Negative aspects of the March New Moon. The day falls under the influence of Saturn - a planet with strong and heavy energy. There is nothing critical in this: Saturn will not press and provoke negativity just like that


Astrologers urge people to take the change of lunar phases more seriously, because each of them carries a universal renewal of energy. There are two Full Moons coming up in March, which in itself is already a huge energy hit, so the New Moon on March 17 promises to be challenging.

A turning point will overtake us all, the essence of which will be development and deepening, not destruction. This will be a kind of spiritual process, stimulated by increased lunar activity, and it is necessary to prepare for it in advance.

Features of the March New Moon in 2018

On March 17, the moon will be updated. This is a fairly short period characterized by a powerful effect of lunar energy on all living things. Any undertaking, according to the lunar calendar, should be timed to coincide with the New Moon, especially in March. This will be an incredibly positive moon update when compared to other similar New Moons.

The presence of the Moon in the constellation Pisces is the main reason for the positive influence that will act as a motivator and push you to fulfill your desires. On this day, which combines the energy of 29, 30 and 1 lunar days, everyone can feel a sharp surge of strength and a desire to "conquer the world."

Astrologers advise not to waste energy on trifles, self-doubt and unnecessary anxiety, but to start acting for the good of your bright future.

The influence of Pisces will enhance the imagination, which means that it will become easier to imagine the development of future events. But this is not all that lunar activity will reward us with. On March 17, our plans, dreams and hopes will become an additional incentive pushing for changes in various areas of life. It is advisable to make a choice, set important goals and weed out dubious illusions. You must imagine in detail how and why you will achieve success.

The next new moon will descend on March 17 at 16.13 Moscow time. Up to this point, it is important to take stock of the whole year and think about what you will do next with your destiny and life.

During the birth of a new moon, cosmic energy is subject to change. This is the most vulnerable phase of the night star, so its activity is easy to intercept and direct in the right direction. We need luck right now, so there's no time to procrastinate.

Everyone has rice in reserve at home. On March 17, you will need it for the most powerful ritual that will attract good luck to you. The ceremony can be performed at any time after sunset. Look out the window, enjoy the view of the night sky, let yourself dream.

Deep down in your heart, you must be sure that you will succeed. Do not leave the window, recharge with moonlight. Even if the Moon is not visible in the sky, its rays still reach the Earth. Now the most important thing - standing by the window, scoop rice with your left hand, bring your palm to your lips and say:

“Rice on the water has grown thanks to the moon. So let him help me now. Let every grain in my palm be charged with luck. May luck strive for me from all sides. The moon will help me find everything I need. Together with you, heavenly body, my new life is born. My word is strong. Everything will happen the way I want.”

A handful of rice should be placed in a bag or bag and hidden where it can last until the next New Moon. Try not to waste your luck.

The new moon is a magical time

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Use this time to your advantage!

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Best Ritual for Prosperity on the New Moon

The new moon is a call to the beginning: the beginning of the lunar month, a better life, rebirth, growth. This This is the best time to attract abundance into your life. The proposed ritual is simple, but incredibly effective. This ceremony is best done in the evening, when the moon fully comes into its own. You can turn an ordinary banknote into a strong money talisman.

It is best to take a bill that is not a pity. You can use old paper money. On the one hand, write on the banknote: "Enrichment, prosperity, well-being", and on the other - "Cash flows are attracted to me, I am a money magnet."

Hold the banknote between your palms, pass the money energy through yourself, feel how the cash flow passes through your palms. You should feel a slight tingle in your fingers. Freeze in this position for a few minutes, let the energy circulate freely and nourish your bill.

As you hold it in your hands, think about getting richer with every breath you take. You can memorize one of the money affirmations and repeat it to strengthen your call to the universe. After that, put the bill in your wallet and leave it on the windowsill. Let it be properly saturated with lunar energy during the night. Do not part with the banknote - now it is your source of prosperity and abundance.

Positive aspects of the New Moon March 17

There will be more positive on this day than negative - and this is undoubtedly a plus. The influence of the Moon in Pisces will awaken the best qualities in people.

