Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Republican forum "Young in librarianship Young in librarianship" magazine


More than 150 people took part in the forum - specialists from state, university and municipal libraries of Udmurtia, students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, students of secondary educational institutions of the republic. The event was held in the Educational and Scientific Library. V. A. Zhuravleva UdSU.

The forum was held in order to create conditions for the sustainable professional development of young librarians, the implementation of creative youth initiatives, and to stimulate the interest of young people in the library specialty. During its work, the following issues were discussed: the role of young professionals in the development of librarianship, new forms and methods of library work; problems of professional training of young librarians, creation of conditions for their professional and creative growth; the status of the library and the library profession in society, attracting young people to the library profession; organization and activities of councils of young specialists.

Welcoming the participants of the forum, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the UR Vladimir Mikhailovich Solovyov emphasized the special role of libraries, which still remain cultural, educational and educational centers of public life. It is important that libraries keep pace with the times - and this is the prerogative of the young. Therefore, in its personnel policy, the ministry places special emphasis on working with young specialists.

In her report at the plenary session, Tatyana Vladimirovna Tensina, director of the National Library of the UR, noted that today the libraries of Udmurtia need young specialists, and young personnel, in turn, need support, professional development and consolidation. It is necessary to solve the set tasks in a comprehensive manner - in cooperation with state authorities, local governments, institutions of professional library and information education and associations of employers, in cooperation with the Russian Library Association and other professional library associations. In this regard, such tasks have been set as the development of a republican personnel strategy, including career guidance aspects, a system of adaptation, advanced training and professional growth, as well as the creation of a Republican Council of Young Librarians.

The report of Cand. ped. sciences, head. Department of Multimedia and Internet Technologies IMITiF UdGU Irina Fedorovna Pavlova.

The organizers of the forum have prepared a varied and rich program for its participants. After the plenary session, the work of sections took place, at which, during trainings and master classes, forum participants got acquainted with new forms and methods of work, could exchange experience in such areas as copywriting in librarianship, social design, local history, modern ICT technologies in librarianship service. Youth initiatives and creative projects were presented in the form of presentations at an informal conference in the popular pecha-kucha format. A round table discussion was held on the topic "Modern librarian: professional competencies and requirements of the time."

In the format of a video conference, the forum was attended by Deputy. director for scientific and methodological work of the Russian State Library for Youth Marina Pavlovna Zakharenko (Moscow). She noted: “We have a special relationship with Izhevsk, because the youth movement of library workers in Russia began here in 2001, when a youth creative council was created at the Izhevsk Central Library Library. And then this initiative was picked up already throughout Russia. Today, 93 youth associations in 35 regions are registered in the register. They are very different, created both on the basis of small libraries and on the basis of the Central Library Library, there are regional and interregional ones. But our flagships are such cities as Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk. Today, at least 14 events of all levels are held across the country a year, and we are preparing for the VII All-Russian Forum in Yekaterinburg.”

In conclusion, M.P. Zakharenko said: “In recent years, the attitude towards young people has noticeably changed in the professional community, and if earlier young people were often not taken into account, today they are already waiting for initiatives from them. In general, youth is no longer the future, it is our today. Because if today we do not work with young readers, then tomorrow they will not bring their children to the library, and libraries will not have tomorrow. The same can be said about young employees - if they are not there today, then the libraries will not be tomorrow. This is a very important point, and it is wonderful that the professional community has an understanding of this.”

Young people in librarianship

Towards the 3rd Conference-Festival.

Read the new magazine!
So far, this is the only magazine in Russia for young professionals working in libraries.

Specialists of a new formation, leaders of a new generation!
Read the magazine!

Makarenko T.S. From Saratov to Yaroslavl, and now Pskov, and there Novosibirsk is just around the corner / T.S. Makarenko // Young people in library business. - 2003. - No. 1. – pp. 23-36
The first issue opens with an article by the editor-in-chief, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tatyana Sergeevna Makarenko. She talks about the program of the Library Charitable Foundation, about the creation of a section in the RLA under this name, about the first joint event - the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. In the nearest plans:

  • III International Scientific and Practical Conference-Festival (April 2004, Yekaterinburg);
  • III Gathering of young librarians in Siberia (October 2004, Kemerovo);
  • III Interregional Creative Laboratory (June 2004, Pskov);
  • Forum of Young Librarians of Russia (September 2005, Moscow);
  • Scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists (May 2005, Moscow);
  • II Interregional Conference of Young Librarians of the South of Russia.

On the eve of the 3rd conference-festival (Yekaterinburg, April 2004)– publications by Marina Vasilievna Koptyaeva, Deputy Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after I.I. V. G. Belinsky.

