Ethics of business relations. Travel feed: Religion


when you come to a bank (both in Moscow and in other cities), you immediately pay attention to European-level interiors: fashionable design, expensive furniture, paintings, modern office equipment. Great importance is attached to the design of offices of bank managers, meeting rooms, meeting rooms, rooms for employees. So, cabinets are furnished with luxurious furniture and are often decorated with antique works of art. Generally accepted are such symbols of success and prosperity as: joint photographs of bank executives with well-known political and public figures, photographs of wife and children, rare collections, expensive souvenirs brought from different countries. In a word, in the offices and premises of banks, you can see everything that speaks of the significance, influence (wealth and culture of their employees.
Demonstration of a high level of professionalism and the socio-economic status associated with it is also manifested in the fact that the banking sector imposes certain requirements on employees regarding their clothing, behavior and demeanor. In banking institutions, a strict, restrained style is generally accepted. Men prefer dark suits of moderate cut from expensive fabrics, a white shirt, a fashionable and strict tie. They make sure that the attributes of wealth and wealth are necessarily manifested in clothes: an expensive watch on the arm, a respectable diplomat equipped with a combination lock, branded shoes. Importance is also attached to such details as: an inlaid pen, a leather folder for papers, a gold frame for glasses.
Women in banks also adhere to a strict style within the boundaries of generally accepted rules, but their individuality is more pronounced in their clothes. Expensive, mostly gold jewelry, good fashionable shoes, business and at the same time elegant suits, exquisite perfumes.
In banks you will not meet noisy and demonstratively relaxed people. Here, self-esteem, efficiency, composure, the ability to control one's own emotions are most valued. Communicate in a restrained, "closed" manner, professionally and informatively.
In general, in terms of how they maintain relationships, dress and behave bank employees, one can judge their intellectual and professional qualities and, very importantly, the status of the banking institution in which they work. In these external details, striking to visitors and customers, a certain “banking style” is manifested, elements of banking corporate culture and etiquette, developed all over the world and now emerging in Russia.
Despite the fact that a special system of banking etiquette has not yet been developed, some of its foundations can still be taken from the existing types of etiquette (business and diplomatic).
First, let's focus on moral and ethical rules. professional conduct and manners to behave in a banking institution.
Rule I. In the banking industry, the most valued ethical standards of business relations are honesty and reliability. These moral requirements are made to colleagues and partners not simply because of the desire to "have good relations with everyone." In essence, the desire of a bank manager to be honest and reliable in business contacts is a manifestation of his internal orientation towards stability and maintaining long-term rather than momentary relations with a partner.
When demonstrating honesty and reliability, the partner is given to understand that he receives certain guarantees by organizing interactions with this particular bank. Simply put, being honest and reliable in the banking sector is beneficial, both socially and financially.
Rule II. IN Lately banks are increasingly talking about such a quality as commitment. First of all, relationships that have been tested over the years are valued, and newcomers
study for a long time before deciding to trust them. From the notebook, the partner’s phone number is deleted or marked with a special sign, who showed non-obligation, committed forgery or deceit. The business characteristic of such a partner in the banking sector is transmitted through personal channels, and it can be very difficult for him to form a positive attitude towards himself. Indeed, business reputation is created over the years, and you can lose it in a matter of minutes without the right to "rehabilitation".
Rule III. Many bankers cite an important ethical business relationship issue related to finding the "golden mean" between the need for competition and the understanding of the value of cooperation. These two strategies of business behavior are, as it were, “weighed” on the banker’s internal “scales”: analyzing the situation and his goals, he makes a decision either with an emphasis on struggle, or based on the desire to find a compromise”
What strategy now prevails in Russian banks” is difficult to say for sure. The author's observations show that many business people try to reach a compromise acceptable to both parties in order to maintain the necessary business relations. Systems of business relations are being formed between people who support and protect each other and their partners, provide certain services to each other.
Rule IV ”In the banking sector, it is important to adhere to the norms of official subordination, based on the obligatory subordination of juniors to seniors, the rules of labor discipline and the delimitation of professional powers. The deputy manager of one of the banks told me that he presents the image of the ideal bank as the image of "6a and ka-duck": a clear coordination of interactions provides, like in a web, a thin sensitivity and a quick response. And indeed, only slightly the fly touches the fiber of the web in its far edge, science reacts almost instantly.
A clear subordination implies: power and subordination, diligence, control, coordination of one’s actions with the actions of other bank employees of the same level, a ban on the actions of a subordinate over the head of his immediate supervisor. The designation of the “framework of competence” in making managerial decisions, fixing official rights and duties
The need to maintain a well-functioning subordination of relations in the banking sector, however, has negative consequences. Many employees note that relations in the bank are becoming too formal and dry. People work for years, communicating only on a business basis and hardly knowing each other personally. There is no opportunity to show your individuality in the bank. On the contrary, the banking system levels the personality of the worker, forcing him to be a "vshggak": always calmly benevolent, restrained and executive. You can’t just joke or show a personal attitude, both in relationships with colleagues, and even more so with a leader who is higher than you in rank. You cannot go against the will of the authorities, express your opinion, make your decision.
The costs of formalizing business relations in the banking sector can be neutralized if employees of a particular banking institution have the opportunity to spend joint holidays, organize sports events, celebrate holidays, etc. psychological trainings held with bank staff in their free time.
Rule V, The loyalty of employees to their bank is a sure sign of the presence in this banking institution of a special corporate culture. Most often, the heads of such banks protect their executive gels, because they consider the latter as a part of themselves. Employees, in turn, avoid criticizing management in dealing with external partners because they have developed a sense of community. 1In banking institutions in which a favorable climate reigns, people are more inclined to appreciate the positive aspects of their work,
It would seem that the formulation of these moral-psycho-logical rules is not so important. However, this is not at all the case. A bank in which management attaches importance to non-material factors is usually successful, since it has long been noticed that people who are rich and self-confident begin to care about culture in the first place. Banks, not having a strong position in the business world, are busy with only one thing: a tough struggle for survival, they have no time for such luxury as culture. Therefore, it is also possible to distinguish a reliable bank from others by the attention of its management to the moral and ethical issues of banking work.
The rules of business etiquette in banks regulate the conduct of employees during the organization of presentations, business meetings and negotiations with partners. Presentations are arranged, as a rule, about the foundation of a new bank. Political and public figures, entrepreneurs, bankers, sponsors, representatives of various firms and organizations to strengthen old business ties and establish new contacts, Invitations are sent out in advance.
The main purpose of presentations is to communicate with each other, to get to know each other. Therefore, there are usually no strict rules of conduct at presentations, everything is simpler and more comfortable. In conversations, you can touch not only business topics, but also discuss your hobbies, hobbies, interests.
Executive meetings usually offer light snacks and drinks, which are organized as a buffet so that guests can move freely and have a wide choice for communication.
During presentations, bankers exchange business cards with interested people.
Business cards until recently were a rarity for us. Now they are a mandatory attribute of a business person. A business card can be considered as a form of unobtrusive and discreet acquaintance, since when it is presented, the partner does not have to maintain contact, he is only informed about the presence of a given banking institution and a specific official. Business cards are also convenient in that they can be attached as decoration to a souvenir or gift during acquaintance in order to emphasize its business nature and at the same time create an opportunity for feedback.
A business card is printed on thick paper and is a small rectangle. On one side it contains the text in Russian, on the other - in English or in the language of the host country. On the business card are fixed: the symbol or emblem of the bank, the full name of the banking institution, the surname and name of the business person, position, authority, scope professional interests, mailing address bank, phone, fax, telex. As a rule, banks provide their employees with branded business cards that have the logo adopted in this bank and printed on the same type of paper.
What can you learn about a bank by looking at a business card of its manager or employee? You can find out whether the bank is located in the city center or on its outskirts, and whether it has its own building or rents a room. The presence of internal telephone numbers indicates that the bank has its own switchboard, which means that it is solid and has numerous staff.
There are standard Business Cards(given for formal representation, without a pronounced inclination to continue acquaintance) and business cards for special purposes, for example, for closer acquaintance, on which, along with official telephones, personal telephones are also indicated - telephones of the apartment and cottage. But in Russia, cards of the first type are often used, on which, if desired, a partner can sign the phone numbers of his apartment or dacha. In the banking environment, it is not customary to specifically ask your interlocutor to do this, but if, as a sign of special trust and disposition, he makes such a gesture, it is very much appreciated.
Business partners are invited to business meetings and negotiations: the main representative and persons accompanying him. Business meetings and negotiations are official events, so there are strict requirements for the clarity of their organization. The purpose of the meeting and its content are worked out in detail, and relevant documents are prepared. Time schedule is planned (date, time and duration of the meeting).
Of great importance is the design of meeting rooms available in many banks. It is advisable to hold such meetings in spacious, bright rooms. When coloring meeting rooms, you should not get carried away with predominantly white, as can be seen in some banks after renovation. White color is uninformative and "cold". You should also avoid frequent flashes of red, which introduces tension and for many symbolizes confrontation, conflict and struggle. The best colors are neutral grey, light brown wood tones, light green with hints of yellow. Most people respond well to diffused yellow as it is a color associated with warmth and non-scorching sun.
Women are more sensitive to color, because this or that color carries a certain emotional connotation for them: “beautiful-ugly”, “pleasant-unpleasant”, “cheerful-gloomy”. So "among the ugly and unpleasant colors, they often name saturated and sharp colors, an unnatural, enhanced shade. These are ultra-yellow, sharp blue and all shades of bright crimson, bright orange and aggressive red. The feeling of gloominess in them occurs with the frequent use of black and brown colors. At work, women prefer soft, subdued colors and shades.
It is also necessary to carefully consider the shape of the table in the meeting room. It is known that the round table is a symbol of union and unification. When the negotiation group is seated in a circle, status and other differences are also removed. At the round table, people quickly find a common language and more often there is mutual understanding.
At square or rectangular tables, indeed, people more often behave either excessively depressed and passive, not showing their position, or go into active conflict and confrontation. But, despite the fact that many manuals recommend exactly round tables, you should still not completely neglect square or rectangular ones. The choice of room, organization of space and determination of the necessary form of the table depend on the purpose of the meeting. If it is necessary to emphasize the hierarchy of power - subordination and status differences, then square and rectangular tables should be preferred. In this case, persons with a higher official position sit at the head of the table, and the rest of the participants are located on both sides of it. Moreover, the closest assistants sit closer to their leaders.
Experienced bank managers skillfully take into account certain symbols in the organization of the premises that their business partner can “count” and, without special discussion, guess the meaning of the meeting, the status assigned to him at this meeting, and also what is expected of him: compromise , concessions or are ready to speak with him on an equal footing. For example, the author had to observe how the head of the department of one of the banks appointed important meetings with representatives of large organizations in his spacious office, which has a well-thought-out furnishings and an oval-shaped table. In such an office, the partner felt quite free and relaxed, he felt that he was respected and his high status was recognized. But in case the meetings were held with partners who needed to be “put in their place”, the leader made an appointment in the office of one of his deputies, which was darkened and cramped; had a rectangular table and not quite a prestigious setting. The invitee sat down at the end of the table, where he felt constrained, squeezed and, as a rule, was forced to obey, yield and compromise.
At business meetings and negotiations, light snacks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners are often organized. In this case, bank employees have the opportunity to show not only their business qualities, status and power, but also culture, wealth and prosperity. The table setting, the level and quality of the served dishes and service, as well as the varieties of wines, if they exist - all of this reflects the viability and well-being of the bank. The culture of the gathering is manifested in the ability to use appliances, the choice and combination of dishes, the ability to talk at the table and, most importantly, the art of choosing and dosing drinks.
Observations show that all these skills need to be specially trained, since it is precisely by how a person behaves at the table that one can give him an unmistakable assessment. You can, for example, define it social background, temperament, level of development of self-control, evaluate his attitude towards life and his partners. You can identify and then skillfully use its weaknesses in the competition.
Thus, in our culture, special importance is attached to the ability of a male partner to adequately withstand a large volume of alcoholic beverages and not lose control of their behavior. As a rule, one of the essential factors in the tacit selection of a person for a leading position is precisely the factor of his resistance to alcohol. Conversely, if the leader shows a certain weakness and instability regarding drinks, this begins to be taken advantage of.
It is impossible to describe in detail all the subtleties of table etiquette, so we will focus only on those moments that are associated with creating a favorable psychological atmosphere for communication between partners during a business breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Of great importance are the style and manner with which a person is held at the table. A positive impression arises when a person knows how to behave calmly, freely and naturally, even with very strict observance of the rules of etiquette. Especially negatively perceived at the table are uncertainty, stiffness and tightness, or, conversely, excessive looseness and, in general, non-recognition of any rules.
A person who behaves unnecessarily constrainedly can be assessed as a weak and insecure business partner. They will “put pressure” on him, they will not listen to his opinion. The one who demonstrates unacceptable liberty and even vulgarity will be assessed as uncultured, who can allow the same excessively free, and therefore unpredictable form of behavior not only at the table, but also in business contacts. At such meetings, which are informal, related to food and, it would seem, setting the conditions for a more open manifestation of the individuality of the participants, on the contrary, “traps” are set and subtle observation is carried out. There are no "little things" at these meetings, any error in the partner's behavior is taken into account, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.
Therefore, if there is some confusion with a wide variety of cutlery used for table setting when serving meat and fish dishes, it is better not to rush and calmly observe the manners of other people: which cutlery they will choose and how they will use it, and then repeat them. actions. You can also ask the waiter to cut this or that exotic dish or refuse it altogether. Simply put, in each case, one should not strive either for the careful implementation of all the rules of table etiquette, or for defiant neglect of them. It is more convenient to rely on your intuition, sense of tact and inner dignity. And most importantly, always and in everything to maintain a sense of proportion and self-control.
Indeed, those present at the table will not pay attention to the person who has limited his menu. And vice versa, the center of ironic remarks and certain conclusions will be the one who either puts too much pressure on the knife, stubbornly
cutting a harsh roast, or manually “fighting” with a dish incomprehensible to him, failing to be neat.
It should also be remembered that the main attention should be paid not so much to the dishes and drinks on the table as to organizing a pleasant and meaningful conversation. Psychological tension arises when, at the beginning of the meeting, a person stops communicating and concentrates his efforts only on tasting dishes. Often this is the behavior of people who have problems in communication and do not know how to find a suitable topic for small talk. They become completely absorbed in the process of eating and cause bewilderment in other participants.
In such situations, the meeting participants may have the following assumptions: a silently chewing person does not want to communicate (hence, shows disrespect), for such a person, the dishes on the table are a rare pleasure. He cannot be distracted from them (hence, he is short of money and does not represent a serious partner), such a person is simply too fond of the process of eating, which means that he is not responsible enough in business.
It is important that the organizers of the meeting be diplomats at the table in a certain sense: they try to mitigate emerging conflicts, smooth out moments of contradictions or someone's tactlessness. When holding business breakfasts, lunches and dinners, the goal is to improve relations with partners, bring people closer, give business contacts a positive personal touch and eliminate existing disagreements. At a good table, as a rule, a person becomes softer and kinder, which greatly facilitates and optimizes business contacts.
In this regard, you should carefully consider the scheme of seating people at the table and put a card with the person's name in front of each seat. The procedure for seating partners can be simplified if the meeting organizers bring each person to his place at the table. The main thing here is the principle of matching the place of honor at the table and the official or public status of the partner.
The places of honor at the table are: a place opposite the front door (on the side of the table facing the windows), the second place is opposite the first, the third is to the right of the first, the fourth is to the right of the second, etc. Less honorable are the places on the ends of the table. Quite often, during business meetings, places of honor are in the center of the table, especially if it has the shape of the letter “P”
In general, it is necessary to strive to ensure that partners invited to a business meeting have pleasant memories. Improvement and mitigation of relations between partners will appear later, when solving specific business issues and problems.
So, the rules of business etiquette reasonably regulate interactions in the banking sector. Banking etiquette allows you to develop and strengthen important moral and ethical norms of relations and openly fix them as a necessary condition for organizing contacts. The principles of banking etiquette allow you to build a special atmosphere for each bank and corporate culture in order to have its own "face" and be different from other banking institutions.
The ability to read the symbols of business etiquette, reflected in the behavior and business interactions of bank employees, greatly simplifies the understanding of complex, ambiguous and often contradictory human relationships. Knowing certain rules of banking etiquette allows you to quickly adapt to the system of relations adopted in a particular bank, with less effort and time. Banking etiquette allows you to maintain decency and not violate the "boundaries of reason" even in the presence of a business conflict or confrontation. Finally, Business Etiquette in banks - this is the culture to which we should all strive, because it is really profitable and because this is how the entire civilized business world works and lives.


    Fundamentals of corporate ethics

1.1 Basic principles of corporate ethics of employees of the banking system

1.2 Ethical and moral standards as the basis of corporate ethics of bank employees

2. Organizational culture of the bank

2.1 Measures for the implementation and observance of the code of ethics by bank employees

2.2 Certification of the activities of a bank employee

2.3 The current state of ethics and corporate culture of employees of the Bank of Russia

3. Practical analysis of the state of corporate ethics and corporate culture of bank employees on the example of the GRCC

3.1 Brief description of the personnel of the GRCC

3.2 Personnel evaluation. Features of the professional ethics of the employees of the GRCC

3.3 Promoting the development of the body of culture of employees of the GRCC


List of used literature



It is difficult to talk about effective work or about improving the work of the organization if we do not pay enough attention to assessing the organizational culture of the staff. Personnel organizational culture assessment is the process of collecting, analyzing and evaluating information about how employees perform assigned work, and finding out to what extent their work behavior, performance and individual characteristics meet the requirements of the organization and management. The assessment of the organizational culture of the personnel is an integral part of the process of managerial control carried out in relation to the human resources of the organization.

Evaluating the organizational culture of staff in the GRCC is a process that includes identifying and communicating to the employee information about how he performs his work, and, ideally, developing a plan for improving performance. Evaluation not only allows the employee to see the tasks ahead of him more clearly and learn how well he works, but also has an impact on future work, attitude and desire to achieve the best results. The contractor will work with greater efficiency if he perceives the assessment of his work as fair and understandable.

The use of the results of the assessment of the organizational culture of personnel for making managerial and administrative decisions related to promotion, dismissal, incentives and punishments is one of the most common areas of its application. The results achieved by an employee are often the most significant basis for deciding on his promotion through the ranks. And although the successful work of an employee in this moment in this workplace does not mean at all that he will perform the work just as successfully in more high level However, the information obtained as a result of the assessment is of high value for predicting the success of an employee in a new position.

Stimulation of an employee to achieve high work results and to show the best examples of work behavior is possible only if the assessment system is able to identify those differences in work results and work behavior of employees that are clearly correlated with differences in their level of professional success.

During the period of economic reforms, there was a fairly noticeable influx of labor into the financial and credit sphere, the main place in which is occupied by banks and cash settlement centers. The main factor in the security and success of the Bank of Russia is its personnel policy. The specifics of the participation of employees in improving the work of the Cash Settlement Center is associated with the need for strict directive behavior, the inadmissibility of deviating from regulatory documents and instructions, a certain closeness of relations, as well as a high level of professional culture. In this regard, the question of creating a system for assessing the level professional knowledge and qualifications, personal qualities and skills of employees within the framework of the requirements of the job description and the content of work at a particular workplace becomes undeniably relevant.

This thesis includes goals, conceptual principles, methods, forms and means of evaluating bank employees, which are interconnected and influence each other. In addition, the assessment is based on the regulatory framework developed by Central Bank and the main Directorate of the Central Bank for the Sverdlovsk region, reflecting approaches to business valuation. In addition, the assessment system is still developing at this stage and so far it cannot be called perfect and acceptable both to external and individual-personal conditions of its application. But it should not conflict with the current assessment system and affect the professional training of financial workers.

Topic thesis, is currently quite important and relevant. The assessment of the organizational culture of the staff essentially reflects the results of the organization's activities. In this paper, an attempt is made to generalize and systematize the accumulated experience of business evaluation of banking personnel and to characterize all its constituent elements.

Target thesis is to study and improve the procedure for evaluating the activities of bank personnel - (hereinafter referred to as GRCC).

Tasks diploma work:

    Clarify the basic principles of service behavior of employees.

    To study the problems of compliance with ethical and moral standards by employees.

    Analyze measures for the implementation and observance of the code of ethics by bank employees.

    Describe the current state of ethics and culture of bank employees in Russia.

    Analyze the conduct of the assessment in the GRCC and propose recommendations for its optimization

The object of the study is the Settlement and Cash Center of Yekaterinburg.

The subject of the study is the procedure for business evaluation of personnel in the GRCC.

1. Fundamentals of corporate ethics

1.1 Basic principles of corporate ethics of employees of the banking system

corporate ethics banking clerk

The concept of organizational culture as a form of managing personnel management processes arose at the turn of the 70-80s of the 20th century during the institutionalization of the organization, when it began to turn from a producer of goods and services into a social unit. Until that time, the functions of management were reduced to coordinating and controlling the activities of a group of people, ensuring the interaction of departments to achieve goals, etc.

However, the concept of organizational culture was not something completely new. This phenomenon was considered in the works of M. Weber, K. Levin, T. Parsons, F. Selonik.

A.Ch. Bernard and G. Simon introduced the concept of "organizational morality", essentially similar to the definition of organizational culture.

Many Western researchers associate the very fact of turning to organizational culture as a management function also with the need to find an answer to the so-called "Japanese challenge". In the process of studying the reasons for the economic success of the countries of the Pacific region, which have overtaken the United States in many respects and countries Western Europe, a hypothesis arose that the basis is not the system and methods of management, but cultural characteristics, including the attitude to work 1 . A number of American researchers have come to the conclusion that rational-normative managerial theories, as well as the universal methods of regulating labor behavior and incentives based on them, have ceased to justify themselves. It turned out that the same type of impact in a different organizational environment causes different behavioral reactions, and the methods and methods of management themselves are largely determined by traditions and cultural characteristics. This stimulated interest in the study of organizational culture, primarily as a derivative of national culture.

In the domestic theory, the concepts of "culture of production" and "culture of work" were used. The latter was understood as an integral part of the cultural level of employees, their professionalism, education, competence, discipline, forms of communication with each other. The culture of production appealed to the conditions of labor and production, the means of labor and labor process, management and interpersonal relations, personal culture of the employees themselves.

A general analysis of the literature on the topic shows that the latter was conceptually formed under the influence of sociology, cultural anthropology, psychology, economic theory and management theory. The transplantation of the concept of "culture" from cultural anthropology to management theory took place as a response not only to the "Japanese challenge", but also to the limitations of the system-structuralist concepts of organization. Thus, organizational culture was seen as the "glue" that held the organization together.

Let us consider in more detail the very concept of organizational culture, noting that along with this term (organizational culture), organization culture (organisations kultur), corporate culture, or corporate culture (corporate culture), enterprise culture (style d'entreprise, unternehmens kultur) are also used.

Since the word "culture" is repeated in all definitions, let's dwell on it first. Culture is a product of the behavior and activity of society and is both a process and a result L. White in the 20th century introduced the concept of "culturology" and proposed a three-component structure of culture as a system: 1) technological (material expression); 2) social (all types of relationships between people); 3) ideological (ideas, views, etc.). This division is similar to the concept of levels of organizational culture proposed by E. Shane.

The following functions of culture are distinguished: 1) development and transformation of the world; 2) communicative; 3) significative (comprehension); 4) accumulation and storage of knowledge; 5) normative; 6) protective (activity of society for self-preservation, the struggle of the carrier with his own dysfunctions). They are also applicable at the level of an organization: culture creates a difference between one organization and another, gives individuality to its members, identifies them with the organization, contributes to the transmission of the values ​​of the latter from generation to generation, enhances its stability as social system. One of the most important functions of organizational culture is also called the optimization and coordination of the individual goals of individual entities with the overall goal of the organization.

The process of perception of elements of culture leads to their inclusion in the number of imperatives and evaluation criteria for actions and behavior, and forms the basis of human socialization.

As a product of human activity, the culture of an organization is created by a group of people (employees and owners). This is important to note for a deeper l adequate understanding of the phenomenon of organizational culture.

Today, there are many definitions of the concept of "organizational culture". But there is no single, generally accepted one. The point is the difference in the understanding of the researchers of its essence. The most adequate is the point of view of E. Shane, who sees it as a stable set of collective ideas that are formed in the course of adaptation to changes. external environment and internal integration. Moreover, it must be sufficiently intelligible and functional so that as a valuable and correct system of behavior and perception it can be transferred to new members of the team.

This definition allows us to approach three significant problems: the problem of socialization, behavior, and also the one that contains the question: can a large organization have a single culture?

The idea of ​​organizations as open systems leads to an understanding of their dynamic interaction with the external environment, society as a whole, including its culture, which, in turn, according to researchers, looks like a macroculture and its constituent microcultures. The first is ethnoculture (or national culture). The latter include professional, organizational, associations (various associations) and family culture. So organizational culture here looks like a kind of subculture in the context of national culture 3. corporate culture. All... and also employees performing direct...

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  • Banks play a major role in the structure of the financial system both at the state level and at the international level, therefore, improving the level of banking services is important both for the state and for society as a whole. This causes an increased interest in the problems of business ethics of banks, which leads to the development of relationships between banks and customers. On the example of several leading countries, we study the problems of business ethics in the banking business.

    Until now, banks, primarily Anglo-American, have carried out very large "ethical programs" with the development of appropriate codes of conduct, the conduct of "ethical training" for employees, and even the creation of special departments for ethics. For example, the main bank of Great Britain Bank of England has entered into staffing the position of an adviser (Business ethics adviser), whose duties include advising British banks on all matters relating to ethics.

    In 1991, British banks were heavily criticized for their policies, in particular with regard to nearly 3 million small businesses. Customer dissatisfaction has led financial institutions to adopt a code of conduct. Since then, large banks in the UK have made extensive use of public relations to improve customer relationships by developing specific ethics programs and sending letters to thousands of customers promising support. In 1970, the Bank of England sent a special appeal to the participants in the foreign exchange market. This circular gave authority to bank dealers, established recommendations on how to trade various banking products, and described procedures for those operations that had previously been problematic. This approach proved to be useful as it helped to solve many problems. A few years later, this document was expanded and served as the basis for updating the Code of Conduct in the foreign exchange market in England.

    The development of a code of benevolent attitude towards the client, as was done by the British Bankers Association for banks and savings banks (“The Banking Code”), can also be considered a unique find. The country even has a position of a kind of ombudsman - a representative of the British government to deal with customer complaints. These and other measures allowed clients to reassure that both the government and the banks themselves were interested in maintaining a high ethical standard.

    There is a growing understanding of the relevance of the topic of ethics in the credit sector in France. Its discussion takes place in various societies, at seminars, etc. Thus, French banks, in close cooperation with professional associations of entrepreneurs, have developed the so-called Charter of Conduct for Banks and Enterprises, which defines the mutual obligations of the parties, a kind of code of conduct for banks and enterprises.

    The quality of relations between banks and enterprises is one of the determining factors economic development. When partners follow the opposite logic in their behavior, it becomes increasingly difficult to establish a trusting relationship between them. At the same time, there is a considerable “space of common interests” between banks and enterprises, which necessitates the search for a balanced dialogue between them, which ultimately determines the health of the national economy.

    However, as you know, trust cannot be established by decree - it can only be organized. It is precisely this goal that the Charter of Banks - Enterprises, which was signed in May 1997 by representatives of the government, banks and entrepreneurs, meets. It should: firstly, improve the quality of relations between the bank and the enterprise on the basis of the acceptance by the parties of mutual obligations; secondly, to promote a better mutual understanding of partners on the basis of providing each other with relevant information; and finally, to limit the risk of disputes and disagreements by adopting clear rules of conduct for the parties.

    The obligations of the parties listed in the Charter reflect their real desire to establish relations of mutual trust, which can be reduced to three concepts: equality, loyalty and openness. Banks are committed to clearly defining how accounts operate, meeting deadlines for responding to customer inquiries, finding new ways to secure loans, especially to small and medium-sized enterprises, and resolving disputes that arise. The heads of enterprises, for their part, undertake, in agreement with the bank, to regularly provide it with the necessary detailed and high-quality information about their activities, as well as to allow bank representatives to visit their enterprise. All mutual obligations of the parties are set out in the following five sections: maintenance of accounts and conditions for granting loans; loan guarantees; information exchange; personnel training; settlement of disputes and disagreements. The Charter of Conduct for Banks and Enterprises is not just a collection of recommendations for market participants, but rules that must be strictly observed. Such a practice would be useful for Ukrainian banks as well.

    In the Netherlands, there are many examples of the participation of bankers in the development of "ethical banking". Peter Blom leads the "ethical" Triodos Bank, which has offices in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. "Ethical Bank" is not just a bank where customers are not deceived. The difference between Triodos Bank and others is that it has been actively involved in the development of the market for "socially responsible investments" for almost 20 years. Peter Blom is quoted in Expert magazine as saying: “People want to see their money working for good. More and more clients feel responsible for the funds provided to banks. Their ideology is as follows: I am a depositor, part of this bank, and therefore I must tell him that I do not like this, but like this. Many banks are running projects related to the exploitation of the labor force in developing countries. Other projects are damaging the environment. Contributors say: I'm not going to be responsible for this. I want to have a bank dealing with socially significant projects or projects in the field of the environment. I want my money to work for my ideals. This is the essence of the concept of our bank. We have made it clear that we will first of all pay attention to social aspects and the environment. We are trying to show that in business it is also possible to be responsible. Other banks are already following us, they are also starting to deal with environmental and social issues.”

    Alumni surveys conducted in the Netherlands show that people do not want to work in companies that do not put social responsibility as a corporate policy priority. It even becomes profitable to be decent, and this is a certain way of life in the West.

    One of the tools to convince the client of the commitment and responsibility of the bank and to establish a trusting relationship with him is to create a high reputation of the bank through the implementation of programs of highly ethical and morally impeccable activity. The proof of the “high quality of customer interests” that deserves our attention is, for example, the existence of a special Business Ethics Program at UniCredit Bank. It reflects the norms of business ethics and corporate culture that the bank adheres to in its activities. One of the main objectives of this document is to promote awareness by bank employees of personal responsibility to customers, business partners and shareholders for the fulfillment of their official duties and mission of the bank.

    As a result of a study of the experience of foreign banks, it was found that there are quite few laws in the field of business ethics, and the existing codes of conduct are only advisory in nature, in this regard, it is necessary to accelerate the creation of a serious ethical basis for your business. The results of various studies prove that, along with the quality of financial products, the decisive condition for the formation of a customer's loyalty to the bank is the level of satisfaction with banking services.


    Principles of professional ethics

    The professional activity of OJSC Bank Petrocommerce constitutes a set of civil law and other relations between employees of Bank Petrocommerce and clients, contractors, authorities and management, business partners, including other credit organizations. Compliance with the principles of professional ethics serves as an additional guarantee, evidence and pledge of high professionalism and reliability of OJSC Bank Petrocommerce. Bank Petrocommerce is responsible to its shareholders for the results of its activities, to its customers for the quality of banking services provided, to business partners and counterparties for the proper fulfillment of its obligations, to society and the state for its contribution to the development of the Russian economy.

    Responsibility for compliance with the principles rests personally with each employee of OJSC Bank Petrocommerce.

    Relationships with clients, counterparties, business partners, government officials are built on the principles of: integrity, honesty, professionalism, mutual trust and respect, fair treatment, priority of the interests of clients, counterparties, inviolability of obligations, completeness of disclosure necessary information, priority of negotiations over litigation, observance of commercial and banking secrecy and security.

