Multimedia support of the system of training sessions. Multimedia support for lessons. To ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary


  • 3. Using the information material, determine the teacher's actions (steps) to create a modular program in the subject. Draw the sequence of steps schematically (fig.).
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 3 organization and conduct of collective creative affairs (ctd)
  • 1. Complete test tasks.
  • 2. Fill in the table "The main ideas of collective creative education"
  • 3. Give examples of different ktd
  • 4. What should be considered when organizing a ktd
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 4 technology for creating an educational work plan
  • 1. Complete the test tasks:
  • 2. Fill in the table "Stages of activity of the class teacher in developing a plan of educational work"
  • 3. Draw up your program for analyzing the educational process in the intended class.
  • 4. Determine the goals and directions of activity in the class team
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • 1. Analysis of the effectiveness of goal-setting and planning of the educational process in the classroom over the past year.
  • 2. Analysis of the development of class students.
  • 3. Analysis of the dynamics of the social situation in the development of students.
  • 4. Analysis of the development of the class team.
  • 5. Analysis of the organization of the educational process in the classroom and the effectiveness of the educational work of the class teacher.
  • 6. Analysis of the participation of students in the class in the life of the school
  • 7. Analysis of pedagogical interaction with the families of students in the class and with the parent asset.
  • 8. Analysis of the organization of pedagogical interaction of adults working with students in the class.
  • 9. Conclusions:
  • Laboratory work No. 5 modeling technology by the class teacher of the life of the class
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 2. Plan work in the intended class for the first quarter.
  • 3. Fill in the table "Directions, forms and methods of work of the class teacher with the parents of students"
  • 4. Make a program for studying the effectiveness of the educational process in the classroom
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 6 technology for constructing forms of educational work with the class
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 3. Give examples of activities and games for children of different age groups (primary school age, middle school age, senior school age)
  • 4. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 7 pedagogical management at school
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 3. List the steps for compiling a school work plan:
  • 4. Develop a school plan for the school year.
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 8 technology for organizing methodological work at school
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 2. Determine the goal, objectives, basic components of methodological work in a modern school. Present the results in the form of a table.
  • 3. Give a description of the collective, group and individual form of methodical work (optional).
  • 4. Describe the technology of organizing a pedagogical council
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 9 technology of educational and correctional work with adolescents
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 2. Describe the technology for preventing deviant behavior of students.
  • 3. Develop a program of educational and corrective work with teenagers who are in a socially dangerous position.
  • 4. Determine the methodological means of diagnosing and correcting students' deviant behavior
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 10 using a computer in the educational process of the school
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 2. Conducting pedagogical micro-research with graphical data processing.
  • Laboratory work No. 11 technology for the development of multimedia support for the pedagogical process
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 2.Fill in the table "Structural elements of the presentation."
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of fragments of multimedia presentations.
  • 4. Creation of a fragment of educational multimedia presentation.
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 12 technology of using Internet resources in the work of a teacher
  • 1. Complete test tasks:
  • 3. Characterize the content of the websites of Belarusian schools and out-of-school institutions
  • 5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.
  • Laboratory work No. 11 technology for the development of multimedia support for the pedagogical process


    get acquainted with the basic elements of multimedia presentation technologies, learn how to provide multimedia support for the lesson.

    Equipment and materials

    Personal computer with Power Point installed, digital media, printer, school textbooks on the subject, examples of electronic presentations or their fragments.


    1. Complete test tasks:

    1. Presentation is:

    1) operation;

    2) process;

    3) action;

    4) type of activity.

    2. The main unit of electronic presentation in the Power Point environment is:

    2) help system;

    3) educational material;

    4) knowledge control system.

    3. When developing the design of a pedagogical presentation, it is necessary to take into account:

    1) features of the educational process in this educational institution;

    2) features of the presentation of the material by the teacher;

    3) physiological features of the perception of colors and shapes;

    4) features of the behavior of students in a particular lesson.

    4. The technology for creating electronic presentations provides for the following types of work at the design stage:

    1) methodical processing educational material; development of computer graphic materials, their preparation for placement on slides; formation and integration of information components on slides; presentation debugging;

    2) development of computer graphic materials, preparing them for placement on slides; formation and integration of information components on slides; presentation debugging;

    3) drawing up the layout of the slides; selection of illustrations, text; thinking about the logic of building a presentation; formation and integration of information components on slides; presentation debugging;

    4) all the above lists are incomplete.

    5. In which type of presentation is the management of the educational process carried out individually by each student:

    1) presentation-visualization;

    2) presentation-model;

    3) interactive presentation;

    4) There is no correct answer among the above.

    2.Fill in the table "Structural elements of the presentation."

    3. Comparative characteristics of fragments of multimedia presentations.

    Read the fragments of the presentations offered by the teacher. Based on the requirements you have studied for the presentations of educational material, indicate the mistakes made by the authors of the presentations in their development. Point out the positive aspects of these presentations. Present the results of the analytical work in the form of a table on one or two slides.

