Parent meeting "how to help your child study well" - presentation. How to help your child learn Attention can be


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Does your child often get distracted while doing tasks?

  • Yes. - 17 people
  • It's hard to say - 3 people.
  • No - 5 pers.
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    Can you call your child focused, assiduous?

    • Yes - 5 people
    • It's hard to say - 9 people.
    • No - 11 people
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    Would you like your child to be attentive?

    • Yes - 24 people
    • It's hard to say - 0 people.
    • No - 0 people
    • Other - 1 pers.
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    What do you do to ensure that your child develops attention?

    • We are engaged - 17 people.
    • Difficult to answer - 3 people.
    • We do not know - 1 person.
    • No answer - 4 people.
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    Do you think that such meetings should be attended by the whole family?

    • Yes - 21 people
    • Yes, but not always it turns out - 2 people.
    • Optional - 1 person.
    • No answer - 1 person.
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    • Attention is the ability of a person to focus on a particular object and phenomena.
    • Main properties: concentration, volume, stability, distribution, and switching.
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    Attention may be

    • Involuntary (having no purpose and volitional effort).
    • Arbitrary (the presence of a goal and its active maintenance through willpower).
    • Post-arbitrary (the presence of a goal, but without volitional effort).
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    attention span

    It is characterized by the number of objects simultaneously perceived and held in consciousness.

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    Attention is not once and for all this quality!

    • Attention can and should be developed!
    • It is difficult for a child to do this. He needs help to learn to control his attention. And the main assistants to the child can be mom and dad.
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    Individual features of attention:

    Steady but weakly shifted attention: children can take a long time and diligently solve one problem, but move on to the next with difficulty.

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    Individual features of attention

    • Easily switched attention in the process of work, but also easily distracted by extraneous moments.
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    • Well-organized attention is combined with a small volume.
    • Easily distracted attention.
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    • Sustained involuntary attention. Children focus on interesting features the material being studied.
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    If children do not have voluntary attention, then

    • They will replace letters - vowels or consonants, similar in acoustic characteristics: children - ted, children - beti, sounds - zhvuk.
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    If children have insufficiently developed attention span, they will

    • Skip letters in words - tava - grass, trva - grass;
    • In the examples, numbers and signs are skipped: 12-6=5 1 -6=5 12- 6 5;
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    • Help your children become mindful.
    • Purchase, read, and use books that contain exercises and games that help develop attention.
    • Attention is based on interest. Play with your children in various games that develop all the properties of attention.
    • Learn to play chess and checkers, because these games are called the "School of Attention".
    • Do not forget about sports and outdoor games, thanks to which you can develop not only strength and dexterity, but also attention, imagination, and quick thinking.
    • Teach children to be observant - able to notice changes in the world around them, to see the unusual in the ordinary, the unfamiliar in the familiar.
    • Constantly train your child's attention. Use for this walk in the fresh air, hiking, any opportunity.
    • Stimulate interest in developing attention with your own examples and examples from the lives of others.
    • In the family circle, demonstrate the child's achievements in developing their own attention.
    • Be patient and don't expect immediate, successful results.
  • The grades that our children receive are assessments of their work. Sometimes it turns out that student performance is declining compared to the past academic year or compared to the previous quarter. Why is this happening? Why do our children do not want to study and, as a result, get deuces?

