Trust Koksokhimmontazh: “We are proud of each of our construction projects. Specialized organizations, directorates and branches


Koksokhimmontazh-Construction LLC(LLC "KHM-K") - a modern company with its foundations, traditions and history. We respect our partners and value cooperation with them, so we guarantee an individual approach to each customer and high quality service, as well as the accuracy and timeliness of order fulfillment.

"Koksokhimmontazh" is first of all people, professionals in their field who devote themselves entirely to work! The close-knit team of the enterprise - working personnel and engineers, was brought up on the best labor traditions of the Koksokhimmontazh trust, which has more than half a century of history.

Currently, Koksokhimmontazh-Konstruktsiya LLC is in high demand. A stable package of orders for the manufacture of building steel structures from customers developing infrastructure at oil and gas fields, and the company is also working on the implementation of other projects for a number of industrial facilities.

Typical technological process the production of metal structures includes the development of drawings of the KMD stage, the supply of materials, including input control, procurement operations, assembly of structures, welding, anti-corrosion protection, marking and packaging of structures.

Steel structures are manufactured in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation technologies, equipment, welders and welding production specialists are certified according to regulatory documents National Certification Committee for Welding Production (NAKS).

Anti-corrosion protection: priming, top coat of any type according to the customer's specification. When applying high quality coatings, the surface is prepared by shot blasting to Sa2 1/2.

The production capacity of the enterprise is 250 tons per month.

Among other things, KXM-K LLC specializes in non-standard products, including the manufacture and supply of products according to customer drawings in the shortest possible time. The high quality and reliability of our products comply with national standards and will ensure the smooth operation of your production, which is confirmed by a functioning and certified quality management system according to the requirements GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001-2015).

The enterprise operates certified control and welding laboratory performing work on non-destructive testing of welded joints by methods

1. Radiation
1.1 Radiographic
2. Ultrasonic
2.1 Ultrasonic flaw detection
2.2 Ultrasonic thickness measurement
3. Penetrating agents
3.1 Capillary
3.2 Leak detection
4. Visual and measuring

LLC "KHM-K" organizes the shipment finished products by car.

The organization has experienced, certified specialists of the II level, modern certified and verified equipment, as well as many years of experience at the facilities of OAO AK Transneft, OAO Gazprom, OAO Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, a number of facilities where the work was carried out were controlled technical specialists Moody International.
In the period from 2012 - 2016 the enterprise in total carried out the supply of metal structures to such facilities as:

  • Arrangement of the Yaro-Yakhinskoye field;
  • OAO "NOVATEK" Arrangement of the Yarudeyskoye deposit;
  • Development of the Suzunskoye field;
  • Vankor oil field;
  • "Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez";
  • Development of the Pyakyakhinskoye field;
  • LLC "TANECO" Complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants;
  • Novatek LLC. Construction of a complex for the production, treatment, liquefaction of gas, shipment of LNG and gas condensate of the Yuzhno-Tambeysky gas condensate field;
  • OOO Gazprom. Complex of gas and condensate compli- menting and treatment facilities at the Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field”;
  • OOO "Lukoil- Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez";
  • OOO "Bashneft-Polus";
  • Development of the oil field named after Trebs. CPS site;
  • OOO "Gazprom dobycha Nadym" Arrangement of Yubileynoye oil and gas condensate field;

The enterprise is developing steadily, the staff is replenished with qualified specialists, the program of technical re-equipment in terms of equipment is being systematically implemented, advanced technologies in terms of metalworking are not left without attention.
We value and respect partnerships, we try to be customer-oriented as much as possible. I would like to single out a number of our partners with whom we have developed a special relationship:

  • CJSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh";
  • CJSC "Steelconstruction Corporation"
  • LLC Plant of Steel Structures "KELAN";
  • EvrazMetall Ural LLC;
  • OOO "Artmetal";
  • CJSC "INSI";
  • ANO "CMKS";
  • LLC TEK "OLVA Trans";
  • LLC NPK "Connection";
  • LLC "VeldTech";
  • CPS Welding and Control LLC

The company supplies a large number of metal structures that guarantee the durability and reliability of your construction projects.