Communication is what will succeed best. Do not be afraid to be sincere with the world and the people who surround you so that the world and people will respond in kind.

The day falls under the influence of Saturn - a planet with strong and heavy energy. There is nothing critical in this: Saturn will not press and provoke negativity just like that.

Under his leadership, you will be able to look at the world from a different angle, see in it, in addition to difficulties and problems, new opportunities, hidden success, additional tips and clear solutions.

On the day of the New Moon, it is recommended to monitor your health. Any undertakings receive energy supply, which is enough for the entire lunar month. That is why on the days of the New Moon, astrologers advise starting diets, getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body, and preventing various diseases.

The craving for self-knowledge on this day can easily end in self-digging, so it is undesirable to stay in solitude for a long time. On the contrary, during the period of influence of the constellation Pisces, it is necessary to interact with people as much as possible, especially with those to whom you can entrust your fears and secrets. On this day, words of support will not be long in coming.

Negative aspects of the March New Moon

The only thing to be wary of is an undulating mood. On March 17, the emotional state will be unstable, which will cause doubts, outbursts of anger, anxiety and even apathy. In order not to fall into this funnel, it is advisable to monitor your mood.

Feeling a sharp jump from "it was fun" to "it became unbearable", try to find the reason and keep a sober look at the situation.

As a rule, on these lunar days, troubles will pass by. If the negative does not stop advancing, it is advisable to do something abstract, for example, work. This will help reduce the risk of emotional conflicts.

If you had important things planned for March 17, you should devote more time to them. Under the influence of the New Moon in Pisces, the sense of reality weakens, there is a high probability of getting lost in illusions. Therefore, it is important to feel not only deep faith and sincere interest, but also duty and responsibility. It is good if you find yourself among like-minded people who will support your endeavors.

Most people do not follow the lunar calendar, assuming that the moon does not have any influence on the events of their lives, which makes a critical mistake. Astrologers say that the lunar influence is either the most powerful motivator if it is positive, or a stop factor if the impact is negative.

Dear friends.

The new moon is a period of rebirth, awakening. And this new moon is a particularly strong phenomenon, since it occurs near the vernal equinox and is concluded between the two full moons of March.

The new moon before the spring equinox in many ancient traditions was considered the beginning of the year. During this period, a program is laid for the whole year, so proper preparation for the New Moon in March is very important. These are the days of inner work on yourself.

Before the New Moon on March 17, it is advisable to say goodbye to the past, to let go of its emotional attachments, leaving only the wisdom of past experiences.

This New Moon will reveal the roots of all our past problems, or reveal past scenarios that are affecting our lives.

That is why for many people the week before the New Moon will be very difficult. Conflicts with people, internal conflicts, mismatches of expectations and real events are likely.

On the New Moon on March 17, it is important to avoid conflicts and quarrels, to be very attentive and careful. This is a tipping point in which people become more vulnerable. During this period, it is important to listen to your intuition and observe the events taking place, as it were, from the outside. Realize that you must deal with your fears and anxieties yourself, balance your inner state and not look for salvation outside. Everything we need is already inside us, it is only important to find it.

The new moon will be filled with spirituality, because it will take place in the zodiac sign of Pisces. At this time, the needs of your soul will come to the fore - someone will want to show more love for loved ones, someone will feel the need for spiritual development.

During the New Moon, you can and should dream. During this period, you need to think about what needs to be increased, received. Together with the growth of the heavenly body, the dream will be filled with energy.

And after March 20, after the equinox, a purposeful path to concrete results will begin, when you need to move from reflection to serious action.

This is the time of rebirth, when a chance is given to start over, turn over a new leaf, or start a new project. You may decide to let go of old behavioral habits or outdated beliefs in order to make way for something new. Change starts from within, and now is the time.

When you try to change the outer world through your mind, you are like a person trying to change the image in a mirror.

Until you change something in yourself, the image will not change...

So it is in the creation of reality - you change your inner spiritual settings - and only then your outer world begins to change.

You need to realize that you are the source of reflection.

