itself and organizations affected by the image of this object, is not responsible for the information content of the material on the appearance of the object.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University
250px Cover of the journal Izvestia of the Tomsk Polytechnic University
(ISO 4)
Izvestiya TPU
Specialization popular science, technical
Periodicity monthly
Language Russian English
Editorial address Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30, Tomsk Polytechnic University, TPU Publishing House
Chief Editor Dyachenko Alexander Nikolaevich
The country Russia Russia
Publication history with
Volume up to 200 pages
Circulation 100 copies
ISSN of the printed version 2413-1830
Web site
Proceedings of the Tomsk Polytechnic University at Wikimedia Commons

"Proceedings of the Tomsk Polytechnic University"- monthly popular science illustrated magazine. The oldest scientific journal in the Asian part of Russia, published since 1903. The founder and publisher is the Tomsk Polytechnic University. From 2008 to 2014 The journal was an interdisciplinary publication. Since 2015, the journal's policy has been focused on research covering the latest achievements in the field of geology, exploration and production of minerals, technology for the transportation and deep processing of natural resources, energy-efficient production and energy conversion based on minerals, as well as the safe disposal of geo-assets.


In February 1902, at a meeting of the TTI Council, the first director of the institute, Professor Efim Lukyanovich Zubashev, proposed creating an organizing committee to develop a plan for publishing the Bulletin of the Tomsk Technological Institute. The TTI Council elected a commission, which included professors: A. I. Efimov, N. M. Kizhner, V. A. Obruchev, I. I. Bobarykov and F. E. Molin. The project for the organization of the publication was presented to the Council in March 1902. Soon, on the basis of the project, a resolution of the TTI council "On the procedure for publishing works on behalf of or at the expense of the institute" was issued.

The first volume was published in 1903 under the title "News of the Tomsk Technological Institute of Emperor Nicholas II" ("Bulletin of the Tomsk Institut of Tehnology. Siberia, Russia). For more than 70 years, they regularly (with short breaks) published the results scientific activity scientists of the leading technical university of Siberia. During the existence of the publication, its name has changed several times. So, for the period from 1903 to 1925. 46 volumes were published under the first title of the journal. In 1925, the Institute was renamed into the Siberian Technological Institute named after. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, therefore, volumes 47-52 until 1929 had the titles “Proceedings of the Siberian Technological Institute” (“Izvestiya STI”). In 1929, in connection with the reorganization of higher education, STI was divided into 9 independent branch universities. The Institute of Applied Physics at STI was transferred to Tomsk State University and served as the basis for the organization of the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology (SPTI). TEMIIT, SIBSTRIN, Kuznetsk Metallurgical Institute, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk River Fleet Institutes, SKhTI, SMMI in Tomsk, etc. were separated. In 1934, SMMI and SKhTI were again merged into one Tomsk Industrial Institute (TII). The publications of SMMI and SKhTI have their own numbering of volumes. With the name "Izvestia of the Siberian Chemical-Technological Institute" ("Izvestia SKhTI"), 3 volumes were published, and "Izvestia of the Siberian Mechanical Engineering Institute" ("Izvestia SMMI") has two issues of the first volume (1929-1934). Volumes 52(1)-62(1) were published under the title "Proceedings of the Tomsk Industrial Institute" ("Izvestiya TII") in the period 1934-1944. In connection with the awarding of the institute for merits in the training of highly qualified technical personnel and as the most important scientific and technical center of Siberia, volume 62 (1) was published under the title “News of the Tomsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Industrial Institute. S. M. Kirov. After the Institute was renamed Polytechnic Institute in 1944, the publication became known as Izvestia of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. S. M. Kirov” (“Izvestiya TPI”). After 23 years (since 2000), the journal again began to appear under the current title - "News of the Tomsk Polytechnic University" with the continuation of the numbering of volumes and issues.

So, in total, until 1978, 302 volumes of Izvestia ... were published, in which 7207 scientific papers, articles and various materials in many branches of science and technology. The structure of "Izvestia ..." was organized according to the type of periodicals already existing by that time. technical universities Russia, such as "Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Practical Technological Institute" (published since 1880), "Proceedings of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Nicholas II" (since 1900), "Proceedings of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II" (since 1901) .

