How to open a business in Slovenia. Promising business areas in Slovenia. Number of immigrants from Russia


Starting your own business in Slovenia is difficult, but if you have a good idea, entrepreneurial ability and small initial capital- You can also try. Your reward will not only be operating business, but also a residence permit in a European state.

Slovenia cannot be called the most attractive, from an economic point of view, country of the European Union. Meanwhile, the idea of ​​opening your own business here has its own advantages, which attract foreign investors to Slovenia.

First of all, one can name the favorable geographical position of Slovenia - in fact, own business here opens up access to the whole of southern Europe.

In addition, it is important that Slovenia has a fairly high level of tourism, as well as engineering and manufacturing industries. Not reaching the level of Germany or Great Britain, Slovenia, nevertheless, shows better welfare indicators than in the same Czech Republic or Slovakia, with which Slovenia is often confused.

We can also mention the fact that Slovenian legislation supports dual citizenship - but this may be of interest to novice businessmen only in the future. But a fairly simple procedure for registering a business, the flexibility of tax legislation - this is relevant from the very beginning.

On the other hand, there are two main disadvantages that a foreign businessman will inevitably have to face in Slovenia: firstly, relatively high real estate prices, which BusinessTimes will write about in more detail in one of our upcoming materials, and secondly, a very small market of potential buyers if you are targeting only the inhabitants of Slovenia itself. Therefore, it is better to think over the options for buying or renting real estate in advance, carefully study the market, look for possible exits to the countries neighboring Slovenia.

If everything is ready, and you want to take action, then you need to decide on the type of your enterprise. In Slovenia, the following options are most popular:

- Druzba z ormejeno odgovornostjo - d.o.o. — Limited Liability Company; The minimum authorized capital is 7.5 thousand euros.
– Delniska druzba – d.d. - open Joint-Stock Company; Minimum authorized capital: 17 thousand euros;
- Druzba z neomejeno odgovornostjo - d.n.o. – Company with unlimited liability;
— Komanditna delniska druzba k.d.d. — Limited liability company for shares;
— Branch of a foreign company;

As for what kind of business to open in Slovenia, here, as elsewhere, a lot of options are possible - however, today foreigners in Slovenia prefer either to deal with real estate - i.e. buy and rent real estate, for example, by the sea. On the one hand, this good way to invest capital, on the other hand, a real business. Developed infrastructure, good roads only contribute to tourism in Slovenia - and this is the second direction popular with foreign businessmen in this country. In the field of tourism, foreigners open recreation centers, ski resorts, SPA-salons. They organize group tourist tours, provide interpreters to tourists from their countries.

Finally, the third direction in which foreign businessmen are active in Slovenia is transport services. Private carrier companies provide a variety of services here, and this is due, of course, to the geographical location of the country.

As for the design own business in Slovenia, this procedure consists of the following steps.

First, in the presence of a notary, you draw up a charter, determine the founders. At the next stage, it is necessary to open an account in a Slovenian bank and deposit the authorized capital. Next is the execution of documents for obtaining a TIN and VAT certificate, but this, most often, can be done easier and faster with the help of intermediary companies. Finally, the final stage of registering your own business in Slovenia is the entry of the company into the register of companies in Slovenia. The entire procedure for registering a business in Slovenia takes from 20 days to 2 months.

Slovenia is a small state in the Alpine-Danube region of Central Europe. The favorable geographical location and membership of the republic in the European Union make doing business in Slovenia attractive to foreigners.

Visas to Slovenia: types and methods of obtaining

Visas to Slovenia are classified as Schengen visas. They are divided into short-term and long-term, single and multiple. Business visas, just like work visas, student visas are long-term. Visitor and tourist entry permits can be issued for both short and long periods of time.

You can apply for visas both at the embassies and consulates of Slovenia and some other European countries, and at visa centers.

