Ecotourism as a project for the resuscitation of rural areas. Businessman sergey konin retired from politics sergey konin earthworms


Kovrov entrepreneur Sergey Konin and Suzdal Ecopark

Tourism is now the world's second most profitable economy, rivaling the oil sector and long surpassing the profits from the arms trade. In the context of the widespread deterioration of the environmental situation, such a direction of this industry as ecotourism, tourism carried out in recreational areas and untouched areas of nature. Such corners are taken under special protection, human pressure on them is minimized in order to preserve biodiversity. Ecologically clean agriculture is being developed here, providing food for vacationers, handicrafts, historical sites - in a word, everything that gives the area originality and may interest tourists.

Russia, with its still vast territories and natural wealth, its unique ethnographic diversity and many historical monuments, has tremendous potential for the development of ecotourism, which can not only give our country a considerable influx Money but also to promote the development of agriculture, the conservation and restoration of nature and historical and cultural heritage.

The first large-scale project of this kind, which combines all the best practices in the industry, is being implemented in the Vladimir region by entrepreneur Sergey Konin. Sergei Stepanovich was born in the village of Timiryazevo, Tomsk Region, on August 22, 1957. Having given 15 years of service in the army, first in Transbaikalia, and then in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region, in 1989 he retired from the Armed Forces with the rank of lieutenant colonel and, having taken a loan, together with two colleagues, established the PIK Interregional Scientific and Production Cooperative, which united 14 cooperatives for the production of furniture, construction, production of plastic products, clothing production, etc.

After the 1998 default, Konin turned his attention to the agricultural sector. “For the rapid development of the company, it was necessary to choose one key direction,” he recalled in an interview. “It seemed that we could use our potential in the food sector.” Compete with major manufacturers meat or milk was difficult, and the search for his niche prompted Sergei Stepanovich to address the issue of soil fertility. Having traveled to a number of thematic exhibitions, he discovered the emerging trend of greening agriculture and the weakening of the positions of agrochemistry. In accordance with the conclusions made, MNPK "PIK" adopted new strategy: achieve competitive advantages in the field of applied ecology, develop technologies and innovations related exclusively to the production of eco-products. It only remained to find the technology of their production.

“At the end of 1998, we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a company that would always be in demand, and the business would be to our liking,” Konin said. - At that time we visited all the exhibitions, and at one of them, it seems, “Golden Autumn”, we saw biohumus. I remembered that I had read the little book "Scientific and Technological Progress in agriculture Japan" about the effect produced earthworms, and that their use is an opportunity to switch to organic farming. We began to seriously work on this idea, and suddenly we were surprised to find that the founder of Russian technology lives next to us, in Vladimir. It was Anatoly Mikhailovich Igonin, doctor of medical sciences, professor, already retired at that time.”

Having bought a patent for an invention from Igonin, Konin began to translate his ideas into reality. The professor himself became the corporation's leading scientific consultant. In addition to his salary, he, like other scientists at PIK, receives author's commissions in the amount of 2% of income. In total, 17 scientists and several young graduate students are employed in production.

Sergey Stepanovich organized an experimental laboratory, and then a pilot production using a technology called "Green-PIK". Already known technologies for breeding earthworms were taken as a basis. The conveyor American version was immediately abandoned because of its high cost. At first, worms were bred on special racks and in wooden boxes, but when the number of "prospectors" grew to 5 million individuals, it became clear that this was a dead end. Under such conditions, the population could not develop normally. For two years, scientists have observed the behavior of worms and, finally, found that their behavior is hard-coded, so they are easy to control. Then the “active ridge” method was adopted, in which worms are fed on one side of the ridge (working area), and the finished product is collected on the other.

The new technology was not slow to show results. “I will say, based on objective data from an independent laboratory. We received the latest research from the science city of Pushchino. They give the following figures: we have grain germination, seeds 1.7 times higher than the best soil mixtures that are on the market, and biomass production - 4 times. That is, we take external studies, we get such an interesting result. We deliver to the European Union, but you know, this is a complex bureaucratic system, so we sell through Estonia. We also deliver to Finland via Estonia. And now, imagine, there is an agricultural institute in Tartu. Experiments were carried out there. They have at least 30% more difference for different products. Those. when they say that without mineral fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, we will not feed the population - this, of course, is also not the case, ”Sergey Konin said in an interview with Narodny Radio. In addition, it turned out that the use of biohumus, thanks to the substances contained in it - chitinases that repel insects, relieves the potato crop from the threat of the Colorado potato beetle.

In 2002 and 2004, NPO "Green-PIK" held two International Scientific and Production Conferences "Earthworms and Soil Fertility", which were attended by all the world's leading experts from 19 countries, more than 400 people.

To spread the Green-PIK technology in the field of ecological farming, the Igonin A.M. School was created, in which more than a thousand specialists from Russia and many other countries have already been trained.

“Studying all human experience, finding out all the nuances of building a modern business, and knowing that there are certain goals of mankind that are defined by the UN: this is a sustainable environmentally sound development of territories and the fight against poverty, we have found the main guidelines for ourselves,” says Sergey Konin. - That is, business must be socialized, otherwise it has no future. It must be effective, for this the path of innovation has been chosen. It should be an economically sound business, and it is better to directly engage in environmental projects.”

