What should I wear for a passport photo? Technique for creating the right make-up for ID photos. Legal requirements for a passport photo


When taking a photo for a Russian passport, one should take into account the numerous requirements for the location of the face, appearance, format. If the requirements are not met, the photo will be invalid and the citizen applying for a passport will go to redo it.

In order not to get into a mess, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary photo parameters in advance, which the passport office employees are unlikely to tell about.

Russian passport photo format

The size remains the same - 3.5 / 4.5 cm.

However, the following parameters are subject to verification:

  • it is permissible to be photographed only in full face, without tilting the head;
  • the photo is taken incorrectly if the oval of the face occupies less than 80% of the image;
  • special attention is paid to the position of the head in the photo: the width of its image should correspond to 1.8-2.5 cm, length - 3.2-3.6 cm;
  • there should be a free margin of 0.5 cm between the top edge of the photo and the image of the head;
  • the configuration of the face in the photo is also taken into account: the distance from the pupil to the pupil is at least 0.7 cm, from the base of the chin to the conditional line of the eyes - 1.2 cm;
  • the entire face should be in focus, including the hair and ears.

Consider: in Russia, you need to take care of the first passport photo earlier than in most countries of the former CIS, since they get it in the Russian Federation at the age of 14. In this regard, parents are advised to check the result of the work of the photo studio.

Russian passport - photo requirements

In addition to the requirements for location, proportions and "markup", there are also many others. They concern both the image of a citizen and the parameters provided by the work of a photo studio.

The background

An exclusively white background without inclusions or patterns is allowed. The common blue tint is not accepted.

Color spectrum

It is allowed to paste in a Russian passport not only a color, but also a black and white photo.

It all depends on the wishes of the citizen who draws up the document.

The photograph must be taken under studio lighting. Any effects are not allowed.

photo paper

You can print on both matte and glossy photo paper. The required density is 140-180 g / m 2.

Lomond paper is very popular for printing this kind of photo. The better the paper, the better the image will “lie down”.


It should be as clear as possible, with focus on the entire oval of the face.

Therefore, it is best to take photos in a professional photo studio, where sufficient lighting and the level of technology are provided. Although modern technologies allow you to take pictures at home with the help of a gadget.

Appearance (glasses, beard, hairstyle)

Compliance with the rules of appearance is a very important component.

What you need to know:

  1. People who constantly wear glasses cannot be photographed by removing them. But the glasses should not be tinted, because the color of the eyes is important. For the same reason, photography in colored lenses is unacceptable.
  2. No need to come up with an exotic hairstyle that makes a person unrecognizable! It should be as close to everyday life as possible. It is desirable that the ears are open. Hair should not cover the face. The same goes for bright makeup. For such a photo, it is better not to paint lips at all.
  3. A beard or mustache, if permanent, is allowed.


It is strictly forbidden to use for a passport a photograph in which the owner is depicted in a headdress.

An exception is possible only for citizens who do not remove their headgear for religious reasons.

But in this case, the face should be completely open.

Clothing Requirements

It is forbidden to be photographed in clothes by which one could recognize the type of activity (uniform, civilian clothes), especially if the logo of a certain organization is indicated.

Clothing also should not be too revealing, with a deep neckline. T-shirt is not the best the best way for photo.

How many photos do you need for a Russian passport

Two photographs are enough, which should not differ from each other. If the document was lost, three are enough.

The same amount is provided upon reaching the age when a photo change is required.

Take into account: the pasted image must be "fresh" so as not to distort the original data. There is no need to stock up on such photos in advance.

When to change the photo in the passport of Russia

According to national rules, the planned replacement of a photo is made twice in a lifetime:

  • 20 years;
  • 45 years.

Also, the replacement can be unscheduled: due to loss, change of sex, surname. In the last two cases, the old document must be returned before the new one is received.

Take note: if the application is submitted through the Public Services Portal, then an electronic version of the photo card is attached. It must meet certain parameters: format - jpg, resolution - from 600 dpi, size - up to 300 kb.

Passport photo price

Standard set of photos - 4 pcs. The photo studio will not produce a smaller number.

The average cost of such a kit is:

  • from 250 rub. in Moscow (a quick snapshot is 50-70 rubles more expensive);
  • about 100 r. outside the capital (with an overpayment for urgency up to 50 rubles).

