Rosneft annual meeting of the year. Shareholders meeting of Rosneft. Rosneft plans to spin off the retail business into a separate entity


According to NCO CJSC NSD, Open Joint Stock Company " Oil company Rosneft announced the holding of the annual general meeting of shareholders on June 15, 2016. The date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual general meeting of shareholders is May 03, 2016.

Type of general meeting of shareholders of the issuer: annual (regular).

Form of holding the general meeting of the issuer's shareholders: meeting (joint presence of the Company's shareholders to discuss the agenda items and make decisions on the issues put to vote, with preliminary sending (delivery) of voting ballots before the General meeting of shareholders).

Date, place, time of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer, mailing address, according to which filled-in voting ballots can, and in cases stipulated by federal law, must be sent: Petersburg, V.O., st. Cash. 28/16, MFC "Gorny".

Postal addresses to which completed voting ballots can be sent: 117997, Moscow, Sofiyskaya embankment, 26/1, Rosneft Oil Company or 115172, Moscow, PO Box 4 (or 115172, Moscow, PO Box 24), Reestr-RN LLC.

Start time of registration of persons participating in the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer: from 10:00 to 17:00 on June 14, 2016 and from 9:00 on June 15, 2016. Registration of persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of Shareholders ends after the discussion of the last item on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, for which there is a quorum, and before the start of the time that is provided for voting by persons who have not voted before that moment.

Deadline for acceptance of voting ballots by the issuer: no later than 18:00 on June 12, 2016.

Agenda of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer:

1) Approval of the annual report of the Company.

2) Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Company.

3) Approval of the distribution of the Company's profit based on the results of 2015.

4) On the amount, terms and form of payment of dividends based on the results of 2015.

5) On remuneration and compensation of expenses to members of the Board of Directors of the Company.

6) On the remuneration of the members of the Audit Commission of the Company.

7) Election of members of the Board of Directors of the Company.

8) Election of members of the Audit Commission of the Company.

9) Approval of the Company's auditor.

10) Approval of transactions in which there is an interest.

11) Approval of amendments to the Articles of Association of Rosneft Oil Company.

12) Approval of amendments to the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders of Rosneft Oil Company.

13) Approval of amendments to the Regulations on the Board of Directors of Rosneft Oil Company.

14) Approval of amendments to the Regulations on the Collegial executive body(Management Board) Rosneft Oil Company OJSC.

15) Approval of amendments to the Regulations on the Sole Executive Body (President) of Rosneft Oil Company.

16) Approval of amendments to the Regulations on the Internal Audit Commission of Rosneft Oil Company.

The procedure for familiarization with the information (materials) to be (subject to) provision in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer, and the addresses where it can be found:

Rosneft plans an additional increase in oil production by 20-30 million tons over the next five years due to new technologies, follows from the presentation of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, presented during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

“The development of advanced technological competencies will increase oil production: 20-30 million tons of additional organic growth in oil production in the next five years,” the presentation says.

The company explained that we are talking about the total production for 5 years.


Sechin, Belousov, Novak, Dudley will not receive remuneration for their work on the board of directors of Rosneft

BP CEO Robert Dudley and former BP top manager Guillermo Quintero refused to receive remuneration for participating in the work of the board of directors of Rosneft. This was stated by the vice-president of the Russian company Pavel Fedorov during the annual meeting of Rosneft shareholders in Sochi.

Rosneft plans to send for remuneration for work in 2016 a member ...


Rosneft has included in the budget for 2017-2018 the price of oil at $40 per barrel

Rosneft has included in the budget for 2017-2018 an oil price of $40 per barrel, Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, said during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

“We generally proceed from a price of $40 per barrel. Maybe a little more in 2018,” he said, answering a question about the price of oil in the 2017-2018 budget.

According to Sechin, the company's investment in 2017-2018 will amount to more than 1 trillion rubles annually.


Rosneft plans to spin off the retail business into a separate entity

Rosneft plans to spin off the company's retail business into a separate structure, Igor Sechin, head of Rosneft, said during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

Sechin explained that the company will work on the issue of transition to a holding management structure.

“The issue of transition to a holding management structure with the implementation of a pilot project in the retail segment will be worked out,” he said.

Also, according to the materials of the company, the oilfield services business of Rosneft...


Sechin: Rosneft supports the OPEC + deal, but is ready for any developments

Rosneft supports the agreement on reducing oil production between the OPEC countries and independent oil producers, but is ready for any development of events, Igor Sechin, the head of the company, said during the annual meeting of Rosneft shareholders in Sochi.

“Rosneft supports the dialogue being held by the RF Ministry of Energy with leading producers and OPEC countries. This allowed the company to take advantage of price stabilization and even some price growth. However, our task is joint-stock company- Provide maximum...


Rosneft will present a new company strategy by the end of the year

Rosneft will present a new strategy for the company before the end of the year, Igor Sechin, head of Rosneft, said during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

“We will develop the Rosneft 2022 strategy and submit it to the Board of Directors for consideration in accordance with the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation by the end of this year,” he said.

Sechin also noted that the company supports the proposal to switch to the payment of dividends in the amount of 50% of net profit, starting in 2017.

