The role of the economy in the life of society presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard in social science (grade 11). Public health status


The role of the economy

in the life of society.

Atanov Musa Mukhametgaleevich Lecturer in History and Social Studies GBPOU Akyar Mining College named after I. Tasimova.

Economy as a subsystem


Under the economy is understood a wide area in the life of society, including the economy of enterprises, industries, the national economy as a whole, various aspects of economic life.

The economy is a life support system consciously built and used by people. »

Economic life significantly affects various phenomena of social life and society as a whole:

Society cannot exist without permanent production wealth

  • social production determines the development of its social structure
  • economic relations actively influence the political life of society
  • in the process of production, the necessary material conditions are created for the development of the spiritual life of society

Answer the questions:

1. Can a society develop without an economy?

2.Why study economics?

The economic life of society is primarily the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.

Production- the process of converting natural materials into economic goods

Exchange activities, goods and services.

Consumption- fundamental incentive for the development of production

Distribution created goods and services

Types of economic


When reprinting the material of one message, the secretary swapped some types of economic activity. Review the diagram and find the mistakes made when typing material



Furniture manufacturing. Medical services. Sale of apartments. Collection of taxes. Transfer of the right to use a land plot

Budgeting. Trade between enterprises. Lunch at a restaurant. Buying food




Receiving a pension. Retail. Showcase manufacturing. Domestic heating use.

Individual tailoring. Payment of allowances for children. Swimming pool visit. Purchase of medicines.



Furniture manufacturing. Medical services.



Collection of taxes. Payment of allowances for children.

Showcase manufacturing.

Individual tailoring.


Trade between enterprises.

Receiving a pension.

Transfer of the right to use a land plot


Swimming pool visit. Purchase of medicines

Lunch at a restaurant. Domestic heating use.


Purchase of food products.

Sale of apartments.


1. The existence of society is impossible without the constant production of material goods.

2. Social production determines the emergence and development of its social structure.

3.Economic relations influence the political life of society.

4. In the process of production, the necessary material conditions are created for the development of the spiritual life of society.

  • The task. Illustrate with examples the appropriate position of the text.

The standard of living is determined

1.GDP (gross domestic product) per capita.

2. Living wage.

3. The level of people's health.

4. The state of the environment.

5. Availability of cultural goods.

6. The degree of uneven distribution of income in society.

Compare economic indicators countries and answer the following questions:

Which country has the lowest standard of living and which has the highest? What affects this indicator?

What role do the following factors play in the economic development of the country:

Presence or absence of rich natural resources, efficient use of productive resources ?

GNP per capita (1995 US dollars)








pace ECONOMIC GROWTH in developing countries, on average, is noticeably higher than in developed countries, and in Lately this advantage in pace even increased

The level of economic development directly affects the standard of living in the country. The low level of economic development leads to consumption reduction : to consume more, you need to produce more.

The minimum level of consumption is determined by such an indicator as the poverty line.

Poverty rate They call the normatively established level of a person's monetary income for a certain period, which makes it possible to ensure his physical living wage.

Poverty lines set by the World Bank

The country

Doll. per day per person

Eastern Europe and CIS

1 dollar


Market economies


The social structure of society is an integral set of all communities taken in their interaction.

Based on the text of the textbook, pp. 130-131, illustrate with examples the mutual influence of the economy and the social sphere.

Health status



Formation of social


Income inequality poses a particular threat to political and economic stability in society.

In modern industrialized countries, welfare states are being created, i.e., incomes are redistributed in favor of the poorer and disadvantaged strata, etc.

  • absolute equality in income kills people's incentives for productive work.
  • income inequality can reach enormous proportions and threaten the political and economic stability of a society.
  • full income equality without adequate economic growth can lead to bankruptcy, and economic growth without social security can lead to social unrest.

The impact of the state on the economy

The state can act in the same direction as the economy - then the development of the economy goes faster.

The state can act contrary to economic development - then it crashes after a certain time.

The state can put barriers to economic development in some directions and stimulate it in others.

Let's discuss.

