Technical sciences". "Izvestiya VUZ. North Caucasian region. Technical sciences "North Caucasian region technical sciences journal


Journal Information/Contents
Automation, control and technical cybernetics
Sergeev A.S. Research and development of evolutionary methods for clustering and determining the optimal decision functions in automatic systems pattern recognition
Lobanov D.S., Chizhikov V.I. Technical aspects of RFID
Parsheva E.A. Adaptive exit control by state-delayed objects
Shikulskaya O.M., Shikulsky M.I. Mathematical model for calculating microelectronic capacitive pressure sensors
Shikulskaya O.M., Shikulsky M.I. Development of an energy-informational model of a circuit of microelectronic resonator pressure sensors
Shikulskaya O.M., Shikulsky M.I. Structural-parametric modeling of microelectronic strain gauge pressure sensors
Apanasov E.V. Method for implementing logical operations in analog form
Pyukke G.A. Systems organization Maintenance when diagnosing shipboard electrical automation equipment
Electromechanics and Energy
Arzhannikov E.A., Antonov D.B. Digital assembly of current circuits of transformer differential protection
Antonov D.B., Arzhannikov E.A., Markov M.G. Simulation of magnetizing current surges in power three-phase transformers
Mathematical modeling and computer technologies
Zolotovsky V.E., Reznikov V.B. Structural modeling system for complex technical objects
Zolotovsky V.E., Reznikov V.B. Multilevel basis for the representation of models of complex technical systems
Kazak A.A. An exhaustive search method for solving the problem of several traveling salesmen
Lobanov D.S., Chizhikov V.I. Protection electronic systems access
mechanical engineering
Migranov M.Sh. Model of the stress state of the cutting tool during non-stationary turning
Migranov M.Sh. Intensification of blade cutting processes on CNC and ADSU machines
Ustarkhanov O.M., Kobelev V.N., Bulgakov A.I., Kulieva Sh.S. Experimental studies of three-layer beams to assess the influence of edge effects on the stress-strain state
Moroz K.A. Mutual influence of self-oscillations of individual cutting blades through the factor of force heredity
Aliev A.Ya., Alivagabov M.M., Fatakhov M.M. Ways to reduce mechanical losses in a small engine
Pirozhkova E.S. Current state of the problem of hardenability and heat treatment of sintered and hot-worked powder steels
Pirozhkova E.S. Austenite stability as a factor in optimizing the properties of hot-wrought powder steel
Vasilkov G.V., Zabara Yu.A. Evolutionary tasks of foundation engineering
Afonichev D.N. Differential assessment of the distribution of soil masses along the length of the road under construction
Afonichev D.N. Conditions for the use of rectangular road slabs on plan curves
Chemical technology
Pashko S.A., Simonenko A.N., Novikov A.A. Liquid carbonitriding of sintered materials in induction salt bath furnaces
Kudimov Yu.N., Semyonova N.N., Gavrilov K.N., Gavrilov N.I., Osipov A.I. Influence of ultrasound on the structure of the joint that occurs during contact-reactive soldering of the indium-bismuth system
Yakovlev P.V. Investigation of heat transfer during melting of the solid phase by a movable loaded plate
Yakovlev P.V. Study of heat transfer during aqueous granulation of sulfur
Varlamova S.I., Klimov E.S. Change in cadmium concentration in the wash bath with one recovery bath
Varlamova S.I. Change in cadmium concentration in washing baths with two-stage washing schemes
Varlamova S.I. Calculation of water consumption of one- and two-stage schemes for washing products after cadmium sulphate
Breeders A.Yu., Kalashnikov A.P. Mechanocatalytic desulfurization of exhaust gases to produce sulfuric acid
Geology and mining
Beketov S.B. Determination of technological parameters when isolating formation water inflow in wells under conditions of abnormally low formation pressure
Problems of the agro-industrial complex
Maksimov V.P. Evolution of the solonetzic soil amelioration system
Safronova T.I. Mathematical model of the ecological situation in the rice irrigation system
Light industry technologies
Shurshev V.F. Automation of the tasks of calculating the evaporator of a refrigeration machine operating on a mixture of refrigerants
Shurshev V.F. Formation of a set of criteria for a computer decision support system when choosing new refrigerants
Ecological problems
Marinenko E.E., Efremova T.V. Assessment of the environmental and economic efficiency of biogas collection systems at solid waste landfills
Denisov V.V., Moskalenko A.P., Gutenev V.V. Scientific basis for the creation of activated technologies for the disinfection of drinking water
Economics and enterprise management
Dubinina V.G. Air freight cost optimization model
Dubinina V.G. Models for the optimal planning of air transportation over a network of routes
Dubinina V.G. Optimal airline fare management model
Simonova L.A., Untilila T.N. Analysis of methods for adjusting the criteria for the integral assessment of indicators technological processes when forming a knowledge base
Scientific messages
Zamyatin A.V. Algorithm for converting wireframe torso models into polygonal models
Zamyatin A.V. Algorithm for converting wireframe models of ruled surfaces into polygonal models
Kasaev D.Kh. Crack resistance of prestressed reinforced concrete elements of rectangular section in torsion
Kasaev D.Kh. Strength of concrete and crack resistance of reinforced concrete elements of rectangular section in torsion
Fataliev N.G. Safe wheels for vehicles
File information
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History of the magazine

Scientific, educational and applied journal "News of the Higher educational institutions. North Caucasus region” exists for more than 35 years, is registered in the Committee Russian Federation by printing (registration numbers 011018, 011019, 011020). Its editorial boards include leading scientists from universities North Caucasus. It was created in 1972 on the initiative of Corresponding Member. RAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Yu.A. Zhdanov, who became its editor-in-chief, with the aim of integrating scientists from the North Caucasus to solve actual problems science and national economic problems. Then the magazine was called "Proceedings of the North Caucasian Scientific Center of Higher Education."

