Letter to the wild. Letters from animals to the environmental project "write a letter to an owl"


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In many books on ecology, the habitat of an animal is compared to its “address”, and the ecological niche to its “profession”. If there is an address, why not invite children to write letters to animals. Composing the addresses of animals and birds, the guys learned a lot of various information: where animals live, with what and how they are connected. children preschool age in game form you can get acquainted with quite serious natural laws. The children made envelopes, drew portraits of their favorite animals, and made menus for them. At the same time, they found out who eats what, and realized that animals should not be fed "human" food, they determined the "profession" (role in nature). And then they wrote the texts of the letters. Writing letters helps to realize the role in nature and the right to existence of any living organism. The child begins to realize that all living things are connected by invisible threads of nature, which a person must preserve.

Work within the framework of "Write a letter to an animal" is based on an integrated approach. In physical education classes, children can depict the habits of animals. For visual activities - draw or perform origami, applications of their portraits and “houses”, sculpt animal figures and entire landscapes. In music classes, children can recreate the musical images of animals.


Classification of letters by purpose of use Ecological content component Group of animals Study of seasonal phenomena Animals with well-defined adaptations to seasonal changes in nature Animal protection Animals in need of protection, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, international Red Book, protected animals of the region, extinct species Study of natural communities (ecosystems) Animals characteristic of a given ecosystem with well-defined signs of adaptation to it Diversity of animals Animals of different systematic groups (animals, birds, insects, spiders, crayfish, worms, reptiles, amphibians) Study of food groups Animals - representatives of predators, insectivores, herbivores Studying animals in the city Animals of different systematic groups adapted to living in the city Studying the nature of the whole region Animals of different systematic groups living in your area, protected animals of the region Studying geographical zones Animals characteristic of I of a given geographical area Study of adaptations to environmental conditions Animals with well-defined adaptations to living in certain environmental conditions (in water, with a lack of light, etc.)

How to issue an envelope To: ______________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ To: _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ From: __________________ ____________________________

How to compose an address (letter to a squirrel) Habitat: squirrels live in the forest. Let's assume that this is a FOREST COUNTRY. Forests are different: pine, spruce, birch, etc.

We specify which forest: the letter is sent to the PINE-BIRCH FOREST To build a hollow house, the squirrel most often chooses an old birch or pine. Suppose that our addressee has arranged his dwelling on a pine tree. So we will write in the address: "HOLE IN THE BIG OLD PINE".

It remains only to find out which protein we are writing to. Does she have a first and last name, and what kind is he? So in the PROTEIN family there are animals with different names. For example: Common Red Common Black Common Gray Caucasian To:


Items of the questionnaire The content of concepts The profession of an animal A partial idea of ​​the ecological "profession" of an animal, its role in nature (predator, herbivore) Special signs This information forms the child's idea that each animal has its own adaptations to the environment, and about their distinctive signs (lynx - sharp retractable claws, walks silently, can climb trees, has tassels on its ears) Clothing The nature of the skin (feather, hair, etc.) cover is described as one of the adaptive signs of animals for a safe life in their environment ( hare clothes - white (gray) fur - depends on the season of the year one or another ecological concept)

additional tasks How to make a menu? Invite the children to draw up a lunch menu for the animal on a separate piece of paper (or on an envelope) (write, draw). From: GROUP No. 6 KINDERGARTEN No. 3 Where: FOREST COUNTRY, BIRCH AND PINE FOREST, HOLE IN A BIG OLD PINE To: PROTEIN ORDINARY RED Profession: herbivore Special signs: small, red, long, fluffy tail, tassels on the ears Clothing: red, so that it is imperceptible: the bark of pines is yellow, and the squirrel is not visible Menu: nuts, mushrooms, cones Enemies: fox, hunters

How to compose the text of the letter? Samples of writing letters: INVITATION LETTER Dear Squirrel! We would like to invite you to visit our Kindergarten. We don't have mushrooms, but we do have nuts. We will make a small hollow for you to sleep from a basket and insulate with cotton wool. You are used to living at a height, and therefore we will put a basket-hollow on the closet. A POLITE REFUSAL LETTER Dear Squirrel! We would like to invite you to visit us, but, unfortunately, we cannot. We have a lot of people in the city - you will not have peace. We have few trees left, and there are very few cones. As soon as you step on the ground, you will immediately be chased. We are very sorry that we cannot invite you! Goodbye! All the best!

