Keeping an eared owl at home. What to feed a domestic owl. General information about owls


Should you keep an owl as a pet?

One of my friends, who has a granddaughter Dasha, talking on the phone about how they are doing, besides Dasha all the time also mentioned some Masha. The hearing was poor, and I decided that she had another granddaughter. An acquaintance, a former Murmansk woman, has been living in central Russia for a long time, we see each other extremely rarely, we mostly call each other.

Therefore, at the next mention of Dasha and Masha, I asked:

And how old is Masha?

I don’t know for sure, - my friend was taken aback by her answer, - they say, age can be determined by the color of the feathers. Ours is still small, and the wingspan is somewhere around half a meter.

Granddaughter in feathers and with wings?!

So it's a bird, right?

Well, yes, I told you right away, you need to listen carefully: we bought an owl Masha for Dasha.

Then there was a story about how Masha already got everyone, how many feathers fly from her around the apartment, how she tears apart furniture upholstery with her claws, how she has to buy live mice and chickens to feed her. How Dasha is no longer allowed to communicate with Masha, and, in general, the moon-faced one will have to be returned back, and Dasha will be left with an uneaten chicken instead.

Don't squeeze or caress

The desire to have this particular bird as a pet became Lately some fashion fad. And the source of it is called the Harry Potter saga. The devoted letter carrier who brought letters to the school of wizards and carried away the answers to them attracted many. Children around the world wanted to have a live snowy owl at home.

Just not polar! - protest those who understand a lot about owls, and explain why.

The wingspan of this bird reaches one and a half meters or more. She can't be kept in a cage, she needs to fly. It tends to open spaces, preys on rodents, as well as hedgehogs, hares, ermines, ducks, partridges.

Small animals are swallowed whole, large ones are torn apart and eaten. Wool and bones burp in the form of small lumps. A snowy owl needs at least four rodents a day to get enough.

Well, how can all this happen in a single apartment ?!

In addition, owls are predators, experts remind. Therefore, such a bird can suddenly attack during fun and games without any warning. Owl maintenance - 24 hours permanent job and intense attention, plus small and deep scratches from her claws.

You will call your owl a pet, but she will never be a pet. You will never be able to hold her close to you, cuddle her, and really pet her. She will not let you do this, and if she does, she will scare away her smell, which is simply terrible. And the wild screams at night?!

Owls don't eat flowers at all...

Forget about expensive furniture if you have an owl at home, experienced owl experts warn. Anything that can be scratched will be scratched by her claws. Pillows torn to shreds Stuffed Toys, crumbled bedspreads, tablecloths and bed linen - will become commonplace for you.

Is there an extra room?

I got all these horror stories about attempts to domesticate owls on the Internet, where many people ask where to buy an owl. In response, they first receive such a warning about the consequences of such a rash step, and then, for the most persistent, they give information about who can be kept at home.

These are the tawny owl, long-eared owl, short-eared owl, barn owls, owls and scops. If you buy an owl, then only in the nursery. The market usually sells wild-caught birds, which is illegal. On the paw of each owl from the nursery there is a ring, a number is stamped on it, which must match the number indicated in the certificate for the bird. It is better to get a chick. He will quickly and easily get used to captivity.

An owl as a pet requires free space. In order for everything to be good, it is necessary ... to provide her with a room in which any possibility of accidents should be prevented. All unwanted objects that the bird may encounter and injure should be eliminated.

Windows should be curtained with thick curtains - the bird will get tangled in light tulle, and trying to fly through the glass, it may get hurt, the window must be tightened with a strong mesh. It is desirable to attach the so-called perches to the walls in the form of wooden or iron "boughs" upholstered with some material - for example, artificial grass or, at worst, carpet.

Domestic owls love to swim, so you need to create conditions for this by placing a large comfortable basin or another, depending on the size of the bird, a container. Cat litter trays with high sides are perfect.

Splyushki and owls enjoy the greatest love among lovers of owls. These are small birds that can be kept in cages, according to some owl experts, while others insist on a separate room even for such trifles as owls with little owls. As a last resort, they offer to build a spacious aviary in the apartment.

The sparrow owl, also known as the owl, has a body length of 15-19 centimeters, weighs 55-80 grams. The body size of splyuska is 15-20 centimeters, weight is 60-130 grams. By the way, the cry of Splyushka is a sad melodic whistle “sleep-th” or “sleep-sleep”. Hence the name.

These baby owls look like toys, and they are very cute. Large heads, expressive round eyes, fluffy torsos. I just want to stroke, press to my chest, make fun, be touched. Stops, however, the appearance of a sharp hooked beak and strong non-toy claws.

I admired splyushki in one of the Murmansk pet stores. Sellers assure that they take owls willingly. Three scops were sleeping, sitting on a perch, and looked like three such fluffy sheaves.

There was a barn owl in another cage. This owl is the size of a jackdaw. She sat motionless on one paw, the other, clutching it in a fist, pressed it to her chest. Eyes are half closed. However, through two narrow yellow crescent-shaped stripes, she followed what was happening around her. And, judging by the way she turned her head slightly to the left, then to the right, echoing my movements, when I was spinning around the cage, trying to see the bird from all sides, I watched carefully.

By the way, there are a lot of such birds: splyushki for 12 thousand rubles apiece, barn owl - 32.

Fly, owls, fly

In many fairy tales and legends, owls act as advisers, insightful birds, messengers, carriers of unusual knowledge. The Slavs attributed the role of the guardian of underground wealth to the owl. Among the ancient Maya, she was a symbol of power; her images are found on the bas-reliefs of rulers.

