Is it profitable to open goods for children. How to open a children's clothing store from scratch? Is it worth starting this business? Nuances of legal registration


Do you know what people will never skimp on? On your children. That is why the business associated with children's goods always makes a profit. We will tell you how to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how much you can earn from it.

Store types

Stores are usually divided into age groups and product categories. Children's clothes are clothes worn by babies from 0 to 14 or 15 years old. But you must understand that you will not be able to cover the entire range of clothes at once. Therefore, to begin with, choose a narrow specialization for yourself, and then capture new niches as you develop.

Children's clothing store - a profitable investment

There are several types of children's shops. We list the most common of them:

  1. Large children's stores that sell clothes for all ages.
  2. Shops selling clothes and various useful things for newborns.
  3. Shops selling clothes for children from 2 to 7 years old (preschool age).
  4. Shops selling clothes for school-age children (including school uniforms).
  5. Shops selling sportswear and accessories.
  6. Stores selling clothes exclusively for girls aged 5 to 15.
  7. Stores selling clothes exclusively for boys aged 5 to 15.
  8. Stores selling specialty, carnival or party wear.

There are other specializations of outlets, as well as all sorts of combinations of existing ones. Choose which direction is closer to you, and for starters, work exclusively along it.

Market research

AT trading business there is usually a lot of competition, but with the right approach, you will certainly be able to enter the market and carve out your niche. Before you open a store, it is recommended to collect information about competitors in your area. Study their range, price level, the situation in the outlet itself. Along the way, chat on local forums and in groups of young mothers, finding out what clothes they lack.

Note: in order to deal with the assortment, evaluate the level of sales, study the market and the number of prospective buyers, it is desirable to have experience in the clothing trade. If you do not have it, then you can get a job as a seller and work for a couple of months to familiarize yourself.

Also, you will probably understand children's clothes if you are the parents of small children.

Be sure to study the competitors in your area and think about what you could improve in their work.

In order to successfully fight competition, it is necessary to offer buyers the best conditions. Look for suppliers who offer better prices, think over the assortment, try to choose only the highest quality and exclusive clothes, create unique interior and a corner for the little ones to rest a bit while their parents pick out things.

What should be the store

To open outlet Requires a space of at least 25 square meters, but at least 50 m2 is considered the best option. This is quite enough to arrange several showcases and shelves, organize the work of the cash desk, fitting room, etc. Do not forget that there can be many visitors - they need to walk freely without clinging to the racks.

Where is the best place to organize a trade in children's things? Best of all near a kindergarten, school, hospital, various circles or houses of creativity. Good things are sold in shopping and entertainment centers, markets, on the main streets and near parks, where parents can just walk with their children.

What kind of children's shops are there? In response to this question, we wrote an article in which we identified the types of children's stores and compiled a short business plan for each.
And what kind of children's store you will open is up to you, choose!

What kind of children's shops are there?
  • Baby clothes
  • Children's shoes
  • Kids toys
  • Baby food
  • Children's goods (carriages, cribs, car seats, etc.)
  • General children's stores with a variety of products

Personnel selection.

The target audience.
Location selection.
Advertising and PR.
Income and expenses.

Overview section.
Description of the enterprise.
Description of business services.
Market analysis.
Financial plan business.

General section.
Description of the business.
Market competition analysis.
Production plan.
Financial plan.

The target audience.
Competitive environment.
Market segmentation.

income level.
Required resources.

Business opening of a children's store

Most parents basically try to save some money on themselves, but in no case seek compromises in purchasing food, clothes and toys for their child. Due to the highest mark-up of the bulk of children's goods compared to adult goods, "children's" stores receive a fairly good income, despite the surrounding economic situation. In this regard, the trade in children's goods is one of the most promising.

Often, children's goods of various groups are traded at different types of points. For example, you can buy baby food or some kind of hygiene product in almost any pharmacy or a special department of a grocery supermarket. As usual, children's clothing is sold in specialized stores, where some other goods (cribs, strollers, toys) are also possible. Specialized stores are also created for the sale of toys.

Usually, the purchase of everyday necessary goods (diapers, food) by parents comes down to outlets closest to their place of residence. At the same time, the purchase of strollers, clothes, car seats and other large purchases is made in large specialized stores, most often located in the city center. With such a store in close proximity to the place of residence, parents could make everyday and large purchases in one place at once.

Proceeding from this, the whole urgency of opening universal children's stores in urban sleeping areas becomes visible. Using the considered business plan will allow organizing the work of universal children's stores selling food, hygiene items, clothing and footwear, strollers and car seats.

Nowadays, it is not necessary to start everything from scratch, it is quite possible to purchase a ready-made business.

To organize the trade in children's clothing requires careful planning, study of the structure of the children's clothing market. Primarily prerequisite is to draw up a business plan for the store.

When considering the specifics of the children's goods market, it becomes clear that children's clothing accounts for a third, toys - about a fifth of the entire market, shoes - a little more than one tenth, and other goods - also one third.

Children's clothing Russian market has an annual turnover of more than 3 billion dollars and every year adds one quarter.

On the world market, Russian children's clothing occupies a little less than 20%, the rest is allocated foreign countries. Leadership in the production of clothing for children is given to China, Finnish and German children's clothing is also quite common.

According to analysts, the average amount spent by parents on the purchase of children's clothing per year is about 10 thousand rubles (every month the family budget loses almost one thousand rubles in this regard). By counting the approximate number of families in your city and comparing this figure with the number of stores selling children's clothing, you can find out how profitable this business is.


After evaluating your capabilities in terms of this business, studying the market situation in this area in your region, you can look for the most suitable premises. The store can be equipped in any room, while you need to be guided only by your finances.
It is possible to organize a separate store or mini department in mall. The most important aspect is proper planning of its location.
The design of the store must be original. In this case, you should be guided by the specifics of the goods being sold.

To open and arrange a small store in a rented room, you will have to spend from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Store registration and necessary documentation.