How to compose answers from animals: When compiling answers, you must adhere to the following provisions: The letter must contain information that complements children's texts. The letter-response is compiled on the basis of scientific data. The letter is written in a literary, scientific and artistic form. The text should be not only informative, but also fun, make the guys smile. The animal "pays attention" to the child's mistakes. This must be done in an unobtrusive manner. The letter should be composed in such a way that the child feels that not only he wrote to the animal as an equal, but also the animal to him as a brother by nature.

HELLO DEAR FRIENDS! I was very happy to receive a letter from you in such a beautiful envelope. I will hide it in the pantry, where I have collected the most important supplies: dry mushrooms, cones, nuts and other tasty and nutritious products. And when I feel sad, I will take out your letter and read it again. I made my nest in the hollow of a large tree, it is not easy to find it. And my sister built another house - a nest of tree branches, it looks like a ball and is called Gaino. Who likes what. You probably know that I am great at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. My wonderful, fluffy tail, which is no worse than a parachute, helps me in this. Too bad you don't have one. I invite you to visit our forest. Come watch us animals. If you behave quietly and imperceptibly, you can see a lot of interesting things. I like the menu you offer. I love all this very much. If you come to visit me, I will feed you exactly the same dinner. Goodbye. Common Red Squirrel.

"How We Corresponded With Animals" this work confirmed the high efficiency of this technology. All tasks were performed with great interest. Looking forward to the responses from the animals. Many asked to continue the correspondence and sought to write new letters to the animals. In the course of the work, the attitude of children towards many animals changed, they began to relate differently to earthworm, toad and other not very popular representatives of the fauna. Animals aroused their sympathy, the desire to help. At the same time, the children came to realize that, while helping nature, we must take into account its laws!

Hello Lema!

Little White Bear is writing to you. I am not good at writing yet, so my letter is not very long. I was very happy when my mother brought me your letter, because I have never received a letter from a person in my life!

As I said, I'm still small, but I'm going to become big, like my dad and mom. You know that we- White bears- the largest predators on earth, which we are very proud of. Of course, our size does not allow us to live in your apartment. You can see this for yourself by visiting the Moscow zoo, where my uncle and aunt swim in a spacious enclosure with a pool.

We live only in the north. A white fur coat helps us to watch for prey, makes us invisible. I love swimming very much. In the sea we feel like a fish in water! We eat fish, and eggs, and what the sea throws ashore. Very tasty food is found among polar explorers in iron jars - sweet thick milk. Sometimes we can’t stand it and secretly eat part of their stock, for which they are angry with us.

I'm sorry, I'm tired of writing, and my mother is calling for refreshments, because in order to grow big, you need to eat a lot of things.

Goodbye. Your bear cub Umka.

Hello my new friend!

Leo is writing to you- king of all animals. Unfortunately, I can’t come to visit you, I need to look after my subjects, of whom I have a lot. Many people think that I am alone, but this is not so: I manage my pride. Pride- this is a large family in which there is a male (that is, me), a female with cubs and young lions. Now there are 30 lions in my pride. But I do my job well.

Here's what I thought about: what would your mom and dad say if I suddenly appeared at your invitation to visit you along with my whole family? Ask them about it and write me a letter.

I look very nice, although a little menacing. I have a golden skin and a wonderful mane. The manes of lions can be different: both dark and light. One of my brothers has a small mane that looks like a modest collar around his neck. But I have her- big, black and thick. In front, it falls on the forehead, like a bang, from the sides it envelops the neck. Wool bristles even on the belly. Your human scientists distinguish between lions by different manes and even divide us into some "subspecies" because of this. However, I don't really understand why they do it. We get to know each other anyway.

My weight is not as big as you think- I only weigh 200 kg. We have enemies among people, rhinos, buffaloes, hippos and elephants. But we are still coping with our problems. IN national park we live well.

Thank you for the gift, great bone! If you can write poetry, then write about me, please.

Goodbye, you need to run to inspect your pride, if everything is in order there. Your friend the Lion of Africa.


I received a letter from you. Thank you for not forgetting me, the address is correct. Excuse me for not answering you right away: you have to hunt at night, but during the day I can’t see well, I can’t read. So I just recently read your letter, I read one letter a day.

I inform you at the beginning of our acquaintance that my real name is- Tawny owl. I really live in a hollow, where I hatch my favorite chicks. My wings are grayish with a brown tint. The beak is yellowish and the claws are black. Well, introduced me?