For a long time, the owl has been a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Although if somewhere these birds personify well-being, then somewhere they are considered unclean creatures, harbingers of misfortune and misfortune. But scientists pragmatists explain that owls have nothing to do with evil spirits, and chilling night owl cries, for example, are nothing more than just mating songs.

The assertion that owls sleep during the day because they cannot see in sunlight is a myth. They are nocturnal to avoid competition with daytime predators. Owls see perfectly during the day, scientists assure, but at night they are guided by hearing, since their ear holes are arranged in a special way - asymmetrical and surrounded by sensitive feathers.

But the "ears" on the head of some owls are not actually organs of hearing - they are just tufts of feathers.

Owls also do not shine with special wisdom. According to ornithologists, owls have an average level of intelligence among birds.

And owls are devoted spouses. It is known that even birds wintering alone in the spring return to their native places to the old nest and marriage partner.

These are such interesting birds. Why keep them in captivity? Let them fly in space.

Newspaper "Murmansk Bulletin"

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Pedigree and representatives of owls, features of the appearance of an owl, behavior, keeping at home, purchasing a bird and price.

The content of the article:

Many people prefer birds as pets. Usually parrots or canaries known to us since childhood live in the houses of feathered lovers, but what would be your surprise to see an owl in your friend's house. Yes, it is the owl, the one that lives in the forests, the one that many children are waiting for, that she will bring them the cherished letter from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as the hero of the books by JK Rowling, the world famous Harry Potter.

Recently, keeping exotic animals in the house is a very popular and fashionable craft, and owls are no exception. These birds of extraordinary beauty will undoubtedly be able to bring not only into your home, but also into your everyday life as a whole, many new, hitherto unknown feelings and emotions. After all, an owl is not just a bird or animal, it is an elegant and majestic living creature that will not only be an original home pupil, but a symbol of the wisdom of your home and your life.

If you decide to acquire this delightful representative of the fauna as your friend, you need to get to know him better, having mastered the simple rules of communication with the scoop, she will be able to become a family member for you absolutely free of charge.

Origin of the owl

The owl is an extremely beautiful representative of a large kingdom of birds, which is classified into the bird class and the owl order.

It is impossible to indicate the exact coordinates of the habitat of the natives of this large family, because each individual species honors completely different countries and even continents as its homeland. It seems possible to meet an owl both on a tree, around the corner of your house, and in the countries of the South Birds of North America, as well as Africa and Australia, and a snowy owl can be seen at all on the islands of the Arctic Ocean.

Common types of owls and their characteristic features

On our big planet Earth, there are a large number of species of these beautiful birds, they all differ from each other in appearance, behavior and natural habitats. Your attention is presented to those owls that can be started as a pet.

spectacled owl

Pulsatrix perspicillata - this native of the owl family has a very original and beautiful appearance. The length of the delightful torso of the spectacled beauty is approximately 42-48 cm, body weight ranges from 450 to 700 grams in males, while females are about 200 grams heavier. The whole body of an owl is wrapped in thick silky feathers. The color differs in different parts of the body, usually the main tone is represented by a dark brown, almost black color, and the abdominal area casts a white, slightly yellowish tint. Also on the body of this bird you can see a few more decorations: there is a white spot on the neck, a transverse stripe of dark brown color on the chest.

This beauty most likely got her interesting name from the fact that her cute big yellow eyes surround the so-called white “glasses”. On the front of the head of small owls, you can see a black mask, usually their color changes with the achievement of puberty.

The native territories of these birds are the tropical forests of Mexico and other countries of North and Central America. The condition for a comfortable stay for spectacled owls is the presence of a nearby source of water.

snowy owl

Nyctea scandiaca - some people believe that this is not just a bird - this is a fabulous work of art, perhaps one cannot disagree with them. After all, this is really a feathered one, I’m not afraid of this word “bewitching” with its appearance.

This is a fairly large owl. The length of the male is approximately 57–63 cm, female owls are much larger, their average body length is approximately 65–69 cm, respectively, the wingspan also varies depending on gender - females are about 160 cm, while males are 145 –155 cm. The weight of the body of the strong half of the owl is approximately 1400–2100 grams, the weight of the weaker sex is usually 400–500 grams more.

The head of this northern bird is relatively small, the beak, although not very small in size, but the feathers at its base carefully cover it, which makes the “face” of the owl not only beautiful, but also very pretty. The visual organs are of medium size. On the paws you can see thick and long feathers that cover the greater half of the claw. The magical wings of this bird of prey are quite wide, but not very long.

Usually their natural colors are represented by the main white tone, on the surface of which an ornament flaunts, formed by many elements of various shapes, painted in dark brown.

The peculiarity of this owl is that in different ages she "dresses" in a different outfit. They have an outfit of the first year of life - in females it is usually represented by plumage of white and brown shades. On the main white background of the back, wings and shoulders, wide dark stripes are placed, and in the head area there are white spots of medium size. In males, the “clothing” is very similar, only less patterned.

The “costume” of the second year is a snow-white plumage with a small amount of dark inclusions in males; in the female, there is usually a well-defined brown pattern on the body, formed by elements of various shapes.

The color of the feathers on the front part, elytra and legs does not change, regardless of gender, age and habitat - they are always white. The iris of the eye is usually black, sometimes with a golden hue.

