Business plan for the production of solar panels. Business ideas Business Idea: Production and installation of solar panels Business plan for solar panels


Humanity is striving to switch to alternative sources of electrical supply that will help keep the environment clean and reduce the cost of energy generation. The production is a modern industrial method. includes solar receivers, batteries, controllers, inverters, and other devices designed for specific functions.

The solar battery is the main element from which the accumulation of rays begins. In the modern world, there are many pitfalls for the consumer when choosing a panel, as the industry offers a large number of products combined under one name.

silicon solar panels

These products are popular with modern consumers. Silicon is the basis for their manufacture. Its reserves in the depths are widespread, and production is relatively inexpensive. Silicon cells compare favorably in terms of performance with other solar cells.

Element types

Silicon production is carried out in the following types:

  • monocrystalline;
  • polycrystalline;
  • amorphous.

The above forms of devices differ in how silicon atoms are arranged in a crystal. The main difference between the elements is the different indicator of light energy conversion, which in the first two types is approximately at the same level and exceeds the values ​​for devices made of amorphous silicon.

Today's industry offers several models of solar light catchers. Their difference lies in the equipment used for the production of solar panels. The manufacturing technology and the type of starting material play a role.

Single crystal type

These elements consist of silicone cells fastened together. According to the method of the scientist Czochralski, absolutely pure silicon is produced, from which single crystals are made. The next process is cutting the frozen and hardened semi-finished product into plates with a thickness of 250 to 300 microns. Thin layers are saturated with a metal grid of electrodes. Despite the high cost of production, such elements are used quite widely due to the high conversion rate (17-22%).

Manufacturing of polycrystalline elements

Solar panels made of polycrystals is that the molten silicon mass is gradually cooled. The production does not require expensive equipment, therefore, the cost of obtaining silicon is reduced. Polycrystalline solar storages have a lower efficiency factor (11-18%), unlike monocrystalline ones. This is explained by the fact that during the cooling process, the mass of silicon is saturated with the smallest granular bubbles, which leads to additional refraction of the rays.

Amorphous silicon elements

Products are classified as a special type, since their belonging to the silicon type comes from the name of the material used, and the production of solar cells is carried out using film device technology. The crystal in the manufacturing process gives way to silicon hydrogen or silon, a thin layer of which covers the substrate. Batteries have the lowest efficiency value, only up to 6%. Elements, despite a significant drawback, have a number of undeniable advantages that give them the right to stand in line with the above types:

  • the absorption value of optics is two dozen times higher than that of single-crystal and polycrystalline drives;
  • has a minimum layer thickness of only 1 micron;
  • cloudy weather does not affect the work of converting light, unlike other types;
  • due to its high bending strength, it can be used without problems in difficult places.

The three types of solar converters described above are complemented by hybrid products made from materials with dual properties. Such characteristics are achieved if microelements or nanoparticles are included in amorphous silicon. The resulting material is similar to polycrystalline silicon, but compares favorably with new technical indicators.

Raw materials for the production of CdTe film-type solar cells

The choice of material is dictated by the need to reduce the cost of manufacture and improve performance in operation. The most commonly used light-absorbing cadmium telluride. In the 70s of the last century, CdTe was considered the main contender for space use; in modern industry, it has found wide application in solar energy.

This material belongs to the category of cumulative poisons, so the debate on the issue of its harmfulness does not subside. Research scientists have established the fact that the level harmful substance entering the atmosphere is acceptable and does not harm the environment. The efficiency level is only 11%, but the cost of converted electricity from such elements is 20-30% lower than from silicon-type devices.

Beam accumulators made of selenium, copper and indium

The semiconductors in the device are copper, selenium and indium, sometimes it is allowed to replace the latter with gallium. This is due to the high demand for indium for the production of flat-type monitors. Therefore, this substitution option was chosen, since the materials have similar properties. But for the efficiency indicator, replacement plays a significant role, the production of a solar battery without gallium increases the efficiency of the device by 14%.

Polymer based solar collectors

These elements are classified as young technologies, as they have recently appeared on the market. Organic semiconductors absorb light to convert it into electrical energy. For production, fullerenes of the carbon group, polyphenylene, copper phthalocyanine, etc. are used. As a result, thin (100 nm) and flexible films are obtained, which in work give an efficiency coefficient of 5-7%. The value is small, but the production of flexible solar panels has several positive aspects:

  • large funds are not spent for manufacturing;
  • the ability to install flexible batteries in places of bends, where elasticity is of paramount importance;
  • comparative ease and availability of installation;
  • flexible batteries do not render harmful effects on the environment.

Chemical etching during production

The most expensive in a solar cell is a multicrystalline or monocrystalline silicon wafer. For the most rational, pseudo-square figures are cut, the same shape allows you to tightly lay the plates in the future module. After the cutting process, microscopic layers of damaged surface remain on the surface, which are removed by etching and texturing to improve the reception of incident rays.

The surface processed in this way is a randomly located micropyramids, reflected from the face of which, the light falls on the side surfaces of other protrusions. The loosening procedure reduces the reflectivity of the material by approximately 25%. In the etching process, a series of acid and alkali treatments are used, but it is unacceptable to greatly reduce the layer thickness, since the plate cannot withstand the following treatments.

Semiconductors in solar cells

The technology for the production of solar cells suggests that the main concept of solid electronics is the p-n junction. If the electronic conductivity of the n-type and the hole conductivity of the p-type are combined in one plate, then a p-n junction occurs at the point of contact between them. The main physical property of this definition is the ability to serve as a barrier and pass electricity in one direction. It is this effect that allows you to establish the full operation of solar cells.

As a result of phosphorus diffusion, an n-type layer is formed at the ends of the plate, which is based near the surface of the element at a depth of only 0.5 μm. The production of a solar battery provides for a shallow penetration of carriers of opposite signs, which arise under the action of light. Their path to the zone of influence of the p-n-junction must be short, otherwise they can extinguish each other when they meet, without generating any amount of electricity.