In some photo studios, the cost of a photo reaches 1000 rubles. Everything depends on the quality. Recording an electronic version of a photo will cost 50-100 rubles, a printout - from 150 rubles. Therefore, in self-manufacturing photography is more of a risk than a benefit.

Is it time to change your passport photo? Then carefully read what makeup for a passport photo should be done so that the result will please you. After all, this important document will serve you for decades! And every time you are required to show your passport, you will have a great mood!

  • Use only mattifying tonal products. Shiny components will be too visible under bright flash. The skin will look oily.
  • Forget about bright colored eye shadows. Use neutral shades: beige, milky, gray, black. You can add a little beige and dark brown.

  • Make contouring, taking into account the features of the face. Darken the cheekbones, chin from the sides. If by nature your nose is too wide, then you should correct it with dark powder.
  • Can make more expressive makeup for ID photos than you are used to using in everyday life. The spotlight will "eat" part of the make-up!

Proper makeup for a passport photo step by step

  • Apply a quality foundation. Experts use tonal products marked HD, which are specifically recommended for photo and video shooting. Do not skip a single part of the face, apply the foundation to the neck. Blend the product well at the hairline, near the ears, so that the borders of the foundation overlay are not visible.

Read also: Makeup tutorials for brown eyes and red hair

  • Conceal dark circles under the eyes, redness, unevenness with concealer. With a bright flash, all skin imperfections will be much more noticeable, keep this in mind. If you are taking photos in good salon, then the master will remove a pimple that has accidentally appeared without a reminder. But take care of the perfect skin color yourself.
  • Pick up matte powder on the brush. Treat the entire face without skipping a millimeter, including the neck area. This will remove excess oiliness of the skin, which can suddenly “shine” in the photo. Don't apply too much powder so that your face doesn't turn into a mask.

  • Facial contouring will help visually improve the shape of the face. Professionals do this by darkening the cheekbones and sides of the chin.
  • Draw eyebrows with a pencil or shadows. This step is very important to achieve clarity in the photo. Use a color close to the natural shade of the eyebrows. Do not overdo it with selection, otherwise the face will look unnatural.
  • As a base, apply beige or light milky shadows to the upper mobile eyelid. Then highlight the creases of the eyelids with brown. Give up purple, lilac, green, blue shadows, even if they really suit you. And no mother of pearl!
  • Draw a thin black line along the lash line using a pencil. Make the upper eyelid more expressive and highlight the lower one a little. But it is not recommended to go beyond the outer corner so as not to achieve the effect of narrow eyes.

The need to take photographs for a civil internal passport in Russian Federation most often occurs during the period of obtaining or replacing a document - obtaining the first passport at the age of 14 or a second document in case of loss of the previous one, as well as when the owner of the document reaches 21 or 45 years of age.

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But the listed reasons are not the only ones - it is also possible to replace the image after changing the name or surname, after a cardinal surgical intervention in the face area, and so on.

Basic prescriptions

A front-facing photograph of a person's face is a key part of the passport. The picture should show the highest degree of certainty about the appearance of the owner of the document.

Requirements used in documents:

The background must be completely white. The presence of spots, stripes and other foreign objects or backgrounds is categorically excluded
The person's face should express absolute calm Even a slight smile is excluded - lips must be closed
Eyelids on the eyes should be fixed in a natural position Don't open your eyes too wide, but don't squint either.
On the final picture The width between the pupils of the posing person must be at least 0.7 cm
Distance from the conditional line of the eyes to the end of the chin Should not be less than 1.2 cm
The dimensions of the head in the photo must fit into the following parameters Length in the range from 3.2 to 3.6 cm, and width - from 1.8 to 2.5 cm
The head cannot border on the edge of the picture in the picture On the sides and top, the allowable distance is at least 0.5 cm
Face image area Cannot be less than 80% of the entire photo
For people who constantly wear glasses for health reasons, is done with them The only thing in the original picture is to try to avoid glass glare
The presence of a headdress is prohibited An exception is possible only for Muslims, provided that the face is as open as possible.
Long hair cannot cover the face They should be removed
All parts of the face (even the ears) must be in focus, and the image Preferably in high definition

Snapshot Requirements

The main requirement is its size. For pictures on an internal passport for all citizens of the Russian Federation, a single parameter is set - 4.5 cm by 3.5 cm (height and width, respectively).

