Types and kinds of projects. Question. Features of modern projects Features of the project are different


Creating a project helps to solve an important task, focusing only on it, without being distracted by other things. According to research, almost half of all purposeful human activity is carried out through the implementation of individual initiatives. Up to a quarter of the world budget is spent on this type of activity. Opening a project is a trend of the times, you just need to know how to create an idea and how to do it right.

The concept of the project and its features

A project is a kind of conscious activity (a set of coordinated actions) of a person, aimed at creating a unique product, and having a one-time, non-recurring character. The concept of the project involves the achievement of a specific goal for a certain time in conditions of limited basic resources (temporary, financial, labor, material).

There are several different interpretations of the concept of "project", an example of this can be seen in various international standards, incl. and in Russian GOST. However, almost always its main features are the following factors:

  • the start of the project has a clear date;
  • the end is fixed by date or by the finished end result;
  • the presence of a clearly defined goal;
  • uniqueness finished product;
  • limitation in basic resources;
  • disposability.

Examples of ideas: development and release of a fundamentally new type of product at the enterprise, opening a business, building a house or a social facility, developing an idea for a new magazine or software, market research. All of them, depending on their scope and focus, can be divided into:

  • small (with a single coordinator of all processes, a limited number of interchangeable participants going all the way from planning to closing, a simple work schedule) and large (with a complex structure and large volumes of work);
  • short-term (up to 2 years, with a minimum number of contractors and reporting, as well as adjustments), medium-term (up to 5 years) and long-term (over 5 years).

Separately, one can dwell on the so-called megaprojects, which are targeted programs for the development of entire industries and areas of the economy. They include a large number of smaller programs that complement each other and are aimed at solving a global problem. To implement them and establish a huge number of interactions between hundreds of participants responsible for individual processes and types of work, the most professional top managers are involved.

Such plans can be sectoral, regional, as well as interregional, intersectoral, national or international. As a rule, they are long-term and operate with capitals of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. To avoid costly mistakes, only the development of their concepts is allocated to a separate design phase.

Classification of ongoing initiatives

Classification of projects can be carried out depending on the following grounds:

  • orientation of the undertaking, its composition and structure;
  • the field of activity for which the project is being prepared;
  • the scale of the idea and the degree of its influence on the external environment, the number of participants;
  • duration of its implementation;
  • degree of complexity in terms of technological, organizational, financial.

We can say that the classification of projects is somewhat arbitrary, since each idea is unique. However, it is the classification of project types that helps to find similar features in them that can give an understanding of the general patterns of development of certain areas. The following are the most common types of projects:

  • organizational;
  • economic;
  • social;
  • technical;
  • mixed.

To understand the differences between them, it is worth considering the types and types of projects in more detail.

Organizational. They are aimed at reforming an existing structure or creating a new one, as well as at holding individual events. They are characterized by the following features:

  • start and end dates, as well as the total duration, are set exactly;
  • the goal is clearly formulated, but usually difficult to measure, because it is aimed at organizational change;
  • resources are allocated as they are available;
  • the costs of such undertakings are often reviewed and adjusted in terms of their cost-effectiveness.

Examples of projects of this type are the modernization of a plant management system or budget organization, organization and holding of conferences, concerts, sports competitions.

Economic. They aim to privatize, reorganize or restructure an enterprise, modernize the general rules of the game in the economic sphere (tax or customs legislation). Their signs:

  • the tasks set are often adjusted in the course of work;
  • deadlines cannot be set precisely, since they depend on many external factors and can change regardless of the team implementing the idea;
  • costs are calculated indicatively, but tightly controlled.

Social. Their meaning is the solution of social issues, improving the quality of life of certain groups of the population, therefore they concern a large number of people. The focus of social initiatives can be very different, but there are features that are characteristic of all initiatives of this kind:

  • the timing and total duration are probabilistic in nature, since it is impossible to clearly calculate them, these are the most uncertain initiatives;
  • initially, the goals may be general and rather vague, but in the process of carrying out work and achieving certain milestones, they are refined and concretized;
  • it is often not easy to quantify and qualitatively assess the changes that are taking place, so other methods for determining effectiveness are used;
  • funding for such initiatives is subject to available resources.