With the beginning of perestroika, not only the name changed, but also the terms of financing. Today, the publication of the journal is carried out with the partial financial support of its co-founders - 15 universities of the North Caucasus (hence the name). On its pages, articles by scientists from both the North Caucasus and the countries of near and far abroad began to be published on a wide range of scientific, applied and educational problems. The journal is still published in three series (frequency of 6 issues per year), reflecting the development of science in the following areas:

  • Social Sciences: philosophy and cultural studies, sociology and political science, history of the peoples of the North Caucasus, questions of history, psychology, philology, law, education;
  • Natural Sciences: mathematics and mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, environmental management, medicine, to help teachers;
  • Technical science: electronics, automation and technical cybernetics, electromechanics and energy, chemical technologies, mining and geology, construction, mechanical engineering, medical equipment, transport, ecology and public utilities, economics of industry, problems of higher education.

In addition, reviews of books by North Caucasian authors and information about scientific conferences are published, as well as thematic special issues. Answers to various questions can be obtained by reading the contents of the magazine. Taking into account the fact that at present science often uses an integrated approach to solving problems, as well as tools of related sciences, it is in our journal that one can learn a lot in this context.

Publisher, founders, editorial



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and universities of the North Caucasus region (show)
Dagestan State University,
Dagestan State Technical University,
Don State Technical University,
Kabardino-Balkarian State University,
Kuban State University,
Kuban State Technological University,
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University,
Rostov State Construction University,
Rostov State University of Communications,
Rostov State Economic University,
North Caucasian Academy of Public Administration,
North Caucasian State Technical University,
North Ossetian State University,
South Russian State Technical University,
South Federal University

Chief Editor

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Belokon Alexander Vladimirovich.

Deputy Chief Editors:

Ekaterina Gavrilovna Gezha (tel.: (863) 264–57–37), A.V. Pavlenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, V.S. Zolotarev - Doctor of Economics, Professor

Members of the Main Editorial Board:

A.V. Belokon, E.G. Gezha, A.V. Pavlenko, V.S. Zolotarev, N.I. Bezverkhaya (responsible secretary).

Members of the editorial boards:

Series "Natural Sciences" (show )

Belokon Alexander Vladimirovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, President of the Southern Federal University - mechanics, mathematics.
Abanin Alexander Vasilyevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. cafe mat. SFedU analysis -mathematics.
Valkov Vladimir Fedorovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe Ecology SFU - ecology, environmental management.
Vorovich Lyubov Semyonovna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Editor of the Department of the Journal - Mechanics.
Gufan Yury Mikhailovich, Ph.D., prof. SFedU - solid state physics.
Dunaev Igor Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe structural mechanics KSTU - mechanics.
Zakrutkin Vladimir Evgenievich, Doctor of Geology and Mathematics, Prof., Head. cafe geoecology - geology, geoecology.
Zakharov Anatoly Grigorievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. cafe physics TTI SFedU - solid state physics.
Zubov Leonid Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head. cafe theory of elasticity SFedU - mechanics, theory of elasticity.
Yerusalimsky Yakov Mikhailovich, Ph.D., professor, dean of the Mekhmat of the Southern Federal University - mathematics.
Ivanov Viktor Nikolaevich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Southern Federal University - radiophysics.
Klimentov Sergey Borisovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe geometry SFU - mathematics, geometry.
Kozlovsky Victor Nikolaevich, MD, prof. - the medicine.
Kupovyh Gennady Vladimirovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe TTI - physics, atmospheric physics.
Lobanov Vladimir Grigorievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe in biochemistry, rector of KSTU - biology, problems of higher education.
Lukash Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe biochemistry SFedU - biochemistry.
Minoransky Viktor Arkadyevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Dept. zoology SFedU - zoology.
Naselsky Pavel Davidovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. SFedU - astrophysics.
Pozharsky Alexander Fedorovich, Doctor of Chemistry, Prof., Head. cafe org. Chemistry SFU - chemistry.
Pryakhina Olga Donatovna, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. KSU - mechanics.
Sedletsky Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Geology and Mathematics, Prof., Deputy prev. SKNTS VSH - geology.
Temerdashev Zaul Akhloovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head. cafe anal. Chemistry KSU - inorganic chemistry.
Trufanov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, Doctor of Geology and Mathematics, Prof., Head. cafe minerals SFU - geology.
Ustinov Yury Anatolyevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. SFedU - mechanics.
Fedorov Yury Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Head. cafe physical geography, ecology - geochemistry, geography.
Chernysheva Svetlana Petrovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Editor of the Department of the Journal - Physics.
Chernov Viktor Nikolaevich, MD, prof. RSMU - medicine.
Shabanov Osman Mekhtievich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof., Head, Dept. physical and col. Chemistry DGU - chemistry.