The native places of the white owl are the territories that the Arctic Ocean and the tundra wash with their waters. Geographical differences in body parameters or coloration are not observed.

long-eared owl

Asio otus - probably among all its relatives - this is the most common bird, it lives in almost the entire territory of Eurasia, in North America and in the northern part of the African continent. The favorite habitat of this eared beauty is coniferous forests, but she tries to avoid very dense wooded areas. They usually hunt for their prey in more open areas of the forest - edges, clearings or clearings. By nature, long-eared owls are the only ones of their kind that can be assigned the status of " migratory birds”, although not accustomed to flying over too long distances. But some individuals fly away from the European continent to bask in the sun in Africa for the period of winter cold.

According to its structure, it is a medium-sized bird, its body length does not exceed 38 cm, its wingspan varies from 85 to 100 cm, and its body weight is approximately 250–350 grams. Long-eared owls are also one of the few owls that do not differ in size by sex.

The body of this cute feathered one is covered with thick feathers. The coloration is very interesting and patterned, represented by a combination of grayish and brown colors. The area of ​​the abdomen is painted in reddish shades, against which dark tones of the strip are clearly visible, which are placed both longitudinally and transversely. On the cute face of an owl, large eyes of a rich orange color are immediately visible.
A unique feature of this representative of birds of prey is their “ears”, which are formed by several long bunches of feathers, the owl can control them, namely, lift them up or press them to their head. These "feather ears" have nothing to do with the feathered auditory organ, except that they take part in the direction of sound waves from the environment. Her real hearing organs are not very noticeable, although they are rather large in size, and even placed absolutely not symmetrically on both sides of the head. Such a beauty with four "ears" exists in our nature.

Long-eared owls near our homes, though quite rare, but this fact does not mean that this bird species is on the verge of extinction. It's all about something else. Previously, owls and people could get along quite peacefully in the same territory, moreover, they brought great benefits to each other. A person who sowed fields with various cereal crops would certainly encounter such pests for his possessions as mice, while owls hunted them. It turns out a double benefit and the bird is full, and people don’t have mice.

But near human settlements, owls also have enemies - these are crows. Due to the fact that the owl is active at night, during the day it is usually in a state of dormancy, it is at this time that a beautiful bird can be attacked by flocks of crows, which usually ends in the death of an owl. Therefore, for their own good, owls try to avoid such an unsafe neighborhood.

Great Gray Owl

Canis lupus - this predator with wings lives in the taiga, occasionally settles in mountain forests. The distribution area of ​​​​this owl begins with the Kola Peninsula and stretches to the seaside mountains.

The Great Gray Owl is a bird of relatively large size, the length of its graceful body reaches approximately 75–85 cm, the wingspan is up to 150 cm. The head is quite large in relation to the body, it is decorated with huge yellow eyes, around which dark concentric stripes are placed.

The color of the plumage is represented by ash-gray shades, forming a complex pattern on the body of the bird, only on the front side of the neck there is a white area resembling a collar. The lower part of the wing is decorated with regular stripes.

It is likely that this miracle of nature received its original name due to the large black spot that is located under the beak. By appearance it looks a bit like a beard.


Otus scops - this cutest living creature differs in its miniature from other representatives of owls. The length of its small body is only 14–20 cm, body weight ranges from 55 to 135 grams, wingspan is approximately 45–55 cm. Sex differences in body size are present, but not very pronounced, females are quite a bit larger than males.

The feathers on the body of a mini-owl are painted in brown-gray colors. In the area of ​​the shoulder feathers, you can see a little white color and a complex, but very beautiful pattern, decorated with dark shades. The iris is usually yellow, but sometimes there are individuals with orange eyes.

Very entertaining in these mini-predators is the process of hunting. Late at night, a small owl sits comfortably on a branch of a tree and carefully looks out for its future food. As soon as the prey is in her field of vision, the splyushka immediately attacks her. There are also cases when a bird, as it were, plays with its food, like a cat with a mouse. This happens when an owl comes across a small flock of some beetles, with great passion she chases insects and captures them on the fly.

Before starting a meal, the bird examines its dinner with special care.

Before you run headlong to the pet store for your owl, take care of where she will live with you. Do not expect that you will buy everything you need in the same place as the inhabitant himself, do not confuse an owl with a parrot.

It is most optimal to allocate one room of your apartment for your new friend. Keeping such a bird in a cage is unacceptable, considering its size and love of flying. In a stuffy cage, very soon the life of an owl will turn into torture, because with every attempt to fly it will injure its wings, and constant physical inactivity and bad mood will immediately affect the health of your pet.

The room also needs to be properly prepared. It is best to close the windows with thick curtains, because, when your friend sees freedom, he will make attempts to fly through the window - and it hurts him, and you leave everything and take the bird to the veterinarian.
You should not leave a tulle in front of an owl, in it it can also get tangled with its claws and get hurt.

It is good to place several places for the owl to rest on the walls, for this you will need to nail wooden or metal sticks to the wall, if you use metal perches, then it is better to cover it with carpet.

It is necessary to remove all breakable things, valuables, books and documents from your pet's personal apartment - with a slight movement of the paw, your exotic pupil can destroy all this.

Be sure to organize a pool for your pet, something, and owls love to swim very much. Not very deep is best, as they definitely won’t dive, but a fairly wide water tank.

For breakfast, lunch and dinner, owls prefer exclusively live food, at least for the first time at home, perhaps when the chick gets used to you and your new home, you can try to feed it with dead foods.

