Do crows live? Common black raven (bird). Report with photo, video. The habits of the gray crow


Such a bird as a gray crow is the most common and recognizable species of birds. notice, that this species Birds differ from their relatives in quick wits, a lively mind, as well as the possibility of taming and subsequent attachment to their master.

Description of the species

The gray crow belongs to the corvid family and is a fairly large bird, body length - up to 51-53 cm, maximum weight indicators reach - 700 gr., Wingspan - up to 1 meter.

The characteristic color of the plumage of representatives of the species is gray (with the exception of the crown, tail, wings and shirt-front of the bird). The crow's beak is blue-black - with a characteristic curved tip and a protruding beak. The legs of representatives of the species are black. The presence of gray in the color of the feather cover of the crow, in fact, is the main difference from other subspecies. Note that young individuals have a darker plumage color. The characteristic sounds made by the bird are hoarse and loud "karr-karrr".

According to most ornithologists, the gray crow is a subspecies of the black crow, while the possibility of crossing representatives of both species is allowed. The way of life of species practically does not differ - birds lead a sedentary lifestyle, as a rule, live in pairs or small groups (crow communities).

Nutrition Features

Such a common bird species as gray crows belongs to omnivorous birds. The diet of birds is very diverse - from small rodents, insects and to food waste obtained in garbage containers and landfills, carrion, and a variety of vegetation (fruits and grains of plants).

As a rule, the gray crows, living mainly in urban conditions, take the food they get to the roofs of houses, where they are saturated in a calm environment.

Gray crows are classified as predatory species of birds, since they are able to hunt small birds for their food, especially often the bird destroys nests with newly hatched chicks. The crow also likes to eat some small animals and rodents. Often in urban park areas, gray crows prey on squirrels. Large flocks of crows are able to round up hares, skillfully blocking the escape route for the fleeing animal and driving it into a dead end. Often, these birds adopt the characteristic behavior of such a feathered skua, which is manifested by terrorizing small gulls hunting fish in the coastal zone.


The population of gray crows has received the greatest distribution throughout Eurasia. This bird can be found almost everywhere: in the city, in forests, in landfills and wastelands. Note that the crow is not at all afraid of people. Birds place their nests in any place convenient for living - not only on tall trees, but also on buildings. As a rule, for spending the night, representatives of this species of birds gather in fairly large groups or flocks. Often, cemeteries or park areas are chosen as a place to spend the night. Often jackdaws and rooks join flocks of gray crows.

Reproduction features

The breeding season of gray crows begins with the onset of the first spring days. Males of this species perform complex figures in the air to attract females.

The Common Crow nests in pairs, while the nests of representatives of the species are located in close proximity to each other.

Crows are considered very sensitive birds, this is especially evident in environmental issues. A pair of birds will never build their nest in an area that is too polluted or smoky. A crow can visit such ecologically unfavorable places only in search of food necessary for food. That is, the nest is built in a clean area, which is explained by concern for future offspring.

The immediate time at which crows begin to build their nests is March-April. As a building material, birds use almost everything that they come across - from a variety of materials and rags to dry vegetation. The maximum number of clutches is 6 eggs, which have a bluish tint with brown spots and fuzzy strokes. The female is engaged in incubation of the future offspring, the task of the raven is to provide the mother of the family with the necessary food. During the period of incubation of eggs, the bird often airs it, which is expressed by its characteristic behavior - it stands on its paws, raising the body above the tray, after which it begins to quickly sort through them for several tens of seconds.

The duration of the incubation period is about three weeks. Many observers have noticed that, as a rule, the male chick hatches first. After the birth of all the offspring, the female begins to help her partner in solving such a problem as searching for food both for her own food and for feeding the chicks.

The main condition for feeding the growing worship is the availability of easily digestible and high-calorie food, for this reason, in order to feed their offspring, crows often destroy the nests of other birds, taking their eggs to feed their chicks. Often, for the same purpose, they steal starling chicks or other small birds.

The habits of the species

Gray crows are quite mobile and active birds that like to walk leisurely from side to side. Also, this bird is very fond of various entertainments, for example, its favorite attractions are: gliding in the air, swinging on wires, rolling down the sloping surface of roofs.

Also, these representatives of the species are very smart, for example, if they cannot cope with the opening of any fruit, they simply rise to a great height, from where they throw it off.

Gray crows, like any birds, have their own worst enemy - this is a bird like an owl. The latter attacks them at night, when they are fast asleep.

Another feature of the crow is its excellent memory. Also, gray crows can be called vindictive, for example, they can attack a dog that dispersed a flock a few years ago. Sometimes the birds take fur hats people for their offenders, which is why it is not uncommon for a bird to fly into a person and begin to furiously peck at his headdress.


Gray crows wake up before sunrise, gathering in small flocks on the roofs of houses or perching on the branches of a large tree. As a rule, the first half of the day is busy with the fact that the birds are in search of suitable food for feeding. Closer to noon, the crows again gather in a flock in order to rest on a chosen large tree or on the roof of a building. After lunch, the birds again go in search of food. Before spending the night, they actively communicate, sharing their impressions of the past day.

  1. This type of bird, like gray crows, living in captivity, is very attached to the person who is raising his feathered pet. Especially if a representative of this species came into the house of a person at a young age - a chick.
  2. Most bird owners note that crows are very smart birds, however, they have one significant drawback - crows are not only smart, but also thievish.
  3. A tame crow can live next to a person for many years.
  4. Such a bird as a crow is, in fact, a professional accomplice. The peculiarity of the organism of this species of birds is that concentrated acid is formed in the stomach of the bird, which prevents infections from spreading so that this bird does not eat. That is, this is one of the species of birds from which a person cannot pick up any infectious disease.
  5. Ravens often hide their prey, doing it in such a way that no one sees. If the crow noticed that someone was following her, the prey hides in another place, while the bird will have to make sure that no one saw it.
  6. Ravens are able to communicate with each other in their own language, which is extremely developed and, accordingly, has a rich supply of sounds to indicate various situations.

Video: gray crow (Corvus cornix)

The life of crows is very interesting and eventful, watching them is a pleasure. These birds are found in any forests. In addition, crows are common inhabitants of settlements. You can meet them in small villages, and even in big cities.

The most common gray crow. In terms of size, a crow is larger than a jackdaw or a rook, but, practically, it is half the size of a crow. The body of the gray crow is ash gray, and the head, wings, tail, beak, legs, front of the throat are blue-black. Crow nests are very similar to rooks. Usually they arrange them in the forks of a thick tree trunk, but sometimes the crow's nest can be seen in city parks or gardens. Some crows can nest even on the eaves of tall buildings.

Very often, children are interested in where crows live in winter. After observing these birds, scientists found out that crows make regular flights in spring and autumn. In autumn, they fly to more southern regions, and return in spring. So, for example, ravens from the Moscow region fly away to Kharkov or Kyiv, and Arkhangelsk ravens settle in the Moscow region. Therefore, the crows that we meet in winter with us are not at all those that originally built their nests here and brought out their chicks, but those that flew in from places with more severe frosts. However, only young crows fly. In the spring, the old ones fly away from human habitation, and in the winter they return again and join the flocks of newly arrived young crows and jackdaws.

In captivity, the crow is very easy to tame. This bird has a rather easy disposition, but loves to play pranks very much. She does it cunningly so that the owner does not notice. The crow is easily trained. She can be taught to speak not only words, but also small phrases. They feed her in captivity with porridge, meat, bread and other common products.

Despite the fact that crows have nests, answering the question of where crows sleep in winter can sometimes be very difficult. This is due to the fact that these birds very rarely spend the night in their native nest. In winter, they usually sleep on the branches of tall trees. However, places for this are chosen quieter, away from heavily lit places or busy roads. At other times of the year, crows fly to the forest or plantings for the night. Observing the crow, scientists found that if it is not disturbed, then every year it will visit the same tree for the night. Quite often, the roosting place can be very far from the place where the crow spends its time during the day.

In spring, the male and female build a nest together, in which they hatch chicks. Feed babies with a wide variety of foods. It can be mollusks, and insects, and lizards, and fish, earthworms, frogs, mice, bird eggs and even chicks of other birds. Even when the mature chicks begin to fly (after five weeks), the parents continue to feed and care for them. After a certain time, when the chicks become completely independent, they join the flocks and return to their nesting places only to spend the night. In autumn, crows begin to fly to their wintering grounds. From their native places, they can fly at a distance of about two to two and a half thousand kilometers. The flight speed, at the same time, is reached fifty kilometers per hour, although in ordinary life the crow is quite sedate.

On the one hand, crows are beneficial because they exterminate harmful insects and pick up carrion. On the other hand, these birds cause quite significant damage to the fields, as they peck out grains from ears, peck at cucumbers and melons, and destroy the eggs of other birds.

The crow's behavior natural environment can not be called imprudent, because they are very careful and observant. People who make some mistakes are often called a crow, but this does not at all correspond to the behavior of birds. Ravens are very good at understanding people. From whether a person can bring them benefit or harm, their attitude towards him depends. Let's say they flock to the place where they noticed a person carrying a trash can to the container. If they notice a child who threw stones or sticks at them, then the whole flock will immediately disappear. If crows have ever met a hunter, they will fly away from a man with a gun, while they are not at all afraid of a man with a stick.

In addition to caution, crows are distinguished by their passion for savings and frugality. They will never leave the leftover food. Usually they try to hide excess food in the place they have chosen so that they can return later for it. Moreover, they can remember this place for quite a long time. Passion for everything brilliant is developed in crows of any type. As soon as she sees some kind of shiny object or a candy wrapper, she begins to circle around him. She will observe the thing of interest to her until she can drag it away.

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that the attitude towards human crows should be consistent with the role these birds play in the economy of the area in which they live. In case of great harm, many farmers try to get rid of them.

The Gray Crow (Corvus cornix) is one of the most recognizable birds of the Moscow Region. This is a very smart bird that becomes attached to the person who raised her.


Hoodie(Crow family) - a fairly large bird with a length of 44 to 51 cm, weighing up to 700 g. The wingspan is about one meter. The plumage of the gray crow is gray or dark gray (except for the black top of the head, shirt-front, tail and wings). The black beak is slightly hooked and has a slightly convex mandible. The legs of the gray crow are black. It is the presence of gray color in the plumage that is one of the important distinguishing features of the gray crow. Young birds are slightly darker than adults. The voice of the gray crow is a hoarse "karr-karrr". Many ornithologists consider this bird a subspecies of the black crow and admit the possibility of crossing between the black and gray crows. “In their way of life, gray and black crows almost do not differ from each other. Both represent sedentary, less often nomadic birds living in pairs or united in a large society. (A.E. Brem “The Life of Animals, Volume II, “Birds”).


Gray crows are omnivores. “What they don’t eat is they clean the railroad tracks from what falls from the garbage cans and car toilets, they swallow mice, lizards and frogs, the seeds of spruce and field bindweed…”. (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch"). The menu is replenished with various small rodents, birds, beetles, worms, eggs of other birds, food waste, carrion, fruits and grains. Crows have learned to get their livelihood in a variety of ways. “For a month, the birds, not sparing their belly, saved the lands of the Barguzinsky Reserve from pests. They did not dig the ground at random, but stuck their beak exactly where, at a depth of 5-10 centimeters, the larvae of the cockchafer tormented the roots of plants. (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch").

The omnivorous nature of the gray crow leads to the fact that it often feeds on landfills, dumpsters and other similar places. It is not uncommon to see crows making a mess near garbage cans. They carry away with them crusts of bread and bones with the remains of meat in order to get enough in a more convenient place. For example, on rooftops.
The crow is referred to birds of prey, as it preys on smaller birds (especially chicks), rodents and other animals. In some parks, squirrels suffer from gray crows. “Sometimes there are raids on hares that for some reason found themselves in the clearing during the day. A flock of crows skillfully blocks the oblique path to retreat. Sometimes the crows take on the vile manner of the skua - they terrorize the small gulls that have grabbed the fish until they spit out the silvery body. (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch").


In our country, the gray crow is common in the European part and in Siberia. In the east (up to the Yenisei), the color of the plumage of the crow is more gray. This bird is found in forests, wastelands, landfills, in small settlements and cities. The bird is not afraid of the abundance of people. The gray crow manages to build nests not only on trees, but also on buildings. For the night, crows gather in huge clusters. They often spend the night in parks or cemeteries. Often they are joined by rooks and jackdaws. One part of the Moscow and Moscow region gray crows remains for the winter in their former places, the other part migrates to other regions and even to European countries. The total number of birds does not decrease, as crows fly to us from the North.

Breeding chicks

With the advent of spring, the mating season begins. At this time, it is interesting to watch males performing incredibly complex turns, takeoffs and other aerobatics in the air. The Gray Crow nests in pairs. Sometimes nests are located nearby. Crows are very sensitive birds. They are well versed in environmental issues. In polluted areas, the gray crow rarely builds a nest. She only flies there in search of food, and builds a nest in a cleaner place so that the offspring are healthy.