In order to register baby store clothing, the best option will be registered as an individual entrepreneur. In opening a society with limited liability there is no point, since ordinary people will become customers of such a store. In addition, all bookkeeping will be greatly simplified, and there will be no particular difficulties in compiling tax reports. In addition, there will be a tangible reduction in tax-related costs.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is much cheaper compared to companies. It also implies the submission of a much smaller package of documents to the tax authorities.

Furnishing, purchase of equipment, inventory.

It is quite possible to equip a children's clothing store for 50 thousand rubles. This amount implies both, in fact, the design of the room itself, and an unusual attractive sign. In the absence of the required amount, it is quite possible to rent trade software from a specialized organization.

Personnel selection.

The number of employees is mainly influenced by the retail space. small shop may well get by with two sellers. The main criterion in the selection of employees are good manners, the ability to find a common language with a variety of people, tact, courtesy, knowledge of children's sizes. Often situations arise when clients (often men) simply do not know the size of the child, but they can age, height or weight.
We need to analyze the average wages sellers in your region. Your staff should be paid the same wages. Today it is about 6-8 thousand rubles. In addition, one should not forget about an accountant with an average income of 8 to 10 thousand rubles.


It must be understood that wages directly affect mandatory pension insurance (14%) and personal income tax (13%). For tax and accounting purposes, it is best to use a simplified taxation system, which in turn will help reduce taxes and significantly simplify workflow.

When using the tax base "income", the payment of a tax of 6% will become mandatory.

Nowadays, the cost of children's clothing is often much higher than that of adults. And almost everyone knows about it.

Income of a children's clothing store
- for example, the profit of the store amounted to 150 thousand. Cost calculation:
- equipment and furniture - from 40 to 60 thousand;
- the cost of rent - monthly 30 - 50 thousand;
- personnel salary - monthly more than 20 thousand;
- payment of taxes - monthly 15 thousand;
- payment of tax under the simplified taxation system - monthly 9 thousand;
- payment of personal income tax - monthly 2.6 thousand.

As a result, the total amount of expenses is from 100 to 150 thousand (including monthly expenses from 60 to 90 thousand).

It follows that the monthly income brought by a children's clothing store will be about 60 thousand.

Of course, this figure is not final, since each product will be sold in different volumes. In addition, there may be unexpected costs. Normal trading will allow you to make a profit of 40 - 60 thousand every month.

The results of the business plan for a children's clothing store.

After the calculations, you can judge how profitable this business is. It can pay off in less than six months. And this, in turn, is a good result, and therefore thinking about the advisability of opening a children's clothing store is simply unacceptable.

Due to the fact that the birth rate in Russia is increasing, there is also an increase in demand for children's products. The same applies to high-quality children's shoes. In the past couple of years alone, the number of babies has increased by more than a quarter, and 2013 was no exception.

Children's shoe stores are very profitable business, which is in constant demand. Due to the rapid growth of children, new shoes for children are purchased almost every season.

Opening a children's shoe store involves the availability of start-up capital in the amount of about 2 million rubles.

A properly organized business plan will allow you to receive total income about 600 thousand rubles a month (taking into account if the population of the city is about half a million). The net profit will be approximately 15%.

Children's Shoes Store Business Plan Structure

1). Solving all major organizational issues for opening a children's shoe store.
- Potential market capacity should be calculated, taking into account the number of competitors and the total number of potential customers. The half-million urban population suggests an annual potential consumption capacity of 85 million;
- choose the location of the store with an area of ​​​​more than 40 squares;
- select staff and determine the work schedule, specify wages;
- purchase specialized commercial equipment (showcases, racks, mirrors, poufs, cash registers).

2). Drawing up a business plan for a children's shoe store.
- It is necessary to determine the range. More than 70% of all goods should be allocated to children's shoes in the age category from birth to 9 years. The assortment should change every season, while various discounts and sales should be offered;
- choose a supplier and enter into cooperation with him. All shoes for children must have the necessary certificates, meet existing quality and safety standards. In order to provide the required volume of goods, you need to have at least three suppliers;
- Develop a marketing strategy to promote the business. An effective advertising campaign and various bonus offers will allow the store to develop.

3). Feasibility study.
To open a children's shoe store, a competent distribution of finances is necessary.
- It is necessary to determine the capital costs. With an investment of 2 million rubles, the inventory will be more than 60%, commercial equipment - a little more than one tenth, the cost of renting and repairing premises - more than 15%, all other expenses should not exceed a tenth of the amount;
- Calculate the estimated income. The most profitable periods are spring and autumn. Therefore, shoes should have a markup of 100 to 160 percent;
- determine the monthly expenses for the maintenance of a children's shoe store. Monthly expenses should be a little more than a tenth of all invested funds.

This business has a profitability of 17% and is able to pay off in about a year and a half.

Due to the increasing interest of children and their parents in everything new, thanks to the emergence of new methods of developmental education and an increase in the birth rate, the demand for toys and other goods for children is increasing.

It is important not to forget that in the last decade the quality of childhood has improved significantly, and consequently, the requirements for goods have also increased. Therefore, in the process of developing a promising business plan, it is important to pay attention to the originality and quality of the goods that will be sold.

To create and develop own business a lot of expenses will be required, which can hardly be covered by the revenue accumulated over the course of half a year. Therefore, if your wallet does not allow you to open a children's goods store, you can take a partner, attract investors, take a bank loan, or simply receive a cash reward by winning a business project competition. But approach the choice of the right investment option wisely, carefully analyzing the situation.

The target audience.
It is important to remember that the main consumers will still be children, not their parents. After all, it is the kids who are the initiators of purchases in the toy store.

Location selection.
The success of your business will also depend on the location of the outlet. The most advantageous place for its location will be a new area or proximity to kindergarten, school, supermarket.

Your store should be constantly available to the gaze of a potential buyer. Before choosing a building in which you plan to place a store, you need to conduct a survey of people living in the territory adjacent to the future point, regarding their wishes for opening a toy store, the need for its appearance, etc.