Technical. Aimed at the development and launch of a new type of product on the market. Examples of such ideas include the work of automobile factories and their design bureaus regarding regular updates. model range produced Vehicle. Distinctive features of technical initiatives:

  • the desired goal is formulated accurately and is slightly corrected in the process of work;
  • terms are set quite clearly, significant shifts are not allowed, since they are tied to market conditions;
  • all costs are clearly planned in accordance with existing standards and norms;
  • restrictions on the implementation of the idea may be limited by the production capacity or external factors, for example, the impact on the environment.

Often in business or scientific publications there is a slightly different classification of projects, built on the same principles as the above. The intentions are divided as follows:

  • socio-economic, which provide for the creation of infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the population and mass events different directions;
  • business initiatives involving the creation and introduction of new technologies and products to the market;
  • client, aimed at meeting the needs of an external customer by a certain company.

The whole variety of non-standard ideas can be considered within the framework of these classifications, which makes it possible to conduct a qualitative analysis of the project and understand its prospects.

Structuring the idea

In order to implement the idea, it is necessary to determine its organizational structure. The project structure is its hierarchical decomposition into interconnected parts for high-quality planning and control over the execution of processes. It is designed to designate the final product, which is the result of the whole idea, to break the whole process into smaller elements and link them together.

The more correctly the structure of the project, the more manageable it is. The main tasks of structuring are:

  • breaking down the idea into separate manageable blocks;
  • delegation of responsibility for each block between personnel in accordance with the structure and resource capabilities;
  • the most accurate calculation of material, time, financial costs;
  • development of planning, control and reporting mechanisms;
  • linking accounting to the work performed;
  • specific goals are set for each unit.

From an organizational point of view, the project structure has three main types:

  • functional. The management lies with the line manager, to whom the heads of the relevant departments report. When applying such a model, there is a need to introduce one or more coordinators, whose role is to link different functional units.
  • matrix. To implement a separate initiative, temporary groups are created from among full-time employees with responsible persons who lead the idea from the design phase to the very end. Leaders interact with members of their group horizontally, there is no formal subordination. This, when superimposed on traditional hierarchical relationships, creates an interaction matrix. Examples of projects of the matrix type indicate that the strength of such a structure largely depends on the conditions in which the head of the undertaking is placed. He can do this business in his spare time from his main duties, be temporarily relieved of them, or lead a specially created group of specialists.
  • Design. A manager is responsible for each initiative, managing a specially selected staff. An example of a project with such a management model assumes a significant scale, duration, high complexity of the idea, the use of new technologies and changing implementation conditions.

Structuring tasks can occur both from top to bottom (from general to particular), and in reverse order. Methods such as a decision tree, goal or work tree, a network model, a responsibility matrix, a cost structure, costs or resources can be taken as a model.

The introduction of work methods on individual unique initiatives allows you to open up new horizons, motivate employees, change established approaches to business management, use innovative methods and rationally approach the expenditure of resources. This approach makes it possible to respond flexibly and quickly to market needs and meet emerging demand. To date, this method of management prevails abroad and is actively promoted in Russia.

project called a set of calculations, drawings, estimates, text material to create on their basis a building, structure, complex of buildings and structures. There are several types of projects.

Standard projects. A standard project is a project that is developed on the basis of standard, mass-produced building structures, proven, approved technologies, and mass-produced technological and other equipment. In standard projects, space-planning and design solutions are unified. The standard sizes of these projects are unified in accordance with the requirements of the technological design standards. Standard designs of livestock facilities are developed by design organizations on the instructions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Approved standard designs are distributed by development organizations, as well as by the design production center, where they can be transferred for distribution. The Center for Design Products publishes a list of standard design documentation for agricultural enterprises, buildings and structures (P 2.08-2005), which is distributed throughout the country and contains information on all standard projects in force as of July 1, 2005.

