Accounting 8.3 retail. Tenders for corporate projects. Additional features and connected services


We propose to consider how the process of retail sales takes place in a non-automated outlet based on the program 1C 8.3 Accounting, edition 3.0.

A manual point of sale (HTT) is a facility retail, which does not have the ability to directly access the 1C database. This could be a retail store, kiosk, marketplace, or outreach.

Reflection of retail sales involves the creation of several related documents. This is:

    Receipt of goods.

    Price setting.


    Sale from a retail warehouse in NTT.

    Collection or receipt of proceeds.

Retail goods are sold from a retail warehouse. Where does it go by moving with wholesale warehouse. Let's first analyze the receipt of goods. This process is registered by the document "Receipt of goods and services". The following fields are filled in the header:

    Invoice No. - supplier's document number.

    Original received - check the box if the supplier has presented the original documents for the supply of goods.

    Number and date - are formed automatically in order.

    Organization - if one organization is registered in the accounting policy of the 1C program, then the field is filled in automatically or is absent. And if accounting is maintained, for example, remotely via 1C in the cloud for several organizations, then we select the required company from the directory.

    Warehouse - indicate which warehouse the consignment of goods falls to, is selected from the directory. As a rule, this is the "Main Warehouse" or "Wholesale Warehouse".

    A counterparty is a supplier organization. Choose from the directory of contractors or create a new one.

    Agreement - is substituted automatically after selecting a counterparty.

    Invoice for payment - selected from the journal, if it was previously issued. If not subscribed, then the field remains empty.

    Settlements - this item can be configured depending on the type of settlements with the counterparty. Just click on the link and specify the desired type.

    The consignor and consignee is a link, by clicking on which it is possible to specify or change information. It is used when the data differs from the declared ones.

    An item with VAT is displayed automatically based on the parameters entered in the counterparty card and accounting policy.

The tabular part of the document can be filled in any of the following ways:

    Through the "Add" button. Each product is individually selected from the nomenclature and the quantity is manually specified.

    Through the "Select" button. In this case, goods with the required quantity are selected from the nomenclature and transferred to the document in bulk.

After adding the product, if necessary, you can specify information in the columns "Custom declaration number" and "Country of origin".

After entering all the data, we check and carry out. If the supplier has provided an invoice, you must register it by entering the number and date in the appropriate field at the bottom of the document. The item has been credited. Now you need to set the price at which it will be sold. To do this, there is a special document "Setting item prices". It is located on the Warehouse menu tab. The document is filled out manually. The 1C program has the ability to massively set prices directly from the receipt document, which is very convenient and saves time. We go into the created document "Receipt of goods and services" and press the "Create based on" button. In the drop-down list, select the item "Set item prices". A form will open filled with basic data. All you need to do is select the price type in the corresponding field.

On the basis of the receipt, you can create several documents "Setting item prices" with different types of prices (if it is not possible to enter all the necessary types of prices).

The form has an item "Register zero prices". If the checkbox is checked, then it is better to uncheck it. Otherwise, for goods for which a new cost has not been established, a price with the value "0" will be registered. It is unacceptable.

You can correct the price value (increase or decrease by %) using the "Change" button. The cost of the goods is assigned, it can be moved to the outlet. It can be NTT or a trading floor. The process is formalized through a special document "Movement", the log with which is located on the menu tab "Warehouse". This is useful if you need to move a small number of positions. During a mass transfer, a “Movement” is usually formed from the receipt document through the “Create Based on” button. All filling takes place according to the document-base, it remains only to set the type of the recipient warehouse and manually enter the number of items to be moved.

Based on the receipt, you can create several Transfer documents to different warehouses. The quantity is edited manually. If you suddenly made a mistake and indicated more than what is in stock, the program will generate an error displaying the name of the product.

Now you can sell the goods. If sales are carried out from the “Trading Room” warehouse, then at the end of the working day, a “Retail Sales Report” is generated. Everything will be shown here goods sold. The report is created for the warehouse, which you need to select yourself, reflecting the revenue:

Fields to be filled in:

    Warehouse – for which warehouse the report is generated.

    DDS article - it is necessary to indicate “Arrival Money retail revenue.

    Cash account - an account for which revenue is recorded.

If necessary, you can enter the "Account Account" and the Income Account, if not automatically substituted, and subconto.