The use of plasma-chemical etching

The design of the solar battery provides for the front surface with an installed grating for current capture and the back side, which is a solid contact. During the diffusion phenomenon, an electrical short occurs between the two planes and is transmitted to the end.

To remove the short circuit, solar panel equipment is used, which allows this to be done using plasma-chemical, chemical etching or mechanical, laser. The method of plasma-chemical influence is often used. Etching is performed simultaneously for a stack of silicon wafers stacked together. The outcome of the process depends on the duration of treatment, the composition of the agent, the size of the squares of the material, the direction of the ion flow jets, and other factors.

Application of an anti-reflective coating

By applying a texture to the surface of the element, reflection is reduced to 11%. This means that a tenth of the rays are simply reflected from the surface and do not take part in the formation of electricity. In order to reduce such losses, a coating with a deep penetration of light pulses is applied to the front side of the element, which does not reflect them back. Scientists, taking into account the laws of optics, determine the composition and thickness of the layer, so the production and installation of solar panels with such a coating reduce reflection to 2%.

Contact plating on the front side

The surface of the element is designed to absorb the greatest amount of radiation, it is this requirement that determines the dimensional and specifications applied metal mesh. By choosing the design of the front side, engineers solve two opposing problems. The decrease in optical losses occurs with thinner lines and their location at a large distance from one another. The production of a solar battery with an increased grid size leads to the fact that some of the charges do not have time to reach contact and are lost.

Therefore, scientists have standardized the value of the distance and line thickness for each metal. Too thin strips open space on the surface of the element to absorb rays, but do not conduct a strong current. Modern methods metallization applications consist of screen printing. As a material, silver-containing paste most justifies itself. Due to its use, the efficiency of the element rises by 15-17%.

Metallization on the back of the device

The application of metal to the back of the device occurs in two ways, each of which performs its own work. A continuous thin layer over the entire surface, except for individual holes, is sprayed with aluminum, and the holes are filled with silver-containing paste, which plays a contact role. The solid aluminum layer serves as a kind of mirror device on the back side for free charges that can be lost in the dangling crystal bonds of the lattice. With such a coating, solar panels work 2% more in power. Consumer reviews say that such elements are more durable and do not depend so much on cloudy weather.

Making solar panels with your own hands

Not everyone can order and install solar power sources at home, since their cost today is quite high. Therefore, many craftsmen and craftsmen are mastering the production of solar panels at home.

Buy photocell kits for self assembly available on the Internet at various sites. Their cost depends on the number of plates used and power. For example, low power kits, from 63 to 76 W with 36 plates, cost 2350-2560 rubles. respectively. Here they also purchase work items rejected from production lines for any reason.

When choosing the type of photovoltaic converter, one takes into account the fact that polycrystalline cells are more resistant to cloudy weather and work more efficiently than single-crystal ones, but have a shorter service life. Monocrystalline have a higher efficiency in sunny weather, and they will last much longer.

To organize the production of solar panels at home, you need to calculate the total load of all devices that will be powered by the future converter, and determine the power of the device. From this follows the number of photocells, while taking into account the angle of the panel. Some craftsmen provide for the possibility of changing the position of the accumulation plane depending on the height of the solstice, and in winter - on the thickness of the snow that has fallen.

Used to make the body various materials. Most often they put aluminum or stainless corners, use plywood, chipboard, etc. The transparent part is made of organic or ordinary glass. On sale there are photocells with already soldered conductors, it is preferable to buy such ones, since the assembly task is simplified. The plates are not stacked one on top of the other - the lower ones can give microcracks. Solder and flux are pre-applied. It is more convenient to solder the elements by placing them immediately on the working side. At the end, the extreme plates are welded to the tires (wider conductors), after which the "minus" and "plus" are output.

After the work done, the panel is tested and sealed. Foreign craftsmen use compounds for this, but for our craftsmen they are quite expensive. Home-made transducers are sealed with silicone, and the back side is coated with acrylic-based varnish.

In conclusion, it should be said that the reviews of the masters who did it are always positive. Once having spent money on the manufacture and installation of the converter, the family quickly pays for them and begins to save money using free energy.

The electric power industry always occupies the first place among the leading industries. Demand and price for electricity will always grow. There are more and more appliances, devices and vehicles powered solely by electricity. France has already adopted a plan to completely abandon cars with internal combustion engines by 2040. In Germany, they plan to implement this plan by 2030. Thanks to modern technologies today it is quite affordable to purchase a solar power plant and organize own production electricity.

Energy from solar panels can be used to generate electricity, heat objects of any area, organize ventilation systems or water heating. A business idea for the production of batteries and the sale of solar energy will quickly bring income.

Ideas for profiting from a solar power plant

The business idea of ​​​​generating electricity from your mini-solar power plant is attractive in every way. On feed-in tariff calculators, after calculations, it turns out that all equipment can be paid back no earlier than in 5 years. But after all, during these 5 years you will still use and pay for electricity. In addition, in five years the price of electricity will rise all over the world, and even more so in our country. So in fact, the payback period for equipment will be much shorter than 5 years. Moreover, the feed-in tariff is the least profitable source of income from the sale of electricity. Below we bring to your attention to consider all possible options for finding different ways of implementation and new markets.

Business ideas for the production and sale of solar electricity:

As you can see, you can do business at a solar power plant with more than one feed-in tariff. Although, on the other hand, despite the fact that our state exports electricity to European countries, electricity is turned off for many cities in the winter. And domestic electricity consumption indicators are growing every year. Therefore, the issue of the relevance of the "green tariff" will still be open for quite a long time to recoup the investment.