Due to the fact that standard projects are developed for certain “average” conditions (normal soils, seismicity not higher than 6 points, design outdoor temperature during the cold season: -20, -30, -40 ° С, etc.) , they are "attached" to the specific conditions of the economy by the design organizations of the region where the construction will be carried out.


When linking, buildings are placed on a specific site, the depth of foundations is specified, the calculation of load-bearing structures is checked, the calculation of heating and ventilation is specified, estimated cost construction, etc.

Individual projects. AT in some cases, when the customer, due to the circumstances, considers it necessary to develop a project specifically for this farm (limited land use, number of livestock different from that provided for in standard projects, features of the forage base, limited possibilities for using manure, etc.) based on existing technologies, mass-produced equipment and mass-produced structures, an individual project is being developed.

If an individual project is reused in other farms or several identical objects are re-erected according to this project, then such projects are called reuse projects.

Experimental projects. Experimental projects are projects that are generally the subject of an experiment or if some part of these projects is being developed in order to test new technical or technological solutions. The subject of the experiment can be new design solutions, new Construction Materials, mechanisms, technological equipment, etc.

Reconstruction project. After a certain period of operation, the machines and equipment used in the project become morally and physically obsolete and require replacement. Building structures also wear out and partially require replacement. In other words, the object needs to be reconstructed. A project that provides for measures to replace obsolete and out-of-service

equipment, renovation of heating and ventilation systems, manure removal, etc., is called a reconstruction project. The development of a reconstruction project is preceded by an inspection of the livestock facility and the compilation of a defective statement, a list of identified defects to be eliminated, equipment and mechanisms to be replaced, improvement of the elements of the technological process, etc.

Projects show great diversity. As we have already seen, the concept of "project management" combines completely different types of activities and their results - from construction Egyptian pyramids, before being written by a student term paper. However, projects can vary greatly in scope, subject area composition, scale, duration, composition of interested individuals and groups, degree of complexity, the impact of results on the firm and its environment, and so on. Knowing these differences allows you to pay attention to the characteristics of each of the groups of projects and use the most appropriate tools and management methods for each of them.

Project classification principles

Classifications of projects can be built on different grounds.

First of all, let's define project type, where projects differ in the main areas of activity in which they are implemented. Depending on the type, projects can be submitted in the following way:

  • commercial projects executed under contracts for the production of a product or the provision of a service;
  • research, development and engineering projects;
  • projects for the design and construction of the main production means;
  • management projects;
  • projects but maintenance and support (in the manufacturing industry, technological processes, at enterprises public utilities and in other sectors of the economy).

Depending on where they are performed, there are internal and external projects. Internal projects are carried out directly in the organization itself, here customers and performers are members of this organization, and all work related to the design and execution of the project is carried out by the organization itself at the expense of its own resources.

Most often, this type of project is used if the work to be done corresponds to the main activity of the organization. For example, if an organization is undertaking a project to produce new software, it is likely that the organization has a sufficient number of appropriate developers and they have the necessary skills to create a product of this type.

Internal projects provide greater flexibility and efficiency in decision-making, more easily cope with all sorts of surprises and unforeseen circumstances that arise as the project progresses. It is probably difficult to find an organization in which internal projects would not be carried out - their range is so wide: these are projects, for example, to improve quality, to develop new logistics schemes, to conduct advertising campaigns and presentations, to change organizational structure or a system of remuneration of personnel, but the output of products for new market and much more.

Another advantage of internal projects is the absence of external control: if the contract does not provide for any penalties, the organization during the project implementation can constantly change decisions on the timing, resources used, technologies, people involved in the project, etc. However, the project manager should use the opportunity to change decisions with caution: any such change increases the cost of the project. Another problem is that employees with certain knowledge and skills acquired during the implementation of previous projects are not inclined to change working methods for more efficient ones, to introduce new technologies, since all this increases the risks of the project and does not lead to obvious benefits for them. In this case, the staff does not understand the need to change existing methods of work. Moreover, proposals for changes are often perceived as criticism of employees and are met with resistance from their side for implementation. All this can lead to the growth of conflicts and, accordingly, a decrease in labor productivity.

