major oil producers in the country. The main exporters and importers of oil. Location: Saudi Arabia


Exporter- an entity (company) that exports certain raw materials or goods from its own country and sells it to foreign countries.

Importer is an entity that acquires and imports foreign raw materials or goods into the territory of its country.

When talking about the subject, they can talk about both the exporting company or the importing company, and the country that exports or imports.

Oil is the world's strategic energy resource. Exporters usually feel most at ease. And importers are always somewhat dependent on suppliers, and of course on world oil prices. Each country seeks to acquire its own deposits or, at least, reliable suppliers, some use their geographical position and thereby reduce the tariff for raw materials during their transit through their territory. In general, each individual state seeks to make the most of the conditions that have developed at the current moment. It should be noted that the situation on the world stage can change quite quickly. Take, for example, England or Norway. Back in the late 1960s, these countries were importers, and ten years later they began to export oil to other countries. Around the Middle East from the West (primarily the United States) for the past 60 years, aggressive actions have been carried out and are being carried out with no less success. Now, for example, Iraq, under American pressure, is in a very deplorable state. Another opposite example is Saudi Arabia and the UAE (United Arab Emirates), which managed to get out of the heavy pressure of the Western conglomerate and establish stable oil exports.

The main oil exporters in the world are 11 states. It is logical to distribute all exporting countries by regions of the world:

Region - Asia (Middle East): Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Iraq, Qatar.
Region - Europe: Norway, Russia, UK.
Region - America: Canada, Mexico, Venezuela.
Region - Africa: Nigeria, Angola, Algeria.

The largest oil exporters in the world

Region-Asia (Middle East)

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia ranks first in the world in terms of oil production, its daily level exceeds 8 million barrels. Today, Saudi Arabia is an importer of food products of all kinds. The growth of the country's economy over the past 20 years was associated with an increase in profits from the export of oil industry products.
Oil is the country's main source of income. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil exporter in the world. Oil exports are approximately 4 times higher than the world's No. 2 exporter Norway. Arabia produces approximately 1.3 million tons of oil daily. Saudi Arabia also produces 100 million cubic meters of natural gas per day.
Revenues from oil exports account for about 90% of budget revenues. Saudi Arabia is the main importer of oil to the US and Japan.
An important source of income for the country is the pilgrimage (hajj) of Muslims from all over the world to Mecca and Medina. 2-3 million visitors each year generate US$2 billion in revenue for the treasury.
In total, there are about 77 oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia. The largest fields are Gavar - the world's largest onshore oil field, whose reserves are estimated at 9.6 billion tons of oil - and Safania - the world's largest offshore field with proven reserves of about 2.6 billion tons. In addition, there are such large deposits as Najd, Berry, Manifa, Zuluf and Shaybakh on the territory of the country.

The country has large oil refining capacities - about 300 thousand tons of oil per day. Major refineries: Aramco-Ras Tanura (41 kt/d), Rabig (44.5 kt/d), Aramco-Mobil-Yanbu (45.5 kt/d), and Petromin/Shell- al-Jubeil (40 thousand t / s).

The country's oil industry has been nationalized, and the oil industry is controlled by the Supreme Petroleum Council. The largest oil company - Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi Aramco), petrochemical - Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC).

Today, the UAE government pays great attention to the development of alternatives to the oil industry: land development is underway (today Agriculture Emirates is already able to satisfy domestic demand for vegetables and fruits), the development of various industries, the transformation of ports into international shopping centers. Much attention is paid to water desalination technologies.
40% of the national budget goes to military spending.
Until the 1950s, when oil fields were discovered in the UAE, the main sectors of the economy were fishing and pearling, which was already in decline. But since 1962, when Abu Dhabi became the first emirate to export oil, the country and its economy have changed beyond recognition.

The late ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Zayed, who was President of the UAE from the day it was founded, quickly recognized the potential of the oil industry and ensured the development of all the emirates by investing profits from oil exports in health care, education and the development of national infrastructure.

The development of the oil industry also contributed to the influx of foreign labor, which now makes up about three-quarters of the country's population. The development of business and tourism contributed to the start of a construction boom in the emirates.

The proven oil reserves of the United Arab Emirates are about 10% of the world's - about 13.5 billion tons. Daily oil production exceeds 2.3 million barrels, of which about 2.2 million are exported. The main oil importers of the UAE are the countries of Southeast Asia, while Japan accounts for about 60% of the oil exported by the UAE.

Most of the country's reserves are concentrated in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The main oil fields are: in Abu Dhabi - Asab, Beb, Bu Khasa; in Dubai - Fallah, Fateh, Southwest Fateh; in Rashid Sharjah - Mubarak. The oil refining capacity of the UAE is about 39.3 thousand tons per day. The main oil refineries in the country are Ruweiz and Um-al-Nar-2. The oil industry in the UAE is controlled by the government of the country. The state oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) includes oil production, service and transport companies.


Iran's proven oil reserves are about 9% of the world's, or 12 billion tons. Currently, the country produces about 3.7 million barrels per day of oil with a daily consumption of about 1.1 million barrels. The main importers of Iranian oil are Japan, South Korea, Great Britain and China.

Iran has faced serious economic problems in the last 20 years. Much of the economy is in the shadows. Despite this, living standards are quite high compared to most other countries in the region.

The Iranian economy is heavily dependent on the oil industry, but the country has many untapped opportunities. There are many natural resources that have not yet been developed, and agriculture also looks promising, since there are many barren lands that can be irrigated in the future. It is also possible that the country's exports will increase if Iran's relations with neighboring countries are normalized.

The unwillingness of the Islamist government to adapt to the international community, as well as a protracted conflict with the United States, led to a decrease in international investment in the country's economy and a reduction in foreign trade.

The main oil fields in Iran are Gajaran, Maroun, AvazBanjistan, Agha Jari, Raj-e-Safid and Pars. About 1 million b/d is extracted from offshore oil fields, the largest of which are Dorud-1, Dorud-2, Salman, Abuzar and Forozan. In the future, the Iranian Oil Ministry is planning a large-scale development and development of existing offshore fields.

Iran occupies an exceptionally favorable position from a geopolitical and strategic point of view for laying oil transportation routes, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of delivering raw materials to world markets.

The country's oil refining capacity is about 200,000 tons of oil per day. The main refineries are Abadan (65,000 t/d), Isfahan (34,000 t/d), Bandar Abbas (30,000 t/d) and Tehran (29,000 t/d).