Sergei Stepanovich is the author of several environmental projects: "Green-PIK-300 - Ecological farming", "Ecotourism: a million eco-houses in Green-PIK Ecoparks", "Earthworms - the basis of agricultural reform", "Eco-industrial parks - green points of growth of the new economy", "Ecorosia - social ecological network”, has copyright inventions, patents of the Russian Federation.

NPO "Green-PIK" has been awarded more than 100 medals, cups and diplomas of various international and Russian exhibitions for achievements in the field of environmental technologies. Two NPO enterprises were included in the top 100 enterprises in Russia: in 2002 PIK-agro - for economic growth rates and in 2004 Green-PIK OJSC - for outstanding achievements in the field of ecology and quality.

“We have created a partnership, the purpose of which is to unite the efforts of all manufacturers of clean products,” says Sergey Konin. “We are not just looking at food. This topic comes from ecological farming, we come from the earth. Because we have been dealing with this issue for twelve years, and only thanks to hard work have we reached a leading position in this topic. Ecological farming, the production of clean products, and of exceptional quality - this is our work, the task for the future for the country. Only such products are in demand on the market today. And what comes next?! After all, the problem is: there is an eco-house. We need to implement this project today. And the design institute, which is part of our organization, is currently designing an eco-house, including for eco-tourism and green rural tourism. Those. we cover the whole chain related to clean products, including the so-called eco-parks.”

Today, the main project of the NPO "Green-PIK" is the eco-park "Suzdal", created on the basis of the standards of the world's leading organizations - UNWTO, TIES and UNESCO. During 2012-2018, investors are planning to build several hotels, eco-settlements and eco-bases, phyto- and auto-towns, eco-farms and bee apiaries, bioproduct production, an arboretum, an aeronautical station, a golf club, an equestrian and yacht club, a sports fishing club, equip embankments and reservoirs. The estimated volume of investments will be about 60 billion rubles at the expense of private investors.

On the territory of the ecopark, it is planned to build the first in Russia guest "smart" eco-houses, environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The owner and his family will live in one part of the house, the other is intended for rent to guests. “The fact is that the basis of tourism is, of course, a house,” explains Konin. - Guest house. There are two million guest houses in Europe. In Russia today there are no such statistics, but I can say with full confidence that we do not have a single house built according to the standards of an eco-house. Each house that will be built according to this principle is an event in tourism. If we talk about how to link agriculture and “green” tourism, it is important to say that today people who come to such towns do not just relax, they get acquainted with rural work, with a way of life. But the fact is that we do not have guest houses, and people are guided by the fact that they come and get three main standards: one hundred percent comfort, privacy and security. These standards should be provided by agro-towns and eco-bases.”

According to the terms of participation in the project, the owners of houses will have to engage in agriculture on the territory of their estates. This, according to Sergei Stepanovich, is a significant factor in the revival of our agricultural sector: “If we talk about the direction of agricultural development, where do we have a false moment? We can produce as much as we want. After all, agricultural producers and farmers are crying all the time that they have produced products, but they cannot put it on the net. Now imagine: if he knows that 20-30 people pass through his houses a day, he will keep 20 pigs, 50 chickens, 10 cows, so that there is always fresh food. The entrepreneur is sure that Russia has a colossal human resource for organizing such projects: “The fact is that the urbanization that has taken place all over the world has led to the fact that, in general, 80% of humanity lives in cities. In Russia, another 22% live in villages. Those. there is a human resource. This is a colossal direction for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which everyone is talking about today.”

Sergei Stepanovich delivered a report on "smart" eco-houses at the BRICS summit, the participants of which became so interested in the topic that they put it on the agenda for the further work of this organization. “A house where you can enjoy all the benefits of civilization at no extra cost, called “smart”, will allow a person to return to a reasonable relationship with nature, now largely lost, Konin is convinced. - The inhabitants of such houses will be fed with environmentally friendly products grown on the adjacent plot without chemicals, using vermicompost produced by earthworms.

For the owners of such houses, this will be both a home and work at the same time. After all, a tourist who travels for pleasure and is ready to pay for it may wish to work in the garden himself or, for example, choose vegetables and fruits in the garden with his own hands (...).

In addition to "smart" eco-houses, 1 million "smart" trees will be planted here, fulfilling their role in the ecological process. In addition, additional eco-strips will be created: each hectare of land will be enclosed in a square of such mixed forest eco-strips. Forests will become "hotels" for small animals and birds.

Transport, which will walk around the territory of the ecopark, will run on electric, hydrogen and pneumatic engines, excluding any damage to nature.

In the center of the ecopark, a "City of Masters" will be created - a place where tourists will be provided with other entertainment, in addition to those received in the guest house. Here they will be able to plunge into the world of folk crafts - watch the work of representatives of a particular craft, immediately purchase a handicraft made before his eyes, and if they wish, try their hand as a woodcarver, potter, etc.”

Having considered all options for promoting the project, the Board of Directors of Ecopark Suzdal CJSC decided to combine the business formats of green rural tourism and organic farming Green-PIK into farming mini-clusters (thematic eco-farms).

According to the plan, the size of mini-clusters will be 16-25 hectares, depending on the terrain, and will look like this:

Each mini-cluster is surrounded by forest protection plantations along the border of the site of the most different types trees and shrubs, has a natural-type reservoir with an area of ​​at least 10% of the site, individual landscape design, unique name and entry group. Places for general recreation of local residents and tourists are being arranged around reservoirs.

