Methods of fairy tale therapy and image therapy in modern psychology. Nominal Image Therapy Trainings on Human Image Therapy


Image formation in recent times acquired great importance. And this is understandable, because the part of us that we demonstrate and flaunt has a significant impact on most of our environment. Therefore, the correct formation of the image is the key to the success of many undertakings and events.

The concept of "image" comes from the English word "image" - "image", "representation", and very accurately reflects its meaning. An image is not who a person really is, not the sum of his real personal qualities, but an image, a picture that is created in the perception of this person by the people around him. As a rule, the image of a person is strikingly different from the personality itself.

It is clear that the formation of the image is especially important and relevant for people of a certain kind of activity, for example, for politicians, executives, directors of companies, businessmen, representatives of show business. Because the wider the circle of people with whom a person has to deal, the larger the level of tasks facing him, the more important the impression that one gets about him. BUT, nevertheless, the image is important for any person. Correct formation of the image of a person is necessary.

Human image is made up of several components:

External image of a person- clothes, hairstyle, accessories and other attributes that can say a lot about you. Clothing should say a few words for you before you open your mouth. You should also pay attention to personal hygiene - clean, trimmed nails; lack of dandruff on the head; fresh breath; a clean-shaven face (if you are a man) and appropriate make-up (if you are a woman), etc. The appearance of a person primarily affects his image. Constantly take care of yourself and your image, always remember what impression you make on people.

Mimic image of a person- facial expression, facial expression, smile. Nothing reflects the feelings of a person's soul so much as his facial expressions (in facial features) and look. Therefore, you need to know to what extent you own facial expressions, how much it expresses what you want to demonstrate.

Verbal image of a person expressed in the voice, in the manner of speaking, in the style and turns of speech that a person uses, in the vocabulary (the same thought can be conveyed to the interlocutor in different words). The power of influence depends on the choice of intonation and the correct word: use mainly words that emphasize your reliability and conscientiousness, emphasize the most important words for you with your voice (a sudden increase or decrease well highlights a single word or a whole phrase). Your speech should be reasoned, logical and persuasive, it should encourage reflection.

Examine your face, find out what happens to your lips, eyebrows and forehead when you pronounce various emotional (benevolent, funny, funny, sad, tragic, contemptuous, etc.) phrases. Watch how the facial expressions change, whether it conveys the emotions corresponding to the phrases. A mirror will help you with this.

Kinetic image of a person- gait and posture, movements and gestures. People walking with a pompous look, hopping or stooping, people with a shuffling gait, give a negative impression. Also, you can make an unfavorable impression if you sit in a chair, slouched, or throwing your leg over the armrest, or in some other inappropriate position. Avoid excesses. Walk and sit straight, without tension. If your gait and posture is far from ideal, go in for sports, it will help.

Background image of a person- information received about a person from certain sources (for example, from the media, from acquaintances, partners, clients, etc.), this is "rumor" that runs ahead of you. It turns out like this - first you work for the image, and then the image for you.

Mental image of a person- worldview, principles, ethical attitudes, religious beliefs, social stereotypes. People can be divided into materialists and idealists, creators and destroyers, optimists and pessimists, expecting a miracle and unbelievers, believing in the power of money or in the power of relationships, etc.

Real image A person is the car you drive, the bed you sleep on, and the dishes you eat from. This is how the house itself looks like, the situation in it - generic values, family albums, books, films, paintings on the walls. All this tells about your real image. Therefore, think before inviting guests to the house, whether your home can somehow change (spoil, improve or consolidate) the image that you have already created.

Very important! All components of the image must be coordinated with each other!

Image formation.What else do you need to know.

Human image, like the first impression, is formed over a short period of time, and in order to change it later, you will have to try hard. So it's best to always be ready to demonstrate the created image.

Despite the fact that the first impression is the most important, practice shows that we can change the attitude of others by changing some of the components of our image that relate specifically to the first impression - for example, a handshake.

To strive, to be, and not just to seem, is an important component that plays an important role in the formation of the image - mastering all of the above elements of the image, and not just demonstrating them.

The image that a person himself creates either helps him develop and strengthen success in interpersonal relationships or hinders him in this development. Therefore, maximum efforts should be made so that it is not spontaneous and random, but conscious and thoughtful.

Our image studio offers training programs- changes in the formation of a successful image will be even more positive and obvious if work with appearance is also supported by work on oneself from the point of view of psychology! Classes are conducted by professional image makers and psychologists to achieve maximum results in the task at hand.

Training Art Therapy

topic: "Image"

Target: To introduce students to such a concept as "Image"


To consolidate knowledge about the basics of forming the image of a modern business person

To form professionally-oriented skills in the framework of business communication

To promote the development of students' attitude towards themselves as a subject of the future vocational education and professional work.

To provide methods and techniques for making adequate decisions about the choice of an individual image.

To contribute to the acquisition of practical experience corresponding to the interests and inclinations of the student's personality.

Material: drawing paper, fashion magazines, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue.

The target audience: Grade 9

Time: 45 minutes.

Lesson progress


Psychologist: Hello guys! How is your mood? Ready for cooperation?

The word "image" has recently appeared in our language, but very quickly took a strong position.

Psychologist: Please look at the blackboard, read this statement.

"It's not enough for people to be honest,

must be like that"

A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky.

Psychologist: what does this statement tell us? (children's answers)

Psychologist: Society perceives us as a whole, how we speak and look, and in order to be in harmony with ourselves, you need to find your own style, image, as modern youth say, have your own “Image”

Main part.