Iran's oil and gas industries are under the full control of the state. The State Oil Company - National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company) conducts exploration and development of oil and gas fields, is engaged in processing and transportation of raw materials and oil products. The solution of petrochemical production issues is entrusted to the National Petrochemical Company (NPC - National Petrochemical Company).


Iraq ranks second in the world in terms of proven oil reserves, second only to Saudi Arabia. The volume of proven oil reserves in Iraq is about 15 billion tons, and predicted - 29.5 billion.

In 1972, the Iraqi Oil Company was nationalized, and by 1979, when Saddam Hussein became president, oil accounted for 95 percent of the country's foreign exchange earnings. But the war with Iran, which lasted from 1980 to 1988, as well as the Gulf War in 1991 after Iraq's occupation of Kuwait and the subsequent imposition of international sanctions, had a devastating effect on the country's economy and its population. In 1991, the UN announced that Iraq had become a pre-industrial state, and reports next years testified that the standard of living in the country fell to the subsistence level.

Currently, Iraq does not have a production quota. Its oil exports are subject to UN sanctions that were imposed after the 1991 Gulf War. The UN Oil for Food program is aimed at providing the country with food and medicine, as well as paying reparations. Now the volume of oil production in Iraq is 1.5-2 million barrels per day. However, if the UN sanctions are lifted, it may reach the production level of 3 million b/d within one year, and by 3.5 million b/d in 3-5 years. The level of daily oil consumption in the country is about 600 thousand b/d. With a full load of its pipelines, Iraq is able to export 1.4-2.4 million barrels per day.

The main fields of the country are Majnun with proven reserves of about 2.7 billion tons of oil and West Qurna - 2 billion. The most promising reserves are also the East Baghdad (1.5 billion tons) and Kirkuk (1.4 billion tons) fields.

The main oil producing company in the country is the Iraqi State Oil Company (Iraq National Oil Company), autonomously operating companies are subordinate to it:

State company oil projects (State Company for Oil Projects - SCOP), responsible for work related to the development of upstream (exploration and production of oil) and downstream (transportation, marketing and sales) projects;

Oil Exploration Company (OEC), responsible for exploration and geophysical work;

the State Organization for Oil Marketing (SOMO), dealing with oil trading, in particular, responsible for relations with OPEC;

Iraq Oil Tankers Company (IOTC) - transport tanker company;

Northern (Northern Oil Company - NOC) and Southern (Southern Oil Company - SOC) oil companies.


Qatar's economy is completely dependent on oil production. The oil reserve is estimated at 3.3 billion barrels, according to the runs it will last for 25 years. Today the country produces 140 million barrels per year. Oil production provides approximately 85% of the country's income. At the same time, natural gas deposits in Qatar are not yet sufficiently developed; the North Dome Field, the third largest in the world, is located in the country.

Natural gas production is kept at the level of 8.2 billion a year. Since Qatar accounts for more than 15 percent of the planet's proven gas reserves, the authorities hope to turn the country into one of the true energy giants of the modern world.

Attempts to develop the industry met with limited success. For foreign investors, Qatar law provides for tax exemption for up to 12 years, foreign companies are allowed to own 100% of the property. Qatar currently has one of the highest average per capita incomes in the world.


The development of oil fields began here in the 1930s. The development of the oil industry accelerated after the Second World War and the declaration of independence in 1961. Since then, oil has remained the dominant factor in the country's economy, generating about 90 percent of all export earnings. Kuwait's oil reserves are estimated at 10% of the world's oil reserves, and at the current rate of their production, oil will last another 150 years.

Also, a separate article of the country's income is income from Kuwait's investments abroad. 10% of oil revenues go to foreign investment.

Region - Europe


Norway's proven oil reserves are estimated at 1.4 billion tons and are the largest among countries Western Europe. The daily level of oil production reaches 3.4 million barrels. Of these, about 3 million b/d is exported.

Most of the oil is produced by Norway in offshore fields in the North Sea.

The country's largest deposits are Statfjord, Oseberg, Gulfax and Ekofisk. The last major discoveries of geologists were the Norn field, discovered in 1991 in the Norwegian Sea, and Donatello in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

The leading company in the country is the state-owned Statoil, founded in 1973. In November 1998, Statoil signed a cooperation agreement (NOBALES) with companies such as Saga Petroleum, Elf Aquitaine, Agip, Norsk Hidro and Mobil for joint operations in the Barents Sea. In addition, a private oil and gas group, Saga Petroleum, operates in the country, and Saga currently operates in such fields as Snorr, Vigdis, Tordis and Varg. In early September, Saga signed an agreement with the National Iranian Oil Company to conduct exploration in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. In addition, Saga has operations in Libya (Mabrouk field) and Namibia (Lüderitz Basin).


The proven oil reserves in Russia are about 6.6 billion tons, or 5% of the world's reserves. It should be noted that now Russia, together with the CIS countries, is restoring oil production volumes in the amounts that existed in the former Soviet Union. In 1987, oil production in the USSR reached 12.6 million barrels per day (about 540 million tons per year), which was almost 20% of world production, with a daily export volume of 3.7 million tons.

Today, Russia is one of the largest oil producers in the world; in terms of production, it ranks third after Saudi Arabia and the United States. Together with other CIS countries, Russia provides about 10% of the total volume of supplies to the world oil market.

The Russian oil complex includes 11 large oil companies, which account for 90.8% of the total oil production in the country, and 113 small companies, whose production volume is 9.2%. Russian oil companies carry out a full range of oil operations - from exploration, production and refining of oil to its transportation and marketing of petroleum products. the largest Russian oil companies are LUKOIL, TNK, Surgutneftegaz, Sibneft, Tatneft, Rosneft, Slavneft.

About 2,000 oil and gas fields have been discovered on the territory of Russia, the largest of which are located on the shelf of Sakhalin, the Barents, Kara and Caspian Seas. Most of the proven oil reserves are concentrated in Western Siberia and the Urals Federal District. There is practically no oil production in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The oldest and most depleted oil production areas in Russia are the Ural-Volga region, North Caucasus and Sakhalin Island. The deposits of Western Siberia and the Timan-Pechora region were discovered relatively recently and are at the very peak of their development.