The first editor of Izvestia TTI was Professor of Physics Alexander Ivanovich Efimov (he was the editor of Izvestia ... from 1903 to 1906). During these years, with his active assistance, the first three volumes of Izvestia ... and the Appendix to Volume 3 were published in 1905 In the first volumes of "Izvestiya ..." were published: the doctoral dissertation of the professor at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry D. P. Turbaba "From the field of catalysis", the significant work of the professor at the Department of Mechanical Technology T. I. Tikhonov "Metalography and its tasks", the works of engineer L. N. Lyubimov, the article by A. A. Potebnya “On the theory of parallel operation of alternators”, which in 1906 became the topic of his dissertation. In addition, reports on domestic and foreign scientific trips of professors V. V. Sapozhnikov (“Siberian Nightingale”), M. E. Yanishevsky, teacher P. A. Kuzmin were published. Starting from the second volume of "Izvestia ...", reports on the activities and status of TTI in the reporting year began to be published. The first "Izvestia ..." and Appendixes to them are printed in P. I. Makushin's Steam Typography in Tomsk. Since 1907, they began to appear by subscription. Journals are printed in volume from 12 to 15 sheets, at least four issues per year. The regular publication of Izvestia was hampered by the insufficient equipment of the printing house of P. I. Makushin, which in 1907 was transferred to the Siberian Partnership of Printing. The editors of "Izvestia ..." finds the possibility of printing issues of the magazine in the printing houses of St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Kazan. "Izvestia ..." is published in the amount of 400 copies and is sent, in addition to honorary members, professors and teachers of the TTI, to institutions in exchange for the journals they publish, which then replenish the library fund. Not infrequently, Izvestia ... was a charitable cause of the institute. So, in the minutes of the meeting of the TTI Council of January 22, 1916, information is reflected that the Novo-Alexandria Institute Agriculture, who suffered from hostilities, asks to send a set of "Izvestia ..." and duplicates of other TTI publications to the library of the institute. By decision of the Council, a set of "Izvestia ..." was sent free of charge.

In 1907, five volumes of Izvestia ... (vols. 4-8) were published under the editorship of professor of mathematics Vladimir Leonidovich Nekrasov, who performed this duty until 1910. A number of important works were published during this period. So, Professor of Chemistry D.P. Turbaba (among other things) was engaged in the study of Siberian mineral raw materials. It was after his work “On the question of the composition of the Siberian mineral waters”, published in Izvestia TTI for 1907 and containing the results of a study of the composition of the mineral waters of many lakes in Siberia, the healing properties of the water of the famous lake Shira were established, where spa treatment was subsequently organized. V. L. Nekrasov himself, after a business trip abroad, published in Izvestia ... the monograph “Structure and measure of point areas” (1907. Vol. 5, issue 2). This was the first work on set theory, and it has retained its scientific value to this day. The work was presented as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Pure Mathematics and was successfully defended on November 28, 1908 at Moscow University. In 1905, 1906 and 1909, Professor Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev, on behalf of and at the expense of the TTI, made three scientific expeditions to study the mountain ranges and deserts of the Border Dzungaria (Western China). These expeditions were attended by Obruchev's sons Vladimir and Sergey, as well as M. A. Usov (a 4th year student, and since 1909 a scholarship holder). The "Eolian city" was opened for science, deposits of gold, coal and asphalt were described. Preliminary reports on the expeditions were published in Izvestiya TTI in 1907, 1908 and 1910. In the Appendix to the "Izvestia ..." 1912, 1914 and 1915. a 3-volume scientific report on the expedition was published (compiled by V. A. Obruchev and M. A. Usov). Maps for the first volume of the Supplements were printed at the Brockhaus firm in Leipzig, microphotographs were made in Pavlov's phototype in Moscow.

During 1908, the editor V. L. Nekrasov prepared and published four volumes of Izvestia ... (vols. 9-12), and some articles were printed in Tomsk - in the printing house of the Siberian Partnership of Printing Business, the Yakovlev Printing Partnership, " Orlova", in Kharkov - in the Zilberger Printing House and in Kazan - in the University Printing House. According to the “TTI Report…” during this period the Institute's library is in exchange with 100 institutions in Russia and 2 in America. Among the works of this period, the publications of F. K. Yasevich should be singled out. Lecturer in the Engineering and Construction Department of the TTI FK Yasevich, who combined teaching with service on the railway, carefully studied the issue of the role of ballast in track stability and traffic safety. After the research, he wrote a number of works, one of which, the monograph "Investigation of ballasts", he published in "Izvestiya ..." (1908. Vol. 11, issue 3). The value of these works is in their relevance, since at that time the reconstruction of the Siberian railway was carried out, and the works of F.K. Yasevich helped to solve a number of complex technical issues that arose in the process of reconstructing the railway track. During 1909, four volumes of Izvestia ... (vols. 13-16) were published. In 1910 - the first quarter of 1912, the editor of Izvestia ... was V. A. Obruchev. Of the publications of this period, two can be distinguished for 1911:

