Magazine edition. Download sample magazine business plan Detailed magazine business plan example


We present to your attention the project "Journal Edition".

The business plan is developed on the basis of the actual data of the operating enterprise.

Highly qualified employees with experience in the industry took part in the creation of the project.

The business plan complies with international and Russian standards (UNIDO, TACIS, EBRD, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture) and will adequately present your project in Russian and international banks, as well as government agencies at all levels.

If necessary, the specialists of our company will make adjustments to the financial calculations and the descriptive part of the project in a short time in order to ensure that the business plan fully complies with your parameters.

The project is provided in the format of working files, in which you can make changes yourself or by qualified employees: a financial model (based on Excel) and a Word (Powerpoint) file.

Main parameters of the project:

Quantitative indicators: Circulation volume - 20 thousand copies. Publication frequency - 1 issue per month.

Investment size:
  • in dollars 380 117
  • in euros 244 257
  • in rubles 9 016 228

Payback period of the project, years: 3,1

Basic document settings

  • Number of pages - 185
  • Number of charts - 38
  • Number of tables - 38


1.1 Goals and objectives of the project

Project initiator: Limited Liability Company "ХХХХХХХХ".

The goal of the project is to publish an English-language popular science journal translated into Russian on the basis of a franchise provided by the publishing house that owns the journal.

It is planned to combine 4 previous issues of the original journal in English into a single Russian issue and publish in Russian.

Circulation volume - 20 thousand copies (50 thousand copies in the optimistic version of the project calculation).

Publication frequency - 1 issue per month. The volume of one issue is expected to be up to 160 pages, of which up to 40 pages are advertising space. The format of the publication is A4. Paper - matte, coated, cover density 170 g/sq. m. Pages with text 120.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • preparation of documents for mass media registration;
  • media registration;
  • conclusion of an agreement with the publishing complex "ХХХХХХХХХ" (for the publishing house of the journal);
  • conclusion of an agreement with the holding group of the GC "ХХХХХХХ" (for the distribution of the magazine);
  • office equipment;
  • selection of employees;
  • attraction of advertisers;
  • the beginning of the editorial work;
  • issue of the first issue of the journal.

1.2 Project financing

The need for financial resources for the project is 9,016.2 thousand rubles.

It is planned that the financing of this project will be carried out entirely at its own expense. Funds for the development of the project are needed within 6 months from the date of launch.

1.3 Franchise payments

According to calculations, franchise payments for 5 years will amount to 5,902.7 thousand rubles.

1.4 Project indicators

The economic efficiency of the project was confirmed by calculating the traditional financial indicators used in the project analysis.

The project calculation horizon is 60 months (5 years).



1.1 Goals and objectives of the project
1.2 Project financing
1.3 Franchise payments
1.4 Project indicators


2.1 Details
2.2 Legal information
2.3 Scope of activity
2.4 Company history and stages of development
2.5 Company objectives
2.6 Description of the project

General description of the project
Description of the production process of the printed product

2.7 Goals of writing a business plan


3.1 Product/service description
3.2 Uniqueness and distinctive features of products
3.3 Qualitative and quantitative characteristics

Qualitative characteristics
Quantitative characteristics


4.1 General economic situation
4.2 General analysis of the market for this product/service

4.3 Analysis of consumer preferences
4.4 Competitive analysis
4.5 SWOT analysis


5.4 Pricing strategy
5.5 Target audience


6.1 Timetable for project implementation
6.2 Purchase of plant and equipment for production
6.3 Production and sales plan (income plan)

6.4 List of resources for production and their cost
6.5 Running costs

fixed costs
variable costs
Project cost analysis

6.6 Analysis of the budgetary effectiveness of the project


7.1 Required production plan
7.2 Project management and administrative staff


8.1 Factors affecting the company's performance
8.2 Risk analysis

Non-specific risks
Specific risks

8.3 Measures to reduce losses



10.1 Basic assumptions for calculations
10.2 Cash flow forecast
10.3 Income Statement Forecast
10.4 Sensitivity analysis and project break-even point

Sensitivity analysis
Break even point analysis
Break-Even Analysis Assumptions
Break-even operating activity
Break-even analysis for the whole project