Solar power plant for home and business

Progress does not stand still, and today the solar mini-power plant for the home has significantly improved in efficiency and decreased both in size and in price. What is only the battery "PowerWall" for household needs from the world famous manufacturer of electric vehicles "Tesla". Elon Musk presented the second generation of the Tesla PowerWall 2 battery. It is capable of accumulating electricity from solar panels. The cheapest $3000 PowerWall model has a capacity of 7 kWh. For just $3,500, you can already purchase a PowerWall 2 battery with a capacity of 10kWh. This allows the consumer to build a solar power plant on their own. After all, the main and most expensive equipment in a solar power plant is a battery. PowerWall - has all the necessary functions to control the charging and operation of the device, in addition, it has the ability to connect to the Internet and the ability to send messages about the status of the entire station.

You can use a ready-made solution. A complete set of reliable solar power plant with a capacity of 20kW / h brand VINUR can be purchased for $ 20,000. The manufacturer provides a 5 year warranty!


Schedule of annual performance, in kWh:

Production and sale of solar electricity as a business project

Now we draw up a business plan, correctly select a niche and target audience. The popularity of alternative energy resources is growing every day. If in Europe, America and the Scandinavian countries few people will be surprised by solar batteries, then this niche is practically not occupied in our country. All over the world, business ideas related to the use of solar panels, although they require large investments, are actively supported by investors and venture funds, and also quickly pay off and make a profit.

Where to start: aspects to consider in a business plan

In the business plan, take into account the questions typical for any business: where to look for suppliers, what equipment to purchase, and what premises are suitable for an office / warehouse. It is worth taking the time to register an individual entrepreneur or other forms of ownership, as well as obtaining all the necessary permits for the installation of alternative energy systems. Please note that when supplying your services, you will need to draw up contracts. Consider this point, since there are few standard documents on this issue, and commercial organizations will definitely require you to provide proper documentation.

We select a niche and determine the target audience

There are many selection options target audience for the goals and plans of your business:

  1. If you equip houses with systems for converting solar energy into heat for batteries or into electricity, you need to focus on owners of their own houses or country cottages with a high level of income.
  2. If you focus on servicing commercial facilities, for example, installing battery kits for heating pools, you should look for clients among sports centers, indoor water parks, large SPA centers, and gaming areas.
  3. You can also arrange the production of electricity from solar panels to sell electricity at a "green tariff". The concept of this method has already been mentioned: you connect a “green meter” in production, which reports how much energy the enterprise consumed and how much it “filled” back into the network. The difference in monetary terms is paid to you by the state.

Why is a solar powered business idea profitable?

A set of solar power plants for a home with a capacity of up to 20 kW / h will cost $ 20,000. At the same time, consumers of alternative energy not only save on heating, ventilation or electricity, but can also sell excess energy that they did not consume to the state at a “green tariff”. More powerful systems for processing sunlight into heat or electricity will help to significantly reduce energy costs for large enterprises (shopping and entertainment outlets, factories, and even government agencies). In this regard, there will be no problems with motivating customers to order.

Established cooperation with private houses, farms or industrial enterprises, you will be able to recoup the business for the production and installation of solar systems and mini-power plants in 1-2 years, while receiving a stable profit. As long as the niche is not occupied, and the popularity of alternative types of energy is only growing, it is very profitable to implement this business idea.

If you pay attention to the roofs of many private houses or small companies, you can see solar panels there. The rise in the price of energy carriers leads to the fact that people begin to look for alternative sources. Under these conditions, the demand for solar panels is growing day by day.

Potential Opportunities

In the context of the growing popularity of alternative energy sources, it is advisable to occupy a niche in the market in time. To do this, you first need to purchase equipment for the production of solar panels. It can be bought both in Europe, the USA and the CIS, and in China.

Depending on the demand for these products in your region or in the places where you can supply the manufactured goods, you need to decide what your production will be focused on. Currently on the market you can find panels designed for various areas of use.

These can be as light portable options that you take with you on camping trips, stationary modules suitable for installation on the roofs of buildings and residential buildings, or powerful panels that are used as small power plants.

Working lines

If you have a manufacturing facility, then you can think about buying equipment for the production of solar panels. Also, do not forget that when making them, you should always have the necessary consumables in sufficient quantities.

Yes, to the list necessary equipment there are machines that laser cut the material for panels into squares, sort them, laminate them, insert them into frames and join them together. In addition, production requires machines that knead special glue, cut the film under the panel and their edges. In the manufacture of tables, on which it will be necessary to correct the angles, insert wires into the panels and form them, and trolleys designed to move and press them, one cannot do without tables.

Each solar cell production machine is an indispensable component of the solar cell production line. Therefore, before you start ordering materials for production, calculate the total cost of equipment and analyze whether you can afford such expenses. True, it is worth considering that if there are distribution channels, they quickly pay off.

Manufacturing process

If you have seen solar panels before only in pictures and have a poor idea of ​​​​how their creation is going on, then it is better to find a person who knows the technology for the production of solar panels. If we talk about it in general terms, then you need to know that it consists of a number of stages.

Production begins with the verification and preparation for work of the materials received by the workshop. After cutting and sorting photovoltaic converters (PVCs), they go to the equipment, where the process of soldering special tinned copper bars to the contacts of the panels takes place. Only after this, the process of connecting all solar cells into chains of the required length begins.

The next step is the creation of a sandwich, which consists of transducers assembled into a matrix, glass, two layers of sealing film and the back side of the panel. It is at this stage that the equipment for the production of solar panels forms the circuit of the module, and its operating voltage is immediately determined.

The assembled structure is checked and sent for lamination - sealing, which takes place under pressure at high temperature. Only after that, a frame is attached to the prepared semi-finished product and a special junction box is mounted.

Product testing

It is almost impossible to meet a marriage among similar products on the market, because after assembly each panel goes to a special testing workshop.

It is there that they are checked for the possibility of voltage breakdown. After that, they are sorted, packed and sent for sale; in stores you can find both small portable options and solar panels for the home.

The production of these species is practically no different.

Of course, only a large manufacturer with large production volumes and a sufficient number of employees can afford to strictly observe all the stages. It is difficult for new small manufacturers to compete with the giants, because the one-time creation of large batches makes it possible to reduce the cost of production.