Under control are not only the dimensions, but also the type of printed paper - its thickness should not exceed 0.3 mm.

The quality of the photo card cannot be in question - the main element of the document must be perfect.

It is absolutely not allowed to have fuzzy fragments, glare zones or other interference, it is impossible or to provide it in a wrinkled form.

Otherwise, the photo will not be accepted. The image in the picture should convey the face of a person in everyday life as much as possible.

Important! Today, the submission of documents for obtaining a passport takes place in two ways - personally to the department of the Federal Migration Service with a package of necessary papers (including photographs) or using the Internet services of the State Services.

In the latter case, you need to fill out an electronic application and attach (upload to the site) scanned copies of all proposed documents, as well as a photo in digital format.

The requirements for such photographs are as follows:

  • JPG format;
  • image size no more than 300 KB.

How much do services cost in Russia

If there is no picture, various photo studios will help to take it. Printing images usually takes several hours.

You can ask to provide photos on various media in electronic format. But you will have to pay extra for such a service.

But in recent times, with the progress of various gadgets, taking a photo at home is also not difficult. The only thing you need is to fulfill all the conditions for the final result.

But still, it is better to order a high-quality photo from professionals. Prices for their services can be very different, it all depends on the following measures:

Independent work

As mentioned earlier, the technical capabilities of modernity allow any PC user to make good shots on the passport at home.

This will require:

  1. Camera or phone with high quality and resolution camera.
  2. Good natural light, as close as possible to studio lighting. We recommend that you do not take pictures in the evening.
  3. A suitable background can be a smooth white wall, a stretched sheet or a piece of drawing paper. For more advanced users, photo processing with a background change will be an excellent way out.
  4. It is recommended to take several shots to select the most successful frame.
  5. The finished picture can be printed or downloaded on the State Services website.
  6. With the help of special programs, you can resize to the desired size, edit a little face. It is forbidden to change the size of individual parts of the head or facial features.
  7. The location of the camera should be at eye level. A great option would be to use a tripod. The recommended distance between the technique and the model should be between 2 and 5 meters.

Rules for a good photo

To get a good photo, you need not only high-quality equipment and specialists, but also the excellent mood of the model itself, its appearance, and so on.

  1. Photographs should be taken in a good and relaxed way. Before contacting the atelier, try to practice in front of a mirror.
  2. It doesn't hurt to get a good night's sleep before visiting the studio. Bags under the eyes and fatigue will spoil your features and the photo will not come out.
  3. Makeup is best used as natural as possible.
  4. It is not recommended to make the hairstyle too lush or tightly tie the hair at the back of the head.
  5. Try not to cut your hair 1-2 weeks before the photo session. An unsuccessful haircut will remain in the photo for a long time.
  6. Female representatives are advised to use jewelry to a minimum.
  7. Clothing should be clean, free of pilling and wrinkled parts.
  8. The best option would be a business style in clothes. Sports style and the presence of flashy elements are not recommended.

How many pieces do you need to replace a document

During the document replacement period, the use of photographs that reflect the real age and appearance person.

It is not allowed to use a photo that was taken several years ago - passport offices will not accept such pictures.

It is necessary to take pictures on the most important personal document immediately before the submission of the general package of documents and the corresponding application.

Video: how to do it with Photoshop

The number of photographs for replacing a passport is indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/08/1997 No. 828 - the state act regulates that a citizen of the Russian Federation will need 2 photographs to apply.

When changing the method of shooting for documents from analog to digital photography, the photo studio did not immediately learn how to correctly cope with the display of the white color of clothing in the resulting photo images. In pursuit of additional features photo processing, white clothes lost their appearance - merged with the background, the structure of the fabric disappeared, and much more. Increasingly, in the photo studio one could see a warning that they were not photographed in white clothes. From this, a fairly strong conviction has developed that it is impossible to be photographed in white! Is it really?

If you are assured of the above, I would advise you to at least think about the professionalism of the photographer, the quality of the services provided and look for another photo. It is possible and even necessary to be photographed in white clothes. I will not describe the technical side of working with the original image, I will only focus on the fact that the structure of the fabric should remain unchanged, and be sure to be slightly darker than the background of the photo. This is the task of the photographer. A photo with combined elements of clothing will always look decent as well.