Series "Social Sciences" (show )

Belousov Vitaly Mikhailovich - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Head. cafe Economics IEPC SFedU.
Volkov Yury Grigorievich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Applied Practitioners at the Southern Federal University.
Gaikov Viktor Timofeevich - Doctor of Law, Prof., Dean of Law. F-ka SFU.
Denisova Galina Sergeevna - Doctor of Social Sciences, Head. cafe PI SFU.
Dolzhenko Gennady Petrovich - Ph.D., head. cafe SFU.
Drach Gennady Vladimirovich - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Dean of Philosophy. f-ta SFedU.
Evdokimova Lidia Alexandrovna - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Dept. Economics IEPC SFedU.
Evsyukova Tatyana Vsevolodovna - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe RGEU.
Ermakov Pavel Nikolaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof., Vice-Rector of the Southern Federal University.
Zhdanova Tamara Ivanovna - Candidate of Economics, Assoc.
Zolotarev Vladimir Semenovich (Chairman) - Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Russian State University of Economics.
Izotova Natalya Valerianovna - Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. SFU.
Karpova Galina Fedorovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe psychology IAI SFedU.
Kolesnikov Yury Semenovich - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Head. cafe sociology SFedU, deputy. director of SKNIIEiSP.
Kurbatov Vladimir Ivanovich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dean of Social Sciences. f-ta SFedU.
Lyakhov Yuri Alekseevich - Doctor of Law, Head. cafe SFU.
Mammadov Oktay Yusufovich - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Head. cafe SFU.
Mininkov Nikolai Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. SFU.
Nesmeyanov Evgeny Efimovich (Deputy Chairman) - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof., Deputy. prev. SKNTS VSh.
Nivorozhkina Lyudmila Ivanovna - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Head of the Department RGEU.
Przhilensky Vladimir Igorevich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head. cafe SSU.
Savchuk Vyacheslav Sergeevich - Ph.D., Assoc. SFU.
Uznarodov Igor Mironovich (Deputy Chairman) - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of SFU.
Chernous Viktor Vladimirovich - Ph.D., professor, director of the Center for the Region. SFU research.
Shevchenko Igor Viktorovich - Doctor of Economics, Prof., Dean of Economics. f-ta KGU.
Sheudzhen Emilia Ayubovna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof., Dean of History. f-ta ASU.
Shinkarenko Elena Alexandrovna - editor of the magazine department.
Shtompel Oleg Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof., Head. cafe SFU.

Series "Technical Sciences" (show )

Batdalov Mukhtaritdin Magomedovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Doug. GTU - Construction Materials and designs.
Volosukhin Viktor Alekseevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. NGMA - Hydrotechnical construction.
Volchkov Alexander Ivanovich - Ph.D., Assoc. - Engineering.
Gaydzhurov Petr Pavlovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Mathematical modeling.
Guda Alexander Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. RGUPS - Automation, control, mathematical modeling, mechanical engineering.
Ermakov Vladimir Filippovich - Ph.D., Assoc. - Energy.
Efimov Nikolai Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Energy.
Zakovorotny Vilor Lavrentievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. DSTU - Automation, control, mathematical modeling, mechanical engineering.
Zubekhin Alexey Pavlovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Chemical technologies.
Ivanov Vladlen Vasilievich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. RGSA - Heat engineering.
Kaloev Nikolai Iosifovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. SOGU - Chemical technologies.
Kalyaev Igor Anatolyevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. SFedU - Automation, control, mathematical modeling.
Kargin Nikhputyay Ivanovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. North Caucasus G TU.
Kozlov Vladimir Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. SPb state. polytechnic un-t - Automation, control, mathematical modeling.
Kosichenko Yury Mikhailovich - prof. NGMA - Construction, hydraulic structures.
Kukoz Fedor Ivanovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Chemical technologies.
Lyabakh Nikolai Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. SFU - Economics.
Malyshev Vladimir Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, prof. SFedU - Electronics.
Pavlenko Alexander Valentinovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Electromechanics, mathematical modeling.
Prokhorov Vladimir Timofeevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. YURGUES - Light industry.
Rozhdov Iosif Naumovich - Ph.D., Assoc. - Ecology.
Semenikhin Alexander Mikhailovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. ACHGAA - APK.
Sysoev Nikolai Ivanovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Engineering, problems of higher education.
Tretyak Alexander Yakovlevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. SRSTU (NPI) - Geology and mining.
Khuzmiev Izmail Kaurbekovich - Doctor of Economics, prof. North-Kavk. mining metal. in-t - Economics.
Chastikov Arkady Petrovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. KubGTU - Computing.
Shilov Viktor Andreevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. RSSU - Industrial Ecology.
Shoshiashvili Mikhail Elgudzhevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. - Automation, control, mathematical modeling.

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