“The reasons why a person wants, for example, install solar panels, a lot, - says Alexander Mokhnaty, an expert on alternative energy. - First of all, this is the unwillingness to contact the supplying offices, if, in particular, the country house is not connected to the public network. But there are also many who wish to have fashionable and interesting technical systems for domestic use, especially if they have been abroad. And most importantly - in our time, the tariff policy of the authorities is actively pushing people to save. If ten years ago the price tags for kilowatts were an order of magnitude cheaper than in Germany, now they are almost equal.”

Not without reason, it is believed that Russia will definitely follow the path of Western Europe, in which solar panels on the roof are an indispensable attribute of almost every home. “This is the energy dialectic,” says Igor Malyugin, an expert on startups. “Even if we are the main suppliers of hydrocarbons, the integration of our country into the world economy still dictates a careful attitude to non-renewable resources.” If so, then there is a reason to talk about a fairly new small business focused on the installation of solar panels.

Before starting any business, it is necessary to understand if there will be demand. This is especially true for solar energy. So, forum member Root is skeptical about this idea:

“Perhaps somewhere in the UAE or in the state of California, solar energy is beneficial, since the number of sunny days per year is large,” he writes. - In our country, cloudy weather can dominate for months! What is the return on solar panels? In addition to semiconductor panels, you will also need battery chargers, batteries themselves and converters. In short, will the installation of such equipment not result in a round sum and will this system have time to pay off before the time it exhausts its resource?

Only practical results can dispel these doubts. Thus, the installation of solar-powered heating and hot water systems gives the following results. Take for comparison the unfavorable latitude of St. Petersburg. It turns out that the total annual level of thermal generation for flat panels that receive diffused light, for example, SOLAR-300 of three sections, is 4,000-4,500 kWh.

Using them in conjunction with will allow you to shower daily for up to 40 minutes. “It seems that today solar energy is a good support for traditional heating,” says Dmitry Molchanov, solar panel installer. - You can save a lot and not lose civilized benefits. One hundred percent rely on the sun is still not worth it. But in any case, it will give a real benefit of up to 60% savings compared to standard water heaters. The calculation shows that the introduction of individual solar technology for heating water pays off in a couple of years.”

Solar technology for electrical needs

Alexander Mokhnaty also advises using additional sources of alternative energy to provide electricity to the house. “As a rule, solar panels are installed in combination with energy-efficient household equipment,” the expert explains. - For example, when the lighting is on, there is an A+ refrigerator, the same economical TV, a small-sized pump for the heating system, the household will need a battery area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. However, in winter this may not be enough. Therefore, to ensure that the home energy system is correctly equipped with wind generation with a capacity of 1.5 kW.”

Forum member gaiduk commented on criticism of the high cost of solar technology:

“In Kharkiv there is a house that runs on solar panels, only with the absorption of ultraviolet radiation, and from windmills. Here the local "Kulibins" do everything without strong investments. And there was no other way out, because. there are no free substations around, and building your own is very expensive. The owner of this house said that in this situation it was the only way out.

German eagles and the first Russian swallows

In the West, the installation of solar thermal energy and electricity generation systems, as a rule, is carried out by small firms. “To start this business, you need minimal cash and high professional skills, - Hans Friedman from Bavaria shares his experience. - Therefore, this case is interesting for literate people who do not get confused in the chain "sun - batteries - controller - battery - inverter - load". It is important to understand how the customer will use the energy: all day or only in the evening? All the little things are important here, including the educational qualification of the client, how capable he is of properly managing the system.”

Alexander Mokhnaty agrees with this point of view. “This is a business for professionals who keep up with progress,” he says. - Everything changes quickly enough. On the other hand, there are many inefficient batteries on the market, although decent efficiency is declared in the passports for them. Meanwhile, mistakes will result in reputational losses and exit from the market.” According to him, a starting ticket to a business called "individual solar technology" will cost an entrepreneur two hundred thousand rubles, primarily for the purchase of special equipment for setting up systems, as well as tools for installation.

Entrepreneur Dmitry Molchanov believes that this market should be entered now, when it has not yet formed. “Certainly, the demand for solar installations is low right now,” he says. - Therefore, it is logical to combine a new business with proven entrepreneurship in related fields, for example, with the installation of electrical systems. However, those who want to make good money installing solar panels in a few years should become the first Russian swallows in this area of ​​alternative energy.”

Today, Psyonix, a video game developer, announced the release of Rocket Pass 6 (it's cybernetic racing). When will Rocket Pass 6 be available to play? Rocket League players won't have to wait long for the new Rocket Pass to become available. As developer Psyonix announced, Rocket Pass 6, a cyber racing-themed game, will release on March 25, 2020. With a cybernetic theme in the game and over 70 levels, players will have plenty of gaming content to claim when playing online matches. Psyonix is ​​adding dozens of new in-game items, both for free users and premium subscribers.

Xbox Game News: Game development company Psyonix announces futuristic racing cars - Rocket Pass 6.

You'll need to play matches, grind through racing levels, and you'll get in-game items for free that will make your car look like a sci-fi car, not like a car from the real world. And upgrading to Rocket Pass Premium will give you access to the futuristic Ronin supercar.

As with previous versions of the Rocket Pass, you can get the Rocket Pass Premium for 1,000 credits or get a 12-tier bonus for 2,000 credits. Plus, you can earn up to a thousand credits on all Rocket Pass Premium levels.

The Ronin game car is offered in three variants, namely the standard model (level 1 Rocket Pass premium), then the GT1 (that's the 34th level) and the amazing GTX (that is, the level 70), which is a mixture of sportiness and backlight golden neon lights that will make the rider stand out from the crowd.

As usual, the Rocket Pass also includes a range of tracks, boosters, toppers and decals, offering a variety of neon add-ons to spruce up Season 10.

After the release in March, Rocket Pass 6 plans to last until July 15th. So gamers will have plenty of time to hone in on the levels and get all the sci-fi rewards they want out of the game.

Video Rocket Pass 6: the official trailer of the game.