Acquisition and price of an owl

It is highly discouraged to buy your pet in ordinary bird markets, no matter how they praise this or that individual. Most often in such places they sell birds caught from the wild by poachers, who, due to the demand for various exotic species, have increased work.

Prices at bird markets, of course, are much more pleasant than in nurseries, but in this way you are unlikely to be able to save money. Usually, in individuals native to the wild, the body is inhabited by many helminths and other pathogenic bacilli, since almost all diseases in birds occur without obvious clinical signs, you will not have time to blink an eye, as your newly made friend already lies motionless at the bottom of the cage.

Catching owls is punishable by law, so don't be surprised if the authorities come to your house and legally take away your friend and issue a hefty fine.

In official nurseries, things are different. There you will be able to provide all the documents for the bird you are interested in, and detailed information about it. In addition, usually birds grown in nurseries get used to new owners much faster, and become tame, and their health condition is better.

Prices for owls vary depending on one or another species, on average, the price for one individual of an eared owl is from 8,000 to 11,000 rubles, snowy owl- from 65,000 to 100,000 rubles, and a spectacled owl will cost you about 170,000 rubles. It all depends on your tastes, preferences, and, of course, financial capabilities.

How to keep an owl at home, see here:

Many of us wanted to have a puppy or a cat as children. For various reasons, not everyone was able to do this. Cramped living conditions, allergies, parents' concern about the dirt at home, that there would be no one to walk the dog, and many other various arguments became an insurmountable obstacle on the way to the cherished dream.

We have matured, and some of us have not forgotten our childhood aspirations. Fortunately, now you can make decisions on your own, based only on personal preferences. Only the dog does not cause such delight as in childhood, I want something more original.

For example, an owl. Friends came to visit, and here such a miracle with huge eyes sits on a perch, and hoots. Here is the effect! Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to keep an owlet at home.

Is it possible to keep an owl at home

IN wild nature owls feed on small rodents or birds. Very often her food is a source of infections. Most of the diseases in birds are almost asymptomatic and very fast. In the evening, the feathered one is still full of strength and energy, and in the morning he has the most acute form of some kind of ailment.

In this situation, everyone who was in the immediate vicinity of the pet is at risk. Many bird diseases are also dangerous for humans, and often more dangerous than for the bird itself.

Did you know? The Owl-like order includes more than two hundred species of owls. The largest of all, the eagle owl, can reach 3 kg in weight and have a wingspan of up to 2 m. The weight of the smallest, Peruvian owl, does not exceed 30 g.

If you still decide to take such a serious step, how to get an owl as a pet, then it is better to do it in a nursery. There the birds are under observation. If you bought a feathered bird from your hands or caught it yourself, you should show it to the veterinarian.

It should be remembered that an owl is a nocturnal predator. This implies a number of features of the lifestyle of your potential pet. During the day, he will doze quietly and peacefully, calmly digesting food. With the approach of night, he has a period of activity. This quality is laid down at the gene level, it is almost impossible to wean.

The owl will make sounds, move around and terrify others. If you live in apartment building, rest assured, not only you will hear the bird.

You will have to feed the bird at home. While the owlet is small, 2-3 mice daily will be enough for him, while an adult owl needs much more. If you plan to forage this much in the city on your own, you will have to quit your job and only hunt rodents. So think carefully before you become a thunderstorm of mice and rats throughout the area.

An alternative and more acceptable option is to buy such food at a pet store. It's not cheap, mind you.

Another nuance regarding feeding. A bird intended for food by a feathered predator requires pre-treatment. An owl does not eat the digestive organs of its prey. You will have to gut the birds.

So the feeding factor in this case is very important. You should pay close attention to it when choosing a pet. And if you have not changed your mind, take a look at the small varieties:

It is highly undesirable to keep a bird in an aviary, and absolutely not in a cage. She can get injured on the net and rods, get psychological trauma in addition to physical.

Important!If the owl flies away, most likely it will die. She has lived all her life with a man, completely depends on him and absolutely does not know how to get food on her own.

From this follows the conclusion: to keep the owlets at home, you need an appropriate room. The room should be separate, with perches prepared in it - special crossbars, vertically attached to the wall. If there is nowhere to equip such a room, it is better to opt for a canary or a parrot.

Often people get pets because of a lack of communication or an unfulfilled desire to take care of someone. An owl for these purposes is not the best candidate. Predators have poor contact not only with people, but in general with everyone.

The owl is a typical predator. Even those owls who see a person from birth are reluctant to bring representatives of another species closer to themselves. It is not worth talking about adult birds.

A bird can cause serious injury to a person, not wanting it. An adult owl hunts a wild boar. A little owl with its claws and beak, having played, is able to cripple a person.

Character and habits

An owl is a monogamous bird, it creates a couple once. Leads mainly a sedentary lifestyle, but some individuals probably fly south during the cold season.

The activity of the birds is different at night, then they hunt. Only the snowy owl, which lives in the polar regions, hunts around the clock. Birds without much trepidation relate to the arrangement of their own homes, they do not like to build nests. They can take someone else's, or lay their eggs in a small hole or niche.

The normal number of eggs in one clutch is 3–10. Older chicks sometimes eat those that hatch later. This happens when there is a lack of protein foods. A month after hatching, the chicks begin to live an independent life.

One of the varieties of owls, the barn owl, when hunting, uses only its own hearing.

Owl selection

From that moment on, according to the law of natural selection, the strongest survive, and the weaker become someone's food. The owls, not prepared for independent existence in the natural environment, are happy to feast on the first enemies of the owl - eagles hunting during the day, golden eagles, etc.