Many managers in an organization are faced with internal projects, they plan and successfully implement them, even without special knowledge in the field of project management. Due to the relative simplicity and clarity regarding the goals and ways to achieve them, common sense and management experience are sufficient to manage most internal projects.

However, organizations often need to implement complex projects that require special knowledge and skills. Most often, such projects are associated with the organization's development strategy, are part of it, and therefore are in the field of close attention of the organization's management, its owners. For such projects, a project team is created, the head of which - the project manager - as a rule, directly reports to the head of the organization, its CEO.

External projects involve the performance of work received from external customers or work outside the organization. Of particular importance here is legal registration relations with customers and partners (contractors, suppliers, consultants, etc.) of the project. The partners here develop the conditions for the performance of work on the basis of a legally reliable contract, the fulfillment of which is mandatory.

Projects carried out by third parties pose a significant financial risk to the project sponsoring organization. Since all work on the project is carried out and supervised by external specialists, they also have to focus on their own needs, and this can lead to a conflict of interest.

Example 2.1. A contractor doing a building project must make a choice: paint the building with a paint that lasts 10 years or a cheaper paint that lasts two years. Under the terms of the contract, the warranty period for the quality of work is five years; those. if you paint with cheap paint, you will have to within warranty period repaint twice at your own expense, which will cost the contractor (including the cost of work) twice as much as choosing an expensive but high-quality paint.

Which solution is more profitable for the customer of the project? Of course, paint with expensive paint, because after a five-year warranty you will have to repaint at your own expense.

What decision will the project manager make? It is more likely that he will decide to paint with cheap paint, since such a decision will reduce the cost of the project, which will lead to bonuses and other awards. Warranty obligations will be fulfilled by another subdivision of the firm - the contractor.

From this example, we can conclude that when projects are carried out by contractors and third-party specialists, it is extremely important to know the terms of the contract, which can save the contracting authority significant funds.

The successful implementation of external projects is ensured by the presence of a system of effective control on the part of the customer organization. Consistency here is achieved through the introduction of various levels of control: from control of the project concept to the implementation of individual works, from preliminary control to the final one. Control is essential for effective management project risks. To do this, it is necessary to separate the work of the project, which are transferred external organization into three categories: low, medium and high level risk.

Works with a low level of risk require minimal control, that is, the external organization is given maximum freedom in performing these works in terms of the materials, technologies, people used. Usually, even in risky, high-tech projects, there are significantly more than half of such work. However, this approach will free up time and resources to control the really key for the project, high-risk work.

Depending on the composition, structure of the project and its subject area, there are various project classes. The following classes are distinguished here: monoproject, multiproject, megaproject. As the name of each of the three project classes suggests, monoproject- this is a separate, unrelated project, which can be of various types, types and scales; multiproject- this is a complex project, consisting of a number of mono-projects and requiring the use of some special techniques project management, first of all, connected with the "end-to-end" planning and control of the implementation of a number of interrelated projects; megaproject, which is most often a program that includes a number of mono- and multi-projects, for example, a program for the development of a region, an industry, or a program for preparing for the World Cup.

Project classification in appearance implies a division according to the nature of their subject area. Investment, innovation, research, educational and mixed projects stand out here. To investment projects include projects in which the main goal is the creation or renovation of fixed assets that require investment. To innovative projects include projects where the main goal is the development and application of new technologies, know-how and other innovations that ensure the development of systems.