Rocket Pass 6 has two tracks:

1) Free track "Rocket Pass 6 Free Track".

You do not need to pay money to receive free rewards.

2) Premium track "Rocket Pass 6 Premium".

You need to pay 1,000 credits ($9.99 in USD) to upgrade to premium, you can also spend 2,000 credits to unlock the Ronin car, plus 12 additional Rocket Pass levels.

So let's sum up the Xbox game news. Rocket League has gone cybernetic in Rocket Pass 6. The newest vehicle, the Ronin, is moving around the dark streets of Neo Tokyo. Upgrading to Rocket Pass Premium will help you get and experience this supercar.

Technology News has something exceptional for you today! IT company Mojo Vision has announced the creation of the world's first true intelligent contact lens called Mojo Lens. The Mojo Lens device is a contact lens with an integrated display that gives people the useful and timely information they want without having to look down at a screen or losing focus on people and the world around them. Mojo calls this experience "Invisible Computing", a platform that enables hands-free, instant, unobtrusive and accessible information, allowing people to interact more freely and genuinely with each other.

Science and technology high-tech news: Mojo Vision develops the first real smart contact lenses with Augmented Reality function.

The company has been researching, developing its innovative technology and holding patents critical to the development of augmented reality (AR) smart contact lenses that have been around for more than a decade. The company is currently demonstrating a working prototype of the device. Mojo conducts feasibility studies for iterative research and development with Institutional Board (IRB) approval. Mojo Lens is currently in the research and development phase, so it is not yet available for sale anywhere in the world.

The plans for the development of the company's innovative product have previously remained invisible.

Useful Features of Mojo Smart Lenses

Mojo Lens smart contact lenses are designed for use in a wide range of situations, from consumer to business. In addition, the company plans to proactively apply a product designed to help people struggling with low vision through improved images. The dedicated Mojo Lens app is designed to provide real-time contrast and lighting enhancements, as well as zoom functionality. With an inconspicuous contact lens form factor, Mojo Lens is designed as an aid for the visually impaired that can remain discreet to the wearer and provide a hands-free experience while providing enhanced functional vision to assist with mobility, reading and observation.

The Mojo Lens screen will provide the user with information about the object or surrounding area.

In businesses and organizations, Mojo Lens can be used to give workers or professionals access to real-time information that will greatly improve productivity, accuracy, and compliance without having to look at a mobile device or a clumsy, vision-blocking headset that limits situational awareness or hinders social interaction.

Smallest 14K Display

Mojo Lens incorporates a range of breakthrough and patented technologies, including the smallest and densest dynamic display ever made, the world's most energy efficient computer vision image sensor, configurable wireless radio, and motion sensors for eye tracking and stabilization. Images. Mojo Lens includes the 14K Mojo Vision display (announced May 2019). The innovative display delivers a world-record pixel pitch of over 14,000 pixels per inch (ppi) and a pixel density of over 200 million pixels per inch (ppi²), making it the smallest and densest display ever built for dynamic or moving content.

Comments about Mojo Lens smart contact lenses from the creators of the next generation device:

Drew Perkins, CEO Mojo Vision said the following:

"After extensive research, development and testing, we are excited to reveal our product plans and start sharing information about this transformative platform.

Mojo has a vision of "invisible computing" where you have the information you want, when you want, and aren't bombarded or distracted by data when you don't. Technology should be useful, it should be available at the moment and disappear when you want to focus on the world around you.

- Steve Sinclair, Senior Vice President of Product and Marketing, Mojo Vision:

"We're still in the design, prototyping, and testing process, but the goal of Mojo Lens and Invisible Computing is to give people immediate access to the information they need without the gadget's visual distraction. We believe that information should be where you need or want it, and then disappear when you don't need it. Whether it's memorizing a multi-step procedure, getting walking directions from a meeting to your hotel, checking your home remotely, or visiting a dark garage, we guess people use this most often when they need information or answers but want to stay put, and with "lifted eyes" in the world around them.

There are many uses for this technology. Currently, one of our main activities is the development of Mojo Lens for people with poor or low vision. With the ability to increase contrast, enhance edges and enlarge text, this device will give people a better map of their environment, the objects and people around them. We work with the Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired and have been accepted into the FDA Breakthrough Device program to help us bring our solution to market in a more meaningful way.

We have been developing the Mojo Lens device since 2015, but the research and design of our smart contact lenses began ten years ago, so you can imagine how important technological developments and innovation.

At the heart of the Mojo Lens is the Mojo Vision 14K PPI display, which is the smallest and densest dynamic display ever made. It's a microLED array the size of a grain of sand that projects information onto the retina. We've also included sensors to determine where you're looking, to understand your context, and to stabilize the images in front of you as your eyes move. To deliver these images to the lens, we have developed a high-speed, low-power data transmission system to transfer data to and from the lens. All of these components - display, sensors, radio as well as thin film batteries - are enclosed in a scleral contact lens that also corrects your vision like a standard contact lens. A scleral lens is very convenient because it covers over the cornea and rests on the white of your eye where you have fewer nerve endings.

We also had to develop methods to properly oxygenate our eyes so that we could wear our Mojo Lens comfortably all day. All of this will run on the Mojo Invisible Computing platform, which will display valuable information for you when you need it without causing unwanted distractions. "

Device development

Mojo Vision also announced that it is partnering with the FDA food products and Drug Administration (FDA) through its Breakthrough Device Program, a voluntary program designed to provide safe and timely access to medical devices that can help treat irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions. With a breakthrough device designation for the development of the Mojo Lens, Mojo Vision will work directly with FDA experts to obtain feedback, prioritize reviews, and develop an end product that meets or exceeds safety regulations and regulations.

Technology company partnership

Mojo recently announced a new partnership with the Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, non-profit organization in Palo Alto (USA, California, Santa Clara County), which provides rehabilitation services to more than 3,000 children and adults with blindness or visual impairment each year. Through the partnership, Vista Center customers will play a direct role in defining Mojo Vision's innovative technologies and contributing to the company's team of scientists and engineers. In return, Mojo Vision will be able to bring better and more user-friendly devices to market, help restore vision, and improve the quality of life for Vista Center customers and others with similar needs.