During the day, an owl can be active only in case of danger. Then you can see a nocturnal predator changing its location. If she is disturbed, she will find a new place to hide and wait until dark.

All representatives of the owl family eat only animal food. Small birds, rodents, reptiles - the main diet of the owl family, sometimes eat fish.

Large eagle owls hunt big game and from hunger can even rush to a wild boar. Carrion owls despise, but they love to stock up. They can go without water for a long time, as the balance of fluid in the body is maintained by the blood of their prey. They breed once a year. A very large number of owls die due to lack of food. When rodent populations decline, approximately 25% of owlets do not survive. Another reason for mass death is the constant attacks from diurnal birds of prey. During the day, the nocturnal predator is practically defenseless.

If you want to get a good healthy bird, you should not do it in the bird market. Most often in the markets they sell birds caught in their natural habitat.

Important! Owl poaching is prohibited. An administrative fine may be issued for it.

The cattery will provide you with documents on the health status of your potential pet. Specialists will answer all questions, and you, in turn, do not hesitate to ask them. You will be told in detail how to care for the owlet at home, what to feed, where to start training.
Another important circumstance in favor of the nursery is that the owls born and raised there are much better adapted to the human environment than their counterparts from the forest.

Content Features

As already mentioned, you should not start in the house bird of prey if your living conditions do not allow you to do this. A separate room is a must.

It is necessary to remove from it all things that your pet can turn over. Remove openwork curtains from the windows, the bird can get tangled in them. Hang thick curtains instead, which can create the illusion of twilight in the room. With such images, you can try to deceive the owl instincts by shifting the bird's activity schedule to the daytime.

Remove mirrors from the room, and if this is not possible, curtain them well. Make perches or buy ready-made ones. Don't forget to make a feeding roost. Take care of access to water.


All owls bathe with pleasure and a lot. They can do this in a shallow basin, which you should put in the room and regularly change the water in it.

Did you know? In flight, an owl can reach speeds of up to 24 m / s.

Regular cleaning will also need to be carried out. Dirt provokes the spread of various infections, so do not be lazy. In addition, the litter has a sharp unpleasant odor. Do not use chemical or strong-smelling detergents when cleaning owl living space.

Predator by nature - a very smart bird, she sees and understands everything. Your concern, which is expressed in cleaning her home, will not go unnoticed by her. This circumstance, in turn, will help you make better and faster friends.

The nutrition of an owl at home should be as close as possible to what it eats in its natural habitat. Owlets, while they are small, should be given finely chopped meat soaked in saline. They eat it with pleasure, because such a marinade imitates the saliva of the mother, helps intestinal motility and the work of the stomach. Do not forget that birds constantly need fresh water.


As already said, the main diet is small rodents and birds. It is unlikely that you will be able to get the required amount of them yourself, so contact the pet store, they will help you there. An excellent option is quail, but it is necessary that the owlet starts eating them from a very early age, you need to get used to them.

Important! Watch carefully when the bird drops the pellet. Once she's done, pick her up, examine her, and throw her away. Otherwise, the bird may eat it.

Technique and feeding rules

The digestive organs of birds that will be fed to your pet must be removed, he will not eat them. Watch the riddle carefully. These are the undigested remains of a bird, consisting of feathers and claws. It forms in the stomach and is shed a few hours after feeding. Until the riddle is reset, the next feeding is not necessary.

Check the riddle regularly. It should be without bloody inclusions, not have a bad smell. If there are signs of blood or a foul odor, seek the advice of a veterinarian.

A medium-sized bird needs at least 2-3 mice daily. It is believed that the younger the chick, the more often it needs to be fed. With age, the number of daily feedings decreases, and the amount of food increases. If a 2-week-old owlet needs to be fed 5-6 times a day, then a six-month-old bird needs 2 meals a day.

Health and longevity

Cleanliness and more cleanliness! As already mentioned, the main cause of owl mortality in their natural habitat is hunger and diurnal predators. At home, these dangers do not threaten your pet.

But another risk factor appears - infectious diseases, the main cause of which is dirt. Clean the area where your pet lives often. Stick to proper nutrition and at the slightest threat to health, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Did you know? On the $1 bill, a horned owl is depicted at the top right, symbolizing the goddess Astarte, who brings pain, suffering and war.

You will immediately understand that something is wrong with your owl. She becomes lethargic and lethargic. Appetite disappears, the bird can sit all day with narrowed eyes. This behavior of a feathered one is a sure sign for contacting a veterinarian.
How many owls live in the wild is not known for certain, but it is generally accepted that an average of 5-10 years. In zoos and at home, cases of the life expectancy of a nocturnal predator up to half a century have been recorded.

Training and taming to hands

After you bring your owlet home, it will most likely be stressed for the first few days. This is expressed in the refusal of food, the chick can hide in a corner and not get out of there for some time.

Don't worry, this is normal. You have to be patient and persevere. Soon the feeling of hunger will take its toll - be careful, do not miss this moment.

Important! Owls are representatives of the owl family of a small size, have a more docile and playful disposition than those of large relatives. If you certainly decide to take an owl into the house for education, pay attention to the furry-legged, or sparrow owl.

