Basic research. Features of innovation project management in Russia Research of project management of innovation and investment


In the context of growing globalization, Russian and international companies need a significant number of high-level managers who are able to manage various types of projects, programs and project portfolios aimed at ensuring accelerated development and increasing the competitiveness of the company, implement specific innovative projects and search for investors, attract for their practical embodiment of the resources of investment markets.

Project management is an important component of HSE's priority direction of development "Management" and one of the youngest and fastest growing areas in the world. In a short time, professional communities were formed and regularly updated international and national standards were developed. New scientific and practical journals appear, scientific schools are formed, a large number of new interesting and promising methods and management tools appear. All this is aimed at improving management efficiency, which is expressed in an increase in the share of successful projects and, as a result, an increase in the competitiveness of companies.

Goals and acquired competencies

Our mission is to develop the management competencies of the business community through project thinking.

The main goal of the program is to train a new type of specialists capable of managing projects at all stages of implementation, making effective decisions on their resource and organizational support, integrating innovation and investment processes, and carrying out comprehensive planning of the company's project portfolio in order to achieve sustainable development.

The main objectives of the program are:

  1. Training of professionals for Russian companies and international companies operating in Russia, capable of holding positions in project-oriented structures, as well as for the implementation of an entrepreneurial career.
  2. Providing graduates with the skills necessary to conduct research in the field of project management.
  3. Formation of knowledge and competencies for the implementation of a career in consulting.

Features and competitive advantages

  • Interdisciplinary approach

Project management involves close links with strategic management (especially in the management of programs and project portfolios), investments, finance, personnel management, etc. Moreover, the management of such special projects has a number of interesting features. Each student can mildly specialize in these areas by choosing specific courses and coursework and master's thesis topics.

  • HSE Ecosystem

Students have the opportunity to attend free seminars and master classes at the HSE Graduate School of Project Management, where they can talk with project management practitioners and get to know their experience. In addition, there is an opportunity to attend courses from other HSE programs, as well as lectures by visiting professors.

Graduates of our program can continue their postgraduate studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and defend their dissertations in the council at the Faculty of Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Postgraduate students are involved in various practical classes and scientific seminars, acquainting students with the results of their research.

  • Teaching Staff

The lecturers of the department are well-known specialists, researchers and well-known practitioners in the field of project management, who, in addition to the master's program, also teach at the Higher School of Project Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (including in MBA groups), thus obtaining new data on the use of tools and methods project management in Russian and international companies operating in Russia. Among the teachers there are graduates of the master's program, some of them defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

  • Involving students in scientific activities

Students from the first year are involved in scientific activities, and the best works are presented at international scientific conferences on management and project management, which take place in the fall and spring of each year, where you can get advice and communicate informally with well-known scientists and practitioners in the field of project management. The most interesting results are published in the scientific journal Russian Journal of Project Management, created on the initiative and with the support of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

From the first year of the program, a scientific seminar begins, which allows you to gain the competencies necessary to conduct your own research. The scientific seminar lasts two years and ends with the pre-defense of master's theses.

The faculty of the program conduct their own scientific research and involve students in such work, along with graduate students.

  • International integration

The program meets international and national standards for project management, in particular: standards for managing projects, programs and project portfolios of the American PMI Institute; requirements for IPMA competencies (SOVNET); PRINCE2; P2M, etc.

Each student must complete at least 6 credits of courses taught in English in order to successfully complete their studies. The program and the faculty have an ever-expanding list of English-language courses.

In the second year of study, students have the opportunity to continue their studies abroad at business schools: ESCP, Paris-12, Laval, Lancaster, etc.

All courses use modern scientific articles and other materials in English.

  • Innovative teaching methods

Most of the courses of the program are copyrighted and unique in the Russian space, which is associated with the introduction in studying proccess the results of the latest research in the field, conducted by research educators, as well as the unique personal experience of educators-practitioners.

During the courses, modern information technologies are widely used: a projector, computer classes, an electronic learning support system (LMS). Most courses involve teamwork, case studies, etc.