Investments in high technologies

To date, Mojo Vision has raised over $100,000,000 in investment from Motorola Solutions, NEA, LG Electronics, Shanda Group, HP Tech Ventures, Liberty Global, Khosla Ventures, Fusion Fund, Advantech, Gradient Ventures and more. The company was founded by CEO Drew Perkins, Technical Director Mike Wimer and Chief Scientist Michael Dearing, as well as a team of Silicon Valley veterans from companies such as Motorola, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, HP, Infinera, Google, Agilent, and Marvell, among others, as well as experts in medical devices and optometry from companies such as Medtronic, CooperVision, Johnson & Johnson, Philips Healthcare, Abbott and Zeiss Ophthalmology.

For the curious Additional Information about Mojo Vision.

Mojo Vision is an Invisible Computing technology company dedicated to developing products and platforms that reimagine the intersection of ideas, information and people. Mojo Vision is headquartered in Saratoga, California. Instead of becoming attached to electronic devices, which are increasingly distracting in many aspects of our lives, Mojo is about providing information and knowledge that is immediate, but without disrupting traditional devices. Mojo is inventing the future of computing (Invisible Computing), which envisions a world where there is information when you need it, technology disappears, and you can freely communicate with other people in a more meaningful and confident way. Founded by technology experts with years of experience developing innovative products and platforms, and backed by the world's leading technology investors, Mojo believes "computer invisibility" is the future.

The Chinese vending market and vending machine industry are growing at a rapid rate. From the tenth to the twelfth of May, a new event "China VMF 2020" (Guangzhou, China) is planned to be held at the China Import and Export Fair complex. In recent years, the number of Chinese vending/vending machines has grown by an average of 30 percent. According to Forward's forecast, China will have 138 million vending machines by 2020, selling up to 100 billion yuan worth of daily necessities annually. Meanwhile, China has become the largest manufacturer and exporter of vending machines in the world, with most of the exports going to Guangdong.

Technology and Exhibition News: China VMF 2020, an international trade fair for vending machines and self-service equipment, is being organized in one of the oldest cities in China.

The last China VMF 2019 brought together participants in several thematic exhibition spaces: "Vending machines and self-service", "New solutions for retail and Payments" and "Fresh Delivery and Refrigeration Technology Equipment". Each exhibition space was represented by key players from its category, such as Foxconn, Fuji Electric, Easy Touch, Sanden, Union Pay, LE Vending, Bianchi, YoPoint, TCN, CPI, Comma, Nayax, DeepBule, Holo, Laqtia, Superlead and others.

In order to achieve the best results, the new China VMF 2020 has dedicated a well-located "International Pavilion" for overseas exhibitors. Words from the organizers about the preparation and interest in China VMF 2020.

Shalynn Ji, Overseas Commissioner, from the organizing committee of China VMF 2020, said:

"The vending machine (vending machine) is a global mega trend that has attracted the attention and support of many people. Our organizing committee has noticed this trend and has partnered with a worldwide association to improve communication between insiders and further promote the booming industry.

Hosting 365 exhibitors covering 13,045 square meters of net exhibition space, China VMF 2019 registered 32,505 visits in three days! Receiving unanimous praise from insiders around the world over the past few years, China VMF has become one of the most popular and largest annual exhibitions in the global self-service vending industry. It is expected that 86 percent of exhibitors from 2019 are looking forward to the new fair, and China VMF 2020 will bring together 700 exhibitors in a 50,000 square meter exhibition area.

We met with world professionals in the field of vending. We participate in global events every year and invite them to the VMF website to stay in touch and share knowledge with them. It is very interesting to share the local vending machine market with each other and exchange experiences with each other. "

China VMF 2020 may be useful for those who are interested in the following topics:

Exhibition vending machines;
- Vending goods, accessories;
- Self-service cars;
- Services for coffee in the office;
- Payment solutions;
- Management and operation of vending machines;
- Micromarket, automatically managed shops;
- Logistics and cold chain for perishable trade goods;
- And another on the theme of the fair.

Today, robotic kits are beginning to significantly help in human learning. Recently on the world stage for innovators and advanced technologies (at the exhibition consumer electronics CES 2020) debuted one of the leading providers of educational solutions STEAM (the term means learning using science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics as points of interaction for conducting surveys, dialogues with students and creating critical thinking). The debutant was the company Matatalab (Matatalab), attracting attention with a line of robotic kits Matatalab Coding Set and Matatalab Lite - sought to test innovative technologies. Which help develop computational thinking skills and prepare children for the digital world.

Robotics and Education News: The Matatalab Coding Set and Matatalab Lite Educational Robotic Kits can prepare you to understand the digital world.

The amazingly simple Matatalab robotic kits follow children's cognitive development (from concrete to abstract) and use simple symbol designs to enable learning children to understand coding and computational thinking through fun yet challenging play quests (assignments).

Matatalab itself covers the B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) markets, offering professional solutions to educational institutions and families worldwide, including programming robots (robotic kits), training programs, packages teaching aids etc. Video review of the robotic kit Matatalab Coding Set: Programming is easy as "ABV".

This is a hands-on robot for kids ages 4 to 9. Encourage kids to learn the basic concept of coding/programming through adventure and hands-on play! Using coding blocks with light hand, kids can now learn to code without screens.

Through years of development, the company has been committed to "Code and Confidence to Make a Difference," according to Matatalab.

Video review of the Matatalab Lite robotic kit:

Matatalab Lite is an adorable and easy-to-use coding robot ready to take young children aged three and up on an exciting coding/programming adventure. It consists of a robotic machine with sensors and a wireless controller with three modes, namely control mode, coding mode and sensor mode.

The robotic kit develops problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration skills for your kids through hands-on game programming. Children can enjoy learning basic programming concepts such as sequencing, conditionals, and debugging, and will be challenged with more challenging tasks all the time.