  • Professor S. V. Pinegin, known for his work on friction, opens his series of publications with the article "Friction in a Flat Heel".
  • In the same years, the indefatigable professor of physics Boris Petrovich Weinberg, who arrived in Tomsk from St. Literally in the very first Tomsk autumn-winter season, by the efforts of two graduate students, students of the Engineering and Construction Department A. Bykov and K. Karpov, under his leadership, a research work was organized at the TTI weather station to determine chemical composition atmospheric precipitation, the results of which, on the recommendation of the professor, were published in T. 24. Issue. 4. At present, the 90-year-old information obtained by the students has become extremely important in terms of environmental monitoring in the city of Tomsk.

In subsequent years (1912-1920), the editors of Izvestiya ... were professors V. L. Maleev, A. V. Lavrsky and teacher N. S. Penn. During these years, the journal (1913 and 1914) published the work of V. M. Khrushchev "Theory of repulsive motors" in two parts and a number of other works on the theory of AC machines, which made him a widely known scientist. The work of professor (later academician) N. P. Chizhevsky "Iron nitrogen" (1913. Vol. 31, issue 3) acquired great theoretical and practical significance. The method of nitriding proposed by him, which imparted greater hardness to steel products without hardening, was widely used in metallurgy. It is impossible not to mention the pioneering work of the physicist V. S. Titov “Radioactive emanation in the waters and gases of the thermal baths of the village of Novaya Belokurikha in Altai” (1913), outlining the results of the first studies of the physicist together with student V. Markov on the radioactivity of sources, now the well-known resort of Belokurikha , in 1907-1908. We also note the publication of S. V. Lebedev's dissertation "Continuous alcoholic fermentation (experimental study)" (1915, v. 37), the theoretical conclusions of which have found application in the brewing industry and winemaking.

With the outbreak of World War I and subsequent revolutionary events in Russia, the publication of scientific papers by TTI staff was significantly hampered. The publication of "Izvestia ..." in 1917 was suspended. The extraordinary efforts of the editorial board, headed by Nikolai Samuilovich Penn, were crowned with success, and the journal was able to be resumed. For 1918-1919 five volumes of "Izvestia ..." (vols. 37-41) were published. During this period, the works of A. V. Ugarov “Machines with intermediate steam extraction”, V. Ya. Mostovich and V. A. Pazukhin “Investigation of gold ores in the TTI metallurgical laboratory”, reports of M. A. Usov and P. P. Gudkov based on the results of geological studies of various regions of Siberia, etc. In addition, volume 39 of Izvestia ... was entirely dedicated to the memory of Professor Lev Lvovich Tove, who tragically passed away in 1917. It contains the memoirs of colleagues and friends of L. L. Tove : V. A. Obrucheva, P.P. Gudkova, M. A. Usova.

N.S. Penn, D. A. Strelnikova. In volume 43 of Izvestia ..., where three issues are combined in one book, and one of them (Issue 3) is filled with articles, abstracts and other reporting materials of Professor B.P. Weinberg and his “fellow students” (as the professor liked to say) with the results of magnetic expeditions along the Yenisei, to Mongolia, along the Altai, research on the ice of the river. Tom before the ice drifts in 1914 and 1915, as well as the study of behavior solid body beyond the elastic limit.

In 1925 TTI celebrated the 25th anniversary of its existence. On this occasion, in 1928, a book was published (Jubilee Collection). The collection was published under the editorship of Professor M.I. Evdokimov-Rokotovsky with a circulation of 1500 copies. It consisted of two parts: the first part included materials related to the celebrations on the occasion of the institute's anniversary; the second part includes publications of the management and leading scientists of the institute on the history of TTI and its current state. In 1936, Izvestia TII (Vol. 55, issue 2) published an article by V.K. .