    • - The grades that our children receive are assessments of their work. Sometimes it turns out that student performance is declining compared to the last school year or compared to the last quarter. Why is this happening? Why do our children do not want to study and, as a result, get deuces?
    The learning process requires attention and dedication. These variables depend on the interest and motivation of the child. The teacher is the intermediary between the student and the world of knowledge.
    • The learning process requires attention and dedication. These variables depend on the interest and motivation of the child. The teacher is the intermediary between the student and the world of knowledge.
    Why is the student involved at all? Why does he make a very significant effort every day for this? If you observe the behavior of some parents, you can come to the conclusion that only the fear of punishment makes the child learn. Of course, sometimes strictness must also be shown, but coercion to good academic performance as a constantly acting means cannot be considered in any way reliable and effective way her achievements. It only intensifies the aversion to school, study, or certain subjects.
    • Why is the student involved at all? Why does he make a very significant effort every day for this? If you observe the behavior of some parents, you can come to the conclusion that only the fear of punishment makes the child learn. Of course, strictness must sometimes be shown, but the enforcement of good academic performance as a permanent means cannot be considered any reliable and effective way to achieve it. It only intensifies the aversion to school, study, or certain subjects.
    The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. This is especially noticeable in first graders. Mastering reading immediately brings children one step closer to adults. Now you no longer need to ask to read a fairy tale. The child sees with his own eyes the benefits of acquiring a new ability.
    • The student wants to acquire new knowledge at school. This is especially noticeable in first graders. Mastering reading immediately brings children one step closer to adults. Now you no longer need to ask to read a fairy tale. The child sees with his own eyes the benefits of acquiring a new ability.
    The student strives for self-affirmation, recognition from adults. Only in action does it become clear to him what he can already and what is not yet, whether he is growing spiritually or remains at the same level.
    • The student strives for self-affirmation, recognition from adults. Only in action does it become clear to him what he can already and what is not yet, whether he is growing spiritually or remains at the same level.
    • We live in a society, and like all people, we want to be recognized by our neighbors. The most natural way to such recognition is our work in the team and for the team. Let's rejoice with our children in their successes and the recognition they deserve.
    Do you think that this goes without saying? Surveys have shown that parents of underperforming students show almost no joy even if their children bring home excellent grades, while parents of successful children are happy if their child just gets good grades. Paradox.
    • Do you think that this goes without saying? Surveys have shown that parents of underperforming students show almost no joy even if their children bring home excellent grades, while parents of successful children are happy if their child just gets good grades. Paradox.
    The child sometimes works worse due to the fact that his attention is diverted to some other things. For example, the child is disturbed by thoughts about home, sexual questions, fantasies, or obsessive thoughts.
    • The child sometimes works worse due to the fact that his attention is diverted to some other things. For example, the child is disturbed by thoughts about home, sexual questions, fantasies, or obsessive thoughts.
    Children may learn poorly as a result of deliberate avoidance of learning. This is especially pronounced among those adolescents who refuse to study at school, thereby seeking to protest against the adult value system. Some smart enough children refuse education, believing that it is not worth the work that has to be done to obtain it.
    • Children may learn poorly as a result of deliberate avoidance of learning. This is especially pronounced among those adolescents who refuse to study at school, thereby seeking to protest against the adult value system. Some smart enough children refuse education, believing that it is not worth the work that has to be done to obtain it.
    In some cases, the learning process may be associated in a child with painful or unpleasant sensations. A similar situation develops if parents punish the child for failure. It may happen that the child will associate punishment with learning and will avoid it. This can also happen when, among the child's peers, children who perform the tasks of the teacher at school and at home are despised, or considered to be "sucks". If a successful child is referred to by his friends as a “scribbler”, he may decide that he should not strive to succeed in school.
    • In some cases, the learning process may be associated in a child with painful or unpleasant sensations. A similar situation develops if parents punish the child for failure. It may happen that the child will associate punishment with learning and will avoid it. This can also happen when, among the child's peers, children who perform the tasks of the teacher at school and at home are despised, or considered to be "sucks". If a successful child is referred to by his friends as a “scribbler”, he may decide that he should not strive to succeed in school.
    Many, but not the student himself, puzzle over how to improve his performance. He remains with all this completely indifferent and even enters into the taste of his role as a passive observer. One often sees how such students consider their coming to extra classes as a great "mercy" on their part.
    • Many, but not the student himself, puzzle over how to improve his performance. He remains with all this completely indifferent and even enters into the taste of his role as a passive observer. One often sees how such students consider their coming to extra classes as a great "mercy" on their part.