  • Business connections

The program has strong ties with Russian consulting companies working in the field of project management, whose representatives regularly participate in seminars and conferences, provide students with the opportunity to do internships and are hired after graduation. PM SOFT supplies the latest versions of the Oracle Primavera project management automation system for training and certifies students' knowledge of this system. There are also connections with large companies.

Structure and Curriculum

The structure of the program assumes serious knowledge of basic disciplines in management at the level of a bachelor's standard, including project management. Therefore, the program contains advanced courses in project management aimed at providing students with the declared competencies. The core of the program is six compulsory courses and a scientific seminar (all the rest are courses of the student's choice):

  • Research Methodology in Management: History and Methodology of Project Management
  • Strategies in management: Strategic management portfolio of projects and program
  • Mathematical models and methods of scientific research in project management
  • Theory of investment analysis and project financing
  • Forecasting and modeling project risks
  • Systems, processes and project management tools

The other part of the program (variation) focuses on the study of problem areas in which the student will specialize. Thematic courses cover individual aspects of these areas. International aspects are introduced in each course and are thoroughly studied in the courses: "Management of an innovative project" and "Development of competencies in project management".

The field of professional activity of graduates

It can be argued that the graduates of the program will have high competitive qualities in the labor market and will be in demand in various sectors of the economy. This:

  • consulting companies involved in the implementation of project management methodology in companies;
  • large vertically integrated companies and holdings in the energy, oil and gas, engineering and high-tech sectors of the national economy;
  • medium and small manufacturing enterprises other industries and trade: companies of this type are forced to have complex specialists who are able to simultaneously solve problems from different areas.

More specifically, we are talking about the training of managers at various levels of a wide range of projects: both for the implementation of individual design solutions and complex projects that combine the efforts of many participants using resources of various types, and projects representing the business areas of vertically integrated companies

  • venture funds and private equity funds.

For these funds, graduates of the program are interesting for their ability to assess risks and business plans, determine sectors, regions and investment parameters, venture investment schemes and exit from projects.

  • innovative enterprises, including as part of technology parks, regional innovative scientific and technical zones and science cities.

There is an obvious need for graduates of the program to create and operate scientific, technical and implementation zones, where they can perform various functions and occupy various positions; including heads of organizations; directors of departments and managers for the commercialization of inventions, project evaluation and business planning, investor relations.

Let us consider the essence and content of the project approach to managing the company's investment activities in the innovation sphere, as well as a variant of the implementation and development model of the project approach to managing the company's investment activities.

For the sustainable development of the Russian economy in the long term and its transition from an export-raw material to an innovative model, it is necessary to solve a number of problems related to the formation of a favorable and competitive investment climate, stimulating the innovative activity of companies, and developing the infrastructure for financing innovative projects.

The innovative model of development of the Russian economy is characterized by both competition and cooperation, competitive cooperation, including with foreign companies, research and educational centers, as well as a network structure (organizational structures of state authorities and local self-government in the field of modernization, technological development, education, science and innovation; companies; development institutions; organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences; research centers; national research universities and other leading educational institutions of higher professional education).

A change in the company's external environment (uncertainty, turbulence) leads to a change in corporate innovation management aimed at creating customer value, increasing intangible assets, as well as commercializing innovations, optimizing business models, business processes and organizational structure. The innovation economy directs companies to be customer-oriented, to combine innovative products and services based on new knowledge, skills and abilities (competencies) that are difficult to imitate by competitors (patent protection, brands, trademarks, know-how) .

Modern unfavorable external conditions associated with the instability of the world economy, the possible development of the global financial crisis, dictate the need for companies to actively implement and improve promising and proven management approaches for the successful implementation of their development strategies. One of these approaches is the project approach to management in a complex relationship with process, system, program-target, situational, adaptive, scenario and other approaches.