Another basis for classification is the division of projects into technical and non-technical. technical projects, for example, construction, aerospace, pharmacology or semiconductor manufacturing, based on engineering knowledge, ultimately obey the laws of physics, chemistry, biology. From the very beginning, these laws introduce strong deterministic (causal) relationships into the project, which determine the entire sequence of actions, transformations from the concept of the project to testing the finished product. They also set the technological limitations of the project: according to this technology, a building can only be built up to a certain height, and ignoring this rule will lead to collapse. Nuclear power plant or a dam can be controlled to certain parameters, such as power or pressure. If these parameters are exceeded, the operation of these objects will be lost. If the technological constraints are met, the project is considered deterministic, i.e. manageable and ultimately feasible.

non-technical projects, which are not strictly bound by the restrictions imposed by the laws of nature, experience a different kind of risks, primarily related to limitations of a subjective nature: their success strongly depends on the level of knowledge, experience, competence of the project manager and his team members, and decision-making in them depends on those or other interests of groups and individuals, which they are trying to realize in the process of implementing the project. Such, for example, are business projects of mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, marketing, consulting projects, etc. Here, financial risks come to the fore, and failures will be expressed in the form of financial losses. Since causal relationships in these projects are not always unambiguously determined, such projects exhibit the property equifinalities: the possibility of achieving the desired result of the project in different ways, through a different sequence of actions. Moreover, due to the blurring, the multiplicity of possible criteria for evaluating the results of the project, it is difficult or impossible to find the optimal trajectory of the project towards the final goal. Moreover, tactical or short-term results and strategic ones often conflict here. For example, some project implementation option is estimated to be more expensive, but in the future it will allow the implementation of new, financially attractive projects.

A non-technical project is not subject to the risk of complete failure, as is possible in the case of a technical project, especially an innovative one, where the intended New Product with unique properties may not work. Therefore, non-technical projects, as a rule, can somehow be brought to completion. The result (for example, the productivity of a new department or the level of increase in staff motivation through the introduction of a new bonus system) may be far from expected, but it will still be.

Technical projects also require technical design, which involves the use of engineering methods of calculation, calculation, modeling, correlation determination, system analysis, and other similar methods. Such methods of design and project management are called harsh methods(hard skills), they provide step-by-step control over the execution of each project work.

In contrast, non-technical projects are heavily focused on soft methods(soft skills), which are related to such phenomena as the needs of people participating in the project and potential users of the project product, their motivation, interests, expectations, etc. These project manager skills are based, in addition to personal experience, on knowledge from psychology, sociology, conflictology, pedagogy and other disciplines that study human behavior. The manager in such projects often acts as a coach, arbiter, mentor. He has to devote most of his working time in the project to problems related to human relations compared to technical tasks. The inability to solve such problems, even with very high engineering qualifications, will drastically reduce the effectiveness of project management. In table. 2.1 shows the comparative characteristics of technical and non-technical projects.

Table 2.1. Comparative characteristics technical and non-technical projects

Technical projects

Non-technical projects

The key figure of the project is the engineer

The key figure of the project is the entrepreneur

Actions oriented to the laws of natural sciences

Actions focused on the interests of stakeholders

Decisions are made in accordance with algorithms

Decisions are made according to the interests of the people

Linear hierarchy of goals and objectives

Lack of a clearly defined hierarchy of goals and objectives

Deterministic (linear) actions

Non-deterministic actions

Goal Achievement as a Cost Function

Goal Achievement as a Function of Risk

The difference in projects in terms of size (volume of attracted resources) is reflected in the concept project scale. Depending on the scale, small, medium, large and very large projects are distinguished. Of course, such a division of projects is conditional. It is possible to consider the scale of projects in a more specific form: interstate, international, national, interregional and regional, intersectoral and sectoral, corporate, departmental, projects of one enterprise.

When dividing projects by scale, it can be proposed different criteria. Most often, the monetary costs of the project are considered as a criterion. In a large project, the work related to planning, coordination, and implementation is more significant. Thus, at each stage of a large project, significantly more resources are spent than are generally required for the implementation of a small or medium project. This places special demands on the qualifications and managerial skills of the manager of a large project, since the costs of his erroneous decision are too great. The same applies to other members of the project team. Therefore, in the issue of staff adaptation to project work, it is advisable to start with small or medium-sized projects.

Depending on the project duration short-term (up to one year), medium-term (from one year to five years), long-term (over five years) projects are allocated.

Another basis for classifying projects is to distinguish them according to degree of difficulty. Here, respectively, simple, complex, very complex projects are distinguished.