Despite the decline over the past decade in the level of oil production and refining, Russia remains one of the leading exporters of oil and oil products. It accounts for about 7% of the world's oil refining capacity. Unfortunately, this potential is not fully realized: Russia's share in the volume of processed oil has decreased from 9% of the world volume in 1990 to 5% at present. In terms of the scale of actual oil refining, Russia has moved from second place after the United States to fourth, leaving behind Japan and China. And in terms of consumption of petroleum products per capita, Russia is now in 14th place in the world, behind, in addition to developed countries, such states as Nigeria. In addition, domestic refineries are heavily worn out, their equipment is outdated. In terms of depreciation of fixed assets, oil refining is the leader in the domestic fuel and energy complex, the average depreciation rate for which is 80%.

A significant obstacle for Russia on the way of increasing the share of deliveries to the world oil market is limited transport capacity. The main main pipelines in Russia are oriented towards old production areas, and the transport scheme connecting new promising fields with consumers is not sufficiently provided. However, the commissioning in 2001 of two new pipeline systems - the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and the Baltic Pipeline System (BPS) - will create additional export routes across the Baltic and Black Seas.

Great Britain

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Great Britain is one of the leading sectors of the economy. Most of the country's oil and gas fields are located in the British part of the North Sea. From 70s. of the last century, more than 205 billion pounds were invested in their development. There are 270 fields being developed on the British continental shelf, of which 150 are oil, 100 are gas, and 20 are gas condensate. There are 31 oil fields and several gas fields being developed on the UK mainland.

Britain does not have a variety of minerals, but some of them have played a huge role in the formation of industrial areas. Especially great was the importance of coal deposits, dispersed throughout all economic regions, except for the three southern and Northern Ireland.

In the 60s, new energy resources were found - oil and natural gas on the shelf of the North Sea. Large deposits are located off the coast of southeast England and northeast Scotland. The British sector contains about 1/3 of the proven oil reserves of the North Sea shelf (45 billion tons or 2% of the world). Production is carried out at fifty fields, of which the largest are Brent and Fortis. By the mid-90s, production reached 130 million tons, almost half of which is exported - mainly to the USA, Germany, and the Netherlands. Oil imports are maintained (50 million tons, which is due, among other things, to the predominance of light fractions in North Sea oil and the need to obtain the entire range of petroleum products at refineries). According to experts, Great Britain will remain a major oil producer at the beginning of the next century.

The length of underwater pipelines used to transport oil, gas and condensate is 11,000 km.

Total energy production in the UK in 2007 amounted to 185.6 million tons. oil equivalent, which is 5.7% less than in 2006. At the same time, there is some slowdown in the decline in their production volumes.

Region - Americas

Canada exports about 68% of its oil production in crude form and partly as petroleum products, and almost all of this volume goes to the United States. Among individual countries, the northern neighbor is the largest supplier of oil and petroleum products to the United States.

In the fuel and energy balance of Canada, about 3/4 is accounted for by liquid and gaseous fuels. Over the past 20 years, oil production has fluctuated significantly (89 million tons in 1995), natural gas production is growing more steadily, reaching 158 billion cubic meters (third place in the world). The eastern provinces of Canada import oil. Significant oil and gas exports to the United States.

Oil wealth is truly the driving force behind the Canadian economy. By the way, what are oil sands? It is a mineral, consisting of clay, sand, water and bitumen. Oil sands are used to produce ordinary oil and oil products with the help of special refineries. Canada's available oil reserves are 179 billion barrels. Thus, it ranks second in the world after Saudi Arabia in this indicator.” However, most of these reserves, 174 billion barrels, are in the oil sands and can be developed using expensive and environmentally damaging technologies. Oil sand is mined from open pit mines or the oil itself after it has been liquefied underground by means of hot steam and then pumped to the surface. Both methods require further special chemical processes before the resulting product can be sold as a synthetic oil.

Canada has been climbing the list of world oil producers for many years, and is currently the ninth largest oil exporter in the world. Since 2000, Canada has become the US's largest oil supplier, and has been receiving considerable attention from the Chinese market. He predicted that China's oil import requirements would double by 2010, and matched that of the US by 2030. Canada is currently positioned as the largest oil exporter to China.


Mexico is one of the largest oil producers in the world, its proven oil reserves are estimated at 4 billion tons. In terms of production, which is now about 3.5 million b/d, Mexico has overtaken Venezuela and rightfully occupies a leading position in Latin America. About half of the oil produced in the country is exported, primarily to the United States. More than half of the oil is produced offshore in the Gulf of Campeche.

An important achievement of the oil industry was the rapid development of the oil refining and petrochemical industries, which today are the main branches of the Mexican manufacturing industry. The main refineries are located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. In recent years, along with the old centers - Reinosa, Ciudad Madero, Posa Rica, Minatitlán - new ones have been put into operation - Monterrey, Salina Cruz, Tula, Cadereita.

According to the 1993 law on foreign investment, the exclusive rights to explore and develop oil fields in the country are reserved by the state, and primarily by the state company Pemex. Under Pemex, the Mexican Petroleum Institute operates, which conducts research work.


Venezuela, the largest regional oil producer, creates a favorable investment climate in its gas industry. Nevertheless, the role of oil fuel is still great. The capacities of petrochemical plants are increasing, the share of complex types of distillation - thermal and catalytic cracking and reforming - is growing in the consumption of oil refining products. The largest oil producer in the region, Venezuela, is actively trying to increase gas production and enter the world stage as an exporter of not only oil, but also natural gas. Orientation towards the development of gas resources has become one of the priorities of the administration of the country's new president, Hugo Chavez, who was elected in 1998.

Venezuela's proven natural gas reserves are more than 4 trillion cubic meters. m3, which puts Venezuela in 8th place in the world. At the same time, in a number of countries that are significantly inferior to Venezuela in this indicator, gas exports play a significant or even main role in the economy (for example, Canada, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.). A feature of the gas potential of Venezuela is that it is mainly associated gas from oil fields. Reserves of free gas are only 9% of the total. Gas production, approximately 62 billion m3 per year, is also almost entirely formed by associated petroleum gas. More than 70% of the recovered gas is used for the needs of the oil industry, and only 30% goes to the domestic market.