He announced the development new strategy on Tue...


Sechin: Rosneft's reserves allow increasing gas production by 10% per year

Rosneft's reserves allow the company to annually increase gas production by 10%, Igor Sechin, head of Rosneft, said during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

“Significant gas reserves allow us to increase production with an average annual growth rate of 10%,” the head of the company said.

As RNS previously reported, Rosneft increased gas production in January-March 2017 by 2.9...


Rosneft plans investments in 2018 at the level of more than 1 trillion rubles

Rosneft plans investments in 2018 at the level of more than 1 trillion rubles, Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, said during the annual meeting of the company's shareholders in Sochi.

"The approved investment program for 2017-2018 provides for annual investments in the amount of more than 1 trillion rubles," he said.

Sechin explained that most of the investment will be for new projects.

"Most of them are in the final stage of construction," - said the head of "Rosneft".

According to Sechin, the company plans to...


Rosneft estimates the synergistic effect from the purchase of Bashneft in six months at 40 billion rubles

The synergy effect from the acquisition of Bashneft by Rosneft in the first half of 2017 amounted to more than 40 billion rubles, Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, said during the annual general meeting of shareholders of the company.

“The synergistic effect in just two quarters of this year amounted to more than 40 billion rubles,” he said.

Earlier, the vice-president of the company, Pavel Fedorov, said that the deal should be closed before the end of II...


McKinsey analysts predicted a deficit in the oil market by 2025 of 17 million barrels per day

Consulting firm McKinsey expects oil demand to exceed supply by 17 million barrels per day by 2025. This follows from the presentation McKinsey, which presented before the annual general meeting Rosneft shareholders in Sochi, President and CEO of McKinsey Neil Anderson.

“It is worth noting the constantly growing demand for oil. This demand is driven, in part, by growing demand in the transport sector. We believe that the gap between supply and demand by 2025 will be 17 million barrels per day...

This year, the meeting of shareholders of Rosneft is being held in St. Petersburg at the Gorny complex on Vasilevsky Island. Eduard Khudainatov, the ex-head of Rosneft and now the owner of the NOC, and Vlada Rusakova, the head of the gas department of Rosneft, were walking and having a merry conversation in front of the complex. Shortly before the start of the meeting, the newly appointed and. about. CEO"Rosneftegaz" Gennady Bukaev. In total shareholders gathered about 150-200 people.

At the entrance to the hall, they were met by a counter with a "newspaper of shareholders." “The Supercycle Myth: The Era of Low Prices Won't Last,” the editorial said.

Meeting opens

At 11:00 Moscow time, Andrey Belousov, Assistant to the President of Russia and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosneft, greeted those present. For those who could not come, a video broadcast of the meeting was organized, he said. You can see the collection even in the very north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - in Vankor. Andrey Belousov officially opened the meeting at 11.32 Moscow time.

According to Belousov, the difficult 2015 was a test for the company to ensure stability and sustainable growth and “ Rosneft' survived him. The company is fulfilling all obligations, despite low oil prices, "I want to emphasize this," the official said. Rosneft managed to keep oil production and increase gas production by 10%, fulfill its obligations to produce Euro-5 class fuel, began work at the Zvezda shipbuilding complex, invested a lot in innovation, Belousov listed. After that, he gave the floor to the head of the international group for providing services to oil and gas companies E&Y Adi Karev, who told the shareholders in detail what happened to oil prices in the world, how effective Rosneft is so far and what the company needs to do in a difficult situation further.

Dizzy with success

Then the head of the company spoke. “This year marks 10 years since the IPO, since then Rosneft has come a long way: oil production has grown 2.5 times, gas - four times, processing - more than 4.5 times,” said Igor Sechin. “The gap in market value with Gazprom exceeded $5 billion,” he boasted. “2015 was a real test for the industry, the crisis created an atmosphere of uncertainty, but the company was able to demonstrate quality growth financial results", - the president of Rosneft spoke about the successes. “11.5 billion barrels. - these are oil and condensate reserves, 7.5 trillion cubic meters. m - gas reserves. At the end of the year, another record was reached in hydrocarbon production - 254 mmtoe. e., - continued the top manager.

“In terms of drilling, the number of wells, the increase in reserves, most of the indicators we are the best in the global oil industry.” According to Sechin, Rosneft's service is also the best among Russian companies. “We can do 29-stage hydraulic fracturing - this is a record for Russia. Every third cubic meter of gas on the stock exchange belongs to Rosneft, says the company's president. In his opinion, the development of offshore projects is a strategically important task. A $1 investment on the shelf gives a $7 multiplier effect on the country's GDP, he explained.

And here the company has success. Rosneft is strengthening its position on the Arctic shelf: in 2014, it discovered one of the largest fields in the last three years, Pobeda, in the Kara Sea. Recently, Rosneft received a license for the Khatanga Bay, drilling will begin in the spring next year, painted top manager.

All refineries of Rosneft last year switched to the production of Euro-5 class fuel ahead of schedule, he said. The Ministry of Energy believed that the company, on the contrary, was one of the Russian oil workers lagging behind in the modernization of oil refining, the department even shifted the deadline for the mandatory transition to Euro-5 class fuel by six months, Sechin said.