10.5 Calculation of financial ratios and project performance indicators


11.1 List of tables
11.2 List of figures



1.1 Tables

Table 1. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 2. TOP-10 magazines by advertising budgets (in XXXX, according to price lists, in rubles, excluding VAT)
Table 3. The volume of advertising in the means of its distribution
Table 4. Advertising revenues of Russian magazines by categories, XXXX-XXXX, billion rubles
Table 5. Top 10 publishing houses in terms of magazine audience
Table 6. Comparative table of circulation volumes in XXXX and XXXX
Table 7. Information about competitors
Table 8. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses and opportunities (SWOT analysis)
Table 9. Calendar and financial plan
Table 10. Editorial equipment costs
Table 11. Structure of income by areas of activity for the project period
Table 12. Income Plan
Table 13. Fixed costs
Table 14. Variable costs
Table 15. Taxes
Table 16. Analysis of the cost structure (in relation to revenue)
Table 17. Distribution of tax payments by budget levels
Table 18. Staffing with salaries
Table 19. Qualitative risk analysis
Table 20. Measures to reduce losses as a result of the occurrence of risks
Table 21. Investment budget
Table 22. The impact of changing individual parameters on project performance indicators
Table 23. Project sensitivity analysis
Table 24. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 25. Leading publishing houses in XXXX-XXXX by AIR
Table 26. TOP-10 magazines by advertising budgets (in XXXX, according to price lists, in rubles, excluding VAT)
Table 27. Shares of product categories in advertising revenues of the magazines "ХХХХ" and "ХХХХ" (ХХХХ, %)
Table 28. Market leaders in health journals in XXXX
Table 29. Advertising revenues of Russian magazines by category, XXXX-XXXX, billion rubles
Table 30. Top 15 advertising product categories in business and socio-political magazines (XXXX, according to price lists, in million rubles, excluding VAT)
Table 31. Main indicators of the leaders of monthly automobile magazines in groups, XXXX
Table 32. Audience of children's magazines (XXXX, thousand people)
Table 33. Top 10 publishing houses by magazine audience
Table 34. TOP-5 advertising product categories in monthly magazines (XXXX in rubles)
Table 35. TOP-5 advertising product categories in weekly magazines (XXXX, in rubles)
Table 36. Audience of one issue of magazines (by categories, data for October XXXX)
Table 37. The volume of advertising in the means of its distribution
Table 38. Trust in certain types of advertising

1.2 Drawings

Figure 1. Main financial parameters of the press market in Russia, XXXX, billion rubles
Figure 2. Structure of distribution of funds for the implementation of socially significant projects in the 20th century (by types of publications)
Figure 3. Growth in the circulation of the magazine "ХХХХ", thousand copies
Figure 4. Circulation volume of existing popular science journals
Figure 5. Selling prices of competitors, rubles per copy
Figure 6. Structure of distribution points
Figure 7. Distribution of circulation by rack dimensions
Figure 8. Structure of magazine promotion channels
Figure 9. Schedule for financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 10. Schedule for financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 11. Growth in circulation volumes
Figure 12. Achievement of planned advertising space sales volumes
Figure 13. Dynamics of sales proceeds, rubles
Figure 14. Revenue structure
Figure 15. Structure of fixed costs (to the total volume of fixed costs)
Figure 16. The structure of variable costs (to the total volume of variable costs)
Figure 17. Structure of tax payments (over the project period)
Figure 18. The ratio of fixed and variable costs
Figure 19. Distribution structure of sales proceeds for costs and profits
Figure 20. Structure of tax revenues of budgets of all levels (over the project period)
Figure 21. Structure of investment costs
Figure 22. Break-even point excluding tax component, rubles
Figure 23. Break-even point, taking into account the tax component, rubles
Figure 24. Break-even point of the project as a whole, rubles
Figure 25. Cash flows for the project, rubles
Figure 26. Payback of the project, rubles

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    According to data from the research company Mediascope, the Internet audience in Russia at the end of 2016 - the beginning of 2017 grew to 87 million people. That is, seven out of ten Russians aged 12-64 are actively exploring the Web, and this figure is growing every year. A third of Russian citizens use the Internet to search for news information, just a year ago their number was 1.5 times less.

