High-paying jobs are hired only by pull. Is it possible to get a good job without cronyism? Is it good or bad to take your own


”(Protection work) - although these words sound like a curse to someone, for the majority in our country, acquaintance work is an absolutely normal phenomenon. This has both pluses and minuses. The main thing is to understand what can be used for the benefit of oneself and others, and what should be avoided and beware.

Those who want to find a job through connections first of all need to understand that acquaintances can help in finding employment, but they will not be decisive in the future. Relationships play only a starting role, especially important at the beginning of labor activity, however, further success will depend entirely on the professionalism of the employee. If, after getting a good position through an acquaintance, you do not meet the professional requirements, then sooner or later you will still be forced to leave.

In most cases, protégés are young professionals. When applying for a job, one of the key conditions is seniority and work experience. Therefore, it is no secret that it is very difficult for young graduates to find a job where they can take an inexperienced person, but with knowledge only in theoretical terms.

Also, people who decide to change their profession and change jobs face the situation of employment through blat. And of course, already here the main factor is not only the lack of experience, but also the document on education. Also, any life situation, such as moving, downsizing, etc. can be the reason that pushed to find a job through friends.

Protection work can be beneficial not only to those who are looking for it, employers may also be interested in hiring a person on a recommendation for a number of reasons.

There are times when the mistake of hiring an incompetent specialist can cost a company a lot. Therefore, quite often, as lawyers, financiers, accountants, people are hired for whom someone who is reliable and trusted for the employer, the one whom he trusts, is entrusted. If a place is vacated at an enterprise, the manager sometimes resorts to the patronage of his employees who have already proven themselves in one position or another, because, as a rule, good personnel are unlikely to recommend a bad specialist.

The search for a new employee takes some time, and it is not a fact that during the interview process it will be possible to find a worthy candidate. This means that management will have to spend money and, again, time on training a new employee, especially if this is a candidate for a high position. Therefore, management is unlikely to refuse if they recommend a specialist who is responsible and knows his job well.

It can also be beneficial to provide a job seeker with patronage if you need to hire an employee who knows how to work in a team and can find a common language with the whole team. Therefore, the employer, being confident in the restraint of the protégé, his ability to get along with people, will prefer him. However, in this case, the leader must be confident not only in the newcomer, but also in how the team will accept him. After all, it is often those who are hired by pull that have friction with colleagues. Some even fall under severe psychological pressure ( what is mobbing). Such an attitude towards “thieves” and some other reasons are a good reason not to look for acquaintance work. Such reasons include shyness and fear of responsibility, because “in case of failure, the blame can directly or indirectly fall on the one who arranged you,” the applicants explain.

Of course, for someone to get a job through connections is shameful and unacceptable. People who are accustomed to achieving everything only by their own efforts do not want their merits to be attributed to advantageous kinship or any other personal connections. However, finding work through friends You can also prove yourself well and prove your professionalism.

Despite the fact that some people have a negative attitude towards employees who have got a job through blasphemy and would not have become employed in this way, the results of a survey conducted by the Headhunter Internet portal show that this method of finding a job is quite widespread in society.

The main reason to hire your person is trust. When hiring his relative or acquaintance, the leader understands that in his person he acquires a faithful assistant and comrade-in-arms. It’s easier to explain something to “one’s own” or to entrust something. Therefore, it is always easier for a "thieves" newcomer to get up to speed. Almost any employer, if a high position is vacated in his company, will put on it loved one, in order to always have at hand a person who can be completely trusted and on whom you can always rely. The applicant, in turn, receives a guarantee that, in any case, he will be provided with a job. He will feel more confident and protected, feeling the patronage of his superiors. This is with regard to the pluses, however, there are also minuses in the work of blat.

If you got a job by pull (by patronage, by kinship, by recommendation, through acquaintances - whatever you like, but the meaning is the same), be prepared for difficulties. It only at first glance may seem that being a protégé is convenient and easy, but in reality everything turns out to be the opposite.

Rules for a protégé

The main unpleasant moment for a worker through connections can be the distrust of colleagues. Perhaps you took the place of a fired employee with whom everyone had a good relationship, or maybe you were put in charge of watching the rest, who knows. The reason for displeasure may be banal envy or resentment, someone who went through the "seven circles of hell" to get a job in this company may not like that positions are obtained so easily, without interviews and probationary period.

In order to become a full-fledged part of the team and win its trust, an employee who has a job job by acquaintance these rules must be followed:

  • Do not use your "privileged" position with the head for personal gain. Arrive to work on time, don't leave early work time do not engage in extraneous affairs, etc.
  • Don't give co-workers a reason to gossip. Do not publicly demonstrate your good relationship with your superiors or with the person who recommended you, and even more so do not talk about them. Observe subordination!
  • If such conversations are still being conducted and it is in your power to stop them, then do it.
  • If the team does not make contact, do not immediately run and complain to the authorities, try to resolve the problem yourself.
  • Show that you are no less worthy of this work than others, but do it emphatically respectfully.
  • If your colleagues themselves show a desire to communicate with you, you should not close yourself off from this communication, however, if something does not suit you, without provoking a conflict, try to calmly discuss these points.
  • Become an indispensable employee. A very common opinion about "criminal workers" is that he is unlikely to know how, but they took him only because of kinship or for beautiful eyes. Prove your professionalism.
  • And most importantly, remember that the difficulties in the team in first working day for new job , if you were hired by acquaintance, they always arise, but if this does not frighten you, then in a fairly short period of time you will be able to correct the situation.

Protector Rules

Probably the main and only thing that a person recommending his friend or relative should take into account is his professionalism. Recommending unsuitable professionals is at least unreasonable. Since all responsibility for the activities of the protégé before the employer always falls on the shoulders of the recommender. Of course, you can also recommend a person without experience, but this should be said first of all.

Someone fundamentally does not ask relatives and friends for help in finding a job, even if they really need it. I think it's stupid. If there is an opportunity, why not use it?! Of course, here it is necessary to take into account some nuances (responsibility, payment for the service, etc.), but there is definitely nothing shameful in this.

What should be done by those who believe that work on the basis of blasphemy is not for him or who does not have blasphemy and for whom there is no one to vouch for? How to find a job? There is a misconception that one cannot get into the highest paid, best and most prestigious places without blat. This is an erroneous opinion. Today, the demand for good specialists is great, and if you are such, then you will not need acquaintances to find a decent job.

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For some reason, many people are biased towards finding a job with the help of relatives and friends. It is believed that blat during employment will not bring anything good to anyone who applies for vacant position, nor to the one who attaches a "good person" to a "warm place". Indeed, some difficulties may arise. For example, it is often difficult for a "thieves" newcomer to join the team. The inhabitants of the office may suspect that the employee got to work not at all thanks to his professional qualities, but only because of family ties with the authorities. Those who help relatives find work also often experience fears: what if the person you recommended turns out to be incompetent, and then you will certainly be accused of nepotism. And it is not always easy to fire an objectionable relative - this can negatively affect family relationships. But, despite these fears, employment by acquaintance has many advantages. For example, if the applicant has no work experience, find a good place It's hard to be without connections. In addition, by connecting relatives to the search for a place, in addition to your resume, you get good recommendations. Perhaps, other things being equal, it is the guarantee of your friend that will play a key role, and the choice will be made in your favor.

Anyone who hires a loved one receives a loyal and reliable employee as a reward for his kindness - who else can you rely on in difficult times, if not a friend or relative?

In general, recruitment has both advantages and disadvantages. And to do so in order to get only the pros and avoid the cons, it is entirely in your power.

Who are you from?

The correct line of conduct primarily depends on the position held by the patron and protégé.

Chief - subordinate. If fate gave you a leadership position, try to objectively evaluate the efforts expended by your protégé and adequately evaluate them. Even if the business situation requires additional labor costs, you should not think that all of them should fall on the shoulders of your friend or relative. If you are acting as a subordinate, do not try to get any privileges due to family ties with the boss. Observe subordination, do not make family or friendly relations with the boss visible to the team - familiarity is inappropriate in the presence of strangers!