What documents are needed

According to the information provided on the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, the following documents are required to obtain a business visa:

  • A completed application form;
  • color photograph 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • conclusion of the Ministry, which carries out foreign economic cooperation, on the possibility of granting a business visa;
  • certificate of employment and position in the staff of the enterprise in Slovenia;
  • documents certifying the availability of the necessary amount for living;
  • medical insurance for the entire period of validity of the visa with an insurance amount of at least 30 thousand euros.

Features of doing business in Slovenia

Although the range of business prospects offered by the republic is not very wide from an economic point of view, entrepreneurial activity in Slovenia gives excellent chances of entering Southern Europe.

In terms of organizing and coordinating the main business processes, Slovenia is no different from other countries. It has developed a legal framework for entrepreneurial activity, forms of companies have been determined, a banking system has been established for financial interaction. Any person who meets certain criteria, such as having the skills and funds to run a business, is eligible to open a company in Slovenia.

The most developed industries are pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, Agriculture, construction, transport services, chemical industry, mining.

Also, services to the population are always in demand - hairdressing, accounting, legal, consulting. Naturally, banking, education, tourism, restaurant business and real estate also occupy a solid niche.

Legislative framework for business

Although Slovenia is an expensive country, it attracts foreign businessmen. A stable legislative base with high legal protection of entrepreneurial activity ensures the reliability of doing business. In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining Slovenian citizenship for successful foreign entrepreneurs who have opened a business in this country.

The sequence of opening a business is defined as follows:

  • choice of organization type;
  • determination of the composition of the founders;
  • signing the charter;
  • opening a bank account with the subsequent contribution of the initial capital;
  • obtaining a private tax number and certificate;
  • And, finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is about the status of the debtor that it is easiest to “forget” when going on another vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid utility bills, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018, we recommend that you find out information about the presence of debt using a proven service not to fly.rf
  • Company registration.
  • Details are discussed below. The tax for all forms of business is fixed - 25%.

    Registration of a business in Slovenia

    So, registering a company in Slovenia has several stages. First of all, you should determine the legal form from the following list:

    • a closed company with limited liability;
    • public limited company;
    • company with unlimited liability. He must have at least two founding general partners managing the company;
    • limited liability company.

    Next, you need to draw up primary documentation - provide a certificate of good conduct, obtain a TIN and a personal identification number. If the documents are drawn up through an authorized representative, a power of attorney is issued for him. This person will submit the necessary documents to the Register of Companies in Slovenia, the tax office and the health insurance institute.

    The next step is to register the company name. After that, a temporary account is opened in a Slovenian bank, where 7,500 euros are deposited as authorized capital.

    A certificate of deposit issued by a bank is required for submission to public service one window, where the registration takes place.

    How to buy a business

    Buying a business in Slovenia does not require anything other than capital and the ability to right choice. If you decide to purchase, you should familiarize yourself with a huge number commercial offers. They can be found on the Internet or explore in person.

    Vigilance, a competent audit of intermediary documents and checking the absence of debts with the help of firms specializing in this will allow you not to become a victim of fraud.

    Slovenian banking sector

    The banking system of the republic is represented by state and private institutions. They are led by the Bank of Slovenia, an independent non-governmental organization. With the introduction of the euro as the national currency, the Bank of Slovenia enters the Eurosystem.

    In accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, the regulator bank performs the following tasks:

    • coordinates monetary policy;
    • takes part in the management of the foreign exchange reserves of the European Union;
    • monitors the proper functioning of payment systems.

    Business in Slovenia for CIS citizens

    As you know, immigration to European countries, including Slovenia, is popular among residents of the CIS. Having sold real estate in their home countries, migrants use these funds to develop new businesses. There is also the possibility of expanding the company. For example, due to hostilities and the unstable situation, the number of people wishing to open a Ukrainian branch in Slovenia has increased.

    Citizens of the CIS, with a relatively small capital, have access to a long list of activities in Slovenia. Tire fitting and transport services, including cargo transportation, are in great demand.

    Opening an ecological farm, shop or shop is another popular niche. Renting everything from camcorders to bicycles, TVs to cars is also a great option.