The following facts about the creation of:

  • in September 2010 of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Federal Law of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2010 No. 244-FZ “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center”) in order to develop research, development and commercialization of their results in the following areas: energy efficiency and energy saving, in including the development of innovative energy technologies; nuclear technologies; space technologies, primarily in the field of telecommunications and navigation systems (including the creation of an appropriate ground infrastructure); medical technologies in the field of development of equipment, medicines; strategic computer technologies and software;
  • in August 2011 by the Government of the Russian Federation autonomous non-profit organization"Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" in order to support unique socially significant projects and initiatives of medium-sized businesses;
  • in June 2011 by the Government of the Russian Federation of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) for investments in leading companies in the fastest growing sectors of the economy;
  • in October 2011 JSC Russian Agency for Insurance of Export Credits and Investments (JSC EXIAR) to insure entrepreneurial (commercial) and political risks of Russian exporters and investors (100% subsidiary of Vnesheconombank), etc.

The relevance of introducing and developing a project approach to managing the investment activities of companies in the innovation sphere is substantiated by a number of factors:

  • negative impact on the investment activities of companies during the financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009. and its possible second wave;
  • focusing the investment activities of companies on the implementation of innovative projects in Russian Federation, including with the participation of foreign loans aimed at the development of innovations, the export of high-tech Russian goods, works and services;
  • an increase in the volume and complexity of the tasks of managing the investment and innovative activities of companies aimed at implementing their innovative development programs for the period 2011-2020;
  • exacerbation of competition, including unfair competition, both in the domestic and foreign markets for high-tech goods and services;
  • the introduction of Russian national standards for project, program and portfolio management from September 1, 2012;
  • development of international and foreign national standards in the field of project management (ISO 21500 Project Management Manual; Updated version of UK national standard BS 7000-1:2008 «Design management systems - Part 1: Guide to managing innovation»(“Design management systems. Part 1: Innovation management guide”));
  • implementation by companies of the best practices in the formation and management of projects.

The development of a project approach to management in foreign companies and corporations is based on the introduction of international (ISO 10006 “Quality management systems. Guidelines for project quality management”; etc.) and national (PMBOK Guide. Guide to the body of knowledge on project management. Project Management Institute PMI(USA); etc.)" standards in the field of project management.

In Russian companies, the implementation and development of a project approach to management is based on the use of international, foreign and Russian (GOST R ISO 10006-2005 "Quality management systems for design"; GOST R 52806-2007 "Project risk management. General provisions") national standards in project management areas.

There are many definitions of the project approach to management, the essence of which is that the project approach to management is understood as management based on the use of knowledge, skills, methods, means (tools) and technologies in the implementation of the project in order to meet the needs and expectations of its participants while minimizing risks, their insurance and deviations. The project approach is characterized by a certain limitation, which describes the balance between the scope of the project, its cost, implementation time and quality.

The most important link between external and internal projects and programs, between the strategic and operational levels of project management, programs and project portfolio is the methodology of the balanced scorecard (BSC) and the process model for describing project management activities, which is the basis of a number of project and program management standards ( PMBOK, ISO 10006, PRINCE "iy.

Let us introduce the concept of a project approach to the management of a company's investment activity in the innovation sphere.

Project approach to the management of the company's investment activities in the innovation sphere- a set of basic principles, methods and tools (tools) for managing investment and innovation projects, programs and a company's project portfolio that ensure effective management and continuous interaction between various types of investment and innovation activities as a unified system in order to implement the company's development strategy, ensure increased competitiveness and investment attractiveness based on the optimization of business processes of projects, programs and the company's project portfolio, the organizational structure of project management, the development of human capital, the personnel motivation system, corporate culture and ethics.

The main components of the project approach to the management of the company's investment activities in the innovation sphere (hereinafter referred to as investment activities) are based and determined by the following scientific and methodological apparatus.

Scientific and methodological apparatus (NMA) of the project approach to the management of the company's investment activities- an interconnected set of concepts, patterns, principles, models, forms, methods, techniques and tools (tools) accepted for widespread use and tested in practice, leading to scientific and practical results that have a high degree of reliability and are aimed at the systematic development of investment activity companies in the innovation sector.

