Big owl. White owl, habitat, nutrition, description, interesting facts, photos, videos, how an owl differs from an owl. The main differences from owls


Owl- predatory bird, whose life image is still not fully understood. A feathered predator of extraordinary beauty is inscribed in Red and today, experts believe that the probability of the complete disappearance of this species of birds is high.

When it is necessary to describe the habitats of the eagle owl, it is easier to immediately give an explanation that this one lives everywhere, but in the tundra, apparently, the climate does not suit her and therefore she does not settle there. But it feels great in deserts, in mountainous areas, forests and vast steppes.

Filina often called big owl and this is true because they are related species birds. Which this bird, how owl looks, what it eats and how it lives, you can talk endlessly, because this type of bird is unique and full of mysteries.

So, let's start the story with the fact that the owl reaches half a meter in size, although females can surpass males and their size is often 70-75 cm. The weight of the bird is small - 2.0-3.0 kg. But what is really impressive is the wingspan of the largest on the planet and it ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 m.

The color of the eagle owl, like many representatives of the fauna, depends on the habitat. There is, however, one interesting feature plumage coloration is a color that can be called camouflage. If an owl sits on a tree, then it is very difficult to distinguish it, because it literally merges with the color of the trunk.

The color of the eagle owl helps him to disguise himself against the background of trees.

It is extremely necessary to disguise an owl in life, because being nocturnal, during the day he would not have been able to sleep if nature had not taken care of the color. And all because the annoying, vociferous and other feathered relatives would circle all day long with a loud cry over the place where the owl settled down to rest.

It is no coincidence that the eagle owl won such attention from birds, and some species of birds simply hate him, because, being a predator, he often prefers to catch them and eat them for lunch, which, of course, he does not like.

So they arrange a hubbub if they suddenly see an eagle owl in broad daylight, so they warn their relatives to bypass the place indicated by the cry. Returning to the description of the color, it should be noted that it can be different - golden with dark speckles, reddish with multiple patches of black and brown. The belly of the bird and the sides have a complex and interesting ornament.

The real decoration of the eagle owl is its huge eyes, like moon saucers, and funny little ears on the very top of the head, although these processes, covered with soft feathers, have nothing to do with the auditory organs. Very well conveys the above verbal description owl photo.

The eagle owl has strong claws bent down and massive paws, thanks to this prey caught in the claws of a predator, there is not a single chance to escape. In addition, the claws are sharp, like a scalpel, and can reach the important organs of the prey, which causes the victim to lose the ability to resist.

The flight of the eagle owl is beautiful and almost silent. When the bird soars in the air, the huge wings literally cut the air. To begin with, the eagle owl picks up speed with a few strokes, and then soars evenly and for a long time, carefully examining the terrain and prey.

The nature and lifestyle of the owl

The owl prefers to live in splendid isolation. True, sometimes a female and a male can be neighbors, but each of them has their own personal space and shelter. In addition, they also hunt alone.

The hunting grounds of the eagle owl are very extensive and sometimes they reach 20 square meters. km. Owlbird, which is called night hunter. He likes to fly around his possessions after sunset.

Pictured is a white owl

But during the day, the feathered predator sleeps off, hiding from the outside world in the dense branches of trees and shrubs, the root part of plants or in a rocky crevice located on the sunny side.

name owl migratory bird partly possible, and partly impossible, because she can fly in the winter, as well as at such times when food supplies run out in the area inhabited by the eagle owl. When the living conditions for the eagle owl are acceptable, he can live all his life in one place. Eagle owls make interesting cries, which people call differently - hooting, laughter, owl sobs.

Vote at birds who are called owls very powerful, lingering, and in response to them they can even respond in the silence of the night. Sometimes in the forest you can hear an extraordinary concert, when the hooting of an owl responds to the beat with the piercing howl of a she-wolf. Ornithologists have calculated that an eagle owl can hoot up to 1 thousand times a night and its roulades fall silent only with the approach of sunrise .

The wingspan of the largest eagle owl on the planet ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 m

In our country wintering we have owl likes to sing on frosty clear nights, however, when the air temperature drops below -5 ° C and there is no wind. By the way, people who decide buy an owl, should be aware of this ability.

It’s good if a person has a country villa and there the screams will not disturb the neighbors at night, but the residents of the high-rise building will certainly not thank the neighbor for the sleepless nights spent.