1. Why the economic system based on central planning failed. 2. What new functions and tasks should the state perform in the conditions market economy.

public welfare

Socio-political goals: freedom, legal order,

Economic policy goals: price stability, full employment, economic growth, foreign economic





The economy is a set of relations between people in the sphere of production, exchange, distribution and consumption, material goods.

The economy must be considered as the economy of a particular country, including certain sectors and types of production, and as the science of the laws of development and methods of rational management of the economy.

Each society, faced with the problem of limited available resources with an unlimited growth of needs, makes its own choice and in its own way answers the three basic questions of the economy: what to produce, how to produce, for whom?

The choice of the type of economic system depends on the legislative system, forms of ownership, mechanisms for making economic decisions, moral norms, habits, customs accepted in a given society.

The most important indicator of economic development is economic growth.

During periods of economic growth, more labor is needed, and during periods of recession, layoffs often occur. Such people become unemployed. The lack of money in the economy holds back its growth. Controlling the money supply central bank Russia.

Russian citizens, having average incomes lower than foreign ones, are forced to spend most of their income on food to the detriment of the need for services and industrial goods.

What is the role of the economy in the life of society?

  1. Provides people with the material conditions of their existence - food, clothing, housing, etc.
  2. It covers a wide area of ​​social life, including the economy of enterprises, industries, the national economy as a whole, finance, money circulation.
  3. It is the foundation of any society, since society can exist and develop thanks to continuous production.

Class: 11.

Type: consolidation of knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities.

Lesson technology: practical lesson.

Technological map of lesson No. 1

Lesson topic

Economic sphere of society

Lesson type

Consolidation of knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities

Lesson date

Educational Resources


Lesson plan

1. What is science and what is the main problem of economics

2. Solving tasks for definition

a) the main parts of the economy
b) types of economic systems
c) supply and demand
d) determining the level of unemployment
e) functions of money, family budget
f) directions of the policy of state regulation of the economy
g) features of the modern economy
h) directions of state policy in international trade
i) application of Engel's law

3. Conclusion

The purpose of the lesson


  • generalize and systematize knowledge in the section "Economics";
  • address gaps in knowledge;
  • to achieve the assimilation of concepts by students;


  • apply socio-economic knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems;


  • create conditions for an objective assessment of the importance of the economy in the life of a person and society and show the importance of economic knowledge at the present stage; develop respect for other people's property

Forms and methods of teaching

Methods: verbal, problem presentation, practical

Forms: individual, frontal, collective

Basic concepts and terms

Equity, banks, unemployed, gross domestic product, government budget, money, dividends, law of demand, law of supply, employment, production costs, inflation, imports, competition, supply curve, demand curve, macroeconomics, microeconomics, profit, protectionism, balance, savings, structural unemployment, factors of production, frictional unemployment, cyclical unemployment, economic system, economy, exports.

Planned educational outcomes

The volume of development and the level of competencies

Components of cultural competence experience/acquired competence

Will learn: understand the essence of economic institutions, their role in the socio-economic development of society; work with test control and measuring materials

They will have the opportunity to learn: analyze, transform and use economic information to solve practical problems in educational activities and real life

Can: apply the acquired knowledge and skills for the effective performance of the main socio-economic roles (consumer, producer, buyer, seller, taxpayer);

During the classes presented in the Technological map No. 2 - Appendix.


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Detailed solution Paragraph § 1 on social science for students in grade 11, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. Can a society develop without an economy? How are economics and living standards related? What is the portrait of the new economy at the beginning of the 21st century?

Society cannot develop without economy. Economy - economic activity society, as well as the totality of relations that develop in the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

The standard of living (well-being) is the degree to which the material and spiritual needs of people are satisfied by the mass of goods and services used per unit of time. The standard of living is based on the volume of real per capita income and the corresponding volume of consumption.

The new economy (neo-economics) is an economic infrastructure characterized by the predominance of intangible assets (services and technologies), and a decrease in the role of tangible assets. That is, it is the economy of knowledge, new information technologies, new business processes that provide leadership and competitiveness.

Questions and tasks for the document

By universal historical standards, the market mechanism cannot be regarded as a completely ideal form. Increasingly, researchers note in this context the so-called “market imperfection”, associated with the very problematic market opportunities in achieving a fair distribution and use of resources on Earth, ensuring environmental sustainability, and eliminating unjustified social inequality.