The intangible assets of the project approach to managing the company's investment activities include the following elements.

  • 1. Concepts: project approach to management; scientific and methodological apparatus; investment and innovation activities; innovation; business processes; balanced scorecard, etc.
  • 2. Patterns.
  • the formation of the company's investment management system is carried out on the basis of the best world practice, taking into account the peculiarities of its activities, development priorities, industry affiliation;
  • optimization of business processes of investment activity and the corresponding organizational structure of the company is carried out on a long-term, continuous, systematic and adaptive basis, as well as on the primacy of business processes and the secondary nature of the organizational structure;
  • copying the organizational structure leads, as a rule, to negative results, etc.
  • 3. Principles Keywords: legality, economic efficiency, commercialization of innovations, social orientation, environmental responsibility, publicity, accountability, etc.
  • 4. models, strategic map; road maps; business processes; public-private partnership in the implementation investment projects modernization of production and introduction of innovations; selection, examination, structuring and implementation of innovative projects; and etc.
  • 5. Forms, strategies (concepts, policies) of investment activity in the innovation sphere and programs for their implementation; project, program and project portfolio; provisions, instructions, regulations; and etc.
  • 6. methods, project and process approaches to the management and organization of investment activities; development of a balanced scorecard, roadmaps; and etc.
  • 7. Methods: introduction of a project approach to corporate management of investment activities; substantiation of the organizational structure of the investment block of the company; and etc.
  • 8. Tools (means): instruments for financing investment projects; analysis; planning; organization, coordination, interaction, provision, accounting, reporting, monitoring, control and audit.

For example, the main instruments of project financing usually include:

  • provision of credits, loans, leasing operations and financing on a repayable basis in other forms;
  • issuance of guarantees and guarantees;
  • participation in authorized capital business companies;
  • acquisition of shares in venture funds;
  • insurance of export credits and investments against entrepreneurial (commercial) and political risks (JSC EXIAR);
  • guarantee support for exports, including high-tech products.

Let's consider the methodology for introducing a project approach to managing the investment activities of companies based on the best practices for the formation and management of projects. The most important steps in this technique are:

1) development of an investment management strategy and a company innovation strategy.

For example, in a company's investment management strategy, they formulate:

  • strategic goal and objectives for this direction activities, the main forms of the company's participation in the financing of investment projects, target indicators for the growth of the investment portfolio, the growth of the share of innovative projects in the structure of the investment portfolio, priority investment projects, the main sources of funding for investment activities, the volume and conditions for the participation of private capital of the project initiator or operator;
  • priority areas: building an effective system for the formation of investment projects, their selection, examination, financing and monitoring of implementation; development and implementation of effective mechanisms for financing projects on the principles of public-private partnership (PPP); and etc.

The process of forming a company's innovation strategy, as a rule, includes:

  • analysis of the innovative situation that has developed in the company (main goals and objectives in this field of activity; analysis and assessment of the company's market position; description of the innovative potential of each manufactured product (service) or groups of goods (services); description of the innovative strategy and tactics used at the present stage; assessment of specific factors of the external and internal environment, analysis and evaluation of the positions and actions of competitors);
  • identifying innovative opportunities and shortcomings in innovative development (forecasting changes in the economic and financial situation in the company in the process of implementing innovative planning; using specific, innovative advantages of information technologies);
  • formulation of the main problems and tasks of innovative development for the planned future;
  • 2) substantiation and approval of indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of investment and innovation management.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the investment and innovation management (IIA) of the company is assessed using a balanced scorecard, which includes the following blocks: (1) the prospect of the company's contribution to the sustainable innovation and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation; (2) financial perspective; (3) client and partner perspective; (4) business process and technology perspective; (5) the perspective of training and development of human capital, organizational development;