To report retail sales at a manual outlet, you must first take inventory. We go to the menu tab "Warehouse" and select the item "Inventory of goods". The document header indicates the warehouse and organization. Adding goods in bulk is carried out through the "Fill" button. From the drop-down list, select "Fill with inventory balances". The tabular section will display the entire nomenclature that is listed in the specified warehouse. After recounting the goods, the existing balance is entered in the column "Actual Quantity". The column "Deviation" will reflect the amount of goods sold.

After the inventory, directly from the document, through the "Create Based on" button, we form the "Sales Report". But the report will not be carried out until the receipt of revenue is registered in 1C. To do this, go to the menu tab "Bank and cash desk" and form the document "Cash receipt".

Fill in the fields:

    The type of operation is retail sales.

    Warehouse – which warehouse was used for sales.

    Amount - the amount of revenue.

    In the tabular section, add a line indicating the amount of payment and the article DDS.

We carry out the document. After that, we return to the sales report and post it.

In this video collection, I will try to create a truly simple and understandable tutorial for beginners to master the program. Each video lesson will cover a specific topic: from the initial acquaintance with the program to the submission of tax returns.

By the way! Our experts have worked hard to write a large number of step by step instructions according to the program 1C Accounting -.

I will start, perhaps, with personal experience and give a couple of tips on how to quickly learn the program and not get lost in it.

It's always scary to start working right away with real company data in a real database. And this fear is justified - pressing a couple of extra buttons can lead to the destruction of data for many years, the cancellation of days off for the next month or two. Yes, and the nerves are not superfluous.

The usual empty base 1C Accounting will help to overcome fear and become more self-confident (on how to create it). For a beginner, before working in the "live 1C database", it is simply necessary to go through all the operations from A to Z: set up the program, create a new organization, get contractors, accounts, sales, calculate the cost, close the month, prepare reports, etc.

You will face many problems, during the solution of which you will begin to understand the program. Most importantly, you will understand the full relationship between clicking "some checkmark" and the result in the reporting. But when you click “this tick” at the beginning of the quarter, then, of course, you won’t remember it at the end of the quarter. ( Of course, the description of all the parameters of the program is in the literature, but what kind of our compatriot reads the instructions? 🙂)

If you have already completed such a “young fighter course”, then do not delete your training base, but keep it always at hand. You can always build a test case and check how the program behaves in one case or another.

It can be very useful to create a copy of the working base and train on it. Believe me, many Accountants with even 20 years of experience with 1C put experiments on test bases before important procedures.

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In this article, we will consider the basic settings and directories that must be filled out for retail sales in the 1C Retail program, edition 2.2

So let's get started. Let's start setting up 1C Retail 8.3 from scratch by filling in information about the organization on behalf of which documents will be drawn up. Section Administration → Organizations and finances → List of organizations. We create a new element of this directory and fill in the information: accounting information, responsible persons (along the way, you will have to add them to the directory Individuals) and contact details.

If you plan to keep records of several organizations in the database, then you will need to check the Several organizations checkbox and create a separate card for each.

Let's set up the price types that will be used when running the store (Marketing → Price types). For example, the purchase prices of goods and materials and the selling prices for retail sales.

The next step in setting up 1C Retail 8.3 from scratch is to add information about retail store(NSI →Shops). We enter information about the warehouses that are in the store and the pricing rules, the types of prices entered at the previous stage will come in handy here.

Now he will move on to adding users and assigning them rights to work with the database (Administration → Users). Since the first user is automatically added to the administrators group with full rights, you must first add the system administrator, and then you can enter the rest of the organization's employees who will work with the database.

To assign rights to these users, we create access groups by selecting the access group profiles already configured in the system (it is in the profiles that the rights to work with the database are indicated) and adding the corresponding users as members of the group.

When setting up 1C Retail 8.3 from scratch, the obligatory step is to connect the workplace equipment (Administration → Connected equipment). Set the flag Use connected equipment and follow the link.

Here we add the equipment that will be installed in your store. Select Type and fill in the basic information. By clicking the Configure button, we go to the window for filling in the parameters. By default, they are already installed, you can simply check them and do a Device Test. If you do not have a device driver installed, the system will prompt you to install it.

All equipment is configured in the same way.