As soon as you feed the chick, his attitude towards you will change, and after a couple more feedings, he will get used to you and will trust you. The instinct will tell the baby that there is a creature that cares, when hungry - feed. By this time, the chick will already know that you have no bad intentions towards him.
Now you can start taming your pet:

  1. Use a glove to protect yourself from claws.
  2. No need to rush. Don't make sudden movements. If something does not work out, you should not shout, by doing this you can create an insurmountable wall of misunderstanding.
  3. As already mentioned, predators prefer to keep their distance with everyone. At first - even with his master. The owl has an independent disposition, and she will try to demonstrate this to you. Be prepared for this.
  4. Hissing, beak clicks are signs of discontent. A feathered one can express them if you are trying to impose something on him. This is a signal that you should stop communicating.
  5. Your communication should include an element of play and encouragement.
  6. You can walk with your pet after full contact is established, not earlier. By that time, he should be used to the harnesses, which have to be put on little by little from the first days.

Now you know what an owl is, whether it is worth keeping it at home, and what difficulties you can expect in this case. But if you still have not abandoned the idea of ​​​​acquiring an owlet, do not let the stories about their unsociable disposition scare you too much. Remember, every living being has its own individuality, and love sometimes works wonders.

Frequently Asked Questions about Owls

The number of very many species of owls is at a critically low level. Currently, owls, like all other birds of prey, are under state protection. It is forbidden to catch them, shoot them, destroy their nests or cause any other harm to them.

Q. What owls most often get to people?

Long-eared owls (Asio otus)
- short-eared owls (Asio Flammeus)
- tawny owl (Strix)
- splyushki (Otus Scops)
Less common at home are:
- owls (Glaucidium passerinum)
- house owls (Athene noctua)
- Rough-legged Owls (Aegolius funereus)

B. Features of keeping owls in city apartments.
An owl is a wild animal, completely unsuitable for life in nature after living with people.

An owl is not a kitten, which can always (albeit with difficulty) be placed in good hands. If you have already purchased an owl, but realized too late that you can’t continue to live with it, take it to the zoo or give it to your friends, but in no case let it out poultry into nature, it will certainly die there, because. accustomed to people and warmth, and does not know how to get food on its own.

If you live in a suburban scrap, then keeping an owl will not cause almost any difficulties. In the fresh air, you can build a spacious aviary with many perches, stumps and other amenities.

In an apartment with owls, some difficulties may arise. Owl droppings, although easy to wash and clean, can be found in completely different places, since the bird cannot be kept permanently in a cage.

An owl must be able to fly, otherwise the muscles will atrophy, which can lead to the death of the bird.

The peculiarity of owls is that their fluff is not immediately replaced by feathers, but feather formation goes through some intermediate stage, at which something in between fluff and feather is formed, so for many first months of life an owl will scatter fluff and feathers wherever it is. appears, not to mention the litter.

It is more difficult to keep small owls and owls in captivity, which fight against the edges of the cage at night. Birds can be protected by placing them in cages with wooden rods or in burlap stretched over a light frame.

Some owls are happy to bathe, some like to walk on a tray of water, and some do not want to bathe at all, prefer to just clean their feathers.

Q. What kind of cage does an owl need?
General recommendations at the choice of an owl cage (for small owls: owls, scops): height should not be less than 80 cm, length and width - at least 50 cm. For larger owls (eared owl, marsh): height at least 1 m, width at least 1.5 m, depth at least 80 cm, the cage door should be large enough so that the owl can immediately jump out of the cage from the perch. For larger owls, spacious aviaries or free keeping in a room are recommended.

A grate above the pallet is mandatory so that the owl does not step on the droppings that have fallen to the bottom of the cage, since in owls it is the paws that are difficult to treat. Therefore, if any sores or redness occur on the foot, the owl should immediately be shown to the doctor!

It is difficult to determine the optimal cage material - a wooden frame and rods damage the feathers less, but a metal frame and rods are more hygienic, because. easier to wash. Buying a cage of a suitable size is not difficult now.

At night, when the bird is restless, the cage is covered or hung with a cloth.
Some owls love (especially owlets) like to lie down on soft things. A small owlet (aged 2-3 weeks to 1.5 months) needs to put soft rags in a cage or other dwelling, on which little owls often sleep. Often, and then with age, owls like to lie down on the soft.

Q. What to feed an owl?
Also a big problem is the provision of food for owls. In nature, small rodents form the basis of owl nutrition. Therefore, it is recommended to feed the owl at home with mice, or in the absence of those, with one-day-old chickens.

You can’t constantly feed an owl with meat, because. The owl's stomach is designed in such a way that the bones and hair of rodents must be present in the owl's diet.

In nature, mouse-like rodents form the basis of owl nutrition. A long-eared or short-eared owl needs 2 mice per day, and an owl needs 2-3 mice. Once every 2 weeks, the owl needs to arrange a "unloading" day.

A necessary precaution: do not use poisoned mice and rats, because if a rat can withstand any dose of a poisonous substance, then a bird of prey does not have such resistance to poisons.

If the bird is so weak that it cannot take food on its own, it is fed by carefully opening its beak and putting in pieces of food. Then drink from a pipette.

Birds of prey swallow prey along with bones, skin, wool, feathers, and then burp the undigested remains (in an owl this is called pellets). Therefore, when fed clean meat, they tend to weaken quickly.

Owls drink several times a day, but only clean water - so you have to change it at least 2 times a day.

The optimal feeding of an owl is live mice, so that the owl hunts and develops its natural instincts.