  • 3) development of a business process model for the company's MFA management system;
  • 4) development of models of business processes of investment activity: selection, expertise, structuring and implementation of investment project programs and a portfolio of projects;
  • 5) development of process models of project management, program and portfolio of projects;
  • 6) definition of the roles of officials in the organization of management:
    • project (project customer; project manager; project curator; project team),
    • program (project sponsor; program manager; program curator; program project manager),
    • project portfolio (project portfolio management committee; portfolio manager; project portfolio management office);
  • 7) substantiation of the model of the organizational structure of the company's investment management system;
  • 8) development of methods, regulations, regulations for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of managing projects, programs and a portfolio of projects",
  • 9) implementation of measures to develop a system of continuous improvements in the field of project approach to management. The key measures are to increase the level of project management maturity. Project management maturity refers to the company's ability to select and manage projects in a way that most effectively supports the achievement of strategic goals.

The implementation of the project approach to managing the investment activities of companies in the innovation sphere allows us to obtain the following results:

  • 1) creation of a system of goals, objectives, functions, business processes, indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of investment activities of companies in the innovation sphere;
  • 2) increasing the manageability and transparency of investment activities;
  • 3) increase in labor productivity of employees of departments of the investment and innovation blocks of the company;
  • 4) rational distribution of powers, responsibilities and functions between departments and officials investment and innovation blocks of the company;
  • 5) optimization of business processes of management, development, main and supporting investment and innovation activities;
  • 6) increasing the productivity of employees of the investment and innovation blocks of the company.

Russian companies have accumulated extensive practical experience in investment activities in the innovation sector. For example, the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)" carries out investment activities in order to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy, diversify it, and stimulate investment activities. When making decisions on granting credits, loans, guarantees and warranties, as well as on financing on a repayable basis, Vnesheconombank organizes and conducts expert appraisal of investment projects, including expert appraisal of engineering and technical solutions.

The high professionalism and unique experience of Vnesheconombank's employees make it possible to use efficient and complex mechanisms for organizing investment project financing. Following the results of 2010, two projects in which Vnesheconombank took part - the modernization of the Khabarovsk Oil Refinery and the construction of a complex for the production of polypropylene in Tobolsk - received the Deal of the Year award from the magazine trade finance, which is part of the publishing group Euromoney pic. These projects were implemented on the principles of export-import and project financing with the attraction of long-term (up to 10 and 13 years, respectively) financing from a syndicate of foreign banks covered by foreign export insurance agencies.

Today, Vnesheconombank participates in the implementation of 66 projects aimed at developing innovations. As of September 2015, Vnesheconombank's collegiate bodies decided to finance 47 innovative projects worth about RUB 1.3 trillion, VEB's participation was over RUB 605.2 billion.

Thus, through the introduction and development of a project approach to management, it is possible to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of managing the investment activities of companies in the innovation sphere by optimizing business processes and the organizational structure of managing projects, programs and a portfolio of projects, improving interaction and developing human capital.

  • Abramov V. S., Artyakov V. V., Abramov S. V. Project approach to managing investment activities in the innovation sphere // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2014.№4.


Section 1. Essence of an innovative project ... .4




Section 2 Essence and principles of innovation project management ……………………………….17

2.1. The procedure for developing an innovative project ……………18

Section 3 Innovation project planning

Section 4 Management of the implementation of innovative projects ..........................................................................................30




Conclusion ……………………………………………........... 39



I justify the choice of my test topic “Management of an innovative project” by the fact that in domestic practice the concept of project management is reflected in the widespread use of the program-target method of management, which provides for the formation and organization of the implementation of targeted integrated programs, which are a set of interrelated activities aimed at achieving specific socio-economic goals. Innovative projects and programs for their implementation constitute an essential part of the forming economic mechanism for managing the scientific and technological development of the country.

The purpose of the control work- to conduct a study of the topic "Management of an innovative project", fully disclose it, outline the problematic aspects of this topic and ways to solve them.

Tasks of control work are the study of the essence of an innovative project, the main criteria for evaluating innovative projects, the effectiveness of an investment project, managing the implementation of innovative projects.