When you realize how things work, who you really are, you change your consciousness, expand it and begin to be guided by the instructions of your Spirit, not your mind. You become higher, above your mind and ego, become an observer and director of what is happening in your life.

Realize that you will never win against an outside world that you don't like, because it is only a reflection of your inner world. And by fighting it, you only strengthen what you are fighting.

So study your inner world and learn how to put things in order there - only in this way can you change the external reflection. This process is called Enlightenment, Awakening of Consciousness.

On the New Moon, it is important to devote time to yourself - to think about what you really want and what is superfluous in your life. Subsequently, during the period of the growing moon, it is worth giving more time to what you have chosen as important, and developing and implementing your plans.

You can, as an option, start working on yourself in my transformational trainings.

Projects for spiritual development:

Projects for improvement:

  • New Moon March 2018- March 17, 2018 at 16 hours 11 minutes 52 seconds.
  • Full moon March 2018- March 02, 2018 at 03:51:09 and March 31, 2018 at 15:36:48.
  • First quarter in March 2018- March 24, 2018 at 18 hours 35 minutes 12 seconds.
  • Last quarter in March 2018- March 09, 2018 at 14 hours 19 minutes 58 seconds.
  • Growing Moon in March 2018- 1 March and from 18 to 30 March 2018.
  • Waning Moon in March 2018- from 3 to 16 March 2018.
  • Moon at its apogee: March 11 at 09:15.
  • Moon at perigee: March 26 at 17:19.

Detailed lunar horoscope for March 2018

March 1, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, the growing Moon in Virgo. Today is a great day. You can do anything, everything will go well. If you want, change jobs, you can change your place of residence or friends, or you can just take time for yourself and think about the meaning of life. All doors are open for you today.

March 2, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, full moon in Virgo. If you are extremely careful, you will not be in trouble. Pay more attention to the little things, both at work and in your personal life. Minor quarrels with colleagues or relatives are possible, control your impulses.

March 3, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. This is a day of meetings and pleasant acquaintances, open your heart and you yourself will not notice how true friends who want only good will begin to surround you. It is quite possible to meet with former lovers, which will excite a lot of pleasant memories.

March 4, 2018 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. The right time to get allies at work, find an approach to colleagues and you are guaranteed a promotion. Harmony and comfort will also reign in the family, today you can not worry about anything.

March 5, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. Be patient, an incredibly eventful and productive day awaits you. By making the right decisions, increase faith in yourself and with your self-confidence force others to follow your lead, which will bring you many benefits.

March 6, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. In no case be lazy, more actions and movements, today be more active than ever. Try to cover the maximum number of events around you, and the more there are, the more successful this day will end there.

March 7, 2018,, waning Moon in Scorpio. Being overly trusting and naive, today you can make a mistake, which will lead to a series of unpleasant confluences. Try not to carry out someone else's will and leave yourself the right to decide, you may be able to avoid problems.

March 8, 2018, 20-21 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Do not lose heart, today you need an extra dope for a good mood. You can drink a cup of coffee, watch a funny movie or read your favorite book, take a break from everything, as there is a risk of depression.

March 9, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. A series of days continues, which lead to a breakdown and stress. Try, without thinking about problems, to get the most out of life, have fun, relax or just sleep off and everything will be fine.

March 10, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Today is the best day to solve all the problems and omissions with lovers, relatives and friends. If something torments your heart, talk about it and the solution will come by itself. Give vent to emotions.

March 11, 2018, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. Getting up on the wrong foot, it will seem to you that everything and everyone is against you. Luck has turned away, love has gone, and the day is not as bright as we would like, but if you look closely, it turns out that everything is quite the opposite. Up your nose - life is beautiful.

March 12, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. On this day, small losses await you, but do not rush to despair, everything is not as bad as it looks right away. Try not to drink alcohol, this can lead to health complications. Make time for the people closest to you.

March 13, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. A positive attitude is the key to success. It will seem to you that everyone is talking only about you, reviewing your mistakes and achievements, but this is just an illusion. A wonderful day today, you are waiting for a promotion or a very pleasant acquaintance.