Each mini-cluster is formed as a sustainable productive ecosystem in which the energy flow of sunlight is used as efficiently as possible. More than half of the territories of mini-clusters are designed to maintain the biodiversity of flora and fauna.

The main activities of mini-clusters are the cultivation of organic food, handicrafts and "green" rural tourism. Each mini-cluster is managed by an Ecopark resident: a Peasant Farming Enterprise (PFH), an agricultural cooperative or an agricultural firm.

Ecopark "Suzdal" offers 4 business formats of mini-clusters:

1. Eco-farm-park-hotel (16-25 hectares with accommodation for up to 50 tourist eco-houses).

2. Farmstead-type eco-farm (10 plots of 1-2 hectares each with accommodation for 5 tourist eco-houses on each).

3. Eco-farm of Solar bio-vegetarians (20 plots of 0.5 hectares each with accommodation of eco-farmer's guest houses for 6 rooms).

4. Eco-farm "Russian Village" (40 sites of guest tourist eco-houses of 0.25 hectares each with accommodation for 1 guest house for 4 rooms).

The main business format is "Eco-farm-park-hotel". The eco-farm provides tourists with a full range of "green" rural tourism services all year round: from gastronomic tours to fishing and a Russian bath.

The main advantage of the new format is that tourists receive a large number of services directly on the territory of the eco-farm, and recreation areas are as close as possible to vacationers. It is assumed that more than a thousand species of plants, animals and birds will “get a residence permit” on the territory of each eco-farm.

At the same time, eco-farms will have a certain specialization associated with the preservation of rare and endangered representatives of flora and fauna, as well as agricultural species (for example, the Vladimir heavy truck, Krasnogorbatovskaya cow, Vladimir goose, etc. are of great interest)

The tourist houses themselves are arranged in such a way that the panoramic window from the fireplace room offers the most beautiful views of the terraced park and a natural-type pond. Each house has a green fence providing privacy, parking for a private car and a barbecue. It would not be superfluous to say that in addition to two bedrooms and a fireplace room, the houses have all the amenities, a shower and even a mini-sauna.

The construction of guest houses and eco-houses, as already mentioned, is carried out using "green" technologies. Solar collectors are widely used solar panels, wind turbines and other alternative energy sources, including biofuels. Bicycles and electric transport are mainly used to move around the territory of mini-clusters. Thus, mini-clusters ensure ecological balance and create comfortable conditions for work and leisure in harmony with Nature.

Environmental technologies are the "highlight" of the project. “According to the talented engineer and author of the book “Smart House” S. Bogdanov, due to special technologies, the possibilities of “smart houses” are colossal.

For example, a light control system (or an intelligent lighting system), - says Sergey Vitalievich. - Voltage regulators, which are part of the "Smart Home", allow you to save not only on electricity, but also on the bulbs themselves. Smooth turning on of the lamps will extend their service life by almost half. Special sensors allow you to turn on or off the light in the house, depending on whether the person is in the room or not. The light can turn on / off and automatically - depending on the selected mode.

Save energy and help innovation system climate control. And the room will always be supplied with fresh air, purified and desired temperature and humidity. A special water supply system in " smart home» will allow people to control the process of supplying, filtering water, making it safe for consumption.

Thus, Ecopark "Suzdal" gives the opportunity not only to spend time away from the costs of urbanization - gas pollution, noise, fuss and other "gifts" of civilization, but also to live and work in comfortable conditions."

The production of agricultural products by eco-farmers is carried out using Green-PIK technologies on the principles of permaculture and biodynamic farming based on operational maps. For the year-round cultivation of green vitamins, solar bio-vegetarians are being built in all mini-clusters.

Work on the construction of the first bio-vegetarian went on all last winter. It allows you to provide 500 people daily with green vitamins 365 days a year. At the same time, the consumption of heat and electric energy is reduced by an order of magnitude. In addition, the organizers plan to reach a level of automation that will reduce labor costs by 80%. All this will lead to a reduction in the cost of organic products with full control of all crop factors. Thus, the eco-farmer will receive a sustainable competitive advantage in the fruit and vegetable market.

Vladimir land is rich in historical monuments. In total, 3726 objects are registered. Alas, most of them are in a deplorable state. This problem also came to the attention of Sergei Konin. In the summer of 2013, the entrepreneur took up the fate of the abandoned Khrapovitsky estate - a real medieval palace, from the splendor of which only ruins are about to remain. The legend says that Vladimir Semenovich Khrapovitsky built his horse yard in the image and likeness of the court of one of the French nobles, who somehow offended the colonel's pride. Then he argued with his friends - the French, that he would build a castle no worse than in the Loire. A couple of years later, the count brought them to his estate, showed an exact copy of the castle. After listening to compliments, he said: “Gentlemen, my horses live here. And the palace is further, in the park. When the count led the French to his magnificent palace, they were in a state of complete amazement.

The manor park consisted of three parts: the Italian one, from the water cascades on the terraces and the water parterres; French - from fountains, greenhouses and playgrounds and English, from alleys, meadows and ponds.

Count Khrapovitsky was a unique entrepreneur and philanthropist. He not only maintained his estate in perfect condition, created a powerful timber processing company, but also built schools, temples, and houses for the poor. Yet Count Khrapovitsky had to die in poverty and exile ten years after the revolution.

