Trade hasn't busted yet. Essay samples. specific examples of philosophy essays The human child at the time of birth is not a human being, but only a candidate for a human being (A. Pieron). Malcolm Forbes: "The biggest mistake people make in life is when they don't try to make money."


Commerce is an organizational form that provides the opportunity for freedom of choice.
John Ruskin

The market is a place specially appointed to deceive and rob one another.
Anacharsis (7th century BC)

Trade has not yet ruined a single people.
Benjamin Franklin

Big trade consists in buying, even if it is expensive, but on credit, and selling, even if it is cheap, but for cash.
E. B. White

In factories we produce cosmetics, in stores we sell hope.
Charles Revson

My coats are sold by my coats.
Monty Platt, clothing manufacturer

The postulate “For what I bought, for that I sell” is the right path to bankruptcy.
Leonid Krainov Rytov

As far as I can remember, the auctioneer never lied, except when it was absolutely necessary.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

The buyer is not an idiot: it is your wife.
From "Confessions of an Advertising Agent" by David Ogilvie

The seller needs a language, the buyer needs eyes.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The sign in the supermarket: "Here they speak English and understand French."
An inscription in an expensive supermarket: "Here they speak English and understand your tears."

Sale: Items you don't need at a price you couldn't resist.
Leonard Louis Levinson

A consumer is a customer who complains about something.
Harold Coffin

An unfaithful balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a correct weight is pleasing to Him.
King Solomon - Proverbs 11, 1

Life does not give, and people give weight.
Gennady Malkin

Kilogram: 800 grams per pack.
E. Kalinovsky

The store closes 15 minutes before closing time.
Soviet trade rule

In a women's shoe store, the most comfortable pair of shoes is on the saleswoman's feet.

The look of a trampled femininity. This look is often the case with pretty saleswomen who were going to conquer the world, but ended up behind the counter.
Victoria Tokareva

The market is a place specially appointed to deceive and rob one another.

It is better for the father of a family to sell than to buy.
Cato Mark Porcius Censorius

The eye of the buyer is in the hands of the seller.
Japanese wisdom

A customer is a customer who complains about something.
Harold Coffin

Marketing is selling a standard of living to a customer.
Paul Mazur

The sale starts when the customer says no.
American saying

Selling what the client doesn't want at a price they can't afford is what it means to be able to trade.

A good sales agent is able to sell a mortuary suit with two pairs of trousers.
"fourteen. Quips & Quotes LLC

Talk to the customer like you would your girlfriend, not like your wife.

You never know how many friends you have until you get into network marketing.

We never cheat on purpose.
Slogan in an English store (1920)

A person does not just sell goods, he sells himself and feels himself to be a commodity.
Erich Fromm

Buy not what you need, but what you need.
Cato Mark Porcius Censorius

What is in demand, then it seems the best.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Bargaining honor does not enrich.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Trade is not a principle, but a means to an end.
Benjamin Disraeli

There is nothing more beneficial to the people than freedom of trade - and nothing more unpopular.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

The spirit of trade, which sooner or later will take possession of every people, is what is incompatible with war. Of all the forces subject to state power, the power of money is perhaps the most reliable, and therefore states will be compelled (not morally, of course) to promote a noble peace.
Immanuel Kant

We have memorized a bunch of smooth phrases about the criminality of war and thank God that we live in our peaceful trading time and can devote all our thought and energy to mutual robbery and swindle.
Jerome Klapka Jerome

The speculator is a high-road robber who robs the producers of the fruits of their labor for a meager price and forces the consumers to buy them from him at a much higher price. The weapon with which he attacks producers and consumers is double-barreled and is called "raising and lowering."
Max Nordau

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Benjamin Franklin pointed out exactly the problem of the nature and consequences of trade. This problem is relevant in the conditions of the economic life of the state.

The meaning of this statement is that trade and related activities do not bankrupt the population. If you look objectively, then trade, on the contrary, contributes to the development of a market economy, which has a positive effect on the overall situation in the country.

In my opinion, the eminent American politician is right, turning to world history, we will not find a single confirmation that could contradict Franklin's words.

Trade in all formations of human history has contributed to the development of the economy.

In modern economic activity, the exchange of goods usually takes the form of trade between people, firms, regions and countries. Trade is the activity of people to carry out the exchange of goods and the act of buying and selling through money. With the help of trade, the client (buyer) receives for money the goods of interest to him from the seller, in connection with which both parties to the transaction are satisfied from the commission of a commercial act. I'll give you an example. James Cash Penny, the owner of a supermarket chain, considered it important to follow the "golden" rule: "Work not only for yourself, but also create value for other people." This secret of J. Penny's success is a confirmation of B. Franklin's quote that trade does not ruin, but, on the contrary, benefits both the seller and the buyer.

As proof, let's take an example from history. In the Middle Ages, merchants went to distant lands to exchange goods in order to return back and subsequently sell foreign goods.

In the context of globalization, it is of great importance for the economy of the state to "go out" to the world level. New Zealand, for example, supplies almost most of the world with dairy products. New Zealand profits from international trade and thus prospers, and its buyers are goods, as a result, both parties benefit.

In conclusion, I want to summarize what has been said and note that trade contributes to the prosperity of the state, which has a beneficial effect on the population living in it.

Updated: 2018-02-20

Expert assessment:

According to the criteria for evaluating task No. 29. Demo 2020

29.1 The meaning of the statement is revealed - (1 point)

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: explanation of the key concept(s), availability and correctness of theoretical provisions - 0 points

the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained at the theoretical level. Only a definition of the concept of trade is given, which is not enough to reveal the idea at a theoretical level.

It was necessary to

1. Define the concept of foreign trade as an element of the world economy; 2. import, export, trade balance; 3. Show various trade policy instruments: protectionism, free trade; methods of state regulation of foreign trade: tariff and over-tariff; 4. the role of the WTO.

29.3 Correct use of concepts, reasoning (presence or absence of errors) (0 points)

According to the evaluation conditions: if criterion 29.2 is assigned 0 points, then criterion 29.3 is assigned 0 points

29.4 Factual arguments - (1 point)

(at least 2 correct facts/examples; examples should be from different sources: 1. from the public life of modern society; 2. from personal social experience, including literary works; 3. from history)

It was necessary to show how foreign trade enriched countries and led to a jump in the economy.

It could be so. In the 15-16 centuries, it was Spain and Portugal that were the most powerful and economically developed countries in Europe, because. sea ​​trade routes, the discovery of colonies, active foreign trade contributed to the inflow of capital to these countries. In the 17th century, England became such a country, again thanks to active foreign trade. England began to invest in an influx of capital in the industrial revolution, which made the British the most prosperous people in the world.

There are thousands of articles on the Internet with quotes from successful people. But most people misunderstand them, which is why they do not achieve the desired level of financial well-being.

We have analyzed the most famous quotes so you can see their true meaning.

Anatoly Pack

Robert Allen: “How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on interest from a deposit? That's what I'm talking about too"

Robert Allen is an American economist and professor. How this phrase is usually perceived: “It is impossible to get rich on deposits, deposits and investments.”

Benjamin Franklin: "Trade has not yet ruined a nation."

Benjamin Franklin is an American politician, diplomat, and writer. Usually they think like this: “The best business is trading. Trading has the lowest risks: you definitely won’t go broke if you just resell other people’s goods.”

Do you agree? How do you like this interpretation? It is most profitable to sell what you produce yourself. Indians sell tea, Britons sell wool, programmers sell code, chefs sell cupcakes.

Warren Buffett: “I'll tell you how to get rich on Wall Street: be careful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are cautious."

Warren Buffett is President and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. As poor people understand it: “If experts advise you to be careful, you should buy. Even on a financial pyramid, you can make a fortune, you just need to buy its shares as early as possible.

But not everything is so straightforward. Truly rich people interpret these words differently. Buffett talks about demand and advises against buying stocks at the peak of demand. Bitcoin is now at the peak of demand, so Buffett would not advise buying it.

Paul Samuelson: "Investing should be like watching paint dry or grass grow"

Paul Samuelson is an American economist and Nobel laureate in economics. This is how the phrase is usually perceived: “Investing is long, difficult, and brings little return, so only those who have extra millions can do it.”

But rich people see it differently. Investments that promise quick and large profits are most likely dubious and high-risk. The goal of a novice investor is to save money rather than to make quick and risky profits.

Malcolm Forbes: "The biggest mistake people make in life is when they don't try to make a living doing what they love the most."

Malcolm Forbes is an American publisher, businessman, and politician. Usually people think that they mean this: “You only need to do what you like, sooner or later, it will start to bring in big money.”

The rich are not simpletons. Their words often hide a double bottom. Learn to read between the lines and wealth will become your daily attribute!

He believes that trade is the way to the welfare of the state. After all, if a country has a sufficient amount of certain goods or minerals, then this is a profitable opportunity to sell them to another state at the most affordable price and earn money for the internal needs of the state.

I agree with the author's statement, as I believe that participation in international trade is the key to the successful development of the national and world economy as a whole. After all, competition among states leads to an improvement in the quality of goods and services produced, to the strengthening of the economic position of individual states, and hence to an increase in the welfare of society.

The world economy is a set of national economic systems interconnected by economic relations. And international trade is the exchange of economic benefits between different states. It has a number of positive aspects: overcoming the limitations of the national resource base, expanding the domestic market, generating additional income and deepening the specialization of production.

Russia mainly exports hydrocarbon raw materials (oil, gas and coal), machinery and various equipment. Export in our country is 100 muzzle. per year, of which 85% from natural resources. It is the sale of raw materials that ensures the replenishment of the state treasury, ensuring a normal standard of living for the population.

And in Goncharov's novel Oblomov, one of the main characters, Stolz, is one of the shareholders and managing directors of a company that exports goods from Russia to Europe. This business turns out to be quite profitable and allows the hero to buy a house.

Thus, trade is an effective method of making a profit, both for individuals, but also for entire countries. That is why the modern world community is especially interested in expanding and strengthening the world market.

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