In March - April, the construction of a nest on a tree or on a building begins. Construction material- everything that crows can find and bring. These are branches, hay, rags, various pieces of iron and pieces of wire. The clutch consists of 2-6 bluish-green eggs with dark brown spots and strokes. The eggs laid first are more intensely colored than the last eggs. At the very end, the female lays pale blue eggs with almost imperceptible speckles. Family responsibilities are distributed as follows: the female incubates the eggs, and the male supplies her with food. “Through binoculars it is clearly visible that there is a noticeable movement in the nest. The bird rises a little and for a few moments, as it were, half-standing, quickly moving its legs, which makes the wings and the whole body tremble. These strange, at first glance, actions of the bird contribute to the ventilation of the nesting tray. It lasts from a few seconds to half a minute and is repeated so often that the bird, in fact, never sits quietly on the eggs. (S.F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch").

Chicks appear in about three weeks. It is noted that the crow-"boy" hatches first. As soon as the chicks are born, the female gray crow is connected to the search for food. Birds guard the nest with chicks in turn. Growing chicks need food that is easy to digest and high in calories. The best food is the eggs of other birds. Ravens ruthlessly plunder other people's nests to feed their chicks. They also hunt for chicks of smaller birds. “Sitting on a stick (and who just invented it?) Or on the overhanging roof of a birdhouse, the crow waits for the chick to look out the window. Grasping him by the beak, she drags away the fools one by one. But this is not the pinnacle of robbery: some crows uncork birdhouses like a bottle of beer. At the Zvenigorod biological station of Moscow State University, a burglar, acting like a lever with her beak, dropped the covers from eight birdhouses in one morning. Putting her beak between the lid and the side wall, she widened the gap until the lid gave way.

The habits of the gray crow

Ravens are surprisingly mobile, although they walk slowly due to their close toes. This bird loves to have fun. For example, it plans with pleasure, gaining a height of several tens of meters. Boldly sways on the wires. At our dacha, crows noisily roll down the metal roof, having previously folded their wings. Smart birds are incredibly smart. “If it is not possible to gouge a strong shell with their beak, they soar into the sky and throw the shell on stones or on the highway. Once, crows used the Tashkent airfield as nutcrackers. In the mornings, when the airport is relatively calm, a flock of crows bombarded the concrete strip with walnuts pulled from neighboring gardens! (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch"). There are many facts confirming the ability of crows. “They famously count to five in their minds. The crows were rounded up ... If five people entered the shelter, the flock did not return until all the hunters lost patience and went home. If, say, nine people climbed into the shelter, and six or seven came out of it, the observer crows lost count and, deciding that everything was in order, gave signals to return. (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch").

The crow has its worst enemy - the owl. He kills birds at night when they sleep. Crows are vindictive. They remember and can attack the dog that chased them a year ago. Occasionally, birds mistake the fur hats of people for old offenders and peck them furiously.

Gray crow daily routine

The famous Alfred Edmund Brehm described the typical daily routine of crows in this way. " Everyday life Raven is like this. They begin to fly before dawn, and often gather on a certain building or large tree before scattering across the fields. Until noon, they are actively busy looking for food: they walk through the fields and meadows, guard mouse holes, look out for bird nests, rummage through the gardens. ... By noon, crows flock to a dense tree to sleep in its foliage after dinner, and then go for feeding again. Before settling down for the night, they gather in large numbers, apparently with the aim of mutually exchanging impressions of the day. (A.E. Brem “The Life of Animals, Volume II, “Birds”).

hand crow

A crow living in captivity quickly gets used to a person. Especially if you got into the house as a chick. Everyone notes that this is a very smart bird. True, thieving. “Here, for example, how the zoologist Yu. Romov complained about his tame bird. His pupil, who lived in freedom, stole everything she could carry. At the table, she behaved in the highest degree indecently - she emptied the spoon of the host and guest before she had time to bring it to her mouth. It was worth a little gape, as the spoon itself disappeared. Neither swearing nor cuffs helped. (S. F. Starikovich "The menagerie at the porch").

“Both species of crows can be kept in captivity for a long time without much trouble; they are tamed and learn to speak, if only the teacher has the patience. But still, they are not suitable for the room because of their untidyness and the smell they spread ... ". (A.E. Brem “The Life of Animals, Volume II, “Birds”). A tame crow has been living near a person for years. She gets so used to the house and all family members that she can lead a free lifestyle, but eat and spend the night with people.