According to Sergei Stepanovich, in order to save the unique estate, “the right decision would be to create a tourist center on the basis of the estate, the proceeds from which should be used for its restoration. I think that it would be correct to set the rent at a rate of 1 ruble per year to those who do this. The estate is now in the treasury, i.е. belongs to the state. Therefore, it is necessary to convince officials of the correctness of this decision. Although maybe someone will offer a stronger solution. One thing is clear: since 1977, no one has been responsible for the monument of history and architecture, and every day of mismanagement makes us spiritually poorer.”

On the initiative of the entrepreneur, a subbotnik was held on the estate, which was attended by 138 volunteers who are rooting for the history of Russia and wishing to contribute to the revival of the monument. “Enthusiasm and working spirit infected everyone with energy,” Sergei Stepanovich testifies. - As soon as the teams were distributed around the perimeter of the castle, the magic of transformation began. Literally before our eyes, from a garbage dump and thickets of trees, shrubs and weeds, a majestic structure grew up, stunning the imagination of everyone. This is why we are here.

But first there was a small rally, at which, besides me, they lit up: CEO Svetlana Melnikova of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, Natalya Yudina, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Vladimir Region, and Alexander Starodubtsev, Head of the Sudogodsky District. Here they adopted an appeal to the Acting Governor of the Vladimir Region Orlova S.Yu.

Rise at 5 am, at 6 - departure. Already at 7-20 they began to deploy the working bodies of the subbotnik with their own functions. Subbotnik headquarters: registration of participants and the time of their arrival, distribution of tasks, equipping with tools, photo and video shooting, maintaining an operational chronicle of the subbotnik. Technical point: power station, distribution of rakes, shovels, pitchforks, bags and work gloves, refueling of chainsaws and trimmers, their maintenance, etc. Buffet bar: providing volunteers with water, tea and coffee; "Buffet". Sanitary unit: washbasins and, sorry, toilets. On the building of the castle was posted a banner "We will revive the estate of V.S. Khrapovitsky with the whole world."

The cleaning of the castle was carried out not only outside, but also inside. More than 400 cubic meters of household waste and weeds were removed. Now the castle is in need of restoration work. But that's another story, because the estate of Count Khrapovitsky V.S. does not yet have an owner.

Through the efforts of Konin, the Civic Chamber of the Vladimir Region took special control over the fate of the estate. According to the entrepreneur, Russia needs a regional law on commercial concession, which would allow a private investor to open auction take responsibility for the historic site. “For 36 years now, the estate of Count Khrapovitsky has been in an ownerless state and this cannot go on forever,” he pointed out in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda given after the subbotnik. - Now the complex has been taken under control not only by the Public Chamber of the Vladimir Region, of which I am a member, but also by Acting Governor Svetlana Yuryevna Orlova. We also urged the public to follow developments and not let anyone relax. I am sure that the Internet community can also do a lot. The main thing is to have a responsible person with the necessary powers to solve this problem. As for my opinion, I am still sure that in the end there is only one force capable of saving the cultural and historical heritage of Russia. These are tourists. No wonder the head of the Federal Tourism Agency A.V. Radkov said that Russia is primarily interesting for the organization of cultural, historical and educational tourism.

To date, Green-PIK has already received more than 900 applications for participation in the Suzdal Ecopark project. The first farmers are already working on its territory. It is expected that over time their number will reach 500 people. The organizers aim to make recreation in the ecopark accessible not only for foreigners, but also for Russian tourists. Estimated cost of living here: 1000 rub. for an adult and 500r. - for a child.

“There is always a way out,” Sergey Konin is sure. - Everyone decides for himself: what food to consume, what lifestyle to lead, where to relax and how to raise their children. Because a child brought up on vacation in Turkey will probably go to live abroad. In the end, the whole country will scatter. We need to make sure they come to us. And for this - to reveal their uniqueness. We have more than a hundred nations and nationalities on the territory of Russia, and I think we have something to tell and show.”

The material was prepared by E.V. Semyonova

The resource published an exclusive interview with the famous Kovrov businessman Sergey Konin, whose name was constantly heard during the mayorship of Irina Tabatskova. Now everything has changed, and Mr. Konin has moved away from politics.

In comments Online residents of the city reacted with approval to the publication. They make only one amendment that the photo shows a different street, which is in better condition than most other roads. Here is the publication in full with all the photos (above photo:

Sergei Konin: "I don't see myself in politics"

For the attention of IKovrov readers - an exclusive interview with eco-businessman Sergey Konin. We talk about life after the change of the head of the city, the development of "green" technologies, the Farmer's Market under construction, the sale of property, the problems of the current municipal government and projects that had to be put to rest.

- Our readers are very interested in where you live now - in Kovrov or have you left our city? What is your business now?

– Since 1986 I have been living and working in Kovrov and I am not going to change my place of residence. I have many friends who invite me to move to them for business development, for example, in the Crimea, in Sochi, in Malta.

The main direction of our business since 2010 is the development of "green" technologies, which are now in great demand. We are the leading producer of vermicompost in Russia. At present, the Pedigree Farm of Earthworms in Kovrov has begun to work. One of our patented projects - Solar bio-vegetarian, is recommended for implementation in the development of the Far Eastern hectare. We are the developers of a unique franchise for eco-farmers, which we are now promoting throughout Russia and the CIS countries, having already more than 15 dealers in the regions.

- How has your life changed (and has it changed at all) after Irina Tabatskova ceased to be the head of the city of Kovrov?