This year CJSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh" turned 86 years old, a company with a rich history and glorious traditions.During its 86 years of activity in the construction and installation industry in the regions of the country and abroad, CJSCTrust Koksokhimmontazhmaintains the authority of the largest construction organization. The objects completed by the company are striking in their scale, complexity, as well as their importance for the oil production, oil refining, metallurgical and chemical industries.

-Corr. Alexander Sergeevich, please tell us how the work at this facility began?

- Let's start with the history of the unit≪ Ammonia-4 ≫ . In 1986, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the construction of an ammonia unit AM-76 in the city of Veliky Novgorod. Construction was started, but then in 1989, for various reasons, it was frozen. And only in 2011 the company≪ Akron ≫ It was decided to restore, complete and put into operation this unit. On January 30, 2013, we signed a general contract with the company≪ Akron ≫ . By this time, the Customer has chosen a licensor, the main suppliers of process equipment. The whole of 2013 was spent on clearing the territory, everything that was built from 1986 to 1989, then the equipment was delivered and installed, which then all these years rusted and became unusable.

By the time we completed the preparation of the construction site, the working documentation began to appear, and since March 2014, Trust KXM began work on the zero cycle of the construction of a new unit. The design was carried out simultaneously with the construction and all construction and installation work was carried out, as they say≪ from the sheet ≫ . It is important to note that the customer initially chose the right approach to the process. Competent people were at the head of the construction, Kolosovsky Andrey Leonidovich was the head of construction on the part of the customer, and Makarov Alexey Vladimirovich was in charge of the technological part. In the course of the work, a team was created, which, with its well-coordinated activities, based on understanding in achieving a common goal, did, in general, the impossible.

On May 29, 2016, the first ammonia was obtained. As a rule, much more time is spent on such units, at least three years. And here everything was done in 2 years. Then we reached the design capacity in three months, which also shows the high return that was given to this work. Once again I want to emphasize that this became possible largely due to the right approach on the part of the customer and the general contractor. We had a clear division of responsibilities at the construction site, and not shifting responsibility on each other. We did everything together. The task was- needs to be done, and we solved it.

-Corr. What kind of work was carried out by the specialists of Trest Koksokhimmontazh CJSC?

- In two years, we have carried out a full range of preparatory, construction and installation works necessary for the construction of the unit in the conditions of an operating enterprise: adjustment, installation of ventilation, insulation, electrical and instrumentation, fire extinguishing and alarm systems, and installation of technological pipelines. In total, 130 km of pipelines, 658 pieces of equipment weighing 25,000 tons were installed, more than 65,000 joints were welded, 7,940 tons of metal structures were manufactured and installed, 275 km of power and control cables were laid. We delivered the first piles for the foundations of the main units - catalytic reforming and ammonia synthesis column - on June 17, 2014, and finished reforming on June 10, 2015, and then it was ready for technological operations. And reforming is about 4 thousand tons of equipment, metal structures and other parts. And we collected all this in just a year. The number of specialists involved reached more than 2,500 people per day, including 1,500 of their own labor resources from all over the country. A global project, and this is not surprising, suffice it to say more than 25 years≪ Ammonia ≫ were not built in the country.

-Corr. What are the specifics of construction at such facilities? And what was the uniqueness of working on it?

- It is noteworthy that, despite all the difficulties that arose, the construction was always completed with materials. The optimal scheme was found, and the maximum efforts were made by the customer and the contractor to ensure timely provision of all necessary equipment and materials. It often happens at a construction site that materials for the roof are supplied first, and then for the foundation. It wasn't here. We had the right sequence, the construction went from the bottom up, without downtime. In our opinion, the uniqueness also lies in the fact that the unit today uses a fairly large number of pieces of equipment that was delivered in 1986. It was opened, modernized, the internal devices were made a little differently, because the technology has gone ahead during this time, improved catalysts are used today, the process has become softer. In particular, these are desulfurization units, a CO conversion unit, a methanation unit, an ammonia synthesis column, etc. The old column had insufficient capacity, another new synthesis column was added to it, and in pair they reached the design capacity of 2,060 tons per day of product.