    Should I help my child learn? Of course, yes. It is much more important to first think about using the active motives for learning that he himself has, so that he himself wants to learn, he himself takes care of eliminating gaps in his knowledge, he himself asks friends and relatives for help.
    • Should I help my child learn? Of course, yes. It is much more important to first think about using the active motives for learning that he himself has, so that he himself wants to learn, he himself takes care of eliminating gaps in his knowledge, he himself asks friends and relatives for help.
    Try the following with your child:
    • Try the following with your child:
    • How does the process of “scoldling” a child for poor grades usually take place? A tirade sounds: “Look how Masha (Vanya, Tanya, etc.) studies, and you ...? What did you bring in your diary?!”
    • Nothing but hostility towards parents, an ardent desire for them to leave behind as soon as possible, hatred for Masha (Vanya, Tanya, etc.) does not cause this in a child. And it would be strange if there was a different reaction.
    But you need to encourage the child to compete with other children, to call his ambition to action! So what to do? What should I say?
    • But you need to encourage the child to compete with other children, to call his ambition to action! So what to do? What should I say?
    • Create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere. Take a notepad, ruler, pen, calculator. Grab a diary or workbooks for all subjects. Try not to spoil the mood with remarks about an empty diary and sloppy notebooks.
    • Together with your child, calculate the sum of the last grades received in all subjects, not forgetting about physical education, drawing and work. This is your child's life, and everything is important in it.
    • The maximum amount can be 50 points. This is 10 ratings of "5". The minimum is 10 points. This is 10 ratings of "1".
    • All other successes of your child will fit between these two numbers. We explain to the child that this is the beginning of his competition with himself. These are his early successes.
    • Tip #1.
    We explain to him that after every 10 ratings received, we will repeat this procedure and see how the child grows and who will win this competition: he, who has grown a little, is new, or is he former! If, during the subsequent calculation, your child began to learn better by 1 or 2 points, this is very important.
    • We explain to him that after every 10 ratings received, we will repeat this procedure and see how the child grows and who will win this competition: he, who has grown a little, is new, or is he former! If, during the subsequent calculation, your child began to learn better by 1 or 2 points, this is very important.
    • This simple procedure is very popular with children. It will help them strive to surpass themselves!
    Consolidation of a new skill requires from 50 to 200 repetitions with obligatory intervals between them for consolidation. Therefore, do not demand the impossible from the child! Let him read, do something, then return to what he read.
    • Consolidation of a new skill requires from 50 to 200 repetitions with obligatory intervals between them for consolidation. Therefore, do not demand the impossible from the child! Let him read, do something, then return to what he read.
    • Council number 2.
    Teach your child to listen and mentally “draw a picture for themselves” of what the teacher is talking about, while not being distracted at all. Play by trying and practicing at home. Tell him something, and he will describe the picture he has. Having learned this, your offspring will spend less time on homework, because he will understand a lot in the lesson.
    • Teach your child to listen and mentally “draw a picture for themselves” of what the teacher is talking about, while not being distracted at all. Play by trying and practicing at home. Tell him something, and he will describe the picture he has. Having learned this, your offspring will spend less time on homework, because he will understand a lot in the lesson.
    • Council number 3.
    It is difficult what is not clear. Therefore, explain to the child every incomprehensible word. Teach him to use dictionaries, encyclopedias that correspond to his age.
    • It is difficult what is not clear. Therefore, explain to the child every incomprehensible word. Teach him to use dictionaries, encyclopedias that correspond to his age.
    • Council number 4.
    It is necessary to think aloud in front of the child, analyze, reason. It is necessary to think with the child together, plan, discuss. Resolve life situations. Teaching your child to think main duty parent!
    • It is necessary to think aloud in front of the child, analyze, reason. It is necessary to think with the child together, plan, discuss. Resolve life situations. Teaching your own child to think is the main responsibility of a parent!
    • Council number 5.
    Use the advice of D. Carnegie:
    • Use the advice of D. Carnegie:
    • Begin with praise and sincere recognition of the child's worth.
    • Paying attention to errors, do it in an indirect form.
    • Ask questions instead of orders.
    • Praise your child even for modest success.
    • Council number 6.
    Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleepy child is a sad sight in the classroom.
    • Make sure your child goes to bed on time. A sleepy child is a sad sight in the classroom.
    • Let the child see your interest in the tasks.
    • Read for yourself, let the child see that free time can be spent not only at the TV.
    • Do not speak badly about the school or criticize teachers in front of children.
    • Take part in the life of the class and school whenever possible.
    • Take note of the following:
    Of course, there is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Every child is unique. It is necessary to convince the child of the importance of becoming a knowledgeable and hardworking person. If we want our children not to have academic problems, we need to work patiently in this direction.
    • Of course, there is no single rule for everyone and for all occasions. Every child is unique. It is necessary to convince the child of the importance of becoming a knowledgeable and hardworking person. If we want our children not to have academic problems, we need to work patiently in this direction.