    For these reasons, the creation of an online magazine looks like a promising project that does not require large investments. The presented business plan of the magazine with calculations shows that its initial monthly profit will be 53.12 thousand rubles, and in the future, with the active promotion of the project, income growth is expected.

    Business idea: creating an online magazine on the topic of fitness and a healthy lifestyle with a payback of 2.5 months.

    Objectives: to create a company with high profitability, profit and meet the information, educational and entertainment needs of the audience. It is planned to reach the figure of 700-800 thousand monthly readers in five years, to enter the top ten major websites about fitness and a healthy lifestyle in Russia.

    Starting investments in the project will amount to 163 thousand rubles. This will be the entrepreneur's own funds. At the initial stage, it is not planned to use borrowed funds. The funds will be used to register a domain, create and promote a website, fill the online publication with texts, photos and videos.

    You will also need to register the site as an online publication in Roskomnadzor. By law, this is not a prerequisite, but it will increase the confidence in the site among visitors, advertisers, sponsors and the Yandex.News service. This will allow the media to use the official right to receive information, protect before the law and remove responsibility for disseminating information that does not correspond to reality, discredits the honor and dignity of citizens if they are received from news agencies, from responses to requests, reprinted from other publications. In particular, you will not have to be responsible for user comments if they do not undergo preliminary moderation. The cost of registration for self-registration will be 10 thousand rubles.

    To carry out activities, it is planned to register an LLC. Suitable OKVED: "Publishing" - 58.11.2, 58.14.2; "Activities in the field of information technology" - 63.11, 63.12; "Advertising activities and market research" - 73.12.

    The project will be considered as a long-term investment with a circular economy. When income falls, the cost of acquiring new materials decreases, and vice versa. Profitability is growing, the number of investments in the magazine is growing. The owner of an online publication will be engaged in other activities so as not to depend on the regularity of income.

    Stages of project implementation

    1. Buying a domain and hosting.
    2. Installation and development of CMS.
    3. Design development.
    4. Selection and testing of authors for the quality and uniqueness of texts.
    5. Filling the site with content, registering the site in search engines.
    6. Registration in contextual advertising services.
    7. Registration of a legal entity.
    8. Media registration.
    9. Promotion of mass media, attraction of audience and advertisers.
    10. Analysis of the result, adjustment of the plan.
    11. Project development.


    Electronic media are valued by the audience for useful and interesting content, reliable and high-quality information on a specific topic, which will help solve a problem, learn something new. The main objective of the magazine is to provide objective and up-to-date information about the sports lifestyle in a reader-friendly format. It will be a modern encyclopedia of fitness and a healthy lifestyle with photos and videos of exercises, tips from fitness trainers and doctors.

    The choice of topics is explained by the growing interest of Russians in sports, going to the gym, proper nutrition and daily routine. 60% of Russians, according to a 2016 VTsIOM survey, go in for sports. At the same time, in 2015 they were 10% less. A cult of a healthy body and organism is being formed in society, more and more state institutions and private fitness clubs are opening.

    That is why the pages of the publication will contain materials about body workouts at home and in the gym, effective programs to increase muscle mass and burn fat, exercise techniques, balanced nutrition, sports nutrition.

    The content structure will be roughly as follows:

    • 25% of materials about muscle development and exercises.
    • 25% about proper nutrition.
    • 20% on health.
    • 15% about diets and weight loss.
    • 15% on self care.

    In addition, the magazine will include articles with practical advice from athletes, fitness trainers, nutritionists, doctors, reviews of specific products, such as sports gadgets, running shoes, swimming accessories and others. It is planned to actively involve subscribers in the formation of content: polls, proposals for topics, materials, experiments, contests.

    The project will not require the purchase or rental of premises, as the owner and authors of the online publication will work remotely and, if necessary, hold meetings in coworking spaces or online via Skype. The purchase of special equipment is also not required, since the authors will work on their computers, photographers and cameramen - with their own equipment.

    Market analysis

    A 2017 VTsIOM survey showed that Russians receive information mainly from television (about 60% of the audience). Almost a third of Russian citizens prefer to use the Internet: they read websites, blogs and social networks. Basically, these are people from 18 to 34 years old. At the same time, the indicator of user activity on the Web is only growing every year, while interest in print media, on the contrary, is falling. In 2016, the magazines Allure, Conde Nast Traveler, Interview, Russian Reporter, Afisha and others were closed. For this reason, creating an online edition is preferable to printing a glossy magazine.

    Benefits of an online magazine:

    • Available to an unlimited number of readers.
    • Distributed throughout the country and beyond.
    • It has a free newsletter, which increases the loyalty of potential subscribers.
    • It requires less money to run, there is no need to rent a room, buy printing equipment or spend money on printing, layout, delivery of publications to kiosks.
    • It requires fewer employees: an editor, a proofreader, 2-3 journalists on staff, a photographer, a designer are enough; if necessary, freelancers and an accountant can be involved.
    • Ability to use interactive and engaging content: slideshows, videos, tests.
    • Ability to use links to refer to advertisers' websites.
    • Unlimited edition size, while the reader can get acquainted with the materials made a year ago.

    The winning moment is the fact that at the end of 2017, the costs of advertisers for promotion on the Internet reached the advertising budgets on television. Analysts of the investment bank BCS Global Markets note that in 2016 online advertising accounted for 38% of the advertising market in Russia, in 2017 - 41%, then the share will grow by 2-3% annually.

    Target audience of the project: 55% - men, 45% - women. The age of 70% of readers is from 18 to 34 years old, the rest are 15-18 years old and 35-45 years old. Portrait of the audience: higher education, office worker as a manager or a leading specialist, goes in for fitness to maintain health and fitness, periodically works with a personal trainer and buys sports nutrition, monitors his daily routine and nutrition, annually travels to rest in Russian or foreign resorts , prefers to buy "status" goods of famous brands.

    organizational plan

    To implement the project, it will be necessary to hire qualified employees with at least a year of work experience, plus experience in remote work in publications about sports, fitness, health or a similar field. Editor's responsibilities: team management, content editing, competitor analysis, selection of topics and news for publication, creation of new sections. The work of an Internet marketer includes the development of a magazine promotion on the Web, the creation of a brand positioning model, media planning, resource traffic analysis, an SMM strategy, maintaining groups on social networks, and attracting potential advertisers.

    Journalists-copywriters will fill the site with unique materials, take interviews, a copywriter-translator will translate and adapt texts from English-language thematic magazines. The photographer will do staging and reportage shooting, process pictures for the site. The task of the videographer is to shoot thematic videos for the site with the participation of fitness trainers, to mount the video.

    Staff members:

    The owner will act as the director of the project, he will be engaged in its development, expansion and change of directions of work, analysis of results, strategic management, selection and motivation of personnel, development of a marketing campaign, increase in advertising sales. At the initial stage, and then, if necessary, a designer, a site promotion specialist, an SMM specialist, an accountant will be involved.

    Marketing plan

    There is a shortage of resources with high-quality, useful and unique information on the Web, content on most sites is obtained by rewriting information from other resources. Search engines support the creation of unique content, so their mechanisms are being improved in order to find and promote just such materials.

    For this reason, to conquer the audience and search engines, you will need to create the largest possible amount of your own content: interviews, reports, photos, videos. This will help to attract as many visitors as possible, and consequently, advertisers - the main source of income for the media.

    Ways to promote a digital magazine:

    • News aggregators and traffic exchangers, including,,,, and others.
    • Search engine optimization of the site.
    • Contextual advertising in the search network.
    • Maintaining groups in social networks, advertising in other groups.
    • Creating a subscriber base: a form for collecting email and subsequent distribution of new publications, offering unique "closed" content for subscribers.

    To increase reader loyalty, you should organize competitions and experiments with prizes from sponsors, accept high-quality text and photo content from them, publish interviews with famous people, conduct audience surveys to identify needs and topics of interest.

    Production plan

    Monthly expenses:

    • Hosting payment: 1.5 thousand rubles.
    • Wage fund: 200 thousand rubles + insurance premiums 33% = 66 thousand rubles.
    • Services of an accountant and freelancers: 30 thousand rubles.
    • Website promotion in search engines and social networks: 80 thousand rubles.
    • Other expenses: 10 thousand rubles.

    Total monthly expenses project: 387.5 thousand rubles (for the year 4.65 million rubles).

    Tax payments: 15% of the "income minus expenses" of the organization (9.38 thousand rubles).

    Expenses for the first year of the online magazine: 163 thousand rubles + 4.65 million rubles + 9.38 x 12 = 4.925 million rubles.

    Financial plan

    Variable costs of the project: 163 thousand rubles.

    Fixed costs of the project: 387.5 + 9.38 = 396.88 thousand rubles / month, or 4.76 million rubles / year.

    Opportunities for publishing income:

    • Placement of banners and videos on the site.
    • Sponsorship and special projects.
    • Placement of PR and information materials.
    • Paid webinars and courses with fitness trainers, nutritionists.
    • Individual consultations with site experts.
    • Connecting the site to the advertising network "Yandex", Google and others.

    Monthly revenue: 450 thousand rubles.

    Annual revenue while maintaining indicators: 450 x 12 = 5,4< млн рублей .

    Break-even point for the first year = (revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs) = (5.4 million x 4.76 million) / (5.4 million - 0.163 million) = 4.9 million rubles.

    Profit per month: 450 thousand rubles - 396.88 thousand rubles = 53.12 thousand rubles.

    Profit for the year: 53.12 thousand rubles x 12 = 637.44 thousand rubles.

    Profitability\u003d profit / revenue x 100% \u003d 637.44 thousand / 5,400 thousand x 100% \u003d 11,8% .

    Payback\u003d starting investments / profit for the year \u003d 163 thousand rubles / 637.44 thousand rubles \u003d 0.25 years, 3 months.


    Every year more and more Russians master the Internet and register in social networks. Surveys show that online media is also gaining popularity. An online publication on the topic of fitness and a healthy lifestyle will become a popular product due to the growing interest of people from 18 to 34 years old in strengthening their health, improving physical fitness and proper nutrition.

    The presented example of the project showed that this business will require small initial investments - 163 thousand rubles, which will pay off in 3 months. The project does not need to rent premises and purchase equipment, it is necessary to create a website and fill it with materials. Monthly expenses will amount to 396.88 thousand rubles, monthly net profit in the first months of work - 53.12 thousand rubles. Further, it is planned to increase the profitability of the company by attracting more visitors to the site, actively promoting it in search engines and social networks and increasing the volume of investments by advertisers.

    It can be argued that a digital magazine is a real opportunity to create a stable source of income and realize your creative and entrepreneurial potential. For success, it is necessary to build a competent strategy for the development of the publication, think over a content plan and hire professionals to create high-quality and useful material.

    Beautiful, photoshopped covers are full of all the windows of kiosks and shops. Perfect models in perfect expensive clothes, luxury cars and accessories, exotic countries, all this plunges us into the ideal world that the media imposes on us so much and where shopping solves literally any problem. But is it really so?

    What lies behind the beautiful cover of a fashionable glossy publication

    Like any business, starting a magazine takes a lot of effort.

    • First of all, you need to be a specialist in this field, have experience, deep knowledge of the market, understand the specifics of the business and certainly have useful connections and contacts (where without them?).
    • To get a powerful market, you need to prove yourself at various events, shine and PR to the maximum, expanding the circle of acquaintances as widely as possible.
    • It is necessary to constantly promote the magazine on the Internet, in search engines, and actively disseminate information in social networks.

    All this will entail certain costs.

    Main sources of expenses and income

    Interviews with famous personalities and exclusive photos can also significantly increase interest in the magazine, but they also cost a lot of money. For example, Western publications are ready to spend a tidy sum for scandalous, shocking news, compromising evidence, photos of newborns and celebrity pregnancies, star weddings. Our celebrities and media are actively adopting this experience and making money on everything. Why not?

    Despite the beautiful articles and photographs, most magazines make money by advertising various products from the fashion and beauty industry. When you pick up a modern fashion magazine, you get the impression that you are reading a continuous stream of advertisements, occasionally "for decency" diluted with articles. And what publishers do not lure their readers: free samples with cosmetics and perfumes, small accessories as a gift, all kinds of drawings among regular readers.


    Creating your own magazine is considered a high-risk business. Many journals quickly cease to exist, unable to withstand the competition and the initial financial burden. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to stock up on powerful capital and form the right strategy.

    A worthy competitor for a printed publication is an online magazine. It does not require such large investments and has a number of advantages, namely an unlimited amount of information for every taste. But nothing can compare with the feeling of aesthetic pleasure when you hold a quality glossy magazine in your hands!

    Today, social networks are actively developing, which capture more and more audience every day. Most stars and public people have their own personal pages, where they share the latest news of their life and work, post their personal photos and their family members. That is, subscribers have access to the primary source of information, moreover, they can ask their questions and leave comments. This jeopardizes the need for the work of the media and threatens to lose the audience and shift from leading positions.

    Also, many magazines are faced with the problem of lack of advertising. Advertisers are in no hurry to pay money for advertising in an unknown, new magazine, but prefer popular, time-tested publications.

    Where to begin

    There are two types of glossy magazines on the market today: the so-called domestic ones and those that operate under a Western franchise (Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Elle). The number of Western magazines is twice as low as ours, but they are very strong competition and are in the niche of the most profitable. The advantages of such magazines are that they use a ready-made promoted name, concept and partially materials, and adapt to our reader. Plus, the publisher receives guaranteed advertising budgets from the very beginning, which are the main source of income (up to 80% of profits). The downside of such a magazine is the need to pay royalties - a percentage of sales and advertising to the brand owner (from 10 to 25%, depending on the contract).

    Difficulties in creating a domestic magazine primarily lie in a rather large start-up capital, which amounts to tens of thousands of dollars: an entrance fee to get on the shelves and advertising costs. The payback period for such a magazine is about three years. The advantage of our magazines over foreign ones is that their content is fully consistent with the mentality of the reader.

    Step by step plan to create your own gloss

      We study the market and determine the target audience: what kind of reader is the magazine intended for. It is necessary to find your own niche, to offer the reader something unique and inimitable. The most popular are specialized magazines (for example, about children, about motherhood, about fishing, about finance, etc.).

      We draw up a business plan with the calculation of the exact amount of start-up capital and the payback time of the magazine. Some initial costs are described above.

      We attract investors. Since creating a glossy magazine requires a lot of start-up capital, the best solution is to find people who are willing to invest money in your project. Interested businessmen can become a partner, co-owner or sponsor of a successful glossy magazine.

      We form a team. One of the main and main components of the magazine's success is a strong and experienced team, which should consist of professionals who know their business. But it is also important to involve new people in the cause. They can bring in new ideas that will serve as an incentive for everyone, which will give a powerful impetus to the development of the business. And, of course, there must be a strong leader - the editor-in-chief. Key specialists: editor, designer, layout designer, journalists, proofreader, accountant, head of the advertising department. Many publications invite specialists to work remotely, trying to save money. Additional employees of the publishing house: managers, secretary, office cleaner, driver.

      It is necessary to find an office space, provide it with the necessary office equipment, stationery and Internet access. We create favorable conditions for well-coordinated work and a positive end result.

      We determine the format of the magazine, the frequency of issues, the circulation and the volume of pages.

      We decide on the design of the magazine and cover. We select thematic headings. We remember that the magazine must have its own unique style and have a new and exclusive idea so that it can take its own place among the competition.

      We are working on a mechanism for implementing the journal. Initially, a free distribution option is possible. The magazine needs to be recognizable. We distribute the magazine in the locations of the target audience, women's magazine - in beauty salons, clothing and cosmetics stores, children's magazine - in children's goods and toys stores.

      We are looking for partners in the printing industry. Still, for a quality end product, you need quality printing and good paper.

    We invite you to watch a video with a detailed description of how to start your own business and not burn out. In the video, the editor-in-chief of a glossy magazine shares the secrets of a successful business and development strategies, gives advice on how to withstand competition and make the magazine interesting for advertisers and readers.