March 14, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. The day is very eventful and will pass at a frantic pace, try to listen to your intuition, you will not lose. Try not to be rude or indignant today, otherwise there is a risk of earning a nervous breakdown.

March 15, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. A great day, but it will not be easy for you to understand the behavior of the people around you, it is better to just ignore their selfless actions. If you are eager to understand, jokingly, ask them what the matter is.

March 16, 2018, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. The spirit of competition will take you today. Spend this day with friends, playing a variety of games, or competing in physical exercises. You will be able to win in everything, which will significantly increase self-esteem.

March 17, 2018, 29, 30-1 lunar day, new Moon in Pisces. Risk is a noble cause. Today you can dare to do the most exciting things, vital energy is in full swing. This is the day when you should move from words to deeds and not worry about anything.

March 18, 2018, 1-2 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aries. Dedicate this day to rest and fun, today nothing prevents you from relaxing and going all out. Keep your phone away to be less distracted by extraneous matters and be careful with meat, there is a risk of eating something wrong.

March 19, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, the growing Moon in Aries. Today you will surpass yourself by showing courtesy, responsiveness and understanding to everyone without exception. Outsiders do not expect such behavior that will help you earn the respect and admiration of others.

March 20, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. This is a day of unforeseen situations and decisions, but you should not be too nervous about this, in the end everything will bring you only positive results. Today you can do advanced training or retrain in general, everything is in your hands.

March 21, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, the growing Moon in Taurus. Today you will be covered by a wave of loneliness, only true friends will come to the rescue. Exclusively thanks to the support and understanding of loved ones, you will be able to stay afloat and not succumb to depression.

March 22, 2018, 5-6 lunar day, the growing Moon in Gemini. It's pointless to look for the guilty, you want everything to be done on highest level, Do it yourself. In love, not everything is going smoothly either, it’s better to keep a distance from your couple so as not to harm the relationship today.

March 23, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, the growing Moon in Gemini. Any thought that arises, immediately put it into execution, luck is on your side. The more work you do today, the more profitable tomorrow will be. Do not be afraid to experiment, the result will surprise you.

March 24, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, the growing Moon in Cancer. Cleaning day. Put things in order in the house, at the workplace and in the soul, get rid of old unnecessary things and thoughts, life will sparkle with new colors. You can try to cook something new, not typical for you, it will definitely turn out to surprise yourself with originality.

March 25, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, the growing Moon in Cancer. Today is just a passive day, do not rush into battle, keep all thoughts and ideas to yourself, there will be no sense from them. On this day, just go with the flow, which will not be avoided. Better do something nice for yourself.

March 26, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, the growing Moon in Cancer. A dangerous day for a relationship with a lover, betrayal, disappointment and unpleasant situations are possible today. But even after a heavy rain, the bright sun shines. All for the best, rest assured.

March 27, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, the growing Moon in Leo. Today is incredibly active and joyful, you will be overwhelmed with positive emotions and incidents. If you have a creative streak, find a way to express your emotions in creativity, this will be a masterpiece.

March 28, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, the growing Moon in Leo. On this day you will be extremely vulnerable and receptive. In order not to spoil the mood for yourself or others, retire away from everyone. Do what you love, take a break from the hustle and bustle and everything will fall into place.

March 29, 2018 12-13 lunar day, the growing Moon in Virgo. You will not be able to concentrate and put your thoughts in order so as not to rush in all directions, ask for clues from others, or simply postpone making decisions for another day. But in love you will have harmony in the first place.

March 30, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, the growing Moon in Virgo. Chaos. Everything around will fall apart, all actions will not bring the desired result, people will not perceive you the way you would like to. It seems that the world has turned upside down, but this is only an illusion, you are just not in the spirit.