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It is possible, but you need to understand what difficulties you will have to face: you need to master basic information about the behavior and needs of the bird, know what the crow eats, how it can be educated, and much more.

Raven and crow

The gray crow is a bright representative of the corvidae family, which belong to the order of passerines. So her rather close relatives are sparrows and tits, despite the difference in size. But the closest relatives of the gray crow are magpies, jackdaws and crows. The latter is often considered a male gray crow, although these are two different types. This happened because of similar names in Russian, in the English version there is no such confusion - there the names of the species are not consonant.

By appearance these birds are easy to distinguish: a crow is gray-black, a raven is black, because of this color they are often confused with rooks.


In our country, this species is very widespread. Ravens settle in forests, near water bodies, and also near farmland. In addition, a significant part of the sedentary populations lives near people, in large settlements.

When crows build nests, they separate from the flock and try to protect the boundaries of their area. In cities, the widespread breakdown into pairs and mating games can be observed already in February. The earliest chicks appear not earlier than April, in one clutch there are 3-6 eggs, less often up to 7-8. As a rule, birds do not use old nests; they make new ones, but not far from the old ones. In the wild, birds breed at a distance of 1-2 km from another pair, in the city this gap is much less.

How long does a crow live in nature and at home

Black crows are often credited with mystical properties, including an incredibly long life of 300 years. In fact, the bird will live 20-30 years, although there are statements about centenarians - 75 years.

How long does a gray crow live? There is an opinion that the same number as Raven, or a little less. In the wild, healthy strong specimens live up to 20 years, in captivity, in good conditions, the bird will be able to live a little longer due to the fact that she does not have to get food herself. It is important for the owner to know what crows eat in order to choose the right food - so the pet will be healthy and live longer.

How to choose a pet

The most big mistake- take an adult wild bird. She will never get used to the cage, will have a vicious disposition and run away at the slightest opportunity. Many try to take a juvenile that can't fly yet and end up with the same behavior. The chick needs to be brought up from 2-3 months of age, if he is already more than 6 months old, then he will not get used to you. But even this does not guarantee a meek disposition - crows are vicious, noisy, biting, and these qualities increase with age.

Yes, they are often funny, birds of this species are very smart, but they are not very friendly and are not suitable for anyone as a pet because of their behavior.


It is better not to keep the gray crow for clean people - this bird is noisy and dirty. Even when kept in a cage, the dirt will be scattered far beyond its limits. Her litter is liquid, which also adds to the problems, and the smell is not the most pleasant. But if you are ready to clean and ventilate the room often and you are not afraid of difficulties, then here are some tips:

If possible, build an aviary - this is the best home for a bird in captivity;

You can keep a crow in a cage and even in a box, if it is sufficiently socialized, and it can be released into the room;

Equip the place of residence with a thick perch stick;

When flying freely around the room, do not forget that the crow eats almost everything and often likes to make stash - they can be not only from food, but also from various little things you like, like keys, coins, pens and other things.

What do crows eat

In wild nature

This bird does not disdain anything - it calmly eats any food waste, even carrion. She likes to steal bird eggs, and because of this, she often sees an agricultural bird - her eggs and young animals, which she also does not mind eating.

At home

What does a crow eat if kept at home? In general, such a pet will be omnivorous, and it depends only on the owner how complete and varied his diet will be. You can give any cereals, food for cats and dogs, homemade cottage cheese, all sprouted acorns, fruits and dried fruits, any vegetables, eggs in the shell, sprouted grains, raw meat of birds and animals (be careful with chicken, in which antibiotics are often found), offal , seafood, rodents and insects (meal worm, grasshoppers, larvae

The pet must have round-the-clock access to water, mineral supplementation is also necessary. You can buy it in specialized stores or cook it yourself - give a mixture of calcined shells, crushed bricks, charcoal and sand. Separately, it is worth giving clay - it is very important for birds, and they use it in almost any form, dry, wet or as a thick water suspension.

With a varied diet, the crow almost does not need additional vitamins, but for prevention, a two-week fortification can be carried out every six months.

harmful products

Feeding Tips

In fact, it is not so important what exactly the crow eats, it is important how she does it. The birds of this species have a high intelligence, and therefore even the process of feeding should be used in order to make the life of a pet more eventful and interesting. To put it simply, he must work hard to get food. To do this, you need to process the feed as little as possible, for example, chickens and mice should be given whole, vegetables, fruits and nuts should be given whole, without prior cleaning and cutting. Such food will take the bird for a long time, make it break its head and work with its claws and beak, which will serve as a kind of exercise for the muscles.