  • Koptyaeva M. V. Library career - a non-existent concept, a combination of incongruous? /M. V. Koptyaeva // Young people in librarianship. - 2003. - No. 1. – pp. 60-67
    It is about the results of the study.
    XX century, a new paradigm - morality in business -. If we mean any business that we do, then the golden ethical rule was formulated a long time ago:.
  • Koptyaeva M. V. I wanted to acquaint librarians with the Jefferson Sels research section for a number of reasons / M. V. Koptyaeva // Young people in library business. - 2003. - No. 2. – pp. 16-38
    A commented translation of an American librarian's book is published.

What is the image of a librarian in society? Colleagues from Yekaterinburg and Georgievsk are thinking about this.

  • Loginova N. V. Who to be? What to be?: sketches for a portrait of a librarian / N. V. Loginova // Young people in library business. - 2003. - No. 1. - S. 68-75. – Bibliography: p. 75 (18 titles)
    <:>– proving the prestige and importance of reading. Because, as Borges wrote, the Library is the Universe, and the person in it is only an imperfect librarian>, - says Nadezhda Vasilievna Loginova, head of the advertising and publishing sector of the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth (Yekaterinburg).
  • Sokolova OI Reflections of a tired librarian. (Essay) / O. I. Sokolova // Young people in librarianship. - 2003. - No. 1. – pp. 76-78
    Olga Ivanovna Sokolova, librarian of the information and bibliographic center of the Central Library Library of Georgievsk (Stavropol Territory), believes that.

Continuation of the conversation about librarians, about their place in society - with the participants of the Regional Professional Competition for Young Librarians of the Stavropol Territory.

  • Novikovskaya M. B. Library and I: the cultural background of time / M. B. Novikovskaya // Young people in the library business. - 2003.- No. 3.- S. 91-95.
    The librarian of the maintenance department of the Shpakovskaya Central District Hospital (Mikhailovsky) Marina Borisovna Novikovskaya dreams: .
  • Leonova N.V. I like that I am a librarian / N.V. Leonova // Young people in librarianship. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 96–101
    (Stavropol region). - Many people think that this is a boring person who is behind the times. But a librarian must have a wealth of knowledge to help the reader make sense of the sea of ​​information. I understand my need. Just as it is impossible for a true librarian to abandon his work, just as he does not escape from himself. Most likely, this is more than just a profession, because its merits are innumerable>.

Young people in librarianship [Electronic resource] .- M .: Age of information.- 2017 .- No. 1 .- 68 p. : ill. - Access mode: https://website/efd/384235

Individual articles are also available for release:
BECOME A LEADER TO BE EFFICIENT / Klyuev Vladimir Konstantinovich (150.00 rubles)
“I WILL MAKE A SHIP FROM PAPER...” / Lepilina Galina Yurievna (150.00 rubles)
ROUTES OF THE LITERARY CITY OF OREL / Koroleva Valentina Alekseevna (150.00 rubles)

Preview (excerpts from the work)

No. 1 January 2017 SECTIONAL CASES Catalog "Rospechat", index 70892 Catalog "Press of Russia", index 13112 Founder Tatyana Sergeevna Makarenko Chief Editor Tatyana Sergeevna Makarenko Tel.<...>2 3 11 15 17 23 31 51 43 57 Youth activities librarians and for the young librarians held in 2016 Consolidated plan of the main professional events of the Russian Library Association for 2017.<...>Nekrasov (Donetsk) Donetsk youth team - a platform for initiatives, development and communication EFFECTIVE PRACTICES library I.Yu. Shishkova (Krasnoyarsk) Information and educational library lesson-excursion in Scientific library SFU for primary school students I.D. Osetrova (Perm) "Let's get to know each other!": experience excursion work libraries university YOUNG INITIATIVES G.Yu.<...>Koroleva, L.P. Homenkov (Mr. Eagle) Routes of the literary city Eagle CONTENTS OF THE ISSUE Editor's note 2 EDITOR'S WORD The year 2017 has come, what will it bring us?<...> Tatyana Sergeevna MAKARENKO, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Young in Library Science", candidate of pedagogical sciences Let's first talk about what we have: what materials of the last period did you like? which section is the most interesting? do you have favorite authors? your assessment of the journal in terms of usefulness in work, for professional self-education.<...> YOUNG IN LIBRARY 1 – 17 3 Cases sectional EVENTS YOUNG LIBRARY AND FOR YOUNG LIBRARY THAT HAPPENED IN 2016 This list presents the events that were identified in the professional press and the Internet.<...>The list includes not only events held under the auspices of the Youth Section RBA but also independently.<...>EVENTS OF THE FEDERAL LEVEL Meeting on the issue of increasing the prestige of the library profession « Modern library: voice young» September 26, 2016, Moscow, Russian state library/ Ministry of Culture Russian Federation Meeting Youth <...>

Section "Young people in librarianship"

Edition: RBA Newsletter. - 2013. - No. 67. - P.68-69.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Section "Young in Librarianship", Member of the Standing Committee of the Section on Library Services to Youth, Deputy Director of the Russian State Library for Youth

The meeting of the section "Young people in librarianship", held on May 15, attracted more than 40 participants from 18 cities of Russia (Berezovsky, Vladimir, Volgograd, Voronezh, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Ryazan, Samara, Severodvinsk, Stavropol, Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk), as well as Penza and the Penza region.

