Contextual advertising for beginners. Contextual advertising for beginners. We debunk myths. Netology courses reviews


A detailed answer on how to earn money on contextual advertising and what services allow you to earn money.

Some get the opportunity to create a source of permanent income on the Internet, and the second - a specific target audience.

After all, according to statistics, unlike the bright and defiant banners of teaser advertising, contextual advertising inspires confidence in more than 40% of people.

That is, people make clicks on ads purposefully.

What exactly needs to be done so that users notice the placed blocks and the income on them grows, this article will tell.

What is the essence of the way to make money on contextual advertising?

If you have been an Internet user for more than a day, then you have definitely seen contextual advertising, because it is everywhere.

Ads designed in blocks with the inscription "Begun" or "Yandex.Direct" - this is it.

Part of these funds goes to the intermediary platform as a reward for its services.

That is, a well-tuned block, for example, with frying pans will not be in the middle of a car forum.

It is located at the very top, side or bottom of the results when the user is looking for something purposefully.

Thanks to numerous precise settings and algorithms, the "context" is displayed only in accordance with the content of the page.

Such a scheme is aimed at the fact that a visitor to a resource on a certain topic will be more interested in the proposed thematic product than someone random.

The system of operation of such programs is thoroughly known, perhaps, only to developers.

How much can you earn on contextual advertising?

It is impossible to name the exact amounts of how much you can earn on contextual advertising. But it can be clarified that on Russian intermediary sites, a click is estimated at 0.1-100 rubles.

And the total earnings per month can range from insignificant 500 rubles to tens of thousands!

This variation is influenced by the subject of the resource on which the advertisement is located, which user clicked on it, and so on.

Earnings on contextual advertising: where to start?

After all of the above, you should have been left with the main question: how to start making money on contextual advertising?

  1. Of course, the first and main step is the choice of topics and creation.
    There are some areas that are more in demand than others.
    This includes women's sites, business topics, finance, seasonal offers.
  2. For placement, choose exclusively paid hosting.
    With the free one, you can also try your hand at some resources.
    But only a paid one will pass any test and will allow you to bring more income.
  3. Choose one or several systems for advertising at once.
    Experienced webmasters recommend starting with Runner (we will talk about it below), as with the simplest system.
    After it, you can switch to Yandex.Direct.
  4. Track statistics and experiment with the type, placement of contextual advertising to get better results and more earnings.

What services allow you to earn on contextual advertising?

When the site has already been created and promoted, you can proceed to the selection of a specific intermediary site for placing blocks.

There are three main ones:

  • Popular site for beginners.
    A special advantage for them is the absence of restrictions on the number of visitors to the resource.
    Literally anyone can start earning.
    And the system for withdrawing earned money is simple and familiar - to a WebMoney wallet.
    But it also has its limitations, of course.
    Users do not have such a variety of design options for ad units.
    And the cost of a click is somewhat less, although using the site is much easier and more convenient.
  • Yandex.Direct is more picky when choosing sites.
    And it is worth noting that it serves only the Russian-language category of sites.
    In addition, they must be located on a paid hosting.
    Before submitting your application for partnership here, you will need to work hard on promotion.
    At a minimum, the number of your daily visitors must exceed 300.
  • also, and even more attentive to the choice of sites for placing blocks.
    It puts forward certain requirements for the life of the resource, its content, quality and safety.

Different sites have different prices.

So YAN offers you 50%.

But if you pass Google's rigorous selection, you can already count on 68% (of each person's click).

How to earn more on contextual advertising?

As mentioned above, in order for a click to pay higher, you need to choose one of the most profitable topics.

After that, your efforts should be focused on developing the site and attracting new visitors.

Experienced users say that nothing leads to a resource better than raising its position in search engines.

This can be done using various website optimization techniques.

Oddly enough, in addition to generally accepted topics that gather a large audience, the method of concentration works well.

For this, sites of a certain narrow subject are created. There are usually fewer visitors.

But at the same time, the percentage of those who click on contextual advertising is higher. In sum, this gives the best earnings on contextual advertising.

A good example of such a site is the fan clubs of certain car brands and the like.

But in addition to choosing such a narrowly focused topic, do not forget about filling the site with quality content.

In general, for a stable and growing income from contextual advertising, it is important that you pay due attention to the site itself. Create it not for profit, but for people.

Then your business will go up.

Earnings on contextual advertising: how to place?

The indicator of 40% of attention from users is averaged. Of the people who came to the resource for a specific purpose, only 30% will pay attention to your contextual advertising.

But of those who got to the site by accident, already 50% will devote time to studying the placed blocks.

In any case, your goal is to ensure that the attention of those and others is not distracted by anything. Then the indicators will be kept at the specified level, and earnings will increase.

  1. It is believed that the user should not scroll the page of the site in order for the blocks to fall into his field of vision.
    Place them closer to the beginning.
  2. It is obvious that the excess of advertising is annoying and repulsive.
    But a single block will also attract fewer clicks.
    Optimal number blocks you need to pick up yourself, observing the "golden mean".
  3. Choose a size for your ad so that it doesn't take up too much space, but doesn't get lost.
    Pay attention to which arrangement will look better on the page - horizontal or vertical.
  4. You can use statistics that indicate the following: a person's gaze moves from left to right.
    Therefore, the information placed on the right is perceived by the brain more significantly.
  5. Please note that the placement of ad units on the main page and the rest should be different.
    In the same way, how the focus of users' attention on them differs. Where the main place is occupied by content, blocks will be better seen on the right. But on the main one, more views are directed to the upper part.

also explained in the video:

Briefly answer the question, how to make money on contextual advertising, is as follows: fit blocks into the content of the page organically, follow the rules for using the chosen advertising system and develop your site.