    More than two-thirds of underachieving students are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. And one of these reasons was the inability, and sometimes unwillingness of parents to provide timely support to their child in educational activities. And sometimes that help looks something like this:

    Some statistics 10% of children entering the first grade have visual impairments of varying degrees. 20% of children are at risk due to a tendency to myopia. Every day, children lack sleep from 1.5 hours to half an hour In 20% of schoolchildren, poor health is the reason for poor progress

    15% of first-graders complain of headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of desire to study. A third of first-graders have various posture disorders, which are aggravated in the first year of study. Only 24% of first-graders maintain a nightly sleep standard.

    Direction of assistance - maintaining and strengthening health, observing the daily routine, rational nutrition, morning exercises, playing sports, maintaining correct posture (correcting posture disorders), staying in the fresh air, alternating work and rest, observing the norm of sleep ...

    Direction of assistance - starting from preschool age, engage in the overall development of the child: develop all mental processes ( different types memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech ...); curiosity; Creative skills; develop the hand, especially fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Teach your child to communicate and cooperate with peers and elders. Teach discipline, the ability to manage your behavior. (A person without a brake is like a spoiled machine. From early childhood, children should be accustomed to the exact time and to the exact boundaries of behavior. A. S. Makarenko)

    If a son or daughter cannot sit himself down for lessons, what to do? This question can only be answered in this way: there is a long and hard work ahead to form the quality of arbitrariness in a student - the ability to control his own behavior so that a person becomes the master of his desires, and not vice versa.

    1) Lotto, checkers, dominoes, etc. games where the player must maintain voluntary attention. They will help 2) It is very useful for a child to do some work together with adults. What exactly is not so important. It is only necessary that this business be carried out quickly, cheerfully, without preliminary buildup, and without tedious pauses. You can clean the dishes together: an adult washes, a child wipes; read a book - adult page, he page; to adjust or repair something - dad works, and the child gives him nails, a hammer, a screwdriver.

    Direction of help control over homework, control should be systematic, and not from case to case, help to children should be provided in a timely manner as much exactingness to children as possible and as much respect as possible, control should be unobtrusive and tactful, it is very important to control the non-final product of their work, and the process itself is not to train them in individual skills and abilities, but to teach them to think independently, analyze, prove, turning to you for advice and help

    The place of work is also important. It must be permanent. Organized according to sanitary and hygienic standards. No one should interfere with the student. It is very important to study in a collected manner, at a good pace, without being distracted by extraneous matters. Those who work fast work well

    It is necessary to teach children to plan the upcoming work. For example, when solving a problem: read the problem, imagine what is being said; briefly write down the condition, scheme; explain what each number means, repeat the question of the task; think about whether it is possible to answer the question of the problem; if not, why not; draw up a plan for solving the problem; check the solution; write solution in notebook

    Directing help teaching independence Do not rush to point out mistakes, let the child find them himself Do not give a ready answer to their questions, let the child look for the answer to it himself, and you help him Teach children to highlight the educational task, i.e. the child must clearly imagine what skills and knowledge he must master in order to be able to perform this or that task. The child must have constant responsibilities

    2 extremes preschool education leading to a reluctance to learn even before entering school: parents do not conduct joint cognitive activities with the child, and then the child's cognitive interest is simply not formed; or parents "stuffed" the child from an early age with various knowledge, which causes rejection in him.

    For students elementary school grades are a fairly strong incentive to study. Praise is extremely important for children. junior schoolchildren we have not yet moved very far from the age of why-cheeks. It is for these two reasons that among elementary school students, as a rule, there are a little underachieving, future “losers”.

    Senior schoolchildren (grades 10-11), as a rule, are already aimed at entering a university, they imagine what academic subjects they need, or are interested in any science due to natural inclinations. At the same time, it is curious that subjects that are not of interest, that are not important for the university, are abandoned

    The most neglected group in terms of the goals and motives of education are middle school students, from grades 5 to 9, or more precisely, of them, six, seven and eight graders. It is with these children that the teacher is most difficult to work. They have absolutely no idea why they are studying, receiving a wave of information and no instructions on how to deal with it further. It is at this level that the risk of losing a person who yearns for spiritual growth in a child is extremely high. It is at this age that a lazy person develops, bored in the classroom.

    How to be? How to correct the situation, how to interest the child in learning, instruct him "on the right path"? To help a child regain interest in learning, it is imperative to make him understand what education is for, what is its true goal, what exactly the child will benefit from, what he will actually learn by memorizing boring formulas and exceptions to spelling rules.