The structure of the test is: Introduction, main part, conclusion, applications, literature (list of references).

Section 1. Essence of the innovation project

“An innovative project is a system of interrelated goals and programs for achieving them, which is a complex of research, development, production, organizational, financial, commercial and other activities, appropriately organized (linked by resources, deadlines and performers), formalized in a set project documentation and providing an effective solution to a specific scientific and technical task (problem), expressed in quantitative terms and leading to innovation.

Ideas, plans and technical solutions, as well as projects that implement them, have different levels of scientific and technical significance:

- modernization when the prototype design or basic technology does not change dramatically (expansion of size ranges and range of products; installation of a more powerful engine, etc.);

- innovative when the design of a new product differs significantly from the previous one in terms of the type of its elements (the addition of new qualities that were not previously used in the designs of this type of product, but were used in other types of products);

- advancing when the design is based on advanced technical solutions (the introduction of turbojet engines that have not been used anywhere before);

- pioneer when previously non-existent materials, structures and technologies appear that perform the same or even new functions (composite materials; the first radio receivers, electronic watches, rockets; biotechnologies).

From the point of view of the scale of the tasks to be solved, innovative projects are divided as follows:

1) monoprojects- projects carried out, as a rule, by one organization or even one unit; they differ in the setting of an unambiguous innovative goal (creation of a specific product, technology), are carried out within a strict time and financial framework, a coordinator or project manager is required;

2) multiprojects- are presented in the form of comprehensive programs that bring together dozens of monoprojects aimed at achieving a complex innovative goal, such as the creation of a scientific and technical complex, the solution of a major technological problem, the conversion of one or a group of enterprises of the military-industrial complex; coordination units are required;

3) megaprojects- multi-purpose complex programs that combine a number of multi-projects and hundreds of mono-projects, interconnected by one tree of goals; require central funding and leadership from a focal point. For example, technical re-equipment of the industry, solving regional and federal problems of conversion and ecology, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products and technologies.

According to the scope of work and duration, projects can be short-term(1-2 years), medium-term(up to 5 years) and long-term(more than 5 years).

1.1. Stages of an innovation project

phases. Each phase of the development and implementation of the project has its own goals and objectives (see Annex 1).

Creation and implementation of the project include the following stages :

Formation of an investment plan (idea);

Study of investment opportunities;

Feasibility study of the project (feasibility study);

Preparation of contract documentation;

Preparation of project documentation;

Construction and installation works;

Operation of the facility;

Monitoring of economic indicators.

The stage of formation of an investment plan (idea) is understood as a conceived plan of action. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the subjects and objects of investments, their forms and sources, depending on the business intentions of the idea developer.

Subject of investment are commercial organizations and other business entities using investments.

Investment objects can be :

Enterprises, buildings, structures (fixed assets) under construction, reconstructed or expanded, intended for the production of new products and services;

Complexes of objects under construction or reconstructed, focused on the solution of one program (task).

The investment project uses the following forms of investment :

Cash and their equivalents (target deposits, working capital, securities, etc.);

Buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, measuring and testing tools, any other property used in production or having liquidity;

Property rights, usually valued in cash.

The stage of "research of investment opportunities" provides for:

Preliminary study of demand for products and services, taking into account exports and imports;

Assessment of the level of basic, current and forecast prices for products (services);

Preparation of proposals on the organizational and legal form of the project implementation and the composition of students;

Estimation of the expected volume of investments according to the consolidated standards and a preliminary assessment of commercial efficiency;

Preparation of preliminary estimates for the sections of the feasibility study, in particular, an assessment of the effectiveness of the project;

Approval of the results of the justification of investment opportunities;

Preparation of contract documentation for design and survey work.

Purpose of Investment Opportunity Research– preparation of an investment proposal for a potential investor. If there is no need for investors and all work is carried out at their own expense, then a decision is made to finance the preparation of a feasibility study for the project.