After all, the larger and better your audience will be, the more transitions there will be. Accordingly, your level of earnings will also increase.

In order to start working with contextual advertising, you need to understand the main meaning of its purpose.

At one time, when I was just starting to work with contextual advertising, my mother asked me:

What do you do at work?

At that time, I already worked in an agency and was a trainee. Putting this fundamental meaning into her head was not easy ... But I found one simple example that absolutely accurately deciphered the whole essence of contextual advertising.

Let's imagine.

You got up early in the morning and are in a hurry to meet. When you go to the track, it becomes clear that there is still time to drink a cup of espresso and then right on the road you will see this:

I think most likely you will turn to drink coffee!

Only in contrast to this example, the arrow is not set on the highway, but at various sites on the Internet.

What is Yandex Direct

This is a system that allows you to place contextual advertising on Yandex and on the sites of its partners. Ad impressions occur on demand in a search engine (Search advertising)

or on thousands of other sites where it may be located potential client(Thematic advertising).

In other words, we can show our ad in the first positions of Yandex tomorrow if you do everything that is written in this instruction!

What is Google Adwords

Again I want to remember about pointers and arrows).

Let's pretend we're seeing a super creative pointer that generates strong interest in a product! For example, we see an advertisement for a Ford Mustang!

We see it from afar and rejoice because we want to see these monsters live.

But there is one thing ... When we drive closer, we understand that this sign is located above garage cooperative lovers of restoration of old Ford Mustangs. One of the owners messed with advertising to sell his Ford.

This, of course, is a highly contrived situation, but in my practice it happens!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising?

And now let's talk about the most interesting!

The main advantages of contextual advertising:

    Quick launch and first results

    Convenient for calculating the economy and profitability

    Mass involvement of the target audience

    Quick Checks

Let's take a look at each of the points.

Quick and easy launch of contextual advertising

These numbers are displayed provided that the specialist does everything right:

But we are now talking about the correct and high-quality setting.

Why is 2-3 days fast?

Why contextual advertising is better than SEO promotion

Compared to organic SEO, this approach is really fast! In SEO, you can reach such high positions in at least a couple of weeks (for low-frequency queries).

Compared to SEO, you don't need to build a huge website (with lots of pages).

I'll reveal a secret!

You can start even without a website! This can be done using Yandex Business Cards! In other words, without a website, we can enter the top three in Yandex search results for any request.

Contextual advertising, convenient in calculating savings and payback

One of the strongest benefits of contextual advertising is the ease of calculating effectiveness.

Such easy settings will be enough to calculate the cost of attracted applications or calls.

But if you want to work with deeper numbers like ROI (return on investment), ROMI (return on marketing investment), DRR (advertising spend to ad revenue ratio), etc. , You need

In other words, we can easily download statistics on advertising campaigns from the interface and generate a report for analysis advertising campaigns.

Here is a small example of how this can be done:

Here it is clear what day:

    how many clicks we received (Clicks)

    how much did the transition cost (CPC)

    what was the consumption per day (Expense)

    how many applications were there, how many calls were there and how many of both (Appeals)

    how much did one call cost (CPO)

    what is the return of the site (CR)

Contextual advertising is convenient in optimizing and increasing advertising spending

After the formation of such a report, it becomes clear to us how to influence this or that figure.

For example, we can reduce the average cost per click in contextual advertising.

Thus, we will reduce the cost of one targeted action from the site, due to the fact that we will buy clicks much cheaper.

Or, for example, increase the number of clicks per day by expanding the limits on daily spending in contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising as a tool for mass involvement of the target audience

The next very cool advantage is mass character.

Returning to you thematic contextual advertising, we immediately discover tens of thousands of sites for distributing our product.

Just imagine that the audience coverage in the Yandex advertising network is approximately 50 million people.

And many simply do not take advantage of this opportunity.

I'm not talking about Google at all. This is a global search engine that has launched its tentacles into almost every site of the global Internet.

The most important thing is to set it up right!

Quick clients from contextual advertising

This advantage is the most significant among all entrepreneurs.

There is only one reason for this - People drive in what they are interested in here and now!

Here is a simple example.

A man's gearbox broke down on the highway. And he urgently needs a tow truck!

Where would he go first for help?

I think in the search engine.

Obviously, this person is ready to pay immediately to get help.

Accordingly, the transaction cycle is 1-3 hours (until the tow truck arrives, loads and delivers).

You can think of any number of such examples!

Disadvantages of contextual advertising

All this is very cool! But few people want to talk about the minuses of the context.

All novice startups get into contextual advertising, pour money into it and do not understand why they are constantly in the red.

I want everyone who has never tried this type of advertising:

    It's not cheap and it doesn't always pay off.

    It doesn't suit everyone

    You won't always be at the top of the search results

Contextual advertising is not cheap

There are very few niches where they are not yet placed in contextual advertising. This is logical based on such a large number of advantages.

For example, a septic tank niche (autonomous sewers for summer cottages)

This screenshot is from the Yandex Direct interface (Yandex contextual advertising).

Based on these data, the minimum cost of the transition is 264 rubles (in reality, it will be slightly lower).

Now let's count.

