Lunar shopping calendar for July. Auspicious days for shopping: types of purchases, planning for serious financial investments, compiling a lunar shopping calendar, reviews and expert advice. moon day, shopping


You have probably noticed that sometimes the purchased item does not cost you as much as it could, it lasts a long time, pleases you with excellent quality, and sometimes even becomes your lucky talisman for good luck!

But it also happens that the money spent on a thing, one might say, is simply thrown to the wind - the thing quickly deteriorates, upsets, does not fit into your lifestyle, or even attracts negativity.

Have you noticed this? And you probably wondered why this is happening? Why is it that some things can be called happy in all respects, while others are not? The answer lies in the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the days of purchase for shopping for certain things. This notorious "characteristic" is determined by several factors, such as:

  • auspicious day of the week to buy
  • auspicious lunar day

Let's take a closer look at everything - it will be easier to successfully plan your next happy and auspicious purchase!

What “happy” things are better to buy by day of the week


Monday is ruled by the Moon. According to the horoscope, on this day it is recommended to buy things for the home and interior, as well as food. True, it is better not to purchase things with a long service life on this day, because the moon is very changeable. Which means you might get tired of them soon. Shopping on Monday will be useful for people who are emotional and often stressed. Shopping will help relieve stress and restore interest in life. Also, the Moon will certainly help you if you are going on a date or a party. The outfit bought today will look very good on you, and may even attract the bride or groom.


Tuesday is ruled by Mars. On this day of the week, we advise you to buy things with male energy: cars, household appliances, sporting goods, goods for tourism. The best gifts for men can be chosen on this day. Tuesday is good for those who do not like to go shopping and choose for a long time. The advantage of shopping on this day is a quick and easy shopping experience. You can quickly find what you need.


The environment is ruled by the planet Mercury. This planet favors shopping for trinkets, small items, gifts, toys, flowers, colorful clothes, watches, televisions, and books. Mercury also helps in acquiring new knowledge, so you will really like the book bought on Wednesday. You should not buy complex household electrical appliances, shoes and everything that can break on this day. They will be short lived. You should not buy expensive things today, as Mercury will not stop you from buying unnecessary items, but, on the contrary, will help you waste money. If you want to cheer yourself up or rejuvenate your body, buy yourself an inexpensive trinket on Wednesday, put it in a prominent place at home. Let it be your talisman, uplifting in difficult times. Also, a talisman bought on Wednesday will help you find a common language with children and youth.


This day is ruled by Jupiter. According to the horoscope, Thursday is the most auspicious day for buying any things. Large-scale purchases will be successful on this day of the week. This planet will help you in choosing a new image or in changing the interior of the apartment.


Friday's patron is Venus. On this day, it is recommended to buy art, books, cosmetics, perfumes. Especially successful shopping on this day will be for women. Successful will be the purchase of lingerie, jewelry, in general, everything feminine and feminine. Gifts for girls and women bought today will be especially successful.


Saturday is ruled by Saturn. According to the shopping horoscope, this day is auspicious for acquiring practical and necessary things. On Saturday, shopping will be especially useful for people who are experiencing life's difficulties. Shopping will cheer them up and bring joy back to life. The planet Saturn will help you find practical items that you need in your daily life: furniture, household appliances, dishes, simple clothes, etc. Good luck with real estate transactions today. But it is better not to buy luxury items, jewelry, things for the interior on this day. Even if you choose a good thing, you will spend a lot of time and effort searching for it. Saturn will help you choose a gift for your parents, grandparents, and all those who are higher in rank and position than you, for example, for a boss.


This day of the week is ruled by the Sun. The day is good for shopping for materials for creativity, as well as for luxury items and jewelry. The sun will help you choose the right thing. The sun nourishes our creativity, so if you could not pick up a gift for someone, then on Sunday you will be enlightened, you will buy a successful and original thing.

What purchases are favorable on lunar days

good days in order to acquire any usefulness that makes life more comfortable and contributes to your realization in society are considered 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 22 lunar days. And 6 lunar day is considered the best for purchasing goods for children - stationery and clothing "for growth", and 10th- for any family purchases up to a car and real estate.

AT 7, 12, 22, 25 lunar days, which are distinguished by a special spiritual orientation, the Moon recommends purchasing books (spiritual, psychological, religious), statues of deities, rosaries, talismans, incense.

In order to fulfill your old dream of buying something, they are great 14 and 24 lunar day. The spontaneous desire to acquire something that seems to be unnecessary should be satisfied in 28 lunar day. But in 30 lunar day it is better not to buy anything for yourself - this is the time to buy gifts for relatives and friends.

Choosing a favorable time for shopping, you will always be sure that any purchase on this day will bring you joy and good mood.

To make a shopping trip not only pleasant, but also useful, it is advisable to make a shopping list in advance. With the help of the monthly lunar calendar, you can purchase everything you need, while avoiding unforeseen waste.

Sometimes the energy of the night star can push us to make unplanned purchases, which can lead to serious waste. According to astrology, large purchases are best made during the growing moon. This way you can save more money and new product will serve you for a long time. The advice of astrologers will help you understand which days you should give up shopping in order to avoid unexpected expenses. Site site experts offer you a lunar calendar with which you can save money, and possibly increase your wealth.

12 June: The Moon in Capricorn is not the most favorable time for expensive acquisitions. These days, payment delays are likely, as well as financial losses, so any waste can affect your financial situation.

3, 4, 5 June: the positive influence of Aquarius will help you save money, which means that purchases during this period do not threaten you with large cash outlays. Despite this, on June 3, astrologers advise you to give up shopping and stay at home in order to avoid deceitful scammers and financial losses.

June 6, 7: under the influence of the zodiac Pisces, you can not only save money, but also increase your wealth by investing in trusted banks. During this period, even minor expenses should be excluded, otherwise you risk spending more than you planned.

June 8, 9: The union of the Moon and the impulsive Aries can push you to useless purchases. These days it is not recommended to visit shops and establishments where you can spend a lot of money.

June 10, 11: The Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to shop. If this month you planned to purchase an expensive product, it is advisable to do it during this period. First of all, this applies to those who wish to purchase new household appliances, gadgets and other electrical appliances.

June 12, 13: These days the Moon will be in the constellation of Gemini. Under the influence of this Zodiac Sign, you should abandon any waste and instead focus on improving your financial situation. During this period, it is recommended to conclude transactions, invest in securities, play on the stock exchange.

June 14, 15: The Moon in Cancer is the least suitable time for shopping. The inattention of this Zodiac Sign can lead you to large monetary losses. However, if you planned to go shopping, choose more reliable shopping centers and boutiques, where the likelihood of encountering scammers is much less.

June 16, 17: during this period, astrologers recommend that you eliminate any waste. The influence of the zodiac Leo can deprive you of self-control, which is why you risk spending all your deferred finances. First of all, you should give up visiting expensive entertainment venues, and instead spend time in a cozy place where you do not have to spend a lot of money.

June 18, 19, 20: The moon will move into the constellation Virgo, which will allow you to finally relax and spend money on yourself. At this time, it is best to visit a beauty salon, visit cosmetic procedures or use the services of a massage therapist. In this case, you will spend money not only with pleasure, but also with benefit.

June 21, 22: The influence of the zodiac Libra will help you make a shopping list correctly, including only the essentials. During this period, it is best to purchase household utensils and household appliances - they will serve you for a long time.

June 23, 24: Scorpio is a true connoisseur of beautiful and expensive things. This time is most favorable for the purchase of antiques and other exquisite interior items.

June 25, 26, 27: The Moon in Sagittarius is not the best time for expensive purchases. During this period, astrologers recommend giving up shopping, and instead set aside money for a more necessary purchase.

June 28, 29: during the stay of the Moon in Capricorn, you can save money or spend it on leisure. If you want to spend these days with benefit, visit museums, theaters or go to an exhibition. In this case, you will not regret the money spent.

30 June: On the last day of the month, the Moon will move into the constellation Aquarius. Under the auspices of this constellation, you will be able to purchase goods with the maximum benefit. Try to be more attentive and pay attention to discounts and great deals. In this case, you can buy any item you like at a low price.

In the modern world, many sellers have learned to psychologically influence buyers, which is why we often buy useless things at an unjustified price. To save money and avoid major financial losses, learn how to resist suggestions and avoid buying unnecessary products. We wish you happiness and success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is a favorable period for all kinds of purchases. Especially for buying alcohol, sweets.
Favorable for buying rare literature, leisure goods, happy things. Refuse to buy clothes and shoes.