I am very wise. To give advice- my favourite hobby. You write that you need advice (probably how to catch mice), so I will certainly explain to you.

Now about mice. Of course, I love them unusually, mice- This is my weakness. Sometimes you have to make do with frogs, small birds, snakes, large beetles. If I'm lucky, I'll catch a fish.

As you can see, I am a bird of prey. And this can be immediately determined by my hooked nose. At night, I not only see perfectly, but also hear just as well. I immediately recognize where the mouse is rustling, where else someone is moving. I fly slowly, looking for prey in the dark. I can also sit in ambush, for example, on a tree knot.

Many people think that I become completely blind during the day. Keep in mind that this is not the case. I can see some things in the light, but at night I see much better. After all, I am a night bird.

That's it, dear, I'm finishing the letter, otherwise the mice have become quite impudent: they run around the very tree, they don't pay attention to me. Can this be tolerated?

Thank you again for the invitation. But I don't know how to find you. In addition, I heard that among the people there are my enemies. Do you know who they are and what wrong I have done to them? Can I them bad advice gave?

So with the arrival to you, I'll wait for now. Say hello to all your pet mice (if you have any).

Your friend is a Wise Owl named Tawny Owl.


Your new friend penguin named Adele is writing to you. Thank you very much for the letter, I was very glad to receive it, although it is very, very short. As you know, I live at the South Pole. My house- Antarctica and neighboring islands. You will not meet me anywhere else, except in the zoo. Hope I don't get there.

We, penguins, live very well in Antarctica, just wonderful! Frost and icy wind do not care for us. After all, all penguins have very warm fur coats made of feathers and down. Yes, and fat-fat sing ... no, not chocolate, but special fat warms our hearts and other insides. I and all my numerous relatives eat fish, we ourselves catch it in the ocean. We swim like athletes. Any penguin in the water feels better than on land.

Did you know that we penguins are different?There are big ones among us.- royal and thick- imperial. The smallest and smartest- this is us,Adélie penguins (or Adélie, as we are calledpolar explorers). So I have many different relatives.

It is a pity that I will not be able to come to visit you, it will be hot for me in your climate. To myself, to Antarctica, I'm afraid to invite you. We have such strong winds and frosts! In such a south, you can freeze out of habit.

I have a request for you: please draw me a forest. I heard a lot about it from polar explorers, but I just can’t imagine what it is.


Your friend Penguin.


Writes to you, as you already guessed, your friend Bullfinch. I was very happy to hear from you. Before that, I had never received a letter, so you just chirp with someone in the forest, chat, and then- real letter! I live in a forest country, in a winter forest. I also live in the forest in summer. Only in winter everything is covered with snow, there is not enough food, so I fly to the village, closer to you people. Maybe even sometimes I sit under your window, waiting for crumbs of bread or something else tasty. There are many good guys in the village, they feed us birds in winter, save us from hunger. We are very grateful to them for this. If suddenly one of the guys gets lost in the forest in the summer, we will also feed him, save him from hunger: we will bring different berries and seeds.

I am a noticeable bird, bright, gray feathers on the back, on the head- black, and the breast, like a ripe apple, is red.

Of course, I am glad to have your invitation to visit, I will try to fly in, but only later, when the winter starts.

See you. Your friend Bullfinch.


Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you love me and my relatives. I already told everyone about it. And all the African elephants were very happy about this and gave you a big, big (same as themselves) greetings. They also asked me to tell you more about us elephants.

Do you know that our trunk- Is it an elongated nose and upper lip at the same time? And at the same time he serves us as a hand. With a trunk, we pick up even very small objects from the ground and feel things the way you do with your fingers. Yes, and we drink with the help of the same trunk. Imagine, I can suck up 10 liters of water at once, and then pour it into my mouth with a jet! An elephant that has damaged its trunk has a hard time, because we cannot eat without our long nose. But I hope that nothing bad will happen to me, and my wonderful trunk will always be with me.

We African elephants are larger than our Indian relatives. My height, for example, is three and a half meters, and my body length- eight, of which one and a half meters falls on the tail and about two - on the trunk. And one more important special sign: my ears are much larger than those of an Indian elephant. So I'm lop-eared, that's for sure. But I'm not used to clapping my ears, and no one hangs noodles on my ears. Maybe because it's not so easy to get to my ears!

Tell all your classmates about us African elephants. Say hello to them. African. Hot. Come to visit my place. We will ride you as a sign of friendship.

Your new African friend Elephant.

Dear Vika!

I, a giraffe, received your letter, which began with such wonderful words- "Dear Giraffe!" I liked my portrait. I have shown it to friends and family.

On my menu- delicious young shoots, acacia buds, mimosas. I have a very long tongue. But not at all in order to constantly chat. With it, I can pick leaves even from branches densely dotted with long thorns.

I drink little water, I have enough of the one that is in the leaves. By the way, I am not just tall, but the tallest among all the animals on our planet: the distance from the ground to my forehead- almost 5 meters! So I won't fit in any human house, in any apartment. If only the ceiling is removed on the next floor, then I can stay for a short time. What floor do you live on?

I think you know what a wonderful skin I have, with brown spots, as if someone had smeared me in chocolate. Too bad it's not real chocolate. But still beautiful. Thanks to such drawings, it is difficult to notice me in the shade of trees, among the bushes.

I sleep little, mostly at night, but very sensitively.

My main enemy- lion, although so far I have been able to run away from him and hide. I even hit one with my front foot.

Do you know how scared he was? This king of beasts tucked his tail in a completely unroyal way and ran away. And he did the right thing, because I have a very strong blow!

Now I live in a national park. This is such a wonderful place where we giraffes are protected. Come to visit.

I bow low.


Your spotted giraffe.


A prickly, but very kind-hearted hedgehog is writing to you. You have no idea how happy I was to receive a letter in an envelope with beautiful letters!

I'll tell you something about myself. I live on the edge, sometimes I visit hollows in tree trunks near the ground, I hide among the bushes. So your address is correct. I like to rest in an empty fallen tree or a shallow mink (I don’t know how to make minks myself).

If it's cold and long winter, then I settle down in deep holes. With the advent of heat, food is added to me: May beetles fly out, caterpillars, ground beetles crawl. I even eat dung beetles. For other animals and birds, they are poisonous, but for me they even taste good. Yes, and viper venom is not dangerous for us hedgehogs. I also feast on mice, eggs, chicks and even small birds that build nests on the ground. I just eat what is prescribed to me by the laws of nature, and no one can violate them.

Your letter arrived just in time: I have just woken up from my hibernation. I do not store food for the winter, and therefore I woke up as a very thin and hungry hedgehog. Now my main task- eat as much as possible, which is what I do. Just recently dined. I will finish writing you a letter and go to dinner for the second time. I have to grow a fat belly over the summer. If you walk in the forest in the spring, listen: suddenly there will be a rustle of last year's leaves. Know that it was I who went hunting.

I am finishing writing, because I really want to eat, and not far away a well-fed beetle is crawling. Thanks again for your concern. If you're hungry, come to me. I will treat you to the fattest larvae, beetles, frogs, mice. They are very appetizing and nutritious, trust me.

Your friend Hedgehog!


I was very happy to receive a letter from you. I will hide it in the pantry, where I have collected the most important supplies: dry mushrooms, cones, nuts and other tasty and nutritious products. And when I feel sad, I will get your letter and read it again. It's so nice that you care about me.

Are you a good student? For example, I know the forest alphabet perfectly well. We have a chief teacher in the forest- nature. It’s at your school that you can sometimes fail to complete your homework on time, and in the forest, if you don’t learn everything in time, you will be eaten right away. So when you see the animals in the forest, know that the most intelligent ones remain. I have always been an excellent student in the forest school. And my squirrels will grow up the same way.

I made my nest in the hollow of a large tree, it is not easy to find it. And my sister built another house- a nest made of tree branches, it looks like a ball and is called Gaino. It has a separate entrance and exit so that you can jump out in case of danger. Whoever likes what, but my house seems to me more reliable, although it has only one entrance and exit.

Did you know that the color of my fur coat changes? My winter coat is a different color than my summer coat. What do you think? And I change my clothes to be more inconspicuous in the forest. You probably know that I'm great at climbing trees and jumping from branch to branch. (Recently, I had to jump from the very top of a tree to the ground.) My wonderful, fluffy tail, which is no worse than a parachute, helps me in this. Too bad you don't have one.

I am finishing the letter because my restless squirrels woke up.


Big Red Squirrel.


Thank you for your letter. I am very glad that you love me and my relatives, because we are such beautiful butterflies. We are butterfliesSwallowtailvery bright, my main color of the wings is yellow. They have black patterns around the body and on the edges of the wings. Patterns in the form of stripes and spots. On the back wingsI havethere are tails, up to 10 mm long. I feed on flower nectar. But my caterpillar eats carrots, cumin, wild dill.Ialmost all the time in flight, even sitting on a flower to eat. I got my name in honor of the doctor - surgeon Machaon - the son of Axlepius. We Machaon butterflies are endangered as we have become rare butterflies. And we were listed in the Red Book. Tell all the guys we can't be caught.

Meet, we can with you in the summer. I live in flowering meadows and I can fly to a flowering garden, which is located near your house!

I finish the letter, it's time to fly to collect nectar.



The budgerigar is writing to you. I live in Australia with my friends and relatives. The most common color of Australian parrots is green. They called us "wavy" because of the wavy coloration on the head and neck.

I am small in size and get along very well with the person.We parrots have a lot of virtues: imitation of human speech, singing, beautiful plumage, intelligence. It is always interesting with me, I can play with toys (mirror, ladder, bell and others), I can imitate the singing of birds and human speech.But also I ambeloved pet. People are happy to buy us for their children.

If you ever decide to get a budgerigar, then know: we need to be fedgrain mixture. The composition of the grain mixture should enter oatmeal, or oats, millet. And we also love vegetables and fruits , boiled chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.

Bye. Hello to all the little birds that live in your city. Your little and very beautiful friend.


The new forest friend Lynx is writing to you. Of course, you are very surprised why Lynx, and not your house cat. But I am also a cat, of the cat family. And I really wanted to write a letter to a person, to tell about us.

Do not be afraid of me, I can be a faithful and good friend. To help us get to know each other better, let me tell you a little about myself. I am distinguished from my numerous feline relatives by very short paws, pretty tassels on the ears and round pupils. I am very agile, I can climb trees very well and run on the ground just as well. Besides, I swim very well. I usually hunt hares, but sometimes (if there are no hares nearby, but I really want to eat), I attack both moose and wild young pigs. I lie in wait for prey.

From frosts (and they are very strong in our taiga regions!) I am saved by thick wool. And wide shaggy paws help to move on snow.

I live, like many of my relatives, in the forest thicket. There are almost no people here. After all, people have long called us "harmful", but our fur- "useful". So it remains now in this world notso many lynxes. I try not to go too farhis taiga home. So I'll visit, of course,I will not come, but I agree to be your friend.

I firmly press your human paw.

Ours to you with a brush, as people say

( and I have as many as two brushes on my ears).



Of course, you are very surprised why a black panther and not your house cat. But I am also a cat, of the cat family. And I really wanted to write a letter to a person, to tell about myself.

Black Panther- like me- just a type of leopard with a very dark skin. Even in one leopard family, three yellow kittens with black spots are sometimes born, and one- black as soot.

We are panthers- graceful, dexterous and very beautiful animals, I am writing to you about this without false modesty. Like all feline predators, we hunt from ambush, jump accurately and far. We love water very much, we not only drink, but also wash ourselves, like some students in your class (we hope that there are many of them).

It is not easy to see me in nature. I am good at disguise, besides I am a sensitive and cautious animal. Otherwise, how can you save yourself?fromhis main enemy - man?

What a pity that we live so far from each other! But if you really want to see my relatives, go to some large city. There in tight The cages of the zoo are languishing panthers-losers who have been captured by humans.

In general, we are very similar to large domestic cats, especially black ones. Please don't hurt them, okay? And ask your friends about it. Cats can't complain to us, but what if they could?


Your Black Panther.


I am very glad for your invitation. But I had a doubt: is your home pool really that big? Can I fit in it? After all, my length is more than one and a half meters! In addition, I cannot lie still all the time, I need space to swim, dive. So, if there is no suitable pool, I won’t be able to stay with you. But do not be sad, because I, like any animal, is best in the wild.

I want to introduce you in detail to us, with sharks.

We sharks differ from each other in size, body shape and coloration. Some sharks (Pygmy Shark) could fit in the palm of your hand. But others are the size of a bus. The most dangerous shark is the white shark. The whale shark is the largest fish in the world. These sharks have a calm disposition. Many sharks are decorated with spots, stripes or wavy patterns. These are the Leopard Shark, Australian Spotted Shark, Zebra Shark and others.

We have shark friends.Pilot fish follow the shark, picking up the leftover food that she did not finish. Sticky fish are attached to the shark's back with a special suction cup and travel with it across the expanses of the ocean.

I hope someday you willtravel throughthe ocean and you will recognize me.

But be careful!Goodbye!

Hello dear hostess!

Your dog is writing to you.

I, Dachshund, am a very unusual and amazing dog. My unusualness lies both in appearance and in character, behavior and intellect. They refer us to the group of hunting dogs. We are short-legged dachshunds adapted for trapping animals in holes.

The name “dachshund” in German means “badger dog”.

We also have good health. In food they are picky. Dachshunds are very hardy dogs and tireless companions, always ready to keep company in anyaboutm travel.

What to feed me? What foods can and can't be given to me? Let's figure it out. The dachshund's menu should consist of meat, vegetables, a variety of cereals and cereals, as well as fermented milk products.

Not overfeed me, it can be dangerous.

ExactlyGermanyis the birthplace of the dachshund.With excellent hearing, I hear the slightest rustle. I am an excellent watchman, never raising unnecessary or premature alarms. You will be at peace with me.


Your favorite Dachshund.

Hello dear Dasha!

A koala bear is writing to you from distant (for you) Australia- this smallest continent (part of the land around which- oceans and seas). It is located in the Southern Hemisphere. When it is winter in the places where you live, here in Australia it is summer, and vice versa. Winter in Queensland (this is a place in the north-east of Australia) is very dry, but not very hot. You have a lot of some kind of snow in your country of Russia in winter, and that it looks like white cotton wool. I have never seen such a thing in my life, but my friend kangaroo told me that his grandfather saw something similar many, many years ago in the south of Australia, in the mountains.

I live in a forest where large eucalyptus trees grow. I only eat eucalyptus leaves and drink almost nothing. Most of all I like to sit on a tree or, in extreme cases, leisurely climb the branches.

I want to tell you about one more feature of mine. We koalas are called marsupial bears because the mother koala has a pouch on her stomach. In this bag, she carries a small kangaroo until it grows up. But why they call us bears, I don't know. After all, I have not seen real bears. Please write to me what they look like and draw their portrait.

I will look forward to your letter. Australian bear cub Koala.

Name: Letter from Africa

Beta: WTF Library of Adventures 2016
Canon: J. Verne "Fifteen-year-old captain"
Topic: folklore
Size: mini, 1975 words
Characters: Dick Sand, Eliza Weldon, other canon characters in the background
Category: jen
Genre: epistolary
Rating: G
Notes: AU, surviving heroes
Summary: Dick Sand, after the adventures described in the book, writes to the sister of his benefactor. And how can you not tell her about the amazing Black Continent and new friends?

For some reason, the pen in my hands trembled perceptibly, and the white sheet... Well, okay, it's almost white. After all, it's clean... relatively. And where in the wilds of Africa to get a really clean sheet of paper? Thank you, at least I managed to get one! And the fact that this is a page torn from someone else's book adds to the awkwardness of the moment. The blank sheet is mesmerizing. Well, yes, the leaf was clearly soaked, then dried - and more than once. He turned yellow and cringed. And yet, he was empty and could not suggest anything. And it was frightening.

Need to write. There was no doubt about it. There, far, far away, in foggy Britain, in a private boarding house, the most beautiful girl in the world was waiting for a letter. She waited, and, probably, invented all sorts of horrors for herself both about her nephew and about the wife of her beloved brother ... Or maybe Miss Eliza was at least a little worried about him too? This thought turned out to be unexpectedly pleasant. After all, if he is worried, then he is not indifferent?

But how to write? The address and surname of the recipient were written quickly, clearly, without the slightest blot. And what next? "Dear Miss Weldon"? Isn't it too formal? "Dear Eliza"? And who is he to be so familiar? Just something like the adopted son of her older brother. Yes, Mr. James Weldon is a very good man who has always treated Dick as if he were his own. Yes, and Mrs. Annabelle - also, despite her youth, treated the adopted child very warmly. However, Mr. Weldon is at least twice his age, he is already about thirty-two, and Mrs. Weldon is not yet twenty-five. They are good, kind, sympathetic people. But they didn’t adopt, which means that they should be addressed in front of strangers exclusively as benefactors, without familiarity. And what does it matter to anyone that Dick Sand grew up with Eliza Weldon and remembers her very little, especially since they have an age difference of several months! So no, no diminutive household nicknames! Moreover, outsiders can read it too! Or maybe, well, this is an appeal? Then add? When will this opportunity arise? Just a place to skip and text letters to start?

“Forgive me generously for not letting you know about yourself for so long. Really, there was not the slightest chance to send a letter. Yes, and it was not possible to write it. No, no, do not be afraid! little Jack is alive and well, as are our companions. I'm fine too. All the bad things are over. Don't worry. We'll be heading back home very soon, and when you come for the holidays, we'll be at home. Then we'll talk more in detail. Reassure Mr. Weldon if he doesn't already know. Everything is really all right. Mrs. Annabelle has already written to him, but it happens that the ship with which we send correspondence goes first to Liverpool, so the letter will reach you faster from there than before Mr. Weldon in Boston."

“You know, Eliza, but your brother is still a hopeless blockhead! I still can’t forgive myself that it was my fault that your family had to endure so many unpleasant moments! Of course, there is a blessing in disguise. My good friend, Nganga-mo- Lear, a warrior of the Mgongo tribe, would now say: “It’s not otherwise, your hand was led by conduct.” He generally likes to look for intrigues of providence in everything and decipher signs. When the gods want to punish, they deprive the mind of the more mature and worthy people. Do not blame yourself, captain, everything is the will of the gods. "Well, how to talk to him after that? ..

You know, Eliza, if you were here, you'd like him. Here's an honest word! A very remarkable person. Tall. the skin is black-black, not even brown. like those blacks that you see in the southern states, namely black, and the whites of the eyes are white-white. And, you will not believe, gray eyes. They say his grandfather was from somewhere in Europe. Smiling, sociable. And how bold! Do you know how we met? He killed the lion that attacked us with one blow. This spear is barely an arm long! And he's barely a year older than me! It is their custom that young men are considered men only after they have killed the first lion. So he wandered around, looking for a predator. Yes, he generally told me so many interesting things about local traditions - enough stories for a week! I'll be sure to share.

But what am I saying! You don't need to be here! And so it’s all my fault before you, but when I think that you could end up here too ... Eliza, do you promise that you won’t swear too much? In general, yes, I admit, I am a donkey. When Captain Hull went out hunting for minke whales, I did not stop him or the crew, although the dog howled, which is a very bad omen. So why are you smiling? Yes, I'm superstitious. I am a sailor, I can. Among our brethren by day with fire you will not find a non-superstitious one. And, by the way, the omen came true! The boat with the crew was dragged away, and while I was trying to turn the ship around, they were already out of sight. So we were left in the middle of the sea in a very deplorable position. Who are we? Well, your humble servant, acting captain, five blacks we rescued the day before (free citizens of our country who went home from Australia), a very suspicious person in the role of the ship's cook, Mrs. Annabelle with Jack and her cousin, Mr. Benedict. And that's all, more - not a soul. And the ship has to be steered somehow.

Subsequently, I confess, I made every possible mistake. I could have taken lessons from the captain earlier, and not abused his good attitude towards me and cool off in the company of little Jack. Then he would at least know how to use the sextant, and would determine where we are! I could look into the captain's cabin and find textbooks on navigation, since Willie Smith was just about to enter the nautical school, and just shortly before the disaster he used the captain's library. He knew for sure that they were there. necessary books. I could somehow secure the devices and isolate Negoro. Yes, there is a lot that I could do, and the captain would have every right to take my head off for such slovenliness! And you know, I would love to. Let them be whipped, let them be deprived of leave, even if they don’t pay salaries - if only then they would know that they are alive!

But I was criminally frivolous and gullible, and even disgraced with the arrangement of shifts, showed my unsuitability as a mentor, and (as if not enough of what was said above!) Overestimated my strength. Well, as a result - you will laugh - we slipped past America. Yes Yes exactly. I don’t know how, but we were brought straight to Africa. And we did not even immediately understand what happened. So, I had to suppress a riot on the ship, then fight the storm, then - a lot of other little things. But I never got smarter. On the shore, he believed the first person he met, climbed like a ram, straight into a trap, and even dragged his comrades along with him. I'm sorry, Eliza. The fact that old Nan fell ill and only miraculously did not give her soul to God is my fault. And the fact that my shipmates were in slavery - too. I couldn't get my bearings. Couldn't take them somewhere where they would be safe. Mrs. Weldon... That scoundrel, Harris, made her write a letter to your brother. And there he demanded a ransom. The unfortunate Mrs. Annabelle agreed for Jack's sake. She already thought I was dead. However, I do not know if he managed to send the letter, because he told me about the death of Mrs. Annabelle and Jack, and I killed him. Yes. Eliza. The one whom you considered a brother is not only a nonentity who does not understand anything in command, but also a murderer. So it is not surprising that I was sentenced to death.

And then miracles began! Preparing to escape, I first received a message from Hercules through the glorious Dingo (this is the dog we rescued from the sunken Waldeck). This is one of the blacks who not only arranged the escape himself, but also took with him a completely weakened Nan. He told me that Mrs. Weldon and Jack were alive, that they were under guard, but safe and sound. That he knows where our comrades, who were sold in the market, will be taken, and is going to recapture them. In general, he conveyed good news to me. And most importantly, it turns out that here, nearby, the Mgongo tribe roams. And they have a day tomorrow when, according to customs, a stranger who comes to them must be met as the dearest guest. So people who are usually distrustful and rather belligerent towards strangers will accept us with open arms and will not give us up to any slave traders and any enemies, they will be able to protect and repel us. This was told to him by a French scientist, Samuel Vernon, the owner of our Dingo. It was just on such a day that this tribe picked up the wounded, gave shelter, cured him and generally accepted him as his own. He has been living there for several years. You just need to get to them.

In general, I sent Dingo with a note - I urged Hercules to save Mrs. Weldon and Jack. I decided to run away without help. After all, I'm a grown man, not a stupid boy! Well, he ran away. Did the dig. And as much as two hundred meters managed to go. And there Negoro was already watching me. In general, he said a lot of unpleasant things to me. He said that I was too much like my father, just as self-confident and stupid, and he did not understand at all why he was pulling my head out of the noose again. Well, not exactly out of the loop. I will not go into details, but he painted very colorfully what the locals would do to me if they discovered the escape and caught me. And what would predators do? Or mosquitoes or other blood-sucking creatures. Frankly, I already thought that I was finished, because he knocked the gun out of my hands, tied it up and left it in some kind of cave. But he did not kill, and did not even wound, and did not beat him. He simply disarmed him, ordered him to wait and not to try his patience, it was already at the limit. Then he left, and soon Hercules appeared. Someone tossed him a note telling him where to look for me. And then Hercules, portraying a shaman, managed to free Mrs. Weldon and Jack, and already the four of us got to the Mgongo tribe. On the way, however, we almost drowned, barely managing to avoid falling into a rapid that carried our boat to the waterfall, and then miraculously, or rather, thanks to the appearance of Nganga, we escaped from a wild and obviously hungry lion. Oh yes, we also went to the hut where Samuel Vernon once lived.

Well, not much more to say. We've been living in the Mgongo tribe for quite some time now. We are waiting for the appearance of the ship, which Monsieur Vernon managed to call him alone in a guided way. We live perfectly, we are really received as dear guests. Much to my surprise, under the guidance of Monsieur Vernon, I became proficient not only in French, but also in the local language, as well as in the customs and traditions of local tribes. We fought off our comrades on the campaign and now we are together again, and you don’t have to worry about them. Jack has made a full recovery, and Mrs. Annabelle is also feeling great. Dingo is all the more happy that the owner was found. And, finally, about the main thing. When I heard this, at first I could not believe my ears. The captain of the ship we are waiting for reported that he picked up a boat in the sea, in which there were several whalers dragged into the open sea by a wounded minke whale. Yes, yes, the description leaves no doubt, Captain Hull and our team are alive! They were saved! Oh, Eliza, if you only knew how relieved I felt! Now I would like to meet Negoro, to find out what he meant when he said that he knew my parents and only for the sake of my mother still helps me ... If I knew who they were, I would be completely happy! But alas, this does not seem to be possible. Although - who knows? Somehow I feel that we will meet again.

Forgive me generously, but the paper is running out, so you simply have nowhere to write. Please inform Mr. Weldon that his wife and son are all right and will be home soon. And do not remember dashingly. I didn't mean to upset or disturb you at all.

stay with Best wishes,
sincerely yours,
Dick Sand.

The letter really barely fit on a piece of paper. There was nowhere to copy, to correct - also in no way, I had to write in too small and neat handwriting. It remained to be hoped that Eliza Weldon, having received this letter, would not be too angry with her "almost adopted brother" and would at least give him an explanation at the meeting. However, this is a completely different story.

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