    4. Creation of a fragment of educational multimedia presentation.

    Create a presentation that can support a real-life lesson or a fragment of a lesson on a given topic of your subject (no more than seven slides).

    5. Write down the conclusions about the work done in the report. Carry out a self-evaluation of your educational activities in the course of the lesson.

    Brief information material

    Slide- a logically autonomous information structure containing various objects that are presented on a common screen as a single composition (tables, diagrams, texts, sounds, lists, etc.).

    computer presentation is a set of slides united by one idea and stored in a common file.

    Interactive presentations- presentations in which management is carried out individually by each student. Such presentations are focused on the organization of independent work of students.

    Information resources on the topic - a list of information sources both on paper and electronic (CD-ROM, Internet resources) used by the teacher in preparing the presentation.

    Presentation - communication and information process.

    Presentation in its original meaning is a purposeful information process. Presentations can be very different in form: at an exhibition stand, in contact with a buyer during a personal sale or in a store, in a lecture hall, on television or radio, etc. The computer is a modern presentation tool: its multimedia capabilities made it possible to create a wide variety of presentations based on the use of textual, illustrative, audiovisual and other forms of information presentation. computer presentations are attractive both for human-assisted communications (presentations with a speaker) and for remote communications purposes (offline presentations). Possessing such an opportunity as interactivity, computer presentations allow for effective adaptation of the communication process to the characteristics of people - recipients of information. Computer presentations also have a number of advantages related to replication and distribution. Once created on electronic media, models, diagrams, diagrams, slides, video clips, sound clips, etc. can be compactly stored in digital form. They do not deteriorate, do not take up much space, are freely controlled during the demonstration process and can be easily modified if necessary. Presentations distributed on electronic media are cheaper and more effective than printed ones. They are replicated without significant effort and therefore quickly become a subject of exchange.

    For creating computer presentations There is a special software that is aimed at both professionals in the field of presentation, and people who are not specially trained for this. To software products to create presentations include Microsoft Power Point, Windows Movie Maker, Corel Presentation, Star Office Presentation, Macromedia Director, Demo Shield, Matchware Mediator, etc.

    Presentation Lesson Methodology may be different. For example, a presentation can be used when learning new material and reinforcing it. As part of a combined lesson, it can help to update students' knowledge when repeating and summarizing the material studied. In the pedagogical context, the presentation acts as a means of presenting and transmitting certain material to the audience.

    As a means of presenting educational material, a computer can be used not only by teachers and teachers in the classroom and lecture hall, but also by schoolchildren and students in thematic reports, while defending their own projects, term papers and theses etc. In addition, computer presentations can provide more effective communication interactions for the exchange of experience, as well as for training and professional development.

    The presentations used in the lesson, depending on the degree of participation of the student in the learning process, can be divided into visual presentations and interactive presentations. Presentation-visualization can significantly increase the information content and effectiveness of the lesson in explaining the educational material, helps to increase the dynamism and expressiveness of the material presented. It is obvious that the effectiveness of training increases significantly, since the visual and auditory channels of perception are simultaneously involved. Presentations in which the control is carried out individually by each student are referred to as interactive presentations. Such presentations are focused on the organization of independent work of students. Unlike traditional independent work, independent work with an interactive presentation helps to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material. Naturally, the logic of construction, structure and dosing of the material in such presentations differs significantly from visualization presentations.

    Structural elements of the presentation. The basic unit of electronic presentation in the Power Point environment is slide or frame representation educational information, taking into account the ergonomic requirements of the visual perception of information. Mandatory structural elements of an interactive presentation, as a rule, are: cover; title slide; help system for working with control elements; table of contents; educational material (including text, diagrams, tables, illustrations, graphs); glossary of terms (glossary); knowledge control system; information resources on the topic.

    Cover should be as colorful as possible. To do this, you should arrange it with the help of graphic inserts and backgrounds. The cover design should improve the emotional state of students and increase their interest in the topic and subject in general.

    Title slide must include: topic title; information about educational institution; About the author; development date; information about the location of the information on the network, on the local computer and the file name.

    Reference system for working with control elements of the presentation should be a separate slide with a description of all the on-screen buttons used to clarify their functional purpose. The main requirements for controls are clarity, the presence of the necessary prompts on the screen at the right time, and, most importantly, the minimum (only necessary) number of controls on each page. The main controls are: buttons for moving from the table of contents to the beginning of topics; buttons for moving from slide to slide forward and backward; button to return to the table of contents; hint call button; button to go to the dictionary of terms; hyperlinks for displaying illustrations, tables, graphs, etc. Presentation controls that have a non-obvious presentation should be provided with tooltips. The help system for working with presentation controls should be called from almost any slide, and therefore it is desirable to present it on all frames with a control button on the screen.