Hairstyle and ID photo

A lush, voluminous hairstyle may not look bad in photographs where there are no clear mandatory requirements. For example 3x4, 4x6 or 3.5x4.5, no additional requirements. If we are faced with the task of taking a photo for a Russian passport, a visa, where the manufacturing rules are strictly regulated by the instructions, then it is better to refuse this.
Hair should be styled so that the hairstyle is not affected by the edges of the final photo. As a rule, the size of the face in these cases should be within 70-80% of the total area of ​​the photo - that is, the face is close-up (32-36 millimeters from the top of the head to the chin). It's funny and ridiculous when all beauty looks like a rectangle filled with hair. It is also necessary to take into account that modern way making a photo for documents involves the complete removal of the background, which may also not correctly affect the hairstyle.

Tie and ID photo

Just as in the case of a voluminous hairstyle, a man's tie will not be appropriate in all cases. In most cases, according to the requirements of the visa centers and the migration service, we are again faced with the format 3.5x4.5, while a large face - 70-80% is mandatory. On passports and visas, the tie is "cut" in half near the knot - not very nice. And in photographs for a passport application, service certificates, certificates and driver's licenses, a tie will serve as a good addition and emphasize the respectability of the photo bearer.

Glasses and ID photo

If a person constantly wears glasses, he cannot imagine his image in a photograph without them. This is an important accessory that can significantly change the appearance. How to take pictures with or without glasses? Here the choice is yours. But do not forget that if you are wearing glasses in the photo, and then change the frame or suddenly forget them at home, lose or break them, you are a completely different person in the eyes of others. Taking a photo without glasses, you get an undeniable advantage - taking off and putting on any glasses is easier than changing a photo in a document.

Jewelry in the photo and perfumery

Decorations that emphasize your individuality and well-being are best left for meetings with friends. They are clearly useless, and sometimes simply out of place when photographing for documents. The photo in the document, first of all, is designed to identify your personality. Employee customs control or a traffic police inspector, is unlikely to appreciate this beauty, and when making a photograph, this can complicate the work and increase the preparation time for printing. Abundant use of your favorite perfume at the mirror, just before shooting, does not affect the quality of the photograph, but can seriously impair the coordination of the photographer's movement and make him temporarily incapacitated (Joke) - smells in the photo studio do not disappear for a long time.

The first thing to pay special attention to is the presence Have a good mood - the most important factor and the key to a successful photo shoot. If you do not like yourself, this will only aggravate the negative result of photographing and this moment will remain in your memory for a long time and on the main page of your passport or other document. Do not take pictures on the last day of submission of documents. With us you can always take a photo for free in advance and later, use the archive.
The best option in choosing a wardrobe for a photo for documents is clothing that contrasts with the background. The presence of both dark elements and elements of light tones. The shoulders of women are covered with clothes or at least fragments of a hairstyle. The hair is styled, the makeup is thought out in advance (you should not use foundation on the face to even out the color, if the neck remains unchanged - it will be easier for the photographer to work with the color in the complex and the result will be much better). The face is as open as possible. Minimum embellishment.
The photographer is required - acceptable, really necessary retouching. Light correction of hairstyles and alignment of shoulders, retouching of temporary skin imperfections. For hair styling and hair care, it is better to use a hairdresser. Photo Shop (Adobe Photoshop) is a graphic editor, it has other goals and objectives.
The time allotted for making a photo for documents, as a rule, is from 5 to 10 minutes. If you are in a hurry and ask to take photos as soon as possible, constantly asking about readiness, it is better to immediately discuss with the master that it is absolutely not important for you how you will look and this will greatly simplify the task. The principle of "fast and good" does not work here.
As a result, you received the coveted set of photos, but this is not exactly what you wanted to see - it means that today is not the best day for photographing, or you made a mistake in choosing a photographer. You have the right not to pay for the service and ask for a refund. Please note that in Photos that value their reputation, they will never take money in advance and treat this with understanding. Based on the above, we can highlight the most important: Naturalness is the main trump card of any photo.