Be sure to sum up the results of your research. In the future, they will be very useful in planning the activities of the store and building a pricing policy.

Also very important when creating a business plan for a children's goods store is right choice building. You can place a point on the upper floors of a supermarket, rent a room on purpose, or build a building for a store yourself.

For the convenience of customers, organize an open area based on the principle of self-service. When planning the size of the future premises, rely not only on start-up capital, but also on the possibility of profitable placement of goods, and also think carefully about the range of products sold.

Comfort and hospitality.
To ensure regular attendance of your store and its good reputation, you need to take care of a cozy atmosphere and comfort. To do this, you need to work hard on the design. Of course, it would be better to turn to professionals who will take care of the design of your store, select the optimal color palette and lighting, which will positively affect the impressions of customers about your store.

Completion of construction and repair work on the territory of the future store implies the purchase necessary equipment. First of all, you will need to buy racks, shelves, lockers, furniture for employees, surveillance cameras, cash registers, as well as rugs, decorations, take care of the design of places for kids to relax, etc.

For successful development business needs to take care of a good product. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the quality of products, the terms of their delivery and price. If these three main requirements do not contradict your business plan, then you can safely make purchases. Do not forget that the product should be distinguished by the widest possible list of types, materials, intended for different age categories of babies and for children with different interests and needs.

When hiring staff, you should first of all take into account personal characteristics and pleasant appearance employees. Employees of your store should treat customers with respect, help them as soon as possible, but the main thing is love for children and the ability to find a common language with them. It is generally believed that it is better to hire employees with experience in a similar field, but it is important to remember that professionals can have overly high demands on conditions and wages, and newcomers are usually more modest and try to develop a good reputation.

Advertising and PR.
It goes without saying that the bright design of your store, a beautiful sign can serve as a good advertisement. But that is not all. At the stage of implementation of the life cycle of your enterprise, it will be useful to carry out ATL advertising activities. To do this, you need to place ads in the press, print and distribute leaflets, etc. ATL is capable of influencing a large number of people. Further, to develop the image of your company, you need to develop your own website, for the promotion of which you must turn to SEO services. Also use BTL advertising, which will send information about your store and the services it offers.
If such advertising does not justify your plans, you need to create a system of discounts or discounts.

Take care of the safety of the goods. Equip it with code stickers or chips to prevent theft. Also, properly position surveillance cameras to help monitor the work of staff. You can also hire a security guard. Do not forget that your customers are the smallest, so take care of the safety of goods and furniture in your store.

The correct placement of goods has a great influence on the effectiveness of sales. Learn the basics of merchandising, or contact the experts.

Income and expenses.

To implement your business strategy, the costs were incurred for:
- registration of a future case 350 $
- rental fee from 1500 $ / month.
- repair costs from 1700 $
- purchase of equipment from 3000 $
- purchase of furniture from $2000
- Initial PR cost $1000
- Salary expenses from $300/month. per worker
- the first delivery of products from $ 10,000, and subsequent deliveries from $ 4,500 / month.
- economic needs from 1000 $/month.
- working capital 2000 $/month
The payback of the business will take from 6 to 12 months. The amount of net profit will be from $ 3,000 to $ 9,000 / month. In case of adding the price of goods - from 30% - 200%.

Overview section.
The purpose of this project is to open a specialized store selling baby food

Description of the enterprise.
When drawing up a business plan for a baby food store, it is necessary to put the quality of the goods and all the subtleties of the pricing policy in the first place. Before you open a point, you need to take care of the availability of certificates for each type of product. Affordable prices will always attract customers, which will increase the volume of products sold. It is important that the store is located in a favorable location. For example, not far from shopping centers, clinics, children's stores, dairy kitchens. Before starting entrepreneurial activity must be registered with tax office as an IP.

Description of business services.
Point of sale food products for children should be focused on the average buyer. Therefore, the assortment of goods may include not only products, but also hygiene products, toys, clothes and utensils.

Market analysis.
It is imperative to include data on nearby similar points in the business plan of a baby food store. It is important to collect as much information about them as possible, including assortment, attendance, prices, advantages and disadvantages of service, and location features. It is necessary to develop positive features own store to help you stay ahead of the competition.

There are different ways to gain popularity among consumers: the location of the store in a crowded place, providing a high level of service, the sale of additional products, flexible pricing.

Production business plan.
The area required for a store of this type, as a rule, will be 10-20 square meters. You need a bright design that stimulates a good mood among buyers. From the equipment you will need to purchase retail racks, counters, cash registers.

Keep in mind that shoppers like to read product labels and inspect them before buying, so it's best to have open access to the shelves where the products are located. Make a low markup on food for children - up to 30%, and it is better to increase business income by including non-food products in the assortment. It will be promising to include in the business plan the sale of baby food products via the Internet.
Then your product will be bought by busy customers who have no time to go shopping. Be careful when selecting staff. Its quantity should be proportional to the volume of goods sold. And the level of service will depend on the courtesy and responsibility of employees, which greatly affects the prospects of the business.

Business financial plan.
Process of creation financial enterprise will include approximately the following financial costs and benefits:

Capital expenditures:
Trade equipment 50.000
Acquisition of the initial volume of goods - 300.000
Advertising - 10.000
In total, this will equal - 360.000
Current expenses:
Room rent - 20.000
Payment of salaries - 40.000
Purchase of products - 200.000
Other current expenses - 10.000
Amount 270.000
Revenue per month - 290.000
Monthly profit 20.000
The payback time of the enterprise will be about 18 months.

Children's products are in demand for people with absolutely different levels income. After all, parents, as a rule, first of all buy what is necessary for the kids, and then satisfy their needs. However, as with any business plan, this one also has its own subtleties. It is our site that presents a complete business plan for a children's goods store with a phased schedule of each aspect.

General section.
In this business plan, we will consider in detail the features of opening a store selling children's goods, focused on the middle class of consumers. This type of activity provides for an organizational and legal form called "individual entrepreneur". Since the consumers are private buyers, this reduces taxes and simplifies accounting. The success rate of the project can be called high, because in recent times the birth rate is increasing. However, much depends only on the correct and clear organization of the business.