    Educational material in an electronic presentation is usually presented in short form, which has a good enough reason to exist along with the full educational material. Such a representation gives a qualitatively different perspective for considering the content, which is quite effective both at the stage of introductory lessons on the topic, and at the stage of generalization and systematization of educational material. The presentation of the content of the material can be carried out in the form of text, figures, tables, graphs, etc. (i.e. in the usual "book" form, although elements that are not characteristic of paper media, such as animation, video inserts, sound fragments, etc., can also be integrated into the presentation). At the same time, the graphical representation of the educational material allows you to convey the necessary amount of information with the brevity of its presentation.

    The most General requirements to the means, forms and methods of presenting the content of educational material in an electronic presentation: conciseness and brevity of presentation, maximum information content of the text; combining semantically related information elements into holistically perceived groups; each provision (each idea) should be given a separate paragraph of the text; the main idea of ​​the paragraph should be at the very beginning (on the first line of the paragraph); all verbal information should be carefully checked for spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors; graphics should organically complement the text; large illustrations can be stored in a separate album of drawings (graphs, diagrams, photographs), designed as an independent presentation module. It is possible to link to the elements of this album from other slides through hyperlinks or using special buttons.

    Glossary of terms (glossary). The presence of such a dictionary is highly desirable in interactive presentation new topic. It is preferable to arrange a glossary of terms and definitions on a separate slide (series of slides). To access the glossary of terms on the corresponding pages of the educational material, it is advisable to place the corresponding button.

    Control system knowledge can be organized as an express test (in a presentation-visualization) or through a system of hyperlinks (in an interactive presentation).

    Technology for creating electronic presentations provides for the implementation of the following types of work at the design stage: preparation and structuring of educational material, its methodological processing; development of computer graphic materials and their preparation for placement on slides; formation and integration of information components on slides; debug presentation.

    When preparing slides for a future presentation, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points:

    1. You need to make a slide layout in advance, select illustrations, think over the text, the logic of building a presentation. Here you should not rely on improvisation, otherwise the chaos in your head will inevitably affect the quality of the lesson.

    2. Carefully design the color scheme for each slide. As experience shows, within the framework of one presentation, one should not experiment with different backgrounds - they will spray student attention, and their especially bright solution often distracts from the text itself or makes it inconvenient to read.

    3. When working with fonts, don't be afraid of their diversity. In places that students should pay attention to, changing the size and thickness of the letters is not only possible, but also necessary. It should be borne in mind that the headings should not merge with the text itself.

    4. It is especially necessary to carefully check the text in the slide: grammatical, syntactical and speech errors call into question the functional literacy of the presentation compiler. Sentences should be as short as possible for better understanding.

    5. Don't get too carried away with animation and sound effects. This can scatter attention, cause unnecessary laughter. The presence of effects should be in harmony with the logic of the slide text and with the overall concept of the lesson. As experience shows, fragments of a song or music can create a special psycho-emotional mood of students for the course of the entire lesson.

    6. The presence of photographs or pictures in the slide should be interconnected with the text. It is desirable that the image is not so much a background as an illustration, equal in meaning to the text itself, in order to help to understand and reveal it in a new way. At the same time, it is necessary to think over the background of the picture so that it emphasizes all its details.

    7. If the presentation is held on a smart board, it is quite acceptable that the text is incomplete and that it is possible to make adjustments during the lesson right on the slide. In this case, the presentation "comes to life" and becomes the result of co-creation between the teacher and the student, which takes place right in the classroom.

    8. Considering the fact that teachers of the humanities are especially sensitive to the “living word”, it is logical to conclude that the presentation should in no case replace and displace the teacher himself. Therefore, the optimal number of presentation slides is about 5-7 for a lesson at school and about 20 for a paired lesson. Then there is no race for time in the course of the lesson, it becomes possible to comprehend what was read and seen on the slide.

    9. In the future, it is possible to replace the abstract with a two-level version of the records: 1) an electronic version of the lessons at which PowerPoint presentations will be presented, 2) students' comments on certain slides.

    The teacher should not take the burden of creating presentations only on himself. Within the framework of the proclaimed principle of an equal relationship "teacher-teacher", it is necessary to involve students in this process. As practice shows, motivation by assessment is not at all obligatory, because by common efforts a product is created that will be seen and supplemented by the next generations of students.

    It is practically undeniable that the design of presentations has the most direct impact on the motivation of trainees, the speed of material perception, fatigue and a number of other important indicators. Therefore, the interface design of the learning environment should not be developed on an intuitive level.