Q. How to feed owl chicks (owl pellets)?
Feeding a small owlet (at the age of 2-3 weeks) is somewhat different from feeding an adult owl. When the owls are small, they themselves still do not know how to eat. They are fed by their parents. At the same time, food is served to them “from above”, from which the owlet must be weaned gradually, initially giving him food also “from above”. When the owlets are 2-3 weeks old, the parents feed them with small pieces of mice, while separating mainly meat for the owlets. When the owlet is already 4 weeks old, it can be fed with all parts of the mouse. But if you feed an owlet in large chunks already from 2 weeks of age, then he has problems with digestion - because. it is difficult for his body to shed a large pellet and possibly stretching of the goiter. Owlets need to be fed the soft parts of mice several times a day. When the owlets grow up, they need up to 3 mice per day (for a long-eared owl).

The chicks of many owls regurgitate pellets only at a later age and do this far from regularly. However, the main reason for the lack of pellets probably lies in the fact that in the first weeks of life, owl parents give them the softest pieces, and swallow the skin, bones, etc. themselves.

When planning to tame an owlet, you can feed it from your hands for a long time (up to 2-3 months).

Q. What should not be fed to owls?

- sausages, sausages, sausages, etc.
- fried and fatty foods, including meat
- any semi-finished products, fruits, juices
- any products from the human table

Q. What is a riddle?

ABOUT. The undigested part of the food - compressed lumps - is regularly regurgitated by the owl in the form of pellets. For owls, pellets are much more characteristic than for daytime predators. The process of throwing out a pellet in owls is quite lengthy. Watching an owl, you can usually predict this event a quarter of an hour before it starts. A sign that portends the appearance of a pellet is frequent “yawning”. Sometimes it seems that the bird has choked on something. Periodically, the feathers on the owl's neck either stick out, then again take their usual position, and the bird seems to make swallowing movements.

The owl pellet is shaped like a cylinder with one rounded and the second, as a rule, pointed end. In most murine species, from the outside, it seems to be entirely composed of wool. However, if it is crushed, a mass of bones is found inside, including even whole skulls of rodents. Often in one pellet you can find the remains of two or three animals. The size of the pellets varies greatly.

Their length, for example, in a short-eared owl ranges from four to eight and a half centimeters; diameter is more stable - about two centimeters. The pellet of a sparrow owl does not exceed two and a half centimeters in length with a diameter of about a centimeter. The eagle owl pellet can be very impressive - up to ten centimeters in length and about four in diameter.

Q. What to do with the found owlet?

ABOUT. If you found an owlet in the forest, but at the same time he looks quite cheerful and healthy, then you should not take him home. If you have already picked up a chick and cannot keep it, attach it to good hands. If the owlet looks sick or has any injuries, Be sure to take your bird to the vet!

Q. How does an owl get along with small children?
ABOUT. Despite the fact that an owl is a kind and sociable animal, it cannot be constantly squeezed, as a child would like. Crowds of familiar children in the apartment will only disturb the bird, it can become nervous. In addition, an owl can pinch a finger or scratch a child, like a cat or a dog.

IN.What toys can you buy an owl.
Owls are very sociable and love to play. Owl's favorite toys can be: fur toys produced for cats (various mice), ringing small objects (for example, a bell), various rags, woolen socks and other “furry” objects.
It is not bad to put a stump in the room, and various other perches.

Q. What should I do if my pet's behavior has changed drastically?
Contact your veterinarian immediately!

B. Common signs of malaise in owls.

Decreased activity, the bird became "sad"
- the bird sleeps a lot
- loss of appetite
- increased excitability
- Lack of interest in favorite toys and activities
- the bird is dirty and not cleaned for a long time
- cold paws
- discharge from the nostrils
- change in color and consistency of litter

If you find these signs, consult a doctor immediately!

A person who decides to have a feathered predator at home has a lot of questions: how to feed an owl, how to equip a home for it, what diseases a bird can get, and what disadvantages it will have to face. The fashion for breeding exotic birds and animals at home is growing steadily, but without knowledge, some difficulties may arise. Our article will introduce you to the habits and lifestyle of the night guard, help you understand the intricacies of its content.

What are owls

Do not forget that an owl, even a domestic one, is a bird of prey that has a sharp beak and claws. This cute fluffy, under the cover of night, pierces its victim with its claws and tears it apart with its beak.

Owls are by nature very smart and cunning, the flap of their wings is completely silent, which allows them to get as close as possible to the victim without arousing suspicion. Powerful strong paws are able to break prey, which does not exceed the size of the bird itself. Therefore, if you have a hamster, cat or small dog in your home, it is not recommended to have a bird of prey, as pets can easily become its victim.

You can’t go unnoticed in the room, the owl can turn its head 270 degrees around itself and tilt it 180 degrees to the side. Such an anatomical feature allowed her to see always and everything around her.

Is it possible to keep a bird at home

Theoretically, you can keep an owl at home, but it is worth considering several features of its content. In many countries, growing a predator in a cage is considered illegal. Unless they are planted by ornithologists and naturalists to observe habits and character. At home, the bird needs to provide a number of conditions so that it does not wither, does not get sick and does not yearn for freedom.

The average lifespan of an owl is 50 years or more. Therefore, if you are already over forty, think about who the bird will stay with if it outlasts you. She will quickly get used to the cage, regular feeding and, releasing her into the wild, you will doom her to inevitable death. Carefully study the rest of the article in order to conclude whether it is worth getting an owl at home or not.

Types of decorative owl

Ornithologists distinguish 3 subfamilies, thirty genera and seven times more species in the owl family. One common species is the long-eared owl. It reaches a length of 35 cm, and the wingspan varies from 85 to 100 cm. The gray-brown color of the feathered with a white chest makes it very recognizable. The bird got its name because of the ear tufts with six feathers.