The “feasibility study of the project” stage in full provides for:

Conducting a full-scale marketing research;

Preparation of a program for the release of products (realization of services);

Preparation of initial permit documentation;

Development of technical solutions, including the master plan;

Urban planning, architectural planning and construction solutions;

Engineering support;

Measures for environmental protection and civil defense;

Description of the construction organization;

Data on the necessary housing and civil construction;

Description of the enterprise management system, organization of work of workers and employees;

Formation of estimate and financial documentation;

Assessment of risks associated with the implementation of the project;

Planning the timing of the project;

Evaluation of the commercial effectiveness of the project (when using budget investments);

Formation of conditions for terminating the implementation of the project.

1.2. Elements of an innovation project

The main elements of the innovation process include (see Fig. 1.1):

Rice. 1.1 The main elements of the innovation process.

Innovative projects can be formed as part of scientific and technical programs, realizing the tasks of individual areas (tasks, sections) of the program, and independently, solving a specific problem in priority areas of science and technology development.

The formation of innovative projects to solve the most important scientific and technical problems (tasks) provides:

An integrated, systematic approach to solving a specific problem (goal) of scientific and technological development;

Quantitative specification of the goals of scientific and technological development and a strict reflection of the final goals and results of the project in innovation management;

Continuous end-to-end management of the processes of creation, development, production and consumption of innovations;

Justified choice of ways for the most effective implementation of the project goals;

Balance of resources for the implementation of an innovative project;

Interdepartmental coordination and effective management of a complex set of project activities.

1.3. The main participants of the innovation project

The implementation of the idea of ​​an innovative project is provided by the project participants. Depending on the type of project, from one to several tens (sometimes hundreds) organizations can take part in its implementation. Each of them has its own functions, the degree of participation in the project and the degree of responsibility for its fate. At the same time, all these organizations, depending on the functions they perform, are usually combined into specific groups (categories) of project participants. A schematic representation of the main participants of the project is shown in fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2 The main participants of the project.

Customer– the future owner and user of the project results. The customer can be either an individual or a legal entity.

Investor- individuals or legal entities investing in the project. An investor can also be a customer. If this is not the same person, then the investor concludes an agreement with the customer, controls the implementation of contracts and makes settlements with other project participants.

Designer- specialized design organizations developing design and estimate documentation. Responsible for the implementation of the entire complex of works is usually one organization, called the general designer. It is represented abroad by an architect and an engineer. “An architect is a person or organization that has the right to professionally, on the basis of a properly executed license, to carry out work on the creation of design and estimate documentation. An engineer is a person or organization licensed to practice engineering, i.e. complex of services related to the process of production and sale of project products.

The supplier– organizations that provide material and technical support for the project (purchases and deliveries). Executor(executing organization, contractor, subcontractor) - legal entities responsible for the performance of work under the contract (manufacturing enterprises, universities, etc.).

Scientific and Technical Councils (STC)– leading specialists in the thematic areas of the project, who are responsible for the choice of scientific and technical solutions, the level of their implementation, the completeness and complexity of activities to achieve project goals; organizing the competitive selection of performers and the examination of the results obtained.

Project Manager- a legal entity to which the customer delegates the authority to manage the work on the project: planning, monitoring and coordinating the work of the project participants. project team- a specific organizational structure headed by the project manager and created for the duration of the project in order to effectively achieve its goals. The composition and functions of the project team depend on the scope, complexity and other characteristics of the project. The project team, together with the project manager, is the project developer. To perform some of its functions, the developer may involve specialized organizations.

Supporting Project Structures is an organization of various forms of ownership that assists the main participants of the project in fulfilling the tasks of the project and forms together with them the infrastructure of innovative entrepreneurship. Supporting structures include: innovation centers, funds to support programs and projects; consulting firms; bodies of independent expertise; audit firms, etc.

Rice. 1.3 Types of innovative projects.