    One of the main components of the design of a pedagogical presentation is to take into account the physiological characteristics of the perception of colors and shapes. The most significant of them include:

    Stimulating (warm) colors promote excitation and act as irritants (in descending order of intensity of exposure): red, orange, yellow;

    Disintegrating (cold) colors soothe, induce a sleepy state (in the same order): purple, blue, blue, blue-green, green;

    There are neutral colors: light pink, gray-blue, yellow-green, brown;

    The combination of two colors - the color of the sign and the color of the background - significantly affects visual comfort, and some pairs of colors not only tire the eyesight, but can also lead to stress (for example, green letters on a red background);

    When choosing fonts for verbal information, it should be borne in mind that uppercase letters are perceived more heavily than lowercase ones; the ratio of the thickness of the main strokes of the font to their height is approximately 1:5; most readable font size to letter spacing ratio: 1:0.375 to 1:0.75;

    The most well-received combinations of font and background colors are: white on dark blue, lemon yellow on magenta, black on white, yellow on blue;

    White space is recognized as one of the strongest means of expression, a small set is a sign of style;

    Any background pattern increases the fatigue of the student's eyes and reduces the effectiveness of the perception of the material;

    The background is an element of the background (secondary) plan, it should highlight, shade, emphasize the information on the slide,

    but do not obscure it;

    Animation has a great influence on the human subconscious. Its impact is much stronger than the action of a regular video. Clear, bright, fast-changing pictures are easily “imprinted” into the subconscious. Moreover, the shorter the impact, the stronger it is;

    Any irrelevant moving (animated) object reduces the perception of the material, has a strong distracting effect, disrupts the dynamics of attention;

    The inclusion of irrelevant sounds (songs, melodies) as background accompaniment leads to rapid fatigue of trainees, distraction of attention and a decrease in learning productivity.

    Taking into account these features of the design of the presentation to a large extent affects the effectiveness of the perception of the information presented in it.

    When studying the material, the teacher needs illustrated posters, diagrams, graphs, videos. Modern information technologies make it possible to fully and interestingly illustrate the content of educational material with the help of computer presentations (slide films). Program RowerPoint is designed specifically to accompany the message by displaying video materials on a large screen or on a computer monitor. The possibilities of the program РowerPoint allow you to create multimedia manuals with sound accompaniment and animation. A distinctive feature of such benefits is entertainment, and not just informative. To make presentations of new material or electronic manuals based on PowerPoint, you need to create and edit a document consisting of separate parts - slides, and save it completely in one file.

    To start the PowerPoint program, follow these steps:

    1. Turn on the computer.
    2. START.
    3. On the menu Programs choose Microsoft Office2007/ PowerPoint2007.

    To create a slide, you need:

    1. Right click on slide 1.
    2. Select the line Create slide and click on it with the left mouse button (Figure 2).
    3. The second slide appeared (Figure 3).

    Similarly, the required number of slides is created.

    To select a slide design, open the tab Design(Figure 4). We click on the appropriate design, and all slides will be converted.

    To insert text, do the following:

    1. Let's select a tab Insert, Further - Inscription(Figure 5). This changes the cursor to an icon indicating that a text field can be created (Figure 6).
    2. We stretch the text field with the left mouse button pressed (Figure 7). Now you can print the text to the slide (Figure 8).
    3. To change the size and color of the letters, select the text, and the text formatting table automatically appears (Figure 9). Select the size of the letters (Figure 10) and their color (Figure 11).

    The text block itself can be dragged around the entire slide. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the border of the text field and, when it takes the form of a cross with arrows, drag the text block to the desired location.

    You can insert a picture into your presentation by doing the following:

    1. Let's select a tab Insert, Further - Picture(Figure 12).
    2. In the dialog that appears, find the file to insert, select it and click Insert(Figure 13).

    An inserted picture can be formatted using the picture formatting panel that opens when you insert a picture (Figure 14). For example, the Picture Styles panel allows you to change the appearance of a picture (Figure 15).

    A video file is inserted in the same way ( Insert - Film) (Figure 16) and an audio file (Figure 17). Moreover, after selecting a movie (sound) from the file, PowerPoint will automatically ask you to play the movie (sound): automatically or on click (Figure 18). If the slide is full, you can move on to creating the next one. To do this, repeat the procedure for creating a slide.

    The presentation is shown using the button F5 or slide showFrom Beginning (From Current Slide)(Figure 19).

    When creating presentations, you need the skills acquired while working in a text editor. MicrosoftWord and spreadsheet processor Microsoftexcel. This applies to formatting and editing text and graphic information.

    When saving a presentation, you need to consider the version PowerPoint to show a presentation. If there is no version on the computer PowerPoint2007 you need to save your work in a format that is fully compatible with PowerPoint97-2003(Figure 20).

    This program is the basis for the preparation of multimedia lessons by a life safety teacher. "Multimedia" is a collection of all types of information - graphic, sound and video.

    Perhaps the most invaluable assistants to a life safety teacher are video editing programs. With the help of such programs, you can prepare and burn CDs and DVDs for demonstration in the classroom:

    1. Excerpts from television programs;
    2. Training videos;
    3. Films, video materials created by the teacher on various topics of the curriculum.

    It is these programs that allow you to select specific video material for insertion into presentations.

    So far, not every teacher can use a multimedia projector for their lessons. However, the positive point is that almost all OBZh cabinets are equipped with a TV and a DVD player. With the help of a video editing program, you can prepare video information for display in such a format that it will allow you to demonstrate it using personal computer or with a DVD player.