- At that time I headed the Expert Council under the City Administration, working on a voluntary basis 2 days a week. The Council was conceived as a body that eliminates bureaucratic barriers on the principle of "one stop shop". Over the period of work, the Expert Council has assisted in resolving hundreds of problems, offering optimal solutions. About the quality of work Expert Council It can be judged by the fact that not a single proposal was rejected.

The condition of the roadway on the street. Vatutina today.

Let me remind you that we took on the most difficult tasks. For example, in order to put an end to bad roads in Kovrov, we purchased a new asphalt plant, an asphalt paver, heavy rollers, a cutter, and other equipment. We managed to overhaul the bridge across the Klyazma River, Stroiteley Street, Vatutin Street (with local storm sewerage), Cosmonauts, Muromskaya, Kirov, made a road to the Zarya microdistrict, etc. Everyone is well aware of the state of the roads in Kovrov today.

At a meeting of the socio-political council under the head of the city.

In Kovrov at that time there was a problem of deceived equity holders. This problem was created by the developer - the Municipal Housing Development Fund. For 4 years, equity holders have been waiting for their apartments, but the buildings of houses without windows and doors stuck out of heaps of construction debris. The builders left the facilities because the Fund had debts to them in the amount of 11 million rubles. At the City Council, I was persuaded to head this Fund. Exactly 5 months later, the five-story, nine-story and fourteen-story houses were commissioned. At the same time, equity holders did not pay a single ruble in excess of the contract.

If I knew that for this I would not receive awards and thanks, but criminal prosecutions, then I would never have undertaken to complete the construction of these houses. But at that moment, I was sorry to see how 500 people who believed in the Municipal Fund were suffering, and I wanted to restore the confidence of the townspeople in the authorities.

After the change of power, I had more time to develop my business based on patented "green" technologies. As a result, today Green-PIK holds leading positions in Russia and in the world in a number of developments, primarily related to organic agriculture. This work is more to my liking than the endless overcoming of bureaucratic barriers and calls for interrogation.

- Therapeutic building on Abelman, construction of a bathhouse on the street. Belinsky - excellent undertakings, a lot of money and effort has been invested. Why were these projects never completed?

- After the change of power, these projects were put to rest. We lost all the money we had invested in the therapy building because the contractor, the municipal enterprise Kovrovstroyzakazchik, was deliberately declared bankrupt.

The building of the therapeutic building on the street. Abelman. Photo 2017

The bath is a similar story. We offered the city modern project, which included a whole range of services, including public baths, saunas, a hairdresser, laundry, dry cleaning, a related goods store, a cafe, and even gym. We chose a very convenient place for the townspeople, a stone's throw from the trolleybus stop. The builder of the bathhouse was the Municipal Housing Development Fund of the city of Kovrov.

However, this project was politicized, construction was stopped immediately after I was fired from the Foundation. After a series of leadership changes (three directors in a year and a half), the Fund suffered the same fate. It was bankrupted, and the bathhouse under construction was sold for next to nothing to a private person.

As usual, no one was held responsible for this.

Unfinished bathhouse on the street. Belinsky. Photo 2015.

- How do you assess the current government in Kovrov? What, in your opinion, should officials and deputies pay more attention to?

- In fact, the key problem of any municipal government is a chronic lack of budgetary resources. The administration and the Council are practically powerless in this matter, because business mainly pays taxes to the regional and federal levels. Therefore, in any district town, one and the same picture of depressing poverty and the decline of the urban economy.

Therefore, I do not undertake to evaluate the current government, but somewhere in the depths of my soul I hope that it is doing everything possible for the development of the city.

- For a long time you were an adherent of the views of a certain political party. How about now? Do you have political ambitions?

– I have no political ambitions and I do not see myself in politics. Politics is always tied to a certain territory, and business has no boundaries.

– You have been involved in organic farming and the cultivation of eco-products long before it became mainstream. Currently, your enterprises are engaged in the production of organic food products. Where can I buy it in Kovrov (or outside it)? Why was Green Supermarket abandoned? Does the production of "Biohumus" work?

– For many years, NPO Green-PIK has positioned itself on the market as an innovative company, offering “green” technologies based on its own developments. We have achieved a lot here. Suffice it to say that we were the first from Russia to be invited to participate in the Green Bridge international program, which operates under the auspices of the UN.

Our merit is that since 1998, when Dr. Professor Igonin A.M., we have created a biohumus market in Russia and in the CIS countries from almost scratch. We have taught this production to more than 1300 entrepreneurs from 19 countries. In the Suzdal region, we are implementing the project of the largest biohumus production in the CIS with a capacity of up to 50,000 tons per year. Moreover, at least half of biohumus is intended for export.

Photo from the personal archive of S.S. horsemeat

The Green Supermarket project ended after the change of ownership of the land plot, as the rent increased tenfold. Now this area is overgrown with weeds. We are still convinced that every city should have such a “Green Supermarket”, where you can come with the whole family and pick the freshest and most natural vegetables, herbs, and berries right from the garden. Although now we offer more modern business formats in agriculture, combining the cultivation of eco-products and the development of "green" rural tourism.

- Farmer's market on the basis of "Pervomaisky": the idea voiced by you in "LiveJournal" was vividly discussed by our readers. When will construction start? Are there many applicants? Are there similar ones in Russia?