The mentor is a trainee. This situation is typical if yesterday's student gets a job under patronage. Then the one who found a place for a former schoolboy often becomes his teacher. If you are acting as a mentor, your task is to teach your protégé to work, and not to protect him from the hardships and hardships of office life. Therefore, do not hesitate to load the beginner with work and do not be lazy to give him the necessary explanations. Then soon from an inept trainee you will get a full-fledged employee. If you're a newbie with no experience, don't try to force your mentor to do all your work, don't blame them for mistakes, and don't be afraid to ask questions!

Equal partners. Family relationships at work are often very useful when the business is just starting to build and outsiders do not have much faith in success. Who, if not a close person, is able to work with full dedication for a long time, to be sympathetic to the need to spend evenings, and sometimes weekends at work? However, there is a danger that the boundary between kinship and industrial relations will gradually begin to blur. And then office disagreements can affect friendships or family ties. So try to be more conscious about family conflicts. Ask yourself: what is really causing your dissatisfaction? Maybe it's better to discuss it during the workshop? Just don't get personal. Close people know each other's strengths and weaknesses better than others. You do not need to use your knowledge to solve work issues.

Alla Reid, singer:

I'm good at blatant work. In my opinion, it is no secret to anyone that everything always happens through friendship and good acquaintances, that is, through connections. There is nothing criminal in this.

Quite often I get emails like this: How can you interact with employees who are patronized by managers and business owners if these employees are under your control? What about the caste of "untouchables" who, taking advantage of their "special" relationship with management, do not give their best at work?»

The question is indeed very painful, given that there are many such cases, but according to my inner feelings in recent times there are more and more of them.

Let's assume that the owner of your organization has some kind of nephew who can't get into fast food, promoters, courier, or any other position that does not require the possession of special competencies. And now the first person of your company decides to give him a school of life in your company and, moreover, in your direct subordination.
The first thing I want to say is that he has the right to do so. Any business owner has the right to do whatever he wants with his business, since he is his parent, and he bears all the risks for running his business. entrepreneurial activity and for their management decisions. He can hire anyone, fire anyone, close the business, withdraw money and spend it on a new country house or give you a share in the business. And when they try to accuse the owner of any such decisions, I always take his side. He has the right to do so, and he will pay for his mistakes in the first place.

But a hired top manager or a manager of any other level, in my opinion, has no right to hire incompetent people and be surrounded by them from different sides. The task of hired managers is to protect the interests of business, and when they begin to “attach” their people who are not fit to perform tasks, and even more so to attach them not to their direct subordination, I would take it with caution. I believe that such actions speak of the weakness of managers and the inability to refuse. For 13 years of work in my company, dozens, and maybe even a hundred different people came out to me from different sides: classmates, colleagues, friends of my parents, old acquaintances and various other wonderful people with a request to “arrange for themselves” good boys and girls. My answer was always the same: “We will be happy to hire your candidate, but in our company the procedure is as follows: he will need to personally go through all the stages of hiring on a general basis. I can't help with this. Let me give you the phone number of the personnel service so that you can find out what vacancies we have open. As you can imagine, none of my friends were satisfied with this approach. Most of them did not even try to sign up for an interview, they just took offense at me and disappeared from my life forever.

The second thing I would like to note is that far from all people who are organized by pull are orthodox scoundrels and loafers. Among them there is the same number of selfless and smart guys as in the labor market. Not a lot, but not a little either. Not all people who have a "roof" and a personal patron begin to use this. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute all such candidates to a special cohort. If the person just doesn't know how to behave, give them a read. Perhaps a person will come to his senses after reading it and begin to behave more accurately and correctly.

But the main speech, of course, will be about those employees who feel their absolute inviolability, begin to use it: they are late for work, have lunch for 1.5 hours, do not give all the best when performing tasks, can scold the manager and, in principle, work carelessly. I think everyone has had such a character in their life, and if they haven't yet, then it has to be done. So get ready.
If you have a brother, a matchmaker, a daughter, a niece, a mistress, a classmate of the first persons of your company, be sure that you are participating in a reality show. Only the broadcast of this show does not come from outdoor surveillance cameras, but through the prism of a subjective opinion about what is happening in your unit of this very “thieves” employee, and the broadcast is not broadcast in prime time on central television, but neatly into the brain of that very patron somewhere either in his kitchen. This is always a threat, and this must be understood. And any manager, in fact, has 2 ways of behavior in such a situation:
1) Fawn and adapt.
2) Stay true to your principles.
There is not much to write about the first option. There are leaders who are trying to win points for themselves by pleasing someone's protégé, showing off in every possible way in front of the first persons through this person, hoping for a reciprocal mercy from the sovereign. I think this is bad management.

As for the second option, this is the path to results, regardless of what resources the manager has. The work of any leader is his results, and if someone tries to interfere with these results, you need to make a decision that there should not be such a person in your subordination.

Once, when I was a middle manager, a nice girl got into my department, but already on the first working day she was late for work. I asked her manager to respond to this delay, and he had an educational conversation with her. The second day - and again late, this time she was asked to write an explanatory note. The third day history repeats itself. Then I asked her supervisor to bring her to my office, where we had the following dialogue:
Me: - This is, at least, ugly. You haven't had time to start working here yet, and already everyone is talking about you. Three delays in the first three working days - I've never had anything like that. I think that our conversation should put everything in its place. What do we need to do to make sure you arrive on time?
Employee: - I was told, even before I came to you, that being late for 20 minutes is not critical, so I agreed to go to work with you.
Me: - And who, excuse me, could tell you that?
Employee: - Mikhail Mikhailovich.
Me: How do you know him?
Employee: - He is my uncle ....

It must be said that Mikhail Mikhailovich was one of the first persons of our company and a very influential person. Literally in a moment, I felt the sword of vengeance penetrate my flesh for having offended his niece. It was an extremely unpleasant feeling, let me tell you. And so I faced a choice: try to please Mikhail Mikhailovich and meet the needs of a new employee, or be true to myself and my principles, but at the same time be in danger of parting with my position. In a couple of seconds, I imagined how I would look into the eyes of my charges if I let someone play a double game and break the rules I set. How will I justify myself to my colleagues and explain to them that someone can be late, but someone can’t. How I will personally betray what is most valuable to me - discipline in the sales department. And after this short pause, I said:
- Mikhail Mikhailovich made a mistake. I can't be late in my unit. If you want to be late, look for another job anywhere but with me.
The offended employee went to quit, and I sat and waited for retribution for my decision. But not in a day, not in three, not in a month, retribution did not come to me. Apparently, I was lucky that Mikhail Mikhailovich turned out to be a competent manager, and did not get involved in such issues, and I admit that there are only a few like him for hundreds, or even thousands of managers ...

What to do when the patron does not look like Mikhail Mikhailovich?

I would recommend trying to negotiate with an employee. One, two, three... ten. Determine for yourself the boundary where common sense ends and, after this boundary is passed, begin the operation to remove the employee from direct subordination. Perhaps even involve the patron himself in order to reason with such a subordinate.
I still believe that most of the high-ranking leaders are people wise by experience and life, and that you will be heard. Especially if they understand that you spend most of your managerial energy not on creation, but on trying to build relationships with your new colleague. instead of getting results. Instead of. Mining. Result.

