How to start a conversation about cooperation. How to conduct business negotiations. Rules and features of business negotiations


The ability to speak persuasively and win over interlocutors helps to establish and maintain contacts. If in domestic business the command style of management looks like a ridiculous relic, Western partners from such manners fall into a stupor and break ties.

He who owns the word, owns the situation. The ability to convince the interlocutor, win him over, reasonably defend your position and find compromises will be useful both in business communication and in everyday life.

The authoritarian bossy style of communication no longer inspires awe or respect in anyone. And when dealing with Western partners, the habit of the administrative-command style of negotiating can cause a break in relations.

Success in the business world is achieved by holistic individuals who are able to make quick decisions, clearly see the future and abandon stereotypical thinking. In our time, it is unthinkable to successfully conduct business negotiations without knowledge business etiquette(cm. " ").

The "diseases" of Russian entrepreneurs are uncertainty associated with increased aggressiveness and unwillingness to seek mutually beneficial solutions. Many businessmen, unfortunately, do not consider it necessary to work on the image, constantly develop. Another feature of Russian business is the desire to find acquaintances and "moves", instead of establishing new contacts on their own.

A modern manager must have a sense of tact, be able to formulate his thoughts concisely and clearly, maintain goodwill and be impeccably polite. Presentable appearance is also an important part of the culture business communication. It is necessary to learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor, not to put pressure on him, to take into account the national and cultural characteristics of each person.

In the end, the success of the whole business depends not least on the ability to establish contacts, negotiate and maintain trusting relationships with clients.

Features of business communication

Business communication differs from other communications in its purpose - you need to establish a joint work or improve it qualitatively. At the same time, business negotiations are always formal and require strict adherence to established rules and compliance with the role of each negotiator.

You can choose one of several styles of business communication, and behave in accordance with the norms of this style:

1. Authoritarian

The side of the negotiations, which has a higher position, rigidly dictates its will, openly demonstrating its own advantages.

This style can only be appropriate from the standpoint of law enforcement when it comes to law enforcement. Representatives of authority, regardless of level, and monopolists, and, most surprisingly, managers, like to use this style when communicating with their subordinates. Suppression almost always leads to the failure of business negotiations. You can justify the use of this style only in a situation where:

  • gross violation of the rights of one of the parties;
  • disobedience, threatening serious consequences;
  • reprimand to a delinquent employee, etc.

2. Democratic

Assumes communication on an equal footing. The parties listen and discuss each other's positions, seeking to find a compromise solution and choosing the best way of the possible. This style is very promising and leads to excellent results if all parties to the negotiations adhere to the rules of the democratic style. Such negotiations are possible in an intellectual environment.

3. Problem-target

Communication caused by a situation that needs to be resolved quickly, possibly in a non-standard way. In rapidly changing conditions, it is necessary to be able to subordinate the interests of each of the parties to common tasks and, at the same time, to maximally observe all interests.

In most cases, business negotiations are conducted according to the standard scheme:

  • Preparatory stage (see ""). The negotiations are held in a semi-formal setting, and their purpose is preliminary agreements.
  • initial positioning. An open and reasoned statement of intentions, opinions and wishes by all parties.
  • Search for a solution. Joint discussion of tasks and methods for their implementation.
  • The final. Making a final decision.

It happens that negotiations reach an impasse. In this case, the parties must abandon their decisions and move on to working out new ways.

By type of business negotiations are divided into:

  • Official. Strictly regulated negotiations involving the recording and signing of documents.
  • Unofficial. A casual conversation that does not involve making decisions with legal force.
  • External. Communication with clients and business partners.
  • Internal. Interactions with employees.

On the basis of the form of business communication is quite diverse:

  • oral;
  • written;
  • greeting speech,
  • advertising message,
  • report,
  • dialogue (conversation);
  • discussion,
  • meeting,
  • conference,
  • interview;
  • telephone conversation, etc.

When choosing the form and type of business negotiations, it is necessary to take into account the national identity of the partners. For example, the French often choose a rigid, almost authoritarian style of communication.

The Japanese, on the contrary, do not accept pressure and tough upholding of their positions. When doing business with punctual Germans (see ""), be sure to come to negotiations without delay, in impeccable clothes, and formulate your thoughts clearly and concisely. Americans cannot stand strict observance of formalities, with them it is necessary to start solving the problem without introductions.

When preparing for a business meeting, carefully study what standards of business communication are accepted in the country with whose representatives you will cooperate, and take into account the peculiarities of their culture. It is not uncommon for the style of negotiation adopted with American businessmen to lead negotiations with the Japanese into a dead end.

Business Communication Technique

To acquire the skills of conducting business negotiations, one cannot do without knowing business etiquette, the ability to enter into the right psychological attitude, understanding the methods and techniques that help achieve the desired results.

Here are some basic rules to follow in business negotiations:

Prepare in advance for communication, think over and write down the questions that you would like to talk about, outline a possible plan for the development of business relations. Formulate very clearly your arguments and the position that you will adhere to in the negotiations.

Maintain eye contact with the interlocutors, be moderately relaxed, do not abuse gestures. Formulate your thoughts in such a way that the interlocutor does not get the impression that your statements are ambiguous.

Strive for a democratic style of negotiation. As practice shows, this style never raises objections from business partners. Do not try to suppress the interlocutor, listen carefully to him and hear what he wants to tell you.

The judgments you express should not be evaluative. Keep your emotions under control. The art of negotiation involves flexibility - if the situation requires it, change your position in the negotiations (see "").

After the negotiations are over, analyze how effectively you managed to conduct them. Celebrate your own miscalculations and successes so that you can use your own negotiating experience next time.

Going to meet with a business partner? Don't want to miss out on a big client? Or maybe you are looking for an investor for your online store? Then read our article and be fully equipped!

In this article, we will tell you how to prepare and negotiate with partners, investors and clients. These are completely different situations in which we advise you to choose certain tactics of behavior. And only one thing remains unchanged: impeccable appearance, courtesy and professionalism.

Preparing for negotiations

  1. Define a goal which you want to receive as a result of negotiations. This may be the conclusion of a deal, a new contract, the receipt of funds, a cooperation agreement. During the negotiation process, do not allow yourself to deviate from the goal (minor concessions are possible, but no more).
  2. Prepare several options for the development of negotiations- depending on what line the interlocutor will bend (do not forget that he also has his own goal). Rehearse them in advance so as not to get into a mess.
  3. Take care of your appearance. The more important the negotiations, the more impeccable you must look. No T-shirts and shorts for men (a business suit or at least a shirt with classic jeans is better) and a mini neckline for women. Moderate discreet makeup is also necessary for the fair sex: the war paint of the Indian is not suitable. Polished shoes and well-groomed hands complete your look.
  4. Take with you the necessary attributes: a diary and a pen - for notes, business cards and booklets, a presentation in a laptop - to introduce the company, a bottle of water - to wet your throat, contract forms - suddenly come in handy! Turn off your phone so you don't get distracted.

Advice: try to make an appointment in your territory: in the office of the online store. This will give you confidence. If the interlocutor insists on neutral territory - a cafe, for example - choose a familiar place. If you have to play on a foreign field, prepare twice as hard.

Negotiations with partners

Your partner can be a new supplier, an entrepreneur from a related field, or just an interested person with whom you decide to start a new project. This is a game on an equal footing - both partners are interested, as they say, "in mutually beneficial cooperation." This means that no one owes anything to anyone, both interlocutors are in the same conditions. You are required to follow the basic rules.

So, Rules for successful negotiations include the following points:

  1. Speak clearly, do not put double meaning in words. Do you like it if your potential partner speaks in hints and vague phrases? Here's the same thing. Behave the same way: if you said “A”, then this is “A”, and not “B” or “C”. Be especially careful to adhere to this rule in written agreements. You can, of course, put stars in the contract and write half of the conditions in small print, but will they then want to deal with you? Rumors in the business environment spread quickly: don't ruin your reputation.
  2. Be honest. Tell the truth about your online store, describe the advantages and disadvantages, share prospects and plans for the future. Tell me everything except the state of the bank account :)
  3. Specify. It happens that the interlocutor himself expresses himself vaguely, does not say something or jumps from topic to topic. Feel free to ask and clarify - perhaps the dog is buried in the details.
  4. Be polite. Even if your prospective partner is lower than you in social status, do not allow sarcasm and familiarity: be emphatically correct. It is not known how life will turn in the future: maybe today's youngster will take off like a rocket, and on the contrary, things will not go so smoothly for you. In a word, remember the Russian proverb “do not spit in the well - it will come in handy to drink water.”
  5. Don't try to pull the blanket over you. There is an opinion that the more impudently you behave in negotiations, the more actively you “push through” yourself profitable terms- all the better. In the furnace of such advisers: this way you will only earn a reputation as a boorish type with whom you can’t cook porridge. And the rumors in the business environment ... well, then you understand.
  6. Friendship - friendship, and tobacco apart. Experienced entrepreneurs say that with friends and good acquaintances you need to be the most circumspect. It is true: it is more difficult to refuse a friend, it is easier to give in and rely on his decency. And the result can be unpredictable. Trust but check!
  7. Take notes. This rule, by the way, is typical for the following sections of our article. Get in the habit of writing down the most important talking points during negotiations. They will be useful to you after the meeting, when you will summarize. And at the end of the negotiations, it will not be superfluous to say the main points and clarify whether you understood each other correctly.

Advice: don't lose heart if you don't succeed in finding a reliable partner the first time. People are different: everyone has their own vision of the situation, their own methods of doing business, their own values, after all. What is normal for your interlocutor may be unacceptable for you. The main thing is to find a person with whom you will be on the same wavelength - these are the best partners!

Negotiations with investors

Quite a different situation: you are dependent on the investor, or rather, on his money. We have already written about. It remains to understand what to talk about with him and how to behave:

  1. Don't brag. Investors are serious uncles, they are constantly negotiating and are able to see through any lie. Can you imagine how many times they heard speeches that “we have the best startup”, that “we will definitely get promoted soon” and “break the market”? At best, such conversations will cause a smile, at worst, they will refuse to work with you. You will have to really interest the interlocutor in order to get what you want - funds for business development.
  2. Don't bluff. If you have zero initial capital, there are no like-minded people and partners, there are no other investors - just say so, perhaps your strength is completely different. Remember that all words are checked - not a single investor will invest money without checking a startup under a microscope.
  3. Let's get specific. Not “millions of turnover sometime later”, but “we will reach such and such a turnover in a year: here are the calculations, here is the business plan.” Not “with us”, but “here is the list of our suppliers: here are the contracts, here are the obligations, here are the guarantees”. Not “we work all over Russia”, but “we are in such and such cities, here is the list”. Well, and so on.
  4. Talk about the benefits of your business. What's the point of crying that things are going badly, taxes are going up - five more online stores opened last week, and all on your topic? Investors are well aware of how difficult it is to run a small business in our country. Tune in a positive way: tell us exactly how your store differs from others and what exactly you do to stay afloat.
  5. Don't scold your competitors. This is Horns and Hooves for you - a direct competitor, but for the investor - just another company (and possibly more: who knows, maybe the investor cooperates with them too?). If you have guarantees that you will remove a competitor from the market, say so, backed up with evidence. If there competitive advantages- tell me what. Businessmen operate with numbers, not emotions. And even better - make friends with competitors, spend and tell the investor about it.
  6. Don't fawn. The other extreme is to adopt an obsequious tone from the very beginning of the negotiations and agree with the investor in everything. Even if your interlocutor is much more experienced - behave with dignity. Prove yourself as a real businessman: answer uncomfortable questions with honor, show your competence and knowledge of the market, show loyalty to competitors.

Tip: be honest, tell the whole truth- this is better than boasting and an immoderate sense of self-importance. An investor may think that he is dealing with an overconfident youngster and refuse to help you.

Negotiations with clients

Hurray, a truck with customers overturned on your street! You have been approached by a person who wants to buy a large batch of goods - perhaps wholesale price. In any case, this cooperation promises benefits, so you need to meet and discuss all the details. To some extent, your position in these negotiations is also dependent: if the client is large and promising, you should not miss him. On the other hand, he turned to you himself, which means he is also interested. This means that there will be a big game, and it depends only on you whether you will become a winner!

  1. Be polite. Follow the rules of business etiquette: this will show the client that the service in your online store is excellent, and he has nothing to be afraid of in the future. And you are a modern, educated leader who is a pleasure to deal with.
  2. Tell the truth. Do not lie, do not talk about your super profits and VIP clients, if there are none. It is not so easy to check this, but if the deception is revealed, rumors in the business environment spread at the speed of light.
  3. Bluff, but in moderation. Yes, this rule also works the other way around. Even if you are jumping for joy that you can get a profitable client, do not show it to him. Of course, talking about the fact that there is a queue of other people in front of your office is also not worth it: let the interlocutor understand that he is the one and only, at the same time tactfully say that the business is doing great and there is no shortage of clients.
  4. Find out the needs of the client. Find out why he needs this cooperation, what goals he pursues, why he chose you. This will make it easier to build a conversation line and choose a good tone.
  5. Tell us about the principles of your online store, its. For example, you always - even if the goods can not be returned by law, you go towards the client. Or you have another distinctive sign - branded packaging, gifts as a gift with the order. Give full information to avoid surprises in the process.