March 31, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, full moon in Libra. Today you will be seized by strange desires, you should not limit them, give vent to feelings and do what you are so ashamed of. Sometimes it is very necessary and useful to fool around, it will contribute to a surge of energy and new productive ideas.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in March 2018

  • From March 1 2:13 to March 1 8:57
  • From March 3 2:50 to March 3 11:20
  • From March 5 9:19 to March 5 16:23
  • From March 7 11:55 to March 8 1:03
  • From March 10 5:27 to March 10 12:52
  • From March 12 18:36 to March 13 1:44
  • From March 15 10:32 to March 15 13:12
  • From March 17 16:11 to March 17 21:57
  • From March 19 22:29 to March 20 4:07
  • From March 21 20:21 to March 22 8:30
  • March 24 06:52 to March 24 11:53
  • From March 26 09:58 to March 26 14:45
  • From March 28 12:54 to March 28 17:30

The New Moon will be preceded by a bright, pleasant 30 lunar day, which is not found in every month. In March, it will last 9 hours. On this day, you can feel love and harmony in the world. Dark forces and negative energy of 29 lunar days leave, and they are replaced by calmness and joy.

The lunar calendar for March 17, 2018 portends a harmonious and very spiritual period, full of love and understanding. Old experiences and fears fade into the background. Love begins to reign in the world.

At 16:12 Moscow time, the New Moon will occur and 1 lunar day will begin. This New Moon is the most important of the year, since in ancient times it was considered the day of the New Year. Three days after this New Moon, the Spring Equinox will occur, and the Sun will move into the first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

With this New Moon, a new phase of your life will begin. How you spend this day will affect the rest of the year. You can create a Wish Map, make lists of plans and goals, dream, plan a new life.

Moon phase March 17, 2018 - Update and the beginning of a new

30th day in the lunar calendar

Symbol of the day: Swan

Bookmark thoughts: being in love and joy, I find integrity and harmony. I thank this lunar period for all the good that was in it.

Goal of the day: let go of the past, thank the Universe for the lived lunar month.

30 lunar day is the most harmonious, peaceful and pleasant time in everything lunar calendar. Today, love and peace are spreading all over the earth. During this period, it is favorable to contemplate the beauty around you and do good deeds, you need to forgive and ask for forgiveness from people, share joy and love with them.

On the 30th lunar day, we draw the final line under this lunar month and see both good and bad results of the efforts made during this period. Good and evil today are in balance on the scales of the universe, and we can observe the manifestation of justice in everything.

On the 30th day of the Moon, it is recommended to bring all things to the end, pay off debts, let go of the past in order to enter the new lunar cycle renewed and cleansed. Today we need to thank the world for all that we have received and for all the lessons that we have learned during this lunar month.

You can’t plan anything yet, let alone start new business. You can retire and feel harmony within yourself, relax after a long journey that has been passed. It is important to maintain purity of thoughts and be in a joyful high spirits. 30 lunar days is a great time for declarations of love and for good deeds.

On the 30th lunar day, it is better to repay debts and do charity work, but you should not carry out serious financial transactions. Today it is undesirable to start or plan anything, for this it is recommended to wait for the new moon.

Relations. 30 lunar day is a very good day for communication with loved ones, declarations of love and harmonious relationships. It is worth limiting your social circle or seclude yourself altogether. Avoid negativity and do not communicate with provocateurs in order to maintain a good mood and not succumb to Negative influence. On this day, it is recommended to help people and share joy and love with them.

Health. Diseases that began on the 30th lunar day are not serious and pass quickly. Today it is recommended not to burden the body with heavy food, alcohol, and it is worth quitting smoking. On this day, susceptibility to smells increases, so it is better not to inhale strong aromas. Physical activity and sports on the 30th lunar day are contraindicated. It is good to relax and spend time in nature. The brain is vulnerable, so mental activity and work with information should be dosed in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

A haircut on the 30th lunar day is undesirable, it can attract trouble.

dreams prophetic today.

1 lunar day

Symbols of the day: Lamp, Candle, Third eye

Goal of the day: complete the previous one and plan for the next lunar period. Formulate dreams, goals and goals. Be alone with yourself and rethink your life.

Bookmark thoughts: I allow myself to forget and let go of the past and direct my attention to the future. My dreams and plans come true easily and pleasantly.