To receive one application from the site, on average, about 30 clicks are needed (for an average site.

30 (clicks) * 264 (rubles, the cost of one click) = 7920 rubles (the cost of one application)

And very often, in order to get a sale, you need at least 5-6 applications from customers (on average).

Thus, the cost of one ready-made client who pays money will be 47,520 rubles.

Contextual advertising is not for everyone!

Now imagine that your business is grocery store. No contextual advertising will help here.

The fact is that customers know exactly where to buy products. They simply do not need to go to Yandex or Google to find information about prices for milk or buckwheat.

If it is clear how to find a product without a search engine, there is no point in climbing into contextual advertising.

You won't always be at the top of the search results

Now, I will refute the most popular argument of many entrepreneurs.

It is impossible to win the desired position in the search results every second, due to the change of three main indicators for all participants in the auction:

    The CTR indicator (click-through rate) changes every second, as the same ad may or may not be clicked on.

    The click-through rate changes every second, in accordance with the change in CTR, since these 2 indicators are in the same auction formula

    Quality Score, a more stable score, is formed from historical data on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. But it also changes over time.

Based on this, we can say for sure that with the help of contextual advertising it is impossible to lock up one position in the SERP for the entire duration of the advertising campaign.

Many people believe that if you place the maximum bid, the position will be 100% booked. But if, for example, an advertiser with a higher CTR and the same bid enters, the advertiser will be forced out of the position.

I propose to dive deeper into the study of the issue of contextual advertising.

To begin with, I want to analyze the Yandex search advertising auction.

    Quality factor

    Transfer rates

Ads with the best performance get into special placement (this is the name of the block immediately below the search results)

and in the block of guaranteed impressions (this is the name of the block at the bottom of the search results).

The rest of the ads can get into dynamic impressions (on the second and subsequent pages of the issue), where the probability of being shown also depends on these indicators.

To calculate the CTR, a click probability forecast is used.

It is based on historical statistics of impressions and clicks on the keyword (as well as other indicators).

The quality score is determined by: the relevance of the ad to the search query, the relevance of the ad to the landing page of the site, etc.

Each ad participates in them with its own rate - the maximum amount that the advertiser is willing to pay per click.

The cost per click is greatly affected by competition from other advertisers. The more and richer they are, the more difficult it is to advertise next to them on the search engine results.

Here we don't fight for search results. We fight for the number of sites where our ad will be shown and the audience on these sites.

In a word, this is called reach.

When displayed in networks, the reach of the audience depends on the cost per click. The higher the CPC, the more people can see your ad on Yandex partner sites.

The ads themselves look a little different. Here is an example of a YAN announcement in Yandex mail.

Other rules are very important here:

    Bright header

    Short and clear sentence

    A beautiful picture (it is not on the example, but it is better to put it)

We prescribe ads, taking into account all the possibilities of contextual advertising systems

Set the conditions for displaying ads

Now in order.

In order to understand which of the search engines is more likely to demand, they use various types of planners and demand check systems.

To enter the forecaster, you need to have Yandex mail.

Advertising budget calculation:

    We enter the region in which the advertisement will take place (note that it is possible to show ads very narrowly, up to the city).

    The last step is the choice keywords for

A step-by-step algorithm in these actions is possible.

Selection of key phrases.

The most popular keyword selection service is

This service is convenient because it allows you to understand how many times each word is entered per month.

For example:

In the left column, we are shown the phrases associated with the request “ plastic windows”, which were entered during the month by people all over Russia (the region can also be configured).

When choosing words, it is important to use them (they remove unnecessary queries from the displayed list). The most popular operator is , which I advise you to immediately enter into wordstat to exclude unnecessary words.

Also in this service, you can see the seasonality of demand for each key phrase.

Automation systems are also used to select words.

KeyKollector belongs to such systems.

Here is the result you can get.

In the column I have highlighted, it is immediately clear how much you will need to pay for monthly continuous promotion, for individual positions in the ad unit.

Therefore, for those who want to be yours in the SERPs you need to pay more.

To calculate the budget for Google, you can go in 2 ways:

    Reduce the amount received in Yandex by 8-10% (this is a very approximate adjustment, since on average advertising on Google is cheaper by this %)

    Or go through the same steps but in another planner -

Unlike Yandex Planner, Google leads you step by step and you definitely won't get confused.

Creating a contextual advertising campaign

Let's analyze Yandex Direct.

At the first stage, preliminary settings are carried out:

    Phrase optimization

  1. Notifications

    Special settings

Now let's go in order.

A very important setup step. The fact is that the launch of advertising does not end there. At the second stage, analysis is carried out in analytical systems, and if we do not understand which of the segments of the audience orders are flying from, it will be difficult for us to manage advertising in the future.

Usually, the main advertising settings are sewn into the name of the campaign, such as:

    Campaign type (search or thematic)

    Display geography

    Keyword segments (for example, dedicated only to a specific section of the site)

It is also better to call campaigns in English letters.

This is necessary because data is pulled into analytical systems from the referral tail of the link that the user clicked on. Sounds difficult!

Such a name will be displayed equally correctly in both Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics.

Advertising schedule

We must immediately decide at what time and days we will advertise.

In the future, the setting can be adjusted and very flexibly (this is one of the strongest advantages of Yandex Direct).

We can choose any day and time! But there is one thing.. Impressions must be allowed for at least 40 hours on weekdays.


Also a very important setting. If you miss it, you can accidentally drain money to an unnecessary region.