The development of gas fields is constrained mainly by the lack of a clear legal regime for activities in the gas sector, as well as the fact that the main fields are located in the east of the country, and the centers of potential gas fuel consumption are in the west. Thus, in order to implement an ambitious gas program, the government needs to solve two problems: create conditions conducive to the inflow of foreign and local capital for the development of gas fields, and implement projects to create gas transportation infrastructure. The current leadership of the country aims to increase the annual level of gas production by 2010 to 150 billion m3. All operations with free gas from gas fields, from exploration and production to marketing, can now be carried out by private investors, both national and foreign. At the same time, the participation of a state-owned company is not mandatory.

Region - Africa

Africa is firmly established in the cohort of the world's oil-producing regions, with 12 percent of the planet's proven oil reserves and 11 percent of world production. The rate of growth in explored fields and the scale of production suggests that Africa's role in oil matters will only grow in the next century. One of its main trump cards, among other things, is the proximity and convenience of transporting the extracted raw materials to the largest consumers - the USA and Brazil.


Nigeria has significant reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, columbite, uranium, tin, and iron ore.

The oil and gas industry continues to be the leader in the real sector of the economy. The export of crude oil provides more than 90% of the country's foreign exchange earnings. In terms of the pace of development of this industry, the level of investment (10 billion US dollars), Nigeria occupies one of the first places in the world. Nigeria intends to increase its quota in OPEC to 4 million barrels. per day by 2007, and by 2010 - up to 4.5 million barrels. in a day.

Foreign companies are engaged in the development of oil fields, however, the state receives more than half of all income. Nigeria's wealth rose or fell depending on the price of oil on the world market. Most of the deposits are located in the south of the country, where the Niger River flows through an area of ​​lagoons, swamps and mangroves. The oil is refined in Port Harcourt, where other commodities are also exported, including palm oil, peanuts and cocoa. Many factories and food industry enterprises operate in such large cities of the country as Lagos and Ibadan. The government of Nigeria uses the proceeds from the oil industry to improve the education system, develop agriculture and new industries. About half of Nigeria's population is engaged in farming using traditional farming methods. IN Lately the mining industry was developed, especially the extraction of coal and tin.


Angola is the second largest oil producer in Africa after Nigeria. Chevron Angola is the leading oil production operator. In 2005, oil production in Angola was about 1.25 million barrels per day. It is planned that in 2008 oil production in Angola will increase to 2 million barrels per day. In Angola, despite the aggravation of the civil war, there is a real oil fever. Mining rights there are selling like hot cakes at prices higher than even the most recent wildest forecasts.

Recently, the African oil market has become an object of growing competition between China and the United States. China, in order to strengthen its positions in the African oil market, intends to provide Angola with a $3 billion loan in 2006. These funds will be used to build a new refinery in Angola and to develop deep-sea oil fields on the sea shelf.

Half a dozen very large deposits have already been discovered in Angola. Oil production in Angola is expected to reach 1 million barrels per day in 2000 and 2 million in 2005; Nigeria level. Exploration for oil in the north of Angola is especially successful: 75 percent of the projects are successful. drilled wells of the American company Exxon, 100 percent. - the American "Chevron" and the French "Total" and only a little less from the other French company "Elf-Akiten". Exxon and Chevron expect to discover oil reserves of at least 500 million barrels in the near future. Oil production is growing so rapidly that the state-owned company Sonangol is clearly not keeping up with these paces. It just expanded its staff with 300 young professionals who were sent abroad to study new technologies at the beginning of the decade, but this addition is a drop in the bucket. The training of our own personnel has become the number one task. After all, according to the estimates of the US administration, Angolan oil will soon amount to 10 percent. all imports of "black gold" in the United States. This explains the sharp increase in US interest in Angola in recent years.


The Algerian economy is on the rise, stimulated by the rapid development of the oil and gas complex, which provides 90% of the country's export earnings. Hydrocarbon reserves in oil equivalent amount to 120 billion barrels, oil production - about 60 million tons and gas - 130 million tons per year.

After Algeria allowed foreign companies to return to exploration and production in 1986, the oil sector took a major leap forward. The state company Sonatrak does not have the necessary technology and personnel to make a breakthrough. Only with the help of foreign investors, Algeria was able to discover the largest field in Ghadames. It was there that specialists from the American company Andarko discovered deposits of up to 3 billion barrels, which is one third of all national reserves. New technologies have made it possible to raise production by 65 percent. The leader in oil production in Africa remains

Algeria is already today the world's 2nd producer of liquefied gas (8.5 million tons per year) and the 3rd exporter of natural gas in the world. A significant increase in gas exports is envisaged. The Sonatrak company announced its intention to invest $19 billion in the operation of existing and development of new oil and gas fields in the next 2 years, which causes the need for equipment. The government has created a new legislative framework - the Laws on Subsoil and Gas have been adopted, making the oil and gas industries open to foreign investment. With their adoption, major projects begin to be implemented: 2 gas pipelines across the Mediterranean Sea and the Algeria-Nigeria gas pipeline.

Major Oil Importing Countries
The country that buys the raw material is called the importer. The largest importers are naturally economically developed regions such as the US, Europe and Japan. The share of the United States in the world turnover occupies a leading role, because. this country accounts for about 28% of all imported oil. I want to note that America not only buys, but also produces itself about a fifth of the volume of raw materials consumed. Of course, there are also own mining capacities. Of course, we should not forget about developing countries such as China and India. These are countries that are very actively gaining economic momentum.

United States of America

The US is the largest consumer of oil in the world. The daily level of oil consumption in the country is about 23 million barrels (or almost a quarter of the world's), while about half of the oil consumed in the country comes from vehicles.

Over the past 20 years, the level of oil production in the United States has decreased: for example, in 1972 it was 528 million tons, in 1995 - 368 million tons, and in 2000 - only 350 million tons, which is a consequence of the increased competition between US producers and importers of cheaper foreign oil. Of the 23 million b/d consumed in the US, only 8 million b/d is produced, while the rest is imported. At the same time, the United States still ranks second in the world in terms of oil production (after Saudi Arabia). The proven oil reserves of the USA are about 4 billion tons (3% of the world's reserves).

Most of the country's explored deposits are located on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as off the Pacific coast (California) and the shores of the Arctic Ocean (Alaska). The main mining areas are Alaska, Texas, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Recently, the share of oil produced on the sea shelf has increased, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico. The country's largest oil corporations are Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco. The main oil importers in the US are Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Canada, and Venezuela. The United States is heavily dependent on OPEC policy, and that is why they are interested in an alternative source of oil, which Russia can become for them.