Eagle owl nutrition

The diet of the owl should be noted varied - small rodents, large species, various types of reptiles, and even. This bird also treats fish dishes favorably, and if it is possible to grab a fish from the surface of the water, then it deftly does it.

In nature, there is even a special species - a fish owl, and it is slightly larger in size than its fellow - an ordinary owl. The eagle owl often hunts for, and he is quite capable of dragging such birds as. The bird cannot eat so much meat at once, and therefore hides the remains in a secret place and, if necessary, flies to it and continues to feast.

Reproduction and lifespan of an owl

Once having met, the owls create a married couple and remain faithful until the end of their days. In early spring, the time for the mating season comes and after mating, the female builds a nest, but she does it herself, the male does not participate in the construction of the family nest. The usual view of the eagle owl's nest is a shallow hole right on the ground without any litter, which the female deftly equips, carefully ramming.

Pictured is an eagle owl with chicks

Of course, you can also find an eagle owl nest in a tree, but it will also not be equipped with soft bedding. The clutch is usually 3 rarely 4 milky eggs. The female must hatch the chicks for 30 days and all this time she does not leave the nest, and the male is engaged in preparing provisions at this time - a wonderful family idyll.

After birth, the chicks live in the parental nest for about a month. Three months later, the feathered crumbs, which by that time had already grown enough, fly out of the nest and go to free bread.

Maximum term The life of an owl in captivity can approach the mark of forty years. And in wild nature, where the living conditions are not so favorable, the life of this bird ends much earlier.

The eagle owl is listed in the Red Book, so scientists are seriously afraid that the mysterious feathered handsome man may be endangered.

The lifestyle of this bird of prey has not been fully explored. Eagle owl lives everywhere, except for the tundra. Its harsh climate, apparently, does not like the predator, which feels great in the mountains, forests and endless steppes.

The eagle owl belongs to the order of owls, so you can often hear it called a big owl. In size, the male eagle owl can reach 0.5 m. Females often grow up to 75 cm.

The weight of the eagle owl is relatively insignificant - only 2 or 3 kg. The wingspan is from one and a half to 1.8 m. The flight is almost silent. Making several strokes, the majestic owl picks up the speed it needs, and then soars above the ground for a long time, looking around the area in search of prey.

The color of the eagle owl depends on the area where this bird lives. However, the plumage of this beautiful predator has one interesting feature: the color of the feathers allows the eagle owl to disguise itself while sitting on a tree. It practically merges with the bark, and this allows the night hunter to sleep peacefully during the day.

If nature had not taken care of such a disguise for the eagle owl, he would have been pestered by the loud cry of crows and magpies. Such "popularity" of the eagle owl is not accidental. Being a predator, he is not averse to eating other representatives of birds.

That is why they make noise when they see their formidable enemy in the daytime. In this way, birds warn their relatives of the danger.

The color of the owl can be different - for example, golden with dark specks, red or ocher. The sides of the owl and its abdomen have a beautiful pattern.

Peculiar calling card eagle owl are its large eyes and feather ears, which are not actually organs of hearing.

This formidable predator has sharp and strong claws that are bent down. They do not leave the victim of an eagle owl a chance of salvation.

Owl lifestyle and character

The eagle owl cannot be called a "sociable" bird. He loves to live alone. Sometimes a female and a male can live next door, but each has a personal space.

These proud birds also hunt alone. Eagle owl land can reach 20 m2. He flies around them after sunset. During daylight hours, the eagle owl sleeps, climbing into the bushes or perching on a tree branch. The night hunter also likes to sleep in the crevices in the rock, well lit by the sun.

It is possible to call the Red Book predator a migratory bird only with a certain degree of conventionality. This bird makes flights in the event that food supplies run out in the inhabited area.

Also, the eagle owl can go in search of a favorable climate in a harsh winter. If the living conditions suit him, the eagle owl can live in one area throughout his life.

The eagle owl has a powerful and drawling voice, to which wolves sometimes respond. The ominous cries of this nocturnal bird are popularly called laughter, hoots or owl sobs. According to ornithologists, this amazing bird can hoot up to 1000 times per night.


The diet of a bird of prey includes rodents, birds, hares, reptiles, large insects. Even hedgehogs and squirrels come across in the claws of an owl!

The formidable hunter is not averse to feasting on fish. In nature, there is even a fish owl, which is larger than the ordinary one.