Another feature by which projects can differ is the degree to which they innovation or routine. Despite the fact that projects, by definition, must have the features of uniqueness and novelty, they can still be very similar to each other. For example, a design bureau develops documentation for the construction of road bridges. Although all bridges are in one way or another unique and individual, such project work is a routine activity. On the other hand, there are projects that are innovative, at least for this organization: in it no one has ever carried out a project of a certain type. For example, a company is going to do marketing on its own and creates an appropriate department for this. If she turns to a consulting agency for help, then for the latter such a project will be routine, since dealing with reorganization plans, development is part of their normal work. If the company will create a marketing department on its own, then for it this project will be innovative, with a high degree of novelty and uncertainty associated with it. Such projects, for example, development, development of a new product, introduction of new computer technologies or new personnel motivation schemes are characterized by a high degree of innovation and complexity, require the use of new management methods. Summarizing, we can cite the following characteristics and criteria for innovative projects:

  • projects function as open systems, i.e. require constant "feeding" from external environment resources, energy, information; such a system is in a quasi-stable (as if stable, similar to a stable) state;
  • bureaucratic, formal management methods and approaches are kept to a minimum;
  • every problem that arises should be responded to as quickly as possible;
  • developed communication channels provide frequent, multilateral and informal communication;
  • serious leadership attention is given to overcoming conflicts, creating a creative atmosphere, when initiatives "from below" are welcomed and developed;
  • the project team consists mainly of creative and debatable individuals;
  • joint competence and responsibility, regardless of the position of the project participants in the management hierarchy.

Taking into account the listed requirements for innovative projects, one should consider creativity to work as the main determinant of the behavior of project team members, and the project team as a whole must be able to think outside of existing patterns, algorithms and time-tested schemes and demonstrate this approach in the course of work.

Depending on how the idea of ​​the project is known to the performers or is innovative, projects are divided into traditional and non-traditional. typical traditional projects, for example, for a construction organization, is the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, flyovers. For a law firm, typical projects will be cases representing a party in litigation. In a word, if a company specializes in projects of a certain type, then they are traditional, standard for it, where there is a set of tools, technologies and people for their implementation.

Non-standard or non-traditional projects are, as a rule, projects carried out by several companies (for example, a project to develop product standards that ensure their compatibility and interchangeability) or new large unique projects that require non-standard approaches and the development of special methods for their implementation. If a non-traditional project succeeds, it becomes traditional and becomes standard. If the methods and approaches of proven, traditional projects are applied in other areas, fields of activity or industries, then the project takes on the character of an innovative one and should also be considered as non-traditional.

In addition to the general principles of project classification, there are also private, sectoral, as well as those related to linking projects to various types of activities or management methods. Next, we will consider the following examples of such more specific classifications of projects, as well as multiprojects:

  • projects carried out by commercial and state enterprises under contracts;
  • research, development, engineering projects;
  • construction and other projects to create fixed assets of production;
  • projects for information systems;
  • management projects.

As a rule, real estate projects are called investment and construction projects (ICP), as these are special investment projects, the purpose of which is to create real estate objects that meet certain needs. For example, V.A. Zarenkov gives the following definition of ISP - this is a project that provides for the implementation of a full cycle of investments and investments in the construction of an object (from the initial investment of capital to the achievement of investment goals and the completion of the work provided for by the project). A concept associated with such projects and often used today is the concept of development. Translated from English development (development) means "development", which reflects the main idea of ​​this term.

In the monograph by S.N. Maksimova says that development is such qualitative transformations in a real estate object that ensure its transformation into another, new object that has a greater value than the cost of the original object. However, there is another aspect of the concept of real estate development. In market conditions, development is also a special kind entrepreneurial activity, a special manifestation business activity On the market. In this case, there is a close relationship with the concept of "developer".

According to the Urban Land Institute, development is a diversified, deeply specialized business, covering various activities - from the renovation and leasing of existing buildings to the purchase of uncultivated land and the sale of improved land plots. The developer coordinates this activity by translating ideas presented on paper into real estate.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that the concept of "development" has two interrelated meanings:

  1. This is a qualitative transformation of real estate, providing an increase in its value.
  2. This is professional activity on the organization of development processes.