    It is necessary to constantly maintain the fire of knowledge in the child, not to let it go out. The constant children's question "What's inside?" should accompany a person from childhood to old age, only he helps to develop thinking in a person, teach him to think and reason. Of course, parents should and can help the child in this difficult matter.

    Be sure to use additional sources of information: children's encyclopedias, all kinds of "entertaining mathematics" and similar publications, educational computer programs, which are usually made in an exciting, often semi-game form.

    Participate in competitions, olympiads, conferences. This will help your child not only maintain interest in learning. The child will develop, his horizons will expand, his creative abilities will develop, he will learn to apply his knowledge in a new environment, speak in public (he will develop his speech, learn to control himself, his behavior) ...

    You should definitely read together. And not only to read, but also to discuss what has been read. And of course, at every step the question “Why?” should be asked. Why did the hero of the book or film act this way and not otherwise? Why do we write "water" and not in another way? Why are plant leaves green? Why does a person need eyelashes? And so on and so forth…

    Develop yourself, and your child will develop with you! And remember: loving, caring and wise parents are a guarantee that the child will not only study well, but also grow up as a thinking, educated person, a real Personality! You will succeed, you just have to want!

    Sources of information: html shkole/ shkole/ uchitsia-v-shkole.html uchitsia-v-shkole.html htm a/kak_nauchit_rebenka_sosredotachivatsja/ a/kak_nauchit_rebenka_sosredotachivatsja/

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    “The greatest mistake that can be made in the matter of education is to be in too much of a hurry.” J. Rousseau

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    What does it mean to study well? Be hardworking, not lazy, conscientiously prepare for all lessons. Be curious, read a lot. Be attentive in class. Be able to think, think, be quick-witted, savvy. Be kind, be in a good mood.

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    What, in your opinion, ensures the success of the lesson? Readiness of the child for the lesson (availability of homework and school supplies) Attentiveness and cognitive activity of the child Parents' awareness of how the child's educational affairs are, their interest in the successful educational activities of the child.

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    Based on the foregoing, it follows: The child should take homework seriously, and parents should look through notebooks and diaries daily; if necessary, ask for explanations on a particular fact, and then ask how you can help. Stimulate cognitive activity child, develop his curiosity.

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    Weekly study load in primary grades: in Russia - 20-24 hours In Finland and Germany - 28-32 hours Information for reflection

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    The maximum amount of homework in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2.9 of SanPin 2.4.2 1178-02 1 class - 1 hour from the 2nd half of the year 2 class - 1.5 hours 3 class-4 class - 2 hours

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    What do you think are the problems: Why do our children lose interest in learning?

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    Situations Within 5 minutes you have to familiarize yourself with them and present your versions, one of which shows how not to act in this situation, and the other how to do the right thing.

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    Situation 1 The child is desperate because he cannot solve the problem. At the same time, he answers your questions about its content with difficulty or does not answer at all. How should a parent act in this situation, who, perhaps, is not strong in mathematics himself? 1. What should I do? 2. What should not be done?

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    Situation 2 The day before, the child has long and hard prepared the world around him. But the teacher demanded not only to reproduce the content of the paragraph, but also asked a number of questions about it. As a result - only "troika". The child declares that he will not study the subject anymore, because it is “useless”. What to do? 1. What should I do? 2. What should not be done?

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    Situation 3 When you come home from work, you find your child in tears. After talking with the child, you understand that he does not know how to write an essay: where to start, what is his logic, how to choose the main thing. But the biggest difficulty is that the child is absolutely sure that he will never succeed. In addition, his friends have been waiting for him for a long time to play football in the yard. How to help a child without breaking him? 1. What should I do? 2. What should not be done?

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    Tips for parents to support their child in learning activities. Rule one: do not beat the lying. A "D" is enough punishment, and you shouldn't punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

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    Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. If possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that you want to eliminate in the first place, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant. Otherwise, your child will stop responding to your words, become insensitive to your assessments.

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    The fourth rule: to praise - the performer, to criticize - the performance. The score must have the exact address. The child usually believes that his whole personality is being evaluated. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

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    Rule Five: Evaluation should compare the child's successes today with his own failures yesterday. Don't compare your child to someone else's. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated according to its merits.