Next, we proceed to fill in the list of goods. Preliminarily check and set the parameters for accounting for the item you need - characteristics, series, packaging. They are located in the Administration → Item settings section. Next, in the NSI section, enter the Item types that you plan to use and set the accounting parameters in them. And only after that we proceed directly to filling out the Nomenclature reference book (it is also located in the NSI section). To begin with, you can enter only those items that are in stock balances, the rest can be entered as needed. Here you can create separate groups for your convenience.

New positions are added using the Create command. After selecting the item type, some of the fields will be filled in automatically, you will need to fill in the rest of the details manually. To enter additional data on goods and materials (characteristics, barcodes, packages), go to the appropriate reference using the Go command.

Please note that if you are planning to keep records of alcoholic beverages, then additional system settings will be required, including you will need to compare the nomenclature reference book with EGAIS data, for more information on this issue, see the article Organization of work and setting up EGAIS in 1C Retail 2.2

Next, we indicate the cost of the introduced goods, this is done in the Marketing → Item prices section. In the new price setting document, you must assign a cost to items in the Nomenclature directory by price type.

After that, you can start entering the balance of goods in warehouses (Warehouse → Posting goods). We create new document, specify the posting warehouse and fill in the list and prices of goods that are already stored in the warehouse.

Same on initial stage you can make the main suppliers. You can add them in the NSI → Counterparties section. You can fill in the information using the Fill in by TIN command.

Having made all these settings and entered the specified data, you can already start working in the store, but we will also focus on the interface of the cashier's workplace (Sales → RCC Settings). Here you can set the quick products panel, hotkeys, appearance RMK, etc.

Programs 1C: Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) are designed to establish business processes for enterprises that have a dispersed retail network of stores. 1C Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) can be used both to set up work in the stores themselves, which have a large number of jobs, and in the form of cash register programs.

What do you need to know in order to start working in the 1C Enterprise Retail program? The first thing to do is to create users. We assign a specific set of rights to each user, which are defined by "roles". The same user may have several such "roles" (in addition, different users may have the same "roles"). The rights for all system participants are assigned by the administrator.

How to do it? (see table below)

In the "Enterprise" mode, new users are added to the directory with the same name, and roles are assigned to them through the creation of groups (subgroups) of user access.

For example, you can create the following access groups for users: administrators, sales managers, cashiers, accountants. After that, each of the participants can be assigned their own access group. This is indicated in the "Users" directory, the "Access rights" tab.

In order for the store to start functioning successfully, it is necessary to enter all the information - about the structure, about the employees who work in the store, about all the goods that are sold in this store, as well as about the balance of funds available at the checkout. All rights in these categories are only in the introduction of the administrator, he must make changes. Information about employees must be entered in the directory "Individuals", and information about organizations - in the corresponding tab of the directory 1C: enterprise Retail. The guide itself is available in the "Regulatory and reference information" section.

In the card for the company, we must enter the following data - the abbreviated and full name, codes - TIN and KPP, indicate the responsible persons, as well as addresses and telephone numbers. Bank details, subordinate cash desks and other information about the organization can be filled in by clicking on the link.

After all these data have been filled in, you need to go to the tab from the "Stores" directory. Here you need to specify whether the store uses an order scheme or not (we will talk about this in more detail in the Purchasing article). All other details are filled in at the discretion of the user. If we need to create a store warehouse, then we can do this directly in the directory itself (see the example below).

The store is substituted automatically, it remains for us to select the type of warehouse and the name.

There are two types of warehouse available in the system:

1. Warehouse - through this type of warehouse, wholesale goods to a specific buyer ( legal entity). Retail sales are not included.

2. Trading floor - a warehouse from which the retail sale of goods is carried out. A store can have as many warehouses of this type as desired.

As we already mentioned above, 1C: Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) programs can also be used as cash programs. The Retail configuration uses two types of cash registers:

· Operating cash desk, in which the organization's funds are stored. Cash proceeds are transferred to this cash desk from those cash desks that serve trading floors, cash desks of KKM.

· Cash register (KKM). KKM cash registers are designed to register funds received from a retail buyer.

KMM cash desk can be of different types - fiscal registrar or ASPD, KKM without connecting equipment and KKM Offline. Any checkout must be linked to the store.

And finally, let's figure out how to properly set up one of the most important things of the 1C Retail program - goods. The list of names and main characteristics of the goods is stored in the "Nomenclature" directory (which we will talk about in more detail a little later).