Countries of Europe
The main importers of oil in Europe are Germany, France and Italy.

Europe imports 70% (530 million tons) of oil consumption, 30% (230 million tons) is covered by its own production, mainly in the North Sea.

Imports to European countries account for 26% of the total volume of oil imports in the world. By source of income, oil imports to Europe are distributed as follows:

– Middle East - 38% (200 million tons/year)
– Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan - 28% (147 million tons/year)
– Africa - 24% (130 million tons/year)
– others - 10% (53 million tons/year).

Currently, 93% of all oil exports from Russia go to Europe. This assessment includes both the markets of the countries of North-West Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and the CIS countries.


Since the country's natural resources are limited, Japan is very dependent on foreign raw materials and imports a variety of goods from abroad. Japan's main import partners are China - 20.5%, USA - 12%, EU - 10.3% Saudi Arabia - 6.4%, UAE - 5.5%, Australia - 4.8%, South Korea - 4 .7%, as well as Indonesia - 4.2%. The main imported goods are machinery and equipment, natural fuel, food products(especially beef), chemicals, textiles and industrial raw materials. In general, Japan's main trading partners are China and the United States.

Japan, having survived two oil crises in the 70s and early 80s, was able to minimize the vulnerability of the economy to changes in oil prices, thanks to the implementation of energy saving systems by large corporations and government initiatives to develop alternative energy sources.


The Chinese economy continues to develop at a rapid pace, requiring more and more energy resources. In addition, the Chinese government's decision to create a strategic oil reserve also has an impact on the growth of imports. By 2010, the oil reserve will have to cover the country's needs for 30 days.

The growth rate of imports in June turned out to be almost the highest this year, yielding only to April, when oil imports grew by 23%.

The total value of China's oil imports in the first half of the year rose by 5.2% to $35 billion. In June, imports cost $6.6 billion. At the same time, imports of petroleum products even decreased by 1% to 18.1 million metric tons in the first half of the year. In June, imports of petroleum products amounted to 3.26 million metric tons.


India currently has a shortage of energy resources in many areas. In rural areas, we consume traditional energy sources - wood, agricultural waste. This causes air and soil pollution. In this regard, such energy consumption should be replaced by cleaner energy sources, which is part of the development of India's energy strategy.

The Indians went their own way and completely trusted the Soviet specialists. In August 1996, the State Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) was established. We emphasize that before cooperation with Soviet Union India consumed 5.5 million tons of imported oil, but there was no oil of its own. But in just 10 years (as of December 1, 1966), 13 oil and gas fields were discovered, commercial oil reserves in the amount of 143 million tons were prepared, and oil production amounted to more than 4 million a year. More than 750 of the best Soviet oil specialists worked in India. And in 1982, the State Indian Corporation already employed 25 thousand people, including 1.5 thousand specialists with higher education, many of them studied at Soviet universities.

The main consumers of oil in the world are traditionally highly developed countries and emerging new economic giants, and the main oil producers are states that have the largest industrial and transport infrastructure for the extraction, processing and transport of oil and oil products ...

The total volume of crude oil on the planet today is estimated at approximately 270-300 billion tons, and approximately 60-70% of this world volume is located in the territories of the OPEC countries.

The top five richest countries in oil reserves are Venezuela (298,400,000,000 br / 47,445,600,000 tons), Saudi Arabia (268,300,000,000 br / 42,659,700,000 tons), Canada (172,500,000,000 br / 27 427,500,000 tons), Iran (157,800,000,000 br / 25,090,200,000 tons) and Iraq (144,200,000,000 br / 22,927,800,000 tons).
The largest oil producers and producers today are Saudi Arabia, Russia, the USA and China..

The largest consumers and importers of crude oil are economically developed countries - the United States, European countries and Japan.
The United States occupies 1st place in the consumer market - they account for almost 30% of all imports.
But America not only buys, but also produces about 20% of the oil it consumes.

Oil exporting countries 2014/2015:

21. Azerbaijan
The country oil production
2014 / 2015
barrels per day
1. Russia 10 221 000 / 10 111 700 -
2. Saudi Arabia 9 712 000 / 10 192 600 +
3. USA 8 662 000 / 9 430 800 +
4. PRC 4 194 000 / 4 273 700 +
5. Iran 3 117 000 / 3 151 600 +
6. Iraq 3 110 000 / 3 504 100 +
7. Kuwait 2 867 000 / 2 858 700 -
8. UAE 2 794 000 / 2 988 900 +
9. Venezuela 2 682 000 / 2 653 900 -
10. Mexico 2 429 000 / 2 266 800 -
11. Brazil 2 429 000 / 2 437 300 +
12. Nigeria 1 807 000 / 1 748 200 -
13. Angola 1 653 000 / 1 767 100 +
15. Norway 1 518 000 / 1 567 400 +
16. Canada 1 399 000 / 1 263 400 -
17. Kazakhstan 1 345 000 / 1 321 600 -
18. Algiers 1 193 000 / 1 157 100 -
19. Colombia 988 000 / 1 005 600 +
20. Oman 856 000 / 885 200 +
793 000 / 786 700 -