Psychologist: Tell me, please, have you heard of such a concept as "image"?

What is "Image"? (children's answers)

Psychologist: Image (image) - translated from English as "Image". Most mean the word "image" appearance.

How can you look successful without bragging about your success?
Answer: through your image.

Psychologist: “Image” is a self-presentation, a technology of self-presentation. The external side of the image of a person, through which the most essential internal characteristics of the personality shine through.

Image formation is a purposeful, controlled process. Foreign researchers believe that 92% of the impression made depends on how a person “sounds and ..., of course, looks. How a person looks, what is his overall image is very important. Since, with their appearance We give others a lot of information about ourselves:

about gender and age;

about the profession;

about nationality;

about social status, status;

about personal characteristics, etc.

With the help of a properly formed dimensional image (appearance: clothes, hairstyles, accessories), we can position certain personality traits that we need.

Psychologist: What styles of clothing exist? And where can we go in this image.

(Classic (business) style, traditional style, sports style, romantic)

Psychologist: Yes, you are right, such styles exist, and there are many more, for example: hippie style, retro style, punk style, etc.

The main part of the work.

Psychologist: today in the lesson we will try to create our own style of clothing, as you imagine it. To do this, we need whatman paper, magazines, glue, pencils, felt-tip pens. You will use the magazine to create images of your styles. For example: What will you wear to work, to visit, to relax or to play sports. If you manage to create an interior for these images, then go for it.

The children begin to work independently, the teacher-psychologist at this time walks and communicates with the children. 25 minutes are allotted for this work.

After finishing work, the guys protect their collages, tell what images they wanted to show.


Psychologist: Guys, who got the images that he wanted?

Who has difficulty creating images? What do you think about these difficulties?

Who sees himself in these images, and will strive for such an image?

Thank you for your work! I wish you all a good mood!

trainings for women, theater of transformations, art therapy, image therapy, fairy tale therapy for women, how to become loved and happy, awakening femininity, female identity, how to love yourself, fulfillment of desires, how to become self-confident, healing the inner child, relationship mother and daughter, conflict resolution, overcoming fear and loneliness


Fairy tales speak of some unusual creative ability. Magic has to do with creation. Wizard - CREATOR. There are people who, in any difficult life situation, surprisingly resolve all difficulties. They do not give in to panic and fuss, they believe in the creative power of human nature. It is easy and light next to them, everything works out for them. This is the MAGIC.

What are the sources of this magical state of mind? This is inner harmony and love, a truly feminine state. We all aspire to this state of mind. A woman who knows how to create such an inner worldview and maintain it, teaches this to her beloved men and children, thus attracting her loved ones. Such a woman becomes a Sorceress.

How many cases, worries, problems we have to solve in order to touch this state. But who survived it once, all his life is "fueled" by this energy.

The manifestation of the creative creative transforming power of a person is the transformation of the surrounding space, the ability to influence events. One of the tools to influence reality is a metaphor. It implies movement.

Composing fairy tales about our past, present and future lives, we metaphorically describe real events. Such fairy tales often come true. Creating a fairy tale, a person not only talks about his problems, but also programs himself. Therefore, it is important that the fairy tale has a good ending. It is a good ending that helps the authors describe a detailed program of action to achieve success. The ability to see the final result is related to the aspect of magic.

It is important to write down your author's fairy tale. Then there is a deeper and more holistic vision of the situation. In the process of writing a fairy tale, it becomes clear what was previously hidden, what was not paid attention to, what was not thought about. All these pitfalls affect the outcome of what is happening. You can fantasize about possible means of solving the problem, everything is available to us, because we are in a fairy tale. This is how stories are formed that eventually come true, because thought begins to attract opportunities like a magnet, to weave a lace of events. The thought is material. By replacing your specific desires and goals with symbols and images, you leave the universe free to choose how to give you what you want.

Each of us plays many roles in life. We can be at the same time a wife, mother, daughter, girlfriend, boss and subordinate ... But it also happens that we get so used to one role, one image that we become his slave, who does not have the right to choose. An inflexible state deprives a person of spontaneity, naturalness, vitality.

And again a fairy tale comes to the rescue. It is here that you can really change, try yourself in an unexpected role. INSTANT TRANSFORMATION- the meaning of fabulous image therapy. Only real dressing up, and not an imaginary change in image, can help find alternative hypostases of oneself.

Touching the beauty of the fairy-tale world, the Inner Child rejoices in a person, heals the wounds of the past, nourishes himself with care and love.

For many people, profound positive personal change begins with a change in appearance. On the other hand, a person who has accumulated a huge potential inside and does not know how to realize it, dressing in a specially selected fairy-tale costume, materializes hidden personal tendencies and abilities. Often the old costume is not suitable for a new sense of self - the process of transformation is integral and affects every cell of a person, every string of his Soul, appearance.

With a new image, a person symbolically receives a new past, present and future. Having lived the life of a fabulous image, he acquires additional strength, new opportunities. Just as we unconsciously rely on our Family, we can also find new support in the life of a fabulous creature that we have lived.

In a fairy tale image, a person can compensate for what he lacks in life. For example, an eternally caring, hyper-responsible, trouble-free woman can turn into a Queen for a while and enrich herself with a sense of special feminine dignity, self-respect, with the right to demand, control, say “no” to others without guilt.

Often a new image emphasizes the “nature” of a person, something that is carefully hidden, because this is the most quivering and vulnerable.

Being in the image of a fairy-tale character, on the one hand, you can win back suppressed emotions and desires, on the other hand, lose and strengthen the behaviors he needs. For example, acting out a difficult internal state, without projecting discomfort onto others, you can turn into Baba Yaga, Pirate, Kikimora, without fear of being accused. If you feel an excess of strength in yourself, a desire to give, to give good, Eternal - you can transform into a Sorceress, Fairy.

C kazkoterapiya - a special style of transmission of vital information, which has a secret cipher. The language is lively, informal, non-directive, figurative.

A fairy tale is a mediator that helps us to speak on subtle topics that are in tune with our soul.

Vital information enters our subconscious and develops there, then begins to actively participate in our lives. Through life lessons, a person gradually overcomes his own egoism, and there is more love and care in his relationship. We learn through a fairy tale to pass the lesson of choice, the lesson of forgiveness, the lesson of sacrifice or resilience, the lesson of accepting one's own essence and purpose, the lesson of comprehending the Highest Values.

The flow of events, small and large situations that happen to us in everyday life, all these are the components of the plot of our life. If you look closely, you can see the motives of fairy tales known since childhood. Whether we like it or not, we actually live through many fairy tales in our lives. Each in its own unique combination.

The secret of the psychology of sex is hidden in fairy tales, myths, legends. You just need to be able to decipher female and male archetypal plots. Then the patterns of relationships, life situations and ups and downs will be revealed.

There is a certain set of trials that a woman needs to go through in order to feel and accept the various facets of the Femininity archetype (Girl - Girl - Woman - Old Woman) in order to live many shades of Love.

Each fairy story has its own traps, hints, necessary resources, main tasks, ways of more efficient passage.

There are main plots that are most often found in a woman's life, intertwined in her fate in a bizarre way:

one. " stepmother and stepdaughter(relationship with mother, mother-in-law). Separation from mother, initiation, first female initiation. Blessing for a happy personal life. Awareness of one's own autonomy, uniqueness, natural strength.

2. " Savior". Passing through the stages of female development, the necessary life tests before meeting with your Chosen One. The appearance of a rival. Opening love in your heart.

3. " Beauty and Predator". Meeting with a man - a predator. Male Predator - the one who does not love a woman, only demonstrates love. It is important for him to subjugate a woman to himself, to force her to serve his whims and vices. Initiation, a test of vitality when faced with evil. Fight and victory. Liberation from illusions. False love and true love.

4. " Women's deceit". The main character finds herself in the center of a female intrigue, as a result of which she loses her female happiness. In the life of many women there are mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, close friends who actively “wish her well”. They do their best to sow the seeds of discord between a woman and her lover.

5. " Waiting for awakening and salvation". The heroine finds herself in a situation that she cannot cope with on her own, she needs the help of a beautiful young man. She needs to be rescued. Passive expectation of the prince. The choice of the most worthy due to its passivity.

6. " Picky Bride". The heroine shows ingenuity and activity, arranging all sorts of tests for potential suitors.

7. " Hermit". This is a female Priestess. She is inaccessible and majestic, wise and strong. She is the keeper of many Secrets, ready to help those heroes whose actions will not have devastating consequences in the long term.

Women's fairy tales are amazing messages to our soul, carefully encrypted and decorated with vivid images. Through fairy tales, the multifaceted Women's Mystery penetrates us. And exploring our life story, we discover the intricacies of archetypal female stories. We will see that the problems - the tests are predictable, we have been warned about the traps many times, and there are more than enough resources.(c) LILA Psychological center-studio | | Moscow SEAD+CAO |


Managers and image makers must have a high psychological culture - an integral part of the general culture of a person. The effectiveness of management to a large extent depends on the ability to productively build interpersonal communications, mastery of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, types and techniques of listening, the specifics of business communication, methods of establishing contact with partners, methods of managing conflicts, making optimal decisions, activating activities, relieving stress, creating its unique appearance. You can master these skills at the technological level with the help of modern teaching methods in the classroom according to the proposed program.

THEME 1. Modeling training in the form of "brainstorming" "designing an ideal image"

lecture message- 1 hour.

Brainstorm- 3 hours.

The concept of image. Mental, individual, professional image. Image in terms of life perspective. The content of the tactical image. Imaging: the path to success. Image communications. Image in career development. Image as a means of solving personal problems. Image typology: spontaneous, developed, deformed, reference image. The main techniques that form an attractive image in the process of communication: attraction, imposing, harmonica, harmony. The main types of image technology: body-oriented (situational) image; personality-centered (deep) imaging. Features of developing an ideal image in the process of "brainstorming".

THEME 2. Communication-role training “development of interpersonal relations with business partners. Reflexive Business Relationship Management»

lecture message- 1 hour.

communicative role training- 3 hours.

Models of interpersonal relationships. Specificity business relations. Methods of reflexive management in the field of communications. Mastering the method of contact interaction. Features of the development of interpersonal relations and reflective management of business relations in the process of training. Conditions for effective communicative-role training.

THEME 3. Socio-psychological training "resolution of conflict situations arising in business communication»

lecture message1 hour.

Socio-psychological training3 hours.

Basic concepts and types of conflicts; intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, their causes, methods of resolution; verbal and non-verbal means of communication and tactics of their use in conflict interaction; positional analysis as a means of studying the conflict situation; styles and strategies of behavior in a conflict situation. Features of the development of conflict management skills in the process of training.

THEME 4. Operational training "effective participation of the client in business negotiations"

lecture message1 hour.

Operational training3 hours.

concept business negotiations. Planning, organizing and conducting negotiations. Features of conducting negotiations by telephone. The specifics of the development of negotiation skills in the process of operational training. Conditions for effective operational training.

THEME 5. Reflective-role training "development of an individual style of behavior corresponding to a new image"

lecture message1 hour.

Innovative-reflective training3 hours.

Development of behavioral stereotypes; development of stable skills of constructive interaction, restructuring of the system of relations and self-relationships; individual selection of means of self-expression, allowing to reveal the inner potential of a person; modeling an individual style of behavior in various life situations; mastering the technology of protecting the image in conflict situations. Conditions for effective reflective-role training.

THEME 6. training communicative competence impact in business communication. Manipulations in interpersonal communication and methods of their neutralization»

lecture message1 hour.

Management Competence Training3 hours.

Psychology of business communication. Diagnosis of psychological difficulties of communication. Features of influence in business communication. productive and unproductive impact. Psychological barriers and ways to overcome them. Methods of psychological influence in typical situations. Manipulative psychological games and ways to neutralize them. Features of the development of communicative competence in the process of training. conditions for its success.

THEME 7. Image training "Psychology of success in activity and communication"

Lecture message - 1 hour.

Image training - 3 hours.

The concept, purpose, objectives, content and methodology of image training. The image of a successful person. Imaging technology. Methods of art therapy in imageology: development of adaptability, social activity, psychological plasticity, communication, harmony. Psychocorrective work: changing the visual (creating an attractive appearance) and psychological (correction of psycho-emotional states, their harmonization with a new image, social status and normative role behavior, resolution of intra-role conflicts, removal of psychological complexes and barriers) components of the personality. Strengthening self-regulation, bringing it into line with the formed psycho-emotional states, harmonization of the "I-concept", building positive interpersonal relationships with others. Visual and communicative, verbal and non-verbal methods of self-presentation. Methods of psychological protection of the image in conflict situations. Mechanisms of success and failure. Harmonization of business and personal image is an effective way to professional success.

THEME 8. Psychotraining "psychotechnologies for managing oneself and managing other people."

Lecture message - 1 hour.

Psychotraining - 3 hours.

The concept, purpose, objectives, content and methodology of conducting psychotraining is an effective technology for overcoming self-doubt, dissatisfaction with one's successes and achievements, resolving intrapersonal conflicts, increasing psycho-emotional stability, developing psychological protection, the effectiveness of self-management and management of other people. Ways to overcome life crises, apathy, anxiety and self-doubt. Methods of subjective-personal, spiritual-moral and professional self-development. Types of self-influence on the psychophysical, emotional and mental spheres. Ways of managing the mental state: muscle relaxation techniques, self-regulation of the emotional sphere, self-reflection of the mental sphere, productive thinking. The main methods of self-regulation: auto-training, meditation, self-programming. Methods of psychological protection. Features of mastering the methods of managing oneself and other people in the process of psychotraining. Conditions for successful psychotraining.

Image therapy is, generally speaking, professional work which involves the treatment of other people. How many of those present are going to become healers? I'm sure there are many people here who are only interested in Image Therapy in order to be able to heal themselves.

Now in many countries: in the USA, in Western Europe there are more and more people interested in this direction. Because if you use image therapy as a profession, then you, as a healer, need to get a good result. I am sure that if there are no good results, then no one will want to learn this method.

Today I want to understand something for myself. Here I see quite a lot of listeners who were still at the first seminar on thought-image therapy, which was held in December 1997, 7 years ago. After 7 years, the number of listeners interested in mental image therapy has increased from 20 to 600. This means that this method really gives a good effect.

It is quite difficult to train such a large number of people at once. Different people have different levels knowledge and understanding. I am sure that in no medical university a professor will teach more than 600 people at the same time.

In mental image therapy, you can write down what I say. It even needs to be done as this course is very different from the regular Zhong Yuan Qigong course where you have to listen and practice. Here you will also need to write. Of course, if you listen to me very carefully, you will most likely be able to remember all the information. When you get home, write down what you remember in a notebook.

So, let's start the course of Image Therapy.

In Chinese, mental image therapy is called "Yi Xiang Liao Fa". “I-Xian” is translated as “image”, but here it is necessary to clarify what exactly we mean by this. In China, "Yi" means our mind, our consciousness, our spirit. "Xian" means "picture". In general, the phrase means that this species therapy is based on our mind, consciousness and pictures or images. But in English we use only one word - "image", which translates as "picture".

What is "I" in Chinese? This means that you have to think using your mind, your consciousness, your awareness, thought. Any kind of activity of your mind, spirit or heart is called "I". When we think about something, then there is the consciousness of what we are doing now, and what we will do in the future. Do you notice that images are constantly appearing in your brain?

For some people the images are very strong and distinct, for others they are weaker. But the latter have more developed other skills, for example, they perceive sounds better. Especially if a person is connected with music, then his thinking process is connected not only with images, but also with sounds, with music.

From a broader point of view, pictures or images and sounds are one and the same. All this is wave radiation, vibrations. Only the image has a wider aspect, and the sound - much already spread the picture as a whole.

Sound is a function of our ear, and image is already a function of our mind, our soul along with our eyes.

After some training, you can learn to transform sounds into images. This is easy enough to do.

We can say that here the image is a reflection of the universe. An image is a picture in your head, a picture that appears within you. But at the same time, the image is a reflection of everything that exists, the entire universe. The material world around us can be represented in the form of images, everything that we can see or touch, it causes a certain image.

The following can be said about our consciousness. If you think about something, then other people can see images of what you are thinking about now.

So, in general, we can see the image. Therefore, if you look at something, it means that you get an image of what you see. If you hear my voice, it means that you can create my image for yourself. For example, when you hear the sound of strong wind and rain, you can create an image of trees swaying in the gusts of wind.

Thus, the sounds that we hear can also turn into images.

If you touch something, then you have certain tactile sensations: heat, cold, roughness, smoothness. Your senses of smell also give you certain impressions: you can smell the baking of bread as you walk past a bakery. Taste buds allow you to determine what you are currently eating, such as chocolate.

So we determine that we can actually get an image using our ordinary senses. This means that everything external can be reflected in our brain as an image.

At the same time, it can be different: you sit here, close your eyes and start smiling, as you have made an appointment with a girl or a young man. The memory of this date evokes certain images in you. This suggests that you can create an image in your brain on your own, without the participation of your external senses that perceive external stimuli. It also means that we usually use all these external senses together in order to get a whole picture (image). It also means that the understanding of the external comes through the internal perception.

The result of the above is that absolutely all parts of our body, absolutely everything external can be displayed inside through the image. The external creates internal images, and we can send these same images to the external environment.

If you want to understand something external, you have to use your six senses, but that's normal. After practicing qigong, you can use all 18 senses. This means that if you do not practice qigong and are an ordinary person, then in order to understand the external, you use your six senses. Here, the word “understand” means “to create an image within oneself”, to receive information. An image is not a real object. When you look at something, you create an image, but the image is not an external object in the full sense of the word. It is exactly the same as if you were looking at yourself in a mirror. Your reflection is your image, not the real person.

Therefore, as a human being, when communicating with the outside world, we receive internal images as a result of the work of our senses. As a person, every part of our physical body will allow us to perceive and understand the image. Every internal organ, every part of the body has its own image inside our brain.

Consider the reverse situation: inside of us there is an image of our body, how it will affect the outside, on the physical plane, on the body, on the functions of organs, on our behavior.

Every person dreams when he sleeps. What is a dream? In fact, it is the work of your brain, your mind, which brings up many pictures. Your body can lie on the bed while your mind goes through these images of you being anywhere. It is just a picture, an image, but what is the reaction of your body? You shudder, you wake up, your body really shakes up.

When you were children, you dreamed about going to the bathroom and defecating there. And in reality you were sleeping, but you were actually doing. And as a result, they received a scolding from their mother. When you woke up, you usually said: “Oh, I dreamed that I was in the bathroom, why am I in bed now?” In fact, you had an image, but it influenced you. Nobody gave it to you, you didn't see it. You created it yourself, and the image you created influenced you. During sleep, no one sends you any images, you sleep and do not see your surroundings. The brain itself creates images within you.

For example, you dream that you are very sad and you cry. You cry in your sleep, but when you wake up, you find that you actually shed tears during such a dream. For example, almost everyone has experienced a similar dream: you are walking somewhere, suddenly you see a big dog or a wolf that rushes at you. You start running away from them, run further and further, and then he bites you. You scream and wake up in fear.

All these examples show us that the images we create have a direct impact on us, on our body, on our behavior.

AT Everyday life exist various methods treatments, such as music therapy. In traditional Chinese medicine, special instruments are used to produce sounds for healing, such as the circle of Wu Xing, the theory of the 5 elements. This is possible due to the fact that we, listening to special sounds, create images that affect our body.

There are also other methods, for example, using paintings and drawings. Let the patient look at the picture for a while and you will find that his disease has disappeared. That's why when somebody gets sick he has to go somewhere beautiful and all he has to do is look around, watch beautiful landscapes. And it helps to heal.

Let's see now - during qigong practice do we use images or not? Yes very many. "Imagine you are a dragon", "Imagine you are an immortal stork", "Imagine a red ball in the lower dan tian". In almost every qigong exercise we use images. Therefore, we just need to give the patient the image we need, allow him to receive this image, and this image will affect the physical body.

Why should we imagine ourselves now as a dragon, now as an immortal stork? Why do we need to imagine ourselves as the Big Tree. These are all images.

Image therapy is a system that allows us to understand what the human body really is. And what is life in general. In fact, all life around us is nothing more, nothing less than an image. We create images, we receive images, and they affect our lives.

For example, on the way home, it suddenly seemed to us that someone was going to kill us. In this case, we have fear.

If you constantly keep a negative image in your head, expect something bad, then something bad will happen to you. If pleasant pictures are always present in your mind, then you will always feel happy.

What is Image Therapy? Image therapy is one of the branches of science that studies the influence of certain types of images on parts or organs of the body, as well as what function is associated with one way or another. Image therapy also tells us how to use images, how the image affects the functions of the physical body.

Such a definition tells us that today listeners will understand what the phrase image therapy means. After studying for a few more years and practicing constantly, they will learn even better what image therapy is. But it is almost impossible for one person to fully understand the whole meaning of this science. One can only understand this science step by step, gradually deepening and honing the skill.

For example, an image affects our physical body through energy. We know what energy does strong influence on our physical body, but how exactly does this happen? How exactly does this effect occur?

This is primarily due to the images that are already present in us. For example, one person looks at another, and the first has an image that a car accident or an airplane crash will happen to the second. Or you may have an image that one of your friends will come to you. And then it turns out that after a while or after a few days this really happens. And then you begin to understand that first you had an image, and then something happens in accordance with this image.

Additionally, there is some research, for example, associated with the life of a tree. Before a leaf begins to grow on a tree, you can get an image of it, and it will be an image of a large leaf, in full size. In fact, in reality, the leaf is still very small, but its image is already full size.

It also uses the possibilities of the third eye. When you look at a patient with it, you see an image of the disease. When you change this image, the disease goes away. So, we can say that the image refers to the internal, if I may say so - to the internal reflection. Real life completely controlled, or rather, managed with the help of images. In other words, before we start building a building, we create a project. That is why, when a building is being built, the intermediate steps and the result are exactly the same as in your project. It may be that the image can also be called the project of the creator.

So we're trying to understand what an image is. And we also try to use them to regulate our lives. If the image is indeed the Creator's Project, then all we need to do is regulate or modify the images in some way, and as a result we can change our lives.

If the image at the very beginning was erroneous, then this means that at some age we have diseases. So we can check the images in order to identify possible diseases in the future. Similarly, we can check the patient's images for diseases in a past life.

In general, it turns out that the image is a very important part of our life, it is higher than a person, his being, his spirit, his energy. This means that if we can regulate and work, that is, change, images, then we can regulate our spirit, our energy, our body.

Now let's go back to the very beginning.

Generally speaking, there is a lot of material in thought-image therapy. Personally, I (Master Xu Mingtai) only understand about 40 percent. Of those 40 percent that I understand, I can summarize them.

There is a basic theory in thought-image therapy. It explains what is life, what is man, what is the universe. For example, there is a model of the universe. The universe was created with the help of matter, energy and information. Like individual life, the universe was created with the help of an image. The energy of the universe can be divided into 3 parts. These are all three parts - energy, but their functions are very different. The first part is mist energy because it looks like mist. When we say "looks like" it means that it evokes the image of fog in us. The second part of the energy we call the energy of light. This energy gives us an image or picture, like light. Light of various colors. The third part of the energy we have called transcendental energy. It does not give us any image, it is the image of emptiness.

The physical part of the world can also be divided into 3 parts (levels): one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces. We can also observe them with the help of images. 1-dimensional space looks like a point, or a line. This kind of space looks like this. Two-dimensional space gives us the image of a plane. We live in three-dimensional space. Now we also understand that the world of matter, substance in our world also gives a certain image, it is reflected in it.

Let's look at the information part. The information part is also divided into three. We call the first part Yin-information, the second - Yuan, the third - Yang-information.

If we consider such a model, then the entire space can be displayed as a picture consisting of three axes x , y , z , where the axes are matter, energy and information. Each part consists of 3 components, which we have listed above. The result is a drawing of 3 x 3 x 3=27 components that show us 27 different kinds of worlds.

Taoism claims that there are 9 levels of heaven and 18 levels of hell. One of the levels of paradise belongs to the human world. This means that we are in 19th place from the bottom. Below us - 18 levels-worlds, and above us - 8.

As for the relationships and interconnections between these worlds, and these levels, I spent several years to understand at least a minimum of this. For practice, for the development of our spirit, this is enough. Because we already belong to human beings. If we jump at least 1 world higher, then we will gain longevity, we will be able to get rid of suffering and disease.

Now let's look at the model of a human being. In traditional Chinese philosophy and medical theory, as well as in the theory of qigong, we say that a person is a small universe. This means that we are the same as the larger universe. There are as many different levels of worlds in the universe as there are as many different functions of life in us, inside us.

As human beings, we also have these three parts - physical body, energy and spirit. The physical body, our substance, we also divide into 3 parts. We can say that certain materials, certain functions in our body give life as a point or a line. These materials, these substances we call one-dimensional substance. Others give an image of the surface, a 2-dimensional substance. Others are 3D images and we call them 3D substance.

Consider the separation of energy. The energy that is within us, and everywhere in the universe, is also the same. It is also divided into 3 types, and there is no difference, everything is the same.

Consider our spirit, our soul. The soul can also be divided into 3 levels. The first level is simply called the soul, in Chinese it is called Yin-shen. The second level we call Yuan Shen. The third is Yang-shen.

If we consider our physical body as an integral system and divide it into separate parts, then we can say that we have 27 subsystems. For easier learning, we are talking about the fact that there are 9 functional systems in the human body. Energy and spirit can also be divided into 9 subsystems. Therefore, such an image must first of all give us a model of what the universe is. And it also gives us an idea of ​​the relationship between man and the universe.

What I have to do is describe each of the 27 subsystems. Since if I do it myself, then I have images of what and how to do. I do not need to say in words what and where I am doing, I just see what image he has wrong, and change it. If I am trying to teach others, or I am trying to tell the patient what is wrong with him, then I need to use verbal speech.

We also know that the basic or inner reflection of what is inside and outside of us is an image. I need to turn the image into words, because I need to convey it to you. Of course, when the image is converted into words, there are extremely many errors. Very little information is transmitted. When you listen to my words, you create your own images in response, and your images and mine will necessarily have differences. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the usual method of teaching thought-image therapy is not good enough. Therefore, we have to use a different method of learning - knowledge transplantation, when there is a direct transfer of images. But we can't wait for this part of Zhong Yuan Qigong to be allowed to open. I wanted to start teaching this part, but have not yet received permission to do so. Because through this method you very quickly understand the inner essence of life and the universe.

So, let's continue studying the basic theory of image therapy. Image therapy gives us a model of the universe and a model of man. Now consider another model, the disease model.

As a human being, we have 3 factors - physical body, energy and spirit. If we get sick, then what is wrong with us? During illness, there is undoubtedly a disturbance in the functioning of the physical body. For example, a broken bone or a cut with a knife. This is a physical problem. For example, you have kidney or gallstones. Also, if you are sick, you may have an energy problem. For example, too much cold inside can be caused by a similar problem. You begin to have pain in your leg, and at the same time no problems are found on the physical plane, then these may be blocked channels. There may be too low energy levels when you feel tired when you even wake up. For example, sometimes you may feel very aggressive, fight all the time and want to fight someone. This suggests that you have a lot of energy, and bad energy.

At the same time, if you get sick, then you may not necessarily have problems with the physical body or energy system - these may be problems with consciousness, with the mind, with the spirit. For example, a child suddenly falls and loses consciousness. At this moment, his soul comes out. When you hear bad news, you may become depressed. And if something is not clear with your family, then you may have a feeling of fear. It happens that there is no apparent reason, but you are still prone to stress. Although there is nothing worth paying attention to, the emotions are still bad.

So, if you get sick, then you might have one of the following types diseases: physical, energetic, emotional or spiritual. Usually the disease not only includes only one part, there is usually some combination of two or even three parts. For example, there may be diseases that are both physical and energetic. They can also be of a spiritual and energetic nature. Both physical and spiritual, for example - you have a constant fear. This phenomenon refers to the spirit. No matter what you do, your fear will not go away. Why? This is because you have kidney problems on a physical level. Either you have a violation of their work, or part of the kidneys has died. Everything is interconnected: kidney problems on the physical level and fear on the spiritual level. Therefore, here it is necessary to solve the joint problem of the spirit and the physical body. Sometimes, and even often, the disease is associated with all three components: the physical body is sick, problems with energy and with the spirit. Take, for example, a stroke. This disease begins with problems on the energy and physical planes, but then it passes to the spiritual level - the person becomes angry, aggressive. The same happens in the case of a malignant tumor.

Let's see how much various groups diseases, we can distinguish: physical, energy, spiritual, physical and energy, physical and spiritual, energy and spiritual and the last, physical plus energy and spiritual. A total of 7 groups of diseases.

When we get sick, our body, energy and soul change. Therefore, after treatment, energy can also change. Therefore, the first day and the second day of treatment can be completely different. It was a disease model.

Consider a treatment model.

For the treatment of physical diseases, what methods can we use? Of course, for this we can use physical methods: medicines, operations, herbs, food, trace elements, massage. Do you think we can use energy healing for sickness on the physical plane? For what kind of physical disease can we use it? For example, infectious diseases. Usually we use antibiotics, but this is a physical method. Edema and swelling after injury also suggest the use of antibiotics. Even hospitals use various equipment, physiotherapy methods to relieve infectious inflammation. This equipment affects patients with radiation of various wavelengths. Of course, you can use energy healing methods for physical illnesses. But not for everyone.

Do you think it is possible to use the spiritual method for the treatment of physical diseases? For example, a stomach ulcer is a physical disease caused by constant stress. And if we do not reduce its level, then this disease cannot be cured completely. But it seems that an ulcer is not exactly a physical disease. It arises on the physical plane after numerous and constant stressful situations. For this type of disease, you can use spiritual path impact, and then on the physical plane the ulcer is cured.

Let's now look at energy illnesses. Undoubtedly, for the treatment of energy diseases, we use energy methods of treatment. If the energy level is low, we give energy. If the energy is unbalanced, we balance it. Many have already learned the methods of energy influence: radiation and energy extraction.

Regarding the treatment of spiritual illnesses, we can use the psychological way, talk with a person on certain topics. Such spiritual diseases, when the soul leaves the body, are also treated with spiritual methods, such as reciting special mantras.

Of course, the spiritual path of treatment can be carried out simultaneously, for example, along with medication.

If we consider spiritual illnesses, can we use physical methods to treat them? Of course we can. For example, fear. If someone constantly experiences fear, then this is a spiritual disease. How can physical methods of influence be used to treat it? It is caused by certain kidney problems. We can use specific herbal treatments to enhance kidney function. We can also give the patient energy to the kidneys. This will be an energetic impact that will heal spiritual problems.

And if we have an energy disease, can we use spiritual methods? Of course we can. Some people feel low energy all the time. Then we can tell such a patient the good news that someone loves him very much. Immediately, this person begins to feel inspired. Good, pleasant words can very often give a person energy, inspire him. When we hear good news, we begin to feel much better. When we are doing something very interesting for us, such as therapies, or reading an interesting book, then your brain is active, and you begin to feel much more energy inside you. This means that the spirit and our mind can increase our energy. Do you think our mind or spirit can reduce our energy. They can. For example, you spent a whole month on some project. They did it very diligently, tried, put all of themselves into it. Then they showed it to the boss, and he said that it was all nonsense. How will you feel after that? There can be 2 outcomes of the action here: either you will throw your project in his face, or you will feel drained and devoid of energies. This means that our mind has a very strong effect on our energy.

How can physical substances affect our mind? Of course, we know a lot of substances that have this or that effect on our mind. For example, there is a type of mushroom that, when eaten, makes all the people around us seem very small, and you - very big, bigger than the Big Tree. Your feelings can be changed, you can feel like you can throw all people away with one wave of your hand.

For example, everyone knows that coffee has a stimulating effect, leading to an improvement in emotional state. For example, if you constantly feel sad and unhappy, then eat a bar of chocolate and your mood will improve.

We know that in nature there are a lot of narcotic substances that lead to changes in the emotional state, vodka changes the emotional state.

All of the above allows us to conclude that we can use the physical path to change the state of our emotions, our spirit.

Can we use physical influence to change the state of our energy? Of course we can. For example, when you have a lack of energy, you can make up for it with the help of special herbs. For example, a drug such as Huang-Chi greatly increases energy.

So, we have created a holistic model. Treatment methods can also be divided into 7 groups, or 7 methods:

Physical method for the treatment of diseases;

Energy method;

spiritual method;

Physical + energy methods;

Physical + spiritual methods;

Energy + spiritual methods;

And physical + energy + spiritual methods of treating diseases.

So it should be - if we have 7 different groups disease, then there should also be 7 methods of treatment.

Let's look at the usual treatments.

As a rule, when we get sick, we take special drugs. Medicines appeared due to the fact that this method of treatment is quite convenient. The production and sale of drugs brings good profits, they are very easy to use. We can produce many different drugs that we can combine for different diseases. But who will sell energy and how? You can sell blood, but we haven't seen anyone selling energy. Therefore, we can offer for sale New Product- energy. But there is a certain problem here - how to show other people that we are giving them energy, and this energy costs, for example, $200? You cannot put this energy in a bottle or anything.

But if this energy comes from any preparations, herbal preparations, then it can also be used.

What is image therapy here? It seems that thought-image therapy is everything. During treatment with this method, we use physical, energetic and spiritual methods of influence in combination. This is the difference this method from others that use only one of the three, and most often, even part of one method.

Image therapy from this point of view is a complete system. Thought-image therapy uses all methods of influence simultaneously.

Each doctor using the methods of image therapy should be equally familiar with all three components of this system. Since all of them are not divided into components between different doctors. Everyone should use everything in the complex.

After diagnosing a patient, he should be treated by one doctor, it cannot be said that now he needs to go to one, where they will deal with his physical problems, then to the second, where they will correct his energy state, and then to the third, who will treat with spiritual methods. That is, this is not the way it is usually done when you go to the registry, talk about your problems, and you are first directed to one doctor, then another, and so on. Therefore, if you want to become an image therapist, then you need to master the treatment as a whole.

When a patient comes to you, you can say that you do not yet know how to cure this particular disease, but you cannot say that this does not apply to me, and the patient should go to another. For example, you cannot say that the patient has kidney problems, and I am a cardiologist and I deal with the heart, but he needs to see a urologist.

So today's homework. Today is the most difficult day, as it was connected with theoretical issues. You will have training as your homework. To use Image Therapy, you need to train our mind. You need to learn how to connect your mind, energy and physicality. If you want to be treated, you must practice your right hand at home: you must imagine how it either increases in size, or decreases. You must practice for more than 1 hour. Without practice, without training your hands, even if you know the theory, you will find that you cannot use it.

So, let's continue with thought-image therapy. From yesterday's lecture, you could understand that the image represents the deepest inner essence of life. It can regulate the development of life and affect our emotions, energy and mind. It looks like the image is somewhere else. It is not like some material substance, a substance, a poison that can instantly kill a living being. But it will directly affect your health and life throughout your development.

We can say that from a medical point of view, killing someone is very easy, but regenerating something is very difficult. It is very easy to kill a life, but it is very difficult to kill a certain kind of life inside another life, for example, a virus. We know a huge number of methods to kill others, but how to kill individual cells within the body without affecting other cells is not so easy.

On the first day we studied the basic theory of image therapy, in particular, yesterday we briefly presented the model of the Universe, as well as the model of human life. In addition, a disease model was presented. If we want to deal with the treatment of a certain disease, then we absolutely need to understand the type of disease. For example, if you get sick, you should not always think that you have a disease of the physical plane. Because in addition to this, you may have energy problems, or illnesses of consciousness or spirit.

If you look at all three types of diseases, they are identical to each other. 33% of all diseases belong to the physical type, 33% to the energy type, and 33% to the spiritual type. Thus, if you are a healer, or a doctor, then according to this model, you need to look at problems more broadly, and not stop at just one type of disease. It is also necessary to understand that it is sometimes impossible to get good results with the help of only physical methods of treatment. Some types of diseases, such as pain in the sacral region, are not found on the physical plane. These diseases may refer to the problem of blockage of energy channels due to trauma. Bones and muscles restored their functions, but the energy channel remained blocked. For this type of pain, if it is associated with blockage of the energy channel, no medication can help. But the methods of mental image therapy can get rid of this disease very easily.

Thus, treatment in thought image therapy is based on the concept of the types of diseases,

On the first day, you were given homework, according to which you had to imagine how your palm is either increasing or decreasing, making it bigger or smaller. What is it for?

We have only 4 days to study Image Therapy. Of course, in such a short period of time it is impossible to fully study this subject. But you can get a certain amount of knowledge about the subject, and at the end of the seminar, use it and apply it to healing. I know that many of you here have already tried to heal others. Many have already gotten fairly good results at this. I am sure that you will soon find that your results depend on your own abilities, and not only on method or theory.

In Image Therapy, the more you try to treat other people, the faster you get a positive effect, and the better the result becomes. Additionally, we can say that Image Therapy is a completely natural method of treatment. It is the way in which one human being heals another. What we usually do is we use our own energy, our own mind to heal others. Of course, in some situations, if necessary, we use special nutrition, herbal remedies and other methods, including surgery. For example, the very famous physician of antiquity, Huato, also used surgery in conjunction with nutrition, herbal remedies, and practice methods.

Therefore, we still need to study diagnostic methods. The first section in image therapy is the basic theory, the second section is diagnostics.

In order to improve your health, especially if you plan to start working as an image therapist, you need to learn to know and understand diseases very well. Understanding the disease is achieved through its diagnosis. This means that you use your knowledge, and especially your abilities, to understand the patient's condition.

Thought therapy uses a special diagnostic method. We can use several methods together, but in the end

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