Well, if, nevertheless, even in this case it is not possible to agree with any of the parties, and the desire to continue working with these managers in this company overrides all other desires, then I recommend using the case that was told to me by one of the participants in my master classes from Kazakhstan.
I'll try to reproduce the story in the first person.
“It so happened that a relative of our first person was forced into submission to me. Moreover, I had to take her to my personal assistants. She used her position and immunity in every possible way, and each time I spent an incredible amount of effort to perform elementary tasks like “photocopy this bunch of documents.” But one day my patience snapped.
I had a very important presentation scheduled for tomorrow, and I had to prepare documents for the participants of the event. The task was very simple, and I entrusted its implementation to my newly minted assistant. She assured me that everything would be ready by morning, and I calmly immersed myself in my presentation in order to be on top tomorrow. And then at 23.30 I receive an SMS from my subordinate that she will not have time to do her job, and she did not even start this task. To say that I was angry at that moment would be an understatement. My rage knew no bounds.

As a result, before five in the morning, I managed to do everything on my own, and the presentation was a success. But after her, I gathered all the leaders who could set tasks for this girl, and told them:
- Dear friends, Katya (let her name be that) works in our office. From today, she receives the status of “The Most Awesome Employee” with us, and not just like that, but deservedly. Katya's drop dead scale is so high that I ask each of you not to entrust her with any tasks at all, even the most elementary ones. There should not be a single request addressed to her. We will pay her salary just like that. For the fact that we have it, so drop dead.
And Katya stopped receiving any kind of orders, requests and tasks. Katya went into isolation and started going to work just like that. Day without work, second, third, fourth….

On the fifth day, Katya howled, ran to me, and began to repent of her wrong behavior and apologize for the mistake. Katya really wanted to be needed at least in something, as any person on the planet wants to be needed.

Since then, we have been working with her for several years, and I have not yet met an employee more dedicated to his work. This is my right hand and it never fails me again."

This is such a wonderful and inspiring story. When a manager skillfully creates conditions in which a person returns to his indecent behavior, and the subordinate himself realizes the full depth of what he has done.
Perhaps you have cases on this topic. Write to [email protected], share your successful stories resolution of such situations. We need to make each other stronger, because we are all

Such employment by pull, through a brother-in-law, is a truly Russian property that helps our people not to disappear in the most difficult times, and therefore no Western sanctions take us ...

Or does such a “job placement on call” prevent our economy from developing normally? And we will continue to trudge from crisis to crisis, hiring not those who know how to do their job well, but those for whom they asked?

Alexander Safonov, Vice-Rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations

It should be noted that there is no “Russian specificity” in employment through friends or acquaintances. The form of job search under the conditional name "call a friend" is equally widely used both here and abroad. And here and there, few people get a job through the employment service. According to sociologists, now they are looking for information about employment primarily on the Internet, through social media or acquaintances. In some cases, your call means nothing but an exchange of information. After all, information about vacancies is not always made available to the public - especially in cases where one of the expected qualities is the loyalty of a future employee, the ability to fully trust him (for example, when it comes to assistants to the heads of large private companies).

Drawing: AiF / Andrey Dorofeev

But in the field of recruitment for top management, our paths with the West seriously diverge. In developed countries, employment on a call to managerial positions is much less common than in Russia. For one simple reason - few people there can afford to have an incompetent manager, because the main task of the enterprise is to make money. This does not prevent the fact that top managers are controlled by family members of the owners, and some offspring of billionaires are appointed leaders to teach how to manage a business. In our country, since it is not formal market relations that prevail, but personal connections, the appointment of a son or other relative of an official to the position of top manager private company automatically leads to its victory over competitors.

The principle of competence is required only in a competitive economy. If the system of the economy is state-monopoly, it is pointless to build any schemes. All the same, employment will be carried out according to the clan principle. In a thug economy, the losses caused by poor management are built into the price of the product.

Such a system will exist as long as we are willing to pay for the incompetence of superiors.

I live in pretty small town, where almost everyone knows each other and where, in principle, there is little good work. Since our city is a port city, the most “yielding” places are related to the ports. But getting a job there is not easy. The fact is that the “place” in each of the three institutions is betrayed almost by inheritance. And if you do not have relatives or close acquaintances who have already been “honored” to work in the port, you will most likely never be able to get into it. No, of course, there are happy exceptions - the so-called people "from the street", but among my acquaintances, not one was so lucky. Why am I writing all this? I want to talk about whether it's okay to hire only people you know?

Is it good or bad to take your own?

It turns out that even in the modern world, almost 20% of all applicants are sure that the key to building a successful career is dating and connections. In principle, I absolutely agree with this statement, but I do not want to admit that this is the case.

To be honest, I got my current position through an acquaintance. I literally called a classmate who had been working successfully for several years and was gaining connections among accountants, and asked if she knew any company that needed a specialist. By a happy coincidence, just from the company where she worked, a girl was leaving on maternity leave and I was called to her place. Yes, they looked at me with an unkind look, because as it turned out, the employee who was a little less close to the management also had a daughter with an accounting education and he was waiting for the moment when my predecessor left her post in order to offer his candidacy. Not wait.

In fact, I still can’t decide how I feel about getting a job “by pull”. On the one hand, I am categorically against it, because I know several negative examples at once, when such acquaintances of acquaintances received positions that they do not correspond to and that they did not deserve. And normal, knowledgeable, literate, but having no connections, remained with nothing.

It may not sound very good, but on the other hand, when it comes to me personally or people close to me, I look at “blat” much more positively. Yes, I will be glad if I get my next position through an acquaintance. That kind of duplicity is awful, isn't it?

What's good about blat?

Of course, employment by acquaintance has many advantages for each of the parties involved in the process: for the person who recommends, for his protégé, and for the employer himself. I think that greatest benefits gets just an employee who comes to work on the pull:

Actually workplace, for which you did not have to compete with anyone and waste your nerves;

A certain loyalty from the authorities. I am convinced that people who come "from the street" are looked at much longer and are not so quickly accepted into their team. Although I want to say that I have not received any additional loyalty bonus from my current management;

Quite often, the recommendation of an employee who is trusted by the authorities provides the incoming employee with a slightly higher salary than similar specialists. This is especially true of some high-ranking acquaintances. My friend had a case when she was recommended for one place by her distant relative - part-time friend CEO large enterprise. In this situation, a girl without any work experience was immediately taken to a good salary. In principle, I can cite myself as an example (although I don’t have the same scale as my friend, but still). When I first arrived at my current location, wage I had the highest among my classmates, forced to start their careers from the very bottom;

An employee who gets a job through connections can count on help not only in work, but also in adapting to a new team. Most likely, such an employee will be told about any nuances of his position, they will tell you how to establish relationships with other employees, and so on. In general, getting settled by acquaintance, a person much faster accumulates the useful information he needs, which can subsequently play a positive role in his entire career.

Again, I’ll say to myself (something today I myself am that negative example that I oppose): when I came to this place of work, I didn’t know anything about the accounting area with which I would have to work. The colleague who recommended me understood this very well, but she was not afraid to get in touch with an almost complete beginner. Everything was told and shown to me. I was given enough time to understand the subject. For this I am extremely grateful.

Of course, not only the employee himself, who gets a job through an acquaintance, receives his own advantages from this. There are benefits for the employer as well. Take at least the moment that he no longer needs to look for staff. And I, as a part-time personnel officer, know that finding a good employee is quite difficult. Moreover, not all employers are ready to trust their company to a person from the street. This is especially true for positions that have a lot of responsibility or, more seriously, confidentiality. In such a situation, the recommendation of a trusted person who has already proven that he can be trusted will come in handy.

By the way, knowledgeable people see a specific difference between employment through acquaintances and through connections. In the first case, nothing supernatural is promised to the future employee, the process of finding a job is simply somewhat facilitated. And by pull, a "warm place" is guaranteed, and, as a rule, positions are offered in state structures. But for me, to be honest, these concepts are similar. Of course, if we are not talking about a stupid girl who was appointed as the deputy of her own dad and who does not understand anything about future activities. Although it is possible, in such a situation, knowledge from her is not required.