    The most accessible and easy to learn is the program PinnacleStudio Plus. In general terms, the sequence of video editing in this program is as follows: for each film, you need to create a new project; then files with video, sound, static images or computer animation are imported into the project, which are placed in the desired order on the tracks of the editing window (there are two of them in PinnacleStudioPlus); further, at the junctions of the typed fragments, if necessary, smooth transitions are created; other special effects are applied - movement, overlay, etc.; adding titles; at any stage of editing, the film can be viewed in preview mode and, if necessary, edited; when the project is ready, it must be burned to a hard disk in the required format or to a DVD; if there is special equipment, then the film can be output to a video cassette (this output method is practically not used now).

    I will consider the creation of a video film “Providing first aid in case of cardiac arrest” based on video recordings made at the training sessions of S.A. Yatskevich, a teacher of the highest category of the Rescuer Training Center of the Baikal Search and Rescue Squad.

    To run PinnacleStudioPlus, you need to:

    1. Turn on the computer.
    2. After starting the Windows operating system, click on the button START.
    3. On the menu Programs choose PinnacleStudio Plus(Figure 21).

    We start working with video material from the mode capture. In this mode, you transfer footage from a mini-DV tape to your computer's hard drive. Once the video is on the hard drive, the editing possibilities are endless. You can remove unnecessary material, add titles, effects, transitions, and so on.

    For connecting the camcorder to a computer and video capture options, see the chapter “Using the Digital Video Camera and digital camera in the preparation of life safety lessons ".

    After capturing, we switch to the mode Editing. Open the captured video in the program. For this:

    To transfer to a video track for editing, drag the desired fragment onto it. To transfer all video fragments, select the first fragment and, with the Shift button pressed, select the last one: everything is selected, dragging the material onto the video track (Figure 24). Now an editing operation is available, which allows you to swap fragments, trim excess material, add video from other files.

    You can change the location of the fragment on the video track by dragging it to the desired location. To add video from another file, the file selection operation is repeated, the passage to be inserted is selected, and dragged onto the video track. To crop a fragment, it is selected with a mouse click, the cursor moves in the direction from which cropping is planned; when the cursor transforms into an arrow, the left mouse button is pressed and dragged to the cropping point (Figure 25). The process is controlled on the player screen.

    Click the button to add titles. Title templates open. Drag the template you like to the place of the titles on the video track or to the title track if they should be superimposed on the video (Figure 26).

    Double clicking on the title template opens the title editing window (Figure 27). Here we can make our inscription, edit the font, choose the background of the titles from the proposed templates, insert a picture into the titles. After editing, press the button OK and the credits are inserted into the movie.

    If you need to add background music or other sounds, use the button. Now you can select a folder with music, click on one of the sound files and press the button Open. In this case, all melodies from this folder will be reflected in the program album (Figure 28).

    To overlay music, select a file and drag it to the background music track (Figure 29). You can cut the sound by dragging the slider to the cut point and using the tool Razor(Figure 30). The volume of the sound on any tracks can be increased by dragging the blue line up or decreased by dragging it down.

    To insert graphic images into the movie, use the button. Selecting a file and dragging it onto a video track is done as described above.

    The last stage of this work will be exporting the created movie to an external file (for example, MPEG2 format). To do this, go to the bookmark Movie output(Figure 31).

    The settings are clearly visible. After pressing the button Create fileMPEG PinnacleStudioPlus will ask you where to save the file. It remains to choose a save location and click OK. The work is done. The program will calculate the project, showing the progress indicator. After saving, it is advisable to view the resulting film and, if everything suits you, delete the source materials, including the created project.

    A word about formats: the AVI format, which is a product of the multimedia revolution of the early 90s, has become a very popular Windows platform format, this format is a great way to distribute files that can be played on slower, somewhat outdated computers, the disadvantage is large volume file, which adversely affects the ability to record on portable media; The MPEG format is a highly compressed file that provides high video quality and a relatively small file size. So, saving a 30-minute movie with the above settings (Figure 31) takes about 1500 MB of disk space.

    This project describes only the basic features of the PinnacleStudioPlus program, with its help you can mount a single movie from materials taken from various sources: educational CDs, TV shows, your own videos and photos. Once having spent time on mastering the program, the teacher will receive a powerful tool for preparing video materials for his lessons.

    To create the sound files needed to create presentations, videos, and videos, the teacher must be able to use audio recording programs.

    Program sound recording from the set standard programs Windows is the simplest sound editor. With it, you can record sound from a microphone or load into it a sound file with the WAV extension ( standard format audio files) to do some processing. Processing capabilities are visible in Figure 32.

    To start the Sound Recorder program, you need:

    1. Turn on the computer.
    2. After starting the Windows operating system, click on the button START.
    3. Choose Programs - Accessories - Entertainment - Sound Recorder.

    If you need to receive a sound file using a microphone, then the procedure is as follows:

    1. We connect the microphone to a special input. Now most computers are equipped with a microphone input on the front panel. If there is none, then you need to find the input on the back of the PC. The microphone input is pink and is also marked with a microphone icon (Figure 33).
    2. To be able to record from a microphone, we do this: My Computer - Control Panel - Sounds and Audio Devices - Audio - Volume - Options - Properties - Recording - OK. The window comes out Recording level(Figure 34). We put a tick on the microphone.