Question 2. What data confirm the deepening social inequality in the world?

According to the UN, the absolute extent of poverty in the world is increasing... Apparently, the future of the world economy should be associated with a more complex economic (socio-economic) mechanism than the actual mechanism of the market. In this mechanism, an increasing role will belong, along with market exchange relations, to various more subtle mechanisms that involve the achievement of social harmony between the multitude of subjects of socio-economic relations.

Question 3. Using the content of the paragraph and your knowledge of the course of social science, suggest possible (except for market exchange) mechanisms for achieving social harmony between participants in socio-economic relations.

In modern international relations, issues of international cultural cooperation are of particular importance. Today there is not a single country that would not pay close attention to building strong cultural contacts with the peoples of other states.

Culture, being a process of spiritual, creative, intellectual communication, implies mutual enrichment with new ideas in the context of cultural exchange and thus performs an important communicative function, uniting groups of people that are different in their social, ethnic, religious affiliation. It is culture that today is becoming the “language” on which the entire system of modern international relations can be built.

The theoretical and practical significance of cultural ties in the modern political space, the active processes of integration and globalization in the modern world, the problems of cultural expansion dictate the need to address the issues of international cultural exchange in the system of international relations.

International cultural exchange includes all the features of culture and reflects the main stages of its formation, which are directly related to contacts between peoples, states, civilizations and are part of international relations. Cultural ties have a significant difference from international relations in that the cultural dialogue between countries continues even when political contacts are complicated by interstate conflicts.

Cultural exchange in the system of international relations is a complex, complex phenomenon that reflects the general laws of international relations and the world cultural process. This is a complex of diverse cultural ties along the state and non-state lines, including the entire spectrum of various forms and directions of interaction, reflecting both modern international relationships, and historically developed forms, which have significant stability and breadth of influence on political, economic, social, cultural life.


Question 1. What are the place and role of the economy in society?

The economic life of society is primarily the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. These can be material goods, industrial and financial services, as well as spiritual values.

During the production process, natural materials are transformed, giving them properties that allow them to meet the needs of people. Distribution relations and the very consumption of goods and services by people significantly affect production. They can either stimulate or hinder its development. For example, the principle of distribution according to the quantity and quality of labor, used in all developed countries, significantly stimulates the work of employees, generates a material interest in increasing labor productivity, in creative influence on manufacturing process. On the contrary, the egalitarian principle of distribution does not give rise to such motives.

The fundamental incentive for the development of production is consumption as a process of using the results of production to meet certain needs of people and society.

An important manifestation of the economic life of society is the relationship of exchange between people, acting as an exchange of activities, goods and services.

The development of society and its economic life are closely interconnected. They relate to each other as a whole and its part. Economic life, being influenced by all aspects of social life (social, political, spiritual), in turn, also significantly affects various phenomena of social life and society as a whole. This conclusion is supported by the following statements:

The existence of society is impossible without the constant production of material goods and services;

Social production and, above all, the established division of labor and property relations determine the emergence and development of its social structure;

Economic relations actively influence the political life of society (economically dominant social groups, as a rule, seek to influence the work of the state apparatus, the activities of political parties, etc.);

In the process of production, the necessary material conditions are created for the development of the spiritual life of society (library buildings, theaters, equipment for publishing books, newspapers, etc.).

Question 2. What determines the wealth and prosperity of the country?

The level of welfare of the state to a large extent depends on the perfection of economic mechanisms, that is, the methods and forms of combining the efforts of people in solving life support problems. Such economic mechanisms include the division of labor, specialization and trade already familiar to you from history and social studies courses. They create conditions for the achievement of high labor productivity by the employee and allow producers to exchange the results of labor on a mutually beneficial basis. The significance of the operation of economic mechanisms for ensuring the level of people's well-being can be understood if we compare the standard of living of a society based on a subsistence economy (tribes of Africa, Latin America) and a commodity economy (the developed countries of the West). (Recall the advantages of the latter form of organizing economic life.)

The reason for the low efficiency of the economy may be the use of outdated technologies, low skill levels, wasteful use of natural resources, etc. A low level of economic development leads to a decrease in consumption: in order to consume more, you need to produce more. Thus, the level of economic development directly affects the standard of living in the country.