United States of America
The largest consumer of oil in the world. Daily consumption in the country is more than 23 million barrels (or almost a quarter of the world's), while about half of the oil consumed in the country comes from vehicles.
Over the past 20 years, the level of oil production in the United States has decreased: for example, in 1972 it was 528 million tons, in 1995 - 368 million tons, and in 2000 - only 350 million tons, which is a consequence of the increased competition between US producers and importers of cheaper foreign oil. Of the 23 million b/d consumed in the US, only 8 million b/d is produced, while the rest is imported. At the same time, the United States still ranks second in the world in terms of oil production (after Saudi Arabia). The proven oil reserves of the USA are about 4 billion tons (3% of the world's reserves).
Most of the country's explored deposits are located on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as off the Pacific coast (California) and the shores of the Arctic Ocean (Alaska). The main mining areas are Alaska, Texas, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Recently, the share of oil produced on the sea shelf has increased, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico. The country's largest oil corporations are Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco. The main oil importers in the US are Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Canada, and Venezuela. The United States is highly dependent on OPEC policy, and that is why it is interested in an alternative source of oil, which Russia can become for them.v European countries
The main importers of oil in Europe are Germany, France and Italy.
Europe imports 70% (530 million tons) of oil consumption, 30% (230 million tons) is covered by its own production, mainly in the North Sea.v Imports to Europe account for 26% of the total oil imports in the world . By source of income, oil imports to Europe are distributed as follows:
– Middle East - 38% (200 million tons/year)
– Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan - 28% (147 million tons/year)
– Africa - 24% (130 million tons/year)
– others - 10% (53 million tons/year).
Currently, 93% of all oil exports from Russia go to Europe. This assessment includes both the markets of the countries of North-West Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and the CIS countries.
Since the country's natural resources are limited, Japan is very dependent on foreign raw materials and imports a variety of goods from abroad. Japan's main import partners are China - 20.5%, USA - 12%, EU - 10.3% Saudi Arabia - 6.4%, UAE - 5.5%, Australia - 4.8%, South Korea - 4 .7%, as well as Indonesia - 4.2%. The main imports are machinery and equipment, fossil fuels, foodstuffs (especially beef), chemicals, textiles and industrial raw materials. In general, Japan's main trading partners are China and the United States.
Japan, having survived two oil crises in the 70s and early 80s, was able to minimize the vulnerability of the economy to changes in oil prices, thanks to the implementation of energy saving systems by large corporations and government initiatives to develop alternative energy sources.
The Chinese economy continues to develop at a rapid pace, requiring more and more energy resources. In addition, the Chinese government's decision to create a strategic oil reserve also has an impact on the growth of imports. By 2010, the oil reserve will have to cover the country's needs for 30 days.
The growth rate of imports in June turned out to be almost the highest this year, yielding only to April, when oil imports grew by 23%.
The total value of China's oil imports in the first half of the year rose by 5.2% to $35 billion. In June, imports cost $6.6 billion. At the same time, imports of petroleum products even decreased by 1% to 18.1 million metric tons in the first half of the year. In June, imports of petroleum products amounted to 3.26 million metric tons.
India currently has a shortage of energy resources in many areas. In rural areas, we consume traditional energy sources - wood, agricultural waste. This causes air and soil pollution. In this regard, such energy consumption should be replaced by cleaner energy sources, which is part of the development of India's energy strategy.
The Indians went their own way and completely trusted the Soviet specialists. In August 1996, the State Commission on Oil and Natural Gas (ONGC) was established. We emphasize that before the start of cooperation with the Soviet Union, India consumed 5.5 million tons of imported oil, but there was no oil of its own. But in just 10 years (as of December 1, 1966), 13 oil and gas fields were discovered, commercial oil reserves in the amount of 143 million tons were prepared, and oil production amounted to more than 4 million a year. More than 750 of the best Soviet oil specialists worked in India. And in 1982, the State Indian Corporation already employed 25 thousand people, including 1.5 thousand specialists with higher education, many of them studied at Soviet universities.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 5 minutes


The volume of oil production of the leading countries

The countries of the world, rich in oil and having significant reserves of this mineral, are providing strong influence on the world economy, since oil producers around the world depend on regular supplies of hydrocarbon raw materials, without which the existence of a modern economy is impossible. World oil refining and chemical production absorb truly colossal volumes of raw materials, and therefore the world's gas is colossal.

The extraction of oil and natural gas for their subsequent export in many countries of the world brings the lion's share of budget revenues, in connection with which the oil and gas industry are the leading sectors of their economies.

In one day, about a hundred million barrels of "black gold" are produced in the world. The top three largest oil powers are the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. It is these three countries that supply 30 percent of all traded oil.

Volume of oil production by countries of the world

And in what other countries of the world are they engaged in such production, and how much oil do they supply to the market? Below we will consider the leading countries in oil production, starting from tenth place and up to the top three.

10th place. Venezuela

The daily volume of oil production in this country is 2.5 million barrels, which allows it to open the world TOP-10 in this area.

The Venezuelan economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbon sales. Suffice it to say that 96% of exports are accounted for by this mineral. Venezuelan raw materials in the total volume of oil supplied to the market occupy 3.65% of it. But if we talk about the reserves of this energy resource, then Venezuela is in first place in the world. According to experts, their level is about 46 billion tons.

9th place. United Arab Emirates

The UAE, which produces 2.7 million barrels per day, rightfully occupy this place of honor. The share of deliveries of hydrocarbon raw materials to the world markets is 3.81%.

The main deposits are located on the territory of the emirate of Abu Dhabi (about 95%), the remaining 5% are located in the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. The total number of natural reserves of the UAE is estimated at 13 billion tons. The main importers of this mineral from the UAE are India, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China and Singapore.

8th. Kuwait

The level of daily production of 2.8 million barrels.

bring Kuwait to eighth place in the TOP-10 largest miners. Unused liquid natural hydrocarbons in Kuwait make up 9% of the world's and are estimated by experts at 14 billion tons of "black gold".

In the oil market, Kuwait occupies 3.90%.

Kuwait's largest deposit is the Big Burgan, which accounts for half of all extracted raw materials. Another 50% is taken from such Kuwaiti deposits as Umm Gudair and Minagish, located in the south of Kuwait, and Sabriyah and Raudhaiten, belonging to the northern part of Kuwait. Kuwait's main exports are to Morocco, Jordan, Syria, China and the United Arab Emirates.

7th. Iraq

The daily volume of oil produced in Iraq is 3 million barrels, which allows it to occupy a prominent place among the main producers of this raw material in the world.

Despite the difficult political situation, Iraq is gradually increasing the production of this raw material, since its economy is highly dependent on its exports. The revenue side of the Iraqi budget for 90% consists of proceeds from oil exports.

In the world of Iraqi hydrocarbons - approximately 4.24%.

The total reserve of untapped resources is 20 billion tons.

6th place. Iran

It delivers over three million barrels daily.

This is a Middle Eastern country - a major oil power, which has huge reserves of this useful energy resource. The main part of hydrocarbons is extracted here from fields located in the Persian Gulf basin. According to experts, already discovered Iranian deposits will last for almost ninety years, since their level is estimated at 21 billion tons. This is the third indicator in the world.

Percentage of Iran in the market of this energy resource is 4.25%.

The main importers are Japan, China, India, South Korea and Turkey. Iran's export earnings are half of the proceeds from the sale of "black gold".

5th place. Canada

It also supplies more than three million barrels per day.