The topic of the 2013 meeting is “Youth library movement in Russia: 20 years of search and concrete deeds”. 13 reports and messages were heard and discussed on various aspects of personnel policy in the library sector and the activities of young employees.

The keynote speech and summing up the results of the 20-year activity of the program “Young in Libraries” was made by its founder, long-term Chairman of the Section T.S. Makarenko. At the initial stage of the program implementation, the task was to create a system of social and professional support for young librarians. The program was implemented in various areas: holding competitions and conferences, organizing internships, including foreign ones, and much more. The main idea of ​​the youth library movement is not the formation of a professional reservation of young librarians, but their involvement in the activities of the Russian library community. The results of the 20th anniversary of the program can be briefly described as follows: the problems of the personnel situation in the industry as a whole have been sharpened; not only the problems, but also the affairs of the young people are brought up for a broad discussion of the library community; a youth library movement has been created and is developing, its self-development is taking place; The movement has crossed the borders of Russia and is actively developing in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.

It is logical that a number of reports of the first part of the meeting were devoted to the history, formation and development of the program "Young in librarianship". Representatives of the so-called “first wave” of the program from Omsk, Stavropol, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow recalled how it all began, analyzed what had been done and accomplished, summed up the program, explained the reasons for the emergence and such a rapid development of the youth library movement in those years.

The problem-analytical report "Youth as a special category of library employees: problems and prospects" was made by M.P. Zakharenko. It also presented the main directions for the further work of the Section "Young people in librarianship" of the RLA, including: conducting sociological research and monitoring on the problems of young employees of the industry; formation of a multi-level and multi-aspect (in terms of forms and content) system of vocational training (including online); creation of an effective corporate virtual communication platform for the purpose of information support of library youth; compiling and maintaining an electronic register of youth library associations for the purpose of their corporate interaction, establishing interregional and international relations with associations of young industry employees; development of grant support for library youth through the RLA and humanitarian funds for participation in major professional forums; development of exemplary local regulations for the socio-economic support of young library employees; preparation of methodological recommendations on the introduction of clauses on the social protection of young librarians into the Collective and labor agreements; integration of library youth into the all-Russian youth movement and holding professional cross-sectoral events; identification of young library leaders and support of their initiatives, wide popularization of the best experience of work with youth in libraries.

The successful holding of periodic forums of young librarians of Russia and professional competitions within their framework was noted, and this direction will certainly be continued. This year, the 5th Forum will be held in Ryazan in September, and the next one is scheduled for Irkutsk.

In the second part of the meeting, young colleagues spoke. Elena Komelkova (Tyumen Regional Universal Scientific Library named after D.M. Mendeleev) introduced the 5-year activity of the Tyumen Regional Library Movement. It is distinguished by understanding and serious support of initiatives from the regional authorities. Elena Agarina (Novosibirsk Regional Youth Library) spoke boldly about the search for new opportunities for professional growth within the framework of the Guild of Young Librarians, which she heads. Members of the youth organization travel a lot to the municipalities of the region with seminars, trainings, lectures, thereby providing a tremendous opportunity for improving the skills of employees of municipal libraries, increasing their competence. Directors and mid-level managers of libraries often become active participants in such professional events. It is gratifying that there is complete mutual understanding and support between managers and young employees, there is no intergenerational conflict, which is often observed in library teams.

The meeting presented the results of the elections to the Standing Committee (PC) of the Section "Young in Librarianship" for the period 2013-2016. Members of the PC of the Section are: M.P. Zakharenko, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Russian State Library for Youth, elected as the Section Chairman; N.S. Vyropayeva, Chairman of the Ryazan Regional Council of Young Librarians, Head of the Center for Youth Innovations of the Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky; ON THE. Dolgopolova, Chairman of the Youth Council of Omsk Municipal Libraries; leading specialist of the Central City Library of the city of Omsk; A.V. Chuvilsky, Chairman of the Industry Youth Council (Moscow), Head of the Department of the Central Universal Scientific Library named after N.A. Nekrasov city of Moscow. The new composition of the Standing Committee, in accordance with the rules adopted by the RBA, took office after the end of the Congress.

At the final Plenary meeting of the All-Russian Library Congress, on the initiative of the Section, the solemn ceremony "Initiation into the Profession" was held for the second time. It was conducted by the chairman of the Youth Council of the Penza Regional Scientific Library named after M.Yu. Lermontova Ekaterina Aksyonova. The professional certificate of the RBA was awarded to ten young employees of the libraries of the Penza region. President of the RBA V.R. Firsov.

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