In 1944, the 62nd volume of "Izvestia ...", dedicated to the memory of M. A. Usov, was published, which included the works of leading geologists. Volume 63 of "Izvestia ..." (1945), with a volume of over 30 printed sheets, was filled with materials on topical issues Siberian energy. In 1948, Izvestia… published a unique monograph by A. V. Verkhovsky “The Hypothesis of Broken Sections and Its Application to the Calculation of Bars of Complex Configuration”, highly appreciated by specialists and referred to to this day. This work laid the foundation for a new direction - contact interaction and calculation of the bending strength of parts.

Since 1957, the publication of thematic collections with its own editor has entered the practice of Izvestia TPI. The collection "Electronic Circular Accelerators" was the first to be published, edited by the rector of the TPI, Professor A. A. Vorobyov (Vol. 87). It published for the first time research work on betatrons carried out at TPI from 1947 to 1957. In total, 135 thematic collections were published during the period from 1903 to 1977. In addition, 11 volumes of dedication have been published. Among them, in addition to those already mentioned, we note volume 65 (Issue 1) in 1948, dedicated to the founder of the Siberian geological school, Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev, on the day of the 85th anniversary and memory of the US academician - at NASA.

Subjects of publications

  • Forecasting and exploration of georesources
  • Extraction and transportation of georesources
  • Deep processing of georesources
  • Energy efficient production and transformation of energy based on geo-resources
  • Safe disposal of georesources
  • Applied problems of technologies of georesources.


According to the editorial staff, the readership of the journal is scientists, geologists, chemists, technologists, physicists, ecologists, power engineers, specialists in the storage and transportation of energy resources, and IT specialists.

​Experts from one of the world's most authoritative databases of scientific publications - Scopus - confirmed international status scientific journal of Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Scientific journal “News of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Engineering of Georesources” passed the examination in one of the world's most authoritative databases of scientific publications - Scopus. Now publications in the journal will be indexed in this database, which will make publications more accessible and more visible to scientists from all over the world. Journals indexed in Scopus receive international recognition, their authors get ample opportunities for collaboration with other researchers and additional citations of their articles.

“Izvestiya TPU. Engineering of Georesources is a Russian-language peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 1903. The journal publishes papers covering the latest achievements in the field of geology, exploration and production of minerals, technology of transportation and deep processing of natural resources, energy-efficient production and energy conversion based on minerals, as well as the safe disposal of geo-assets.

“In recent years, the journal has undergone major changes in terms of improving the quality of the publications themselves, reviewing, and the design of articles. “Izvestia TPU” is not a local publication, but a real international journal, accessible and interesting for both Russian-speaking and English-speaking scientists from different countries. The expertise of Scopus just confirmed the international status of the journal. Tomsk Polytechnic University entered the limited circle Russian universities, whose scientific publications are indexed in Scopus,” says Alexander Glazyrin, editor-in-chief of the journal.

Scopus experts, analyzing Izvestia TPU, took into account a number of indicators: the current scientific specialization of the journal, the international composition of authors and members of the editorial board, the review system, the design and content of articles, etc. Let us add that earlier Izvestia TPU was included in a specialized professional database GeoRef is a bibliographic database covering the world literature on geology and geosciences, as well as in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


Magazine "Proceedings of the Tomsk Polytechnic University" published since 1903. Part of the articles in the first issue was devoted to a topic that was relevant for that time - the construction of railways. So, Lev Nikolaevich Lyubimov published the articles “Overview of the arrangement of rail-cutting workshops in Russian railways"And" Experience of comparative assessment of the influence of external forces on the theft of track rails ", and Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov published an article" The question of the calculation of bridges of the Resal "I" system.

The magazine is published monthly. Full-text access to the electronic version of the journal is available on the websites,

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  • Scientists have found that the Altaians discovered the processing of iron before the Great Migration of Peoples

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  • Electronic library of TSU entered the authoritative catalog of open access archives

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  • Archeology-3D: how to preserve history

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  • GASU archaeologists carry out excavations in the Kosh-Agach region

    In the Kosh-Agachsky district, the field work of the archaeological expedition of the Gorno-Altai State University, carried out jointly with the Directorate of the Territory of Traditional Nature Management of the Kosh-Agachsky District, has ended.

  • ©, 2022
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