Usually the eagle owl settles in those places where it can get food in abundance. So he almost never goes hungry. In addition, he can hide the remains of meat in a kind of hiding place and continue his meal at another time.

It is not surprising that the owl manages to make such stocks, because its prey can be ten times larger than the hunter himself! He is not averse to attacking even a roe deer.

Reproduction and longevity

Terrible owls are very faithful birds. Having met, they create a family and remain devoted to each other all their lives. The mating season begins in the spring. After mating, the female proceeds to the arrangement of the nest. The male does not take part in this matter.

The eagle owl's nest is a small, carefully compacted hole right on the ground. There are also nests in trees. In both cases, soft bedding is missing.

The clutch is from two to five eggs. A caring female incubates the chicks for 30 days. During this period, the mother does not leave the nest, as the fox or wolf can attack the babies. The male eagle owl takes care of the food.

Month chicks do not leave the parental nest. After 2-3 months they are ready for small flights. Soon the chicks begin an independent life.

In captivity, an eagle owl can live up to forty years. Unfortunately, in the wild, the life of this mysterious handsome man can end much earlier.

Photo bird Eagle Owl

Most people consider everything that happens under the cover of night to be mysterious and mysterious. Animals and birds leading a nocturnal lifestyle were previously perceived as messengers of higher powers, and not always benevolent towards a person. Owls, like no other birds on our planet, are associated with many beliefs, legends, myths and signs.

Not knowing exactly where and how he lives, what the owl eats in the forest, people came up with the strangest versions that do not have real facts behind them. Based on legends and fiction, different peoples have formed a diametrically opposite attitude towards owls; some worshiped them as deities and called them winged cats, while others considered them the earthly embodiment of dark forces.

General biological characteristics of the species

Any of the representatives of owls belongs to the class of birds, the family of ordinary and barn owls, which are part of the order of owls. Depending on the species, the weight of these birds can vary from 120 g to 4.5 kg, and height - from 20 cm in a sparrow to 65 cm in a white snowy owl. Birds of this order are widespread in nature and live in almost all natural areas, where they are mostly nocturnal. Owls live for about 12-18 years.


All representatives of owls are quite similar and easy to remember due to such features as:

  • large heads;
  • large eyes surrounded by fan-shaped plumage;
  • vertical landing "column";
  • cere dotted with hair-like feathers.

Species living in Russia

On the territory of our country there are 17 species from the family of owls. Consider the most common of them, what they are, and also where and how the owl lives, what it prefers to eat.


The largest of all owls - the eagle owl (Bubo bubo) - prefers to live in dense forests, and in the 20th century, as such places disappeared, its population decreased significantly. It is distinguished by large orange or yellow eyes, as well as characteristic "ears" of feathers. Often these birds are confused with long-eared owls, but the latter are significantly inferior to eagle owls in size. Hedgehogs, rodents, hares, small and medium-sized birds - sparrows, ducks, capercaillie and black grouse - that's what owls of this species eat.

Polar (white) owl

It is also a rather large bird with a predominantly white plumage with dark feathers included, allowing good camouflage, with a round head and yellow eyes. It lives in the north of the European part of our country, in Siberia, but the largest number of these birds is noted in the tundra. The main food of an owl of this species is lemmings, but it will not refuse partridges and hares either. She simply swallows small prey, but crushes such inconvenient food as hedgehogs with her beak.

Great Gray Owl

One of the largest owls, whose body length can reach 80 cm, and the wingspan can reach up to 1.5 m. A feature of these birds is a black wedge-shaped spot under the beak, on the chin, which gave the name to this species. Its natural habitat is the taiga forests of Siberia and the Urals, however, due to the fact that it breeds remarkably well in nurseries, it can also be found today in the forests of central Russia. Various small rodents and small birds are what the owl eats in the forest.

short-eared owl

A medium-sized bird that lives in open spaces and hunts even during the day. It is found on all continents except Australia. You can meet her in the steppe regions, tundra, taiga. The main condition: there must be damp and swampy areas nearby. The diet includes small rodents, birds, insects, small snakes and even fish.