If, despite all the warnings, you are still drawn to purchases then you better do it. It can be both favorable and teach you the right lesson. Your intuition should come first, and then the advice of our lunar calendar. After all, there may be all sorts of exceptions, such as a personal star map or the grace of God ...

22 lunar day, Shopping

22 lunar day is a favorable period for all kinds of purchases.
Especially today it is good to buy sweets, alcoholic drinks.
Also on this day you can buy health products, medicines, medicines. Also, it is suitable for purchasing goods related to the holiday, for example, Balloons, music discs, fireworks, garlands, etc. In addition, now is a favorable period for buying anything related to spirituality and mysticism.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius makes us get out of the usual circle of being, and also concentrates our energy in one or another purchased item. For example, a pen bought with a desire to help will be happy for a loved one, and vice versa, a phone bought with bad thoughts can only bring disappointment and a break in contacts. During this period, we can buy original, maybe not familiar and not peculiar to us things. Moreover, the result is not important, but the very fact of going beyond is important - if you decide to do this, you can get a rare experience.

The day is favorable for the purchase of imported consumer goods, the purchase of horses and other cattle, serious and rare literature. Also, favorable for the purchase of travel packages, all kinds of tours or goods and accessories that promote recreation, tourism or sports.
Refuse to buy clothes and shoes.

Monday, Shopping

On Monday it is good to buy things for the house, interior. However, your opinion about the things bought on a given day may soon change, just like the Moon (ruler of a given day) changes its appearance.
Also, on this day, it is good to go shopping to find new experiences or rethink certain moments of life. Such a walk can help you calmly think it over.
Website selling jewelry boxes

Today, more and more often you can meet a person who dates a specific event in his life to a specific day, lunar phase or position of the planets. And there is nothing shameful or funny in this, since it has long been noticed that crops according to the lunar calendar give the best harvests, and children born under the intended sign are really smarter or more successful than their peers.

In this article, we will talk about a way that is not quite familiar to us to save money, which is called the lunar shopping calendar.

His task is to ensure the most successful, profitable and far-sighted investment in the right things. After all, it often happens that the list of acquisitions is quite extensive, and there is simply no finance for all positions.

What do we have to do in such cases? That's right, prioritize. And to do it right, there is a lunar calendar.

Yes, you can order yourself an astrological personal forecast of successful acquisitions for the next week, year, or even for life. But this is quite an expensive pleasure, and if it is not possible to get it, then we recommend using long-proven and publicly available methods.

"Zodiac" shopping

To avoid unnecessary expenses, and make the most useful purchase, you can find out in which zodiac sign the Moon will be on the day when you have to go shopping:

Shopping on lunar days

Purchases can be made not only according to the zodiac lunar calendar, but also according to lunar days.

Horoscope Guru places a lunar shopping calendar for the month of June, which will help you plan all your spending and make large and small purchases on the most favorable days for this.

Lunar shopping calendar for the month of June - the first decade

June 1 - take a closer look at the product you are interested in, read the reviews. But buying something on this day is not recommended.

June 2, 3, 4 - a good time to purchase household appliances and gadgets. But one should not succumb to impulsive desires, the purchase must be planned.

June 7 is the time to thoroughly purchase food and the necessary hygiene products for the home.

June 8, 9, 10 - refrain from large waste. But do not forget to pamper yourself with inexpensive and pleasant things.

Lunar shopping calendar for the month of June - the second decade

June 12, 13, 14 - it's time for women to replenish their cosmetic bag with high-quality cosmetics, which should not be spared money. Also successful will be the purchase of face and body care products.

June 17 is a good day for ordering tours, as well as buying tickets for entertainment events.

June 18, 19, 20 - at the end of the second decade, it is better to keep money with you and refrain from any waste.

Lunar shopping calendar for the month of June - the third decade

June 22, 23, 24 is a favorable period for making expensive purchases, but in no case should you take risks.

June 25, 26 - time to go shopping and update your wardrobe. Don't forget to buy new summer shoes as well.

June 27 - buying property or land on this day, you must be extremely attentive to the documents.

The most important rule to follow is no rash purchases this month. Be prudent and think over all expenses in advance, and then your financial situation will be stable, and purchases will bring joy.

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