The minimum level of consumption determines such an indicator as the poverty line (level, poverty threshold). The level of poverty is called the normatively established level of a person's monetary income for a certain period, which makes it possible to ensure his physical (physiological) subsistence minimum.

The World Bank defines the global poverty rate at incomes of less than $1.25 a day per person. According to him, as a result of various crises in 2009, 50 million people fell below the poverty line, and by the end of 2010, approximately 64 million people lived in extreme poverty.

Perceptions of poverty vary from country to country. As a general rule, the richer a country as a whole, the higher its national poverty line. The conditions and methods of Russia's transition to a market economy have turned poverty into a serious problem for our country as well. Since the beginning of the XXI century. indicators in this area have been significantly improved. The share of the population living below the poverty line in Russia decreased from 29% to 12.6% from 1998 to 2011, i.e. by 2.3 times.

The main condition for solving this problem is economic growth.

Question 3. What economic mechanisms contribute to the movement of society to a higher level of well-being?

An important indicator and result of the economic life of a society is the standard of living of its members. This indicator characterizes a person's ability to satisfy the needs for goods, services and living conditions necessary for a comfortable and safe existence. Raising the living standards of the population is regarded as the most important goal of the country's socio-economic development.

For many centuries, the rulers were convinced that the wealth of the country and, accordingly, the well-being of its people is associated with the seizure of territories and the wealth of other peoples during wars, with the presence of significant natural resources (timber, oil, gas). However, the modern history of the economic development of countries proves that these factors are not decisive. For example, Japan is considered today a rich country, although it has limited resources and has long lost all previously captured foreign lands. The level of economic development allows the country to use these insignificant resources much more productively. It is the efficient use of production resources that is considered today as a valid criterion for the level of economic development of countries.

The standard of living in a broad sense includes many indicators: the level of people's health, the state of the environment, the degree of uneven distribution of income in society, the availability of culture, the cost of living, etc. for comparison with other countries.

Question 4. How can social peace be ensured in the face of increased social differentiation society?

The pace of social development, crisis or flourishing largely depends on such indicators as the total population, its growth rate, and health status. In turn, all these indicators are very closely related to the economic life of society. Thus, the birth rate is affected by the level of material well-being, living conditions, housing, the degree of involvement of women in social production.

At the same time, other social factors also influence birth rates, in particular the value preferences of the majority of the population. It is the latter that can be explained high level birth rates in many countries, including Russia, at the stage of traditional society, when a significant part of the population lived in poverty, and a drop in the birth rate in developed countries.

There is also an inverse relationship. The acceleration or deceleration of economic development depends on the total population, its density (in a region with a small population, the division of labor is difficult, subsistence farming lasts longer), growth rates (low rates make it difficult to reproduce the labor force and reduce production volumes, too high growth rates the population is forced to devote significant resources to its simple physical survival).

The health status of the population is also a factor in economic development. Its deterioration leads to a decrease in labor productivity in the economy, a reduction in life expectancy. An increase in the standard of living contributes to an increase in its duration. Thus, in recent years, the average life expectancy of men in Russia has increased and in 2012 amounted to 62 years.

The economic life of society has a noticeable influence on the formation of professional social communities. In traditional societies, where the social structure is most stable, socio-professional groups associated with subsistence farming and small-scale production remain. In the developed countries of the West, under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, a new middle class (intelligentsia, managers, highly skilled workers) is growing. At the same time, structural changes in the economy lead to a reduction in the industrial working class, the disappearance of clear boundaries between it and other social groups.

Question 5. Do we need democracy in a market economy?

The market economy, left to itself, gives advantages to some social strata and, conversely, “punishes” others. If it is not corrected with the help of social policy, then it can degenerate into a system that operates in the interests of a minority of society (the elite) and against the majority.

The social policy of the Russian government is aimed at supporting low-income citizens, regulating labor relations and facilitating the employment of the unemployed population, ensuring the availability of education and assistance in retraining personnel, ensuring freedom of entrepreneurship.

The problem of harmonizing the interests of various participants in the economic life of society remains relevant, therefore, the economic and social spheres must complement and mutually support each other.