    Weekdays editorial Tatler

    The atmosphere in the editorial office and the staff play a very important role in the quality of the journal. If an atmosphere of unity and cohesion reigns in your team, your magazine is doomed to success!

    In the next video, we have the opportunity to look into the editorial office of Tatler magazine and see all the work from the inside. The editor-in-chief of the magazine Ksenia Solovieva, a beautiful, strong and energetic woman, introduces us to the members of the publication's team and conducts a tour of the editorial office.

    Everyday life of Elle

    Next, we get acquainted with the editor-in-chief of Elle magazine - Elena Sotnikova, who will tell us about the work of the editorial office, her difficult start as editor-in-chief, the structure of the magazine and its main principle - Mix and Match. We also learn why Elle's covers never feature stars.

    Allure Editorial Weekdays

    Ksenia Vagner, editor-in-chief of the magazine, speaks about the main concept of the magazine - not just to talk about the latest in the world of fashion and beauty, but also to reveal them from a practical point of view. The pride of the journal is the heading - Laboratory. The editor-in-chief introduces us to the main headings of Allure Russia.

    Everyday life of the Cosmopolitan Shopping editorial staff

    Next, we suggest watching a video about the working days of Cosmopolitan Shopping magazine. Alisa Radlova, editor-in-chief of the magazine, will reveal the pros and cons of her work. We will also learn about the main concept of the magazine and its subject matter.

    Weekdays editorial "Around the world"

    We invite you to get acquainted with the team of the educational magazine "Around the World". From the video we learn about the stages of development and the modern concept of the magazine, which has existed since the distant 1861. What is the key to the success of this publication?

    Behind the beautiful cover hides the hard work of the whole team. The carelessness and ideal life on the pages of the magazine is just an illusion, because there is nothing perfect in the world. This is a kind of motivation and incentive to improve and make your life better. To achieve any goals, you need to work fruitfully. Always do a little more than what is expected of you - and you will succeed. In the first place should be the interest of the reader, and not the pursuit of advertisers. The main thing is to love what you do, and then it will bring you success and financial well-being. Good luck to you!

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    Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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      Description of enterprise state of emergency "author". Business plan for creating a children's magazine. Sales market, its research and analysis. Competition and competitive advantage. Financial, production, marketing plan. Evaluation of project effectiveness and potential risks.

      term paper, added 12/13/2009

      General characteristics of the activity and analysis of competitors of the Tourist Bureau "DV Feniks". Description of the service "dog teams". Research and evaluation of the sales market in the business plan. Development of a marketing, financial, organizational plan. Risks and insurance.

      term paper, added 03/02/2013

      Theoretical foundations for drawing up targeted business plans, their aspects and stages of development. Development of a target business plan for ZINturs LLC to make a decision on project financing. Confidentiality Memorandum. Description of the industry, choice of activity.

      term paper, added 01/16/2013

      Development of a business plan for the creation of an enterprise LLC "Pizzeria". Description of services and evaluation of the market for the sale of the production of firm. Organizational and managerial plan of the company. Production, marketing and financial plan, calculation of the break-even point of the project.

      business plan, added on 11/14/2010

      A brief summary of the business plan of the Shooting Range "Sharpshooter", the purpose of its creation. A general description of the firm and the services it provides. Research of the competitive environment and potential consumers of the services provided by the range. Development of a marketing and financial plan.

      business plan, added 11/26/2012

      Development of a business plan for the creation of a flower shop "Camellia". Description of services and evaluation of the market for the sale of the production of firm. Organizational and managerial plan for the creation of the company. Financial, legal, marketing plan, risk assessment and project insurance.

      term paper, added 10/12/2010

      The main goals of opening and substantiating the business plan of a photo studio, assessing this market and existing competitors. Analysis of competitors and assessment of the prospects for the development of this enterprise. Drawing up the production, marketing and financial plan of the project.

      business plan, added on 10/18/2011

      Development of a business plan for opening a store selling interior fabrics. The main goals and objectives of the project, characteristics of the enterprise and products. Analysis of the commodity market, the study of competing firms. Development of marketing strategy and financial plan.

      control work, added 10/20/2010

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation