What to do if the parcel did not come from China. What to do if the order from Aliexpress has not arrived. The dispute is open, where to see information about the dispute


Hello! Our column “goods, parcels from AliExpress” continues and each time we bring to your attention another topic that eloquently reveals and describes the most exciting questions regarding orders. This time we will answer the question of what to do if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive?

This time we will consider this option: you ordered the goods on Aliexpress, the delivery time is coming to an end, but the parcel has not arrived at the post office, the seller is silent and in general, you have no time or desire to wait. What to do? To whom to write? Open a dispute right away or wait? Let's consider today.

First of all, you need to remember that sellers with Ali are also people and it is possible to agree with them on an extension of the term or on a refund.

Several options, based on which it is worth taking any action.

First, order protection ends. Secondly, the track given by the seller is incorrect or missing altogether. Thirdly, the most common option is that there is no data on the parcel from the moment of crossing the border. All these troubles are solvable, one has only to start acting.

Each buyer should know that the priority for the employees of the Ali site is customers, not sellers, therefore, everything possible will be done to satisfy the needs of the client. Remember that your silence can be considered as receiving the order and it will automatically be completed, and the money will be transferred to the seller's account.

By the way, it is precisely because of the priority of the client that the money from your account after payment does not immediately go to the seller, but remains on the aliexpress account.

The seller is not always at fault

What if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive? What actions to take? First of all, do not blame the seller. It may not be his fault. Do not forget that parcels from Aliexpress do not go through one country, but overcoming hundreds of thousands of miles, they pass more than one customs check. A parcel can get lost along the way anywhere.

There may also be the usual confusion in warehouses during transportation. If you have not waited for your orders and the protection period is coming to an end, then on the right side of the page of each product there is a column "contact the seller" (if you order through a mobile application, then this function is at the bottom of the page).

Use the messages, contact the seller and discuss any question that interests you. What actions will the seller advise to take, and can also offer an alternative option. For example, the option of a refund or sending an additional product of the same model range. It is also possible to discuss the option of extending the protection of the order, in case the goods are only delayed in transit.

In order to write to the seller, you need to click on:

No contact with seller

So, the situation: the order did not come, the deadline was almost out, about fifty messages were left to the seller, but there was no answer. Agree that such an outcome looks, how to say, a little strange. Typically, sellers seek to resolve the conflict before opening a dispute in order to have as few negative reviews as possible. However, there are also sellers who are not entirely conscientious, who either forgot to send on time, or did not send it on purpose.

Anyone can run into such a seller, no matter how much time you spent looking for the right seller and product. In such cases, it is necessary to proceed to decisive actions. Open a dispute. A dispute on aliexpress is a method of resolving conflicts with the help of third parties. The third party, in this case, is the aliexpress platform.

In those situations where the two parties cannot come to a mutual agreement, a dispute comes to the rescue. Opens it, give as an argument the data about the order, the numbers of the current number and the order, the date of the order and, preferably, a screen confirming the goods that did not arrive.

Aliexpress considers the dispute, issues a verdict and, with the consent of the buyer, less often the seller, regulates this conflict. The seller can only fulfill the rules put forward by aliexpress. In the event that one of the parties does not agree, the Ali platform considers the dispute based on the prescribed rules and satisfies the buyer's requests, in most cases.

The number of users of the foreign platform is increasing every day, people are offered a wide selection of goods, wholesalers and retailers, what else do you need? Buyers need reliability, because mistakes happen in such a hyped arena. What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive?

  1. Check the status of your order first. If about a week has passed since the payment for the order, and its status is displayed as pending shipment, it may not be shipped at all. And the thing is that the seller is given 8 days to process, that is, send the goods. If it does not fit within these deadlines, the money is returned back to the account from which it came, and the order is canceled.
  2. If the order still acquired the status of shipped, but you can’t find its location, first try writing to the seller. The delay is not always his fault. What to write to the seller on Aliexpress, except that the package did not arrive? In the message, you can ask to duplicate the number by which the ordered item can be tracked, perhaps a ridiculous mistake has occurred and some figure is incorrect. Having learned the correct code, it may be possible to find out its location and estimate the time when it will arrive to you. Also, the wholesaler should be asked to extend the term for the protection of the goods. This will help you a lot when opening a dispute, and the seller, if he is sure of his actions, will go to a meeting.
  3. Further actions of customers are divided into two sequences. And it all depends on whether the product was with or without a track code at the time of departure.

If you tried to do the above manipulations, but there is still no product, you need to open a dispute. Those whose package was sent with a real track code can open a dispute earlier, in principle, at least a week after sending the order. But those who were told an invented number or a product without it at all will have to wait at least 40 days to open a discussion.

Message to sender

In order to personally contact the sender of the parcel, you need to go to the section of your orders. Near a certain product there is a link "Message to the seller", clicking on it, a window for communication will open. A message can be written regardless of the status of a person (online or offline), he will read it as soon as he enters his personal account.

Remember that the site is foreign and the appeal must be written in the universal language - English. In case of ignorance, you can use any translator online.

When the number of days allotted for the delivery of goods to the destination comes to an end, which is an average of 60 days by the standards of a foreign store, and the order from Aliexpress has not arrived, it's time to open a dispute.

Shipping Time = Protection Time

To be aware of the number of days left until the end of protection, you need to go to the "Details" tab in the orders section. A timer will be drawn there, next to it the number of days, hours and minutes is written. This is the remaining term.

How to open a dispute?

  • We go to the already familiar section of orders, find the right one, click on it;
  • In the page that opens, the order number, its status, a timer with time to defend, and at the very bottom a button to start a dispute will be written. We press;
  • The new page will consist of a list of questions from the site:
    1. The first one is about whether you received the goods, the answer is, of course, no.
    2. The next one will prompt you to choose the essence of the problem from the given options. We choose the one that reflects the essence of the dispute - the term for the protection of the goods ends, but there is still no parcel.
    3. Next, you will need to indicate the amount of the refund, and this is the total cost of the ordered item.
    4. In the field below you have the opportunity to describe the problem in more detail. For example, to say that the time for delivery of the parcel indicated by the seller has been exceeded. Or report that the parcel cannot be tracked in any way. It is this proposal that is a parting word for the administration to “punish” the employee. After all, he is simply obliged to report the real one and report the tracking number in general.
  • Click on the send button. We look at what came out of the window that popped up on the screen. In the reminder column in the description of the dispute, there is another timer, only this one already counts down the time for a response and an offer from the seller.

If the seller does not respond within the specified time, he loses the dispute and the amount is fully returned to your account.

And in the event that the seller still responds to the dispute raised, you should be especially careful. If he is still guilty of the fact that the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive, he will try to outwit you by playing on inattention. Having edited the dispute, he can change the amount to be returned, and if you do not notice this and accept it, then be sure that you will be returned exactly 0 rubles, dollars, or whatever.

When you notice a cunning trick, also click edit dispute and return the initial amount. The wholesaler will not play such games endlessly, the seller is aware that the dispute can be aggravated, and he will get what he deserves.

How to escalate the dispute?

Another way not to despair, despite the fact that the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive, is to tell, but what to do for this? In principle, a start has already been made - the dispute is open. Here's what you need to sharpen it:

  • Go to the disputes and returns section and click on the button with a detailed description;
  • At the bottom there will be 4 buttons, among which the desired one, and select it. Please note that even if the seller offered dishonest conditions and you aggravated the dispute, and if the merchant decided not to answer at all, the money will be returned in full. The difference is only in the reaction of the site administration to the actions of its employee.

Administration decision

After you have opened or aggravated the dispute, the decision will be made by the administration of the site. She can both return you the entire amount, and for some reason offer only part of it.

When the decision is made, you will see a message and two options for your decision:

  • Cancel the dispute;
  • Get familiar with the solution. In this case, you will see the amount that the administration offered to return. You can also agree with it and get a part to your account, or you can continue the dispute. Then you will have to prove why you want the entire amount, to provide iron arguments.

The dispute is closed: already or not yet?

As you understand, opening a dispute is the most common course of action to the question “What should I do if the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive?”. Well, when can this dispute be closed, and so as not to harm yourself and receive the desired compensation?

When closing the dispute depends on you, and not on the trading platform (This is the case if you wish to send the parcel back. Then the dispute will be closed after the seller receives the parcel), it is worth closing it when you are satisfied with the decision. It takes from 5 to 14 days for the transfer of the amount to the sender's account.

Blame yourself

It also happens that you yourself are fully or partially guilty of the absence of a long-awaited thing at home.

Partially: It seems that they did everything right: they chose the product, paid for it, sit and wait, but it's still not there. Time passes, and you all sit. And do not even look at the term of protection of the goods. Now, if you miss him, then part of the blame deservedly passes to you.

But, despite this, there is an opportunity to return the money in this case. The user has 15 days after the expiration of the specified line to write a complaint to the administration.

In full: But if, when placing an order, the user indicated incorrect data, then he did not double-check them and did not contact the seller, then the package will go to the specified address. And the fault of the seller is definitely not here. Then you need to contact the post office, deal with the workers. And if the blot in the filling is not only in the number of the house or apartment, then the thing can travel for quite a long time, and then completely return to China.

So be careful yourself and watch the honesty of others! In the situation with Aliexpress, both actions will help you get what you want in a row.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, saved - it earned!

On this I want to say goodbye to you, all successful shopping!

Before taking any action, try to track the package on 17track.net.

What to do in a situation where we ordered the goods, and after the expiration of the specified period the package does not arrive? The first thing that comes to mind is that we were deceived: “The site is located in another country with its own laws, so there is practically no one to look for the truth!”. You don't need to panic right away. Aliexpress is a serious resource. The company values ​​its reputation, which confirms the trust of customers from all over the world.

If you have not received the parcel within the specified period, you can first contact the administration of the online store, which will help resolve all disputes. But usually it is enough to contact the seller directly via email and find out the reason for the absence of the package. Sellers try to avoid conflict situations, so all disputes are quickly and without any problems resolved in favor of the client.

What should I do if the ordered product did not arrive from Aliexpress?

  • First, don't panic. You need to understand that 99.9% of cases of delays are due to the fault of the Russian Post, so most likely you need to deal with it. We would like to remind you that the service has a buyer protection system, so the money remains frozen and does not go to the seller's account until there is confirmation from the buyer.
  • If the item received a tracking number upon shipment, you can file a complaint;
  • If the goods are sent without a tracking number, you need to wait 40 days from the day the parcel was sent. When this period expires, and the package has not been delivered, you need to contact the store administration and describe the situation. As a rule, the seller has no problems, depending on what you choose, resend the goods or return the money.

How to open a dispute

The dispute must be opened in cases where you did not receive the ordered goods, the goods arrived defective or they sent the wrong thing. This procedure will allow you to return the money back or get a new quality product.

The dispute must be opened no earlier than six days after the goods were sent and no later:

  • 27 days if the item was shipped via EMS;
  • 23 days if the package is delivered via FedEX;
  • 39 days if the package is shipped via China Post.

The period of time in which you can open a dispute is indicated in the details of the order. It is made in the form of a timer that counts down the time. You can increase the time for opening a dispute if you contact the seller. Most sellers are decent people. Therefore, without any problems, they will extend the time for opening a dispute at the request of customers.

If the allotted time has passed, and the goods have not been delivered, you can open a dispute and demand a refund.

We want to say that cases when the goods were not sent within the agreed period, sometimes still happen when using the services of various online stores. But if you are a client of such resources as Ebay, Amazon, Aliexpress, then such unpleasant situations are extremely rare. If the goods ordered in the Aliexpress online store are not delivered on time, you can open a dispute. But still it is better to contact the seller and find out the reason for this situation. Usually such issues are resolved very quickly and in favor of the client.

The subjective feeling “something the parcel does not arrive for a long time” is not enough to be sure of the loss. Look on the website of the online store, in what time you were promised to deliver the order.

AliExpress order list

These numbers don't just happen. As a rule, the estimated delivery time is close to reality. If there is plenty of time until the end of this period, just wait.

Check where the package is

Parcels have track codes that can be used to determine the location. They are usually present in personal account on the order card. If the parcel was sent by a private person, demand the necessary numbers from him.

By the track code, you can find out the path of the cargo and see where it is stuck. It happens that the shipment lies for a long time at customs or in sorting center, and not necessarily in Russian. Usually this happens during the period or holidays - employees can not cope with the increased workload. This is unpleasant, but it is worth understanding and forgiving them.

The service is now provided by many services, here are some of them.

1. Post of Russia

Parcels sent from Russian locality, a 14-digit track code is assigned. As for international parcels, on the Russian Post website you can find data only on those whose numbers begin with the letters R, C, E, V and L. The rest are considered untraceable.

2.Where is the package

Here you can also trace the path of untraceable shipments - but only to the border with Russia. There is nowhere for the service to take further information, since "" does not provide such data.


There is also a route for untraceable shipments to the border with Russia. Sometimes the information continues to be updated further, but they write on the site that you should not believe this.

On the Track24 website, you can enter the track code of the parcel and find out how long such shipments are delivered on average. Perhaps it's too early to panic.

Make sure that the Russian Post is to blame

Russian Post, as the name implies, delivers Russian Federation. And the parcel can be lost only after it has ended up in the country. If the departure was lost before that, then it is useless to make claims to the domestic service.

If the track code shows that the parcel arrived safely in Russia and got lost at one of the stages here, you can proceed to the next steps to save the cargo.

Go to branch

Sometimes you just don't receive a package notification. It shouldn't be, but it happens. If you see by the track number that the parcel is in the office, fill out the notification form on the Russian Post website, print it out and go there.

If the shipment is untracked or is not clear where, also go to the branch with. Ask that the parcels be searched for by address, by last name, by track code. Sometimes they are. Postal employees who do not want to do this are motivated by a call to hotline by number 8-800-100-00-00.

If there is no necessary information on the Russian Post tracking service or the data has not changed for a long time, and the forwarding period has expired, you can put the item on the wanted list. Specify the period of stay of the cargo in transit in the relevant order - it varies and depends on the type of departure and on the city. But this does not apply to parcels that are not tracked in Russia.

A search request can be filled out and sent on the website using the credentials from the portal "" or printed and taken to the department.

But there is a nuance: you need to attach to the application a check issued when sending the parcel, or a copy of it. You will have to ask the seller for it.

Applications for the search of domestic and international postal items accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch.

A complaint for domestic shipments will be considered up to 30 days, for international shipments - up to 90 days.

Wait for a decision

If the Russian Post recognizes that the shipment is missing, compensation will be given for it.

For a regular parcel sent from Russia, you will be paid the amount of the declared value. It is determined by the sender. It is indicated on the parcel itself and on the check, entered into the mail database.

You also have to pay a fee. Its size varies, you can see it on the Russian Post website. Tariffs apply for parcels sent by Russian mail. How much was taken from a seller from another country, you can try to find out from him.

Behind international departure without a declared value, compensation is considered in the artificial currency of payment SDR. It is equal to 41.73% of the dollar. In case of loss, the payment will be 40 SDR plus 4.5 SDR for each kilogram of the parcel. If a value is declared, this amount will be refunded.

Russian Post does not always go forward. If you want justice, you have two options:

  1. Court. Gather evidence and submit. The process will be long. But who cares when it comes to justice.
  2. Roskomnadzor. To complain, you don’t even have to get up from your computer - do it on the department’s website.

Sooner or later, the question will arise: do you have checkers or go, return the money for the parcel or butt heads with the Russian Post? And it doesn’t matter who exactly lost the shipment, it didn’t get to you. So, you need to go to the seller and act within the capabilities that this or that site provides.

For example, AliExpress has a great dispute system. If you are not a scammer and do not abuse the granted right so as not to pay for, administrators will most likely take your side.

Sites like Asos and iHerb often resend purchases if you explain the situation.

Sellers, for their part, can put the shipment on the wanted list and receive compensation.

In this article, I would like to consider the situation and talk about what to do if you ordered a product on Aliexpress and it did not arrive. Alas, there are many reasons why this could happen. Maybe you came across a not entirely honest seller, maybe the seller did not indicate the address correctly, maybe the goods did not pass customs control and were returned to the sender, but what should we, the buyers, do? After all, we paid for the purchase and do not want to be deceived.

There is an exit! If you have not received a package from China or any other country within the specified period, you must open a dispute and return your money.

It is important to understand that when you pay for an item on Aliexpress, the money is not immediately sent to the seller, so you can still return it. Your funds are temporarily held by a so-called intermediary and can be transferred to the seller after confirmation of receipt of the goods by the buyer, or they can be returned to the buyer in the event of a dispute being resolved in his favor. For example, when you did not receive the ordered product or product, it came of inadequate quality, or maybe you received it completely broken.

Video: How to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

For those who did not want to watch the video, I decided to make a small text "manual" for the return of funds - suddenly it will come in handy for someone.

Important information.

Any product on Aliexpress has a special seller's guarantee, according to which you can demand a full refund if the product is not received within 60 days.

So, What to do if the goods did not arrive from Aliexpress?

1. First, try to write to the seller, clarify the details and maybe you will get some Additional information at the location of the parcel from him.

2. If the goods did not arrive within 2 months, and the seller does not make contact, it is necessary to open a dispute - “dispute”.

On the next page, you will need to click on the "Open Dispute" button again.

3. Next, you need to choose exactly how you want to resolve the dispute. There are 2 options available. The first option is "Only return", suitable if you have not received the goods. The second option is "Return of goods and money", you must choose if you received the goods, but it does not match the description, has some defects or may be broken. However, please note that in the second case, in order to receive the money, you will have to send the received goods back to the seller by mail.

4. If you have not received the goods, on the next page indicate:

Expected Solution
- Refund only

Did you receive the goods?
- No

Problem encountered
- Problems with the delivery of goods
- Order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way

Refund amount
- indicate the total cost of the goods

5. Perhaps one of the most important points is the provision of detailed information about the reasons for opening a dispute.

In a special form, you need to provide information on the basis of which the dispute should be accepted in your favor. This information can only be written in English language(in Latin characters) and should not exceed 512 characters. Often, for these purposes, it is enough to use a translator.

An example of my refund request:

The item did not arrive and I would like a refund.
On February 7, I placed and paid for the order, but still have not received it. 60 days have passed since the purchase. The track code is not tracked for 2 months - from the date of purchase.
Seller Guarantees: Full refund if item is not received within 60 days.
Shipping Information: The item has not left the country of dispatch. It may not even have been sent at all.
The seller does not respond to messages.

--- Translation to English ---

The item does not come, and I want to return the funds.
Feb 7, I received and paid for the order but still have not received. From the time of purchase was 60 days. The track code is not tracked for 2 months - from the date of purchase.
Seller's warranty: full refund if item not received within 60 days.
Transport information: The Product has not left the country of dispatch. Maybe it wasn't sent at all.
The seller not responding messages.

6. If you wish, you can attach up to 3 images to the dispute. Personally, I added screenshots to my request that show when the order was made, that the track code is not tracked and that the seller's guarantees allow you to request a refund after 60 days.

Screenshot examples

In the event that you receive a damaged or faulty item, please attach relevant photos or videos to your request.

After opening a dispute, the seller will have 5 days to resolve it. There may be several options. Someone can fully return the money, someone can return it partially, but sometimes there are cases when the seller rejects the dispute and then the next step may be an aggravation of the dispute, which Aliexpress itself will consider.

Most often, sellers ask to dismiss the dispute and motivate this by the fact that because of you, their online store can be closed and removed from the site. What to do in such cases, everyone must decide for himself, because indeed the store can be closed, and your goods are simply delayed at customs and arrived a little later than usual.

And by the way, do not forget that with the help of special cashback services you can return up to 10% of the purchase price on Aliexpress. Personally, I use the site "

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