A few words why the training robotic kits Matatalab Coding Set and Matatalab Lite were created from the manufacturer:

"The two founders of Matatalab previously worked for an industry-leading educational robotics company, providing software and hardware to teach coding to younger students around the world. Based on this experience, they found that there are no products on the market that teach programming to young children. Despite the educational value of STEM, computer science, programming, and computer thinking, learning to code is still limited to programming on tablets or computers. However, the standards of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) have shown that children can learn the basics of programming even when preschool education. Therefore, they envisaged the creation of an easy-to-use robot for teaching programming for children with low thresholds, rich features and diverse application scenarios. They later founded Matatalab Co., Ltd and successively released "Matatalab Pro Set", "Matatalab Coding Set", and "Matatalab Lite". Instead of programming languages, these products use a tangible programming language that matches the cognitive characteristics of children aged 4-9. The coding set is intended for children aged 4 and over. Given that the coding block is a programming language, no screen is required and children can edit their own programs, similar to replacing building blocks. In addition, expansion packs such as music, drawing, and sensors are also available for children to achieve advanced learning skills. Designed specifically for 3-4 year olds, the Lite series is equipped with a controller instead of code boards and blocks. This design is focused on the exploration direction and sequence of children of this age, and it is useful for children to acquire basic sensory perceptions such as sound, light, color and speed.

- The history of the creation of robots, from Matatalab.

One of the founders is a graduate of the Mathematics Department of China's first Tsinghua University. He developed the whole range of products. Initially, a technical prototype was developed and demo samples were created on Raspberry Pi boards. All of this has been verified by relevant teachers, students and parents in several communities and educational institutions. After proof-of-concept, it was presented to industry experts in different countries and further optimizations were discussed. Then the first round of investments took place. The team began to expand and the product design became more attractive. After a year of research and development, the product experience has greatly improved. Subsequently, 3D printing samples were tested in 13 countries and received feedback from many educational experts, teachers and students in Europe and the United States. This helped to further improve product quality and eventually achieve mass production. It is noted that safety and reliability are top priorities because the product is intended for children. Professional organizations and suppliers were found to solve the problems of the supply chain and mass production, and the products were thoroughly tested so that they even passed the food quality certification. This is now the highest level of toy product testing in the world, and according to the creators, the products can be as safe as baby bottles.

- Interesting moments that arose when creating robots, according to Matatalab.

When we visited investors to seek investment, the demo prototype was damaged during the trip. So we could only play the role of a robot through gestures and body language to explain our practical coding concepts and how robots work. Fortunately, we impressed investors and received investments. Of course, we believe it is because our product is exceptional and that we are the pioneers of the blue ocean market,” said Rishon Su, CEO of Matatalab.

Our product design principle is low threshold and high ceiling. It's easy to start, but the difficulty will increase step by step, constantly testing the thinking ability of the students. We have developed three task guides. Many adults found them easy at first but got lost in the tasks high level or spent a lot of time doing them. For example, a computer science teacher at the University of Chicago could only complete the last step of our assignment in 6 minutes and 42 seconds. He joked that he would never tell his daughter about the experience. So while the game is very easy to learn, it's just as challenging as an adult game," said Tony Zheng, COO of Matatalab."

Matatalab's educational institutions Russia.
According to the creators of the Matatalab training robotic kits:

"Today Matatalab is used in 500-700 educational institutions of various levels from kindergarten to high school. The issue of the number of institutions is very difficult because Digis does not work with end users and Matatalab has more than 120 active partners in all regions of the country.

In addition to public schools and kindergartens, Matatalab is used in private development centers as well as teacher training centers in many regions of the country.

In April 2020, the first interschool competitions in "Matate" can be held on the basis of the Moscow school. Eight kits have already been provided for task development and team training.

At about the same time (in March), the NTI 2020 Olympiad will be held in the Siberian region of Russia, in the city of Novosibirsk, together with the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region. "

The Annual Amusement Parks and Amusement Show (TAAPE) is scheduled to take place in September, from the 9th to the 11th. TAAPE 2020 is the first and only professional entertainment show in Thailand (according to the organizers). The exhibition in Bangkok will showcase the latest achievements of the entertainment and leisure industry. Exhibitors will include both manufacturers producing children's household goods, as well as producing mechanical goods, as well as products for the theme park. From more than two dozen countries of the world, it is planned to attract companies and professional visitors. Participants are expected from Russia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Burma, China, Korea, India, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Spain, Great Britain and other countries. A good opportunity for foreign companies and distributors to promote their brand.

Exhibition and technology news: Officially called "Thailand Amusement & Attraction Parks Expo" or "TAAPE" - is preparing to host participants from 20 countries.

TAAPE is the first exhibition dedicated to the theme park, video game and entertainment industry, and will serve as a showcase for the production and design of the entertainment and theme park company to enter the Southeast Asian market, according to the organizers of TAAPE. There is a chance to meet potential business partners, trade buyers, investors and clients. The exhibition will cover the entire ASEAN zone, serving as the most efficient trade channel for exhibitors' products.

Expected to present 620 booths to the public, exhibitors will come from more than two dozen countries or regions, including Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, Germany, India, France, Malaysia, Australia, America, Indonesia, Taiwan and others.

Topics of the TAAPE exhibition and exhibits:

Products and accessories for video games.

Game machine, simulator, equipment for remote control, various game machines, arcade, home game machine and peripherals, animation product, online game, carnival lottery, interactive game machine, doll machine, gift machine, sticker camera, various coin dispensers, game tokens, game console displays, software video game software, puzzle and entertainment equipment.

Park and playground.