For example, you only need the Moscow region, and the stock settings go all over Russia!

It should have looked like this:

If you need to remove any individual cities, then simply uncheck them.

Also in the settings there is the possibility of adjusting the rate for individual cities!

Don't check the box for "advanced geotargeting" unnecessarily!

Here is a short transcript of this function in Yandex Direct support ( - Advanced geographic targeting allows you to show ads when searching for queries that include the name of the display region, even if the user is in another region. For each request, Yandex search automatically determines the region of interest to the user.

Ad impression management

This feature determines how bids will be managed in your ad account.

The first and probably the most important!

Be sure to separate campaigns into search and thematic.

This is very important, because these types of campaigns participate in different auctions (with a mixed type, a mess occurs).

In this article I will describe the basic things that must be in Yandex Direct ads (many of them are similar in Google Adwords and it will be quite simple).

Here is an example of a well-written plastic window ad.

It takes into account the following points:

    Ad group name

    Announcement text

    Virtual business card

Now let's look at each of the points.

Ad group name

Typically, an ad group is named based on the keywords it promotes.

In this example, the promoted keyword is plastic windows.

Ad Header

One of the basic rules for writing an ad is the relevance of the title to the keyword. In other words, “Title = Keyword”.

Why is it important:

    In this case, the title will be highlighted in bold

    The auction entry rate will decrease (we follow the editorial rules for writing ads from Yandex Direct)

    The CTR will increase, because ad will be more prominent

Second title in ad

The second heading is better to prescribe based on the main advantages of the product or service. The point is that the second heading will be line-wrapped along with the first one:

And we get a double effect:

    Ad is more visible

    More selling ad

Announcement text

There are several mechanics for writing ad text.

One of them is the “fat cloud”. This approach allows you to make ads more visible by including keywords in it!

In my example, the word “Plastic windows” appears in the first part of the text.

On SERPs, keywords will be highlighted in bold.

The rest of the ad text is filled with benefits and calls to action.

Landing page

When selecting site pages, it is important to give the user a relevant response to the key query that he entered.

For example, if the query is “the cost of installing plastic windows”, you should not lead to the main page. Most likely, a person will not find information about the cost of installation on the first screen and leave. In this case, you need to select the appropriate page on the site dedicated to the cost of installation.

A person decides whether to stay on the page or not, on the first screen.

UTM label

The most fundamental thing that should be present in any kind of online advertising. With it, we will be able to:

    track the return on specific ads

    track the performance of individual images

    track the performance of individual keywords

    keyword cost is affected

    keywords must be checked in in order for ads to run on it (if no one enters your keywords, it will be assigned

Negative keywords

The main purpose of negative keywords is to limit impressions for the selected keyword.

For example, by putting the query “plastic windows” in the list of keywords, we can appear on the request “plastic windows reviews”. If there are no reviews on the page where you want to send traffic, this word should be sent as a negative keyword.

There can be thousands of such words!

Yandex Metrica segments

In the first two cases, we create an audience that visited our site, but did not complete the target action (did not call, did not leave a request). Our advertisement will follow the site visitor across all YAN platforms.

In the third case, we create the audience ourselves.

For example, we can select a specific point on the map and .

This tool is a must!

The fact is that the client makes a decision after studying 4-5 sites on the Internet. Retargeting gives you the opportunity to remind yourself all the time.

The next step is to place a bid.

How to correctly place a bid in contextual advertising.

In order to set a rate, ideally, you need to know all the business indicators:

    website conversion

    conversion of Internet traffic into sales

After that, it is worth building a decomposition in which it is easy to calculate what bet you need to set to start.

In the service itself

    the necessary formulas are sewn up and

    visually delineated business stages and indicators that need to be entered.

As a result, you will receive your cost-effective rate, which will give you a net profit.

But in reality, we see real auction rates

and shock.

In this case, in order to be in the first places in Yandex, you need to pay 1000 rubles for one click!

No economy will allow to be in this case on the position.

Yandex and Google check every ad and every site before putting it up in their ad auctions.

the basic rules for placement are described in this guide -

Payment for advertising placement

The last step is to fund your ad account budget.

It is important to understand that the replenishment amount will be divided into 2 parts:

    The amount that will come to the account

    VAT amount

After that, choose a payment method.

There are 6 payment methods in Yandex Direct as an individual:

    Yandex money

  • bank card

    QIWI Wallet

    Cash at the bank

    PayPal for individuals persons

At Legal entity there are only 2 ways:

    Rubles from a bank account

    Corporate bank card of a legal entity

How are contextual advertising campaigns carried out?

After paying the funds and passing the moderation of ads, contextual advertising will start showing.

You can view campaign statistics in performance reports (it doesn't matter if you use Yandex Direct or Google Adwords).

How to view statistics in Yandex Direct

In Yandex Direct, this can be done in several places. The easiest way is to go to the level of advertising campaigns and see the statistics.

    Statistics by day

    General statistics

    Phrases by day

    Statistics by region

    Site statistics

    search query statistics

Or create your own report in the report wizard.

Depending on the selected report, we can select different statistical columns.

How to view statistics in Google Adwords

In Google Adwords, statistics are available on the first screen of the interface

Compared to Yandex Direct, Google Adwords provides more opportunities in its statistical sections.

We can look at performance statistics:

    Ad groups

    Depending on the report tab, the columns may be different.