“Over the past year, our shares have increased in price by more than 30%. The total aggregate return for investors was 25% on paper, while Western companies showed negative returns. I would like to record the fact that we continue to generate positive cash flow over the course of 16 quarters, while our colleagues went into the red,” he said.

Based on a valuation of 15% in Vankorneft, which the company recently sold to Indian ONGC for $1.27 billion, the valuation of all Rosneft reserves is twice market value company, follows from his words.

Rosneft is the driver of the Russian economy: in 2015, the company transferred 2.3 trillion rubles to the budget. We will continue to work for the prosperity of our country, our shareholders and our company,” Sechin concluded.

What do shareholders care about?

When asked by one of the shareholders about the sanctions, Sechin said that the company is working to reduce the risks from their impact. “So far we are doing it successfully, but we probably don’t need to tell all the details,” he said.

Poetry of Rosneft

Shareholders not only asked questions to Igor Sechin, but also read poetry. “I wanted to add a little humor and read a poem, maybe the shareholders will be a little dispelled by serious speeches and proposals,” said Vera Lubyakina, owner of Rosneft shares. “I want to live beautifully and chic, / Squandering money, do not grieve. // I’ll leave for Monte Carlo at least now, // I’d only get dividends, ”she read her work.

To another question - about the remuneration of board members - the top manager grinned: “This issue worries many. The amount corresponds to the amount of remuneration of the world's largest companies, otherwise we will lose our staff.” “Try to interest a good trader with a small salary when he has big deals going on before his eyes. The presence of such personnel allows us to provide technological breakthroughs,” he explained.

“How will the increase in dividends affect the investment program, will operational risks increase for the company?” - asked another owner of the shares of "Rosneft". “We discussed this and agreed on such payments from our side. This will require an additional 36 billion rubles from us, this is not a critical level for the company,” Sechin said. Shareholders at this time in the hall sighed and discussed their dividend payments. “Oh, I don’t have enough, thousands for 15,000,” one happy owner of Rosneft shares grieved.

“Last year, I spent 650 hours on an airplane due to negotiations with foreign partners - this is just for your information. If someone wants to spend 650 hours a year on an airplane - please, ”the top manager complained in the meantime.

“Will Rosneft keep dividends of 35% of net profit or is it a one-time action?” - the shareholders asked. “For this year, taking into account the requirements of the government, a level of 35% has been determined. I would not like to get ahead of myself and say that we will continue at the same level, it will depend on the wishes of the main shareholder. If such requirements are received, we will consider them constructively. But we understand the importance of such work, we will look for a balance of interests and strive for stability,” Sechin replied.

Shareholders not only asked questions, but also offered their vision of the company's development. So, one of them suggested that Rosneft think about paying interim dividends. “There is a reason: we have closed a deal to sell a stake in Vankorneft,” he said.

One of the shareholders complained about the closeness of Rosneft. He requested information about major transactions that the company was conducting, but did not receive it. “As far as I understand, this is due to the fact that I have a minimum number of shares, so I can be provided with minimal information,” the owner of Rosneft shares explained. This situation needs to be radically changed.

First, shareholders need to provide maximum information, and then count on investments, he explained. “A request to the company's management to open data on activities as much as possible, to take a step towards shareholders, this will have a very good effect on the image of Rosneft,” the shareholder concluded.


Rosneft shareholders approved the payment of dividends of 11.75 rubles. per share, or 124.5 billion rubles, is a compromise 35% of the company's net profit. In the spring, the Ministry of Economic Development insisted on dividends from Rosneft at 50% of net profit, and the Ministry of Energy - at 25%.

Andrey Belousov remains the chairman of the board of directors, follows from the draft directive that Vedomosti has. The shareholders approved E&Y as the auditor of Rosneft.

Shareholders also renamed the position of president of Rosneft to "chief executive officer" and approved a number of changes to the charter.

The annual meeting also approved a number of major transactions. Several of them are related-party transactions: on the purchase by Rosneft of oil and gas from subsidiaries Rn-Yuganskneftegaz, Vankorneft and Oreburgneft in 2016-2017. for a total amount of 1.3 trillion rubles.

Shareholders approved a number of transactions with banks. FROM VTB, a subsidiary of RRDB and Gazprombank, the meeting approved transactions for the placement of deposits in rubles, dollars, yuan or other currencies for a maximum of 4.2 trillion rubles. (with each bank) and for the same maximum amounts - transactions to attract loans. At the suggestion of the Board of Directors, transactions on the purchase and sale of foreign currency with three banks, transactions on REPO/reverse REPO transactions with VTB Bank, and transactions on the purchase and sale of the company's bonds during the initial placement for a maximum of 1 trillion rubles were also approved. (VTB will act as a broker). In addition, the shareholders approved transactions with VTB for the sale and purchase of bonds, bills of exchange for a total limit of 4.2 trillion rubles, transactions with currency and financial instruments for a maximum of 312 billion rubles, transactions in foreign exchange and interest rates for 500 billion rubles. etc.

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