- Reading the comments, I noticed that there are more negative ones than positive ones. It's amazing how active pessimistic people are. Most likely, their forces are completely wasted on bile, and another energy is needed for creation. Most are not in the mood to plow like we do.

Project of the Farmer's Market, published in Sergey Konin's LiveJournal.

Now the documents are being considered by the Kovrov Administration, we hope for a positive decision in order to start work on completing the construction without delay. There are many people who want to participate, but we are not concluding contracts yet, because permits must be attached to the contracts.

The Farmer's Market project is very interesting, because the supply of products to the market will come directly from the field and farm, i.e. in its freshest form. For Russia, this is a unique project. Especially for this, 32 eco-farms will operate in the Kovrovsky district alone. But there are already potential suppliers from other regions, including Ryazan, Tambov and Ivanovo regions.

Today, farmers cannot get into the networks, but here it will be convenient for them to work, becoming suppliers of their market. By the way, each farmer is also given the opportunity to become a co-owner of the market. Farmers will not need to stand behind the counter, as This market is designed on the principle of self-service.

Photo from the personal archive of S.S. horsemeat

- "Kovrovskaya Gazeta", "Our Small Motherland": these publications, not without your participation, have been working in Kovrov for more than one year. Are you going back to publishing?

– To promote our technologies and products, we mainly use Internet resources. Although sometimes for agricultural exhibitions we make a special issue of a newspaper format in order to convey information to those who are not yet friends with the Internet.

- About a year ago there was information about the sale of the Zarya Hotel in Vladimir, for a long time they talked about finding a buyer for " Shopping center 200 years" in Kovrov. Have the objects received new owners? What was the need to get rid of these objects?

- We see the future of our company in the development of "green" technologies, all non-core assets will be sold. How this will be done - through a direct sale or through bankruptcy proceedings - depends on the situation. The sale of non-core assets will allow closing loans to banks, the remaining funds will be invested in the development of more promising projects.

– In 2016, a number of your companies, including the Zarya Hotel, were declared bankrupt. At the end of 2016, Rosselkhozbank went to court with a lawsuit to declare you bankrupt. How can you comment on the current situation?

– To begin with, all our new projects are not related to loans, so as not to risk business and not make it dependent on the mood of banks. As practice shows, there are no good or bad loans, it is always bondage. When the bank is full of money, it looks for solvent clients and offers money, but as soon as the client really needs financial help, banks are ready to destroy their client's business, just to get a momentary profit.

Good banks try to support their customers, especially during a crisis. Since 2008, we have been negotiating with the Russian Agricultural Bank on the restructuring of accounts payable and reached an understanding.

However, after the change of leadership of the RSHB in Vladimir in 2013, the bank unilaterally violated the agreements sealed by the protocol, and soon started bankruptcy procedures for all our debtors, increasing interest rates, imposing fines and penalties.

Photo from the personal archive of S.S. Horsemeat.

Unfortunately, the court sided with the bank, as a result of which bankruptcy procedures were introduced at eight companies. By the way, all loans were secured by collateral, the implementation of which repeatedly covers debts.

Although I personally did not take loans, I act as a guarantor for the loan obligations of all borrowers of the bank. I have enough assets in my property to cover all the loans of the borrowing companies. However, the bank did not agree to such a plan in order not to allow the normal operation of our enterprises to be restored. That is why it was necessary to go to the bankruptcy procedure, within the framework of which it is no longer the bank, but the court that will decide on the restructuring of debts. The meeting of creditors has already supported my financial recovery plan, now we are waiting for the court's decision. I hope that the arbitration court will consider all the circumstances of the case and make a decision that will allow us to complete the bankruptcy procedure with financial recovery.

In our enlightened time, everyone knows what harm to health brings the thoughtless use of mineral fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. In recent years, a new threat has emerged - the imposition by transnational corporations in alliance with businessmen from science of a new subculture - the consumption of genetically modified products.

An alternative is ecological farming, based on the restoration of natural soil fertility. Quality food is the real basis of health and longevity.Our common goal is to receive on any land plots high yields of organic vegetables, fruits and berries. Products should be stored for a long time, retain their natural aroma and taste.

It is believed that the production of such products requires large financial investments and labor costs, the products are expensive. Actually, it's not all that bad. It is possible to grow truly high-quality, low-cost products, but only using biohumus a, a product of processing organic waste earthworms. There is no alternative to biohumus, because this is the only type of fertilizer, the application of which directly into the root system of plants gives the maximum effect. Weeds do not get food. And to get 1 kilogram of real cucumbers according to bio standards (eco, organic), for example, you need as many nutrients as only 100 grams of biohumus contains.

Biohumusprovides a balanced nutrition of plants and strengthens their immune system, accelerates the ripening of fruits and gives a significant increase in yield, restores the natural fertility of the soil. The content of vitamins in such fruits is several times higher. But how to switch to organic farming when producing cheap biohumus in Russia, no one succeeded.

Scientists and specialists of NPO "Green-PIK" since 1998 under the guidance of Professor A.M. IGONINA worked to solve this problem.Completely new ideas were implemented, the implementation of which made it possible to produce as much vermicompost as it is required for the transition to ecological farming.

The basis of production is the cultivation of special rain worms that are capable of producingbiohumuson a commercial scale. This hybrid, bred by Professor A.M. Igonin in 1982, for his productivity and unpretentiousness, he received the name "Prospector". Worms turned out to be really tame: they never leave the working area, places of drinking and feeding.So earthworms turned into agricultural, domestic animals.