Description of the business.
It is planned to open a point dealing with retail goods for kids. Pricing policy focuses on the consumer with an average income level.

Market competition analysis.
This section provides for the compilation of a detailed description of services of this type in your city. It is important to pay attention to the mistakes and shortcomings of future competitors in order to prevent this in their activities.

Production plan.
It is necessary to choose a room that is suitable for placing a children's store in it. It is important to consider the following factors:
- Availability of the location of the point, its proximity to a potential client;
- Try to place your store away from competitors' enterprises. The only exception is if your company is 100% superior to competitors in terms of product and service quality;
- It is important that the enterprise meets the requirements of the store;
- It is better to entrust the process of repairing the premises to specialists. You also need to take care of a beautiful design. To make it interesting for children to enter your store, install some interesting figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters;

The next step to opening a store is finding employees. It is necessary to select an accountant, a manager-manager and salespeople, the number of which must correspond to the volume of planned sales. It is better to hire people with an attractive appearance, sociable. According to the law, each seller must have a sanitary book.

Next, you will need to find good suppliers of products. This greatly depends on the region. Where there is a lot of competition among suppliers, there is a high probability of offering you favorable conditions(for example, they can deliver the goods directly to the store). If the competition is insignificant, then you will most likely have to deliver the goods yourself and even make an advance payment.

It is also important that suppliers have all the necessary certificates for the goods offered, since if they are not available, the goods may be confiscated from the store at the first audit.
When you fulfill all the necessary requirements, you can safely open a store for visitors.

Remember that in order to be successful in doing business, you need to prepare a reliable marketing strategy for promoting your product on the market. It is important to correctly calculate your strength, and if there are serious doubts, then it is better to entrust this matter to specialists with experience.

Financial plan.
This aspect of the business plan of the store, we consider the financial aspect of this project. Due to the constant changes in the market, drawing up a universal and accurate business plan is not always possible. Therefore, the costs of opening and maintaining a point may also change. So here are the averages:

- premises (300,000 rubles per year);
- purchase of goods (300.000 rubles);
- means of circulation (300.000 rubles);
- payments to employees (500,000 rubles per year);
- equipment (100.000 rubles);
The summed up is 1.500.000 rubles. - the amount you need to get started.
- from the sale of goods (250,000 rubles per month net);
As a result, we get the amount of 2.800.000 rubles. annually.

It is not difficult to understand that it will take half a year to recoup the costs, but this figure is approximate, since it depends on many factors. However, we see that this enterprise is quite profitable.

We sincerely hope that this business plan will be very useful to you in drawing up your own business strategy and will contribute to success in the field of selling children's goods.
The target audience.
The main class of consumers of the department store for children's goods are families with children. As a rule, everyday goods (hygiene items and nutrition) are bought by young mothers, and large goods (car seats, strollers) are purchased by both parents. Also potential buyers are friends and relatives who buy gifts and gifts for their child.

Competitive environment.
Markets, pharmacies and supermarkets are the main competitors of this type of children's store in the segment of children's consumer goods. Mom's diapers are usually purchased where it is cheaper, and this is usually on the market. Parents often buy baby food in a pharmacy, because such a product inspires more confidence, or in supermarkets, because it is cheaper there.

Specialized stores that sell strollers, baby clothes, car seats and other goods that cannot be classified as everyday demand can be considered the main competitors in our business project. Usually, parents plan to purchase clothes for a baby or a stroller in advance, in connection with which they visit several points that sell the necessary goods.

The choice of a thing, as a rule, is carried out regardless of the geographical location of the trading facility and is based on the price and quality of the purchased products. Therefore, it is necessary to add to the list of competitors all specialized stores that are located in your city.

Market segmentation.
In order to successfully execute a business plan for a children's department store in a highly competitive environment, it is necessary to correctly focus on the target market segmentation. The most convenient way to do this is to use segmentation by consumption methods and income level of buyers.

Regarding the way of consumption of products of daily necessity, all buyers who live in the sleeping areas of a big city are divided into the following segment groups:

Mothers who are on maternity leave. This segment can be considered as a target. Therefore, the organization of the business must be carried out in such a way that this category of consumers buys all the goods of daily necessity in your store. This will help the proper organization of the space in the store, which will make it convenient for the mother to enter with a stroller, as well as contribute to high-speed and high-quality service. The expansion of the product range will also contribute to the increase in the rating of your store, because a young mother will be able to buy everything you need in your store and do not need to run to other points.

If the mother of the child works, then as a rule the grandmother takes care of the baby. Remember that people of retirement and pre-retirement age love to save money, so give them the opportunity to purchase inexpensive products, as well as natural products.

It often happens that parents working in the city center buy what they need for their child at home. The most convenient for them will be the purchase of everyday goods in the store, which is located in the central part of the city. In this regard, it is necessary to motivate parents to buy goods in a store that is close to home. To do this, it is necessary that the point has a convenient location (for example, close to a bus stop), additional discounts can be included in the pricing policy after 18 or 19 hours, and hiring efficient sellers will help to avoid the accumulation of queues.

other consumers. This segment includes mainly casual buyers, friends or relatives who visit a family with a child. They prefer to buy toys and goods in beautiful packaging.

consumers of other products.
Regarding the consumption of other products, which include clothes, strollers, car seats, big pears, it is customary to combine such customers into two segments:
. Hunters for quality goods at an affordable price. This segment can be safely considered the main target. Successful work with buyers in this category is to provide a wide range of products at a variety of prices.
. Buyers who pay attention to the brand of the product and the status of the place of purchase. Such customers try to buy products preferably in branded stores, boutiques or expensive shopping centers. They cannot be classified as consumers of a universal children's mini-market, which is located in a residential area. In some cases, if they have to buy goods in such a store, they will prefer things sold at high prices.

income level.
With regard to the level of income, then for these criteria, buyers can be concentrated into three segments. Consumers can be low, middle and high level wages.
. Low-income consumers make up the majority of potential target audience shop. We cannot compete with other outlets by using dumping, so buyers of this segment need to be attracted with the help of discount programs, to provide them with the opportunity to purchase certain types of goods one at a time.
. The main customers of the store will be consumers with an average level of financial capabilities. The most effective methods of attracting buyers in this category will be precisely to provide a wide selection of products sold, a high level of service, and the opportunity to purchase goods necessary for the child at one point.
. For buyers with a high level of wages, the quality of service, the range of products sold, their strength and reliability are important.
Product description

A feature of the universal store for children's goods is to provide consumers with a wide range and the opportunity to purchase all goods at one point.