1 lunar day is associated with the spiritual world, it is clean and bright, like a blank sheet in order to draw your reality on it. It is favorable today to purify physically and spiritually, it becomes a clean slate to start the new lunar period renewed and full of strength.

The symbols of the day The lamp, the Lampada suggest that it is the fire that will help to purify and illuminate the future path. Therefore, a useful practice on 1 lunar day would be to light candles or a fire and watch the fiery rays.

Proper planning is the most effective and good start of any business, so it should not be neglected. But it is not necessary to act immediately on the first day of the Moon, and even more so to launch projects - this promises a nervous breakdown and possible failures due to lack of strength and energy.

1 lunar day is a day of contemplation and inner meditation. Use the energy of this period for spiritual development and inner work on yourself.

Everything that happens today is a grain of thoughts and actions, which will soon grow into events, so the conflicts started today can grow into enmity for the entire lunar period, but the friendship started on the first day of the moon will, on the contrary, grow stronger and please you.

Today there is a strong bookmark of thoughts, words and deeds that are the foundation for this lunar period. It is recommended to avoid quarrels, not complain about life and focus on dreams and plans for the future.

On 1 lunar day, special inspiration may come, as a strong connection with the spiritual world appears, the “third eye” opens. This is a good time for creativity and doing what you love. Get rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary and introduce new dreams and plans into your life.

Relations. On 1 lunar day, it is recommended to reconsider your relationship with people and forgive all insults. Getting rid of accumulated grievances will help improve your internal state and get rid of the burden of the past. To relieve stress on the 1st day of the moon, solitude and silence are recommended. In communication, it is favorable to be sincere and honest. Confidential conversations will help clarify many points and bring relationships to a higher spiritual level.

Health. On 1 lunar day it is not recommended to drink alcohol. You should also avoid heavy foods. The diseases that began on these lunar days are more spiritual than physical in nature, therefore, in addition to treatment, one must look for internal psychological causes of diseases. The body may signal some unresolved psychological problems. Useful cleansing procedures. You can also start dieting today.

From haircut on the first lunar day, it is advisable to refuse. It is believed that along with hair, you can cut off your health and years of life.

dreams. If you correctly interpret the dreams of 1 lunar day, you can see what will happen throughout the next lunar period. But it is worth analyzing the images of dreams very carefully and accurately and not taking them literally.

The New Moon will be preceded by a bright, pleasant 30 lunar day, which is not found in every month. In March, it will last 9 hours. On this day, you can feel love and harmony in the world. Dark forces and negative energy of 29 lunar days leave, and they are replaced by calmness and joy.

The lunar calendar for March 17, 2018 portends a harmonious and very spiritual period, full of love and understanding. Old experiences and fears fade into the background. Love begins to reign in the world.

At 16:12 Moscow time, the New Moon will occur and 1 lunar day will begin. This New Moon is the most important of the year, since in ancient times it was considered the day of the New Year. Three days after this New Moon, the Spring Equinox will occur, and the Sun will move into the first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

With this New Moon, a new phase of your life will begin. How you spend this day will affect the rest of the year. You can create a Wish Map, make lists of plans and goals, dream, plan a new life.

Moon phase March 17, 2018 - Update and the beginning of a new

30th day in the lunar calendar

Symbol of the day: Swan

Bookmark thoughts: being in love and joy, I find integrity and harmony. I thank this lunar period for all the good that was in it.

Goal of the day: let go of the past, thank the Universe for the lived lunar month.

30 lunar day is the most harmonious, peaceful and pleasant time in the entire lunar calendar. Today, love and peace are spreading all over the earth. During this period, it is favorable to contemplate the beauty around you and do good deeds, you need to forgive and ask for forgiveness from people, share joy and love with them.

On the 30th lunar day, we draw the final line under this lunar month and see both good and bad results of the efforts made during this period. Good and evil today are in balance on the scales of the universe, and we can observe the manifestation of justice in everything.

On the 30th day of the Moon, it is recommended to bring all things to the end, pay off debts, let go of the past in order to enter the new lunar cycle renewed and cleansed. Today we need to thank the world for all that we have received and for all the lessons that we have learned during this lunar month.

You can’t plan anything yet, let alone start new business. You can retire and feel harmony within yourself, relax after a long journey that has been passed. It is important to maintain purity of thoughts and be in a joyful high spirits. 30 lunar days is a great time for declarations of love and for good deeds.

On the 30th lunar day, it is better to repay debts and do charity work, but you should not carry out serious financial transactions. Today it is undesirable to start or plan anything, for this it is recommended to wait for the new moon.

Relations. 30 lunar day is a very good day for communication with loved ones, declarations of love and harmonious relationships. It is worth limiting your social circle or seclude yourself altogether. Avoid negativity and do not communicate with provocateurs in order to maintain a good mood and not succumb to negative influences. On this day, it is recommended to help people and share joy and love with them.

Health. Diseases that began on the 30th lunar day are not serious and pass quickly. Today it is recommended not to burden the body with heavy food, alcohol, and it is worth quitting smoking. On this day, susceptibility to smells increases, so it is better not to inhale strong aromas. Physical activity and sports on the 30th lunar day are contraindicated. It is good to relax and spend time in nature. The brain is vulnerable, so mental activity and work with information should be dosed in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

A haircut on the 30th lunar day is undesirable, it can attract trouble.

dreams prophetic today.

1 lunar day

Symbols of the day: Lamp, Candle, Third eye

Goal of the day: complete the previous one and plan for the next lunar period. Formulate dreams, goals and goals. Be alone with yourself and rethink your life.

Bookmark thoughts: I allow myself to forget and let go of the past and direct my attention to the future. My dreams and plans come true easily and pleasantly.

1 lunar day is associated with the spiritual world, it is clean and bright, like a blank sheet in order to draw your reality on it. It is favorable today to purify physically and spiritually, it becomes a clean slate to start the new lunar period renewed and full of strength.

The symbols of the day The lamp, the Lampada suggest that it is the fire that will help to purify and illuminate the future path. Therefore, a useful practice on 1 lunar day would be to light candles or a fire and watch the fiery rays.

Proper planning is the most effective and good start of any business, so it should not be neglected. But it is not necessary to act immediately on the first day of the Moon, and even more so to launch projects - this promises a nervous breakdown and possible failures due to lack of strength and energy.

1 lunar day is a day of contemplation and inner meditation. Use the energy of this period for spiritual development and inner work on yourself.

Everything that happens today is a grain of thoughts and actions, which will soon grow into events, so the conflicts started today can grow into enmity for the entire lunar period, but the friendship started on the first day of the moon will, on the contrary, grow stronger and please you.

Today there is a strong bookmark of thoughts, words and deeds that are the foundation for this lunar period. It is recommended to avoid quarrels, not complain about life and focus on dreams and plans for the future.

On 1 lunar day, special inspiration may come, as a strong connection with the spiritual world appears, the “third eye” opens. This is a good time for creativity and doing what you love. Get rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary and introduce new dreams and plans into your life.

Relations. On 1 lunar day, it is recommended to reconsider your relationship with people and forgive all insults. Getting rid of accumulated grievances will help improve your internal state and get rid of the burden of the past. To relieve stress on the 1st day of the moon, solitude and silence are recommended. In communication, it is favorable to be sincere and honest. Confidential conversations will help clarify many points and bring relationships to a higher spiritual level.

Health. On 1 lunar day it is not recommended to drink alcohol. You should also avoid heavy foods. The diseases that began on these lunar days are more spiritual than physical in nature, therefore, in addition to treatment, one must look for internal psychological causes of diseases. The body may signal some unresolved psychological problems. Useful cleansing procedures. You can also start dieting today.

From haircut on the first lunar day, it is advisable to refuse. It is believed that along with hair, you can cut off your health and years of life.

dreams. If you correctly interpret the dreams of 1 lunar day, you can see what will happen throughout the next lunar period. But it is worth analyzing the images of dreams very carefully and accurately and not taking them literally.

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