    It is not necessary to go this way to reach the recording level. Many motherboards display a speaker icon in the tray when Windows starts; by clicking on it twice, we immediately get into the window Master volume.

    In the window Recording level pay attention to the parameters line input. If necessary, a cable is connected to this input from a tape recorder, from a video recorder (when capturing video and audio from video cassettes), from electric musical instruments.

    The limitation when using the Sound Recorder program is that the recording time is limited to 1 minute. Those. long dialogues will have to be composed from different files. Teachers who need to record long audio files need a simple and effective program. Such programs include Audacity.

    The procedure for launching Audacity is:

    1. Turn on the computer.
    2. After starting the Windows operating system, click on the button START.
    3. On the menu Programs choose Audacity.

    The program interface is quite simple (Figure 35). The following buttons are located on the control panel under the main menu: - play, - record, - pause, - stop.

    The microphone is set by default for recording. No further settings are required. We press - record. Recording starts from the microphone. If necessary, recording can be enabled from the line input, stereo mixer or laser player (Figure 36). To disable recording, press . The recorded track is displayed in the program (Figure 37).

    Audacity allows you to edit the recording and apply various sound effects to the track. Editing is carried out by selecting the necessary sections of the track with the mouse and executing commands from the menu Edit.

    Recording is saved from the menu File(Figure 38).

    We are invited to export the sound to formats: WAV, OGG, MP3.

    WAV (Wave) - "Wave" - ​​the standard for "digital sound". Files of this format are, as it were, exact photographs of the original sound, its digital copy, they are large (a minute of sound can take up to 10-15MB), but the quality of their playback is practically not affected by the type of sound card installed in the system.

    OGG Vorbis is a new free encoder from a group of independent developers. It is based on a compression algorithm similar to MP3, but the quality of OGG is much higher. The disadvantage is that some sound processing programs, video editors, hardware players do not support this audio format.

    MP3 is a compression format in which the sound quality remains at a level as close as possible to the original, and the file size is ten times smaller than in the WAV format. Advantages of MP3 - prevalence, versatility and an acceptable balance of quality and volume.

    When choosing a format, the program offers us a standard window for saving a file, in which we select a folder to save and a file name. This completes the creation of the sound file and can be used in other applications.

    All of the above programs will help the life safety teacher to make his lessons rich, vivid, and memorable. Once made educational material will be useful to you in subsequent years, and mastering the skills of creating such materials will raise your professional skills to a whole new level.


    1. Krymov B., Pinnacle Studio 10. Russian version: Tutorial/ B. Krymov. - Moscow: Triumph, 2006. - 256 p.
    2. - Egorov B.V. Guidelines for a life safety teacher on the use of ICT.
    3. Leontiev V.P. The latest personal computer encyclopedia 2007 / V.P. Leontiev. - Moscow: OLMA media group, 2007. - 896 p.

    slide 2

    The methodology for using multimedia technologies involves:

    improvement of the learning management system at various stages of the lesson; formation of adequate motivation for learning; improving the quality of education and upbringing, which will increase the information culture of students; increasing the level of training of students in the field of modern information technologies; demonstration of the capabilities of the computer, not only as a means for the game.

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    Multimedia lessons help to solve the following didactic tasks:

    assimilate basic knowledge by subject; systematize acquired knowledge; develop self-control skills; create motivation for learning; provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

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    When multimedia technologies are used in a lesson, the structure of the lesson does not fundamentally change. It saves all the main stages, changes can only affect their time frame. It should be emphasized that the degree of motivation in this case is progressing and carries a cognitive load. This is a necessary condition for the success of learning, since without an interest in enriching insufficient knowledge, without imagination, the inclusion of fantasy, creativity and emotions, a student’s creative activity is unthinkable.

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    Structuring a multimedia presentation contributes to the development of systemic, analytical thinking. In addition, various forms of organization can be used with the help of the presentation. cognitive activity:, group, frontal individual.

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    The multimedia presentation optimally and effectively corresponds to the triune didactic goal of the lesson:

    Educational aspect: students' perception of educational material, comprehension of connections and relationships in the objects of study. Developing aspect: the development of cognitive interest among students, the ability to generalize, analyze, compare, enhance the creative activity of students. Educational aspect: the education of a scientific worldview, the ability to clearly organize independent and group work, the cultivation of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

    Slide 7

    Multimedia technologies can be used:

    1. To announce the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, posing a problematic issue (The topic of the lesson is veiledly presented on slides that briefly outline the directions of the key points of the issue under consideration.) 2. As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation (Definitions, diagrams that the guys write off in a notebook, while the teacher, without wasting time on repetition, manages to tell more.)