The most important thing about the new technology is that it allows you to organize the production of high-quality biohumus but on any scale. This can be done by an amateur grower, a farmer, and a businessman. Almost any organic waste is suitable as a raw material.Moreover, the Prospectors are not only extremely voracious (productive!), but also form a living conveyor, which makes it possible to reduce energy and labor costs tenfold, and hence the price biohumus a. The idea is recognized as an invention,"active" or "walking ridge" is protected by a Russian patent.

Biohumus- ideal nutrition for plants, its efficiency is 10-20 times higher than manure. Biohumus is a raw material for the production of liquid humic preparations ("Gumistar"), as well as for the production of high-quality soil mixtures. And the ideal producer biohumus and just is the "Prospector". Imagine that one "Prospector" gives birth to one and a half thousand individuals per year, their growing biomass produces up to 100 kg during this period biohumus a!

Why Green-PIK sells not only biohumus, but also rain worms « Prospector" along with technology? The answer is simple: it is beneficial for everyone, because environmentally friendly products are sorely lacking. The lowest cost biohumus and can be obtained by organizing production on site, directly at the source of raw materials. And it is formed everywhere: in the backyard and garden, on farms and food industry enterprises, even in the kitchen.

A simple example: the average cow produces 6 tons of milk per year, which gives an income taking into account wholesale price 90 thousand rubles. One cow has a train (calf, heifer), which together give 30 tons of manure per year. If this manure is processed into biohumus , then we get about 18 tons of biohumus and 180 kg. worms, for a total amount of 360 thousand rubles. At the same time, the profitability of milk production is about 15%, andbiohumusand worms - at least 300%. Please note that hay, silage are harvested for keeping and feeding cows, compound feeds and medicines are required. And the earthworm consumes waste, while it does not get sick and is not a carrier of diseases of either humans, animals or birds. It only creates value: biohumus , own biomass and clean environment.

Let's remember the kind word of the doctor of medical sciences, professor A.M. Igonin, who tamed the earthworm. He lived a bright life, went through the Great Patriotic War, was a colonel in the medical service, worked until the last day to solve the problem of the availability of quality food. He wished health and longevity to all people. And I saw that the path to this is the same for everyone - through an environmentally friendly environment and proper nutrition.

And today these tasks remain relevant.

I travel around the country a lot. And I see: in one city people are cheerful, active, and you feel how something is happening there. And in other cities there is a dead man ... In the yards it is such that you don’t want to go in, the windows have not been washed for months. It makes me want to ask: “What are you doing? This is your home!” There can be no civil society if the citizens themselves do not take part in public affairs. It just can't be. It's unreal...

Vladimir Pozner

« Berezniki Rabochiy" became the laureate of the VI All-Russian competition of publications on local self-government "People's Power". And this is the case when the victory itself is not important. More important are meetings with interesting people - the organizers of the competition, authorities, businessmen, journalists-winners who came to Vladimir for seminars on local self-government ... We will tell about these interesting people. Maybe you also want to change something in your life - yours and the city.

Where does the Motherland begin?

A resident of the city of Kovrov found the perfect farm animal and earned millions on it.

As one of the rewards, the winning journalists were sent to the worm's nest. Some sharks of the pen, not believing their ears, asked the organizers in bewilderment: “Where are we going?” And they received an imperturbable answer: “In the worm hole. This is in the city of Kovrov. Get on the bus!"

business on worms

And on the bus, Sergei Stepanovich Konin, a hefty joker, is already waiting for journalists. He briefly talks about himself: a former military man, a retired colonel, the owner of Green-PIK OJSC, which includes 22 enterprises: worm farms, biohumus sales points in Russia from outside, a meat processing plant, construction, newspaper and other businesses. Moreover, different enterprises are united not only by OJSC and one commander-in-chief - Konin, but also by the technology by which they live - "Small Motherland".

Further, Konin tells about the city where the bus is heading. Carpets, 150 thousand people, no, carpets are not produced here, the name of the city has a different story. The owner of the settlement, which has now become the city of Kovrov, was owned by the princes Starodubsky. It was these princes who received the nickname "Kovrovs" and at the same time gave the name to the city thanks to their ancestor, who in the battle with the Tatar-Mongols captured the Khan's carpet...

The story, of course, is interesting, but, Sergey Stepanovich, reveal the secret. Why have worms become the backbone of your business? - it's meticulous journalists begin "interrogation".

In our country, wood, gold, diamonds, oil, gas, firstly, belong to someone and, secondly, someday they will run out. But the dung beetle is not particularly needed and, importantly, it is an inexhaustible and cheap resource. So it turned out that I'm doing business.... And it all started with 3 kg of worms!

-What is the essence of business on worms?

We have a special mission. We produce products of exceptional quality based on organic farming. We are working to make a new technology for biohumus production available to any consumer. Biohumus is the secretions of earthworms, they contain trace elements, vitamins, humic substances. It reduces the time of seed germination, fruit ripening, binds heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates. Ecologically clean products grow on biohumus.

- Some kind of panacea... Is there something that biohumus does NOT contain?

No pathogens, helminth eggs, weed seeds or heavy metals. And as for the panacea ... Do you know where the saying "kill the worm" came from? Previously, in the villages, those who had a stomach ache were advised to eat a worm, because it would enrich the intestinal flora with useful bifidus and lactobacilli. And people also knew: in case of total hunger, you can eat earthworms, they contain both proteins and amino acids. So biohumus is, indeed, a panacea. We have arrived, - Konin invites everyone to enter the wormhole.