The goods sold by the department store can be divided into two groups:
1. Products of daily necessity, which include hygiene products and food.
2. Goods, the need to purchase which does not appear every day. This category includes toys, clothes, strollers, car seats and similar products.

The store will operate in the format of a supermarket, which provides for free display of products and access for customers, the work of consultants, and a cash department. This format helps to provide a high quality of service and gives some advantages over specialty stores that may be located in the vicinity of this outlet.
Also shop with this way trade organization has other benefits.

For example:
. Providing access to all necessary products in one place.
. Implementation of the opportunity for parents to make a large purchase (children's clothes, strollers, car seats) without going far from home.
. Providing a wide range of products that is in no way inferior in terms of the number of items to large supermarkets.
. Loyal to the client's wallet pricing policy. Possibility of purchasing goods by low-income customers through discount programs and compliance with the price level of goods, which is comparable to specialty outlets). However, the store's plans do not include attracting customers through dumping.
. Compliance sanitary requirements storage of perishable goods and food quality assurance.

To run a business, an entrepreneur needs to register as an individual entrepreneur or organize an LLC. In addition, in order to provide legal support for the operation of a retail outlet, it is necessary to obtain a special license and permission for retail sales and the sale of food products.

At the heart of the marketing plan financial organization General Store Lies Gain competitive advantage range of goods sold. At the same time, the key points for maintaining successful business is the choice of a good location for a commercial facility. The store should be located in the central part of the city, and if this is not possible, then close to a transport stop.

The main condition for stimulating an increase in sales is the quality of service, the level of which should be higher and more modern than in other retail outlets located in a residential area.

Also, a very important role in gaining credibility among buyers and stimulating trade turnover is played by a system of discounts, a loyal pricing policy, the ability to purchase all the goods necessary for a child at one point, etc.

An entrepreneur needs to take care of a high level of service, constantly expanding the range of goods and maintaining prices at an optimal level, which will direct potential buyers who are in a residential area to purchase products at your point, and not in the market in order to save a few rubles.

Marketing of this type of store should be based only on targeted promotional activities that need to be carried out near the place of work of the outlet. effective method will distribute leaflets, provide customers with the opportunity to receive a discount card, and conduct local PR campaigns. All these activities will help you attract the attention of the target audience to the opened point.

Required resources.

To organize the activities of a general children's store, it is necessary to ensure the availability of the following resources:

First of all, to open a retail outlet, it is necessary to rent or build a room in which a trading floor should fit, occupying an area of ​​​​40 to 50 m² and rooms for a warehouse. The most optimal option would be the size of the total area of ​​the premises, together with service rooms, about 75-80 m².

In large cities of the Russian Federation, prices for renting space for commercial enterprises vary significantly, but the average fee is 600 rubles each month for residential areas (this does not include only Moscow and St. Petersburg). When calculating, we see that the price for renting an area for a supermarket will cost 48,000 per month or 576 thousand per year.

Inventory for trade, which includes racks, clothes hangers, closed-type display cases, refrigeration equipment, settlement and cash units, as well as furniture for counters.
Based on the size of the trading floor, the area of ​​​​which is 40m², to open a store, you will need:

  1. wall racks 200 by 90 cm - 7 pieces (7 * 3740 rubles = 26,180 rubles);
  2. island racks 150 by 90 cm - 5 pieces (5 * 6950 rubles = 34,750 rubles); shelves for island shelving - 15 pieces (15 * 790 rubles = 11,850);
  3. clothes hangers 90 by 57 cm - 3 pieces (3 * 7,500 rubles = 22,500 rubles);
  4. display cabinets 248 by 90 cm - 2 pieces (2 * 6860 rubles = 13,720 rubles);
  5. showcases-counters 90 cm by 110 cm - 3 pieces (3 * 5010 = 15,030 rubles);
  6. cash settlement unit 120 cm by 106 cm - 1 piece (18,090 rubles);
  7. showcase for cooling - 1 piece (44,970 rubles);
  8. refrigerating cabinet with a glass door - 1 piece (26,560 rubles);
  9. refrigerating chamber for a warehouse - 1 piece (52,230 rubles).

Having calculated all this, we see that as a result, commercial furniture will cost an amount equal to 265,880 rubles.

Required employees: 1-2 sales assistants will be needed in each department. We also need a sales assistant-cashier and an accountant-merchant manager. Salary expenses for a sales assistant will be 20,000 monthly (including taxes).

It is easy to calculate that to pay for the work of four salespeople will need 20,000 * 4 = 80,000 per month, or 960,000 per year. The cost of the salary of a commodity accountant is 25,000 rubles per month (including taxes) and 300,000 rubles a year. In total, employees will have to spend 105,000 rubles on wages. monthly and 1,260 thousand rubles. annually.

Working capital for the purchase of products. The store will need to purchase the following items every month: car seats - 60,000 rubles, strollers - 60,000 rubles; toys - 60,000 rubles, children's clothing - 90,000 rubles, food and hygiene items - 300,000 rubles.

In general, it will be necessary to spend 570,000 rubles for the purchase of goods in circulation. monthly and 6,840,000 rubles. annually.

The entrepreneur will need to spend 7,981,880 rubles to open a retail outlet and ensure its functioning for one year. It is easy to calculate that the monthly expenses of an entrepreneur during the first year of operation will be 665,156 rubles.