Real estate projects are quite difficult to implement. This is due to their features arising from the characteristics of real estate as such. Real estate is a complex asset with properties such as uniqueness, stationarity, low liquidity, etc. The main features of real estate projects and their impact on process management are shown in the table below.

Peculiarities investment projects in real estate

Project specifics

Impact on implementation

High capital intensity

The need to attract external financing

High cost of the final product

Duration of the investment cycle

Long payback period

Localization of real estate objects

The great influence of the location factor on the project as a whole and its cost

The uniqueness of real estate objects

Innovative nature of projects

Lack of transparency in the market

Incomplete and outdated information about the project environment

A large number of participants

Difficulty coordinating resources

High level of state control

Complicated work approval procedures High dependence on the regional economy

The technical complexity of the process

Involvement of specialized organizations at various stages

Low liquidity of real estate objects

Difficulty exiting projects Difficulties in the implementation of finished objects

Real estate development projects, being quite complex, involve a large number of participants. The key figure among them is the developer. To date, on Russian market there is still no clear definition of this concept. In the monograph by S.N. Maksimov provides the following definition: a developer is an entrepreneur who initiates and organizes the implementation of the best possible real estate development options, including the organization of project financing. The developer plays a leading role in the project implementation process and performs the following functions:

Search and selection of cost-effective project;

Providing legal opportunities for its implementation;

Obtaining permits and project approvals from public authorities;

Development of mechanisms for project financing and return of attracted resources, search and attraction of investors;

Search and selection of contractors, financing of their activities and control over their work;

Realization of the created real estate object or its transfer to operation;

Return of investors' funds in accordance with the concluded agreements.

Thus, taking into account the main features of real estate development projects and the functions of the developer, the following requirements apply to it during the implementation of the project:

Careful checking and rechecking of the information used within the project;

Rapid response to events;

Special personal qualities (the presence of "common sense", self-confidence, resistance to stress, etc.);

Knowledge in many areas;

Creative potential.

These features are typical to some extent for all real estate projects. If we talk about commercial real estate, then such projects also have a separate specificity that affects their management. First of all, this is due to the fact that the main functionality of such real estate is to generate income for its owner, respectively, this is also the main goal of implementing such projects. Thus, for commercial real estate an important factor is the role land plot, the choice of which must be approached with particular care. Each type of real estate - retail, office, warehouse or hotel - determines its requirements for land:

Location relative to the main highways and the city center;

Transport accessibility;

Minimum lot size;

Competitive environment;

The standard of living of the population in the zone of influence, etc.

Another equally important feature of such projects is the need for a detailed development of the concept of future real estate. In this case, the concept is understood as a set of the main characteristics of the object: positioning in the market, class, planned set of tenants, architectural and planning solutions, cash flow forecast. As a rule, the concept is developed at the initial stage of the project based on detailed marketing research market, which allows you to implement the project in the future most effectively. Often at this stage, consulting companies with extensive experience in implementing such projects are involved. In general, the transfer of project work to outsourcing is popular precisely within the framework of commercial projects, as the most diverse and having the shortest history in the modern Russian market. The concept underlies further work on the project and can be adjusted to take into account market changes (reconception). The main thing in this work is the constant focus on potential consumers of the object - whether they are tenants of the complex, tourists or ordinary people, because it is consumers who determine the degree of success or failure of commercial projects.

Another feature of commercial real estate projects is the involvement of a management company before the facility is put into operation. As already noted, commercial real estate objects (OKN) are focused on generating income. Usually this is rental income, which assumes the operation of the complexes for a long period. The task of the management company is the efficient operation and increase in income, for the simplification of which it is necessary to initial stage take into account the features of the planned real estate object - when developing architectural and planning solutions, designing engineering systems, etc.