    Features of business immigration

    Business immigration to Slovenia allows an entrepreneur to expand their activities throughout the entire European Union. But in order to move in order to open your own business, you must fulfill a number of conditions:

    • confirm, depending on the planned type of business, the availability of an amount from 10 to 100 thousand euros;
    • have a legal address in Slovenia;
    • confirm competence in the chosen type of activity: these can be recommendations from a previous employer or documents (financial reports, audit evaluation) on the successful conduct of a similar business in their home country;
    • not have dangerous diseases and a criminal record.

    If the above criteria are met, a business immigrant can obtain a relocation permit for the whole family; however, there is no requirement for proficiency in the Slovenian language. The residence permit for such migrants is renewed every two years, and they can apply for citizenship after 8 years of permanent residence in the country.

    Our business in Slovenia: Video

There are several ways to open a business in Slovenia for Russian citizens in 2020. Required to enter the country.

Citizens from other countries who arrived in Slovenia in 2020 to organize a commercial business at the first stage are allowed to open:

  • LLC (limited liability company).
  • Affiliated companies.
  • Representations (dealer centers, branches).
    Over time, with successful activity, the go-ahead is given to organize enterprises of other forms.

Limited Liability Company

The procedure for registering such a company in Slovenia as an LLC is allowed if there are 15 founders who do not have a criminal record.

The implementation of the process begins upon presentation of the tax number to the registration authority. That is, you need to visit the fiscal service and present the necessary documents there. The presence of all founders is mandatory.

The registering authority begins consideration of the submitted documents in the presence of all the founders, the management corps of the Slovenian organization being created. Options for the formation of an enterprise by a foreigner are allowed, when in one person he is the founder and director.

Before the event individual opens an account with a Slovenian financial and credit institution, into which 7,500 euros of statutory funds are placed.

Subsequently, the money is allowed to be spent on fiscal payments, wages full-time employees. You can purchase equipment, spend money on updating the computer base, improving the work of office staff.


It is required to provide the tax number of the parent organization and the head of the new commercial structure. A mandatory document for presentation is a certificate of good conduct in the country.

The registration of a subsidiary in Slovenia requires the personal presence of the head of the parent organization and the future chief executive officer of the subsidiary. 7,500 euros of authorized capital are placed on an account opened with a bank in the country.


Registering a branch is easy. The procedure is unified to the point of impossibility, which contributes to the flow of foreign investment into the country. A simple algorithm of actions is proposed. Mandatory requirements - to provide:

  1. Tax number.
  2. Certificate of non-conviction on the territory of the Balkan state.
    It is not necessary to open a bank account in a financial and credit institution of the state for the authorized capital, since this is done a priori by the parent organization.

Credits and loans

The state of Slovenia, which welcomes business immigration to its territory, does a lot to financially support educated organizations at the first stage of economic, industrial development. The government of the country under a special program helps to develop business in Slovenia.

After a year of work, the government is helping small foreign companies develop business in Slovenia, paying a lot of attention to the issue. A loan is issued for intensification, expansion commercial activities.

Lending is carried out by banking structures on generally accepted grounds.

You can get a loan by first submitting a business plan and fulfilling the necessary requirements of the bank.

A legal entity that has formed a company in the country can count on a bank loan after 12 months of the organization's operation. There are exceptions to the rule.

From the European Commission and government development promising business in Slovenia receives financial support. The European Commission and the country's government issue loans without charging interest, as well as non-refundable loans.
A Russian businessman who founded a small business in the country is legally equalized with a national leader in this assistance cluster commercial organization. Firms formed by foreigners receive specific minimum investments in the form of aid.

Slovenia is a country with one of the most favorable positions in Central Europe, has access to the Adriatic Sea, borders on countries such as Italy, Austria, Croatia and Hungary. Slovenia is a member of the European Union, the Schengen Agreement, and also a member of NATO. Slovenia is a country with a stable developing economy and high level security. Slovenia is included in the top twenty countries according to Forbes magazine in the category "best country for doing business".

How to start a business in Slovenia?