The budget of the outlet should be based on the following mark-ups to the purchase price:
. Toys - 40%;
. Car seats, strollers - 15%;
. Food and hygiene items - 30%;
. Clothing - 50%;
Thus, the monthly income with the absolute sale of goods in circulation will be 747 thousand rubles, the annual revenue will be 8,964,000 rubles.
Tax (6% of turnover) equals 44,820 rubles every month or 537,840 rubles. in year.

As a result, the monthly profit will be equal to 702,180 - 665,156 = 37,024 rubles. Profit for the year is about 444,288 rubles.

The demand for baby products is increasing year by year. Whatever the economic situation in the country, they will be born and raised. Therefore, opening a children's store from scratch is a great idea.

How much money do you need to open?

It is better to place a children's store somewhere in the central part of the city, next to office buildings. On the way home, most parents definitely look into such establishments to please their offspring. One of the best places- near kindergartens and maternity hospitals.

You should not look for premises near cinemas, parks or attractions, because in this case all the attention, and, consequently, the profit, will be received by entertainment points. Refuse the premises in the basement or on the upper floors - it will be difficult for mothers with a stroller and pregnant women to go up / down the stairs.

And do not forget to arrange the room correctly: a spacious hall should be well lit, racks and stands with goods should be placed as neatly as possible. In order to meet all safety standards and regulations, access to goods for children should be limited, and loose racks and a large number of glass display cases should be completely abandoned.

Such a store may specialize in several types of products or in any one option. For example, it could be a baby food or clothing store. It all depends on your plans, willingness to work and financial capabilities.

The most demanded products are clothing, food, toys, children's furniture (cots, car seats and strollers), as well as hygiene products necessary for care.

]In terms of popularity, the following places are occupied by children's books, special educational games, materials for needlework (fabric, paper, plasticine, felt-tip pens).

Your costs

So what is the financial component of the issue? It is difficult to draw up a universal plan in advance, because the situation in such a market changes quite often. But, we will present you with approximate calculations:

  • Rent of premises - in the region of 300,000 rubles per year;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment - from 100,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 500,000 per year;
  • purchase of goods - 300,000 rubles;
  • working capital - 300,000 rubles.

So, for a good start and confident work throughout the year, you need about 1,500,000 rubles.

Required documents for opening a children's store

So that red tape with papers does not stretch for months and years, you need to immediately prepare all the necessary certificates and data.

Company registration . To register an enterprise, you must know the name of the company, the number of founders and the main type of activity. On the spot you choose the taxation system, CEO, chief accountant, as well as the type of contribution of the authorized capital (cash or property).

You need to get evidence:

  1. About registration;
  2. on assignment of TIN;
  3. on the registration of a legal entity.

To do this, you register in the USR legal entities. You receive a letter from the State Committee on the assignment of a code, register with the medical and pension funds and the social insurance fund. After that, you make a seal and open a bank account.

Agreement with SES. You receive a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you prepare a package of documents and references.

It includes an application, a lease agreement, a certificate of registration of a company, a certificate of status registered with the tax service, medical records of employees, a list of goods, certificates for goods, a sanitary passport of an object, and a garbage disposal agreement.

Agreement with the Fire Department . For its conclusion, you prepare:

  • Statement;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a copy of documents on the right to property;
  • certificate of registration of your company;
  • special floor plan of BTI;
  • a copy and original of the agreement on the installation of fire alarms;
  • object's insurance policy.

Permission for cash registers . To register a cash register, prepare an application, a KKM passport, a lease agreement for the premises where the KKM will stand, holograms of maintenance and the State Register, TsTO (certified by the master), copies of documents on opening and registering with the tax service.

The sign for the store deserves special attention. In order to obtain permission for it, you provide an application and a registration card, a notarized lease agreement, notarized copies of the opening of the store, a sketch of the image certified by the seal of your enterprise, color photographs of the future location, approval of the place by the building owner, a map of the location.

The level of security is of great interest to the relevant authorities. All items are subject to mandatory certification because children come into contact with them (clothing, toys or hygiene items). The quality certificate must accompany all types of products. Only related products are certified voluntarily.

Associated risks

Before you open a baby store, you should consider the potential risks.

Risk one– prices. Entrepreneurs involved in this type of trade are torn between the tastes of small buyers and the price preferences of their parents. It is for this reason that most owners are faced with the difficulties of forming a pricing policy and assortment.

risk two- the flow of buyers. Changing the customer flow path is always intimidating. Often a store is opened in a popular location, and after a year and a half, due to renovations, job cuts, or relocation of offices to other buildings, the flow goes on the other side. Nobody is immune from this.

risk threeretail business. It is always characterized by high demand risks. This primarily applies to children's clothing.

Also, the solvency of the population, the vagaries of the weather, etc., affect profitability.

How much can you earn?

On average, the amount of net profit from goods is 250,000 per month, which is 2,800,000 rubles per year. This means that with an approximate cost of 1,500,000 rubles, full payback comes in six months.

Of course, the results are different and depend on various factors. But, is it profitable to open a children's store in our reality? In principle, this is quite a promising business.

Check out the offers of banks

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 10 minutes;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Free payments - up to 20 pieces / month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • Service - from 490 rubles / month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards - free of charge;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Free account opening in 10 minutes;
  • First 2 months free service;
  • After 2 months from 490 rubles / month;
  • Up to 8% on the account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening r / s - 0 r.;
  • Service - from 0 rub./month;
  • Free "Sberbank Business Online";
  • Lots of additional services.

More about current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuance of a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. the first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. service account if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application for free;
  • 3 months of service for free;
  • after 3 months from 490 rubles / month
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application - free of charge.

RKO in MTS Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Account maintenance - from 0 rub./month.
  • Cash withdrawal (up to 700 thousand rubles) - free of charge
  • Up to 5% on account balance
  • The cost of payment - from 0 rubles.
RKO in Unicredit Bank.