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    3. As an informational and educational aid (In teaching today, a special emphasis is placed on the child’s own activity in searching, understanding and processing new knowledge) 4. To relieve tension, relaxation (To relieve tension, switch attention, we use presentations-physical tension.) 5. To control knowledge (Tests can be variants of cards with questions, the answers to which the student writes down in a notebook or on a special answer sheet, at the request of the teacher, the change of slides can be set to automatically transition after a certain time interval.)

    Slide 9

    6. For training (vocabulary work) 7. For individual learning via mail 8. To accompany their own report (students can prepare projects in the form of a presentation to answer the lesson on the necessary sections). 9. To sum up the results of the lesson, reflection: (answer to the question posed, conclusions, reflection). 10. When using gaming technology

    Slide 10

    Features of using multimedia technology:

    A clear priority of perception of the image of the presentation over the quality of the image on the board with chalk; In cases where shortcomings or errors are found in the slides of the manual, defects can be relatively easily eliminated; The pace and volume of the material presented is determined in the course of the lesson, taking into account the abilities and personal individual characteristics students;

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    Increasing the level of use of visibility in the classroom, the effectiveness of the lesson. Establishment of intersubject communications. Change in attitude to the PC. Schoolchildren begin to perceive it as a universal tool for work. A teacher using information technology should focus on the consistency of the presentation of educational material in the presentation, which has a positive effect on the level of knowledge of students.

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    To ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary:

    avoid monotony, take into account the change in students' activities according to its levels: recognition, reproduction, application; focus on the development of the mental (mental) abilities of the child, i.e. development of observation, associativity, comparison, analogy, highlighting the main thing, generalization, imagination, etc. give the opportunity to successfully work in class using computer technology and strong, and average, and weak students

    slide 13

    take into account the child's memory factor (operational, short-term and long-term). To a limited extent, it is necessary to control what is entered only at the level of operational and short-term memory. Multimedia presentations are designed for any type of information perception. For each category of people (visuals, audials, kinesthetics and discretes), one slide can contain information that they remember better.

    Slide 14

    Multimedia presentation as a modern learning tool

    The use of computer information technologies in education is one of the most important and sustainable trends in the development of the world educational process. Information technology learning is the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation, which is computer hardware and software.

    slide 15

    Benefits of using multimedia presentations

    this form allows presenting educational material as a system of bright reference images filled with rich structured information in the required algorithmic order. Various channels of students' perception are turned on, which makes it possible to assimilate and perceive information not only in factographic, but also firmly, motivated in an associative form in the memory of students.

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    Education using ICT tools allows you to create conditions for the formation of such socially significant personality traits as activity, independence, creativity, the ability to adapt to the conditions of the information society, for the development of communication skills and the formation of an information culture of the individual, creating a holistic picture of the world.

    Slide 17

    Multimedia tools have a lot of potential, the main thing is that students should realize this. This understanding should manifest itself in the interest of not only students, but also the teacher, which will allow him to take a fresh look at the methodology for constructing training sessions and work to create conditions for motivating schoolchildren in the learning process.