First you need to enter information about the initial balances of goods in warehouses (entered using the document "Goods receipt", which, in turn, is located in the "Warehouse" section). The table contains information about the goods that are in stock, their characteristics, quantity and purchase price (see the example in the table below).

In order not to enter the nomenclature, counterparties and balances manually, we can offer to use processing for loading information from both 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Small Business Management (UNF), 1C: Trade Management (UT), and from various files, e.g. xls, xml.

So, we have considered the general initial settings for 1C Retail. The rest of the settings in the 1C Retail program can be found in our other articles.

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Among the variety of software products for economic and accounting purposes, presented today on the domestic market, the 1C program is one of the confident leaders. Thanks to such qualities as functional elasticity, adaptability to legal requirements, ease of use, the possibility of flexible settings, etc., it is gaining more and more users. It is known that the most demanded in the labor market are specialists who are fluent in the skills of working with the 1C program, so familiarity with it is one of the important conditions for successful professional activity.

The version of the program "1C: Retail 8.2", the description of which we offer to the reader, is one of the latest standard solutions of the 1C company. This configuration, in comparison with analogues available on the market, is a qualitatively new product that allows solving a variety of tasks: keeping records of retail sales, building analytical reports, maintaining commodity records, and generating primary documentation. The program has a number of useful functions that greatly facilitate the work and meet the most stringent and current requirements of today.


It is possible that in the process of studying the program, the reader will find some discrepancy between the contents of this book and what he sees on the monitor screen - after all, the 1C program is constantly being improved and refined (the book considers edition But in any case, these discrepancies will be unprincipled.

In this book, we propose to complete a comprehensive training course for working with the 1C: Retail 8.2 program using 50 lessons divided into thematic chapters. As you study each chapter, the reader will fully master the relevant techniques and methods of working with the program.

Chapter 1
Acquaintance with the program and preparing it for work

In this chapter, we will learn about the functionality of the program, consider how it is launched, creating an infobase, and pre-configuring. These are the main steps that precede the actual operation. standard solution.

LESSON 1. Purpose and functionality of the program "1C: Retail 8.2"

The standard solution "1C: Retail 8.2" is designed to automate the business processes of retail outlets(stores), which may be part of a distributed retail network of a trading enterprise. This program allows you to automate the accounting of inventory in store warehouses and cash accounting at the cash desks of retail outlets (shops).

Functionality of the typical solution under consideration provide for the automation of the following operations.

♦ Registration of the arrival of inventory items from the counterparty to the warehouses of the store.

♦ Registration of the sale of goods and services to customers.

♦ Registration of the internal movement of inventory items between stores, internal warehouses of stores, stores and warehouses of a trading enterprise.

♦ Trade in sets of goods, created both at the time of the sale of the goods, and with pre-sale preparation of the set.

♦ Registration of returns of goods from buyers, while the mechanisms for automatic creation of the necessary documents are implemented when returning after the closing of the cash register shift in the cashier's workplace mode.

♦ Carrying out and registration of the results of the inventory of inventory items.

♦ Registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders directly in stores.

♦ Registration of documents for the movement of funds between stores, internal cash desks of stores, shops and cash desks of a trading enterprise.

♦ Registration of sales receipts and upon completion of the change of the summary report on cash register, subject to returned goods per shift.

♦ Working with acquiring systems, accounting for payments for goods by payment cards, accounting for acquiring agreements and conditions for the return/non-return of the trade concession by the acquirer when returning goods; work with bank loans.

♦ Possibility to use percentage discounts on discount cards (fixed and cumulative discounts), discounts divided by stores, discounts for counterparties, discounts on the amount of the check, discounts on the validity period, on the quantity of goods, on the type of payment.

♦ Support commercial equipment: fiscal registrars, data collection terminals, barcode scanners, electronic scales, customer displays, acquiring systems, magnetic card readers.

A characteristic feature of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration is that it records trading operations in one currency - in rubles.

LESSON 2. Launching the applied solution and selecting an infobase

After completing the installation of the program in the menu Start its program group will be created. The command to run the program is 1C Enterprise. For convenience, it is recommended to display the launch shortcut on the desktop using the standard operating system tools for this.

When the program starts, the window shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Program launch

In this window, you select the required mode of operation, as well as the infobase. The 1C program can function in two modes - 1C:Enterprise and Configurator, the choice of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in this window. We will learn more about what each mode of operation of the 1C program is, later, when going through the corresponding lesson.