    Basic performance analysis in contextual advertising

    Here are 4 indicators that must be taken into account when analyzing contextual advertising:

    • CPA (also known as CPO/CPL)

    If you want explosive and beyond payback results, I also recommend understanding what it is:

    Now let's go through each of them:


    CTR = number of clicks / number of impressions * 100%

    This indicator determines how attractive your ad is written. If the CTR is low, then the audience is not interested in the offer.

      Add all extensions to the ad to make it take up more space in the ad unit (qualifiers, sitelinks, etc.)

      Change the offer to a better one

      Rephrase the ad to make the offer look cooler than the competition

    For the system, the main rule must be taken into account - the proposal must be interesting to users. Otherwise, the search engine will no longer be trusted and used.

    The lower the CPA, the less money we need to spend for the same number of leads/calls from clients.

    The ability to work with CPA gives you access to this opportunity.

    To learn how to manage this indicator, you need to ideally understand how it is influenced

    How CPC affects CPA

    If the site conversion is not a change, then by lowering the cost of the transition, we will reduce the advertising budget and lower the CPA

    How CR affects CPA

    Website conversion is one of the most important metrics in CPA management.

    Increasing the site conversion by at least half a percent gives a significant reduction in the cost of targeted actions on the site!

    How to lower CPA:

      Change the offer on the site

      Lower CPC

      Improve website usability

      Rewrite the ad so that it fully matches the content of the site

      Put more capture forms on the site

      Put a call back on the site

      Make dynamic content on the site

    Professional analysis of indicators in contextual advertising

    If you want to really become a PPC guru, then you need to go deeper into the sales funnel.

    That is why I will tell you a few more indicators.

    Requirements for analysis:

    RDR (share of advertising spend)

    When working with this indicator, you should take into account the average check of the services sold, and strive to redistribute the advertising budget towards expensive goods.

    ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment)

    The calculation of return on investment is most often used by professional financiers.

    But in large campaigns without it in any way.

    To calculate such an indicator, you must have end-to-end analytics configured on the site.

    Contextual advertising optimization

    Having studied all the previous indicators, we can start optimizing the costs of contextual advertising.

    There are 2 ways to optimize:

    • automated

    Manual optimization of contextual advertising

    Manual optimization strongly rests on knowledge of the basics of Excel.

    Tables are everything!

    Before starting work, you need to check:

    Let's analyze the easiest way to optimize Yandex Direct.

    If all the goals in the metric are configured correctly and you have done everything according to this instruction, then the following will appear in Yandex Direct reports:

      Conversions (this is the number of targeted actions on the site that were completed)

      Target price, rub. (this is CPA)

      If the goal price for a certain ad segment (keyword, ad, etc.) is too high, then we dive deeper to understand the reason.

      Here is an example of a YAN campaign.

      We fall into the report on the sites and see this picture.

      Obviously, the site brought only one conversion for 1900 rubles. Compared to other sites, it is very expensive.

      The situation is even more deplorable at the site There for 1500 rubles we got nothing at all.

      Such sites can be excluded when displaying ads in the ad campaign settings.

      In Google Adwords, everything is just as simple.

      A remarketing campaign has been launched and it is obvious that it is not entirely successful and it is better to stop it.

      Contextual advertising automation

      Automation of any business processes makes life much easier. The same story with contextual advertising.

      If we consider automatic adjustments in contextual advertising, there are 3 ways to go:

        Use your own management developments

        Use ready-made solutions for automating other campaigns

      Automation within Yandex Direct

      There are automatic strategies that remove the advertiser from the process of managing advertising campaigns:

        average cost per click (fixes cost per click through automatic adjustments)

        average cost per conversion (keeps CPA in certain intervals)

        average ROI (drives ROMI from ads)

        weekly click package (re-allocates budgets to get the right number of clicks under given budget conditions)

      Unfortunately, the automation offered in the Yandex Direct interface is not very popular, due to low efficiency. But in general, the tools are working in the right hands.

      Automation also includes bid adjustments at all levels (gender, age, time, etc.).

      Automation in Google Adwords

      In Adwords, everything is much more fun:

        there are automatic rules

        automatic strategies

        rate adjustments

        creating your own control scripts

      I will not go deep, but in 2 words I will tell about each.

      Automatic rules in Google Adwords

      They are configured in the interface in the "Automation" tab.

      You can set up your own rules on different report tabs.

      The main advantage is that by setting the rule, the system will perform the task of adjusting advertising campaigns at the right time and at the right time.

      The main disadvantage is that these operations will not be performed more often than once an hour, and for one action you need to make a separate rule (if you want adjustments every hour, make 24 rules).

      Automatic strategies in Google Adwords

      These strategies are very similar to Yandex Direct strategies, but more effective (perhaps because Adwords has been around longer and more developed).

      These include:

        Cost per conversion optimizer (with a high chance of getting a conversion, the bid increases up to 30%)

        Target position on the search page

        Target winning percentage (strategy aimed at competing with certain domains in SERP)

        Max Clicks

      Third party contextual advertising automation services.

      Such services include:

      Typically, automation in these systems is based on bid adjustments relative to ad performance metrics.

      For instance:

      You have a high CPO. The system will analyze keywords and campaigns and turn off unprofitable ones automatically.

      Also, such services allow you to generate a huge number of ads in a couple of seconds. Such services are called generators.

      How to find a good contextual advertising specialist.

      And now we come to the most important thing.

      If you are an entrepreneur, you hardly have time to do everything that I described in the article with your own hands.

      I wrote this article specifically so that you can use it as a checklist for checking any “Directologist”.

      Here are a few questions I would ask a specialist to understand his level.

        Does it work with Google Adwords

        What PPC automation systems did he work with?

        Does he know how to work with (even if you do not have them)

        Does he know how to import cost data into Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics

        Will he be able to provide daily performance reports up to the CPA level (at least)

        Can he set up dynamic remarketing in Google Analytics or smart banners in Yandex Direct

        Can it work with Google Tag Manager

        Let him tell you how he will calculate the cost of a bid for advertising campaigns

        Or ask any question based on my article (he should definitely know everything that is written here).

      If he has reasoned answers to all this (or better), then you should start working with this specialist!

      I hope my article was useful for you. Save it as a reminder and try contextual advertising if you haven't done it yet!

    Hello dear friends. Today we will talk about contextual advertising in the form of a review.

    From the article you will learn what is contextual advertising, its types, advantages and disadvantages, what is its cost and effectiveness - let's look at real examples.

    The material below will help you understand the features of contextual advertising and visually see how it is placed on the Internet.

    1. What is contextual advertising and what is its peculiarity

    If you are an active Internet user, then most likely you have seen such ads in search results and on different sites. Increasingly, marketers and entrepreneurs are using it to promote products and services.

    2. Types of contextual advertising

    2.1. Search advertising

    Appears after a person clicks the “search” button by entering their query in the search bar.

    For example, "plastic windows in Moscow":

    2.2. Thematic advertising

    These ads can be either similar in subject matter (close to the context of the page) or different from it.

    If it is disabled, then only ads corresponding to its content will be shown on the site.

    (The figure shows the correspondence between the content of the site and the advertisement)

    If behavioral targeting is enabled, then the site visitor will see those ads, the topics of which he requested earlier in the search engine.

    For example, a site about culinary recipes will broadcast ads for cameras if a person recently searched the network where to buy a camera.

    3. Dynamics of the contextual advertising market

    Over the past 5 years, this market has been growing at a gigantic pace and ranges from 10% to 60% per year. In monetary terms, the account goes to tens of billions of rubles.

    Companies that used to spend their advertising budgets on TV are moving to the Internet. Banners, SEO articles, teaser ads have become popular tools for attracting customers online.

    But here, too, the alignment of forces has changed towards the use of contextual advertising, and this is due to its obvious advantages, which I will discuss later.

    • I am index- Yandex.Direct system
    • G o o g l e- system Google Adwords
    • Rambler- Begun system

    Google and Yandex are now noticeably ahead of Begun due to their popularity and efficiency.

    Possessing a number of features and advantages, contextual advertising today allows thousands of people to run their business from anywhere in the world, working in those markets that are geographically distant from the entrepreneur himself.

    For example, you can be located in Novosibirsk and at the same time sell cement in Moscow, while earning money based on Moscow prices.

    5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

    The benefits of its use are obvious both for advertisers and for ordinary Internet users who are looking for goods and services here.

    Let's analyze them in more detail.

    Benefits of contextual advertising:

    1. Accurate hit on the target visitor. The user himself searches for those goods and services that are shown in ads (this is beneficial for both advertisers and visitors to search engines);
    2. Quick return on ads. You launch an advertising campaign and within a few hours you receive the first applications (sales);
    3. Minimum advertising budget. You can start advertising with a budget of 300 rubles. Contextual advertising can be used both separately, by increasing the amount of funds for it, and in combination with other tools (banners, seo-articles, teaser advertising);
    4. Flexibility in setting up an advertising campaign. The big advantage here is the flexibility to customize ads based on your budget, geography, time of day and other parameters to achieve maximum effect;
    5. Powerful analytics. After conducting an advertising campaign, you will have all the necessary data on its effectiveness and will be able to “tweak” any settings in order to get better results in the future;
    6. Relevance (correspondence) to the interests of the user. As they say, you wanted to party - here you go! :) We were looking for an iPhone, you will only see ads with iPhones. Thinking of building a house and want to compare brick prices? No problems! Contextual advertising will help you navigate the huge number of proposals on this topic;
    7. Convenient format of perception. No pop-ups, annoying sounds and flashing pictures in full screen! Neat, pleasant to read, short advertisements - all this makes this type of advertising both effective and unobtrusive;
    8. Informativeness. Despite their compact size, contextual ads have all the necessary components to convey the necessary information: a picture (icon), the main semantic heading, an explanation, and a link leading to the advertiser's website.

    However, they are not so significant compared to the benefits of its use.

    Disadvantages of contextual advertising:

    1. Short duration of action. The quick effect of such advertising does not last long, all the time it is required to replenish the advertising budget and adjust the settings of the advertising campaign. This is especially noticeable in comparison with SEO promotion, which allows you to provide a stable flow of traffic over time;
    2. Danger of budget overruns if configured incorrectly. If you set up your advertising campaign incorrectly, then the probability of losing money will be very high. For example, if you sell cell phones over the Internet and it costs you $500 to acquire one customer, and your profit is $2,000 - $3,000, then this type of advertising is a good investment. But if the cost of a click is unreasonably high due to an incorrect setting of an advertising campaign, one client can cost you 3,000 thousand rubles or more, which will eat up all your profits;
    3. Uselessness of use in some areas of business. Contextual advertising is a good marketing tool on the Internet, but sometimes even it turns out to be useless. There are niches in business where such advertising will not work. These are large grocery chains, oil and gas monopolies, as well as all other business areas where customers buy goods or services based on recommendations or look for them exclusively offline.

    How to use the advantages and deal with the disadvantages of contextual advertising

    When you have little experience in launching contextual advertising, you do not feel confident or just want to try running a campaign on your own, we suggest using contextual advertising automation services without fail.

    They will help you avoid mistakes in setting up campaigns, eliminate cost overruns, and allow you to use the maximum potential of this type of attraction. Such services can practically replace professional agency contextual advertising, and for free.

    6. What determines the cost of contextual advertising

    One of the most important indicators when using contextual advertising is the cost per click.

    Cost per click is directly affected by:

    1. A niche in which contextual advertising is placed. For example, traditionally expensive and competitive niches are: business, finance, medicine, construction. In these topics, the cost per click can be from 10 to 1,500 rubles ( 25 $ ). Niches with lower competition are: hobbies, entertainment, cheap goods (consumer goods) with an average price per unit of goods from 100 to 1,000 rubles. Please note that contextual ads in a particular niche are shown according to auction principle. That is, whoever paid more for their ad will be promoted by the search engine to the most clickable (effective places). The cost of contextual advertising in this case is the sum of the total price for all clicks of your advertising budget;
    2. How to set up an advertising campaign. Usually contextual advertising systems, when creating an advertising campaign, by default offer you to use the strategy “maximum efficiency”. This means that your ads will appear in the most expensive places in the SERPs and appear where they are most likely to be clicked on. Accordingly, the cost of a click will be at the same time maximum. This is not always justified, since for the same money you can get more clicks by simply optimizing the advertising campaign settings when creating it. To reduce the cost of a click, you need to know how to properly set up contextual advertising. Then in any, even the most expensive niche, you will be able to receive clicks to your site at the lowest possible price. At the same time, the quality and volume of traffic will be preserved.

    In order to find out the cost per click for various key queries for Yandex, I recommend using the service

    © Service, 2016

    © Arina Andreevna Blokhina, cover design, 2016

    ISBN 978-5-4483-4716-0

    Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


    We'll tell you everything about Yandex.Direct, from planning to evaluating results. You will learn how to write selling ads, understand how the auction works, learn all the subtleties of uploading ads to your account, and much more.

    We will also answer the main questions that interest any advertiser: what actions will help to correctly distribute the budget and how to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising placement.


    Yandex. Direct has firmly broken into the field of online advertising

    We'll tell you everything about Yandex.Direct, from planning a campaign to evaluating results. Along the way, we will introduce tools such as Yandex. Wordstat and Yandex. Metrica, we will tell you about the auction and strategies. You will learn how to write selling ads, work with match types, learn all the options when uploading ads to your account.

    You will understand how important it is to work on optimizing an advertising campaign and what indicators to pay attention to when testing. We will also answer the main questions that interest any advertiser: what actions will help to correctly distribute the budget, how to evaluate the effect of advertising.

    A pleasant surprise at the end of the book will be our cases and a cheat sheet that will remind you what you need to do to optimize your campaign. And the presented material will be clear to any beginner.

    Contextual advertising acts selectively: an advertising message is shown only to those who want to see it. Users show interest in certain goods and services, and you offer them help by talking about your offers. In fact, the user himself makes an effort to find your advertising message.

    Special accommodation- these are 3 ads above the search results:

    Guaranteed Impressions– 4 ads under the search results:

    Yandex. Direct - this is one of the ways to place search and thematic contextual advertising. Other types of contextual advertising are also available on Yandex, such as a contextual media banner or Yandex. Market that can be used simultaneously with Yandex.Direct.

    Fast response. Clients come immediately after the launch of advertising. Your product or service is searched and ordered.

    Target users only. Your ad will be seen by people who are already looking for similar products or services online.

    Full control. The ability to influence your sales. View statistics and reports.

    Maximum coverage. Attracting a huge audience to your products or services.

    User fees. Pay only for user transitions to the site and decide how much to pay.

    Check if the theme of your site contradicts the requirements of Yandex

    1.1. uses swear words, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social categories, age, religious symbols, official state symbols;

    1.2. is unfair, unreliable, misleads the consumer, including:

    contains false information about the product/service;

    contains standard graphical user interface elements that do not have the appropriate functionality directly in the advertising material, and/or design elements of Yandex pages;

    does not give a clear idea of ​​who is the source of the information contained in the advertising message.

    1.3. encourages to commit illegal acts and/or calls for violence and cruelty;

    3.2. in the event that the site to which the link included in the advertisement leads ("advertising link") is compiled in a language that differs from the language of the advertisement, it is necessary to have information about this in the text of the advertisement.

    4. Cost indicators must be indicated in rubles, and, if necessary, additionally in foreign currency.

    5. Advertising must correspond to the content of the page of the site to which the advertising link leads. For example, if an advertisement contains information about a discount, then the advertising link should lead to the page of the advertiser's site where this discount is explicitly indicated.

    5.1. advertising of news resources containing information about a news article published on the advertiser's website must lead to the page of the website where this article is published. At the same time, the text of the advertisement must correspond in meaning to the title and content of the news article. In cases where the text of the advertisement contains provocative statements, has an ambiguous interpretation, or may mislead the user, Yandex has the right to demand that the heading of the article fully comply with the text of the advertisement;

    5.3. if headlines of news (articles) are used in a media banner, then an indication of the source should be placed on the same slide as the title itself, while the font size of this text should not be smaller than the font size of the title itself.