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    Teach him to control whether he has achieved them or not. Do not insist that he complete an unbearable number of additional examples, problems, equations without errors and corrections. Rule Six: Set affordable goals for your child

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    Exercise 1. Choose as many titles for the story as possible. In autumn, my father brought me a small onion. He said that joy is hidden in the bulb. Mom took the pot with the onion to the basement. A month later, a sprout appeared. I put the pot in the bathroom. She covered the sprout with a paper cap. He needed a chill. Here is the bud. I moved the flower to the window. Before the New Year, blue fragrant flowers opened. It was a hyacinth. Hyacinth decorated our festive table. Such was the joy in the gray onion.

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    Exercise 2 Retell as briefly as possible using 1-4 sentences. In autumn, my father brought me a small onion. He said that joy is hidden in the bulb. Mom took the pot with the onion to the basement. A month later, a sprout appeared. I put the pot in the bathroom. She covered the sprout with a paper cap. He needed a chill. Here is the bud. I moved the flower to the window. Before the New Year, blue fragrant flowers opened. It was a hyacinth. Hyacinth decorated our festive table. Such was the joy in the gray onion.

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    Exercise Z. "Expressing thoughts in other words." This summer will be very warm.

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    Slides captions:

    How to help your child become attentive
    Tufleikina G.A.Teacher of primary grades, MBOU Savvinskaya secondary school.
    Attention is exactly the door in front of which everything that enters the soul of a person from the outside world passes. K.D.Ushinsky
    Attention is a mental process that is necessarily present when a child cognizes the world and manifests itself in the direction and concentration of the psyche on certain objects.
    The success of our children in school and other activities largely depends on the formation of their ability to be attentive.
    Attention Properties
    Traditionally, the following properties of attention are distinguished - concentration, stability, distribution, switching and volume. Concentration determines how intensely a child can focus on an object, as well as how much he is able to resist distractions, random interference. the level of concentration of the psyche on the object or the activity being performed. Poorly concentrated, unstable attention manifests itself in absent-mindedness.
    The amount of attention - this property depends on the number of objects that the child can simultaneously perceive, "grab" with the same clarity. The amount of attention is limited. Distribution involves the dispersal of attention at the same time to several objects. It is this property that makes it possible to perform several actions at once. Switching is characterized by the ability of a person to consciously and intentionally move the focus of attention from one object to another. If attention is stable, well concentrated, distributed, switched and has a large volume, we say that the properties of attention are well developed.
    At primary school age, well-developed properties of attention are one of the factors that directly determine the success of learning. Thus, in attentive children, the success of mastering mathematics is most closely related to the amount of attention, the success of mastering the Russian language depends on how accurate the distribution is, and good reading - from the stability of attention.
    Attention properties can and should be developed. It is important for a growing child to understand why he must be attentive, and for this he must be taught to be attentive.
    Ways to develop attention
    Systematic training of the properties of attention Cognitive motivation Organization of attention Interest of the student in learning Formation of volitional habits
    For the development of mindfulness as a stable characterological feature of the student, the most important habits are the regular and accurate performance of one's duties and self-control. The active life position of the student, the desire for self-improvement, for the maximum expansion of one's capabilities act as a factor that determines the formation of attention.
    To develop attention with children, you can conduct the following classes Questions for observation:
    Close your eyes and describe what the guys you play with are wearing? Without turning around, name all the items. Which are behind you, describe their shapes. Sitting with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes, list all the sounds that you will hear, etc. Didactic games for observation: “What has changed?”, “What is the mistake?”
    Game exercises that contribute to the development of attention 1. Numerical chains
    2. Spot the difference
    The simplest but very effective exercise. Comparing two images, children often look for differences, moving their eyes around the picture randomly, unsystematically. Lead the child to the idea of ​​purposeful search.
    3. Messed up lines, "Labyrinths"
    This exercise is aimed at developing concentration.
    4. Concealer
    The game for the development of attention stability is the most effective. It is recommended to refer to this exercise regularly. The purpose of the task is to cross out letters or icons in accordance with the sample. Mistakes are missing or incorrectly crossed out icons and letters.
    For example, cross out in each line the letter that is the first in it: The next step is to cross out one letter in the line and underline the other. For example, we cross out "e", and underline the letter "m".
    To get acquainted with game exercises for the development of attention in schoolchildren, it is proposed to use the materials of the book by Tikhomirov L.F. "The development of the intellectual abilities of the student: A popular guide for parents and educators"
    Thank you for your attention!

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