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    To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
    Text content of presentation slides:
    Project No. 4: Development of multimedia support for the system of training sessionsRogozaRomanValentinovichCompleted The leading slogan of previous years "Education for Life" was replaced by the slogan "Education throughout Life". The results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can: analyze their actions independently make decisions, predicting their possible consequences be mobile be able to cooperate have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity. System of requirements for modern lesson is determined by: 1. the concept of federal state educational standards, the principles of modern didactics, the position of the system-activity approach 2. the focus of educational activities on the formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education3. designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system4. active educational and cognitive activity of students5. building the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students and the competence-based approach. The system of requirements for the lesson includes Goal setting Motivation Practical significance of knowledge and methods of activity Content selection Goal setting Students should be given specific, achievable, understandable, diagnosable goals. If possible, goal-setting is carried out jointly with students, based on the formulated (preferably students) problem. Students should know what specific knowledge and skills (methods of activity) they will master in the course of activities in the lesson, they should also know the plan (methods) for achieving the goals. Motivation The teacher must form an interest (as the most effective motive) both in the process of learning activities and in achieving the final result. Effective motives are also the solution of an actual problem, the practical orientation of the content, the local history component of the content. The practical significance of knowledge and methods of activity The teacher should show students the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge and skills in their practical activities. Selection of content The lesson should be qualitatively worked out knowledge that ensures the achievement of the results of the lesson, defined by the program. All other information can be of an auxiliary nature and should not create overloads. The result of the lesson is the object of control, which requires the systematic diagnosis of all (personal, meta-subject, subject) planned results as the objectives of the lesson. Requirements for a modern lesson: a well-organized lesson in a well-equipped classroom must have a good beginning and a good ending; the teacher must plan his activities and the activities of students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson; the lesson should be problematic and developing: the teacher himself aims at cooperation with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates; the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activity of students; the conclusion is made by the students themselves; a minimum of reproduction and a maximum of creativity and co-creation; time saving and health saving; the focus of the lesson is children; taking into account the level and capabilities of students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspirations of students, the mood of children; the ability to demonstrate the methodological art of the teacher; feedback planning; the lesson must be good. Information that is in the zone of relevance is assimilated as efficiently as possible (that is, it is consistent with the current, perceived needs and interests of a person); served in the context of what is happening in the world around the child, combined with the current situation, with known information; affects the feelings of a particular person (which requires the formation of a personal attitude to information); actively carried out through different channels of perception (which determines the need to use a complex of various methods for organizing the educational activities of students); is the basis for decision-making (i.e., it requires the development of tasks for the practical use of information); transmitted to another person in the process of verbal communication. The main components of a modern lesson1. Organizational - the organization of the class throughout the lesson, the readiness of students for the lesson, order and discipline.2. Target - setting learning goals for students, both for the entire lesson and for its individual stages.3. Motivational - determining the significance of the material being studied both in this topic and in the entire course.4. Communicative - the level of communication between the teacher and the class.5. Content - selection of material for study, consolidation, repetition, independent work, etc.6. Technological - the choice of forms, methods and teaching methods that are optimal for a given type of lesson, for a given topic, for a given class, etc.7. Control and evaluation - the use of assessment of the student's activities in the lesson to stimulate his activity and the development of cognitive interest.8. Analytical - summing up the results of the lesson, analyzing the activities of students in the lesson, analyzing the results of their own activities in organizing the lesson. The algorithm of the teacher's actions in preparing for the lesson Taking into account the characteristics of class students Accounting for individual characteristics Compliance with the rules that ensure the successful conduct of the lesson Accounting for the characteristics of class students: class level; students' attitude to the subject; the pace of the class; formation of ZUN; attitude to different types educational activities; attitude to different forms of educational work, including non-traditional ones; general discipline of students. characteristics of students Accounting for individual characteristics: type of nervous system; communication; emotionality; managing the perception of new material by students; ability to overcome bad mood; confidence in their knowledge and skills; the ability to improvise; ability to use various teaching aids, including TCO and EVT. individual characteristics Compliance with the rules that ensure the successful conduct of the lesson: General Determine the place of the lesson in the topic, and the topics in the annual course, highlight the general task of the lesson. Select three books related to the topic of the lesson: scientific. Popular science, methodical. View the curriculum, re-read the explanatory note, read the requirements of the standard on this topic, find out what is required from the teacher for this lesson. Restore the textbook material in memory, select the supporting ZUN. in a way that it is accessible, understandable to students, understood by them. Determine what the student should understand, remember in the lesson, what he should know and be able to do after the lesson. Determine what educational material to tell the students, in what volume, in what portions, what Interesting Facts confirming the leading ideas, inform the students. Select the content of the lesson in accordance with its task, choose the most effective ways learning new material, forming new ZUN. Think over what and how should be written on the blackboard and in students' notebooks. Write the intended course of the lesson into the lesson plan, imagining the lesson as a holistic phenomenon. Compliance with the rules Compliance with the rules that ensure the successful conduct of the lesson: Private Be collected , clearly and clearly set tasks for students, follow the logic of presentation of the material. Be friendly, do not offend students, do not resent their ignorance or misunderstanding. Remember that if the majority of students do not know or understand something, then the mistake must be looked for in the methods of organizing their activities. Do not interrupt the student, let him finish. A fuzzy answer may be the result of an unclear question. Tasks and instructions should be given clearly, briefly, with the obligatory clarification of how the students understood the requirements. Pay close attention to how students listen to the teacher. Loss of attention is a signal that you need to change the pace, repeat what has been said or include additional material in the course of the lesson. Remember that active listening, focus on the task can be an indicator of attention. Save time, start the lesson on time, end it with a call, avoid long-term studies of students. To achieve the fulfillment of each of their requirements. Not a single requirement in the lesson should be simply declared! Keep the pace of the lesson intense, but feasible for most. Stimulate students' questions, support their initiative, approve their activity and awareness. Compliance with the rules Organizational moment: topic; goal; planned educational outcomes. Checking the completion of homework (if it was assigned). Preparation for active learning activities of each student at the main stage of the lesson: setting a learning task, updating knowledge. Posting new material. The solution of the educational problem. Assimilation of new knowledge. Primary check of students' understanding of new educational material (current control with a test). Consolidation of the studied material. Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Control and self-test of knowledge (independent work, final control with a test). Summing up: diagnostics of the results of the lesson, reflection of the achievement of the goal. Homework and instructions for its implementation. The structure of a modern lesson - I am not a source of knowledge in the lesson - I am the organizer of the lesson and the assistant to the children - The child must know why he needs it, i.e. we must formulate the goals of the lesson in the lesson together with the guys, and these goals are in the sphere of interests of the child. We exclude the words “wrong answer”, “wrong”, etc. from our vocabulary. Instead, constantly addressing everyone, we suggest discussing: “What do you think ...”, “I think that ..., but maybe I'm wrong ...” - No monologues in the lesson! Only dialogue, alive, in which everyone participates. Rules for every day to help the teacher P A G E | 0 0Thank you for your attention!

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