Worms - a small semi-dark room, entirely consisting of beds. Each of them is “wound” around a post, on which there is a funny picture - a worm with a spade, and the inscription “Worms at work”. To the left of the post is a bed - a loose mixture of manure and straw, to the right - a bed with clear edges. It was the workers of the worm farm who had already cut off the vermicompost with a shovel, a crumbly mass pleasantly smelling of soil.

Biohumus is produced by the worms "Prospectors", - Sergey Stepanovich breaks the manure with his bare hands and demonstrates the heroes of the day. - They were brought out by Professor Igonin, crossing the local and Kyrgyz earthworm. He sold the patent to Green-PIK. The technology by which we produce biohumus is called a walking ridge. We patented it in 2005, now it has already spread all over the world. Previously, biohumus was produced as follows: manure was poured into containers, worms were launched. But since 95% of earthworms are prone to travel, they crawled.

-And they don’t crawl from the beds?

Only to the neighboring garden - to dance, or the girls are more beautiful there. Although no, obviously not for the girls, because the worms are hermaphrodites. By the way, besides the tendency to travel, worms have no flaws, they are ideal farm animals.


They are hardworking: 600 kg of biohumus and 10-15 kg of offspring are obtained from a ton of manure. They don't get sick. Worms, unlike pigs and cows, are silent. They don't need light. The worms do not leave the feeding place. They don't degenerate. Racks to different temperatures.

- Is it possible to make organic farming accessible to everyone?

We have a unique private national project "Green - PIK-300-Ecological Farming". By participating in the program, entrepreneurs can quickly master the biohumus production technology and introduce it in their regions. Ordinary consumers, gardeners-summer residents can also learn from us. Program participants become shareholders of JSC "Green-PIK" and receive benefits - as partners.

-How profitable is the worm business?

Look: on the left side of the pillars, manure, the price of which is 20 kopecks per kilogram, “Prospectors” process it, and on the left side we get vermicompost, which we sell for 6 rubles a kilogram in Russia, for 2 euros - for export.

Konin concludes his tour of the wormhole, advising journalists to laugh less and think more seriously about the role of worms in our lives:

Only, for God's sake, don't write: "We are on the verge of the country's scarring." This is not true. We are on the verge of a global improvement of the soil, ecological farming... Oh, by the way, not only scientists, but also writers understand this. Daria Dontsova in the novel "Dossier on Baby Che", entertainingly outlined the essence of vermicultivation (from "vermi" - a worm).

There, son, concept

The next point of the trip is the Kovrov meat-packing plant. On the territory of the meat processing plant, which Konin acquired as a bankrupt, unfinished, there is cleanliness and beauty. The plant itself is built from environmentally friendly blocks, surrounded by alpine slides, an artificial well, lawns, flowerpots with multi-colored petunias, greenhouses in which they grow huge, flavored with biohumus ... No, like this: HUGE tomatoes and cucumbers.

The beauty! - admired the workers of the pen, chewing bio-tomatoes and bio-cucumbers. - You will not immediately understand that you are at an industrial enterprise.

These are the technologies of the "Small Motherland", - Sergey Stepanovich again enthusiastically tells. - They are multifaceted, these technologies. To use the possibilities of a small motherland, for the benefit of oneself and the Motherland. You saw this in the example of the worm. The Vladimir region is a grassy land, and where there is grass, there are cows, cows are manure, worms process manure, we get biohumus, which improves the soil of a small homeland. Here is a meat processing plant, a place of work, a “small homeland” of its employees. And I try to make this "small homeland" beautiful, pleasant, so that they want to work here....

- You, probably, the authorities of Kovrov carry on their hands?- journalists are interested.

Yeah, Konin laughs. - Here is the canteen of the meat-packing plant, here the workers eat for free. The SES comes, checks the canteen, finds so many that it's easier to close it. I tell the director: write the order "Close the dining room." He: “But what about the workers without food?” Me: "Write the order" Open the tasting point. The SES comes, looks: the dining room seems to be the same, but the sign “Tasting point”, the workers are tasting. As the SES came, it left: they have no instructions on how to check the tasting points.

-You would do charity work, and then, maybe, you wouldn’t have to be cunning ...

- We are engaged. I am the President of the Interregional public organization"Small homeland". We organized the Kovrov Development Fund. This is a community development fund. We organize a competition of grants on a certain topic, we pay grants to the winners. The contestants are local (remember, I talked about the "Small Motherland" technology), Kovrov communities. Societies for the disabled, circles and sections, schools, just initiative groups of citizens.

-What grants have already been paid out?

Lot. The most important, in my opinion, are for the restoration of the Kovrov Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior and for teaching disabled people computer literacy.

-What funds does the Fund exist for?

Funded by charitable entrepreneurs.

Why are you so focused on small homeland? Maybe it's time for something bigger...

Two earthworms are sitting in a pile of manure: father and son. The son asks his father: “Dad, look, we could live in that beautiful apple, or in a tomato, well, or in a mushroom. And we live in manure. Why?" Dad replies with dignity: “You see, son, there is such a thing - the Motherland ...”

- You're talking about worms again...

It all starts with worms. I want to erect a monument to them. A globe held by three earthworms...


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