Social package that is included for pensioners. What does the social package include? Social package that is included in the enterprise


What is included in the full social package when applying for a job?

    Everyone who gets a new job is offered social package. But both job seekers and employers put the wrong meaning in this concept. Usually, a social package means official employment, paid sick leave, monthly wages. But all these are the rights of the worker, which are obliged to fulfill in any case.

    BUT social package- these are some additional bonuses that the employer can provide to the employee. They are compensatory when an employee, for example, is paid for the use of a personal car for official purposes: depreciation and fuel consumption are compensated.

    And motivational:

    In this way, full social package implies a full set of various bonuses designed to motivate the employee's activities.

    More details about social package can be found here.

    A social package is a set of benefits and compensations that an employer provides you with at will. The package may include the following benefits:

    payment for maternity leave and maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age,

    sick pay,

    travel expenses to and from work

    vouchers to camps and sanatoriums,

    food payment,

    pension insurance,

    provision of interest-free loans,

    utility bills and others.

    A reliable responsible employer guarantees the applicant for a position in his company a full social package of guarantees. This usually means paying an annual fee. holidays and sick leave sheet. Other extensions the employer may not provide a social package (bonuses, trips to a sanatorium, payment for food, etc.), so it’s better to check with him what he means.

    the fact is that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not enshrine such a thing as full social packagequot ;. every employer can tell you that when applying for a job there is a full social package, but you can invest anything in this concept. so here. usually understand the concept of a social package is the employment and execution of an employment contract. Of course, there may be additional options. therefore, it is necessary to immediately clarify with the employer what kind of full social package it is.

    A full social package usually provides for:

    Additional health insurance,

    Corporate events,

    Gym payment,

    Providing free meals

    Vouchers to the sanatorium,

    Providing loans on favorable terms,

    The system of bonuses and gifts for employees.

    Social guarantees may be different in different organizations.

    Typically, a complete social package in any job consists of the following items:

    Travel expenses to and from work.

    Vouchers to sanatoriums and various rest houses.

    Payment for daily meals in production.

    Paid maternity leave until the child reaches one and a half years.

    Of course, this includes sick leave.

    And in some cases paying utility bills.

    The social package includes the most important thing is the payment of sick leave and for women, payment while maintaining a job, maternity leave.

    once a year paid vacation (well, or beat it into two halves)

    medical care (medical examination, vaccinations, treatment and provision of vouchers for treatment)

    insurance coverage in case of injury at the enterprise

    entry in the work book, contributions to the pension fund

    well, the rest is indicated in the collective agreement, something may be additional

    In general, the concept of a full social package is not enshrined in legislation.

    They often say - standard social packagequot ;. What does this mean?

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee has the rights prescribed in the code. For him, deductions must be made to the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the medical insurance fund, he has the right to pay sick leave, Women - to maternity leave. Also, employees have the right to annual paid leave and can count on the provision of leave to care for a child up to 3 years. The employer must accrue pension contributions to the employee's salary and transfer them, which guarantees that the employee will receive a pension in the future.

    In general, when they talk about a full or standard package, they usually mean official employment, with the conclusion of an employment contract. You should know that this is a legislative norm for all employers without exception.

    But also in addition to the obligatory standard package there may be some additional nice options. For example, a voluntary health insurance policy that also provides for an extended list of services, such as dental treatment in a good clinic. Or even company-paid chiropractor services. Many rich enterprises even equip their own gyms near industrial and office premises, where employees can work out for free. Or even free tickets. Free travel to work. Help. Interest-free loans to employees. Free food.

    But still, the list of additional options in different enterprises varies. Somewhere workers are happy at least with some additional opportunity, and some worker who is in demand due to high qualification will choose an enterprise with the widest possible list of additional benefits.

    Under the full social package, it is assumed that the employer will honestly fulfill its obligations to you and the state: pay taxes and transfer 1% to the pension fund, pay sick leave and provide you with paid leave. In addition, he can pay you the way to your place of work, give you unpaid leave in accordance with labor laws. But it may not do this if it is not laid down in the charter.

  • The complete social package is:

    • official employment, where the length of service will be taken into account in the future (when calculating a pension)
    • paid sick leave
    • paid vacation 1 time per year (at least 30 days)
    • payment of maternity leave for women and monthly payments for child care up to 1.5 years
    • insurance coverage in case of injury at work
    • monthly contributions to the pension fund.

A component of the preferential guarantees approved by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178 is a social package. It includes free medicines, a ticket to a sanatorium and travel to the place of treatment. You can receive these services in kind or in cash, and the social package is assigned immediately in the form of the listed services, as soon as disability is given.