Robots, roller coaster, skates, ferris wheel, carousel, kart, observation car, tour bus, cable car, simulated golf, simulated shooting system, drifting equipment, water slide, water walking ball, sensory boat, water fountain, system cold mist equipment, water treatment equipment, wave making equipment, extreme sports equipment, outdoor sports, climbing equipment, optical-electronic combined entertainment equipment, laser, lighting, pyrotechnics, special effects, motion pictures, 3D and 4D film , water screen cinema equipment, performance equipment, special photographic equipment, special stereoscopic film projector, control software vending machine, playground and entertainment center, ticketing system, kiosk, park lighting, outdoor landscape lighting, LED displays, LED lamps, park sculpture and so on.

Children's entertainment facilities.

Children's trolley, electric car, swing, preschool, inflatable rides, aerial models, children's play frame, slide, swing, turntable, naughty castle, trampoline, entertainment combination toy, safety cushion and other equipment.


Park, scenic spot, landscape, tourism project planning, design and engineering, landscape sketch design, entertainment project design, leisure and entertainment product packaging.

The exhibition also plans to touch on topics for visiting objects.

Various theme parks, water parks, scenic spots, film and television bases, resorts, leisure clubs, supermarkets, hotels;

Museums, science and technology museums, exhibition halls, ocean halls, preparation and operation of memorial buildings, property management.

Who might be interested in TAAPE 2020:

Developers of various theme and industrial parks;

Departments of state planning and design, and relevant procurement departments;

Various organizers of cultural tourism and investors in commercial real estate;

Distributors of goods for entertainment and video games, owners of gaming halls;

Relevant departments of education, schools, vocational schools;

Sporting Goods Dealers, Entertainment Investors and other professionals;

Financial, insurance and venture investment institutions;

Other professionals related to theme park and cultural tourism;

Game developers, operators, publishers, software and hardware vendors, research institutes, gamers and so on.

Exhibition opportunity.

Visitors to the new amusement parks and attractions exhibition will have the opportunity to shake hands with industry experts, decision makers and customers to discuss challenges and solutions.

The organizers of one of the major exhibition shows, "Asia Amusement & Attractions Expo", are going to hold it in May 2020 (from the tenth to the twelfth). At the exhibition dedicated to entertainment and attractions, we plan to stick to the main topics: high-tech equipment, games and devices for them, theme parks and attractions, inflatable equipment, water technology, children's entertainment. The organizers also plan to hold special events: a forum on the development of a theme park, an advanced seminar on the operation of indoor parks, a conference on the development of culture and tourism. The venue for the new exhibition should be the Chinese import-export fair complex. Geographically, it is located in the city of Guangzhou, which is located in China.

News from the world of exhibitions and technology: Officially called the exhibition "2020 Asia Amusement & Attractions Expo" or "AAA 2020", it plans to gather exhibitors from all over the world.

Over the past fifteen years, this exhibition has attracted trade visitors from more than five dozen countries and regions. According to the organizers, many well-known exhibitors around the world are ready to participate in the new AAA 2020 exhibition, including Chinese exhibitors such as G-Look, UNIS, Golden Horse, Wahlap, Letian, Golden Dragon, Prodigy, Wangming, and foreign brands, such as Sacoa (Argentina), Embed (Australia), Semnox (India), F2 Systems Inc (Korea), Zone Laser Tag & Hologate (Germany), Wibit Sports (Germany), Delta Strike (New Zealand), Dragonautics (Singapore) , as well as others.

Theme parks and attractions.

Photographic solutions, people moving equipment, security equipment, theater equipment and materials, travel, architecture and design, reception equipment, clothing and so on;

Water technologies.

Equipment and materials related to water, design and consulting in water parks and so on;

Playgrounds, trampoline, inflatable boats, gifts and plush toys, children's attractions and so on.

In addition, the organizing committee "AAA" additionally continues to visit major countries world (Russia, India, USA, UK, Japan, Korea, Dubai, Turkey, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and others) to contact entertainment and attractions professionals.

The previous exhibition "AAA 2019" broke records.

Occupying 120,000 square meters for exhibition space, the 15th AAA show broke the record of 90,679 visits. Also, 1,100 exhibitors showcased their latest products and services. Organized a new focus, the IP Licensing Pavilion, reflecting the new trend "Culture + Tourism". According to the survey, 96% of exhibitors received promising results, and 94% of buyers found their products interesting.

The innovative design of the TP-Link Archer AX50 router has a classic rectangular shape with plenty of ventilation holes to cool the device. The model has four external non-removable antennas and several LED indicators to display the status of the router.

What is the best Wi-Fi router?

The new TP-Link Archer AX50 router has been introduced by the Chinese brand as an Intel-based device that offers users access to latest features connections in a ready-to-use system. It supports the latest 802.1ax wireless standard, also known as WiFi 6, to improve overall speed and performance to prepare users for the future when upgrading existing home networking solutions.

The latest version of Wi-Fi 6 wireless technology promises to make WiFi communications much faster than 802.11ac. The high performance wireless feature (Wi-Fi 6) is now available on some mobile phones, such as Samsung Galaxy S10 and Apple iPhone 11.

On the this moment many routers with Wi-Fi 6 capability are extremely expensive, it is possible that the TP-Link Archer AX50 variant is designed to enable mass use of Wi-Fi 6 connectivity.

TP-Link Archer AX50 video review: Quick setup and how it works new model Wi-Fi 6 router

Additionally, consider what a router can do:

Wi-Fi 6 technology with Intel technology provides three times more high speeds, higher capacity and lower latency compared to the previous generation of Wi-Fi 5, while the dual-core Intel processor ensures smooth operation;

Next-generation (data) speeds up to 3Gbps (2402Mbps in 5GHz band and 574Mbps in 2.4GHz band) for faster 4K video streaming, video chatting and online gaming;

The use of "revolutionary" technologies MU-MIMO and OFDMA allows you to connect more than 40 devices.

Protection with TP-Link's HomeCare antivirus, which has parental controls;

Target Wake Time technology reduces the power consumption of devices, which increases their battery life;

Easily configure your router with the powerful TP-Link Tether app in minutes;

Backward compatible, the Archer AX50 router model supports all previous 802.11 standards and many Wi-Fi devices;

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