The variety of possible goals and objectives of scientific and technological development predetermines a wide variety of types of innovative projects. There is no generally accepted classification. I have classified innovative projects according to such characteristics as the period of implementation of the project, the nature of its goals, the type of need satisfied, the type of innovation and the level of decisions made (see Figure 1.3).

Depending on the time spent on the implementation of the project and the achievement of its goals, innovative projects can be divided into long-term (strategic) projects, the implementation period of which exceeds five years, medium-term projects with an implementation period of three to five years, and short-term projects, less than three years. From the point of view of the nature of the goals, the project can be final, i.e. reflect the goal of solving an innovative problem (task) as a whole, or intermediate, associated with the achievement of intermediate results in solving complex problems. According to the type of needs satisfied, the project can be focused on existing needs or on the creation of new ones. The classification of innovative projects according to the type of innovation involves dividing them into the introduction of a new (radical) or improved (incremental) product; introduction of a new or improved method of production; creation of a new market; development of a new source of supply of raw materials or semi-finished products; reorganization of the management structure. According to the level of decision-making and areas covered by innovation projects, they are divided into: federal and presidential innovation projects, the main tasks of which may be included in federal scientific and technical programs; regional innovation projects, the tasks of which may be included in regional scientific and technical programs; sectoral (intersectoral) innovative projects, the tasks of which may be included in the plans of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

The belonging of an innovative project to one or another type determines its specific content and the use of special methods for the formation and management of the project. The unity of project principles allows the use of common methodological provisions for managing innovative projects.

Concerning content of innovative projects three aspects of considering the content of an innovative project can be distinguished by: stages of innovative activity; the process of formation and implementation; elements of the organization. An innovation project covers all stages of innovation activity related to the transformation of scientific and technical ideas into a new or improved product introduced on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practice, or into a new approach to social services. From the point of view of the stages of implementation of innovative activity, the project includes research and development, design and experimental work, development of production, organization of production and its launch, marketing of new products, as well as financial activities.

Based on the consideration of the content of an innovative project in the process of its formation and implementation, i.e. technologically, lies the concept of the life cycle of an innovative project, which proceeds from the fact that an innovative project is a process that occurs over a finite period of time. In such a process, it is possible to single out a number of stages (phases) successive in time, differing in the types of activities that ensure its implementation.

An innovative project, considered as a process taking place in time, covers the following stages:

Formation innovative idea(intention);

Project development;

Project implementation; - completion of the project;

Section 2. Essence and principles of innovation project management

The management of innovative projects should be based on a set of scientifically substantiated and proven principles. The main principles include:

- the principle of selective control. The essence of the principle is to support projects in priority areas of science development and targeted support for innovators - authors of complex projects;

- the principle of target orientation of projects to ensure the final goals. This principle involves the establishment of relationships between the needs for creating innovations and the possibilities for their implementation. At the same time, the final goals of specific projects are guided by needs, and the intermediate goals are oriented towards the final goals of these projects;

- the principle of completeness of the project management cycle. Assumes a closed ordering of the components of projects as systems.

- the principle of phasing of innovative processes and project management processes. Assumes a description of the full cycle of each stage of the formation and implementation of the project;

- the principle of hierarchical organization of innovative processes and their management processes involves their presentation with varying degrees of detail corresponding to a certain level of hierarchy.

- the principle of multivariance in the development of managerial decisions. Innovation processes proceed under the strong influence of uncertain factors taken into account in the management process.

- system principle, consisting in the development of a set of measures necessary for the implementation of the project in conjunction with the concept of development of the country as a whole;

- the principle of complexity. The development of separate interconnected elements of the project structure, ensuring the achievement of sub-goals, should be carried out in accordance with the overall goal of a particular project;

- security principle, consisting in the fact that all the activities provided for in the project are provided with various types of resources necessary for its implementation: financial, informational, material, labor.

2.1. The procedure for developing an innovative project

"The development of an innovative project is a specially organized research work (R&D) of a predictive-analytical and technical-economic nature, associated with setting the goal of an innovative project, developing its concept, planning a project and drawing up its design and estimate documentation." )

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation