Okvad 2 supply. All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED). Section n. administrative activities and related additional services



Hello! In this article you will find new OKVED codes 2 and we will tell you how to choose the right codes for your activity.

Today you will learn:

  • List of current OKVED-2;
  • How does OKVED depend on;
  • What difficulties may arise as a result of choosing one or another code.

New OKVED-2 codes for 2019

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The differences between the new and old OKVED are significant. Therefore, to register a business, use only new codes!

For what purposes are OKVED codes required?

The area that you eventually choose will be directly related to OKVED codes. The latter represent a generally accepted classification of activities and IP.

OKVED performs the following functions:

  • Separation of types of permitted activities;
  • Encoding the names of the sphere (this is necessary for convenience: you do not need to write / print long sentences every time, you can use a set of numbers);
  • The specifics of the components of each area (you can choose the main area - trade, and sell shoes or, for example, hats).

Having studied the classifier, you can determine:

  • In what form does the company exist (IP, etc.);
  • Type of ownership;
  • The structure of business entities (in terms of subordination to higher departments).

At the same time, OKVED does not let you know whether this company is commercial or not, whether it is engaged in domestic or foreign trade. The entire database of available codes is contained in the edition of the classifier with the name OKVED-2. Sometimes it is also called OKVED-2014 or OK 029-2014.

These names are valid from January 1, 2017. The document will answer the frequent question: “How to find out OKVED for individual entrepreneurs”, because it contains all the information on encodings.

Where can I meet OKVED

OKVED codes can often be seen in everyday life.

They are found in:

  • Various regulations;
  • Register of all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (the database of existing firms in the country is maintained here);
  • Documents of international format;
  • The founding documents of the company;
  • Documents accompanying the activities of the company (with and OKVED it will be required for the database of the register of companies, it is also necessary when changing or deleting codes associated with a change in activity).

What is OKVED

The code consists of a sequence of 6 digits, each subsequent of which specifies the previous one. The numbers in the OKVED classifier are separated by dots.

The code structure can be represented as follows:

  • XX - class or section (the broadest concept, including all other activities);
  • XX.X - a subcategory of a class or a subclass (a narrower concept);
  • XX.XX – activity type group;
  • XX.XX.X - subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - type (the narrowest value in the code, which designates one specific type of permitted activity).

In total, there are 21 sections and 99 clarifying classes and types with detailed description kind economic activity. In the tax it is enough to indicate only the first four digits, that is, XX.XX. This will be enough for the normal functioning of the company. In other words, you will be able to work in narrower areas of the selected section.

If you choose the narrowest type (the sixth digit of the classifier), then in the future you may encounter trips to the tax office to make changes to the register. After all, the business is developing, and at some point you will want to expand its boundaries.

The tax application contains a form for adding OKVED. An individual entrepreneur can indicate 57 codes on one sheet. If the versatility of your business requires more classes, you can take an additional form and indicate the missing types on it.

The most common OKVED-2 codes among individual entrepreneurs

An individual entrepreneur has the right to choose the types of OKVED for his IP from a wide list.

Most IPs are registered in the following industries:

  • Providing advice (for example, providing services in the field of commerce - OKVED 70.22);
  • Designer services on the Internet (code 62.01 gives the right to develop the site infrastructure);
  • Translation of texts (code 74.30 will allow you to do both written and oral translation);
  • Advertising (using OKVED 73.11 you can develop an advertising agency);
  • (class 68.20.1 is required for those who rent their own apartment);
  • Real estate services (coding 68.31 is intended for real estate agencies);
  • Programming (OKVED 62.02.1 is used by computer system designers);
  • Repair of computers (class 95.11 is associated with the repair of computers, ATMs, automatic machines);
  • (OKVED 2 with coding 63.11 allows you to provide services for posting information);
  • (class 52.63 allows trading outside the store);
  • (OKVED 51.61.2 opens up opportunities for trading via the Internet);
  • Astrology (code 96.09).

Basic OKVED and their classes

When choosing codes, it is important to decide on the main and additional ones. The choice of the main OKVED determines all further activities of your company. If you indicate the section that actually does not correspond to the direction of the enterprise, then tax checks and the imposition of large fines are possible.

The choice of the main section largely determines the system of insurance premiums, and must also comply with the applicable taxation system. You can specify in the registration documents only the main section without specifying classes. However, this can lead to difficulties in the future.

If you want to expand the boundaries of your business and engage in additional activity, then this will need to be pre-agreed with the tax service. You will need to draw up an application for the addition of existing codes.

Taxation and OKVED

Preferential tax regimes ( , or ) have restrictions on the type of economic activity. This means that not every type of business line is suitable for all types of taxation.

By choosing a section of codes that is not comparable with your activity, you risk your own business, since there will be no tax concessions in your direction.

In this case, you will either have to change the current tax system, or abandon the chosen activity and take up another one. For example, the simplified tax system does not allow the opening of an insurance company, mining or the production of excisable goods.

Applying the ESHN, you cannot engage in activities that are not related to agriculture and fishing. The list of directions for the patent system and the simplified one is very limited.

Allows you to engage in all types of activities. True, deductions to the budget in this case will be the largest.

For example, a patent (PSN) allows you to choose one of the following activities included in OKVED 2:

  • Installation of windows and others.

USN gives the right to operate:

OKVED codes for UTII include the following areas:

  • plumbing activities;
  • Transport services;
  • Commission shop;
  • OKVED for food retail.

Insurance premiums and OKVED

The choice of one or another section of OKVED affects the amount of contributions to insurance funds. The amount itself is not taken into account when calculating the amount of the contribution. But the view is important.

There are certain degrees of risks that the insurance fund uses in relation to a particular type of activity. The higher the risk, the more you will have to pay. That is, if the chosen line of business can bring some kind of danger to your employees, then in accordance with the likelihood of accidents, the fund assigns the amount of the contribution.

In total, 32 sections of economic activity have been developed by types of risk for employees. The higher the level of possible injury, the higher the fee payment rate. The minimum rate that you can pay is 0.2%, and the maximum is 8.5%.

You need to report to the insurance fund on the activities that you carried out in the previous year. This information must be submitted no later than April 15.

Such a process is connected with the choice of tariff and the appointment of the amount of contributions. This rule applies only to legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs need to confirm the codes only if the main section is changed.

If you do not send the information in a timely manner, the tax office will do it for you. It will indicate the maximum tariff that is possible for your OKVED. If you have a large number of code sections registered in the IP registry, then in this case this may not affect the tariff for the better.

Features of some activities

When specifying OKVED codes, keep in mind that some activities have their own nuances. For example, if you specify the provision of services by a security company as an additional class, then you must have a license for this species activities. Otherwise, you have no right to engage in it.

Since a license costs money and will cause additional trouble, it makes no sense to indicate the licensed type in OKVED. This, of course, applies only to those entrepreneurs who are not going to engage in security, but would like to indicate it as an additional direction just in case.

There are also activities that require additional information from you.

The OKVED 2 classifier contains the following areas that you are not entitled to open if you have a criminal record:

  • Companies associated with ;
  • Departments for social protection citizens;
  • Sports sections for children;
  • Agencies that somehow affect the participation of minors.

To engage in the above activities, you will need to provide a certificate of no criminal record. That is why it is so important to choose the right OKVED codes.

How to choose a code

To choose the most suitable OKVED options for your activities when registering an individual entrepreneur, adhere to the principles:

  • First, decide on the line of business that will generate the main income (this is the main code or section, it must be indicated);
  • Next, decide on those types of activities that you will rarely deal with (if the income from them is minimal, then you can not take such OKVED into account);
  • For yourself, choose those codes that are a priority for your business. It is not necessary to indicate OKVED for courier services if the main income is, and in rare cases you provide goods delivery services.

Considering the main and additional codes, consider the following:

  • Choose from the presented sections the one that fits the description for your activity;
  • In the section, read the list of subsections corresponding to it and select the necessary ones;
  • When filling out an application for opening an IP and changing the type of activity, it is not allowed to indicate codes that have two or three digits. You must select the most detailed OKVED. Only the first 4 digits are allowed;
  • You are not limited in the choice of encodings. You can specify at least everything from the list. But the main one you need to choose one. Income on it must be at least 60% of the company's revenue.

How to change OKVED

If you decide to change the type of activity or add a new one to your business, then first go to tax office. Here you will need to draw up an application to change the list of codes in the registry. This must be done within three days otherwise you will be fined.

The process of changing the OKVED code looks like this:

  • In the tax office, fill out an application and indicate the types of activities (this can be done at home by downloading the application form for adding a code from the inspection website);
  • On the form, you must indicate those OKVED that you will no longer use, and those that will become new to you (in some regions, this application must first be notarized);
  • When applying in person, you will be issued a certificate of final registration of codes within 5 working days;
  • If a representative prepared the form for you, the tax authority will send a letter to your address within 10 days;
  • Initially, when submitting documents using mail services, you need to certify them with a notary;
  • Once you have received an extract from the register, your new activity is legally binding.

It is necessary to make changes to OKVED for the company once a year. This is usually done in the first month. For this process is more difficult than for IP.

The society needs to add new codes in the event that they were not indicated in the . At the same time, the addition of a new OKVED code entails changes in the Charter, which also need to be recorded in the tax office. For LLC, when introducing new classes of activity, a state fee is provided.

To change OKVED, be sure to follow the following information:

  • Only one main code can be specified. If you want to indicate them in larger numbers, then the law does not prohibit this;
  • Don't write code just because you might be doing it sometime in the future. This affects tax deductions, insurance premiums, and may require a license or additional certificates;
  • If you have chosen a preferential taxation system, find out if you can choose one or another code with it. The discrepancy between the OKVED section and the tax system will not allow you to engage in the chosen direction;
  • Do not forget to report on the changes to the insurance fund if your business has hired employees.

What is the penalty for

If you have not made changes to the sections, then there may be the following consequences:

  • The tax authority has the right to refuse you a VAT refund;
  • If you violate the deadline for making changes (more than three days), you can earn a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

If you have several areas of activity in OKVED, and you do not report on all of them in the declaration, the tax service will have a very logical question related to the lack of reporting in other areas.

Therefore, do not abuse the number of codes in the registry. A fine of 5,000 rubles will also apply if your type of activity does not comply with the chosen taxation system.

Difficulties with OKVED

It also happens that an entrepreneur cannot find his line of business among the types of OKVED. This means that you want to specify the niche of your business.

This is not required. You can choose any class that includes several types, which will not conflict with your line of business, and if you expand your business, you will already have the existing codes.

The legislation does not directly prohibit engaging in those areas that are not confirmed in the register for your company.

But the absence of OKVED can cause problems when:

  • Desire to engage in an activity requiring a license. In this case, you will definitely need to introduce a new class;
  • Switching to another tax regime. It should be noted that the new tax payment system may not allow you to engage in the chosen direction;
  • Expansion of business outside the country. Then you need to urgently make changes to the registry;
  • Lending. The bank will not issue in the absence of the required types of OKVED.

Controversial points in the tax

Tax representatives often do not recognize the right to apply for an enterprise. They also seek to increase the tax base by any means.

The result of their efforts may be a refusal to account for the costs of a transaction in which a counterparty with an unregistered OKVED participated. In other words, the tax authority recognizes the agreement with him as insignificant and will not count your expenses as such.

This is due to income tax and. In such cases, you can go to court. In most of these situations, the decision is made in favor of the entrepreneur. But for your own peace of mind and in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend that you check with your business partner for the availability of OKVED.

If an entrepreneur has received income according to a code not indicated in the register and at the same time is on the simplified tax system, difficulties may also await him. In this case, the tax authority will require you to pay not 6% of the profit, as required under the simplified tax system, but all 13%, as it is necessary to pay an individual for income.

Each entrepreneur, when registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, is faced with such a concept as OKVED codes. In our today's publication, we will consider this concept, offer the reader the OKVED codes of 2020 with a breakdown by type of activity, talk about the changes that have taken place in this area, and offer an algorithm for self-selection of economic activity codes.

By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st, the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED 2) OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2) was adopted. OKVED is a list of codes related to a certain type of activity in the field of trade, provision of services, production, extraction of natural resources, etc.

On July 1, 2016, the previously valid OKVED ceased to be valid, giving way to the new classifier OKVED 2014 (OK 029-2014), which Rosstandart approved by its order No. 14-ST on January 31, 2014. But at that time, until December 31, 2015, the OKVED classifier of 2001 was in effect. Everything individuals who registered individual entrepreneurs and legal entities before 07/11/2016 should choose from this directory.

When registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity from 07/11/2016, you must use OKVED 2. You can download OKVED 2020 codes with a breakdown by type of activity at this link:

The introduction of the new OKVED directory is dictated by the fact that business development goes beyond the types of activities indicated in the previous directory. The new OKVED 2 gives more precise and capacious species names entrepreneurial activity.

What to do with IP with OKVED from the old directory?

Tax services independently recode your OKVED codes specified during registration of an individual entrepreneur or when making changes. Further, organizations and individual entrepreneurs will only have to request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities) or from the EGRIP (for individual entrepreneurs). The extracts will already contain codes in accordance with the OKVED reference book OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2).

You will need to check the consistency of the new codes with the economic activities carried out.

How to determine the OKVED code for your activities in 2020?

If you want to independently determine which OKVED code from the new OKVED reference book OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2) corresponds to your previously valid code, you need to go to the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation at this link.

Then go to the “activity” section, select the subsection “All-Russian classifiers assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia”, and at the bottom of the page you will see transition keys.