The list of infobases is presented in the central part of the program launch window. At the first launch of the program, this list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new ones to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases - how to do this will be described later.

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first, you need to select the infobase in the launch window, then click the button 1C:Enterprise or Configurator- depending on the mode in which you want to run the program.

LESSON 3. Operating modes 1C: Enterprise and Configurator

As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C:Enterprise and Configurator. The required mode is selected by pressing the appropriate button in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1).

Mode 1C:Enterprise- this is the mode of operation of the program in accordance with its intended purpose. In other words, it is in the mode 1C:Enterprise users of the program work (accountants, salespeople, managers, warehouse workers, etc.).

As for the mode Configurator, then it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here, configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the type and content of the printed form of documents are determined, and a number of other actions are performed to set up and configure the system. In most cases with Configurator the administrator works, because it requires specific knowledge.

In this book, we will not consider the issues of configuring the program - a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently make changes to Configurator: its unskilled editing can violate the integrity of the data, and indeed lead to unpredictable consequences.

Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the work mode 1C:Enterprise. The user can edit these parameters on his own (in this case, it is recommended to notify the system administrator), and we will learn how this is done when going through the corresponding lesson.

LESSON 4. Working with infobases (creating, selecting, deleting)

To start using the program, you need to create an information base when you first start it, in which all data will be stored and with which work will be carried out.

Infobases created on the basis of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration have the ability to work in the mode of distributed infobases with a clear division of workflow by stores, where information on all stores of the network is consolidated in the main node of distributed infobases. Mechanisms for automatic exchange initiation are provided.

Along with distributed infobases, the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration can automatically exchange data with the control information system(back-office) in duplex mode.

As a control system for the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration, the Trade Management configuration of edition 10.3 can be used. In the control system, you can create an unlimited number of "Retail" configuration nodes, which, in turn, can be the main nodes of a distributed infobase.

Mechanisms are provided for administering infobase users of remote nodes of a distributed infobase from the main node of the "1C: Retail 8.2" configuration by the system administrator. For example, in the main node of a distributed infobase, the system administrator can create (edit, assign roles, interfaces, reset password) an infobase user of the remote node, and he also has access to up-to-date information about the settings of infobase users (made in the Configurator or 1C:Enterprise) directly in the nodes of the distributed infobase.

To switch to the infobase creation mode, in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1) click the button Add As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. The first stage of adding an infobase

In this window, using the switch, you need to specify how the infobase should be created. If you are just starting to work with the 1C program, and no infobases have been created so far, you need to set the switch to the position Creation of a new infobase to form a new empty base for later work. The second option is designed to connect the previously created infobase.

To go to the next step, press the button Further. When creating a new infobase, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Choosing a method for creating an infobase

If you need to create an infobase based on an existing template (for example, based on a demo configuration), you need to set the switch to Creating an infobase from a template. In this case, a list of available configurations and templates will be displayed below, in which you need to select the required position with a mouse click and press the button Further.

If you select the second option (lower switch position), an infobase without configuration will be created. It will then be possible to connect the required configuration to it from the corresponding external file (this is done in the Configurator).

Rice. 1.4. Entering the name and location type of the infobase

In this window, in the field Specify the name of the infobase you need to enter an arbitrary name of the database to be created from the keyboard. Under this name, the infobase will subsequently be displayed in the list of infobases in the program launch window (see Figure 1.1).

Using the switch below, you need to specify where the created base will be located. In most cases, this is either a computer or a local network, so by default the switch is set to On this computer or on a computer on the local network. After pressing the button Further The window shown in Fig. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5. Path to infobase directory

This window specifies the path to the directory where the infobase files will be stored. On fig. 1.5 shows the path that the program suggests by default. To change it, click the select button at the end of this field. As a result, a window will open on the screen. Catalog selection, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, the required path is indicated (if necessary, you can create a new directory).

In field Language (Country) select the language of the infobase being created from the drop-down list. The default value for this field is Russian Russia).

The process of creating an infobase is completed by pressing the button in this window Ready.

To change the parameters of an infobase, in the launch window (see Fig. 1.1) select it with a mouse click and press the button Change and then make the necessary adjustments step by step.

Infobases are also deleted in the program launch window (see Fig. 1.1). To do this, select the database to be deleted with a mouse click and press the button Delete. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation.

Remember that for the operation of the program, you must have at least one infobase.

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