Slovenian legislation is extremely favorable for starting a business, including for foreign entrepreneurs. Registration of a business is free and can take place at the so-called "All in one place" points. In terms of time, registration of a company takes from two days to a week. Third-country nationals, i.e. non-European Union citizens, can open three types of companies in Slovenia at the first stage:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • Subsidiary company;
  • Branch (representative office).

To open a limited liability company or a subsidiary that will also be an LLC, you will need to contribute a share capital of 7,500 euros. After registering a business, this amount can be easily spent on the needs of your company, pay salaries, taxes, and also invest, for example, in the company's fixed assets. When opening a branch (representative office in Slovenia), the authorized capital is not required.

When opening a company in Slovenia, you must obtain a tax number, a certificate of no criminal record in Slovenia, and if the founder is a legal entity, you must provide an extract from the register of this legal entity.

A developed form of business in Slovenia is individual entrepreneurship - it is very easy to register this type of business. The downside is that third-country nationals can register as an individual entrepreneur only after a year of stay in Slovenia.

After registering a business in Slovenia, you will also have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit for the whole family.

In Slovenia, such industries as industry, agriculture, and tourism are developed. Considering that Slovenia is a country with a favorable climate, there are also a large number of thermal springs, mountains, and the sea in Slovenia, which opens up quite bright prospects for doing business and implementing new business ideas.

When opening a company in Slovenia, it should be borne in mind that some activities are regulated, so a license or permit is required to carry out activities.

Taxation in Slovenia

The taxation system in Slovenia is quite loyal: income tax is 17% (one of the lowest in Europe), income tax is assessed at a progressive rate starting from 16%, VAT (value added tax) 22%, VAT on drinks, food, hairdressing services, etc. 9.5%. Minimum wage is 1100 euros, this includes all taxes and deductions, the employee receives a little less than 700 euros.

Double taxation in Slovenia can be avoided, as Slovenia and a number of other European countries have an agreement to avoid double taxation. List of these countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK.

If the company does not make a profit or is unprofitable, no taxes need to be paid, with the exception of taxes and payments related to wages.

On the part of the state there are no restrictions on the amount of profit or on the availability of profit, which is undoubtedly a plus for start-up companies.

In general, Slovenia is a friendly country with great potential for doing business, loyal legislation, and what is also important, a similar mentality, which makes the adaptation process quick and painless.

More information about doing business in Slovenia can be found at

If abroad you want to become the master of life, and not just a humble worker, then business immigration is your option. We have already talked about the procedure for opening a private enterprise or service in Slovenia.

Now let's talk about the most promising areas of activity. Maybe, this information lead someone to the right idea.

It is not necessary to come up with something fundamentally innovative. It is advisable to engage in the transportation of goods, as well as the repair of vehicles. A modest tire shop working near a major road will always find its customers.

The people who worked in individual industries industry, there are chances to continue the familiar business abroad.

At the moment, the preferred industries for Slovenia are manufacturing and engineering.

Services for visitors

Tourism in Slovenia is developing every year, while many service niches are not yet properly covered.

For example, while there are not enough food outlets with national cuisines.

The importation of delicacies, for which the old European countries are famous, is not properly debugged. Why not organize the supply of such products?

There are no fundamental obstacles in the normative plan for this.

Becoming a prosperous owner of a hotel or restaurant is, of course, difficult. Real estate prices in the country are high, and so are the corresponding taxes.

Rent is also expensive - it will be possible to rent a good room for a souvenir shop only if you have a decent start-up capital.

However, a smaller scale business can be quite profitable. For example, it makes sense to open a rental service for vacationers - temporary provision of cameras, camcorders, bicycles, rollerblades, etc. Start-up costs are not so great, because the requirements for the premises for rent are relatively low.

Modern technologies

Young and self-confident entrepreneurs can try to take a place in the gadget market. Three years ago, tablets and iPhones were not sold in every Slovenian city. Of course, a holy place is never empty, and the sphere has already attracted many businessmen, but the demand for all sorts of "smart" toys is still not one hundred percent satisfied.

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