Another option to find out the new OKVED code is to order an extract from the USRIP through the website of the Federal Tax Service. The resulting extract will indicate the new OKVED codes for 2020. This option has been in place since January 2017.

What is the OKVED classifier for?

OKVED codes solve the following tasks:

  • simplify the classification of activities and encode data about them;
  • allow collecting and structuring statistical information for each type of business activity for further analysis;
  • allow you to determine the possibility of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity working on a particular tax regime, to identify the need for him to obtain additional permits, pay various fees.

The 2020 OKVED classifier consists of sections divided into classes containing detailed transcripts of each type of activity.

Sections have alphabetic codes of the Latin alphabet. Classifier entries may include explanations: what section - grouping - activity, what is included and what is not included.

The OKVED classifier for 2020 contains records of all groupings of types of economic activity, presented hierarchically. To identify groupings, each classifier entry has a code designation consisting of numbers (from two to six) with a sequential coding method. Between the second and third, between the fourth and fifth digits, dots are placed, indicating nesting levels and added to match the code entries.

The classifier structure looks like this:

  • XX - class;
  • XX.X - subclass;
  • XX.XX - group;
  • XX.XX.X - subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - view.

Obtaining OKVED codes

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity independently chooses the appropriate OKVED code from the classifier during the state registration process. The number of codes is not limited. Moreover, at any time of further activity, you can add new codes.

In the process of registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to indicate the type of activity, indicated by at least 4 code characters. That is, it is allowed to specify only a group of activities. Specifying only a class or subclass of activities is not allowed.

In the event of a change in the type of activity, it is necessary to change the OKVED codes. To do this, you must submit an application to the Federal Tax Service. We hope that the information presented on this page and the OKVED 2020 codes with a breakdown by type of activity will be useful to you.

The material has been edited in accordance with the changes in legislation that are relevant as of 09/27/2019

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The All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity determines the codes for the functioning of business entities that produce and sell products, as well as provide services.

Types and scope of their application

Until the beginning of 2017, there were three classifiers of economic activity in Russia, each of which is characterized by the use of certain characteristics of a business entity and the prevailing business circumstances.

OK 029-2001 was put into operation in 2000. Its application is relevant when conducting legal events between subjects.

OK 029-2007 used in a narrow-profile direction associated with the collection government organizations statistical information. This version of the classifier is not used by commercial companies.

OK 029-2014 functions at the level of the first version of the document. The legislation does not regulate the standards that determine when and which version must be applied to a business entity.

It was determined by default by government authorities that companies should keep records of their economic activity according to the classifier according to which the registration procedure with the Tax Service was implemented. At the same time, there are no obligations to re-register activity codes for their new edition.

OKVED (OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2)) applies:

  • when drawing up documentation regarding the registration of legal relations between subagents;
  • when carrying out registration actions in the Federal Tax Service;
  • in the formation of accounting, statistical and tax reporting.

Regulatory legal acts allow and encourage the conduct of several areas of activity by business entities.

Therefore, when operating in several directions, companies have the same number of codes. One of them is the main one, and the rest are additional ones.

How to make changes

The OKVED code is fixed in all registration, constituent and statutory documents. Therefore, when changing the type of activity, the business entity must make corrective amendments to all company documentation.

All organizations of authorized bodies have a special application form for amending the document. The event must be started with changes to the statutory and constituent documentation, and only upon completion should an application be submitted to the Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund and statistics.

Correction of information, which is reflected in the documents of authorized bodies, is possible only if providing:

  • passport and identification number of the head of the business;
  • an extract from the register, drawn up no later than a month before applying to the organization;
  • constituent and statutory documentation;
  • certificates of state registration;
  • decisions about intent to adjust activities;
  • receipts of payment of the state fee for conducting a legal operation related to making changes to the register.

Carrying out registration actions

After making a decision on doing business in the field of business, it is necessary to determine the planned type of management and compare it with the data of the latest version of the classifier.

When opening a legal entity or individual entrepreneurship, it is imperative to go through the identification procedure with the Tax Service in order to complete the activities related to the legalization of business.

To do this, in a special form, you need to reflect information about the new company indicating OKVED. An encoding incorrectly reflected in the documentation may be reason for refusal in tax registration due to the discrepancy between the declared economic activity and the actual result.

With a successful registration, despite the incompetent filling of the section indicating the form codes, it is necessary to expect increased attention to the functioning of the company from the authorized bodies, which may end with the accrual of penalties for providing false information during the next checks.