Democracy and the rule of law create the most acceptable conditions for the functioning of a market economy. Thus, it is important for an entrepreneur to start his own business, knowing the “rules of the game” in the market space (what laws he can act on, what taxes to pay, etc.). And issues important to the economy, such as taxation, environmental laws, ordinances governing the relationship of employers and employees, should be openly discussed, taking into account the views of various parties.

In turn, the rule of law is based on civil society, which is made up of citizens who independently make decisions that realize private interests. Structural units of civil society in the economic sphere are private enterprises, cooperatives, joint-stock companies and other production cells created by citizens on their own initiative.

Question 6. Does government policy affect the conditions for the functioning of a market economy?

One of the public functions of the state is the use of available opportunities for economic development. Each country is faced with the problem of choosing the best option for such development, and the role of state policy is essential here. In recent decades, this policy has undergone a major reorientation in Russia.

In a market economy, the main functions of the state are to facilitate and stimulate the action of market forces through government policies. The most general, important condition for the existence of a market economy is the implementation by the state of such political goals as the free development of society, the legal order, external and internal security (these goals were indicated by Adam Smith).

The free development of society is understood both as a social and as an economic category. The higher the individual's freedom is valued in society, the more significant economic freedom is perceived.

The state is interested in ensuring the legal reliability of economic activity. The creation of a legal order involves, first of all, ensuring, through laws, the right to property, the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity.

Ensuring external and internal security involves the creation by the state of institutions to maintain public order within the country and the presence of a professionally trained army capable of protecting the country from outside attacks.

An important task of the state is the protection and maintenance of competition in the national economy, the fight against the desire of firms for monopoly. For the developing market economy of Russia, this is one of the most pressing problems. (Give examples of antimonopoly regulation of the economy by the Russian government.)

Question 7. What are the policy priorities Russian state in economics?

The priorities of the Russian state in the economy are constantly, although certainly not dynamic, changing depending on the global political and economic situation.

IN this moment serious attempts are being made to change this vector in the direction of orientation towards high, high technologies and increasing labor productivity.

Awareness of the need for such changes occurred a long time ago, but the political and economic preconditions forcing this process to be accelerated are only now being formed, before our very eyes.


Question 1. Aristotle, discussing the role of the state in economic affairs, noted that "the goal of the state is a joint promotion to a high quality of life." Do you share this point of view? Justify your answer.

All activities of the state should be aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens living in the country. And joint promotion means that both citizens and the state should work together as much as possible to improve the quality of life in the country.

Question 2. The population of the Earth is growing rapidly. In 2011, it amounted to 7 billion people. The first billion was reached by about 1800, and it took another 125 years to reach 2 billion. However, it took 50 years for the population to rise from 3 to 7 billion. At the same time, the center of growth from Europe and North America has moved to the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa. Explain the connection between the demographic situation in the world and the economic life of society. How does rapid population growth in poor countries and population decline in developed countries affect their economic development in general, such indicators as living standards, incomes, labor productivity, etc.?

The demographic situation is directly related to the economic life of society. If the population in poor countries increases, then the country will become even poorer, the standard of living will fall, incomes will decrease, all this will happen due to the labor market, etc. The more people in underdeveloped countries, the worse the situation in the country.

Population growth or decline does not affect economic development in general, as well as incomes, living standards, etc., until the situation becomes catastrophic. In this case, everything happens in accordance with normal development - the poor countries become even poorer, and the rich, hiring cheap labor, continue to get richer. However, it is precisely at these moments that global changes are possible on the political map of the world - wars become, first of all, wars for territories, and, accordingly, for food and other resources.

Question 3. How does the process of differentiation of incomes of the population in market conditions on the attitude of workers to work? What are the positive and negative results of socio-economic differentiation in the course of reforms in Russia.

The ratio of workers to work will fluctuate depending on the price for their work (in other words, wages). The higher the efficiency of labor, the higher the salary. The difference in income has not carried anything good yet. This is the germ of stratification.

Pluses - this is the desire to get an education in order to be in demand in the future as a qualified specialist who earns a lot of money. Minus - further stratification of the population. Stratification. The division into rich and poor.

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