"My small homeland" presentation for the lesson on the topic. “My small homeland” presentation for the lesson on the topic Sample presentation on the topic of my small homeland


“A person cannot live without a Motherland, How can you not live without a heart? K. Paustovsky


It always seems to us that we know everything or almost everything about our small homeland. But, setting off on a journey, we want to return home as soon as possible, to the house where we were born, to the street where we grew up, to the place that we call the “Small Motherland”. I don’t know how for anyone, but for me my small homeland is my city of Tuymazy.

  • Delve into the history of the city
  • Increase interest in the life of your city and actively participate in it.
  • Expansion of knowledge and ideas of their small homeland.

  • Prepare a video about the Motherland.
  • Create a collection of poems dedicated to the native land.
  • Cultivate respect for the environment

  • My motherland
  • my small home
  • history of the city

Russia is my homeland

coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Russian flag

Russia or officially the Russian Federation -the biggest country in the world. It ranks first in terms of territory and ninth in terms of population. The capital of Russia is Moscow, the state language is Russian.

  • galaxy milky way
  • solar system
  • Planet Earth
  • Mainland Eurasia
  • Country Russia
  • Republic of Bashkortostan
  • Width 54° 36’ 23" (54° 36’ 39) N 54.60666 in decimal degrees
  • Longitude 53° 42’ 34" (53° 42’ 58) East 53.7097 in decimal degrees
  • City of Tuymazy

My small motherland

Flag of Bashkortostan

Coat of arms of Bashkortostan

  • During these years, new schools were built. - a new building for secondary school No. 1 was built, 1966. - School No. 10 (now No. 9), 1967 - School No. 7, 1969 - School No. 2. Nurseries and kindergartens are opening in new quarters. In 1962, a medical school and a branch of an industrial technical school were opened.
  • New large industrial enterprises paper mill (December 7, 1966), garment factory No. 3 (April 1968), chemical engineering plant (January 1, 1969). The sixties of the XX century can be called the time of accelerated and systematic formation of the city. At that time, the dynamically developing Tuymazy became one of the symbols of the country: all the central newspapers wrote about the successes of the Tuymazy oilmen, builders, glaziers, the city was visited by the then head of the USSR N. S. Khrushchev.

  • The development of the city continued in the following decades. In 1976 the first nine-storey house was built along Vokzalnaya Street, in 1977 - secondary school No. 4 and the monument "Grieving Mother" was opened, in 1978. the first products of the porcelain factory were received and a new maternity hospital was opened on Michurina Street. City population in 1979 was 43,700 people. In 1980 the Olimpiets sports complex was opened, the first stage of the concrete truck plant was put into operation. In 1982, a new building of secondary school No. 8 was built, and in 1983 a factory was launched nonwovens, a microdistrict is being built opposite the new factory. In 1986 built new market, and in 1989 the House of Children's and Youth Creativity. In 1991 a plant for sanitary and faience products was founded, the Tatar Drama Theater and a branch of the legal college were opened. The population of the city increases to 64 thousand people.
  • Our city is still young: from a small station to wide streets, high-rise buildings and extensive factory workshops, the time span is short, not even a hundred years have passed. Small but rich in events, the history of the city is the history of the life of just a few generations, a history that needs to be known. The short history of the city is complemented by the rich history of our region.

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Class hour "My small homeland" The presentation was made by a primary school teacher MKOU secondary school No. 2 p. Vegetables Yaitskaya Natalya Viktorovna

Map of Russia

MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my school ... SMALL - because this is a small part of my vast country. MOTHERLAND - because people close to my heart live here.

"Motherland" "Motherland" Motherland" - when we talk about our state, about our big country called Russia. "Motherland" - when we talk about our village, where we were born and live.

I have a favorite village...

The village of Vegetables It is believed that the name of the village comes from the name of the Tatar Ovoshch who once lived here. The author of the book, inspector of the Stavropol Directorate of Public Schools A. I. Tvalchrelidze (1858-1930), specifically stipulates that the village had two names: Ovoshchinskoye and Uchi, and the second also comes from the Tatar language (“three”).

Geography The village is located in the central part of the Stavropol Territory, 110 km northeast of Stavropol, on the Ucha River. Three ravines divide the village into three parts with historical names: Krasnaya, Poltavskaya and Selivanovskaya.

History Everything in the world has a history. For the village, Vegetables, it began in 1864, when the first settlers from the Voronezh, Moscow, Poltava, Kursk, Yekaterinoslav, Oryol, Tambov provinces settled on the free lands of the eastern part of the Turkhmyanskaya steppe. The settlers settled in the streets and gave them the names of their former native places, some of which have survived to this day - for example, Poltavskaya and Moskovskaya streets. The village was located on an open steppe zone near the Ucha stream. Three large ravines cut the village into three parts: Krasnaya, Poltava, Selivanovskaya. The first settlers named the village Uchi, in honor of these three ravines. And already in 1864 the village began to be called "Vegetables" by the name of the oldest Tatar who once lived here - Vegetables. The settlement was started by the families: Annenkovs, Dedovs, Zhilnikovs, Krasnokutskys, Storozhenkos, Fomins.

In 1875, a church was built in the village in honor of Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

In the 1890s, 3600 inhabitants lived in the village, and in 1903 - already 5200. They were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding: they grew wheat, rye, oats, flax, millet, barley, bred horses and sheep. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village had a volost government, two schools, two grain warehouses, 13 trading establishments, and several mills.

One of them, the Zhabina mill built in 1906, is still used for its intended purpose.

The municipality includes three settlements. Administrative center - with. Vegetables with a population of 2.5 thousand people, the village of Krasnaya Polyana - 191 people and the village of Otradny - 178 people. Russians (96.1%), Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Ukrainians live here. The total area of ​​the administrative territory is 28,177 hectares, including 14 hectares of settlement land. On the territory of the village council there is a large agricultural enterprise stud farm "Lenin's Way", the main branch of which is crop production and animal husbandry. The total land area is 28163 hectares, employing 400 people.

In Vegetables there is a secondary school for 650 students, Kindergarten for 100 people, an outpatient clinic, a pharmacy, several shops, a bakery, a post office and a club.


The head of the municipality - Aleksey Sergeevich Grishchenko, was elected the head of the village council in the municipal elections on March 13, 2011

We are proud of our country

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Natalya Klimova
Presentation "My small Motherland"

Escort to presentations.


What does mine mean small motherland?

MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my kindergarten ...

SMALL– because it is a small part of my vast country.

MOTHERLAND- because people close to my heart live here.

I live in a small but very beautiful village of Satis. That's mine small motherland.

The village is good in winter and summer, spring and autumn, at any time of the year.

My small motherland is my home, my family is dad, mom, grandmother, sister and brother.

I love my home and my family!

I go to kindergarten "Spikelet". Next to the garden there is a forest where slender tall pines grow, their peaks go up into the blue sky.

7-slide, 8-slide

I have many friends here. I always have fun with them.

There are many beautiful places in my village where we have a rest with the whole family. I want all the inhabitants of my small Motherland treated nature with care, cared for its forests, rivers.

When I grow up, I may live in another place, but this corner native land will remain the most dear and dear.

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