When submitting an application for registration to the Tax Service, indicating in it the type of activity belonging to the category that requires confirmation of the possibility of its implementation, without documents confirming this fact, the entrepreneur will be denied registration.

The law provides for certain legal relations between companies and the Social Insurance Fund. When registering with an organization, as well as when exchanging information related to insurance issues, it is imperative to indicate all valid company codes.

Reporting codes

Entrepreneurial activity of the entity is located in direct connection not only with partners, but also with all authorized bodies, cooperation with which implies the presence of feedback in the form of reporting on the process and results of conducting business activities.

In order to identify the economic profile of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the approved reporting forms provide for a section of codes of the classifier of types of economic activity.


The structure of OKVED is identical to similar European classifiers, the decoding of which allows you to find out extended information about the enterprise.

The structure of the code should be considered from the first digit from left to right, each of which specifies the characteristic of the previous value.

  1. General type of activity.
  2. Feature of the segment in the economy Russian Federation.
  3. Business profiling.
  4. Type of product or service provided.

To find the code corresponding to economic activity in the classifier, necessary:

  1. Determine the main activity and find the corresponding section in the document, the identification of which is carried out in Latin letters. It is worth noting that each of them classifies a specific field of activity.
  2. Select the appropriate group that determines the direction of the field of activity.
  3. Definition of a subgroup identifying the type of product produced or service provided.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for prohibitions regarding the indication of types of activities in which the company is not currently engaged. In this case, they should be designated as additional codes.

If problems arise with the identification of the separation of the main and additional codes, one should rely on the percentage of profit received from each type of activity.

Not all types of economic activity are available for free implementation. Some of them require licenses and work permits. Therefore, the correct indication of the code of economic activity of a business entity allows for a prompt check by the authorized bodies of the entity for the legality of the business.

You can learn more about the use of the classifier in registering an LLC or an individual entrepreneur in this video.

Operating in this moment on the territory of the Russian Federation OKVED2 - entered into force on February 1, 2014. OKVED2 was adopted by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. When registering, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur independently determines the types of activity of the organization, according to the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizations are required to notify the registration authority of all changes in their activities. Current OKVED organizations are contained in the registers of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP and are also available on our portal. OKVED is one of the important elements when checking a counterparty. Activities must match the actual activities of the company. Non-coincidence of OKVED with the activities of the organization, the presence of a large number of specified OKVED with completely different types activities, may be one of the factors determining the company - "one-day".

On the ZACHESTNYYBUSINESS portal, you can find out for free new OKVED of Legal entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, get the full data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the nalog.ru service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.

You can search and check OKVED for free by TIN / OGRN / OKPO / Company name.

Use the search bar to search:

Please note: in connection with the entry into force of the new OKVED2, from January 1, 2017, the previous editions of OKVED were canceled. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, without the participation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, ensured the introduction of appropriate changes on the types of economic activity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP. Thus, it is not required to independently bring into line with OKVED-2 OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) information on the types of economic activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs entered in the USRLE and EGRIP before July 11, 2016.

Approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st Since February 1, 2014, OK 029-2014 (OKVED 2) is in force. OKVED 2017 includes a list of classification groups of types of economic activity and their descriptions. The OKVED code consists of two to six digital characters, and is structured as follows:
. XX. - Class;
. XX.X - subclass;
. XX.XX - group;
. XX.XX.X - subgroup;
. XX.XX.XX - view.

A transcript of OKVED can be obtained on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

We wish you fruitful, comfortable work on the portal, using the OKVED2 search Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs!

* The data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1, article 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is restricted, namely information about documents proving the identity of an individual.

In Belarus, in some cases, the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity" (OKED) is used

The European counterpart is the Statistical Classification of Activities in the European Economic Community (NACE Rev. 1.1)

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    Check OKVED codes

    OKVED how many and which ones to choose? How much does each additional OKVED cost?

    Several OKVEDs - REPORT on which one to take?

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    How to change information about OKVED yourself?




OKVED 2 is the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2), which entered into force on February 1, 2014 with the right of early application in legal relations that arose from January 1, 2014. Adopted by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and metrology dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st. From January 1, 2017, the same order canceled the previous editions of OKVED: OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) and OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1).

OKVED 2 is built on the basis of harmonization with the official Russian version of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (Version 2) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.2) by saving in OKVED 2 (from NACE Rev.2) .2) codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the corresponding groupings without changing the scope of concepts. Features reflecting the needs of the Russian economy in terms of detailing types of economic activity are taken into account in OKVED 2 groupings at the level of groupings with five- and six-digit codes.

In this classifier, the level of detail has been significantly increased: sections (sections) in OKVED 2 - 21 versus 17 in OKVED. At the same time, the number of groups has been increased from approximately 2,000 to 2,680.

Letter codes (now from A to U) do not carry an independent code load and meaning, since the six-digit digital code designation is unique for the classifier as a whole. They are retained only for the purposes of continuity with NACE Rev.2 and should not be used in the construction of code marks.

As classification features of types of economic activity in OKVED 2, features characterizing the field of activity, the production process (technology) are used. As an additional feature (within the same production process), the sign "used raw materials and materials" can be distinguished.

In accordance with international practice, OKVED 2 does not take into account such classification features as the form of ownership, organizational and legal form and departmental subordination of economic entities, does not distinguish between domestic and foreign trade, market and non-market, commercial and non-commercial types of economic activity.

OKVED 2 - All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) Approved by Order of Rosstandart of 01/31/2014 N 14-st with entry into force on February 1, 2014 and cancellation from January 1, 2015 of previous editions of OKVED.


SECTION A. Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming

  • 01. Crop and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas
  • 02. Forestry and logging
  • 03. Fishing and fish farming


  • 05. Coal mining
  • 06. Extraction of crude oil and natural gas
  • 07. Mining of metal ores
  • 08. Extraction of other minerals
  • 09. Provision of mining services

SECTION C. Manufacturing industries

  • 10. Production food products
  • 11. Beverage production
  • 12. Manufacture of tobacco products
  • 13. Manufacture of textiles
  • 14. Manufacture of clothes
  • 15. Manufacture of leather and leather products
  • 16. Woodworking and manufacture of wood and cork products, except furniture, straw products and plaiting materials
  • 17. Manufacture of paper and paper products
  • 18. Printing and copying of information media
  • 19. Production of coke and petroleum products
  • 20. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
  • 21. Manufacture of medicines and materials used for medical purposes
  • 22. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
  • 23. Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
  • 24. Metallurgical production
  • 25. Manufacture of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment
  • 26. Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products
  • 27. Manufacture of electrical equipment
  • 28. Manufacture of machinery and equipment not included in other groups
  • 29. Auto production Vehicle, trailers and semi-trailers
  • 30. Manufacture of other vehicles and equipment
  • 31. Furniture production
  • 32. Manufacture of other manufactured goods
  • 33. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment

SECTION D. Provision of electricity, gas and steam; air conditioning

  • 35. Provision of electricity, gas and steam; air conditioning

SECTION E. Water supply; wastewater disposal, organization of collection and disposal of waste, activities for the elimination of pollution

  • 36. Water abstraction, treatment and distribution
  • 37. Collection and treatment of wastewater
  • 38. Collection, processing and disposal of waste; processing of secondary raw materials
  • 39. Provision of services in the field of elimination of consequences of pollution and other services related to waste disposal

SECTION F. Construction

  • 41. Construction of buildings
  • 42. Construction of engineering structures
  • 43. Specialized construction works

SECTION G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

  • 45. Wholesale and retail trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles and their repair
  • 46. ​​Wholesale trade, except for wholesale of motor vehicles and motorcycles
  • 47. Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles

SECTION H. Transport and storage

  • 49. Activities of land and pipeline transport
  • 50. Activities of water transport
  • 51. Air and space transport activities
  • 52. Warehousing and auxiliary transport activities
  • 53. Postal and courier activities

SECTION I. Activities of hotels and catering establishments

  • 55. Activities for the provision of places for temporary residence
  • 56. Food and beverage activities

SECTION J. Information and communication activities

  • 58. Publishing activity
  • 59. Production of motion pictures, video films and television programs, publication of sound recordings and music
  • 60. Activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting
  • 61. Activities in the field of telecommunications
  • 62. Development of computer software, consulting services in this field and other related services
  • 63. Information technology activities

SECTION K. Financial and insurance activities

  • 64. Financial service activities other than insurance and pension services
  • 65. Insurance, reinsurance, activities of non-state pension funds, except for compulsory social security
  • 66. Ancillary activities in the field of financial services and insurance

SECTION L. Real Estate Activities

  • 68. Operations with real estate

SECTION M. Professional, scientific and technical activities

  • 69. Activities in the field of law and accounting
  • 70. Activities of head offices; management consulting
  • 71. Activities in the field of architecture and engineering design; technical tests, research and analysis
  • 72. Research and development
  • 73. Advertising and market research activities
  • 74. Other professional scientific and technical activities
  • 75. Veterinary activities

SECTION N. Administrative activities and related additional services

  • 77. Renting and leasing
  • 78. Employment and recruitment activities
  • 79. Activities of travel agencies and other organizations providing services in the field of tourism
  • 80. Security and investigation activities
  • 81. Building and grounds maintenance activities
  • 82. Administrative and economic activities, auxiliary activities to ensure the functioning of the organization, activities to provide other support services for business

SECTION O. Public administration and military security; social Security

  • 84. Activities of government bodies to ensure military security, compulsory social security

SECTION P. Education

  • 85. Education

Section Q. Health and social services activities

  • 86. Health activities
  • 87. Residential care activities
  • 88. Provision of social services without provision of accommodation

SECTION R. Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment

  • 90. Creative, arts and entertainment activities
  • 91. Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural facilities
  • 92. Activities for organizing and conducting gambling and betting, organizing and conducting lotteries
  • 93. Activities in the field of sports, recreation and entertainment

SECTION S. Provision of other types of services

  • 94. Activities of public organizations
  • 95. Repair of computers, personal and household items
  • 96. Other personal service activities

SECTION T. Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of private households in the production of goods and services for their own consumption

  • 97. Household activities with employees
  • 98. Undifferentiated activities of private households in the production of goods and the provision of services for their own consumption

SECTION U Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

  • 99. Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies



Created based on the official Russian version Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Economic Community (NACE) Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community). The classifier OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) was adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard N 454-st of November 6, 2001, entered into force on January 1, 2003. From January 1, 2008, it was supplemented by the classifier OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1), approved by order of Rostekhregulirovanie N 329-st dated November 22, 2007. Replaced the All-Union Classifier of Industries of the National Economy (OKONKh) and parts I and IV of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) related to economic activity.


The code for grouping types of economic activity consists of two to six digital characters and its structure can be represented as follows:

  • XX - class;
  • XX.X - subclass;
  • XX.XX - group;
  • XX.XX.X - subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - view.


OKVED consists of 21 sections.

A. Agriculture, hunting and forestry

AA. Agriculture, hunting and forestry 01 - Agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas 02 - Forestry, logging and provision of services in these areas

B. Fishing, fish farming

B.A. Fishing, fish farming 03 - Fishing, fish farming and the provision of services in these areas

C. Mining

ca. Extraction of fuel and energy minerals 10 - Extraction of hard coal, brown coal and peat 11 - Extraction of crude oil and natural gas; provision of services in these areas 12 - Mining of uranium and thorium ores CB. Extraction of minerals, except for fuel and energy 13 - Extraction of metal ores 14 - Extraction of other minerals

D. Manufacturing industries

D.A. Manufacture of food products, including drinks, and tobacco 15 - Manufacture of foodstuffs, including drinks 16 - Manufacture of tobacco products DB. Textile and clothing production 17 - Textile production 18 - Clothing production; dressing and dyeing DC fur. Manufacture of leather, leather goods and footwear 19 - Manufacture of leather, leather goods and footwear DD. Woodworking and production of wood products 20 - Woodworking and production of wood and cork products, except DE furniture. Pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities 21 - Manufacture of pulp, wood pulp, paper, cardboard and products thereof 22 - Publishing and printing activities, replication of recorded media DF. Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials 23 - Manufacture of coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials DG. Chemical Industry 24 - Chemical Industry DH. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 25 - Manufacture of rubber and plastic products DI. Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 26 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products DJ. Metallurgical production and production of finished metal products 27 - Metallurgical production 28 - Production of finished metal products DK. Manufacture of machines and equipment 29 - Manufacture of machines and equipment DL. Manufacture of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment 30 - Manufacture of office equipment and computer equipment 31 - Manufacture of electrical machines and electrical equipment 32 - Manufacture of electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communication 33 - Manufacture of medical products; measuring instruments, control, management and testing; optical instruments, photo and film equipment; hours DM. Manufacture of vehicles and equipment 34 - Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 35 - Manufacture of ships, aircraft and spacecraft and other vehicles DN. Other industries 36 - Manufacture of furniture and other products not included in other groups 37 - Processing of secondary raw materials

E. Production and distribution G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items

GA. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household and personal items 50 - Trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles, their Maintenance and repair 51 - Wholesale, including trade through agents, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles 52 - Retail, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household and personal items

J. Financial activities

J.A. Financial activities 65 - Financial intermediation 66 - Insurance 67 - Ancillary activities in the field of financial intermediation and insurance

K. Real estate transactions, rentals and provision of services

KA. Operations with real estate, rent and provision of services 70 - Operations with real estate 71 - Rent of machinery and equipment without operator; rental of household and personal items 72 - Activities related to the use of computers and information technologies LA. State administration and ensuring military security; social insurance 75 - Public administration and military security; social insurance

M. Education

MA. Education 80 - Education

N. Health and social services

NA. Health and Social Services 85 - Health and Social Services

O. Provision of other community, social and personal services

O.A. Provision of other communal, social and personal services 90 - Collection of sewage, waste and similar activities 91 - Activities of public associations 92 - Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports 93 - Provision of personal services

P. Household activities

PA. Activities of households 95 - Activities of households with employees 96 - Activities of private households in the production of goods for own consumption 97 - Activities of private households in the provision of services for their own use

Q. Activities of extraterritorial organizations

QA. Activities of extraterritorial organizations 99 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations


OKED Replaced the All-Union Classification of Industries of the National Economy (OKONKh), which was in force from 1976 to 2003. OKONH was developed on the basis of the resolutions of the Party and the Government. OKONH is an integral part of the Unified System for the Classification and Coding of Technical and Economic Information Used in Automated Control Systems in the National Economy.

OKONH was designed to provide machine information processing for managing the national economy and is used to solve the problems of automated control systems at various levels of management and ensure their information compatibility. OKONH is a grouping of activities by industries that differ in the nature of the functions performed by them in common system social division of labor. With the help of a classifier, the structure of the national economy that is taking shape in the process of expanded socialist reproduction is studied, the level of development of the productive forces of socialist society, the degree of development of the social division of labor are characterized. OKONH is designed to provide a grouping of enterprises and organizations by industry in order to provide a scientific analysis of intersectoral relations and proportions in the development of the national economy, comparability of indicators in the analysis economic efficiency social production and growth in the productivity of social labor, as well as linking planned and reporting indicators that characterize the development of the economy and culture of the country.

Within the large branches of the national economy, which are formed on the basis of the social division of labor, more subdivisional branches are distinguished, which are a set of enterprises producing homogeneous products, or a set of institutions, organizations associated with the performance of certain public functions. The classification unit of an industry is an enterprise, institution, or organization that is on an independent balance sheet. Each individual enterprise (organization), depending on the nature of the main type of activity, can be attributed to any one branch of the national economy.

If an enterprise, an institution, an organization has auxiliary production and subdivisions that perform functions of a different nature, and if they have an independent accounting system and are separated into separate accounting units (for example, housing and communal, medical, cultural, domestic, industrial , agricultural, construction, trade, etc.), then such industries and subdivisions belong to those branches of the national economy that correspond to the nature of their activities in the social division of labor. For example, auxiliary agriculture at an industrial enterprise should be assigned to the “Agriculture” sector, auxiliary industrial production during construction - to the “Industry” sector, etc.

Structural subdivisions of enterprises and organizations (workshops, workshops, departments) engaged in domestic transportation, supply and marketing activities, organizations and points of contact, machine counting stations, as well as bases and warehouses of enterprises, institutions and organizations that are not allocated to an independent balance sheet, are accounted for on the main activities of these enterprises, institutions and organizations. Based on this, in the industry "Industry", for example, industrial and production activities are taken into account industrial enterprises, consisting on an independent balance sheet, and ancillary industrial production at non-industrial organizations, allocated to separate accounting units; in the "Agriculture" sector - agricultural activities of state farms, collective farms and subsidiary agricultural production at enterprises and institutions, allocated to separate accounting units; in the "Construction" industry - construction and installation activities, etc.

  • 10000 - Industry
  • 20000 - Agriculture
  • 30000 - Forestry
  • 40000 - Fisheries
  • 50000 - Transport and communications
  • 60000 - Construction
  • 70000 - Trade and catering.

The following industries are an exception:

  • 80000 - Logistics and sales
  • 81000 - Blanks
  • 82000 - Information and computing services
  • 83000 - Operations with real estate
  • 84000 - General commercial activity to ensure the functioning of the market
  • 85000 - Geology and exploration of subsoil, geodetic and hydrometeorological services
  • 87000 - Other activities in the sphere of material production, which are collected according to the first two signs.

Branches of the non-productive sphere of activity are collected according to the first sign - "9":

  • 90000 - Housing and communal services
  • 90300 - Non-production types of consumer services for the population
  • 91000 - Healthcare, Physical Culture and welfare
  • 92000 - Public education
  • 93000 - Culture and art
  • 95000 - Science and scientific service
  • 96000 - Finance, credit, insurance and pensions
  • 97000 - Management
  • 98000 - Public associations
  • 99000 - Extraterritorial organizations and bodies.

(introduced by Amendment N 24/2000, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2000) For a number of groupings of the classifier, the code is set as an exception against the accepted rule for the formation of codes as a whole for the classifier.

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