Canada opens the top five exporters of this product. The largest deposit of this mineral in Canada is located in the province of Alberta. Recently, Canada has become the largest supplier of hydrocarbon raw materials for its neighbors - the United States. More than 90% of Canadian crude hydrocarbons are exported here.

Canada holds 4.54% of the oil market.

It has huge reserves of this mineral, which are estimated at about 28 billion tons. According to this indicator, Canada is in the top three among the whole world.

4th. China

The daily volume of oil, equal to 4 million barrels, rightfully brings the People's Republic of China to the fourth place in the ranking of oil production.

Chinese "black gold" in the world - 5.71%.

The population of China is huge, so China is not only one of the leading exporters, but also one of the leaders in the consumption of this energy resource. The amount of explored Chinese hydrocarbons is relatively small - 2.5 billion tons. One of the main exporters of "black gold" for China is Russia.

Third place - United States of America

Opens the "big three" of the main producers of this product in the United States - 9 million barrels. daily, 11.80% of global production.

The US is not only the leading exporter, but also the world's largest importer of hydrocarbons and petroleum products. The main deposits are concentrated in three US states - Texas, Alaska and California. In case of all sorts of unforeseen circumstances, the United States holds the world's largest strategic reserve of already produced hydrocarbons.

Second place. Saudi Arabia

10 million barrels is the daily volume of oil received in this country.

Saudi Arabia has long and rightfully been among the leaders in the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials, on which its entire economy rests. The main export regions are the USA and East Asia. The share of export revenues from the sale of hydrocarbons in the total amount of such revenues in this state is approximately 90 percent. All fields in Saudi Arabia are developed by the national company Saudi Aramco.

Supplied liquid hydrocarbons from Saudi Arabia in the global market - 13.23%.

Explored resources are estimated at 36.7 billion tons.

And finally, the leader of the rating is Russia

Daily production - more than 10 million barrels.

Sure first place. Russia has long been considered one of the richest in the world, not only in terms of the amount of "black gold", but also a real pantry of other types of minerals - coal, non-ferrous metals, natural gas, and so on. The total volume of explored Russian hydrocarbons is more than 14 billion tons.

Percent Russian Federation in the total amount of extracted "black gold" is 13.92 percent.

The sharp drop in oil prices, which was provoked by a sharp increase in production in the United States of America and a number of other factors, forced the major oil powers to take retaliatory measures. For example, OPEC member countries decided to reduce daily hydrocarbon production in order to stabilize prices for "black gold".

Russia also joined these agreements. Such measures made it possible to stop the collapse in prices, which began to rise gradually. 2017 was no exception, and such agreements continue to be implemented. World oil production has declined, which allowed to equalize the level of supply and demand.

Among the countries that refused to limit their oil production, the most significant are the United States and Iran, the lifting of sanctions from which allowed it to start free trade in "black gold" on world markets. Since the economic situation in this Middle Eastern state is rather difficult, the treasury needs oil revenues like air.

However, unlike the United States, which can increase the volume of extracted raw materials on a significant scale, the current state of the Iranian oil industry, which has long been isolated from modern world technologies for extracting minerals, does not allow any significant impact on world quotes. How much was mined in the country last year - so much will be mined.

It is quite active. This product is a strategic resource that many industries need. The leading oil producing countries occupy an advantageous position in the world, as they directly influence the pricing of petroleum products. Importers of energy resources are forced to adapt to market conditions, which is not always profitable. Top 10 oil production is as follows.

Venezuela - 10th position in the ranking

Venezuela is one of the top 10 oil producing countries. In 2016, it exported 2.5 million barrels of "black gold" per day (124.1 million tons / year). In the Venezuelan economy, the extraction of natural raw materials ranks first in terms of the amount of income received from exports (96%). The country provides 2.8% of the world's energy resources market.

Venezuela is the leader in terms of the number of concentrated reserves of "black gold". There are 46 billion tons of energy reserves on its territory.

Kuwait - takes the 9th step

Kuwait is included in the ranking of countries leading in world oil production. It is an important exporter and a member of OPEC. The process of extracting energy resources from the bowels of the earth began in 1930. After the declaration of independence of Kuwait, a new stage began in the production and sale of petroleum products. Every year they bring 90% of all income to the state treasury. Due to the large volume of "black gold" produced, Kuwait is well endowed with high level the life of the population.

The state is distinguished by the following indicators:

  • 6% of the world's oil reserves (104 billion barrels);
  • the volume of extraction of energy resources per year is 152.7 million tons (3.5%);
  • 50% of Kuwait's GDP is based on oil production.

United Arab Emirates - 8th grade

The UAE is included in the list of oil-producing countries where energy production takes place on a huge scale. The United Arab Emirates is characterized by the following indicators:

  • the volume of oil production per year is 0.182 billion tons (4.2%);
  • deposits contained in the oil-bearing depths reach 97.8 billion barrels.

Thanks to decisive steps taken by the government, the UAE has achieved economic prosperity and stability. Mining companies are mainly located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah. In recent years, the United Arab Emirates has been losing its leading position in the production of energy resources. The government is introducing measures to diversify the economy. Agriculture, tourism, and the financial sector are developing.

People's Republic of China - 7 position

China is included in the ranking of countries producing oil on a huge scale. This energy resource was found throughout its territory, mainly in the northeastern region, the coastal zone. Since the 70s of the last century, China began its own production of petroleum products for its own needs and for export. But the republic was in the lead in the export of "black gold" for a short time. For a long time, it needed additional supplies of energy resources, which is associated with the rapid development of production.

In 2013, China discovered large hydrocarbon deposits on its territory. The Republic annually exports almost 0.2 billion tons of natural raw materials (4.6%).

Oil in China

Canada - 6th level

Canada is a permanent member of OPEC. The state provides volume deliveries of oil products in the amount of 218.2 million tons per year. As a percentage, Canada produces 5% of the energy resources for the global market.

Alberta is a province that is the main supplier of "black gold". Inexhaustible reserves of natural raw materials are concentrated on the territory of Canada. Leading researchers estimate them at 28 billion tons.

Iran - 5 position

Iran is a major supplier of "black gold" (4.9%). The state annually supplies 216.4 million tons of natural raw materials. Most of it is mined in the Persian Gulf basin. The country's strategic deposits are estimated at 157.3 billion barrels. This is enough to provide Iran's industry for 90 years.