    JSC Bank "Petrocommerce" provides a permanent and efficient internal control over the activities of employees, observance of the principles of professional ethics in order to protect the legal rights and interests of customers, counterparties, OJSC Bank Petrocommerce.

    Information on the application of the principles of professional ethics in the activities of Bank Petrocommerce OJSC, as well as the main provisions of internal documents on these issues, are brought to the attention of employees by familiarization, to the attention of creditors, depositors of clients, counterparties of the Bank and other interested parties within the framework of the requirements provided for by regulatory authorities to information disclosure.

    The main ethical problems arising in the performance of official duties by bank employees

    Sometimes it's hard for us to be kind because:

    * it is difficult for us to give in, especially if the Client is wrong, we try to prove it to him, but as a result we cause a negative reaction from him. We should always look for ways to resolve conflicts that are pleasant and comfortable for the Client so that he does not feel offended.

    This is necessary, because if we can correctly resolve the conflict situation for the Client, he can become our regular Client. Therefore, in the long run, the ability to yield is effective.

    * some employees forget that they are part of a large organization and try to relieve themselves of responsibility for customer service, which has always been a team effort. Each employee is responsible for its implementation.

    * in everyday work, some of us begin to lose perspective: Clients become annoying, it seems that they interfere with work, we forget that Clients are our work.

    The skills of establishing and maintaining personal contact are essential professional skills: your area of ​​responsibility is not only to offer the Bank's services, but also to manage communication with Clients.

    Relationship "bank employee - client"

    If a bank employee finds a common language with a client, then partnerships are formed between them. As a rule, the client expects understanding, courtesy and sensitivity at the bank branch. Accordingly, he should receive it. However, as practice shows, this is quite problematic to achieve. Therefore, studies have been conducted that have shown that gender, education, age, family, and so on affect the solution of this problem.

    Traditionally, banking is supposed to be done by a man. After all, it is he who has a particularly developed desire to win and the desire to rule. Although recently the demand for truly feminine feelings has increased: intuition, tact and sincerity. With regard to age, there is a tendency to recruit young staff. After all, it is young people who master the financial market more easily. But the education of an employee may not be related to the banking sector.

    The main thing is that a bank employee should be able to solve and analyze what is happening and adequately respond to it. Thus it turns out, a hundred is quite simple enough higher education in any area.

    The professional competence of employees is an integral element of the bank's corporate culture. The desire for continuous development and self-improvement is a characteristic feature of every bank employee. The Bank is interested in the professional growth of its employees, creates working conditions and provides opportunities for development and career growth. Achieving a common strategic goal requires coordination of actions of all employees of the bank. When building business relationships with colleagues, bank employees are guided by complementarity and interchangeability in the joint labor process, teamwork, high corporate culture and a comprehensive exchange of experience and knowledge. Each employee is obliged to maintain corporate banking values, follow the proposed ethical norms and standards of professional conduct.

    A bank employee, by all his activities, contributes to the formation of customer confidence in the Bank and the personnel working in it. The main duty of every bank employee is to maintain honest relations with clients, the good name of the bank and his own, as well as the rejection of any dubious offers. His appearance, manners and behavior of a bank employee contributes to strengthening the prestige of the bank, as well as attracting and retaining customers.

    The professional ethics of a bank employee is based on the principles of legality, competence, confidentiality, initiative, consistency and activity in achieving the goal; high personal responsibility for the assigned work; universal human values, such as labor and property, personality and team, honor and dignity, rights and responsibility, freedom and independence, self-improvement and professionalism, happiness and family well-being, health and good rest, spiritual development and material well-being; norms of morality, first of all, honesty and decency, devotion and incorruptibility, law-abidingness and discipline, conscientiousness and diligence, accuracy and organization, loyalty and tolerance, modesty and courtesy. The management of the bank helps to ensure that employees do not commit illegal and immoral actions using official position, and with his personal behavior sets an example of honesty, decency and incorruptibility.

    A bank employee constantly monitors the external forms of manifestation of his business culture and focuses primarily on a strict business style, friendly attitude, good manners; shows courtesy, understanding, confidence, respect in relations with clients, performs all necessary actions aimed at increasing customer satisfaction with the quality of service in the bank, assists in resolving customer issues and problem situations. In relation to representatives of other states, religions and cultures, to people of older or younger age, as well as in relationships with persons of the opposite sex, he behaves with dignity and respect, shows, above all, courtesy, courtesy and tact. Shows tolerance for habits, tastes, preferences and manners of other people. In official and off-duty situations, a bank employee does not accept gifts, rewards, services and honors, if they are not presented or rendered officially and openly, and also does not accept gifts from persons seeking to achieve official actions or establish business relations with bank employees.

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