long-eared owl

The most common species in the forest and forest-steppe regions of North America and Eurasia. This is a rather small bird, quite comparable in size to a dove, but due to plumage it looks much larger. Her feather cover is variegated, with a predominance of reddish-brown flowers. This one got its name for the rather long "ears", which consist of long feathers. Answer the question about where he lives and hunts long-eared owl what it eats is quite simple. In Russia, she lives almost everywhere where there are forests, and it is quite possible to meet her in city parks and squares. She prefers to hunt at night and preferably in open areas. For hunting, she uses a perch - a tree, fence or pole, sitting on which she tracks down her prey. If in this way it is not possible to track down anyone, then the owl sets off to fly around its hunting grounds. Various - that's what owls of this species eat.

hawk owl

As the name implies, this bird is similar to a hawk, both in plumage color, eye color, and flight style. It differs in its appearance from all other representatives of owls. Her head is small, and her eyes are not as large as those of other species of owls. The plumage of the hawk owl is rigid and fits snugly to the body. She lives both in the north of Europe and Asia, and in North America. Prefers high-stemmed and This bird can live settled, but when conditions are unfavorable for it, it can also migrate. Its main diet is various rodents. Rats, shrews, lemmings and field mice are what the owl eats in the forest. The hawk owl can attack and eat various small birds such as tap dances, partridges, black grouse.

Little owl

A medium-sized bird with brownish-brown feathers and black eyes. A feature of this species is a more flattened head than other owls, as well as a blurred contour of the facial disc. This species prefers to live in the forest-steppe zone, but it also settles with pleasure in human buildings. Prey on various small rodents.

Rough-legged Owl

It belongs to small owls, its height does not exceed 20 cm. It lives both in coniferous and deciduous forests, preferring to remain unnoticed. Shrews, mice, insects and small birds are what the owl eats in the forest.

sparrow owl

This is the smallest representative of owls, slightly larger than an adult sparrow. His color is gray-brown, with many speckles, and his eyes are yellow. Just like the boreal owl, it prefers to live away from people and noise, in dense forests. It can hunt both at night and during the day. There is little information about him, since the sparrow owl is very secretive and it is almost impossible to establish observation of him.

Owls are different. There are big ones and small ones. Today we will talk about one of them. So, the owl bird, photo and description of this amazing owl.

The eagle owl is always associated among the people with wisdom. What is this mysterious nocturnal predator? There are 17 varieties of this animal in the world, five of which live in our country. In Russia, eagle owls are listed in the Red Book.

What does an owl look like?

Birds are often red or ocher in color. The owl's eyes are yellow. The body length of an adult individual reaches 60 - 70 centimeters, and an eagle owl can weigh about 3 kilograms. When flying, its wingspan is striking, it ranges from 150 to 180 centimeters. The plumage of the bird has a special structure, the flight of the eagle owl is silent, this feature is very important when hunting at night, because when everything in the forest falls asleep, even the smallest rustle can disrupt the hunt. Scientists involved in the study of these birds found that the average life expectancy of owls is approximately 20 years, but there have been cases when, while in captivity, the birds experienced this age threshold.

Owls are also famous for their ability to turn their heads: they can turn it as much as 270 degrees, i.e. practically make a complete turn of the head around the neck. This allows them to notice everything that happens around them. The eyes of an eagle owl are adapted to see even in the dark - well, is there really a chance to hide from such a sharp-sighted hunter?

Eagle owl habitats

Eagle owl prefers forests, steppes, mountains for his residence. And besides this, they can settle on rivers and lakes. True, they do not like very dense forests, because it is very difficult to hunt in them, especially at night. On the territory of Russia, the bird can be found in Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Komi Republic, Ulyanovsk and Saratov regions and some other regions. These birds lead a sedentary life.

What do owls eat

As mentioned above, owls are predator birds. Therefore, the basis of his diet is animal food. On the hunt, an owl can catch a mouse, a chipmunk, a ground squirrel or a marmot. In addition to terrestrial animals, the bird can catch and eat hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie. This bird can also eat insects and hedgehogs. If on his way, during a hunt, a pond comes across, then the owl will grab a frog or even a fish. It is very interesting to watch how the bird catches fish. Not reaching the pond about 250 meters, the predator lands on a branch of some tall tree and patiently waits for the fish to emerge from the water. Having waited for its goal, the owl swiftly flies up to the water and firmly clings to the carcass of prey with its sharp claws.

Mating season and breeding

Birds "marry" starting in January. To attract a female, the male eagle owl begins to sing. Fascinated by singing, the female sometimes joins herself, and now there are already two singers on the branch. After the mating season, the female eagle owl lays two to five eggs.

About a month after they hatch, the little chicks do not leave the nest. But already at 2 - 3 months, young eagle owls independently fly over short distances. Parents carefully guard the chicks, they are able to protect them from any enemies.

Listen to the voice of an owl

The offspring feeds up to a year, and sometimes more, from the beak of the parent. For a very long time, the chicks do not leave their native nest, and loving and caring parents do not rush them. Even when young chicks begin to live independently, separately from their parents, they still, from time to time, walk through the forest and whistle, hoping in this way to attract the attention of their mom and dad.

Who is capable of attacking an owl?

It is so inherent in nature that the eagle owl was left without natural enemies: not a single animal preys on an adult bird. But the chicks are in constant danger when the parents fly away for prey. Babies can be kidnapped

The largest owl of the living species. Large size, characteristic appearance and nocturnal lifestyle, loud voice made the eagle owl a hero, and sharply negative, of many terrible tales, legends and beliefs.


Russian name- owl
Latin name- Bubo bubo
English name- Eagle owl
Detachment- owls (Strigiformes)
Family- real owls (Striginae)

natural status

The range of the eagle owl is very extensive, but since this species cannot stand close proximity to humans, its numbers are declining in many parts of the range. This is also typical for a number of regions of Russia, therefore the eagle owl is included in the Red Book of Russia.

View and person

Although the real vital interests of a person and an eagle owl practically do not touch, for a long time they considered it harmful and dangerous and ruthlessly destroyed it, considering it a hunting competitor. Besides, appearance and the way of life of the eagle owl frightened people, especially the villagers. The mythical goblin, which terrifies people who get lost at night in the forest, with all its features strongly resembles an owl. And on the roof of the fabulous dwelling of Baba Yaga - a hut on chicken legs - it was the owl (along with the no less "terrible" raven) that was settled by the rich human imagination.

In fact, the eagle owl does not bring any real harm to a person, and does not pose a danger. But he himself suffers from a man. Thanks to active economic activity human, places favorable for the nesting of the eagle owl are lost, its food base is reduced. In addition, eagle owls die on the roads in collisions with cars and on high-voltage lines.
As a bird of prey, eagle owls are rarely used, although they can catch quite large game, but in the fight against gray crows for example, they are good helpers. It is known that all diurnal birds, and especially smart ravens, hate owls in general, and owls in particular. Therefore, seeing an owl openly sitting on the ground in the daytime, crows flock from all the surroundings to punish their enemy and repay him for nightly fears. That's where the hunters are waiting for them. True, in these cases, not a live owl, but a stuffed bird is most often used.


The range of the eagle owl covers most of Europe and North Asia: in the north - to the border of the forest, in the east - to Sakhalin and Japan, in the south - to North Africa, Arabia and South China. It inhabits forests, steppes and even deserts, rises to mountains up to 5000 m above sea level and feels good on the plains. Within the boundaries of a vast range, 12 subspecies are distinguished, quite clearly differing from each other in size and color.


The eagle owl is one of the largest owls, and its females are larger than males. The body length ranges from 65 to 71 cm, the wingspan is 155–175 cm, and the weight is 2.3–3.2 kg. Eagle owls living in the southern parts of the range are usually smaller than their more northern counterparts. The general tone of the plumage is yellowish-brown with large longitudinal markings and a transverse jet pattern of black. Like most species of owls, the microstructure of feathers forms a “fluffy” plumage surface, damping the noise created by air currents during flight, so the flight of eagle owls (like many other owls) is silent. Elongated tufts of feathers are clearly visible on the head - “ears” that birds can raise or lower, and large bright orange eyes. The facial disc (special feathers covering the front of the head) is poorly developed. The very mobile head of the eagle owl can rotate almost 3600.
The paws of the owls are powerful, feathered to the very claws. Like most forest owls, the eagle owl is characterized by werewolves, when one of the 3 fingers directed forward can be retracted to the side and back. Thus, at some point, the paw of an owl becomes similar to the paw of parrots, in which 2 fingers are directed forward and 2 back. This makes it easier for birds to move along the branches of trees, and also helps to grasp prey more dexterously and quickly.

Lifestyle and social organization

Like most owls, the activity of the eagle owl is twilight and nocturnal. During the daytime, he prefers to wait somewhere in the shelter.
Owls spend most of their lives alone. Even if the female and male live in a common territory, each of them has his own shelter, and each hunts independently. Eagle owls are conservative and, in the presence of a sufficient amount of food, do not leave their site throughout their lives, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich ranges from 15 to 80 square meters. km.