The second most popular is the eagle owl. The largest representative of a feathered predator. The length of its body reaches almost a meter, and its wingspan is 190 cm. The plumage of the eagle owl is red with beige inclusions, the eyes are bright orange, and above them are bunches of long feathers.

The barn owl has red plumage with numerous speckles, stripes and speckles. The body length reaches 40 cm, and the wingspan can be up to a meter. Asymmetrical ears allow the bird to hear very well.

The pygmy owl or pygmy owl got its name from the relatively short body length and the characteristic “spit” sound that it makes while hunting. The size of an individual does not exceed 20 cm, so its maintenance at home does not require huge aviaries.

Summing up, we can say that it is most convenient to keep a pygmy owl at home, but with great desire and patience, you can tame other popular species.

Where and at what price can you buy a domestic owl

It is best to purchase a domestic (decorative) owl in specialized nurseries. Such institutions must ring the predator and attach documents to it. A number is stamped on the ring, which is duplicated in the passport and certificate. The price depends on the type of bird and its age. So, for example, the price of a baby splyuska does not exceed 12 thousand rubles, and an adult costs about 30 thousand.

If you do not want to spend that much money, you can try your luck and catch an owl in the forest yourself. The chick may accidentally get in your way. Due to his age, he still does not fly well. It is enough to carefully approach it, transplant it onto a strong stick, and then you can cover it with a net or transplant it into a cage. But do not forget that such a method is a lot of stress for an owl, so it is better not to resort to it.

Main inconveniences

The main disadvantage of keeping a predator at home is the smell from his toilet. It is impossible to accustom a bird to a tray; it will walk where it is convenient for it. The litter released by the bird flies two meters, so the aviary will soon turn into a foul-smelling chicken coop. They emit fetid odors and leftover food: dead rodents and birds.

The second disadvantage of keeping an owl indoors is that it is very difficult for her to find food. You need to buy at least a dozen hamsters in a pet store in order to feed the predator for the future. This is where the question of meat freshness comes into play. Of course, you can leave the rodents in the aquarium and feed them gradually, or you can kill them right away and freeze them in the refrigerator.

And the third drawback is the poor adaptation of the bird. Even after several months, the individual remains semi-wild. It is not known what can be expected from her in the next moment, so you should be extremely careful with the owl.

Positive points of content

Along with all the shortcomings, several advantages of keeping owls can be noted. Some specimens are quite playful and docile in nature. Such individuals can be easily picked up, squeezed and stroked. Their mischief amuses the audience, and beauty brings a truly aesthetic pleasure.

If you are ready to face all the difficulties, then feel free to go to the nursery and bring home a young chick. Any questions that have arisen during the domestication of a bird can be resolved by asking the experts, who are usually located in nurseries.

How to furnish an owl room

The owl is very demanding at home:

  • she will be able to live only in a separately equipped room;
  • it is worth removing all fragile, bright and small objects from the room, such as mirrors, chandeliers, telephones, flowers;
  • windows must be curtained with a dark dense fabric, tulle and curtains must be removed so that the bird does not get entangled in them and is not injured;
  • on the walls you need to equip special wooden slats, upholster them with carpet or other soft fabric so that the owl has something to hold on to;
  • feathered predators are very fond of swimming, so you can put a large basin or other container in the room, the water in which must be renewed every morning;
  • take care of an artificial hollow, an old nightstand, cabinet or other small furniture is suitable for this.

Lock up the predator at night so that it does not harm you. Many owners arrange separate cages lined with soft mesh so that the bird does not beat against them. But even from such an enclosure, a sly one can easily escape.

Fundamentals of the bird diet

Feeding a predator is not easy and far from colorful. Giving raw meat or minced meat will not work. The fact is that the bird's stomach is designed in such a way that it can digest the entire victim: feathers, wool, claws and bones. Good health and digestion will not provide more than one artificial diet substitute. A dead animal contains the necessary vitamins and minerals that are involved in the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora.

Watch carefully: 10 hours after eating, the individual burps the remnants of undigested food. If this does not happen, then there is a violation in the digestive system of the bird.

It is recommended to butcher only mice, as in the process of fighting they can bite an owl and infect it with an infection. The domestic little owl feeds on finely chopped pieces of rodents. If you feed a bird from your hands, you can quickly accustom it to them, but do not forget about the precautions. Eagle owls, in turn, love fish most of all, you can even put a live one into a container of water and watch the hunt. Birds of prey need a fasting day once a month. You do not need to feed, the main thing is to provide your pet with plenty of water.

Health and disease

To date, not many veterinarians are fully aware of the diseases and ailments of owls. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your feathered comrade and preventing him from feeling unwell. You can determine the state of his health by the litter. If a domestic owl, no matter what kind, is healthy, its droppings will look like a liquid white puddle with dark-colored solid inclusions. If the litter smells bad, changed color and condition - this is a cause for concern and contact the doctor.

A sick bird often loses its appetite, moves little, its feather sticks together and looks very dirty. It is also worth contacting a specialist if she sits for hours without moving with her eyes closed. A competent veterinarian, along with the usual treatment, should prescribe her vaccinations. These can be standard vaccines to prevent infections or vitamin and mineral complexes to increase general immunity.

After reading the article, you certainly thought about whether you should start domestic owl or not. Remember that you are taking on a lot of responsibility for your pet. Therefore, put likes and make the right decision.

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