Negative aspects of employment by acquaintance

Naturally, like everything in this world, employment by acquaintance has its negative sides:

Friendship breaks down. Just imagine the situation: the head of a small company decided to do a good deed and took a close friend as his deputy. He took it, but soon realized that a friend simply did not pull the duties assigned to him. What to do? It seems like you don’t want to fire a loved one - you’ll ruin your friendship, and it’s pointless to continue working like this - you can harm your business;

dissatisfaction with the rest of the team. Let's be honest: few people love those who managed to get a job through an acquaintance. Here I do not like, for example. Only I am such a person that I am unlikely to express my dissatisfaction with the current situation, but not everyone is like me. I am sure that a “criminal” worker can incur the wrath of others simply by his presence. And working in a team where you are not loved is quite difficult, probably;

Broken relationship with the guarantor. For someone who advises hiring a person, there can also be negative consequences. Unfortunately, none of us can be 100% sure of the competence and personal qualities of the other, which means that we run the risk of offering an employee who simply cannot handle this job. And how to fire such a thug? Again, no one wants to spoil relations with those who advised him. And how will the guarantor himself feel, realizing that the business is now collapsing because of him?

Prove you are worthy

As I already wrote, sometimes the rest of the team treats a person who has come through an acquaintance rather unfriendly and with distrust. It often seemed to me that the workers were waiting for some kind of mistake from me, for which they could later complain to the authorities. Once they even waited, about which they did not fail to inform the management. I directly felt this negative attitude, but in principle, I did nothing about it. It turns out that there are several rules at once that should be followed by everyone settled by acquaintance:

You should never use your position to achieve personal goals. Believe me, others already know that you came to this place without any merit, so do not give them a reason to doubt their own competence. Always observe the discipline established at the enterprise, even if the authorities allow you to go to work every other day and start working in the afternoon;

Be sure to observe the chain of command with the leadership and do not allow the appearance of a reason for gossip. I also advise you not to tell those employees who are not aware of your situation about your friendly and good relations with the administration;

If you have already noticed that they are whispering about you, immediately stop any conversations;

If you can’t manage to establish relations with the team, or even worse - a conflict situation has arisen, try to resolve it yourself. In no case do not contact the authorities with a problem!

Prove to everyone that you are in this position for a reason. That you have enough knowledge and skills to complete any task;

If you see that despite your privileged position, some colleagues are definitely drawn to you and want to get to know you better, by no means avoid this opportunity;

Become an indispensable employee, thereby proving that even "thieves" can be taken not only for beautiful eyes.

So to take or not to take "thieves"?

Because of all of the above, experts advise you to think twice before hiring someone on the recommendation. In some situations, it is much more profitable, more convenient and more reasonable to arrange a competition, for example, as a result of which a really worthy candidate will take the place. Or test everyone who wants to work in this position, regardless of whether he is an acquaintance of your dad / brother / friend / matchmaker or just came from an ad in a newspaper.

All the same employment specialists still advise not to give up the opportunity to get a job through an acquaintance. You just need not to blindly go to the proposed place, but more or less objectively assess whether you fit the vacancy, whether you have enough knowledge and skills, whether you will definitely not let down the one who put in a word for you. Be sure to think about these questions, because your future career depends on the answers to them.

I finally decided to change jobs and I already had one opportunity to do so. And if I got to this place, my dream would come true. The employment there is interesting, and the accounting section is my favorite, in which I feel like a fish in water, and the salary, I will not dissemble, is simply wonderful. But it didn't work out...

Do you know why it didn't work out? Because my friend was taken to this place (the city is small - spit and you will end up with a friend), who turned out to be a close friend of someone from the administration. And it would be nice if this friend knew at least something about what she would have to face. She doesn't know anything at all! Why am I so sure? Because she has already turned to me for help, and you know how it happens: it becomes clear that a person does not understand anything just from his questions.

It's a shame? Highly. So that's a good acquaintance crossed out my dream. Perhaps, of course, I once crossed out someone's dream in the same way ...

How do you feel about getting a job? Did you get the job yourself? What are the pros and cons of this?

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