What is included in the NSI of persons with disabilities

A person with disabilities receives the following services as an NSO free of charge:

Medicines and necessary medical products, including medical nutrition for children, if there is a prescription from a doctor (there is a list established by the Government);

A ticket to a Russian sanatorium together with an attendant (if a disabled person cannot do without outside help);

Moving in intercity transport and a commuter train to the place of recovery and back (accompanying a disabled person of the 1st group also uses this opportunity).

Since the NSI for the disabled and beneficiaries of other categories is included in the EVA, it will be possible to take advantage of the listed benefits when issuing a certificate of appointment of the EVA.

It should be noted that the financing of social services in the minimum amount is carried out at the expense of funds from the federal budget. At the same time, in the regions, authorities can adopt relevant acts, thus establishing additional services (this is relevant if the beneficiary's income is below the subsistence level, etc.).

How often can I use NSO

Life-saving medicines must be provided to the person in need in the amount prescribed by the doctor. As for spa treatment, there are some nuances here. For example, the probability of obtaining a tour every year is unlikely. This is due to the fact that the purchase of vouchers is carried out with the money allocated by the federal authorities specifically for the social package.

According to known data, about 1,500 rubles are allocated annually for a ticket for one beneficiary, while the cost of treatment in a sanatorium will cost 20,000 rubles (average price). It is obvious that in fact they buy 13 times less tickets (approximately) than they need. This forms a queue of people waiting for two or three years.

The situation with travel is a little simpler: free tickets for movement in intercity transport are provided to disabled people with a special form in their hands. The form is issued at the regional Ministry of Health (treatment in a sanatorium is also recommended here). There are no queues and there are usually no difficulties in obtaining the service.

Recipients of the social package

Eligible for a set of free services:

Disabled people of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, including disabled children;

Former prisoners of concentration camps who received an injury, illness or other injury at that time that provoked disability;

Military personnel who served from 6 months, but were not included in the active army during the Second World War;

Persons who became disabled due to participation in hostilities:

Veterans of the Second World War and those who have the status of a resident of besieged Leningrad;

Victims during the performance of atomic tests and from exposure to radiation;

Family members of beneficiaries.

The list also includes civil servants who received a disability group while performing their duties. This is about:

Employees of the penitentiary system;

military and police personnel;

Working on military installations.

NSO registration algorithm

A potential beneficiary of assistance in the form of an NSO should:

Confirm your involvement in the preferential category;

Prepare a package of documents proving the right to benefits;

Contact the territorial department of the FIU at the place of residence.

The last step can be done by appearing in person. There is also a portal of State Services or the MFC. Plus, postage is available. And for those who, due to a difficult state of health, are not able to resort to one of the indicated methods of treatment, experts recommend attracting a legal representative acting on behalf of the applicant by proxy.

Documents are transferred to the FIU, where they are under consideration for up to 30 days. Starting from the moment of its entry into force, the applicant for the NSO must familiarize himself with the decision within 5 days. If a set of social services is provided, the beneficiary can use them in kind (in order to receive a monetary equivalent, it is necessary to abandon the NSO).

Documents for receiving a package of social services

The applicant must submit to the FIU:

Passport or residence permit;

SNILS and IPR for a disabled person;

Application for the appointment of EDV (form to be issued);

A request to replace in-kind benefits with money in the form of an application (if there is a desire);

An extract from the ITU act confirming the presence of health problems;

Certificate of a disabled person, participant in the Great Patriotic War, etc.;

A certificate indicating the group of disability or discharge epicrisis;

Order to engage in hostilities (if any);

Documents confirming being in a fascist concentration camp;

Certificates from the employer, if the disability was the result of the performance of official duties;

Papers on special merits or titles;

Settlement account number for transferring monetary compensation (in case of full or partial refusal from NSO);

Power of attorney (if a third party is involved in the process, that is, your representative).

Cancellation of social package

In order not to receive the services listed above, but to add a certain amount to your pension, you should submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (same as at the place of residence of the beneficiary). The appeal will be considered in a timely manner if you contact the territorial department before October 1. If the refusal was issued once, an annual request is not needed (of course, if there is no need to return in-kind benefits or refuse, for example, not only medicines, but also vouchers). In the event of a change in your decision, the application is written again.

Social package in monetary terms

The social package is indexed every year on February 1 according to the current inflation rate and is not subject to income tax. Thus, if you abandon the NSO in full, they will accrue 1155.06 rubles. At the same time, up to 127.77 rubles are allocated for free travel, about 889.66 rubles for medicines, and, finally, up to 137.63 rubles for sanatorium treatment.

Is it worth it for a disabled person to refuse a social package?

Making a decision to replace social services with money is easy enough if we consider each of the options provided separately and in order.

Medicines for free. If we are talking about a disease that does not require expensive drugs (for example, a missing limb), you can not use the benefit for free medicines. But, say, diabetes mellitus requires insulin, which is provided free of charge within the NSO. In addition, there are other complex conditions that do not allow excluding such a service. Therefore, an additional consultation with a doctor on this issue will not hurt.

Ticket to the sanatorium. To receive procedures in a sanatorium every two or three years - at first glance, this is not enough. But a simple calculation shows that in three years it will be possible to receive approximately 4,500 rubles. Obviously, for the indicated amount, an 18-day vacation with food and treatment cannot be purchased (plus, an accompanying person travels with disabled people of the 1st group).

Travel to the place of treatment. Taking into account the fact that a trip to a sanatorium is an infrequent phenomenon, in three years you can lose a little more than 4,000 rubles. That is, if it is possible to get to the place of treatment for 200-300 rubles, it makes little sense to maintain the service (as a rule, in such cases, medical institutions are nearby). But visiting remote cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) becomes unprofitable. Then it’s worth getting special coupons for free train travel in both directions using coupon No. 2 (an accompanying person is also considered).

The first thing an employer offers an employee is a salary. But now the social package is also becoming relevant. In many job postings, you can see a mention of additional benefits.

Social package: what is it

This concept is not regulated by the state, despite its popularity and demand. However, it is very relevant both among applicants for prestigious positions and among employers. The presence of a social package provides unconditional advantages when taking office.

It is impossible to confuse the concept of social guarantees and the social package. An employer of any level is obliged to provide its employees with guarantees approved by federal law.

Social package as a way of motivation

The list of benefits often becomes a reflection of the distribution of power within business units. With its help, the status of the employee is emphasized, so this concept is increasingly gaining weight and significance.

When forming the package, options are allowed, but its unifying feature in any enterprise has become the payment by the employer of the proposed additional benefits.

For example, often the social package includes medical care or rest in a specialized sanatorium. Some employers are limited to providing a mobile phone or assistance in renting temporary housing.

The list of benefits sometimes includes memberships to the pool or fitness center. And even the 13th salary, known since Soviet times, is also part of the social package. The priority component in any option of privileges is the payment of transportation costs.

If the employer guarantees employees medical insurance, then he is more likely to get qualified specialists and secure them in his production.

The social package is the best way to motivate staff and attract valuable employees.

At the same time, it cannot be said that the presence or absence of social incentives is the main criterion for choosing a job. In recruitment agencies, there are rarely cases of refusal of a position due to the lack of a social package. This is rather a good bonus and an additional incentive when making a decision.

How the social package is formed

Most companies practice a heterogeneous list of benefits.

Modern employers practice three ways of its formation:

The social package contains a psychological factor. He works for the cohesion of the team and the formation of corporate culture.

The social package is beneficial for both employees and employers. For management, this is a good chance to retain valuable employees without wage increases. For employees, this is a significant support from the employer.

Full social package: what includes

So, in the labor legislation there is no such term. But the legislation provides for the obligation of any employer to provide each member of the team with social protection.

The provision of basic guarantees is not the "favor" of the employer. Providing employees with annual leave or providing unscheduled time off in connection with a wedding, the employer does not express any special disposition towards the employee, but fulfills his direct duties. The same applies to the formation of a package of documents on labor protection, payment for sick leave or referral for a medical examination.

The full social package includes rights guaranteed by law and additional social benefits from the employer. However, the list of additional benefits is regulated by the employer.

It is important that this nuance be emphasized in the employment contract. When applying for a job, additional preferences in the form of a full (extended) social package are offered by reputable companies. Moreover, the employer has the right to vary it for different positions.

Social package, provided by the employer, for many job seekers is still not entirely clear phrase. Very often, they take advantage of the fact that the employee does not fully understand their rights, and they include in the social package their direct duties towards the employee (providing him with certain benefits), prescribed in the laws. Sometimes the reverse situation is also possible - not knowing what can be included and what is not in the social package, the job seeker, having heard that the employer does not provide the social package, or that it is small, the potential refuses promising. In this regard, when choosing a place of employment, it is very important to understand what a social package is, as well as what may be included in it.

The concept of a social package

First of all, it must be said right away that the social package is not provided by all employers, since it is not provided for in the legislation as a direct obligation of the employer. At the same time, if an organization provides its employees with a social package, this indicates its viability, financial reliability, as well as care in relation to.

Thus giving definition of social package, we can say that this is a set (most often, all kinds of material payments) provided by the employer to its employees on a voluntary basis, in order to attract promising employees to their organization, to demonstrate care for them, as well as to form a positive image of the organization in the business sphere and on labor market. I would like to note that the provision of a social package is the right of the employer, and not his obligation, therefore, it is impossible to require the organization to provide a social package to the employee. In addition, it must be remembered that there is no mandatory set of social package - one employer can provide more benefits included in the social package, and the other less. This issue is also left to the discretion of the employer.

In addition, one cannot fail to say that when familiarizing yourself with the list of benefits and payments, you should be careful and remember that sometimes, in order to mislead the potential, employers include in the list of social package payments mandatory, compensation and provided for in the law. This trick allows you to make the social package more impressive and solid. In this regard, it should be remembered that the employer must provide all categories of employees are paid annually, make contributions to the Pension Fund, pay sick leave for illness and injury from an accident, pay material benefits in case of disability, etc.

This is the legally established minimum that the employer must certainly provide to the employee, and this list is not included in the social package. At the same time, if an employer, for example, pays a sick leave at an increased rate (more than 100%), then this will already be considered a payment included in the social package. Also, it should be remembered that the set of social package, within the same organization, may vary, depending on the position of a particular employee, as well as on his length of service - some social package may be more, others less.

Also, it must be remembered that all benefits and payments listed in the social package must be included in the contract concluded between the employer and the employee, or must be listed in the appendix to the employment contract. Only in this case, if certain benefits are not provided, the employee will have the right to demand that they be provided. Also, only when the list of the social package is included in the employment contract, the content of this list cannot be changed without the consent of the employee. In addition, it should be noted that by providing an employee with an extensive social package, the employer has the right to set the conditions under which the listed benefits will be provided.

In this regard, it seems necessary to get acquainted not only with the content of the social package itself, but also with the conditions for its provision. It must be remembered that some unscrupulous employers may pay for the benefits included in the social package, partially or completely from the employee's earnings - this must be immediately paid attention to when concluding an employment contract. So, let's look at the main components of the social package.

Components of the social package

As mentioned above, the components of the social package in different organizations can be completely different. Therefore, the list below is approximate (the most frequently used payments and compensations are listed) and, accordingly, can be either supplemented by a specific employer or reduced. So, The social package may include:

-medical service. As a rule, this refers to voluntary health insurance. At the same time, the employer notifies its employees that, if necessary, they can go to a certain hospital (polyclinic) for free to receive. Usually, in this case, the employee is provided with the full range of medical services, with the exception of operations and dental services. However, a set of such medical services included in the social package should be checked with the employer in advance. Also, some large organizations may provide voluntary health insurance not only for their employees, but also for their family members.

-learning opportunity at various courses, seminars, classes, etc., contributing to the professional growth of employees, improving their skills. Such classes are paid for by the employer.

As mentioned above, the employer is obliged to make mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund. At the same time, in addition to mandatory payments, the employer can make additional transfers to the pension account employee (non-state pension insurance)

Depending on the scope of the organization and the mode of its work, it can provide:

Availability for employees concessional loans; or provide other assistance in obtaining from the organization
---mobile phone bill if, due to the nature of the professional activity, the employee has to talk a lot on the phone
---payment for fuel(payment for technical inspections, insurance), if the employee uses personal transport at work
---free food on the territory of the organization (or in certain places of food)
---free for an employee (at the expense of the organization) travel to and from work

- if the organization owns a recreation center, it can provide an opportunity for its employees and their families (children) to rest at them at the expense of the organization. Either, it is possible payment for vouchers for employees (in whole or in part) in rest houses, sanatoriums, etc.

-provision of additional holidays, days off and the opportunity to take time off with pay

Providing subscriptions for sports

-assistance in arranging and searching for employees from other cities

Directly cash payments under the social package can be provided in the form:

Bonuses at the end of the year (the so-called thirteenth salary), as well as other types of bonuses
--- Supplement to average earnings in case of temporary disability and the onset of
--- payments on the occasion of the occurrence of certain events (birth of a child, weddings, gifts for some holidays, etc.)
---increased travel allowances

Thus, we have listed the main items that may be contained in the social package provided by the employer. At the same time, the employee should be extremely careful when applying for a job, and in the most serious way approach getting acquainted with the content of the social package provided, the conditions for its provision and the inclusion of social package items in.

Many employers in the announcements about the squeaks of employees write about the social package that they can receive if an employment contract is drawn up with them. Although the term itself refers to the social sphere, it has nothing to do with social guarantees from the state. And at each workplace or for certain categories of citizens, these are their own, different from other conditions for providing free assistance either by the employer themselves, or a set of certain services guaranteed by the state. In the article we will talk about what the social package includes.

What is a social package for employees of organizations, which includes

And if in the distant Soviet times no one was surprised by free medicine and education, or the distribution of free vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, today social values ​​have changed. And the concept has become a common bonus for providing its employees with a kind of benefits or compensation, that is, social assistance either from the employer or from government agencies.

Our working population naively confuses the term social package with social guarantees, in the latter case they are qualified by labor legislation, and guarantee all employees, for example, a normalized lunch break or sick leave payment, care for a minor family member, etc. What benefits are provided to pensioners for know old age.

Each head of an enterprise or commercial structure has the right to establish a list of assistance to his employees, because our legislation does not regulate this issue in any way, although the concept itself has long been part of our lives.

You can find out what will be provided to you by the employer under the social package from the text of the concluded labor agreement, and it depends only on how much money they can be allocated for each employee individually.

This clause of the contract significantly reduces the tax burden on the enterprise, so the controlling structures may oblige the management to list full information about possible assistance in each individual employment contract. He will tell about benefits for working pensioners.

On the video - what the social package includes:

What is included in the employee benefits package

A social package is an effective incentive for an employee to improve his performance, because if, for example, he has implemented an innovative solution that significantly increases the productivity of products, then such an employee will not only be provided with typical benefits and payment for various services at the expense of the employer, but can be given a prestigious trip to resort, or send on a trip abroad. He will tell you about insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance.

Or if the management is important about the health of employees, then it can pay for subscriptions, for example, to a swimming pool or a gym. Although everything here is strictly individual, and absolutely everyone may not need the same free services. For what you can get a tax deduction will tell.

The full social package may include, although this is not a direct obligation of the employer:

  • Paying staff lunches.
  • Registration of medical insurance.
  • Pension contributions for insurance at the expense of the employer.
  • Separate payments in case of disability at the enterprise or additional payment to women going on maternity leave.
  • Free provision of vehicles for commuting, for example, from the nearest metro, or partial reimbursement of the cost of travel tickets.
  • Free provision of children's Christmas gifts or tickets to Christmas trees.
  • Allocation of funds to pay for sanatorium vouchers, to children's health camps or boarding houses.
  • Partial or full payment for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, including.
  • Free housing for some of its employees.
  • Providing interest-free loans, for example, for the purchase of residential real estate.
  • Acquisition at the expense of the company of subscriptions to sports sections, gyms, swimming pools, etc.
  • Organization of free refresher courses, seminars, trainings.

The employer has the right to provide his employee with any benefits if he has available funds for these purposes.

Partial package benefits that are commonly available to temporary employees may include:

  • Free lunches.
  • Partial reimbursement of the cost of travel tickets.
  • Getting uniforms.
  • In case of emergency, receiving funds from the employer's fund, for example, for the funeral of a loved one.

And again, all of them can be established only by the company's management, there are simply no legal requirements for the mandatory provision of certain guarantees. Read about article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on social tax deductions.

Social package for old age pensioners

Since people of retirement age usually no longer work, the social package is provided to them at the expense of the state, usually it includes:

  • Implementation of the possibility of obtaining free medicines prescribed by a doctor according to a prescription.
  • Provision of a sanatorium-resort voucher 1 time in 2-3 years.
  • Travel expenses to the place of treatment and back home.
  • Payment for travel in ground and underground public transport.

This is the main list of benefits received, but some regional authorities make an additional payment to their elderly citizens, for example, for the title of a hero or for outstanding services to their small homeland, for example, if a pensioner has patented such inventions that his region or region needs.

All this is the prerogative of local authorities, and only they can decide what social security services are available to them for implementation in relation to each person of retirement age.

The composition of the full social package for the disabled

Disabled people are the most vulnerable group of the population, therefore the state provides its own social package for them, which includes the following services:

  • Purchase of free medicines.
  • Provision of annual sanatorium-resort vouchers to rehabilitation centers.
  • Free travel tickets, in contrast to, for all types of urban transport, commuter rail, or payment for travel to the place of treatment and back home.

On the video - general information about benefits for people with disabilities:

Some categories of people, such as, may have benefits for paying utility bills and a landline phone, a free call to a doctor at home in a narrow specialty, or a free appointment with a specialist at a medical center. But all this can only be provided by the local administration, and as services from the main package in other regions may not be available.

Whether the employer or the state provides you with services under the social package does not matter at all, the main thing is to know what you can count on in this or that situation.

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