-Corr. Alexander Sergeevich, during the construction of this unit, the specialists of your company showed record time, thanks to which this was achieved?

- First of all, thanks to the correct and dynamic organization of labor and the interaction of all construction sites. Of course, we switched to two-three-shift and round-the-clock work in order to do everything on time. And we succeeded. Our principle is to fulfill our obligations! Today, this unit is operating, producing ammonia, and its capacity is already 110% against the design capacity. Three months after the start of pilot operation, the unit was stopped, all identified shortcomings were put on paper, decisions were made on them. Trust for 10 days spent Maintenance unit and restarted production. And immediately reached the design capacity and achieved an increase of 10%.

-Corr. It seems that you are very proud of this object.

- Of course! And not because it is a large-scale object. I am proud of each of our construction sites, even the smallest. Each object built by me in 45 years of work inKoksokhimmontazh≫ .

-Corr. Tell us, what projects have Koksokhimmontazh implemented over the past few years?

- If we talk about chemistry, then in December last year we built an excellent facility in Perm for the company≪ Lukoil ≫ , is a delayed coker for producing petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is≪ bread ≫ for the aluminum industry. Therefore, it is in high demand. Construction was also carried out quite quickly, ahead of all regulatory deadlines. Also for≪ Lukoil ≫ recently built and launched a vacuum column in the city of Kstovo Nizhny Novgorod region, at the factoryLUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez≫ . Specialists ≪ Koksokhimmontazh ≫ We have built almost everything that is in the Commercial Sea Port of Ust-Luga, except, probably, the coal terminal and the sulfur terminal, we built everything else or participated in it. For 20142015 within an extremely short construction period, the Yaro-Yakhinskoye, Khancheyskoye, Vostochno-Tarkosalinskoye and Yarudeyskoye fields were developed for OAO≪ Novatek ≫ in YNAO. The work was characterized by a significant amount of large-tonnage equipment and complex piping with process pipelines, including high-pressure ones. In December 2016, we completed the implementation of the Caspian Pipeline Expansion Project by completing the comprehensive development of the onshore facilities of the Consortium's Marine Terminal near Novorossiysk.

-Corr. An impressive list. What are the prospects?

- The company has a load ahead of three years, and we see it well. In connection with the fact that chemical production is beginning to revive, the prospects are quite large. Many facilities are being built not only in the oil industry, but also in the oil refining, chemical and metallurgical industries. Now we are reconstructing coke oven batteries No. 4 at≪ Severstal ≫ . This is our bread, our name -≪ Koksokhimmontazh ≫ . We built this battery, it has worked for a record time of 58 years. So many batteries did not work anywhere in the world. In March 2017, we will stop it, dismantle it, leave only the foundation, and build a new battery on it, which will work for at least another 25 years, according to normative term services of coke batteries. We are also building a unit for the production of carbamide No. 3 in Cherepovets. In 2010, we started the construction of unit No. 2, finished it in 2012, and unit No. 3 should be completed in 2017. CompanyTrust Koksokhimmontazhtakes a direct part in the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant in YaNAO, unique for Russia and the world. at the Yamal LNG project. These are the working days of our organization.

-Corr. How do you achieve such a high rate of work? Is there a secret to success?

- There are no secrets. You have to work, work and work again. Develop together with advanced technology and follow up current trends. For example, we have the same processing of documentation is much faster than in the country as a whole. We use the latest programs in all aspects of our work. After all, nothing can be built today without programs. Constant updating of equipment and technology is a priority for the company. Without the availability of advanced material and technical equipment, it is not possible to implement large-scale projects. The mechanization of the Trust is at high level. Koksokhimmontazh has a significant fleet of automotive, heavy and crane equipment of domestic and foreign production. In addition, we traditionally have high requirements for the quality of work, for compliance with safety requirements, for ensuring decent working and rest conditions for our employees, no matter at what facility and in whatever part of the country they work.