Feeding and feeding behavior

Owl is a real night hunter. He flies out for hunting at dusk and continues it until dawn, with a short break around midnight. He is a typical polyphage, that is, he hunts and eats a wide variety of prey: mammals, birds, frogs, fish, invertebrates. Therefore, he has different ways of hunting. When catching land animals, the eagle owl flies around its area low above the ground, carefully looking and listening to the environment; when hunting for birds, it flies over the crowns of trees, deftly maneuvering among the branches; however, it still prefers to hunt on the ground and birds. Often he looks out for prey while sitting in one place, as if at a kind of observation post.
The diet of the eagle owl is very diverse and includes about 110 species of mammals and 140 species of birds. Most often, animals of medium or even small sizes become its victims, but it can also prey on large daytime birds (for example, hawks), capercaillie, and ravens. Of the animals, both a rather large hare and a small mouse can become prey for an owl. There are cases when eagle owls hunted even hedgehogs, and in their nests they found turned-out hedgehog skins (needles inside). Eagle owls and frogs do not disdain, and those living near large reservoirs willingly fish.


The voice of the eagle owl is loud, audible at a distance of 2-4 km, and is a two-syllable "u-huu". Male and female voices differ in tone. The cries of the male can turn into laughter, and then be replaced by groans and "crying". In the night forest, all this sounds pretty creepy, and it’s not for nothing that the eagle owl was nicknamed the “pugach” among the people, and the myths about the goblin have the same origin. The cries of eagle owls are most often heard in early spring, especially during the mating season, when birds often "sing" in a duet. But you can hear them at other times of the year, except, perhaps, the harsh winter.
In general, the set of sounds made by eagle owls is very diverse. For example, when disturbed at the nest, adult owls “bark” deafly, and owls whistle or hiss.

Reproduction and parenting behavior

Eagle owls become sexually mature at the age of 2–3 years, but sometimes there are cases of nesting of young owls a year after birth. Pairs form for life.
The breeding season of eagle owls begins early, often already in February-March, in the snow, the female lays 2-4 white rounded eggs. Eagle owls do not have a nest as such, and eggs are laid directly in a small hole in the ground. Only the female incubates for 34–36 days, while the male feeds her all this time. Since the interval between oviposition is 2–4 days, the chicks in the nest are of different ages. Newly hatched chicks are covered with thick light fluff, their eyes are closed. Eyes open only after 7-8 days. The first days the female tears the prey brought by the male into small pieces and feeds them to the chicks, then the pieces become larger, and after 3 weeks the chicks begin to eat on their own. Young eagle owls leave the nest at the age of 50-60 days.
Eagle owls actively and successfully protect the nest from any enemies, except, perhaps, humans. Eagle owls attack a person extremely rarely, preferring to scare from afar. Grown up chicks, when meeting with predators, take a threatening pose, fluff their plumage, raise their wings in a “house”, hiss and click their beak menacingly.


Eagle owls are long-lived birds. In nature, they often live up to 20 years, in captivity - up to 60 and even 70 years.

life in the zoo

A pair of West Siberian eagle owls (B.b. sibiricus) currently lives at the Moscow Zoo on display in an enclosure on the Old Territory, which had three chicks in 2016. The female hatched them on her own, and the male regularly fed her (everything, as in the wild!). Another 2 Siberian eagle owls are kept in an enclosure next to the Cats of the Tropics pavilion.
And 3 more eagle owls live in the so-called "exit" group. These are quite tame birds that know the people who care for them well and do not show any aggression towards them. They go to lectures almost daily, where they are calmly demonstrated right on the table , without cell.
A few years ago, such “busyness” did not prevent our “exit” owls from starting to nest. This happened for several seasons, and then their offspring also went to lectures for many years. Now among our eagle owls there is one 15-year-old female native of Dagestan (possibly, her subspecies B.b. interpositus) and 2 young birds who came from the Perm Zoo.
The diet of eagle owls in the zoo includes 400 g of meat and 3 rats. Live food is necessary for eagle owls for the normal development and formation of pellets ((a pellet is a tight lump of wool, feathers, bones of animals eaten by a predator), which the bird burps when they are formed.
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