From the author, off topic

It is not respectable for men to ask the photographer to make him prettier and shave his three-day stubble. Put on a jacket with a tie or a uniform, remove the third chin ... Photographers should not discredit the profession of a photographer by providing dubious and low-quality services. Recently, more and more often a trip to the photographer is practiced "from the plow" and in a kosovorotka, if you want to see yourself in the photo - a noble prince.

The need to be photographed on a new internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, arises when the age of replacement of the document is reached - that is, 21 and 45 years old. But you can also replace the photo in case of cardinal changes in appearance.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Each document has a number of requirements for a citizen's photograph. So, for example, photos on the internal and foreign passports have excellent card sizes. To take a photo for an internal passport, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the law and take into account other important factors, which will be discussed below.

Basic prescriptions

A photograph of a citizen is part of an identity document. The picture should display the most reliable information about the external data of a person.

What should be the photo:

  • White background. Various kinds of stripes or spots are excluded.
  • Calm expression, no smile, lips closed.
  • Eyes should not be half closed or closed.
  • The color rendition of the picture can be both black and white and color at the discretion of the posing person.
  • The distance between the pupils in the final image must exceed the size of 7 mm.
  • From the end of the chin to the line of the eyes, drawn conditionally, horizontally, there should be no less than 12 mm.
  • The length of the head should not exceed the range from 32 to 36 mm. For width, parameters from 18 mm to 25 mm are acceptable.
  • The head in the picture should not rest against the edge of the photo - there should be 5 mm or more above the top end point of the head.
  • The citizen's face must occupy at least 80% of the card space.
  • The photo is taken from the front.
  • It is not allowed to be photographed in colored lenses.
  • For people who constantly wear glasses, you should not remove them during the shooting process. Avoid colored glasses - they should be transparent. It is forbidden to shoot tinted windows. Glare due to glasses should be avoided in the printed image.
  • It is forbidden to be photographed in uniform or corporate with the image of the company logo.
  • Headgear is removed during shooting. The exception is persons professing the Muslim faith - they are allowed to take pictures in hijabs. But the hijab should not distort the natural oval of the face.
  • Hair should not cover the oval of the face.
  • The entire image must be sharp and in focus - defocused parts of the face, including ears, are prohibited.

The size

For photos on the internal passport for all citizens, a single size is established. It should measure 4.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide.

Where to take a photo and how much the services cost

To date, photo studios have flooded the market with offers - there are many options where a person can quickly and efficiently get pictures for a passport.

Prices for photo studio services may vary according to the following criteria:

  1. Location - many studios are forced to choose not very fashionable places due to the high cost of rent. For example, ground floors shopping centers, small premises in points remote from the city center.
  2. The speed of the service. Previously, most often the photos were taken in 2-3 days. Now many companies are ready to take an “urgent” photo, however, the price will be higher.
  3. Retouch. So far, the use of light retouching of images is not very common, but some photo studios win customers in this way.

On average, prices in Moscow and the region are from 250 to 450 rubles for several photos. In the regions, the price is slightly lower. There you can pay for the services of a photographer and printing from 150 to 300 rubles.

Independent work

Technological progress today allows any computer user to take passport pictures themselves.

What should be considered to create a good quality picture, not worse than a professional one in a photo studio?

  1. A camera or phone with a good camera. The picture must be of high quality;
  2. Good lighting. It should be as close as possible to the studio light. Do not take pictures in the evening under artificial lighting;
  3. A white wall as a background or a tightly stretched white sheet, whatman paper. Another way is to replace the background in the program when processing a photo;
  4. Take a few shots to choose the most successful shot from the computer;
  5. The photo taken can be either printed on a printer or downloaded through public services in electronic format;
  6. Look at the resulting pictures - there should be no shadows, no rays of the sun passing along the oval of the face or neck;
  7. In special programs for creating passport photos, you can adjust the desired size of the photo. An alternative to specialized applications is Photoshop. But you should carefully retouch the pictures without going too far with the changes. Usually it is enough to remove red eyes and acne. You can not change facial features - reduce the nose or increase the eyes, lips;
  8. The picture should not get any dark areas or, conversely, light spots. To do this, set the camera to a balanced shutter speed. For a photo in the studio, its value is always constant - 1/160;
  9. Position the camera more than two meters away from the model. But it should not exceed five meters;
  10. Place the camera at the model's eye level. It is best to use a tripod for fixation. This will eliminate possible distortions during shooting or hand tremors.
  11. When working in Photoshop and replacing the background, carefully select the figure and head of a person - if you accidentally cut off a piece of hair or capture a dark area, the photo will not look good. Perhaps you will be refused to accept it to the documents.

Rules for a good photo

A common situation is dissatisfaction among women with the resulting passport photo. A document often needs to be presented somewhere, and it is very frustrating when a completely unsightly picture flaunts there.

To avoid embarrassment when showing a document, you can prepare in advance to take a good photo.

  • Natural and relaxed look. Many people are embarrassed to behave naturally in front of the camera, so the picture turns out to be tense. Try to exhale air from yourself on the click of the shutter so that the body and facial expressions are not constrained. Don't close your lips. Practice in front of a mirror before shooting. Fix and remember the most appropriate facial expression. Try to repeat it while shooting.
  • Complete sleep. A sleepy body will repay with swelling on the face and drooping eyelids, redness of the eyes. Before shooting, sleep at least 8 hours in order to tone and complexion look as healthy and fresh as possible. Women can cover their face with a thin layer of foundation or makeup base to hide minor imperfections;
  • Avoid flashy makeup. Lips are advised not to paint at all. It is permissible to make up the maximum with a barely noticeable pencil or lipstick to match the natural shade;
  • Do not collect all the hair at the back of the head. This will create the effect of a "bald" head. Also avoid overly voluminous hairstyles. They will create the effect of a big head;
  • You should not cut your hair a couple of days before the shooting. In the event of an unsuccessful haircut, you will not turn out in the most advantageous light;
  • For eye makeup, you can use mascara or a soft pencil. Minor facial sculpting is allowed.

Requirements for a photo for a Russian passport on the Gosuslugi portal

With the creation of a public services website, many citizens can not only take a photo personally at home, but also submit documents without leaving their apartment. To do this, you just need to meet the requirements for uploading an electronic image.

The image format must be strictly JPEG. In addition to the desired aspect ratio, corresponding to the parameters of 3.5 * 4.5 cm, the file must be at least 200 kilobytes, but not exceed 500 kilobytes in weight.

For color rendition, you can use black and white - monochrome or color photograph as desired.

There are also requirements for permission. The uploaded file must be at least 450 dpi.

An unregistered user cannot upload a photo and apply for an internal Russian passport. The site provides a strict system of authorization and identification of a citizen - as in public institutions. Therefore, if a person has not used the services of the site before, you should study the functionality in advance and create a personal account on the site.

In the case when a Russian citizen does not submit an application directly to the Federal Migration Service or a multifunctional center, but resorts to the portal of public services, the photo image must be submitted in electronic format with the fulfillment of certain requirements.

Otherwise, the system will not accept the image, the user will not be able to upload the image, or if the standards for the photo are not met, established by law, the citizen will be denied the production of a passport at the stage of checking the compliance of the image with the established standards.

The requirements are enshrined at the legislative level and are reflected in paragraph 25 of the Administrative Regulations of the FMS of the Russian Federation, which certifies the identity of a Russian citizen. The regulation was approved on November 30, 2012 by order of the FMS of the Russian Federation, regulation number 391.

Failure to comply with the requirements of at least one of the established points entails a refusal to accept or replace officials identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

How to dress?

Few people realize how important it is to choose the right clothes for your ID photo.

Despite the fact that only the upper part of the clothing will be visible, for a successful photo, it should be selected in accordance with the following tips:

  • girls and women should avoid excessive amounts of jewelry and jewelry,
  • clothes should be without spools - studio light can unfavorably highlight this flaw;
  • do not forget to follow the condition of the clothes before shooting: stains, wrinkled fabric will spoil the picture;
  • it is most advantageous to dress in a strict office style, avoid sports style and trendy things, in a few years they will go out of fashion, and the photo in the passport will remain;
  • pastel colors are also suitable for passport photos; light shirts and dark jackets are recommended for men;
  • choose clothes in accordance with your color type, it should not distract attention from the face, be defiant or pretentious;
  • do not wear a jacket or blouse with a deep cut, low horizontal cut, such things will not fit into the frame, only bare shoulders will remain in the picture, which will create the effect of a naked body in the frame.
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