    6. The use of superlative adjectives and / or information about the advantages of the advertised product over the goods in circulation in advertising is allowed if the specified information is confirmed by relevant studies (conclusions, etc.) of third parties.

    7. Advertising materials must comply technical requirements, imposed, depending on the type of advertising, to [broken link] banner (including [broken link] flash banners) and [broken link] text advertising.

    Make a forecast of the popularity of the site's goods/services in the region of interest.

    What is contextual advertising?

    Context in Latin means connection or connection.

    The display of contextual advertising is always relevant to a person's request or area of ​​interest that intersects with the subject of the advertised service or product. This method of selecting ads greatly increases the likelihood of a response to an ad.

    Why do you need contextual advertising?

    Context is very common in situations such as:

    • Promotion of goods;
    • Advertisement of services;
    • Increasing sales;
    • Bringing new products to market;
    • As an effective addition to the main channels of advertising outside the Internet.

    Contextual advertising on the Internet is an ideal and unobtrusive variant of cooperation between the buyer and the seller. It is worth “telling” the search engine about the desire to buy something or order a certain service, as you can immediately get an answer with the phrase: “order from us”.

    Accordingly, the main task in compiling a selling advertising campaign is the selection of keywords and anchors that will attract interested buyers to the site, saving money for an advertiser who is only interested in the target audience.

    Services such as Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrika and Yandex.Wordstat will help to study and understand the audience, as well as select key phrases for contextual advertising.

    Contextual advertising of any format is widely and massively used to increase brand popularity. It can easily make a very recognizable brand out of a novelty.

    In this case, it makes sense to order contextual advertising and pay not for each click received, but for the number of impressions. For such advertising campaigns, such a contextual advertising service as Begun is perfect.

    Advantages and disadvantages of contextual advertising

    PPC giants such as Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct and Begun have already gained great popularity and are ready to provide their audience with a wide range of ads on various topics and work with automatic detection of interests, as well as page topics.

    • When displaying contextual advertising, the interests of users are taken into account in terms of query input, page views, personal interests and history of search activity;
    • Ability to use geo-targeting and select when ads are shown to users. Thus, the contextual advertising ordered by you can be shown at a strictly defined time of the day;
    • Large coverage of the audience and Internet resources of various directions.
    1. The most tangible disadvantage of contextual advertisements is their constant click-through. Such actions are performed not only by advertiser competitors, but also by unscrupulous webmasters whose goal is to earn extra money. Such actions lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising and to additional costs;
    2. The cost of a click in a really highly competitive topic can reach $10 or even more. Some advertisers are not willing to spend that kind of money in pursuit of getting the best ad position. As a result, everyone loses;
    3. IN Lately, when sites are spammed with ads, it began to terribly annoy users. Moreover, it greatly hinders the search for the necessary information;
    4. Many users install various programs and plug-ins for blocking contextual ads, so not all users will be able to see your ads.
    5. Links from contextual advertising systems are encrypted or work using a redirect, which does not bring any benefit to the site in terms of promotion. It is quite obvious that such links do not affect the position of the advertised site in the search results.

    The most popular contextual advertising services (Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun) - basic information for beginners

    The above pros and cons apply to all three of these contextual advertising systems, although each has its own principle of operation.

    Google AdWords contextual advertising has a very good system selection of ads that takes into account the interests of users, their preferences and activity when typing certain requests.

    If there are no relevant queries for issuance in the search, the advertising context is selected taking into account personal interests. This is perhaps the main advantage of contextual advertising in Google.

    Yandex.Direct has a narrower direction of issue, focused exclusively on search phrases, and if there is simply no advertising for a certain query, it is not displayed in the search.

    On the selection of ads, like Google, Yandex has just begun to experiment, but it will take a very long time to go to the full implementation of such a system.

    Setting up contextual advertising - basic information for beginners

    There are a lot of secrets for setting up advertising campaigns, and on the net you can read not only something really important, but also heaps of thoughts that for several years have not even had the minimum effectiveness confirming their significance.

    We will focus only on the main points of setting up contextual advertising, which can really help reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of an ongoing advertising campaign:

    • The right approach to the selection of keywords that will be used in compiling contextual advertisements;
    • Geographic indicators are very important so that ads are not clicked by citizens of another country or a distant region;
    • Setting the time of impressions;
    • Setting the budget for an individual ad and daily spending;
    • Disabling unscrupulous sources from which ads are clicked;
    • demographic features.

    Yandex.Direct - advantages, disadvantages, features

    Yandex.Direct existed back in 2001 as a service for low-budget companies and was designed only for impressions. After 2 years, the system was completely improved and pay-per-clicks were introduced:

    Advantages :

    • Availability of geotargeting;
    • No additional targeting fees;
    • A huge proportion of advertising is designed strictly for search traffic, and not for advertising on the site.

    Disadvantages :

    • Cumbersome statistics interface;
    • It is not possible to show ads for queries that include more than 5 words;
    • There is no effective automatic bid management;
    • Too limited in the size of the title bar and text of the contextual advertisement;
    • It is not possible to export advertising campaign statistics to Excel.

    Runner - advantages, disadvantages, features

    Advantages :

    • original design;
    • Convenient usability;
    • Huge audience coverage;
    • Possibility automatic control rates;
    • 9 ways to pay for advertising services;
    • Detailed information on any ongoing advertising campaign;
    • Convenient preparation and uploading of reports;
    • Plenty of space for ads;
    • Availability of an affiliate program.

    Disadvantages .

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