Corr.: Alexander Sergeevich, thank you for an interesting and informative story about the working days of the Russian leader in industrial construction. We wish you personally and the entire team of the famous CJSC "Trest KXM" success in your future work, new facilities and new victories.

CJSC Koksokhimmontazh is one of the leaders of the Russian construction complex in the field of design, logistics and construction. We specialize in the implementation of turnkey projects under the motto "From project to object" on the basis of a fixed price for Customers involved in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coke chemistry, production, storage, transportation and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, the chemical industry, and other industrial productions.

The company consists of several dozens of organizations, enterprises and representative offices for various purposes, located in almost all regions of Russia, and a staff of about 11,000 employees, which makes it possible to effectively use global experience and local knowledge for the successful implementation of projects anywhere Russian Federation and beyond.

We carry out the full range of services and works on design, logistics and construction: from the development of a declaration of intent, detailed design to purchase, manufacture, delivery material resources, construction and installation works and commissioning of the facility. In addition, we provide a wide range of services for current and major repairs, technical re-equipment, reconstruction industrial enterprises and objects.

We are responsible for the requirements of the Customer, which our Customers were able to appreciate. With the improvement of construction technologies, the search for new solutions and materials to better meet the needs of the Customer, the cost of construction is reduced, and the terms of work are reduced. A unique quality control system and the experience of our employees allows us to take on long-term warranty obligations.

In conditions of high market competition The company not only maintains its leading positions, but also actively develops, setting itself new, increasingly complex tasks.

Construction and assembly production

All construction and installation organizations included in the holding CJSC "Koksokhimmontazh" took part in the construction of metallurgy, coke chemistry, oil and gas complex, chemical enterprises, plants mineral fertilizers, industrial building materials, woodworking and light industry, mechanical engineering. They successfully operate in all regions of Russia. They are professional and highly mobile organizations capable of the shortest time to carry out the transfer of machinery, equipment, resources to the most remote and uninhabited regions of the country, to organize temporary facilities for living, eating and resting workers, the necessary infrastructure for the performance of work.
Examples of this are large construction projects carried out by CJSC Koksokhimmontazh in the desert conditions in Turkmenistan, the tundra in Yakutia, remote from highways and railways regions of the Republic of Komi, the Arkhangelsk region, the Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin Island, as well as CJSC Koksokhimmontazh carried out the construction of oil transshipment facilities on permafrost soils in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in other places with extreme conditions.

industrial production

In its work CJSC "Koksokhimmontazh" relies on the industrial enterprises that are part of it, seeking to strengthen its position in the market for the supply of equipment, structures, materials, pipe assemblies for construction.
CJSC "Plant Anker", Chelyabinsk - a plant for the production of equipment for coke oven batteries, the manufacture of construction and technological metal structures, non-standard equipment, tanks, large-diameter gas ducts, single equipment for metallurgy and petrochemistry.
CJSC "AP Saratov Plant of Tank Metal Structures", Saratov - a specialized enterprise for the manufacture of tank structures of any capacity, performed by sheet and roll methods, has a production line for the production of gratings for platforms, stairs, tubular fences.
JSC "Siblitmash", Novosibirsk - a specialized enterprise for the production of cast equipment, including equipment for coke ovens: risers, gas-air valves, armor, frames, loading and inspection hatches and other equipment.
In addition, each of the construction and installation organizations has at its disposal an industrial and production base for the manufacture of pipe assemblies, construction and technological metal structures, non-standard equipment, and mechanical products. The capacity of these bases is from 5 to 9 thousand tons of products per year.

Specialized organizations, directorates and branches

Specialized enterprises are focused on the integrated implementation of specialized work, such as design, unbrakable control, electric installation work and work on the control and automation of production, the manufacture and supply of refractory bricks and the laying of industrial furnaces, the design, manufacture and installation of internal devices of the apparatus of oil refineries, general construction work and the provision of construction with lifting and special construction equipment.
Directorates and branches provide comprehensive management of the implementation of projects in their regions with the involvement of a large number of subcontractors, suppliers, coordinate their actions, carry out adjustment work, participate in commissioning and transfer of finished facilities to the Customer.


CJSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh", Moscow, in the structure of KXM since 1930
Directions of activity: Design, management and control of objects, presentation and pre-qualification activities, equipment of objects with imported and Russian equipment and components, customs activities, logistics.


More than 85 years of activity, over 550 successfully implemented projects, the ability to solve problems of any complexity, clarity and method in work, undoubted professionalism, conscientiousness and high responsibility - this is Trust Koksokhimmontazh, one of the recognized leaders in the construction complex in Russia. The company specializes in industrial construction, current and overhaul, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of industrial enterprises of the oil, gas, oil refining, chemical and metallurgical industries in Russia. There are many unique technically complex objects behind the trust. A place of honor among them is occupied by the ammonia production unit at the Acron PJSC plant, which was put into operation in July 2016. In terms of capacity, this unit has no equal in the country: it can produce more than 700,000 tons of ammonia per year. This is the first and so far the only example in the history of modern Russia of the construction of such a plant exclusively by domestic enterprises and in record time.

Unit "Ammonia-4": 30 years from idea to implementation

The history of this project goes back to 1986, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the construction of an ammonia unit AM-76 in Veliky Novgorod. However, the work already begun was frozen in 1989, and only 22 years later, Akron's management decided to restore, complete and commission this unit. At the beginning of 2013, the enterprise entered into a general contract with JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh", and the entire implementation of the project was provided by the trust.

In 2013, the company completely cleared the area for construction: in 1986-1989, technological equipment was delivered and installed, which had rusted and become unusable all the time before. By the time the site preparation was completed, working documentation began to appear, and in the spring of 2014, Trust KXM began work on the zero cycle of the construction of a new unit. At the end of March, the first piles were driven into the foundations of the catalytic reformer and ammonia synthesis tower. At the same time, the design was carried out simultaneously with the construction, and all construction and installation work was carried out, as they say, “from scratch”. The first ammonia was produced already on May 29, 2016 - the Day of the Chemist, and on July 29, with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, a ceremony was held to put the new unit into commercial operation.

- It is important to note that the customer initially chose the right approach to the process. Competent people were at the head of the construction, Andrei Leonidovich Kolosovsky was the construction manager on the part of the customer, and technical director- Alexey Vladimirovich Makarov, - notes the deputy CEO JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh" Alexander Alexandrov. - In the course of the work, a team was created that, with its well-coordinated activities, based on understanding in achieving a common goal, did, in general, the impossible. As a rule, much more time is spent on such units, at least three years. And here everything was done in two years. Then we reached the design capacity in three months. Once again I want to emphasize that this became possible largely due to the right approach on the part of the customer and the general contractor. We had a clear division of responsibilities at the construction site, and not shifting responsibility on each other. We did everything together. The task was to be done, and we solved it.

Project Globality: Figures and Facts

The creation of the Ammonia-4 unit is an unprecedented project for modern Russia. Specific figures speak especially eloquently about this:

  • A full range of preparatory, construction and installation works required for the construction of the unit in the conditions of an operating enterprise (including adjustment, installation of ventilation, insulation, electrical and instrumentation, fire extinguishing and alarm systems, as well as installation of process pipelines) was carried out in 26 months .
  • In total, 130 kilometers of pipelines were installed, 658 pieces of equipment weighing 21,000 tons, more than 90,000 joints were welded, 7,940 tons of metal structures were manufactured and installed, 395 kilometers of power and control cables were laid.
  • The number of employees involved was 2,500 people per day or more, including over 1,500 specialists of Trest Koksokhimmontazh JSC from all over the country.
  • The capacity of the new unit is 2060 tons per day, and according to a number of indicators it is 15% more efficient than the existing ones.

At the same time, the specificity of the project lies not only in its scale, but also in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the work done. Thus, the tasks solved are additionally interesting because Ammonia has not been built in the country for more than 25 years, and now the project has been fully implemented by domestic companies. In addition, the solutions proposed by Trust KXM made it possible to effectively use the equipment of the 80s, and this also makes Ammonia-4 special.

- In our opinion, the uniqueness of the project also lies in the fact that the unit today uses a fairly large number of pieces of equipment that was delivered in 1986, - Alexander Alexandrov explains. - In particular, these are desulphurization units, a CO conversion unit, a methanation unit, an ammonia synthesis column, etc. All equipment was opened, modernized, internal devices were made somewhat differently, because technologies have gone ahead during this time: improved catalysts are used today , the process has become smoother. The old column had insufficient capacity, another new synthesis column was added to it, and together they reached the design capacity of 2060 tons of product per day.

Moreover: at present, the capacity of a successfully operating unit is 110% of the design one. Three months after the start of pilot operation, Ammonia-4 was stopped, all identified shortcomings were analyzed, and a decision was made for each. For 10 days, Trest Koksokhimmontazh JSC carried out maintenance. After that, the unit was again put into production, immediately reached the design capacity and exceeded it by 10%.

Record time: how did it happen?

The professional handwriting of KXM Trust is not only the high quality of the result, but also the excellent organization of the process. The company includes two design institutes, factories, 35 construction and assembly organizations, over 10,000 employees throughout the country, and its own mechanization base. Competent resource management allows the trust to work accurately, respond promptly to requests, quickly mobilize equipment, equipment and personnel, and, if necessary, implement projects even in the most remote and hard-to-reach areas, creating all the infrastructure necessary for this in a short time.

The methodical organization of work was fully manifested during the construction of the Ammonia-4 unit. The company's management emphasizes that the high pace of project implementation was achieved thanks to a professional approach to process management:

- First of all, the record-breaking deadlines are due to the correct and dynamic organization of labor and the interaction of all construction sites, - says Deputy General Director of Trest Koksokhimmontazh JSC. - It is noteworthy, for example, that even despite all the difficulties that arose, the construction site was always equipped with materials. The optimal scheme was found and the maximum efforts were made by the customer and the contractor to provide all the necessary equipment and materials in a timely manner. It often happens at a construction site that materials for the roof are supplied first, and then for the foundation. It wasn't here. We had the right sequence, the construction went from the bottom up, without downtime. Of course, we switched to two-three-shift and round-the-clock work in order to do everything on time. And we succeeded. Our principle is to fulfill our obligations!

The secret of success

JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh" has been holding a leading position in the market for 86 years and today, in the conditions of the highest competition, not only maintains the achieved level, but also actively develops, solving new, more and more complex tasks. What is the secret of the company's success? The leaders of the KXM Trust answer this question unambiguously:

- There are no secrets. You have to work, work and work again. Keep up to date with cutting edge technology and follow current trends. For example, we have the same processing of documentation is much faster than in the country as a whole. We use the latest programs in all aspects of our work, because today nothing can be built without programs. Constant updating of machinery and equipment is a priority for the company. Without the availability of advanced material and technical equipment, it is not possible to implement large-scale projects. In addition, we traditionally have high requirements for the quality of work, for compliance with safety regulations, for ensuring decent working and rest conditions for our employees, no matter where they work.

Read more:

Trust Koksokhimmontazh: “We are proud of each of our construction projects”

In the 1930s, when the history of the enterprise as the main instrument of industrialization in the country began, the trust faced the main task - the construction of domestic coke production facilities. This is how the construction of coke oven batteries, coking chemical product recovery units, coke dry quenching units, etc. began. Neither the war, nor the post-war years, nor economic instability stopped construction, years of testing only strengthened the spirit of the Koksokhimmontazh team. In the late 80s - early 90s, due to a sharp decline in investment in the development of the domestic industry, Koksokhimmontazh JSC was forced to search for the load of its divisions by mastering new types of work that were in demand on the market during this crisis period . This type of work was tank building, and the main orders for the construction of tanks and coke in the early 90s fell on foreign countries(Argentina, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Suriname, Estonia, Lithuania, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Hungary, etc.).

Book for the 85th anniversary of JSC "Trust Koksokhimmontazh"


Heads of JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh"
1930 - 1937
Directors managing the trust: Kaminsky P.K., Savenko G.P.,
Yanovsky G.A., Yudin I.M.
Chief engineers: Korochansky V.K., Naidich A.Ya., Kubrick D.Ya.

October 1937 - September 1947
Trust manager Kovalenko F.D.
Chief engineers: Kononenko P.P., Peleshuk M.I.

September 1947 - September 1974
Trust manager Peleshuk M.I.,
Hero of Socialist Labor,
Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.
Chief engineers: Khokhlov I.N., Grigorenko M.G.
Construction Department"Soyuzkoks", installation and construction
department of Soyuzkoks - Koksokhimmontazh, Order of the October
Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor trust "Koksokhimmontazh"

September 1974 - May 1981
Manager of the trust Ustupny V.A.
Chief Engineer Grigorenko M.G.

June 1981 - November 1985
The manager of the trust Bondarenko V.P.
Chief engineers: Grigorenko M.G., Yudintsev B.M.

November 1985 - July 1989
Trust manager Yudintsev B.M.,
Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.

October 1989 - January 1990
Trust manager Fufaev V.A.,
Honored Builder of the Russian Federation
Chief engineer Gorelov V.V.

January 1990 - January 1991
Head Fufaev V.A.
Chief engineer Gorelov V.V.

Since January 1991
President Fufaev V.A.
Vice-presidents: Gorelov V.V., Lofitsky G.N., Yudintsev B.M.

February 1996 to February 2011
General Director Fufaev V.A.
Deputy General Directors: Lofitsky G.N., Gorelov V.V., Yudintsev B.M. Fufaev S.V., Aleksandrov A.S., Shukhman M.G., Mezer V.A., Krasnov N.M., Korchagin S.V., Dolganov V.M., Anni A.L.

March 2011

General Director Fufaev S.V.

Deputy General Directors: Lofitsky G.N., Aleksandrov A.S., Shukhman M.G., Mezer V.A., Zazhigin A.L., Anni A.L.

Chief Engineer Korchagin S.V.

In memory of Valentin Alexandrovich Fufaev

On February 2, 2011, at the age of 72, the General Director of JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh" died after a long illness.

Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, holder of the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, Orders of Honor, Orders of the October Revolution, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor.

Valentin Alexandrovich was born on August 5, 1939. In 1961 he graduated from the Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in civil engineering.

By distribution in 1961, he was sent to work at Koksokhimmontazh of the USSR Ministry of Installation and Construction, having gone through almost half a century of labor from the master of the installation department to the general director of Trest Koksokhimmontazh JSC.

JSC "Trest Koksokhimmontazh" Valentin Alexandrovich Fufaev headed in 1989. Valentin Alexandrovich personified the image of a real Leader with a capital letter: wise, active, understanding and loving his team and the cause he served. He enjoyed well-deserved prestige and great respect from all who knew him and worked with him.

The death of Valentin Alexandrovich was a heavy loss for his colleagues at work. In our memory, he will forever remain a strong and proud man, a leader who invariably enjoyed unconditional authority in the team, among customers and partners in joint work.

The departure of people like Valentin Alexandrovich is never accidental and never final. It is the individual, truly titanic efforts of such people that allow epochs to echo, help the flow of consciousness from “grandfathers” to “grandchildren” and “great-grandchildren” unhindered and uninterruptedly flow.

Valentin Alexandrovich Fufaev

Honored Builder of the Russian Federation


1965 - medal "For labor distinction"
1970 - anniversary medal "100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin"
1974 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor
1979 - Order of the Red Banner of Labor
1985 - Order of the October Revolution
1992 - honorary title "Honored Builder of the Russian Federation"
1997 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
2001 - Order of Honor
2001 - award by the International Academic Accreditation and Attestation Committee (IAAC) of the professional degree Doctor of Business Administration
2002 - Laureate of the Peter the Great National Prize
2003 - Awarded by the IAAAC the title of Professor of Engineering and Applied Science
2005 - Badge of Honor "Construction Glory"
2005 - Order of Peter the Great, 1st class
2010 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree

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