The planned long-term operation of the IOC for the purpose of generating income also affects the calculations of cash flows and key performance indicators for the project. Of course, any project involves a detailed financial calculation, but when it comes to commercial real estate, this calculation acquires the following features:

Forecast of planned cash flows for 5-10 years, as a rule, by months;

Adequate justification of the discount rate;

Capitalization of income at the end of the last period under review;

Accounting for all operating expenses;

Complex credit schemes;

Considering various options for exiting the project.

As already noted, traditionally CHOs are leased, with tenants involved in the project at an early stage. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, even at the stage of writing the concept, it is necessary to conduct preliminary negotiations with the largest planned tenants (pre-brokerage of the facility) in order to understand how relevant the characteristics being developed are to market trends. Secondly, some objects are initially planned for certain tenants, technical requirements which must be taken into account during construction. Another reason is that, as a rule, the premises in the objects are rented without finishing, and many tenants have to start it before commissioning. For example, anchor tenants of shopping centers need about 6 months to finish.

Thus, the listed features of managing commercial real estate development projects indicate the need for a thorough analysis of all the characteristics of future objects at the initial stage. In addition, focusing on long-term efficient operation puts into the project the need to constantly monitor the compliance of the project work with the chosen concept and the current market conditions.

This stage is already connected with tracking the results of your previous activities, that is, in fact, the question of efficiency arises: do people come, do people stay, what do they do, does money flow (about monetization - the last point of work).

Two main tools for tracking user activity and your work with the Internet resource in general:

Yandex Metrica

Google Analytics

These systems are quite similar, Analytics only provides a little more functionality, but the main difference is in the presentation of information, convenience, reporting, etc.

Each of these systems allows you to track contextual advertising search engine, that is, Direct for the first case and AdWords for the second. At the same time, the loyalty of search engines increases for a specific site if there is a specific counter code in it.

The attendance data shown by the systems may vary significantly due to the peculiarities of the algorithm for recording visitors. It is impossible to say that some system is lying, since these features are related to the user's computer settings, the time of his stay on the site, and many other indirect factors.

Project monetization

Exist various methods project monetization. In general, first of all, it depends on the product itself. If you sell something on the site, provide some kind of service, that is, your service is paid, then the method of monetization is understandable and underlies everything you do.

If you do not sell any goods or services, then the easiest way to monetize is advertising. Obviously, you can earn more the more users you have. In this case, you can use advertising blocks from Yandex Direct, Google AdWords, affiliate programs or directly negotiate with advertisers on any conditions.

Methods that can be used to pay users for goods and services:

Aggregators, for example www.robokassa.ru, www.nextpay.ru. These systems support various payments: cards, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, RBCmoney, etc.

Payments with cards. The largest provider - Chronopay.ru

Internal account. On the site, the user has a personal account, which he replenishes, and then uses it to pay for goods and services

SMS payment. With mobile phone an SMS message is sent with a certain cost for payment. For a long-term payment, a subscription service can be connected (the fee is charged from the phone account periodically)

If the conversion of the site after the public launch is very low, then it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis and try to determine the cause. The reasons may be different:

The site does not attract an audience

The site does not hold an audience

The cost of goods or services is high

Inconvenient payment methods

Congestion and / or incomprehensibility of the interface and goals of the site

There can be many reasons why the level of user activity is low. To solve this problem, you may only need to add other payment methods, or perhaps completely redesign the site to improve usability and ease of understanding for users.

It is very important to receive feedback from users: ask what they like, what they don’t like, what should be changed, what is not clear, and so on. This helps a lot with microblogging or communities in social networks.

An analysis of the practice of applying project management based on several software development projects in the field of social projects, in the development of which the author of the work was directly involved, is given in this chapter. These projects have not been able to achieve significant performance indicators, but, nevertheless, are of some interest from the point of view of studying the reasons for their not entirely successful development.

Bet2Life - social sweepstakes

Prizzers - social game

For each of the above projects, I will detailed description in the key of the points from the theoretical part and I will try to conduct a detailed analysis of which project management methodology was chosen, what was done correctly, what did not work out, where the mistakes were made and how they can be corrected.

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