Iraq - 4th grade

The bowels of Iraq contain 140300 million barrels. strategic reserves. The state ranks third in terms of hydrocarbon content. Every day the country produces 4.4 million barrels. Iraq provides the global energy market with 5% of production.

USA - 3 position

USA provides global market natural raw materials by 12.4%, which corresponds to 543,000 thousand tons per year. The states of Alaska, Texas, California are considered to be oil producers. America keeps a small supply of hydrocarbons to use in unforeseen situations. The state is actively developing drilling technologies to reduce the cost production process which is relevant in today's world.

Russia - the second place in the ranking

Russia occupies a leading position in the world in terms of production and strategic reserves of hydrocarbons. The federation is characterized by the following indicators:

  • the volume of deposits in the subsoil is 80,000,000 thousand barrels;
  • Russia supplies the global hydrocarbon market by 12.6%;
  • annually the federation produces 554300 thousand tons of oil products.

The largest deposits of hydrocarbons in Russia are located in Sakhalin, the shelves of the Caspian and Kara Seas.

Saudi Arabia - honorary 1st place

Saudi Arabia provides the world hydrocarbon market with 13.4% of its products, which corresponds to 585,700 thousand tons of natural raw materials. The bulk of the income (90%) comes from the sale of "black gold" to East Asia and the USA. Saudi Arabia contains huge deposits of oil raw materials in the amount of 36.7 million tons. The largest deposits of the country include Gawar, Shaybakh, Zulukh.

In Europe, the extraction of petroleum products is not so active. The production of this energy resource takes place in Norway, Great Britain, Denmark, Romania. They provide a small amount of oil products for the needs of the world market.

Video: OPEC countries agree to cut oil production

We were able to develop our economy through the implementation of the main resource. But the dynamic growth of indicators would not have been possible if the developing states had not united.

Groups of oil-producing countries

Before finding out what organizations exist that regulate the production of crude oil and the conditions for its sale, it is necessary to understand which states are included in them. Thus, the main exporters of oil are those countries where it is produced. At the same time, the states that are world leaders produce more than a billion barrels annually.

Experts from all countries are divided into several groups:

Members of OPEC;

USA and Canada;

North Sea countries;

other large states.

World leadership belongs to the first group.

History of OPEC

An international organization that brings together the main oil exporters is often called a cartel. It was created by several countries to stabilize prices for the main raw material. This organization is called OPEC (English OPEC - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).

The main oil exporting countries, which belonged to developing countries, united back in 1960. This historic event took place at the September conference in Baghdad. The initiative was supported by five countries: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Venezuela. This happened after the 7 largest multinational companies engaged in oil production, which were also called the "Seven Sisters", unilaterally lowered the purchase prices for oil. After all, depending on its value, they were forced to pay rent for the right to develop deposits and taxes.

But the newly independent states wanted to control oil production on their territory and monitor the exploitation of resources. And given the fact that in the 1960s the supply of this raw material exceeded demand, one of the goals of the creation of OPEC was to prevent further price declines.

Beginning of work

After the creation of the international organization, oil-exporting countries began to join it. Thus, during the 1960s, the number of states included in OPEC doubled. Indonesia, Qatar, Libya, Algeria joined the organization. At the same time, a declaration was adopted, fixing the oil policy. It said that countries have the right to exercise constant control over their resources and ensure that they are used in the interests of their development.

The main oil exporters in the world in the 1970s completely took control of the extraction of flammable liquid. It was from the activities of OPEC that the prices set for the raw resource began to depend. During this period, other oil exporting countries joined the organization. The list has expanded to 13 participants: it also includes Ecuador, Nigeria and Gabon.

Necessary Reforms

The 1980s were a rather difficult period. Indeed, at the beginning of this decade, prices rose unprecedentedly. But by 1986, they had fallen, and the price was set at about $10 per barrel. This was a significant blow, all oil-exporting countries suffered. OPEC managed to stabilize the cost of raw materials. At the same time, a dialogue was established with states that are not members of this organization. Oil production quotas for OPEC members were also set. The cartel agreed on a pricing mechanism.

Importance of OPEC

To understand the trends in the world oil market, it is important to know how OPEC's influence on the situation has changed. So, in the early 1970s, the participating countries controlled only 2% of the national production of this raw material. Already in 1973, the states achieved that 20% of oil production came under their control, and by the 1980s, more than 86% of the entire resource production became subject to them. With this in mind, the oil exporting countries that joined OPEC have become an independent determining force in the market. by that time they had already lost their strength, because the states, if possible, nationalized the entire oil industry.

General trends

But far from all oil-exporting countries were part of a specialized one. For example, in the 1990s, the government of Gabon decided on the need to withdraw from OPEC, in the same period Ecuador temporarily suspended participation in the affairs of the organization (from 1992 to 2007 ). Russia, which occupies a leading position in terms of production of this resource, in 1998 became an observer in the cartel.

Currently, OPEC members collectively account for 40% of world oil production. At the same time, they own 80% of the proven reserves of this raw material. The organization can change the required level by increasing or decreasing it at its discretion. At the same time, most of the states involved in the development of deposits of this resource are working at full capacity.

Main exporters

Currently, 12 countries are members of OPEC. Some states involved in the development of the resource base operate independently. For example, these are such major oil exporters as Russia and the USA. They are not subject to the influence of OPEC, the organization does not dictate the conditions for the production and sale of this raw material. But they are forced to come to terms with the global trends that are set by the member countries of the cartel. On the this moment Russia and the United States occupy a leading position in the world market along with Saudi Arabia. In terms of production of combustible liquid, each state accounts for more than 10%.

But this is not all the main oil exporting countries. The top ten list also includes China, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates.

Now in more than 100 different countries there are oil deposits, they are developing fields. But the volumes of extracted resources, of course, are incomparably small compared to those owned by the largest oil exporting countries.

Other organizations

OPEC is the most significant association of oil-producing states, but not the only one. For example, in the 1970s, the International Energy Agency was organized. 26 countries immediately became its members. The IEA regulates the activities of not exporters, but the main importers of raw materials. The task of this agency is to develop the mechanisms of interaction that are necessary in crisis situations. Thus, it was the strategies he developed that made it possible to somewhat reduce the influence of OPEC on the market. The main recommendations of the IEA were that countries create optimal routes for the movement of raw materials in the event of an embargo and carry out other necessary organizational arrangements. This contributed to the fact that not only the largest oil exporters can now dictate the conditions on the market.

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