Tip: take care of big clients, sometimes it is on them that the entire business in the field of e-commerce rests. Spend, do to. Don't let your competitors poach them!

And then what?

So, the negotiations took place. You shook hands and agreed (we will not now consider cases where an agreement has not been reached). What will we do?

  1. Do not sign a contract right away, do not start new projects - take a little time out to think it over again. Listen to your intuition - it will help you understand whether it is worth starting business with this partner. Engage - make information about the person. But don’t delay too much - the fuse can burn out, and the partner can change his mind. Two or three days is enough!
  2. Write an e-mail to the interlocutor in which you thank for the meeting, once again reflect the main points and express a desire to start cooperation as soon as possible. Just in case, write down the figures that were discussed during the negotiations (the amount of investments, the number of units of goods, and so on) - what if the interlocutor understood something wrong? If suddenly he does not answer - wait a day or two and remind yourself again. If there is silence again, it is better to retreat than to impose. Everything happens: your interlocutor could change his mind.
  3. When you start cooperation, keep your promises. You did not take notes in vain: periodically raise them and do not deviate from the set course. Do not violate the agreements - otherwise the rumors in the business environment ... well, and further in the text.

And finally

Successfully conducting business negotiations is only the beginning of a long cooperation. Now it all depends on you (well, and also on your partner). Good luck with promotion!

Successful negotiation is a real art, which is worth mastering not only for an entrepreneur. It will also come in handy in ordinary everyday life for resolving conflict issues, and if a businessman has conceived a new business, he definitely needs to know how to negotiate so that all controversial issues are resolved in a matter of minutes.

Rules for mutually beneficial agreements

The art of negotiation brings the most important results - it not only allows you to achieve a solution to any problem, but also improves communication between people. And to do this is easier than it seems, you just need to know 5 basic rules.

Rule #1: Separation

When starting negotiations, it is necessary to separate the attitude towards the person and the attitude towards the business: one should be gentle with people, regardless of who they are and what the entrepreneur's attitude towards them is, but firm in relation to business principles. To show gentleness towards a person, you just need to look at the situation through his eyes.

Rule number 2. Concentration

When negotiating, it is necessary to focus on common interests and values, but at the same time push the views of the parties to the background. Let the main task of communication be to achieve a result that is beneficial to everyone.

Rule number 3. Originality

It is very difficult to discuss some issues, and even knowing how to negotiate correctly, you can “slip” on the spot. To prevent this from happening, you should try to think outside the box. Unexpected decisions can lead to unexpected results.

Rule number 4. Objectivity

When making a decision, one should not be guided by subjective motives and personal motives. It is enough to turn to objective criteria, and it will never be unprofitable.

Rule #5 Collaboration

Even if the negotiations are very difficult, and the opponent is annoying, you should not conduct a conversation in a competitive spirit. It is better to discuss the issue in a spirit of cooperation - then all parties will be interested in considering various proposals.

Tricks: how to negotiate, knowing some tricks?

Communication with potential customers, customers, competitors, partners can be very difficult, especially if they also know how to negotiate correctly. And in order not to give up their positions, the other side can simply be outwitted. Rule 5 again.

Rule #1

This is the Socratic method - it is enough for an entrepreneur to pretend that some information is not known or incomprehensible to him. This will force the other side to more fully express their point of view and, perhaps, even reveal some secrets. Later they can be used.

Rule number 2. Time is a helper

Properly appointed negotiation time will help create the right impression for the other side. So, the meeting should not be scheduled earlier than 10:00 and later than 16:00. In the first case, it will give the impression that these negotiations are too important for a businessman. In the second, that he had already lost all hope of holding them. Both that, and another, will not promote acceptance of the decision, favorable to it.

Rule #3

The special art of negotiating if the entrepreneur is asked for something is to first refuse the partner, and only then gradually make concessions. At first, this somewhat “demoralizes” him, forcing him to try harder and agree even to less favorable terms of the transaction. A businessman will be able to spend it with greater profit for himself.

Rule #4 Trade

To put an idea into practice, it must not be timidly proposed, but sold. It is the fact that the subject of discussion is sold and has a price that will make the other side look at it with great interest. At the same time, the desire to “buy” can drown out doubts when discussing controversial issues.

Rule #5

This rule directly concerns the technique itself - how to negotiate, observing all their rules. Every discussion needs:

  • a personal meeting
  • pleasant manner of communication - the discussion should suggest ease of conversation
  • specifics - no "water", only ideas and suggestions
  • interest in the second party - the needs of the client should be inquired in advance
  • delayed consent - even if everything is perfect, you should not say “yes” right away, it’s better to say “I’ll think about it”

All this will not only tell you how to negotiate competently, but will also allow you to “increase the price” of the negotiator himself. He will be able to present himself in the best light even under the most ambiguous circumstances and get even what he himself did not count on, agreeing to this meeting.

Each of the living on our planet, to varying degrees, was a participant in any relationship. Why are negotiations necessary? First of all, in order to, having exchanged views with your partner, come to a mutual agreement. For business people negotiations take a special place. How to succeed in a business meeting? What should you pay attention to first of all? Are there any "secrets" that would allow them to end in your favor? Until recently, Russia did not pay due attention to these issues, it was believed that everything depends on the intuition of the negotiators. In the West, entire technologies have long been developed for this problem.

First you need to prepare

"For what?" - you ask. To meet with the enemy. After all, your goal in the end is to convince the participant that your point of view on solving the problem is correct. It is necessary to mentally simulate the course of the conversation for yourself, think over the issues in which you could compromise and the points that you will defend to the end, without concessions. A business meeting should not be a random conversation, but a well-thought-out plan of action, including a timely offensive, attack, defense and all kinds of maneuvers. It is necessary to clearly understand the disposition, priorities and readiness of opponents to move away from the original position. In addition to negotiate properly, it is necessary to conduct "reconnaissance" in order to be competent in the business of their partners and to keep the initiative in their hands. Follow the advice of those who know how to negotiate. It is also worth rehearsing speech, speaking clearly and to the point. It always makes a favorable impression.

How to conduct business negotiations - "let your partner do it your way"

So, you should approach the beginning of business negotiations with an understanding of a number of points: 1. What is the difference between your goal and the goal of your opponent. 2. What are the parameters of the partner's plan. 3. What information, unknown to you, does the partner have. Does he know what you know. 4. What are the partner's possible ideas about his solution. 5. If you are discussing how to open a business, you should have as much information as possible about the partner's existing business. The very first step is a greeting, usually a conventional handshake. It is believed that the owner must give a hand. Sitting at the table, you can exchange business cards, starting a casual conversation. Knowledge of how to conduct business negotiations includes the observance of the main stages: 1. The interests and positions of the parties are clarified. 2. Each of the participants argues and substantiates his views. 3. Agreements are worked out on the basis of agreed positions. During a conversation, be sure to remember that the attention of your interlocutors is not endless. Try to clearly, simply and clearly state your proposal. Psychologists warn that in order to conduct business negotiations correctly, one must remember that attentive man listens 5-10 minutes, then attention weakens. Try to immediately interest the opponent. The information that you own must be used by you at 100%.

The art of negotiation - the ability to avoid mistakes

How to do and how to act in order to achieve the desired result? It will be useful to know about the mistakes that are often made by unprepared participants who do not know the art of negotiating. Here are some tips: 1. Never get emotional. 2. Do not reveal all the cards at once, do not share all the information you know at once. 3. If you find it difficult to answer a question, ask yourself a counter question. 4. Always be prepared to respond tactfully to an objection. It is difficult to say that the above rules are sufficient for guaranteed success, but their non-compliance is almost guaranteed to give a negative result. Art can be comprehended only by possessing a natural gift, or by examining this process under a microscope, with a detailed study of patterns and rules. Mastering the skill of negotiating is not difficult, but it takes a lot of practice. There is also a common misconception that people who are gifted with natural talents just keep using them until hard workers begin to surpass them in skills through constant training and improvement. Hence the understanding that the art of negotiation are not only good initial data but also the results of theory, practice and hard work.

Negotiation is a process in which two or more people with different interests and goals participate in order to find a solution acceptable to all parties. That is the scientific definition. Everyone should be able to negotiate. It is simply vital for every person to live in harmony with the outside world and develop their business. To do this, you need to know certain rules of negotiation and familiarize yourself with the mistakes that are often made.