Children's products are very popular. A parent wants to give their child the very best. He puts the needs of the baby first. Mothers are ready to spend large amounts of money on their child. Goods for children are necessary for all families, regardless of their social status and position in society. Demand creates supply. It is for this reason that more and more entrepreneurs will think about how to open a children's goods store?

How to open a children's goods store?

Children's stores are establishments that sell goods for children aged 0 to 15 years. Having decided to open a children's goods store, an entrepreneur must first decide on the format. There are stores that specialize in the sale of:

  • clothes for children of any age;
  • accessories for children;
  • clothes for the little ones;
  • clothes for children of primary school age;
  • supplies and accessories for the school;
  • school attendance forms;
  • clothes for teenagers;
  • sports equipment and costumes for children;
  • clothes for holidays and carnival costumes;
  • clothes for girls;
  • clothes for boys.

A store can sell one line of goods for children, or it can serve as a platform for the sale of several types of products.

Having decided on the format of the store, the entrepreneur must conduct a market analysis. You should start by studying your competitors. It is necessary to find out how many similar stores are already operating in the district. In addition, the entrepreneur must think about how he can attract potential customers to his institution. Visiting local online forums for parents will help in resolving this issue. They will allow you to communicate directly with potential customers, ask them what is missing in the area and what goods for children they would like to purchase for their children. Here you can also find out the approximate financial situation of potential customers and form an idea about the price level.

To evaluate the business from the inside, to understand all its nuances and pitfalls, you can work for some time as a seller or administrator in a competitor's establishment specializing in the sale of children's clothing.

Ownership choice and taxation

Having decided to open a children's store, the entrepreneur must choose the form of ownership. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is suitable. The form of ownership is subject to fewer taxes and does not require complex reporting.

Then there is the choice of taxation. This is where UTII comes in handy. Quantity Money, which will have to be paid to the state, do not depend on the amount of profit received in the process of trade and the amount of goods sold. The amount of the tax is calculated based on the physical characteristics of the children's clothing store. These include:

  • the area of ​​the territory on which the sale of products is carried out;
  • the number of employees;
  • number of shop equipment.

Portfolio of documents

  • permission from SES;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

In the case when the premises are rented in the building of the shopping center, and it is not registered as a retail space, the administration of the center must deal with obtaining a permit for the sale of goods from the City Trade Department.

A store specializing in the sale of children's goods must be entered in the Unified Trade Register. The entrepreneur is issued a certificate confirming this, which will be valid for 3 years.

Choosing a store location

The level of profit depends on the choice of the location of the future store

The premises for a children's goods store should not be less than 20 m. Optimal size the area is considered to be from 50 to 100 square meters. without taking into account the size of storage facilities. The store should be located near children's institutions. This will increase the number of visitors to the point. Suitable for placement in a shopping center. The street where the building is located must be passable. It is better to refuse a location in a residential area.

You should choose a room located at a distance from competitors. If this is not possible, you can organize a store selling children's goods next to a similar institution. But in this case, the business owner will have to offer visitors something that the competitor does not have. Perhaps he will be able to find a supplier who sells products at low prices. This will allow the entrepreneur to reduce the cost of goods without losing profits. An extensive assortment that surpasses the list of competitor's products can also be a decisive factor for potential customers when choosing a store selling children's goods.

Having chosen the premises, the entrepreneur will have to carry out repairs in it. The design should be dominated by bright colors. They will attract the attention of young visitors. The interior must be original. You can place images of popular cartoon characters.

To make the interior attractive and bright, you should hire a professional designer to decorate the store. He will be able to organically bring to life all the ideas of the business owner for the sale of children's goods or offer his own ideas.

Necessary equipment

The children's store does not require specialized equipment. For its normal functioning, you will need:

  • racks for clothes;
  • racks;
  • cash register;
  • showcases for displaying goods.

The equipment must fit into the overall interior of the store and match its design. Shelves should be bright.

Despite the small list, there should be a lot of equipment. Often the purchases of visitors are spontaneous. For this reason, the goods must be presented in a full range, and this will require a sufficient number of racks and display cases. Over time, you can equip a children's play area and place TVs in fitting rooms, allowing you to pass the time while waiting. This will significantly increase the rating of the store in the eyes of buyers.

Store staff

At first, for the normal functioning of a children's clothing store, you will need:

  • accountant;
  • manager;
  • 1-2 sellers;
  • cleaning woman.

All staff must be issued sanitary books. In their absence, it will not be possible to sell baby food, if any. Vendors must work in shifts. All staff must be able to communicate with children, be polite and friendly.

The administrator is responsible for coordinating the operation of the store. His position can be held by the business owner himself.

Store assortment

The range of products depends on the area of ​​​​the outlet. If an adult store requires about 4 sizes of clothes of the same style, from a children's store there should be about 14. The average children's store should have:

  • strollers;
  • Kids toys;
  • child care products;
  • car seats;
  • children's clothing and footwear.

For the store to be popular, it must have at least 30 different types of one group of goods. For this reason, the entrepreneur will need to find a large number of suppliers.

A children's store can specialize in something 1. This makes it much easier to present a wide range of products.

Point of Sale Suppliers

The most popular suppliers who sell products on the Russian children's goods market are:

  • Russia;
  • Turkey;
  • China;
  • Poland.

The products of Russian manufacturers are of high quality. It complies with GOSTs. Suppliers from Russia have the necessary package of documents confirming the quality and safety for children. When cooperating with them, there will be fewer problems with delivery. They sell products at a cost acceptable to consumers of all social strata. Russian manufacturers inspire more confidence among parents.

The prices of Chinese clothes are lower, but the quality will also be low. When cooperating with foreign suppliers, there may be a problem with the delivery of products. However, their product will help diversify the range and attract additional customers.

With suppliers from other countries, you can establish cooperation through the Internet.


A children's goods store must have a prominent outdoor sign. There should be a showcase in which the best samples of products are exhibited. For regular customers there should be a system of discounts and bonuses.

One of the popular innovations is the discount provided to the buyer on the birthday of the child.

  • television advertising;
  • advertisements in print media;
  • radio announcements;
  • distribution of advertising booklets;
  • creation of a website and store page in social networks.

Business costs and payback

The amount of investments depends on the planned level of the establishment and location. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to open a children's goods store.

Costs of opening a children's goods store (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average monthly net profit is at the level of about 250 thousand rubles. With this level of income, the business is able to pay off in 6 months.

When receiving discount cards that accumulate bonuses or discounts, visitors should be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Buyers must include an email address and residential address. This will form client base. By e-mail You can report new arrivals of goods to the store. Perhaps something will interest the buyer. However, don't send too often. Constant spam only causes irritation on the part of customers.

It often happens that parents are even ready to save on themselves in order to buy high quality food, toys and clothes for their children. The sale of products for babies is one of the most promising areas trade, so it will be interesting for young entrepreneurs to draw up a business plan for a children's store.

The trade margin for children's products is much higher than for adult products. This allows children's stores to have a large income even in times of economic crisis.

Today various groups goods for children are sold in individual stores. For example, baby food and hygiene items can be bought in pharmacies, and toys can be bought in stores selling children's toys. It is worth noting that this is somewhat inconvenient for parents. Most often, adults are forced to buy the necessary things in the retail premises that are nearby, while the choice of stores that sell goods of the necessary group is small. Accordingly, in order to buy full list necessary, it can take a whole day. Therefore, it makes sense to open a general children's store where all kinds of trade items for babies will be sold. Resourceful businessmen know this, because they have already drawn up a business plan for a children's store.

It is important to open a retail space in which all the necessary goods for children will be sold in the sleeping areas of large Russian cities. The business plan under consideration can be used as a guide for organizing the work of a general children's store, which will sell hygiene items, food, strollers and child seats for cars, clothes, and more.

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What actions implies a business plan for a successful children's store

In order to organize a profitable operation of the trading premises, it is necessary:

  • perform an analysis of the market in which the store expects to operate;
  • decide on a product that can be obtained potential clients children's shop;
  • to consider methods of marketing of the enterprise;
  • assess the need for resources that are needed to get started;
  • draw up a budget that will be needed to ensure the operation of the store in the first month and year.

The business plan contains the points that are needed for the successful opening of a retail space for children.

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Performing Market Analysis for Trade Items for Children

An analysis of the market for the sale of goods for children includes the following components:

  • determination of the target audience of this business;
  • market segmentation;
  • assessment of the competitive environment.

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Who is the target audience in the business of selling children's goods

Baby products that are needed every day (food, diapers, and so on) are usually bought by mothers. Larger items (car child seats, strollers) are most often purchased by both parents. Accordingly, the target audience of the retail premises, the business plan of which is described, are young families with children.

It is important to remember that potential buyers can also be friends of parents and relatives who may want to please the child with a small present (if they are visiting) or a full-fledged gift (on the occasion of a birthday).

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Segmentation of the market for the sale of goods for children

A department store that sells children's goods can have a fairly large number of competitors, so it can count on success if it can accurately focus on target market segments. It may be convenient for an entrepreneur to use segmentation by income level, consumption method and consumer attitude to the goods offered.

Buyers can be divided into three segments according to income level:

  • low income clients
  • average income;
  • high income buyers.

Low-income customers can make up a significant part of the target audience of a children's store. Representatives of this segment can be attracted with the help of special offers and discounts, discount programs, the possibility of buying some items (for example, diapers) by the piece.

Middle-income shoppers are the main customers of the children's goods store. High quality service, a wide range of goods provided, the ability to purchase everything you need in one place - these are all the main methods to attract this category of people.

As for attracting buyers with a high level of income, it is worth saying that the level of service provided, the quality of the products offered and the wide range of products play an important role for them.

Speaking about segmentation by the way of consumption, it is worth mentioning that all parents who live in residential areas of the city can be combined into the following segments:

  1. Moms who are on vacation. They are the main buyers. In this case, the business must create conditions for such customers to purchase all consumer goods in the store. This may be affected high speed and quality of service, a wide range of products.
  2. Grandmothers who help mothers look after their children. Such customers will be concerned about the cost, so it is worth making sure that they have the opportunity to purchase everything they need at affordable prices. In addition, people in this segment are only interested in natural products.
  3. Parents who work in the city center, but often buy necessary goods for children on their way home from work. Since representatives of this segment have the opportunity to buy everything they need, in central regions, it is worth making sure that they have a desire to buy products for babies in their area.

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Benefits of the General Store for Children's Goods and Required Business Registration

This business plan for a children's store selling all possible types of goods for babies makes it possible to purchase everything you need in one place. All products that are put up for sale in the store can be divided into 2 groups:

  • a group that consists of everyday items (diapers, food, wipes, and so on);
  • a group that contains such goods as clothes, children's toys, strollers, car seats and other similar products.

The retail space whose business plan is being considered must be able to provide a high quality of customer service and have many advantages over toys or children's clothing stores.

List of advantages of the general children's store:

  • the opportunity to purchase all the items that the child will need;
  • it is possible to buy such large goods as strollers or car seats without leaving your area;
  • good prices, discount programs and promotions;
  • guarantee of the quality of baby food products, compliance with all necessary standards for the storage of perishable goods.

A businessman must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In addition, you need to obtain a license to be able to trade in food products and a permit to retail.

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Calculation of the amount of money that will be needed to open and maintain a children's goods store

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Rental of premises for a children's store

To start a children's supermarket, you need a room with an area of ​​​​80-90 square meters. m. Of these, about 40-50 square meters. m should be allocated for the trading floor, and the rest of the area - for storage rooms. The cost of renting commercial space in large cities of Russia (the business plan does not include Moscow and St. Petersburg) varies significantly, but the average price in residential areas is 600 rubles per sq. m. m. Accordingly, renting the necessary space will cost the business owner approximately 48,000 rubles. monthly or 576,000 rubles. annually.

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