You can make caps - these are toys in which food is hidden. For example, wrapping pieces of food in paper or small plastic bottles, so that it is a difficult and interesting task for a crow.

Well, in general, do not forget about playing with your pet, experts recommend giving the crow at least 2-3 hours a day.

The life of crows is very interesting and eventful, watching them is a pleasure. These birds are found in any forests. In addition, crows are common inhabitants of settlements. You can meet them in small villages, and even in big cities.

The most common gray crow. In terms of size, a crow is larger than a jackdaw or a rook, but, practically, it is half the size of a crow. The body of the gray crow is ash gray, and the head, wings, tail, beak, legs, front of the throat are blue-black. Crow nests are very similar to rooks. Usually they arrange them in the forks of a thick tree trunk, but sometimes the crow's nest can be seen in city parks or gardens. Some crows can nest even on the eaves of tall buildings.

Very often, children are interested in where crows live in winter. After observing these birds, scientists found out that crows make regular flights in spring and autumn. In autumn, they fly to more southern regions, and return in spring. So, for example, ravens from the Moscow region fly away to Kharkov or Kyiv, and Arkhangelsk ravens settle in the Moscow region. Therefore, the crows that we meet in winter with us are not at all those that originally built their nests here and brought out their chicks, but those that flew in from places with more severe frosts. However, only young crows fly. In the spring, the old ones fly away from human habitation, and in the winter they return again and join the flocks of newly arrived young crows and jackdaws.

In captivity, the crow is very easy to tame. This bird has a rather easy disposition, but loves to play pranks very much. She does it cunningly so that the owner does not notice. The crow is easily trained. She can be taught to speak not only words, but also small phrases. They feed her in captivity with porridge, meat, bread and other common products.

Despite the fact that crows have nests, answering the question of where crows sleep in winter can sometimes be very difficult. This is due to the fact that these birds very rarely spend the night in their native nest. In winter, they usually sleep on the branches of tall trees. However, places for this are chosen quieter, away from heavily lit places or busy roads. At other times of the year, crows fly to the forest or plantings for the night. Observing the crow, scientists found that if it is not disturbed, then every year it will visit the same tree for the night. Quite often, the roosting place can be very far from the place where the crow spends its time during the day.

On a note

In spring, the male and female build a nest together, in which they hatch chicks. Feed babies with a wide variety of foods. It can be mollusks, insects, lizards, fish, earthworms, frogs, mice, bird eggs and even chicks of other birds. Even when the mature chicks begin to fly (after five weeks), the parents continue to feed and care for them. After a certain time, when the chicks become completely independent, they join the flocks and return to their nesting places only to spend the night. In autumn, crows begin to fly to their wintering grounds. From their native places, they can fly at a distance of about two to two and a half thousand kilometers. The flight speed, at the same time, is reached fifty kilometers per hour, although in ordinary life the crow is quite sedate.

On the one hand, crows are beneficial because they exterminate harmful insects and pick up carrion. On the other hand, these birds cause quite significant damage to the fields, as they peck out grains from ears, peck at cucumbers and melons, and destroy the eggs of other birds.

The behavior of crows in their natural environment cannot be called imprudent, since they are very careful and observant. People who make some mistakes are often called a crow, but this does not at all correspond to the behavior of birds. Ravens are very good at understanding people. From whether a person can bring them benefit or harm, their attitude towards him depends. Let's say they flock to the place where they noticed a person carrying a trash can to the container. If they notice a child who threw stones or sticks at them, then the whole flock will immediately disappear. If crows have ever met a hunter, they will fly away from a man with a gun, while they are not at all afraid of a man with a stick.

In addition to caution, crows are distinguished by their passion for savings and frugality. They will never leave the leftover food. Usually they try to hide excess food in the place they have chosen so that they can return later for it. Moreover, they can remember this place for quite a long time. Passion for everything brilliant is developed in crows of any type. As soon as she sees some kind of shiny object or a candy wrapper, she begins to circle around him. She will observe the thing of interest to her until she can drag it away.

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that the attitude towards human crows should be consistent with the role these birds play in the economy of the area in which they live. In case of great harm, many farmers try to get rid of them.

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