Approaching Negotiations as a Confrontation. Negotiations should not be confrontational. In fact, effective negotiations are based on the cooperation of the parties in finding a solution to the issue, and not on the desire to win the battle of positions.

Striving to win at any cost. If You win, then there is a loser. We need to find a solution where both sides win.

Emotionality. It's natural to get emotional. But sometimes the emotionality goes off scale and turns into aggressiveness. Under such conditions, conflicts are generated that destroy negotiations.

Misunderstanding of the opponent. Often people do not pay attention to the interests of their opponents. This hinders the negotiations, because it does not allow reaching a common solution. Often when we try to find out the opinion of the other side, we see that there may not be a misunderstanding.

Focus on individuals and not on questions. Often people focus on a personal dislike for the person they are negotiating with. They forget about the subject of negotiations and look for bad sides in their opponent. This only leads to collapse. Therefore, negotiations should focus on issues that need to be resolved.

opponents' accusations. Often people get hung up on blaming each other and forget that they are looking for a common solution. Such moments should be omitted and, on the contrary, strengthen the spirit of cooperation.

What is required for successful negotiation? Gotta learn a few good rules and tricks.

The first thing to do is to prepare for negotiations. Formulate your goal, determine interests, develop a maximum program and a minimum program, think over alternative actions in case of the opponent's inflexibility. Gather information about your opponent's position.

Well, business negotiations have already begun. The first step is an outstretched hand and a wide sincere smile. Although this technique is appropriate and not effective in all negotiations, keep it in mind. And then remember the following.

Do not take on unnecessary obligations, because an attentive partner will definitely take advantage of your frivolity.

Communicate with the interlocutor in his language, during the negotiations use his statements, gestures and even postures, this is always well received.

Do not waste time, process information quickly and react to it. Verbosity and slowness of reactions causes irritation.

Avoid familiarity. Even if the partner is your old acquaintance, the reaction to the phrase "Hi, Kolya, how does your wife feel" may be inadequate.

Answer a question with a question only when you want to clarify something. Otherwise, it may be perceived as aggression.

Do not be silent when an answer is expected from you. Because it may seem to the interlocutor that you either want to humiliate him, or you are not oriented in the topic.

Never remind partners of past mistakes or conflicts, this will be regarded as an attack. Do not praise yourself, but somewhat exaggerate the dignity of the interlocutor. Play on vanity is simplest way make a like-minded person.

If the interlocutor is nervous, pretend that you do not notice anything. Even an attempt to calm or support him can provoke a conflict.

Don't talk without stopping. Speak calmly and not quickly. Ask your opponent for their opinion on what was said. Ask questions, this will bring the other side to the conversation. ask open questions, this will force the opponent to give a full answer and express his goal more clearly.

Listen carefully and don't interrupt. Don't be afraid to ask questions and ask to speak more clearly and slowly. Do everything to better understand the interlocutor. What you do not understand - ask!
DO NOT lean towards the interlocutor, give the appearance of general interest.

Maintain eye contact to show interest in the issue and respect for your opponent.

Summarize the other person's point of view. This will check if you understood it correctly.
Focus on interests and values, not positions.

Don't give in to pressure, make an agreement based on principles.
Discuss controversial issues in a spirit of cooperation.

The dumber the smarter - pretend you don't know anything. Socrates used this tactic to get his interlocutors to express their opinions more fully.

Use the 80/20 principle. 20% of controversial issues contain 80% of the value of the entire controversial territory. 80% of all concessions will be made in the last 20% of the negotiation time. The first law of business: never sit down to negotiate before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm. In the first case, it will seem that the subject of negotiations is too important for you, in the other - that you have lost all hope.

If it was not possible to avoid conflict, you need to drastically change the style of behavior and direct the conversation in a different direction. Psychologists advise using several tactics.

The tactic of absorbing arrows is to let the opponent speak, and when he is discharged, try to delicately, without pressure, come to an agreement. This tactic is gentle and not always effective, especially if you are dealing with a stubborn person. Therefore, use it only when a good relationship with the interlocutor is a priority than purely professional interests.

The tactic of the information trap is that you partially ignite valuable information so that the interlocutor becomes interested and begins to perceive you as a solid and useful partner. The tactic of disrupting the scenario is to recognize the collision or deceit in time, and unexpectedly seize the initiative, thus disrupting the opponent’s scenario and imposing your own on him. Always aim for cooperation, and take the initiative in this direction.

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